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Grade:3 Rotation: 1 Day: 1 Materials:

-smart board,
Sing/Say Read Create/Improv Write Move Play inst/game Listen recorder,
flute, smart

Reinforce: dictation, aural

Prepare: Sing independently, on pitch, and in recognition
rhythm with appropriate timbre, diction, and
posture, and maintain a steady tempo

Voice Exploration/warm up
Decode 3 note melodys
a. MRD
b. DRM
c. MSM
d. SMR
e. SMD
f. DMS
g. SSD
h. SRD
Because we got threw that so fast you guys get a treat
a. Bring out the flute
a. Identifications of pitches and pitch relations
Singing/Decode DRMS
Decode the song
Go line by line
o after they get the line we will write it on the smart board but I
will write one mistake in the line and ask them if they think I
wrote it wrong
o Hopefully they will see that there is something wrong
o The recognition of notes to Do
o The ability to use hand signs as a form of dictation
o Being able to recognize the song as, All Around the Buttercup
by then end
o Underlying
To have students be able to notice similarities and
differences from the beginning and the end

2017-12-15 374627101.doc
o Sing until in a circle
Explain the game
o everyone will hold their arms up and form an arch with the
people on either side of them.
o While another student weaves in and out between people
while we sing through the song twice
o When we stop singing the person in the middle will choose
someone next to them to lead them through the people
o Each time we stop another person joins the line
o Similar to blue bird
o Ability to sing the song from memory

2017-12-15 374627101.doc
2017-12-15 374627101.doc

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