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1. Circle the correct item: (10 points)

1. Sally, _______father is the president of the company, decided to quit her job.
A. that B. who C. which D. whose
2. A major cause of air pollution is the exhaust ______from cars.
A. gases B. atoms C. fumes D. molecules
3. Loss of ______and hunting are the reasons why the Hyacinth macaw is
A. habitat B. home C. house D. life
4. In ________-years, the number of endangered animals has increased.
A. these B. late C. some D. recent
5. I have just bought a ___________ bag.
A. black canvas small B. small black canvas C. canvas small black

2. Cross out the incorrect word: (10 points)

1. Maria lives more farther away from school than me.
2. I cant stand to watching horror films.
3. The man who he is wearing jeans is my cousin.
4. This software should to be installed by a qualified technician.
5. This dish is being made of China.

3. You are going to read four passages about various aspects of technology.
For questions 1 10, choose from the passages (A-D).
Which passage(s) mention(s) something which:

has been used for almost half a century? 1 4. Make one sentence from two. (10 points)
Cannot be copied by criminals? 2 1. A man phoned. He didnt give his name.
Doesnt encourage contact with people? 3 The man ________________________________
May take longer than expected? 4 2. Some students took the exam. Most of them passed.
Cannot be relied on completely? 5 Most of the students ___________________
Improves public safety? 6 3. I was carrying a bag. It was very heavy.
Requires good organizational skills? 7 The bag __________________
Can be used at home? 8 4. A policeman stopped our car. He wasnt very friendly.
Makes people think about their behavior? 9 The ______________
Involves using biological information? 1 5. I am reading a book. It is very interesting.
(20 points) 0 The book ________________
5. Fill in with: cracked, torn, scratched, broken and stained. (20 points)
1. CDs are better than records because it doesnt matter if they get
2. An aunt who lives nearby promised to mend my ________ dress for me.
3. After a game of indoor football, the boys anxiously tried to glue together
the pieces of the ______ vase.
4. My favourite cushion was _________ so I took it to the dry-cleaner for
expert care.
5. Rough handling during house moving resulted in my mirror getting

6. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech: (20 points)

1.Could I borrow your pen? she asked him.
2. Bill is always late, she said.
3.The electrician is installing my new central heating today, he said.
4. Do you want pizza for dinner? she asked the children.
5. I cant go to work today, because my daughter is sick, she said.
1. 1D, 2C, 3A, 4D, 5B.
2. 1.more,, 3.he,, 5.being
3. 1D,2A/C,3B,4A,5B,6D,7B,8B/C/D, 9D,10C.
4. 1. The man who phoned didnt give his name.
2. The woman who was wearing a yellow dress opened the door.
3. Most of the students who took the exam, passed.
4. The bag which I was carrying was very heavy.
5. The policeman who stopped our car wasnt very friendly.
6. The book That I am reading is very interesting.
5. 1.scratched; 2. Torn; 3. Broken; 4. Stained; 5. Cracked.
6. 1. She asked him if she could borrow his pen.
2. She said the bill was always late.
3. he said that the electrician was installing his new central heating
that day.
4. She asked the children if they wanted pizza for dinner.
5. She said she couldnt go to work that day because her daughter
was sick.

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