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T U E S DAY, A U G U ST 3 1 , 2 0 1 0


(Block No. 10, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-03, Tele/Fax No. 011-24367684)
Tender No. P-4/103/PC/BSF/2010/246 Dated, the 18 August 2010
DG, BSF, on behalf of the President of India, invites sealed tenders under Two Bid
Systems [Technical & Commercial Bid] for the following stores:
Name of Store: Cloth Blended Wool serge (Blue)
[i] Earnest Money : Rs. 3,45,000/-
[ii] Tender Cost : Rs. 250/-
[iii] Pre-Bid Conference : Ist Sept 2010 at 1530 hrs.
[iv] Date of receipt of Tender : 23 Sept 2010 by 1100 hrs.
[v] Date of Opening of Tender : 23 Sept 2010 by 1130 hrs.
Note: [i] Tender Terms & Conditions/all relevant details are available on following
website: and [ii] For any changes/modification Attention
in Tender Enquiry/Technical Specifications, the Tenderers are requested to watch
our websites regularly.
davp 19110/11/0133/1011 (1997219_1)

HSIIDC Invites offers from well established corporate film makers/

agencies for making a video film highlighting the development made/
GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR development initiatives of the state government and showcasing it as
DIRECTORATE OF SHEEP HUSBANDRY JAMMU preferred investment destination. The target group would be the
Multinational companies, Foreign Direct Investors, Non resident Indians etc.
Corrigendum to NIT No.: DSHK/Supply/ DI/ NIT/ 2010-11/102-18 Dated 9.6.2010.
The film should be of about 10 minutes duration on Beta format with
As approved by the State Level Purchase Committee meeting held on a crisp script and innovative approach. The selected producer is expected
12.8.2010 under the Chairmanship of Dr. R.L. Khar, Director, Sheep
to shoot the film both indoor and outdoor using the latest equipment with
Husbandry Department, Jammu, the following corrections in the NIT for
graphics and special effects. The Quote should include 10-15 seconds of 3
purchase of drugs/ medicines & other allied items for the year 2010-11 are
hereby made as under:- D animated titles, 3 - 4 computerised tables and graphs or digital video
1. Please read "Original manufacturers or their authorized distributors in effects and 3 - 5 minutes of A/B Roll including wipes, tumbles, dissolves
respect of section I to V” instead of "Original manufacturers or firms/ etc. besides the pre and post production charges including voiceover and
companies manufacturing their products under loan license or through 3rd stock background music. Interested film makers/agencies satisfying the
party agreement in respect of section I & II and from original following criteria may apply:
manufacturers or their authorized distributors in respect of section III to V" Having a minimum experience of five years in corporate
appearing at line 3 to 5 of page 1 of the NIT. advertisement / film making.
2. The cost of tender documents shall be Rs. 100/- in case of SSI units. The Having average annual turnover of Rs. Five crore during the last
same is added in the last line of page 1. three years.
3. Against sub para 'a' under "Cover 1 containing technical bid" at page The financial bid should be accompanied with a show CD of
2 the word "under process DML not valid" be read as "the under completed assignments, list of existing clients and profile of the company.
process DML shall be entertained subject to the production of
Last date for submission of bids, is 20.09.2010 by 1500 hours at the
certificate from competent authority.
address given below in sealed envelope superscribing the words 'Quotation
4. The clause 17 (turn over) of the NIT shall not be applicable to section V
Indegenous Drugs. for Video Film'.
Other clarification will be had from the office of Director, Sheep Husbandry Dy.Gen. Manager (PR)
Department, Rail Head Complex, Jammu/ Lal Mandi Srinagar in any working day.
Sd/- Haryana State Industrial and
Member Secretary,
State Level Purchase Committee,
Infrastructure Dev. Corpn. Ltd.
Sheep Husbandry Department, Rail head Complex Jammu. Regd.Office: C 13 & 14,Sec-6, Panchkula, Ph.01722590481-83
No.: DSHJ/Supply /2010-11/ 5769 Dated: 28.08.2010
Fax: 2590474, E-Mail:, Web page:

C.S.W.B. invites quotations for

annual maintenance of electri-
cal equipments, installations
& fittings of CSWB for the
year 2010-11 & 2011-12.
Details at
and Last date of
submission of tender is 1500
hrs. (IST) on 10.9.2010. (1997097_1

Chief Engineer (Mandi Zone) HP. PWD., Mandi on behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh, invites e-tenders on item rate basis, from approved
and eligible Contractors registered with CPWD, HPPWD, P&T, Railways & other State Government or Central Government agencies, for the following
road work under PMGSY Phase-IX including maintenance for five years (after completion). PMGSY is fully funded by the Ministry of Rural
Development, Government of India.
Sr. Package Name of Name of Work Estimated Cost Cost of Earnest Time allowed Time and Date Class of
No. No. Division Construction Maintenance Document Money for completion of Opening of Contractor/
(Rs.) (Rupees) (Months) Technical Bids Firm
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5a) (5b) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
1 HP-08-161 Joginder C/o Devi Ka Nallah Jaral 1,39,22,256 1,83,750 1250 2,83,000 12
Nagar. Joun road Km 0/0 to 2/450
2 HP-08-162 Joginder C/o Makriri Khill Chattri road 1,81,27,515 ……… 1250 3,63,000 12
Nagar. Km. 0/0 to 5/0 7-10-2010 at
3 HP-08-171 Joginder C/o Ghatta Bag road Km 0/0 1,50,41,763 ……… 1250 3,01,000 12 11.30 AM
Nagar. to 5/135
4 HP-08-197 Joginder C/o Sandha Makan Kalan 1,10,71,966 ……… 1250 2,22,000 12
Nagar. road Km 0/0 to 6/150
1. Bidding documents can be downloaded from the website or from 10:00 a.m. on
6-09-2010 to 5-10-2010 (5:00 p.m.)
2a). The bids can be deposited in electronic format on the website " or" up to
11:00 a.m. on 7-10-2010, the bids received will be opened at 11:30 a.m. in the presence of the bidders who wish to attend on 7-10-2010. If
the office happens to be closed on the date of opening of the bids as specified, the bid will be opened on the next working day at the same
time and venue.
2b). The complete bidding process will be online.
2c). A pre-bid meeting will be held on 10-09-2010 at 11.00 a.m. in the office of Chief Engineer (MZ), HP.PWD Mandi to clarify the issues and to
answer questions on any matter that may be raised at that stage as stated in the "Instructions to Bidders" of the bidding documents.
2d). Technical bids of bidders will be opened online in the office of Chief Engineer (MZ), HP.PWD, Mandi on 7-10-2010 at 11:30 a.m. as per 2(a).
3). Bid documents can be seen at and downloaded from the website " or". Bid
documents contain qualifying criterion for bidders, specifications, bill of quantities, conditions and other details.
4). Bids must accompanied by cost of documents and earnest money (EMD) specified for the work as per column 6 and 7 of table mentioned
above, payable at Joginder Nagar and is drawn in favour of Executive Engineer, HP.PWD, Joginder Nagar Division. The earnest money (EMD)
will have to be in any one of the forms as specified in the bidding documents and shall be valid for six months or more after the last date of
receipt of bids.
5). Instruction to Bidders regarding e-tendering process:
(a) The interested bidder can download the bid from the website " or"
(b) To participate in bidding process, bidders have to get 'Digital Certificate' as per Information Technology Act-2000, to participate in online
bidding. This certificate will be required for digitally signing the bid. Bidders can get above mention digital certificate from any approved
vendors. Bidders, who already possess valid Digital Certificates, need not to procure new Digital Certificate.
(c) The bidders have to submit their bids online in electronic format with digital Signature. The bids / proposals without digital signature will
not be accepted. No proposal will be accepted in physical form.
(d) Bids will be opened online as per time schedule mentioned in Para 2(a).
(e) Before submission of online bids, bidders must ensure that scanned copy of all the necessary documents have been attached with bid.
(f) The department will not be responsible for delay in online submission due to any reasons.
(g) All the required information for bid must be filled and submitted online.
(h) Bidders should get ready with the scanned copies of cost of documents & EMD as specified in the tender documents. The original
instruments in respect of cost of documents and EMD shall be submitted to the Tender Inviting Authority by registered post/courier latest
by seven (7) working days from the day of technical bid opening.
(i) The details of cost of documents, EMD specified in the tender documents should be the same as submitted online (scanned copies)
otherwise tender will summarily be rejected.
(j) Bidders can contact the undersigned for any guidance for getting DSC or any other relevant detail in respect of e-tendering process.
6). The tender notice can also be seen on the departmental website
7). The guidelines to submit bid online can be downloaded from website or
8). Other details can be seen in the bidding documents.
Chief Engineer (MZ), HPPWD, Mandi, Telephone No. 01905-224850
RO-1523/10-11 Email:-, Facsimile No.- 01905-221146, 222536

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