Official Ielts Practice Materials 2

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Listening Tapescript SECTION 1 ‘You will hear a conversation between a customer and a booking officer at a theatre. F: Hello, Teste Royal Pyouth Oh halo - tke 10 make a booking, please. ‘Yes. What is it ou want to S86? The impostor ax als Fight. And which day di you want 10 come? Friday the 26th DE Justa moment and Il check avalabilty on the computer ‘Oh, sory, we're fully Booked for that performance. z (Oh desr. What about the folowing day then? F: The 26th? Ves, that's OK. We've got two performances on ‘hat day, one st 3.30 and one st 7. Which would you prefer? Oh, the later one, please How many people? Well thor are four of us Are there any concessions, any children? ERP ERE rm not sure. My daughters are 16 and 12. De they get F: Only the 12-year-old I'm aad, So that's one child and three ‘adults. Any idea where you'd ike to st? Stalls or circle? Me er F: Tickets forthe stalls are abit more expensive - €12 for adults und £8.60 for chien. The cce costs £10.50 ana £850, M: Do you get a good view from the circle? Fh, yes. And infact we've got some seats left a the front, ‘you'd tke those. IM: Right, well go for those then F: Right, That's seats 21 to 24 then. They're very good IM: That sounds fine F: So let's see, That comes to £38 attogether forthe tickets How do you want to collect them? Sha | put them in the post? They'd be sent today by frst class mal, and there'd be an scitional cheige of £1 to cover postage and ‘edministratio. Or do you want to get them from the box office yoursel?| Me Oh yes, Could you send ther please? F: No problem. Thatllbe £39 altogether. Could | just take your catd details? What kind of card isi? Visa? Switch? Me Mastercard F: OK. And the numer? M.'s 3290 5876 4401 2099. F: 28 double 9. OK. And the name on the card please? I's Mr J Whiton - W.H4-doubleT-ON. N for nave’ or M for ‘mother? zu = N for ‘never ‘Thank you. And now, I've neat finished, bu! just need your address and past code, M: Yes. t's 42 South Sueet F: OK. ts that Parnouth? M: London, F: And the postcode? Mi Ws sw2 568 F: That's fine then, The tickets should be with you tomorrow, Is there anything else | can do for you? IM Yes. | was wondering i could get regula information about whats on. F: Cerin. | can just add your name to our maling lst. Would ‘thot bo OK? Me That would be very good, Yes please, Oh, an there is something else, sory. One of our group is hard of hearing {and I've heatd thet you can supply special headphones. Fe That's right. As long 38 you tell us in advance, wo can _ainays do that. book those for you naw, and you ean just callact them from the box office betore the show. Mo Thanks very much for your help. No problem, Thank you fr ealing M: Thank you. Bye SECTION 2 You will hear the organiser of rock festival talking to the coxhibitors and performers at a planning meeting. Good evening, everyone! rm glad you could all make ths lanning meeting for what Promises tobe the biggest and most colourful free rock festival ever held in the south-east! So whether you'e a performer, 3 craft exhibitor or an artist, wall extend a big welcame to you. Could we tur fist to the plan so | can familiarise you withthe layout of the ste ~ which as you know is an old football staium = we're realy lucky to have so much space this year, You can ‘506 the main gat atthe bottom of the plan ~ have you found it? those taking partin the craft fi: wo've set the stale just insice the gate on the let, ina ore 0 the entance for Ifyou walk straight ahead from the gate along the path without turing right, youll come ta some steps up to the football stadium, On the left ofthe steps is the Fringe Stage. Ths is for iat Mat | 59

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