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14 MAMMOET WORLD Issue 13 | 2014
Travelling halfway across
the world to save time

n close cooperation between Jacobs benefit from the lower natural gas
prices and increase its production
Engineering and Mammoet, an entire methanol capacity in the United States. The
sooner it would realize this, the
plant was moved from the most southern part better. Therefore it was decided to
relocate two existing methanol
of Chile to Louisiana, USA over a distance of 8,720 plants from Chile to Geismar,
Louisiana. Compared to construct-
kilometers (5,450 miles). ing a new plant, relocation would
save between six and twelve
months valuable time to profit
Shale gas developments in North several industries that produce optimally from market circum-
America have created a competi- gas-related products, such as stances and price opportunities.
tive natural gas environment and, methanol. Methanex Corporation, Not to mention the fact that this
consequently, lower gas prices. the worlds largest producer and would offer significant capital
This has led to opportunities for supplier of methanol, wanted to savings.

One of the modules transported on SPMTs from the original site to the port.

Issue 13 | 2014 MAMMOET WORLD 15

The relocation was commissioned
to Mammoet and involved an inte-
Reversed modularization reduced
grated package of services, lifting
and moving almost 400 heavy
components and modules and
the re-installation time by roughly
setting them up for reassembly.

First, the modularization was

1.5 million work hours.
designed, so that the modules
would be compatible with
Mammoets equipment, the ships
and bottlenecks along the route.
Then, the Chilean plant was
reinforced and split into the
designed modules. In turn, the special roads and bridges was a specially engineered and
modules were reinforced and necessary to facilitate the excep- constructed bridge the soil con-
moved from their Chilean location tional transport. There were many ditions requiring a customized
to their new US home, along with other challenges, including design for the bridge and its
many heavy components. All loading and sea fastening in the foundations.
components and modules had a Straits of Magellan, an area
combined shipping volume of notorious for strong currents Methanexs Geismar Iplant is
more than 12,145 metric tons and sudden storms. targeted to be operational by
(157,000 freight tons). the end of 2014. n
Another challenge was offloading
At certain points along the route, in Louisiana, where the Missis-
engineering and construction of sippi River levee was crossed via

Jacobs Engineering: vision on

reversed modular construction
Dismantling and modularizing activi- project US and Chilean environmen-
ties are also described as Reversed tal regulations and the seasonal varia-
Modular Construction. We asked Mike tion in the Mississippi River level play
Autrey, Group Vice President at important roles in the disassembly
Jacobs Engineering, to share his execution plan. Limitations shift based
companys vision on this method. on the locations involved in a particu-
lar project. Jacobs ongoing presence
Reversed Modular Construction how in both Chile and Louisiana was a key
does that work? contributor to the success of the dis-
We used expertise from our modular assembly project.
construction operation in Charleston,
South Carolina and basically reversed What were the transportation chal-
the design process to support the lenges for this project?
existing equipment and piping in a It was an iterative process to identify
modular fashion. After completing the the right combination of transport
logistical studies to determine the equipment and methods. But in the
maximum module envelope, we evalu- end, the transportation was able to
ated the existing structures and layout accommodate the design, and not the
to see where it made sense to create other way around. The major route
modules. In the end, we were able to challenge was crossing the Missis-
modularize about half of the existing sippi River levee. Mammoet was
plant and reduce the re-installation by instrumental in selecting the trans-
roughly 1.5 million work hours. portation equipment and securing the
permits to make this all happen.
What are the main challenges of disas-
sembling a stick-built factory?
One of the biggest challenges is the
coordination of all the factors to be
considered, particularly in an inter-
national arena. Size and availability of
ships, land transport routes, tie-down
methods, customs and insurance Dissassembly in Punta
requirements; and in this particular Arenas, Chile.

16 MAMMOET WORLD Issue 13 | 2014

Relocating the plant in five steps


Geismar, Louisiana
Geismar, Louisiana
Setting all modules and executing all
the heavy lifts. EPC final construction
South Pacific and commissioning.
Port of South Louisiana, Reserve,
Louisiana to final offload location at
Geismar, Louisiana.
Heavy haul route design and construc-
tion, including a temporary levee cross-
ing and heavy haul road, connecting to
the plants heavy haul road. Transport to
the Louisiana site and reassembly.

Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Engineering and coordination
between Mammoet, Jacobs Engineer-
ing and Methanex, determining the
best approach and choosing the path

Chile to Louisiana
Transport and shipping from Chile
2 to Louisiana.
Western Route: The western route
Chile, Punta Arenas through the Panama Canal was
Continued engineering as well as used for general cargo ships and
mobilization of equipment and person- heavy lift ships.
nel to start the disassembly. Choosing Eastern Route: The eastern route
the qualified subcontractors for ship- was used for the loaded barges
ping. Design and construction heavy Punta Arenas and semisubmersible vessels that
haul route from Punta Arenas to the were too wide to be allowed
port, including excavations. through the Panama canal.
Western Eastern
Route Route
Issue 13 | 2014 MAMMOET WORLD 17

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