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The Registrar,

NUSRL, Ranchi

Dear Sir,
Sub Refund of retotaling/re-evaluation amount
This is with respect to the amount submitted for retotaling/ re-evaluation. It is hereby brought to
your kind notice the fact that owing to mathematical counting errors by the concerned faulty, I had
to shell out INR 200 for the purpose. I am unable to understand the reasoning behind the imposition
of such amount. I do believe this has been put to use to serve as deterrent and avoid innumerable
applications for the same. But at the same time, where there exists genuine error and the student
has been suffering owing to suh irregularities, we are unable to find any justification or rationale
behind the payment of same. The authorities applying the principle of reasonability and just and
fair methods shall at least take steps to refund the same amount which has been taken from them
in the name of re-evaluation/retotaling where there has been genuine errors on the part of faculties.

I do believe the administration will definitely take notice of the fact and take immediate steps in
furtherance of the same. The authorities shall not try to do something indirectly which they are not
allowed to do directly. Therefore, I do request the authorities to act in a fair and just manner and
provide refund for the same as soon as possible.

Thanking You.

Yours Sincerely,

Dibya Prakash Behera

Sem V Sec- A Roll- 499.

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