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DGS&D (Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals)

In the year 1860, the British Government evolved a concept of central buying and set up
the India Stores Department in London for meeting procurement needs of the
Government of India.

Established in 1951, in its present form, for rendering procurement services to central and
state governments by placing Rate Contracts for various items.

A minor restructuring was undertaken in 1974 to allow defense and railways to procure
items meant for their exclusive use

The directorate has two professional service cadres Indian Supply Service and Indian
Inspection Service.

Earlier, the Union Cabinet in April 2017 had ordered the DGS&D to wind up operations
by October 2017. Now the public procurement of goods and services will be handled by
the GeM portal (Government e Marketplace).

Last year, GeM was launched by the ministry to bring greater transparency and efficiency
in public procurement. The GeM portal has eliminated human interface in vendor
registration, order placement and payment processing to a great extent.

The central and state governments procure goods and services worth over Rs. 5 lakh
crore annually. Currently, over 34,010 sellers are registered on this portal for selling over
1,91,037 products.
The two older procurement sites used earlier are:

1. DGS&D
2. Govt. e-Auction system
Procurement Process at IIM Kashipur
The procurement process in IIM Kashipur is done as follows:

If the item is urgently required and order through GeM will take longer time, then it is
NOT ordered through GeM

Also there is a minimum quantity order in GeM, so if the item required is less than that,
then also order cant be placed through GeM

Procurement Processes:
There are mainly 3 types of procurement process in IIM Kashipur:

1. GEM Purchase- An end to end government e-marketplace hosted by DGS&D where

common user goods and services can be procured by various government organizations
2. Tender Purchase (Open Tender/ Limited Purchase)
3. Local Purchase- Purchase will be done in local market

Tender Processes:

Though there are many purchase process like single tender, spot purchase, etc., we generally
purchase through two tender processes: Open Tender and Limited Tender.

Key points about Open Tenders:

Except in case of Purchases against K.B & DGS&D rate contracts and where the sources
of supplies are limited, all purchases where the value is more than Rs. 5, 00,000/-open
tender will be invited. Open tenders will be advertised through the press.
At least a month's time should be allowed for submission of bids, after the date of
publication of advertisement. In case of limited tenders, however, it may be curtailed to
21 days.
Splitting of indents, in order to bring it outside the ambit of open tender method is strictly
prohibited. In addition, a demand should not be deliberately divided to avoid necessity of
obtaining sanctions of higher authority
Global tenders may be recommended if it is felt that bidding from the indigenous source
through open tendering shall not result in competitive prices.

Key points about Limited Tender:

This method may be adopted for Purchases up to Rs. 5 lakhs and be sent to the
prospective/ registered bidders by FAX/speed post/registered post/courier/e-mail
simultaneously, free of cost
In such cases, the Officer-in-charge Purchase department will send the enquiries to the
registered firms. At least 21 days should be allowed for submission of bids.
Minimum three tenders must be received before tender is finalized. In case of receipt of
less than 3 tenders, the reasons there need to be recorded before finalisation of the
The minimum number of enquiries to be floated will be as under:
i. For tenders up to Rs. 1,00,000/- 3 enquiries
ii. For tenders from Rs. 1,00,001/- to Rs. 2, 50,0001 5 enquiries
iii. For tenders from Rs. 2, 50,001 to Rs. 5, 00,000/- 7 enquiries
However, Limited Tender Enquiry method can be followed even in procurement of
material worth more than (5) five lakhs when:
a. The Indenting Officer certifies that the demand is urgent and any additional
expenditure incurred through open advertisement shall not be fruitful.
b. When the sources of supply are definitely known and the possibility of fresh
sources of supply being available is remote.
c. It is not in public interest to adopt the open tender method. However, such
mode of procurement should be approved by the authorities as per delegation of
powers for Purchase of Goods & Services.
For the sake of competition and transparency, details of Limited Tender Enquiry valuing
beyond Rs. 5 lakhs (in exception circumstances) may be hosted on the web site. Any bid
received against such limited tender enquiry should also be considered subject to
fulfillment of the terms & conditions of the limited tender.
Library Purchase Process:
The library purchase is different than the other purchases of the college. This purchase is done
with the help of the Library Advisory Committee (LAC). LAC has support seamless functioning
of Institutes library and to advise the management on matters relating to development of library.
LAC will have following as members:

Chairperson: Director/or any person nominated by the Director will be the chairperson
One Faculty member from each Academic Department
Librarian Member Secretary (ex-officio).
All officers of the Library shall participate in the meeting to provide required input.

Functions of Library Advisory Committee (LAC):

To provide general direction to the Library

To review the functioning of the library with regards to its support to the academic
programmes of the institute
To advice on procurement of books and journals and render advice to the Purchase
Committee for Library procurements.
To consider and put forward the views of faculty members regarding books/journals
selection, ordering process etc.
To formulate action plan for the development of library infrastructure, facilities, products
and service
Evaluate the suggestions made by the library users
To consider and put forward the views of students regarding their problems and solutions
sought thereof.

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