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Gary Hess Weekly Lesson Plan Date: 12/10/2017

Final Exam, Part 2

Standard: Students analyze and research the geography (section 4.1), livelihoods (4.2), culture (4.3), advance of learning (4.4), and govern-
mental structure (4.5) of colonial America (1607 to 1775).

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Chapter 4, p. 39-41: Chapter 4, p. 41-44: Chapter 4, p. 44-46: Chapter 4, p. 46-49: Chapter 4, p. 50:
A Land of Variety The Livelihood of the Colonial Culture The Advance of Learning Government in the Colonies

Learning Objectives, p. 41: Learning Objectives, p. 44: Learning Objectives, p. 46: Learning Objectives, p. 49: Learning Objectives, p. 50:
1. Where did the greatest 1. Which colonies were 1. Describe the different 1. Which colonial region 1. Name the three types of
number of settlers come called the bread colo- homes the colonists built. had the best education at colonies and explain how
from? nies? Why? 2. List some practical uses the beginning? they were governed.
2. How did the colonies 2. What types of crops were of the fireplace. 2. Describe the schools in 2. Describe a typical coloni-
grow so quickly? raised in the South? 3. Give examples of recrea- the New England colo- al bicameral legislature.
3. What British possession Where was the rice tion the colonists enjoyed. nies, the middle colonies, 3. Who served as the chief
became the strongest cen- country? 4. Explain the efficiency of and the southern colonies. executive officer of the
ter of Christianity of the 3. Name three industries that colonial travel and com- 3. Name the most widely colony? What limitations
West Indies? were particularly suited munication used textbook in colonial were placed on his pow-
4. Described Sunday wor- for the New England col- 5. How did social classes in America. er?
ship services in the colo- onies. America differ from so- 4. What was the best-known 4. What was the primary
nies. 4. What was an important cial classes in Europe? private academy? Who unit of local government
5. What was the official source of income for 6. In what region of Ameri- founded it? in the New England colo-
church of the southern those on the frontier? ca was slavery most 5. What was an apprentice- nies? In the Southern
colonies? 5. Who was Americas chief used? Why? ship? colonies?
6. Which set of colonies had overseas customer? 7. Who led settlers across 6. What was the first regu-
the greatest religious di- 6. What was the triangular the Appalachians? How larly published weekly
versity? trade route? did they cross through the newspaper in the colo-
7. What religious group 7. How would the success of mountains? nies?
wrote the first classical the American colonies 7. How did Benjamin Frank-
music to be composed in lead to conflict with Eng- lin help spread general
America? land? knowledge in the colo-

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Materials: Materials (candle mak- Materials (travel/recess): 1 Materials (woodcut- Chapter Quiz
1. Map of colonies ing/recess): 1 Arrange a hike on one of the ting/recess): 1 Timeline Review
2. Colored pencils 1. Wax & warmer less used trails on campus as 1. Two axes
2. Wicks an example of travel in the 2. Cutting stump/base
3. Small jars country during this period. 3. Appropriate wood/logs

Vocabulary: Vocabulary: Vocabulary: Vocabulary: Vocabulary:

1. Colonial Era 1. Homespun 1. Georgian Architecture 1. Apprentices 1. Town Meeting System
2. Congregational Churches 2. Indigo 2. Post Roads 2. Hornbrook Reader 2. Parishes
3. Scots-Irish 3. Bartered 3. Frontier 3. New England Primer 3. Bicameral
4. Textile Industry 4. Bleeding 4. Governor
5. Mercantilism 5. Poor Richards Almanac

People/Places to know: People/Places to know: People/Places to know: People/Places to know: People/Places to know:
1. Count von Zinzendorf 1. Blacksmith 1. Daniel Boone 1. Benjamin Franklin N/A
2. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 2. Leather Workers 2. Appalachian Mountains 2. Paul Revere
3. Philadelphia, Pennsylva- 3. Millers 3. Boonesborough, Ken- 3. William Billings
nia tucky 4. John Winthrop, Jr.
4. Cumberland Gap 5. Benjamin Banneker
5. Wilderness Road 6. Cotton Mather

Engagement: Engagement: Engagement: Engagement: Engagement:

5 min Read a story about 10 min Handout related 5 min Read a story about 5 min Read a story about 10 min Handout and read
Count von Zinzendorf from a items to students and play a Daniel Boone from a histori- Benjamin Franklin from a from The Pilgrim Fathers in
historical account. bartering game. cal account. historical account. The Great Controversy, p.
Lesson: Lesson: Lesson: Lesson: 289-298.
Review of Chapter content, Review of Chapter content, Review of Chapter content, Review of Chapter content, Lesson:
people, places and vocabulary people, places and vocabulary people, places and vocabulary people, places and vocabulary 1. Chapter Quiz
words. Assign biography. words. words. words. 2. Timeline Review 3

Assessment: Assessment: Assessment: Assessment: Assessment:

1. Informal 1. Informal 1. Quiz 1. Exit Slip 1. Biography Report and
CHL assignment2
2. Timeline Update 3
3. Chapter Quiz
The events above in the materials section of the lesson plan, which are scheduled for recess time (candle making, hiking, woodcutting), are related to co-
lonial living and offered to help students experience, in a small way, some of the things that would have been familiar to people living during this period.
Homework: 1) Students would select a person of interest from the chapter on Monday and turn in a one-page biography of the person they selected on
Friday. 2) After class discussion on Thursday, students will list the nine centers of higher learning along with the groups that founded them and turn in the
assigned work on Friday.
Students would be assigned a timeline project at the beginning of the semester, which they would be responsible for updating as necessary/directed for
social studies/history. The completed project would be turned in at the end of the semester. I would periodically check/require this project be turned in
for review and help and guidance with any problems they may be encountering.

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