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Brittany Michaels

EDU 280
Artifact #2 Multicultural Lesson Plan
2nd Grade Social Studies

Subject/Concepts-Social Studies
Grade Level-2nd Grade
1. Standards
: Students will learn differences in food, music, clothing,
celebrations, and languages from all around the world.

2. Materials
All Over the World song
Colored Pencils and Markers
Poster Board
A World map
Push pins
3. Instruction- learning Process:
Do First
: Students will read and sing along to the All Over the World song.
Mini-lesson: Have each student use a push pin to pin on the map where theyre
family is from. Hand out one poster board to each student along with drawing
materials. Students should make a collage on the poster board, including food,
music, language, celebrations, and traditional clothing from their cultural
Independent Practice: Take this time to allow students to finish their collages, have
them take their time coming up with as much as they can so they can share with the
class.When finished with their collages, pair the students up so they can compare
and contrast their collages. Pairs will then go up in front of the rest of the class to
show their collages. They will explain how theyre similar to each other and how
theyre different. Similarities like New Years Celebration and Lunar New Years,
foods like dumplings and perogies, musical instruments like a sitar and guitar.
Theyre similar but different. Do the children speak more than one language at
home? Share with the class what languages you speak.
Exit Slip: Hand out a sheet that has a Venn Diagram. What culture did your partner
have? Fill out the Venn diagram with similarities and differences. Below the diagram
write something new that you learned today. Ex, Today I learned how to say Hello
in Korean, its Annyeonghaseyo
4. Resources:
~Multicultural Music & Diversity Songs. (n.d.). Retrieved December, 2017, from
~All Over This World: Song Lyrics and Sound Clip. (n.d.). Retrieved December, 2017, from
~E. (2015, September 22). What is Culture? | Lesson Plan. Retrieved December, 2017, from

5. Reflection:
Second graders will think critically about their own culture and their own values. Students will
learn about cultures different from theirs that they may not have had the chance to learn about
Students will learn public speaking skills by sharing their personal story in front of the class.
Students will learn teamwork by being in pairs and sharing ideas and personal stories.

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