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My Self Perception


Megan Thompson


Professor Anestine Theophile-LaFond

8 September 2017
As a sophomore at Montgomery College, I am studying Criminal Justice to become an

attorney. My desire is to get straight As this semester to transfer to the University of Maryland,

College Park in fall 2018. I see a 20 year old black woman who loves to read. My skin is a dark

shade and my hair is braided. To gain experience in law, I interned at the Office of the Public

Defender at the District Court of Maryland. Having read the self-concept background, I realize

that I am a highly esteemed, strong, independent woman. I understand self-concept to be my

unique characteristics that allow me to stand out from the crowd. For example, I am an open-

minded person open to ideas and challenges. To express the image of myself, I will include my

cultural background, personal goals and roles I play in life.

My dad is from Ghana and mom is from Ethiopia, hence I would like to learn to speak

Fante. My birthplace is Washington D.C, therefore I consider myself an African-American. My

goal is to establish trust in my relationships because it ensures open, honest communication. As

an enthusiastic student, I want to show Im dedicated and ready to answer and ask questions.

Having lived in the United States, I perceive body image to be essential. Looking healthy means

losing weight and I aim to get fitter.

My goal is to balance between high self-monitor and low self-monitor. Adapting to

situations and acting behavior is useful in fast paced environments. However, the low self

monitors . . .. Simpler and more focused idea of who they are and who they want to be is an

attractive trait to me (Adler 44). I want to adapt to situations and understand my true feelings

about situations and people. Flexibility is the key to successful communication emphasizes the

transformational quality of communication and need to switch approaches constantly (Adler 44).

At times I appear to exhibit low self-monitor behavior because I act the same in situations. I am a

high self-monitor because I emphasize the similarities between people when meeting them and
remember their introductions. For example, when I am around my parents, I tend to obey and

follow their word.

To cap my worth, I am priceless because I am a child of the highest God. My uniqueness

stands me out because I stay true to myself. I value good health, optimism, education and

nurturing relationships. As an only child, I feel close to my family and the nudge to succeed in

school. I believe in respect, unconditional love, growth and healthy competition. My mom

influences me because she demonstrates truth and strength. Because my mom and friends are

women impact me strongly, I love generously.

According Adler, the self-fulfilling prophecy occurs when a persons expectation of an

outcome and that persons subsequent behavior make the outcome more likely to occur than

would otherwise have been true (Adler 34). This means peoples conversation with themselves

determines how they will act and accomplish their goals. Margaret Thatcher demonstrates the

power of thoughts explaining, What we think, we become (Adler 35). As the first female prime

minister, her strength of mind shows how patience and hope for oneself can allow person to

achieve their dreams. Putting yourself down by reprimanding yourself will lead to unnatural

behavior. To create my expectations, I visualize myself five years ahead of now. This allows me

to work by focusing on the present.

When I repeat encouraging words to myself like, I am talented, important and say honest

words, I tend to value myself and tell the truth easier. However, when I say words like, Im

stupid and fat then I physically shrink and withdraw from others. Therefore it is useful to

reinforce nice conversations with myself. Central sources of motivation I look to are the Bible,

Joel Osteen podcasts, jogging and conversations with my mom. These guide me to stay on track
and focus on my goal of getting good grades so I can transfer to St. Marys College of Maryland.

This shows how the goal of succeeding in life drives me to do well in school.

My role as daughter influences me to be respectful to my parents and myself. I adhere to

my parents rules by telling the truth and trying my hardest in school. On a family members

birthday, I am a dedicated family member by calling them and sharing my love (Adler 42). As

a mentee, I aim to find my major in school and stay on track with my education. To find my

financial bank, I am seeking a stable bank for me to deposit my savings. My goal is to remain

loyal to my relationships and adhere to others expectations. Having lived in the United States all

my life, I live an individualistic culture set on competition. Individualistic cultures weigh

importance and self worth and self-promotion (Adler 33).

At home, I live in a high-culture context society. To be a part of a team, I will aim to

obey my parents and encourage harmony. My confidence and imagination rely on explaining

stories to people. This gives me way to communicate my life experiences.

As an intellectual and avid reader, I savor my quiet time because it allows me to think

and reflect on my actions. I enjoy reading books because they open my mind to a new world I

may not have considered. Attaining different words allow me to use speak with new words I

enjoy learning the meaning of. My thirst for knowledge and comfort in my own skin emphasizes

that I understand my future goals.

An actor playing several roles, I engage in daughter with family, responsible student at

school and respectful worker at my internship. It is critical that I avoid meeting neighbors at

work because their record may be unpleasant to know. I exercise caution and enthusiasm when

interning to complete work as fast as possible.

My self-esteem depends largely on my performance at school and relationships with

family and friends. I value the advice of significant others like my mom, professors and friends.

Their insight of my personality allows me to adapt my approach to suit the appropriate behavior.

I enjoy listening and getting in shape to take care of my body and mind. The education guides

my future so I try to do well on tests to increase grade. Speaking to myself kindly impacts my

behavior therefore I focus on material Im writing and words I speak so I complete the task well.

To maintain a good self-esteem, I watch my eating habits and listen to my parents. This shows

how serious I am in achieving my goals and projecting a good attitude. With focus and

determination, I believe I will reach my goals in life.

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