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3320 Spartanburg Hwy.

Flatrock,North Carolina,28731

September 25, 2017

Graduation Project Committee

East Henderson High School
150 Eagle Pride Drive
East Flat Rock, North Carolina 28726

Dear Graduation Project Committee:

Its about Self-improvement Increasing Confidence. As an individual,

whos having a hard time in presenting and being in front of many people, a person
that has a low self-esteem in many years I want to know how I can overcome or
prevent this issues that most of the people facing especially the students. I didnt
know any further information about this area but I just know that many people
struggling on how they can boost their confidence.

Im planning for my research is to show the effects of confidence in

each individual. I also want to show in my research on how they can overcome of
having a low self-esteem through years. And Im planning to take a public
speaking class to improve and to boost my confidence.

So, my papers will show the effect of confidence to individual, the

benefit of having a confidence and how they can overcome of the lack of
confidence. And for my project I will use visual which is video or picture before
without a confidence and after with confidence.

Plagiarism is an act in copying the work(article word by word) of others

without giving credit. This act is prohibited in making a research paper and its one
of the offence in doing some research that the student should not commit.


Rizza Anacaya

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