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Dot Product

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In This Presentation
We will give a definition
Look at properties
See the relationship in projections
Look at vectors in different coordinate systems
Do example problems
Dot Product
If a = <a1, a2> and b = <b1, b2>, then the dot product of a and b
is number a b given by

a b = a1b1 + a2b2

Likewise with 3 dimensions,

Given a = <a1, a2, a3> and b = <b1, b2 , b3 >

a b = a1b1 + a2b2 + a3b3

Dot Product
The result of a dot product is not a vector, it is a real number
and is sometimes called the scalar product or the inner
Orthogonal Vectors
Two vectors a and b are orthogonal (perpendicular) if and only
if a b = 0

Example: The vectors i, j, and k that correspond to the x, y,

and z components are all orthogonal to each other
Find a b:
1. Given a = <-4, -5> and b = <2, -9>
a b = a1b1 + a2b2
a b = (-4)(2) + (-5)(-9) = -8 + 45
a b = 37

2. Given a = 2j + 7k and b = -7i + 4j - k

a b = (0)(-7) + (2)(4) + (7)(-1) = 0 + 8 + (-7)
Dot Product
Properties of the dot product
1. a a = |a|2
2. a b = b a
3. a (b + c) = a b + a c
4. (ca) b = c(a b) = a (cb)
5. 0 a = 0
(Note that 0 (bolded) is the zero vector)
Dot Product
If the angle between the two vectors
a and b is , then

a b = |a||b|cos


Find a b:
1. Given |a| = 8, |b| = 4 and = 60
a b = |a||b|cos = (8)(4)cos(60) = 12(1/2)

2. Given |a| = 3, |b| = 2 and = /4

a b = (3)(2)cos(/4) = 6((2)/2)
a b = 3(2)
Find the angle between the two vectors:
Given a = <-1, -3> and b = <3, -3>
a b = (-1)(3) + (-3)(-3) = -3 + 9 = 6
|a| = (1+9) = (10)
|b| = (9+9) = (18) = 3(2)
= 6/((10)*3(2)) = 6/(6(5)) = 1/(5)

= 1/(5) = (5)/5 rad

Direction Angles
Given a = <a1, a2, a3>

cos =

cos =

cos =
Find the direction angles of the vector a:
Given a = 3i j + 4k
|a| = (9+1+16) = (26)
cos = 3/(26) = cos-1(3/(26)) = 0.94 rad
cos = -1/(26) = cos-1(-1/(26)) = 1.8 rad
cos = 4/(26) = cos-1(4/(26)) = 0.67 rad
Scalar projection of b onto a:
compa b =

Vector projection of b onto a:

proja b = ( ) =
Find the scalar and vector projection of b onto a:
Given a = <-1, -3> and b = <3, -3>
a b = (-1)(3) + (-3)(-3) = -3 + 9 = 6
|a| = (1+9) = (10)
|b| = (9+9) = (18) = 3(2)

compa b = a b/|a| = 6/(10)

proja b = a b/|a|2*a = 6/10*a = <-3/5, -9/5>
Application Example 1
Problem: A cart is pulled a distance of 50m along a horizontal
path by a constant force of 25 N. The handle of the cart is
pulled at an angle of 60 above the horizontal. Find the work
done by the force.

F and d are force and displacement vectors
W = F d = |F||d|cos = (25)(50)cos(60)

W = 625 J
Application Example 2
Problem: Given a constant vector field F = 7i + 3j k find the
work done from point P(5,3,-4) to the point Q(1,4,-7)

d = <1 5, 4 3, -7 (-4)> = <-4, 1, -3>
W = F d = <7,3,-1> <-4,1,-3>
= (7)(-4) + (3)(1) + (-1)(-3) = -28 + 4 +3
W = -21 J
Given a vector in any coordinate system, (rectangular,
cylindrical, or spherical) it is possible to obtain the
corresponding vector in either of the two other coordinate

Given a vector A = Axax + Ayay + Azaz we can obtain A = Aa +

Aa + Azaz and/or
A = Arar + Aa + Aa
Rectangular Coordinate System
Define A = Axax + Ayay + Azaz as a rectangular vector where
each component is a function of x, y, and z
Cylindrical Coordinate System
Define A = Aa + Aa + Azaz as a rectangular vector where
each component is a function of , , and z
Spherical Coordinate System
Define A = Arar + Aa + Aa as a rectangular vector where
each component is a function of r, , and
Rectangular to Cylindrical
Dot products of unit vectors in cylindrical and rectangular
coordinate systems

ax ax ax
ax cos -sin 0
ay sin cos 0
x = cos az 0 0 1
y = sin
Rectangular to Spherical
Dot products of unit vectors in spherical and rectangular
coordinate systems

ar A a
ax sin cos cos cos -sin
ay sin sin cos sin cos
x = r sin cosa cos -sin 0
y = r sin sin
z = r cos
Given a rectangular vector A = Axax + Ayay + Azaz , we want to
find the vector in cylindrical coordinates A = Aa + Aa + Azaz

To find any desired component of a vector, we take the dot

product of the vector and a unit vector in the desired
A = A a and A = A a
Example 1
Express the vector F = 4ax -2ay +8az in cylindrical coordinates:
F = F a = 4(ax a) 2(ay a) + 8(az a)
= 4(cos) 2(sin) + 8(0)
= 4cos 2sin
F = F a = 4(ax a) 2(ay a) + 8(az a)
= 4(-sin) 2(cos) + 8(0)
= -4sin 2cos
Fz = 8

F = (4cos 2sin)a + (-4sin 2cos)a + 8az

Example 1 (cont.)
Evaluate F given = 2.5, = 0.7, z = 1.5:
F = (4cos 2sin)a + (-4sin 2cos)a + 8az

F = 4cos 2sin = 4cos(0.7) 2sin(0.7) = 1.77

F = -4sin 2cos = -4sin(0.7) 2cos(0.7) = -4.1
Fz = 8

F = 1.77a 4.1a + 8az

Example 2
Given a vector field E = xax + yay + zaz, convert to cylindrical and
spherical coordinates:
E = E a = x(ax a) + y(ay a) + z(az a)
= cos(cos) sin(sin) + z(0)
= cos2 + sin2 = (cos2 + sin2) =
E = E a = x(ax a) + y(ay a) + z(az a)
= cos(-sin) + sin(cos) + z(0)
= -cossin + cossin = 0
Ez = z

E = a + zaz (cylindrical)
Example 2 (cont.)
Express E in spherical coordinates:
Er = E ar = x(ax ar) + y(ay ar) + z(az ar)
= x(sincos) + y(sinsin) + z(cos)
= rsin2cos2 + rsin2sin2 + rcos2
= rsin2(cos2 + sin2) + rcos2 = rsin2 + rcos2
= r(sin2 + cos2) = r
E = E a = x(ax a) + y(ay a) + z(az a)
= x(coscos) + y(cossin) + z(-sin)
= rsincoscos2 + rcossinsin2 rsincos
= rsincos(cos2 + sin2) rsincos
= rsincos rsincos = 0
Example 2 (cont.)
E = E a = x(ax a) + y(ay a) + z(az a)
= x(-sin)+ y(cos)
= -rsinsincos + rsinsincos = 0

E = r ar (spherical)
Calculus Stewart 6th Edition, Section 13.3 The Dot Product

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