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Winter 2018 Services Committee Newsletter

JMUs University Issue

Winter 2018 | Page 1 1

JMUs University Services Committee Newsletter

Do you have a problem with JMU? This Issue Includes:

T ired of the lack of parking at

JMU and Festivals unreliable
straws? The University Services
committee of James Madison
Universitys Student Government
Association released a survey to all
students to get input on all issues
related to dining, transportation, Do you have a problem
facilities, technology, and libraries with JMU?
to make student life the best for Lack of parking continues to be Explore the ways you can express
the biggest complaint among JMU your issues with JMU Page 1
students. The form is found on www.
students and will stay active for
the 2017-2018 academic year. transportation, facilities, technology
The survey consists of four or libraries. The committee regularly
questions: meets with administrators in each
sector to voice student concerns
1) What is your suggestion/concern/ with possible solutions.
idea for improving student life? The committee will set
2) What category does this up stations across campus to
suggestion just fall into? input suggestions throughout
This Group Strives to Fix
3) What is your name? the year. Every first Friday of the the Madison Experience
4) What is your email address? month, members of the University Read about how the committee
Services committee will be in the has been working tirelessly to
Responses are sent to Halle Forbes, Student Success Center gathering make student life as best as
the University Services Chair, and student opinion for improvements. possible Page 3
she will work with her committee to The purpose of this is to create a
contact appropriate administrators relationship with the student body
to resolve the issues submitted. and let others know the resources
Suggestions are reviewed every available.
Tuesday during the University Previous improvements
Services Committee meetings. Each include getting better straws at
University Services Committee Festival, creating a bus stop by Tree Member Spotlight
member oversees either dining, House dorms, installing wheelchair Kent Erwin Page 4
JMUs University Services Committee Newsletter Winter 2018 | Page 2

Problem cont.
ramps on campus, providing more Carrier Library, Rose Library and Meet the
seating in Student Success Center Parking Services.
and Carrier Library, bringing back At the end of the academic Team
spicy chicken sandwiches to Top year, the committee will compile
Dog, creating a path from East a list of completed tasks. The
Campus to Walmart, fixing broken accomplishments will be posted
drinking fountains and desks, and on a board in the Student Success
others. Some projects in the works Center for all students to see. The
include providing more gender- goal of the survey is to get 500
inclusive bathrooms, installing a responses throughout the year. The
camera in Mason Parking Deck, and response has been amazing so far,
providing even more study spaces says sophomore committee member Name: Halle Forbes
across campus. Colin Moore. It is interesting to Major: Media Arts & Design
On-campus services reach see how many little fixes there are Year: Junior (Class of 2019)
out to the University Services and on campus that I did not realize. For Position: Current Chair
ask for student opinion regarding instance, I am never on East Campus
student life. Previously, James so there is no way of me to know
Madison University architects if something is wrong. Seeing the
met with the committee to gather power of student opinion is quite
opinions regarding new facilities special, explained Moore.
on campus such as the new D-Hall. So far the survey has
The services work with the group generated several improvements
to promote on-campus services such as 2% milk in Carrier Library
such as The Writing Center, The Starbucks, benches outside of E-Hall,
Well, Health Center, Career and a more wheelchair friendly curb Name: John Carr
Academic Planning, and Counseling outside of Mr. Chips and so many Major: Accounting
Center. The committee regularly more. Year: Senior (Class of 2018)
collaborates with Dining Services, Position: Former Chair (2016-17)

Name: Towanna Moore

Position: VP for Business Services
Time at JMU: Since 2002
Dining Services is among the many sectors of JMU to work with University Services
JMUs University Services Committee Newsletter Winter 2018 | Page 3

This Group Strives to Fix JMU

These students do anything they can to improve student life at
James Madison University
USERVE hard at work during their
weekly meeting (pictured left)

she stated I joined the USERVE

committee last year and I really
enjoyed being able to make a visual
impact on campus. I like the idea
of being able to walk by something
to improve a students life. A lot of
students dont know we exist, and
its my job to let them know there is
a way to solve certain issues and to
get in contact with the right people.
Forbes leads a team of 8 individuals
that regularly meet with Dining
Services, Transportation, the Office

of Residence Life, Facilities, and the
magine being born with a housing, recreation, safety, substance libraries that take student opinions
disability that interfered with abuse, technology and any other and voice them to representatives
your ability to walk. Coming into service to improve student life. from each sector. The committee
college, you realize the campus has USERVE was one of the takes students suggestions through
areas that are not fully wheelchair first committees to form when SGA peer conversations, social media
accessible. The extra time it takes to was established in 1915. When the mentions and an online form
get to class is draining physically, organization was formed, it strived which then goes to the proper
mentally and emotionally. At James to collaborate with all members administrator for a monthly meeting.
Madison University this wouldnt of its community to advocate for Sometimes suggestions can be
happen because theres a group of student opinion, while fostering a completed in a month; however, a lot
eight people here to help. proactive, inclusive environment.
Out of all the committees that This statement rings true to present
make up the Student Government day, especially with USERVE. While
Association (SGA) of James the committee has gone through
Madison University, the University numerous name changes, it remains
Services committee makes the as a liaison to administration and
most visible impact on campus. students.
University Services, or USERVE, Halle Forbes, a junior Media
is a committee that acts as a Arts & Design major, is the current
voice for the students, amplifying chair and has been a part of the
student opinion to appropriate committee for the past two years. She
administrators, executing projects sees her work as a duty to students,
to resolve concerns and promoting and wants to make everyones
student-based initiatives on campus. unique Madison experience a The Honor Council, and early form
They focus on aspects of student positive one. When asked why of the current Student Government
life including transportation, dining, she wanted to become the chair, Association, pictured in 1915
JMUs University Services Committee Newsletter Winter 2018 | Page 4

Fix JMU cont.

of them take time or are undoable. Member Spotlight: Kent Erwin
A lot of people do not realize all the
work that goes into a task getting Kent Erwin is a Junior Media
completed, says former chair John Arts & Design and Political
Carr, The biggest issue is parking, Science student from Northern
right? Everyone complains about
Virginia. Ever since coming
parking because they say there are
to JMU, he wanted to make
no spots. However, students do not
know that parking garages need to a difference. Even with his
be mortgaged or how long it takes involvement in The Breeze and
to build one. Students get frustrated, University Program Board, he
but we try our best. Many students wanted to take his involvement
also do not realize that the university a step further and channel his
has a long-term plan. Some buildings passion for civic engagement.
such as Showker Hall, Convocation When learning about USERVE,
Center and Phillips Center all have he felt an immediate click. His
plans for destruction in the next 10 favorite part about USERVE is
years. While it is frustrating that
seeing how much power he has
there need to be improvements in
when improving student life.
certain areas of campus, it is not
financially responsible. Working as a dining services
Aside from physical changes, representative he brings student
USERVE strives to create the most concerns to those in charge and
inclusive environment possible. In has already seen payoff.
the 2016-2017 academic year, the
committee worked to bring free
feminine hygiene products to all
academic bathrooms on campus
as well as require all buildings
that we seek out underrepresented
opinions. Why do we need to have Contact Us
on campus to have an accessible gender-neutral bathrooms? It might
gender-neutral bathroom. The not be an issue you understand at
committee found it nearly impossible first, but by talking to students and
to convince administrators for such understanding their viewpoint you
a large change, so they took the might be able to see why. You dont
issue to students. Members crafted share their same JMU experience so
a Bill of Opinion which requires 10 its our job to make sure they have
percent of the student body, or 2,000 a good one, says Forbes. As far as
students, to sign a petition saying goals are concerned, Forbes hopes to
they agree with an opinion. The goal double the number of improvements
of a Bill of Opinion is to bring the made in the year prior. For long-term
issue directly to administrators with goals, Forbes wants every student Email:
a substantial number of students to know there is a means to voice an Twitter: @JMUfixit
showing their support. The two opinion. She wants the committee Office: Madison Union 331
issues created a larger conversation to be able to focus on more social
for students and brought up issues issues such as diversity and equal James Madison University
that some did not know existed. gender rights.
Our goal is to amplify student 800S Main Street
opinion and that involves every Harrisonburg, VA
single student. I think its important 22807

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