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Unable to display FI archived document

This document will outline how to display FI archived documents in the display transactions.

You want to display an archived document in transaction FB03, FBL3n or FS10n for example. However the document is not displayed or you may
see one of the following error message F5A397 Document number does not exist in the fiscal year, message F5238 Document number company
code does not exist in fiscal year or has been archived or message FR601 Error reading from archive: Info structure not found.

Information Structure
Firstly you need to check have you created an information structure based on field catalog SAP_FI_DOC_002 in your system and populated it
with the data for your archive. The archiving object defines what can be archived and what can be deleted from the archive. The archiving object
ensures that all data for a business object is archived together. Another important check is to see if the information structure is activated?

Customising for the Information Structure

This document will now outline how to customise, activate and fill the Infostructure.

To activate an Information Structure:

1) Go to transaction SARJ.

2) Archive Infostructure <Enter name of Infostructure>

3) Menu option 'Archive Infostructure'->'Activate' or click on the Activate (matchstick) icon beside the display icon in below graphic.

To populate the Information Structure:

1) Go to transaction SARI.

2) Click 'Status' button on toolbar.

3) Archiving Object FI_DOCUMNT

4) Click 'Status per archive'.

5) Select session

6) Click 'Build structures'/'Fill structures'.

Display Transaction
Now you have maintained the Infostructure according to the customizing above you can then display the archived document in the display
transactions. In order to display the archived document in transaction FBL3n for example you first need to select the Data source button. Here
you select the archive checkbox and the Archive Information System as per the screenshot below:

Transaction FS10n
Please note that FS10N does not provide an option to select archive file unlike line item display transactions. This option has to be activated

This is explained in note 596865. Please read this note carefully and maintain table ASDATASRC1 as follows:





With above settings, the archive will get also read when the line item display is called from balance display. The prerequisite for this functionality
to work is to have the archive Information Structure created correctly SAP_FI_DOC_002 as outlined above.

Related Content
Related Documents:
Difference between totals and line items after archiving

Archiving Financial Accounting Data (FI)

FI Archiving Objects and Archiving Conditions

SARA Archiving Objects and Tables

Related SAP Notes/KBAS:

Note 1287983 FB03: Unable to display long texts in archived

Note1300734 FI_DOCUMNT: Long text from table STXH not archived

Note 596865 Archive Connection for FI line item lists

Note 807726 FI_DOCUMNT: Archive index ARIX_BKPF is replaced by SAP AS

Note 1568737 Error in display of archived documents via FAGLL03

Note 1530143 Secondary index is not created after reading from archive

KBA 1613040 FI transactions FBL*N throw message FR601 Error reading from archive Info structure not found

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