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College Playoffs OP-ED

By Scott Sharkey will be ranked what spot in just handed to teams because playoff. Both sides argue over
Staff Writer the top 25 rankings as well as of who they are; it all has to be whether the college football
determine the college football earned and the better a teams playoffs should stay the same
playoff. record is the better the chance or expand. But both sides of
An eight-team college foot- they have at getting a playoff the argument of the commit-
The biggest talk around the ball playoff would be more ex- shot. tee and fans can easily come
college football world is the col- citing and really determine who A four-team playoff is per- to an agreement that, either
lege football playoff. Right now the best team in the country fect because it determines a way, they are happy with just
it stands at only four teams, is, said Drake Johnson, Okla- true champion just as much getting to watch more college
but there is a lot of buzz about homa City Blazers hockey team as an eight-team playoff would football. According to sbnation.
the playoff needing an expan- member. and brings more than enough com, the fans give college foot-
sion to eight teams. he college The college football playoff revenue to all of the FBS con- ball and all of the FBS confer-
football playoff made its debut has brought a lot of revenue ferences, said Ean Ash, who is ences revenue. And because of
in 2014 which Ohio State end- to all of the FBS conferences a student at Rose State College. all the revenue the fans give to
ed up winning. The four-team and independent institutions. The four-team college foot- college football and all of the
college football playoff was According to collegefootball- ball playoff already brings FBS conferences, there would
made to assure the college foot-, with the college more revenue and excitement be no playoff without them.
ball league and the fans that football playoff it brings more to the FBS conferences and And without the college football
there would be a true champi- revenue and universal access. college football fans. College fans, there would be no college
on. For many years it was all So, all FBS conferences and football fans are all about football.
based on computers. Before the independent institutions would the excitement because that
college football playoff made earn more money and have an is what makes the fans tune
its debut all that mattered was equal chance at making the into every game. According to
how the computers ranked the college football playoff. Now of, a college
teams in the top 10. A college course, it is all based on the football playoff expansion to
football committee was finally performance in the teams that eight teams would make ev-
formed in 2014. The college help them earn a shot at the eryone happier than they al-
football committee chooses who college football playoff. It is not ready are with the four-team

people before politics

By Toni Ross
Assistant Editor

In a world where being differ-

ent is encouraged, the irony is
that opinions are not included
in that. Its shameful to be on
the right in politics, and its
shameful to be on the left. Its
using the right to freedom of
speech only to try to imprint
your beliefs and thoughts on
your peers. Its self gain in all
aspects of the word. Its com-
plaint after complaint after
complaint about how we need
to change the world.
The problem is we already
have changed the world and
its not better off. Its in chaos,
As much blame as there is
today, theres no one admitting
to it. Its the medias fault, all
they report on is negativity, or
Its those self-righteous mil-
lennials. People need to take
responsibility for their own ac- hearing about all these social other constantly nagging you minds of everyone and that is
tions for things to change. justice issues, because its all about the same issue. You OK. Not everyone will hear you
We, as a public, have gotten talk and no action. tolerate it, but does it real- the way you think you deserve
so caught up in how much that Peaceful protesting is a good ly change your mind? Does it to be heard.
person on the other side of my first step, but it needs to go far- really make you think? Is the What will change opinions
values is wrong that we are ru- ther. It needs facts and statis- result from this nagging an or policies is getting rid of the
ining the chance for community tics included in the argument. agreement? Do you like being ego. It is I want these things
in this nation. If your argument cannot be talked to this way? No. to change for the betterment
Weve gotten so caught up in backed up with facts, then your Nagging doesnt solve prob- of everyone in this society. Its
how many times the past failed argument is not valid. Take a lems, it heightens them. the realization that all people
us that were dwelling on it in- step back before putting it out As a nation we all want the should come before politics.
stead of learning from it. in the world, look at the other same thing - peace. As pageant
The disappointing result from side of your argument, decide girl as that may sound, its uni-
all of the arguing is that these whats more important - educa- versal.
issues we are arguing about are tional debates or heated dis- My opinions and my expe-
not being solved. Its because it agreements. riences will not change the
is overkill. Im sick and tired of Just picture your significant world. It will not change the

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