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Micro-Fusion Generator Portable power generator that powers one room
Solar Cells Fixed solar panels that generate power
Wind Turbine Fixed wind turbines that generate power
Geo-Thermal Power Plant Must be placed over thermal vents to generate power
Hydrogen Battery Cells Must be placed over water source to generate power
Power Core Large scale fusion reactor

Small Hangar bay May fit a number of starships equal to silhouette 10 with no ship being
bigger than silhouette 4
Medical Center Supports basic first aid and minor surgery
Meditation Chamber Quiet place for Force Sensative characters to meditate
Small Arms Lockers Capable of storing 100 small arms
Workshop +2 dice to all mechanics checks
Barracks Supports 10 manpower

Garage May fit a number of speeders equal to silhouette 10 with no ship being
bigger than silhouette 3
Practice Range Training facility to improve ranged light, ranged heavy of NPCs
Holding Cells May hold up to two prisoners
Sauna Improves morale by +1
Hyrdoponics Bay Generates enough food for 10 people
Gymnasium Training facility to improve brawl & melee skills of NPCs
Cantina Improves morale by +1
Trench Network +2 setback dice to all attackers
Anti-Vehicle Defensive Towers Crew served weapon used to destroy enemy vehicles
Anti-Personnel Defensive Towers Crew served weapon used to destroy enemy personnel
Anti-Air Defensive Towers Crew served weapon used to destroy enemy aircraf
Planetary Cannon Crew served weapon used to destroy enemy capital ships in orbit
Shield Generator Prevents orbital bombardment from capital ships
Local Sensor Net Gives advanced warning of targets approaching the base
Planetary Sensor Array Gives advanced warning of ships entering the atmosphere
System Detection Grid Gives advanced warning of ships entering the solar system
Booby Traps

Large Hangar Bay May fit a number of ships equal to silhouette 30 with no ship being
bigger than silhouette 4
Computer core Required for Command Center, Communications Array & Holonet
Command Center Allows coordination of base activites during combat
Sub-Space Communications Array Allows the base to contact others outside of the system
Armory Capable of storing 500 weapons including gunnery skill weapons
Brig May hold up to 10 prisoners. +2 blue to interrogation activities
Advanced Medical Center State of the art medical facility for major surgery, implants, etc.
Turbolif Permits access to upper and lower levels

+1 0 0
+2 1 0
+2 1 0
+6 4 1
+6 1 0
+20 4 2

0 4 2

-2 1 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
-1 1 1
-2 2 0

-2 4 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
1 1 0
1 1 0
0 1 0
1 2 2

0 N/A 0
-2 2 2
-2 2 2
-3 2 3
-5 8 4
-5 6 0
-2 N/A 1
-5 N/A 2
-10 N/A 4
0 N/A 0

-2 10 8
-5 2 2
-5 4 10
-2 2 4
-1 2 4
-1 2 4
-4 2 4
-2 1x4 0

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