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Current Research


Understanding Assessment:
Putting Together the Puzzle

No one test or assessment should be asked to discussions, and more. Now, 10 years later, we are
serve all the assessment purposes. We need, at this hearing the same reminder (Brennan, Kim, Wenz-
Gross, Siperstein, 2001; Herman, 2001; International
point, a system made up of articulated components,
Reading Association, 1999). In fact, in July 2001
glued together by their adherence to content standards members of the National Education Association, the
and serving explicit purposes for assessment. nations largest teachers union, endorsed a policy
calling for a combination of standardized tests and
National Council for Education other assessment tools such as teacher designed
Standards and Testing, 1992 assessments when making important educational
decisions (Blair & Archer, 2001).
As far back as 1992, when the standards Assessment has always been a part of the
movement was launched, the National Council for educational landscape. However, because assessment
Education Standards and Testing, a team of experts can serve so many different purposes and can come
in education, assessment and policy, reminded our in so many different forms, it has been confusing
nation of the different purposes for assessment and, sometimes, it has been the subject of contentious
from public accountability to creating individualizing debate. Unfortunately, as a result, many of us have
instructional plans for children. They also cautioned come to view assessment as a necessary evil, a
us to use multiple measures to fit these purposes requirement rather than a helpful part of instruction.
including standardized tests, running records, But assessment IS a critical part of instruction and
informal reading inventories, classroom projects, it CAN be useful if we understand the pieces of
portfolios, writing samples, debates, literature circle the puzzle.
formance of large numbers of students. They general-
A Balanced Approach to ly need assessments that can be easily administered,
Assessment and they rarely need information more than once a
year. They do not need information about individual
A balanced assessment system consists of three students strengths and needs. On the other hand,
parts (see Figure 1): standard assessment, classroom- teachers, parents, and students need more specific
based assessment, and student self-assessment. information geared to what students are learning,
and they need that information more often.
The glue that holds these assessment pieces
together is content standardsstatements about
what students should know and be able to do.
Standard Classroom-based Content standards grew out of the concern that stu-
Assessment Assessment dents in different parts of the country and in different
schools were not being held to the same high stan-
dards nor were they being provided with the same
quality instruction. At the same time, educators were
concerned that what students should learn was often
indirectly determined by what appeared on standard-
Student ized tests. Instead of defining what students should
Self-Assessment know in terms of a test score, educators wanted to be
sure that students were assessed on important and
worthwhile learning goals that were a part of
classroom instruction (Wiggins,1998). In the past
several years, teams of teachers have participated
Figure 1: A Balanced Assessment System in many state and local efforts to determine content
standards for student learning, and to develop or
review assessments that align with the standards.
Each of these parts serves a different purpose and Standards answer the question, What do we
each is a different and important piece of the puzzle. want students to know and be able to do? Next,
For example, assessments are used to qualify stu- we must ask, How well are students progressing
dents for special services; to report to school boards, toward those standards? To answer this question,
states, and parents; to evaluate program effectiveness; we must look at the pieces of the assessment system.
to monitor student learning and adjust teaching Each piece has strengths and weaknesses; if we
strategies; to evaluate students growth over time; to understand what each type of assessment can and
engage students in self-assessment; and to under- cannot contribute to our understanding of student
stand students strengths and needs. Each of these learning, we can do a better job of teaching as well as
different purposes and audiences may require differ- assessing students (Hiebert & Calfee, 1989; Pearson
ent kinds of assessments and different types of infor- & Valencia, 1987).
mation (Haney, 1991; National Research Council,
1999; Office of Technology Assessment, 1992; Pearson
Standard Assessment
& Valencia, 1987). One type of assessment cannot
meet the needs of all the audiences. State depart- Standard assessment is the term we use here to
ments of education and administrators, for example, refer to assessments that are given to all students
will want to know about school programs or the per- in a state, school district, or school. We used to think

of these simply as norm-referenced tests, such as the for these tests by engaging in good quality teaching.
Stanford Achievement Test or the Gates-MacGinitie So, for example, it would be both good teaching and
Reading Test, that compare student performance to good preparation to have students read, discuss, and
the performance of a national sample of students at write about the connections between two texts or
the same grade. But these days, many states have to provide students with models and opportunities
constructed their own tests, such as the ISAT in to write persuasive pieces. At the same time, it is
Illinois, the FCAT in Florida, or the direct writing important to prepare students for the format of the
assessment in California, that are not standard tests they will take. They should be familiar
norm-referenced. Instead, they have used criteria for with the kinds of tasks, questions, and answer sheets
student performance set by the state. Regardless they will face.
of whether a state uses a norm-referenced test There are several cautions to keep in mind
or a state-developed test, these standard assessments related to standard assessments. First, although
are designed to evaluate students in a uniform, familiarizing students with the test format is
systematic way against some established standard. important, studies indicate that if students only
All 50 states now administer some type of standard practice with the format of a test, they are less likely
assessment to students at targeted grade levels to actually learn (Linn, 2000; Popham, 1999).
(Orlofsky & Olson, 2001). These assessments are Preparing students to do well involves more than test
particularly useful to state legislators, school boards, preparation; it involves helping students learn to
and administrators because they are easily apply important reading and writing
administered to large numbers of students, and strategies. In fact, several recent studies reveal
being consistently administered and scored across that if test preparation is focused only on a specific
sites adds a level of reliability that may not be possi- standardized reading test, students scores drop
ble on other assessments. dramatically when they are given a different
Many current standard assessments have begun standardized reading test assessing similar reading
to include more authentic literacy tasks, such as abilities. In other words, students in these studies
reading longer, more complex selections, answering had learned only to do well on a particular test;
both multiple choice and open-ended questions, they hadnt learned reading skills that transferred
making connections across different texts, and to other situations. Similarly, if teachers focus instruc-
using the writing process to persuade or to describe tion on only what is tested, there is evidence that the
an important event. In fact, more than 90% of the curriculum narrows, eliminating other important
states now require students to write extended learning from students experiences (Herman &
responses on their standard assessments (Education Golan, 1993; Smith, 1991).
Week, 2001). Even the Graduate Record Exam, the A second caution relates to interpreting test
standard assessment used for admission to masters scores. Standard assessments, by their very nature,
and doctoral programs in education, recently moved are not precise, but rather rough approximations of
beyond multiple choice items by adding two essays student performance (Popham, 1999). Furthermore,
to the exam (Gonzales, 2001)! It is difficult, however, they are not good measures of students who are
for standard assessment to be as authentic or performing substantially below or above their grade
performance-based as many classroom-based placement. For example, most of the reading
assessments-there are simply too many constraints selections on a standard reading assessment designed
(i.e. cost, time, scoring) on this kind of testing. for fourth-grade students would be at the third,
Nevertheless, the changes that have been made DO fourth or fifth-grade level. It would be unlikely for
represent important shifts from standardized tests such a test to include passages at first or second
of the past. They signal closer alignment with our grade level or at eighth or ninth grade level. As a
current visions of reading and writing performance, result, students who are reading at these levels will
and they suggest that we can help prepare students

be unable to demonstrate their abilities on the stan- causing our illness or how to get better. For that we
dard grade-level test. Whats more, even if these stu- need finer-grained assessments and well-trained
dents were to make gains from September to June, it physicians. Thats where classroom-based assessment
would be very difficult to show gains using these comes in.
teststhey simply dont have enough items at the
lower and higher levels. Classroom-based Assessment
Similarly, grade equivalent scores are often In the past several years, classroom-based
misunderstood. For example, a student score of 8.6 assessment has enjoyed renewed support from
on a third-grade test does not mean that student can policymakers (i.e. National Research Council, 1999),
read as well as an eighth-grader nor does it mean she assessment experts (Shepard, 1999) and teachers
can read eighth-grade level material. As we have (International Reading Association, 1999) alike,
explained above, there is unlikely to be eighth-grade giving it a central position in all assessment
material on this test nor were eighth-grade students discussions. Recent studies suggest that teachers,
included in the norming sample. Simply, this 8.6 themselves, are the most important assessment tool.
means that the student reads substantially better than This makes perfect sense when you realize that
other students her age who took this test; precisely teachers spend 1/3 to 1/2 of their classroom time
how well she reads cant be determined from this in assessment-related activities (Stiggins & Conklin,
test. For these reasons and others, the International 1992) and that they make decisions about what and
Reading Association has taken a strong stand against how to teach approximately every 2-3 minutes
the use of grade equivalent scores (International (Shavelson & Stern, 1981)! Teachers must be able
Reading Association, 1982). to develop assessment strategies, gather evidence,
Finally, recent surveys have documented that analyze what they see, and ultimately, make
only 10 of 50 states provide teachers or students with instructional adjustments to respond to student
feedback on how individual students perform on needs. This is precisely why classroom assessment
particular test items found on standard assessments is so powerful. Classroom-based assessment is
(Education Week, 2001). They simply provide overall conducted close to actual learning and to children; as
scores, and often they provide those scores after a result, it is most likely to be aligned with instruc-
students have moved on to another grade and tion, provide immediate feedback to teachers and
another teacher. Boser (2001) concludes that states students, engage students in assessment of their
rarely provide feedback needed for teachers and learning, and influence instructional decisions.
students to learn from their mistakes. So, the lack Classroom assessment also occurs more frequently
of specific and timely feedback makes it unlikely than standard or norm-referenced testing, and it can
that teachers or students could use the results to be more precisely tailored to individual children and
direct future learning. to instruction. With classroom-based assessment,
assessment and instruction are melded. Both teachers
In summary, standard assessments provide
and students become learners. Teachers become more
important systematic information about student
focused on what and how to teach, and students
learning in relation to other students or to a
become more self-directed, motivated, and focused
pre-established standard of performance. This
on learning (Graue, 1993; Wolf, 1989).
information is particularly useful to people outside
of the classroom such as legislators and administra- Classroom-based assessment includes a wide
tors. Standard assessments work much like a range of tools and strategies. Because the assessments
thermometer, taking students temperature to grow out of actual classroom activities, they are more
evaluate their academic health or abilities. However, likely to resemble authentic reading and writing and
thermometers dont help us know exactly what is they tend to be more performance-based than stan-

dard assessments (Hiebert, Valencia & Afflerbach, select the assessments that best fit the needs of indi-
1994; Wiggins, 1993). For example, students might vidual students, choosing the appropriate level of dif-
demonstrate their literacy abilities by conducting ficulty and observing students as they work to modi-
research and writing a report, developing a character fy the assessments as needed.
analysis, debating a characters motives, dramatizing By far, the majority of classroom-based
a favorite story, drawing and writing about a assessments are more informal, including evidence
nonfiction piece, or reading aloud and discussing such as anecdotal notes on students participation
a portion of text with the teacher. These assessments in literature discussion groups, samples of student
can range from relatively short assessments to writing, or artifacts from classroom projects. Some
long-term projects. They often require students informal assessments may be drawn from typical
to apply their skills and strategies to new reading classroom activities such as practice book pages,
and writing tasks, and they often value the thinking journals, essays, reports, or reading logs. Other times,
behind workthe processas much as the finished it will be difficult to show student progress using
product (Pearson & Valencia, 1987; Wiggins, 1989; actual work so teachers will need to keep notes
Wolf, 1989). or checklists to record their observations from
Some classroom assessments are somewhat student-teacher conferences or informal classroom
formal; others are more informal. Those that are interactions. Sometimes informal assessment is as
more formal provide teachers with a systematic way simple as stopping during instruction to observe
to evaluate how well students are progressing. For students, use diagnostic checkpoints, or discuss with
example, after completing a 4-6 week theme, teachers the students how learning is progressing. Any of
will want to know how well students have learned these types of assessment can be made more
the theme skills and concepts. They may give all the formal by specifying guidelines for how to do them,
students a theme test in which students read, answer or they can be quite informal, letting students and
questions, and write about a similar theme concept, teachers adjust to individual needs. In some
and in which they apply the skills and strategies situations, the teacher will want all students to com-
taught in the theme to a new reading and writing plete the same assessments; in others, assessments
task. This type of assessment allows the teacher to will be tailored to individual needs.
systematically evaluate all the students on the Just because assessment is conducted in the
important skills in the theme and to do so using read- classroom, doesnt make it good assessment.
ing and writing experiences that fit with the instruc- Research suggests that classroom assessment must
tion. In other situations, or for specific students, have three critical features. First, and most obvious,
teachers might use a skills test to examine specific it must be aligned with instruction. Although this
skills or strategies taught in the theme. Finally, teach- seems obvious, teachers sometimes inadvertently
ers may want to know how well students are reading hold students accountable for things they havent
and writing at the beginning and end of the year or adequately taught or students havent adequately
how they have progressed compared with other chil- practiced (Valencia, 1998). At the same time, teachers
dren at the same grade level. Two points of compari- must make decisions about the most important
son would be availablethe students growth over things to assess rather than treating all learning as
time, and the students performance as compared equally valuable (Wiggins, 1989). There is nothing
with his grade-level peers. For this type of assess- worse than collecting lots of information that you
ment, teachers could use leveled reading passages or dont use or that targets unimportant learning.
benchmark tests that have been carefully calibrated. Classroom time is too precious to waste. So, teachers
Because these types of classroom assessment are must be strategic and focused as they implement
more flexible than standard assessments, teachers can classroom assessment. State and district curriculum

guides, published instructional materials, national likelihood that assessment results actually will be
standards documents, and professional colleagues used for instructional decisions. And, as a result, stu-
are good resources for determining important learn- dents are more likely to learn. However, the potential
ing outcomes for students (Education Week, 2001; of classroom assessment will not be realized unless
Valencia & Place, 1994). we are systematic about what and how we assess,
Second, classroom assessment needs to be and unless we use the information well.
ongoing. This implies that teachers must continually
re-evaluate student learning and then use that Student Self-Assessment
information to adjust instruction. Evidence from sev- Student self-assessment may seem like an
eral studies suggests that when classroom extravagant addition to the assessment system.
assessment is ongoing, student achievement on However, both scholars and classroom experience
standardized assessments actually improves (Black suggest that it is an important piece of the puzzle.
& Wiliam, 1998)! The best explanation of this finding Students who are engaged in self-assessment do not
is that when teachers are constantly attending to become dependent on teachers to determine how
what students are learning, documenting their well they are doing or where they need more work
assessments, and then adjusting their instruction (Reif, 1990). They see learning as within their control
based on the assessments, their instruction is more and gain a sense of responsibility and ownership.
focused and thus student achievement improves. They move from passive learners (Johnston &
So it isnt simply the administration of classroom Winograd, 1985), unengaged and uninspired, to
assessments that improves student learning, active learners. As a result, these students become
it is that teachers actually use assessment evidence more focused on their work. They learn the qualities
to continually re-focus and adjust instruction. of good work, how to judge their work against those
Finally, good classroom assessment must rely on qualities, and how to assess their own efforts and
a variety of forms of assessment. For some students, feelings of accomplishment (Reif, 1990; Wolf, 1989).
written work is difficult, so too much reliance on They are more likely to set goals and to accomplish
written work will put them at a disadvantage them, and consequently, their learning improves
(Jenkins, Johnson & Hileman, 2000). Similarly, (Andrade, 2000; Stiggins, 1997). These students are
particular activities or topics will inspire excellent also more likely to share common goals and expecta-
performance in some students and frustrate others. tions with their teachers (Valencia, 1998). That means
And, work supported by teachers or completed that teachers and students can work together, rather
collaboratively with peers may give a different than at cross-purposes, because they have a shared
impression of students capabilities than work understanding of what they want to accomplish.
completed independently. Including a variety of Anecdotal evidence from classroom teachers suggests
types of assessments over time will insure that that when students and teachers share goals and val-
students are provided with ample opportunities ues, there is less conflict over grades and better com-
to demonstrate their abilities and that teachers munication among teacher, parent, and student.
conclusions are well-founded. Naturally, this leads to improved learning.

In sum, classroom-based assessment has the Self-assessment can take several forms. First,
advantage of growing out of classroom instruction students can use samples of their work as a spring-
and the flexibility to adjust to individual student board for self-assessment. For example, they can
and teacher needs. Preparing students for classroom reflect on their reading preferences and habits by
assessments is not separate from good instruction; reviewing their reading journals; they can judge the
it IS good instruction. Because teachers are in charge quality of their research report by analyzing the
of both assessment and instruction, there is greater content, voice, and writing conventions; they can

evaluate their progress over time by comparing models give students an idea of how to go about
similar work samples produced at the beginning, their work and what a high quality product will look
middle, and end of the school year; they can even like when they are finished. Too often, these criteria
engage in self-assessment as part of a more formal become clear only at the end of a project, as students
assessment such as a theme test. Relying on see others work or receive a grade. When teachers
classroom artifacts is helpful because students can work collaboratively with students to develop crite-
literally see and take time to carefully study their ria, students are more likely to understand the value
work. In the process, students are encouraged to of self-evaluation and transfer this understanding to
think about what went into that work and what other learning situations.
strategies seemed most useful or problematic. Having We caution that self-assessment can sometimes
the actual artifact also makes it easier to think about overemphasize superficial aspects of students work
work that was completed in the past. (i.e. handwriting, drawings), efforts (i.e. I worked
A second strategy for engaging students in hard), or unexamined feelings (i.e. I like it, its good).
self-assessment is to make self-assessment a natural In fact, studies suggest that without support to go
part of classroom conversation. All too often, beyond the superficial, students tend not to develop
self-assessment takes the form of written reflections a more reflective and analytic stance toward their
rather than discussion. Although written reflections learning (Valencia, 1998). A related caution is that
are useful and can encourage a bit more reflection self-assessment can easily become routine and
time, discussions help students become part of a uninspired if it is overused or used in the same way
reflective community whose members are willing regardless of the kind of work. Students can grow as
and able to talk about their strengths and needs. weary of self-assessment as any mundane activity.
This is an important habit of mind (Meier, 1995) The antidote for such problems is to provide instruc-
for any learner. For example, after reading a story, tion in self-assessment (modeling, guidance, prac-
students can discuss what parts they found personal- tice), time (self-assessment cannot be rushed), and
ly engaging and what sections were particularly diffi- many opportunities for students to discuss insights
cult or confusing for them. They can also help one about their own learning. Like any skill or strategy,
another develop strategies for clarifying anything self-assessment needs support to develop.
that confused them. Other times, it is helpful to think
about work while in the midst of doing it. For exam-
ple, while in the process of creating a piece of writ-
ing, students can step back from writing and discuss
how the process is going and what they are learning
about themselves as writers. Or while students are
reading, teachers can stop them briefly to discuss
how they are understanding or have them use sticky
notes to mark spots of confusion.
A final strategy for engaging students in
self-evaluation is to involve them in developing
and using rubrics or criteria for their work (Andrade,
2000, Spandel, 1996; Valencia, 1998). For example,
process writing instruction can be more effective if
students have models and if the criteria for good
work are presented using student language. Such

activities are often building blocks to more com-
How Can Teachers Become plex goals. Determine the most important goals
More Effective at Balanced you have for each unit. Then select a couple of
artifacts or focal points for your anecdotal notes
Assessment? or checklists. Use these assessments judiciously
depending on the situation, your goals, and the
Compared to a jigsaw puzzle, it may not seem particular students. Collecting too much informa-
difficult to put together only three pieces of the tion is as problematic as not collecting enough.
assessment puzzle. But, it is. On one hand, we Front-load instruction. This simply means that
must struggle continually to overcome historic you should be clear about the goals of instruction
tradition and the current inclination to rely on and make those explicit to the students. For
a single, standard score. As educators, we need to example, if students are going to read about envi-
counter the illusion of a simple score and the almost ronmental issues and be asked to take a position,
exclusive confidence those outside education ascribe they will need to learn how to distinguish fact
from opinion, synthesize information, and draw
to standard assessments. On the other hand, we must
conclusions. Both you and the students have a
learn to deal with multiple indicators (i.e. indicators better chance of achieving your goals if you make
from standard, classroom-based, and student clear to them the relationship between the skills
self-assessment as well as multiple indicators within they are learning and the task they are completing.
each type of assessment). Sometimes information Help students understand what good reading
from multiple sources will converge, providing and writing look like by providing them with
a consistent evaluation of student performance; examples, examining work together, and
other times the information may be discrepant discussing criteria. For example, help the class
because of differences in assessment formats, the develop criteria for a good research report or
skills and strategies tested, or simply inconsistencies book talk and then have children evaluate their
in student learning. But, it is important to value all work according to the criteria. Use criteria and
scoring rubrics provided with instructional
the information and to remember that the more
materials WITH the children instead of using
samples of student learning we collect, the more them just for grading.
trustworthy and informative our results.
Make self-assessment a dependable, integral
We close with several suggestions for implementing part of your classroom. Begin with non-academic
the pieces of a balanced assessment system. activities such as judging how well the class
is working in groups, or how sharing time is
When making important educational decisions working, or discussing favorite artwork. Some
or sharing information with parents, be sure to of these activities require students to consider
use information from all three pieces standard qualities of good performance; others require
assessment, classroom assessment, and student judgments based on personal criteria. Both, how-
self-assessment. Be sure you understand the ever, require students to step back from their
purpose and focus of each assessment as well work or their behavior to think reflectively about
as the strengths and limitations of each. Help it. You will need to develop these abilities over
parents understand them as well. Use the time with your students.
information to describe students strengths
When assessing growth over time, be sure
and needs, rather than to label them with
to consider both the assessment task and the
a grade or a number, and to plan for instruction.
individual student. For example, if you want to
Focus assessment on the most important assess students ability to read and summarize,
outcomes in the curriculum. Although teachers the difficulty of the text and the type of text will
informally assess every time they interact with be important to consider. A students summary of
students and every time students work on an a second-grade text at the beginning of the year
activity, you do not have to document every may be better than his summary of a fifth-grade
interaction or every lesson. Daily lessons and text at the end of the year, but the change in

difficulty level would signal growth. Similarly,
the topic or text type (narrative vs. information) Final Thoughts
will influence the quality of students summaries.
The goal of assessment is to improve learning
Multiple measures are especially important
and teaching. In truth, we cannot be good teachers
when assessing growth.
nor can students be effective learners unless we use
Create a system to help you keep track of the
evidence to guide instruction and learning. By under-
assessment information. Some teachers use
a 3-ring notebook with a section for each standing the different types of assessments and using
student, others use a computerized system, them wisely, we are more likely to make those good
and others use a combination of work folders/ decisions. When the pieces of the puzzle are fit
portfolios and teacher records. Whatever system together, they provide a clear picture of learning
you use, be sure to keep samples of student work and a road map to success.
and to document your assessments. These
samples will help you communicate with both
parents and students, providing the evidentiary
trail of students learning. If collections of work
are set up collaboratively with students, they
provide an excellent vehicle for conversation
about students strengths, needs, and future
goals. In addition, by looking across students
folders, you will be able to analyze your
instruction. It will become obvious, for example,
the kinds of activities on which students are
spending most of their time and areas in which
they need more support.
Use classroom assessments to help with grading.
You do not need to grade every piece of work or
every assessment. The evidence you collect will
provide the basis for the grades you assign. Some
of the more formal assessments such as tests,
performance activities, and projects are easier
to grade. Other assessments such as oral
discussions, response journals and rough drafts
of writing are more difficult to grade but still
provide useful information. Together, these
graded and ungraded artifacts provide strong
evidence for your grading decisions.
Begin classroom assessment slowly. Make good
use of assessments that come with your instruc-
tional program or assessments you already have
in place. You dont need to develop everything
from scratch. Begin with several important
outcomes, take time to review assessment
results, and then use those results to shape your
instruction. Classroom assessment is the piece
of the puzzle that will most influence your
teaching and student achievement. It takes time,
but it is time well spent.

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Sheila W. Valencia
Sheila W. Valencia is Professor
of Curriculum & Instruction at
the University of Washington,
Seattle where she conducts
research and teaches in the
area of Language, Literacy, &
Culture. A nationally recog-
nized expert in the field of lit-
eracy assessment and profes-
sional development, Dr.
Valencia has published widely
in journals such as Reading Research Quarterly, Journal
of Literacy Research, The Reading Teacher, and Language
Arts. She is author of Literacy Portfolios in Action and
contributing author to Houghton Mifflin Reading: A
Legacy of Literacy.

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