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Abstract :
The main purpose for developing this project stock management system is to maintain all stock
record with available stock and sell stock inventory records. It can manage customer order ,
generate bill, alert stock reports, payments report. This system also maintain total purchase
stock amount , total sell amount reports and generate stock reportsby item wise ,company wise
generate order report by client wise , sell date wise , stock wise etc. It tracks all the records of
materials, vendor,customer .

Name of components Specifications

Processor Pentium III 630MHZ or more

RAM 128MB or more

Harddisc 20GB or more

Monitor 15 color monitor or advance

Keyboard Any keyboard

Mouse Any Mouse

Printer Incase of printing reports

Name of components Specifications

Operating system Windows 98, Windows XP,Windows 7, linux

Language JAVA 2 Runtime Environment

Database MYSQL Server

Browser Any of Mozilla, Opera, Chrome etc

Web Browser Tomcat 7

Software Development Kit JAVA JDK, 1.7 or above

Scripting Language Enable JSP(Java server pages)

Database JDBC Driver MYSQL Jconnector

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