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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Grade Level/Subject: Central Focus:

Third Grade Contributing as a Citizen
Social Studies and ELA
Essential Standard/Common Core Objective:
Date submitted: Date taught:
Exemplify how citizens contribute politically, socially and economically to
their community.
Daily Lesson Objective:
Students will know the definition and be able to provide examples for social, political, and economic contributions of a
good citizen. Students will be expected to complete the worksheet at the end of the lesson with 80% accuracy or earn
4/6 points.
21st Century Skills: Academic Language Demand (Language Function and Vocabulary):
Problem solving and critical thinking Political, social, and economic contributions

Prior Knowledge:
What it means to be a citizen, an idea of what political, social, or economic means

Activity Description of Activities and Setting Time

Hello Class!
Can anyone tell me what being a good citizen means? What does a good
1. Focus and Review 2 mins
citizen do?
Have students share ideas with the class.
Today we are going to be talking about what your responsibilities are as a
2. Statement of Objective
citizen. You have political, social, and economic input. You many not know 2 mins
for Student
what that all means now, but soon you will be an expert!
In order to find out more about how we can be a good citizen using political,
3. Teacher Input social, and economic input, we are going to do a couple activities together. 2 mins
Teacher starts the powerpoint.
Teacher shows the powerpoint and goes through each slide with the
students. For each scenario, allow students to discuss with either partners or
with the class about how they would handle it. For the Economic Input have
students vote for each question. Below are each of the scenarios in the

Political Input: 15-20

4. Guided Practice In your community the trash collectors decided to stop collecting trash. Now mins
there are trash bags outside of every house and building in your community.
What could you do about this problem? Who could you talk to or write to?
Your political input is the way you as a citizen elect people and communicate
with those people.
What are some examples of ways you as a citizen both now and in the future
can have political input?
Voting, writing letters, speaking at town council meetings.
Social Input:
You're at a school picnic and there's a long line for buying cold drinks. You're
really thirsty. You see a friend of yours way ahead of you in line. Should you
ask your friend if you can cut in line? How is the idea of respect for others
connected to this situation? How do others in line feel when somebody cuts in
Your social input is the way that citizens participate in activities that make the
community a better place to live.
What are some examples of ways you as a citizen both now and in the future
can have social input?
Volunteering, obeying laws, respecting rights of others, taking care of the

Economic Input:
Today class we are going to start a cupcake business together!
Lets vote for a few things before we begin our business:

1. Name of our cupcake business

a. The Sprinkles Factory b. House of Chocolate c. The Vanilla Bakery
2. The price of our cupcakes
a. $3 b. $5 c.$10
Day 1: We sold only 3 cupcakes. We did not meet our goal for the day.
Should we change something about our business? Discuss.
Day 2: We sold 10 cupcakes. We met our goal for the day.
Why do you think we had more success on Day 2?
Your economic input is the way citizens contribute to the earning and
spending of money in their community.
What are some examples of ways you as a citizen both now and in the future
can have economic input?
Paying taxes, working, starting businesses, hiring employees.

Students will complete the worksheet given individually at the end of the 10-15
5. Independent Practice
lesson. mins
Formative Assessment: The teacher will ask questions to check for understanding
throughout the class discussion of social, political, and economic contributions of a good
6. Assessment Methods of
all objectives/skills:
Summative Assessment: A worksheet will be given to each student and must be
completed individually. The worksheet will be graded for 80% accuracy or for 4/6 points.
One point will be given for each definition (3 in total) and example provided (3 in total).

Ask students:
What did we learn about being a good citizen today? What are some ways
7. Closure 3-5 mins
that we have social input as a citizen? Political input as a citizen? Economic
input as a citizen?
Students struggled with remembering what we said while we were on the carpet, so I did
8. Assessment Results of
go to each table and talk them through the definitions. Then they were able to come up
all objectives/skills:
with their own examples.
Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations: Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations:

Materials/Technology: Powerpoint on the responsibilities of a good citizen and worksheet for each student as the


Reflection on lesson:

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