Necklace and Magi CC

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Compare and Contrast

The Necklace and The Gift of the Magi

Answer in complete short answer/short paragraph format unless otherwise noted.

Answers must be typed.

1) Madame Loisel wishes to have an expensive dress for the reception. How does
her husband react to her wish? What does this show about the values of Madame
Loisel and her husband?

2) Based on the events that take place in The Gift of the Magi, briefly summarize
the values of Jim and Della. How do their values compare (i.e. are similar) to
those of the Loisels.

3) Compare the two marriages in each story. Which relationship do you think is
stronger, the Youngs or the Loisels? Why?

4) The theme of a story is the message/point the author is trying to make by telling
the story. Ask yourself why the author really wrote the story? What did he/she
want the reader to learn or take away? In one sentence each, state the themes of
The Necklace and The Gift of the Magi. Compare (look at the similarities)
the two themes.

5) How does The Gift of the Magis theme give significance to Jim and Della who
otherwise might be viewed as an insignificant poor couple living in a large city?

6) Each story is famous for its surprise ending. How do these surprise endings help
drive home each storys theme? Did each ending surprise you? Why or why not?
Is each ending fair to the reader and the characters (i.e., Is it a logical ending
based on what you know about the characters up to that point?)? Explain.

7) How would Madame Loisel define happiness at the beginning of The Necklace
How would she define happiness at the end of the story? How would the Youngs
define happiness at the beginning of The Gift of the Magi? Would their
definition of happiness change based on what they experience?

8) In literature there are usually two types of characters, static and dynamic. Static
characters do not change despite what they experience, while dynamic characters
show maturity, growth and development due to their experiences. How does
Madame Loisels character change as a result of the hardships she has to endure?
Do you think her values change? Give reasons for your answer. Is Madame Loisel
a dynamic character? Why or Why not? Do Jim and Dellas values change
throughout the story? Are they dynamic characters?

9) Which story do you prefer out of these two? Why?

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