1984 Dialectical Journal

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Independent Reading Dialectical Journal

Name: Ryan Sutherland

Date: 8-26-17
Title of Novel: 1984
Author: George Orwell
Period: 8


No. Pg. Quote Response Classific
# ation

1. p.3 This powerful introduction shows utopian TT

"You had to livedid live, from habit society of Big Brother and this perfect
that became instinctin the assumption community that he wants to create and
that every sound you made was maintain "the place where there is no
overheard, and, except in darkness, every darkness" which is illusion it self due to the
moment scrutinized." fact that nothing is perfect and to get to a
perfect society you need take away
everything from that community with the
people in it which then make it imperfect
much like the society in Lord of the Flies

2. p.4 "WAR IS PEACE / FREEDOM IS A strong powerful slogan used by the Big
SLAVERY / IGNORANCE IS Brother Party and creates a strong example
STRENGTH." in today's world where War is part of bring TW
peace, and how freedom can doom use to
being our own slaves to society. This brings
very strong feelings toward the action of
many leaders of the world and their type of
thinking .

3. "He was the commander of a vast Big Brother a leader of a perfect world that DI
p.13 shadowy army, underground network of has so much power that he has the capability
conspirators dedicat ed to the overthrow to control the people and do whatever he
of the State." need to do without any repercussions which
will be the main trail for the main character
in his journey to free himself from the
4. p.22 "He was a fattish but active man of This a man totally lacks the ability to think DI
paralyzing stupidity, a mass of imbecile for himself, and thus the Party relies on him
enthusiasmone of those completely to convince and lead others, due to the ease
unquestioning, devoted drudges on whom, of manipulation.
more even than on the Thought Police, the
stability of the Party depended."

5. p.24 "It was almost normal for people over Currently I am babysitting and I can TS
thirty to be frightened of their own understand this feeling of having children
children." that do things unexpected and always
watching your back to make sure they don't
destroy one of my pieces belonging by
flushing it down the toilet

6. " 'We shall meet in the place where there This is the beginning of the journey where DI
p.25 is no darkness.' " we are looking toward the future and make it
through the government that bounds this
community to a new time a free time were
this society currently is stuck in the dark but
soon well be shown the light

7. p.29 It was somehow slightly frightening, This related to the qoute earlier in the book TI
like the gambolling of tiger cubs which "It was almost normal for people over thirty
will soon grow up into man-eaters. to be frightened of their own children."
becauses this families have raised their kids
to make them the perfect citizens of this
community but in the end the children will
grow out and put their parents out the

8. p.36 Now he had recognized himself as a Much like this quote the feeling of no escape TS
dead man it became important to stay from a force that you have called opponent
alive as long as possible. that will have its way with you gives you a
horrible feeling of being trapped but to stay
afloat and to survive the trail head on is a
feeling that strives through every living

9. 38 Tragedy belonged to a time when... In the free world as people when tragedy TW
the members of a family stood by one strikes we stand together as a people and
another without needing to know the Share one another's griefs and we don't ask
reason. one another why but instead we as a people
have a understanding a love that can not be
conquered by any government but in this
story we see the opposite people who
thoughts are being filtered by the

10. p.40 "This process of continuous alteration was Ideas are more powerful than guns. We TW
applied not only to newspapers, but to would not let our enemies have guns, why
books, periodicals, pamphlets, posters, should we let them have ideas. This is a
leaflets, films, soundtracks, cartoons, quote by Stalin on how the knowledge to the
photographsto every kind of literature people that you rule can affect the future and
or documentation which might give them the ammunition to destroy the
conceivably hold any political or perfect world
ideological significance."

11. 65 "Sexual intercourse was to be looked on As in the story of secual intercourse was a TW
as a slightly disgusting minor operation, sign of rebellion were in today's society its
like having an enema." highly suggested to commit that act freely
(in moderation & if the time is right) but
much like the g

12. 74 "Life, if you looked about you, bore no He has this thought weather if he could ever TI
resemblance not only to the lies that rebel.Try to weigh his decisions and finding
streamed out of the telescreens, but even out if this is the path he should take
to the ideals that the Party was trying to


14. 126 "No emotion was pure, because Winston's passage highlights how intimacy DI
everything was mixed up with fear and in this world is shown as rebellion against
hatred. Their embrace had been a battle, the running party were all they would prefer
the climax a victory" it to be emotionless and dead

15. 157 "By sharing a small act of thoughtcrime By involving others simply through sharing TW
he turned the two of them into ideas they become part of the crime itself.
accomplices." This is most likely why people are
interrogated even if they arent actual
participants of the crime.


17. 72 In the old days London was not the This is a representation of the old day that TW
beautiful city that we know today. It was a never last. In today's world we strive to
dark, dirty, miserable place where hardly create are own perfect society but in reality
anybody had enough to eat
we will never be able to create that. Would
are perception of beauty or amazing can be

18. 74 "Life, if you looked about you, bore no This shows the contrast between reality and TW
resemblance not only to the lies that what Party would want to have its members
streamed out of the telescreens, but even believe. This is much like WWII when they
to the ideals that the Party was trying to
would limit the knowledge of the people

19. 80 Perhaps a lunatic was simply a minority The basic understanding of a lunatic is of a TI
of one. person who thinks in a radical way, but in
the story to have independent think is a sign
that you're a lunatic because everyone in this
world has Big Brother thinking for them

20. 81 The Party told you to reject the evidence Ignorance is bliss, and knowledge proves DI
of your eyes and ears. It was their final, deadly. More often than not, it is the one that
most essential command. knows something that is a threat than the one
would is blissfully unaware of the situation
around him. By this reasoning, The Party
must remove all threats to their authority
and this is how they do so.

21. 82 To do anything that suggested a taste for In this the character is stating that that Big TT
solitude was always slightly Brother would have a short leash on his
dangerous. individualism and people. He wants them to think, act, &
follow everything that he believes is good
for his people. This is similar to the story
Lord of the Flies because they try to create a
perfect society where everyone would follow
what they say

22. 109 At the sight of the words I love you the When you have a reason to live, you become TS
desire to stay alive had welled up in him, significantly more wary of anything that
and the taking of minor risks suddenly could harm either you or that reason. Now
seemed stupid. that he has a reason, the thought of rebellion
or danger is a lot less appealing. Why would
someone risk their life for something, instead
of protecting that which they love?

23. 125 "Almost as swiftly as he had imagined it, These shows that Winston's dreams that he TT
she had torn her clothes off, and when she has had in the past came true, and this is the
flung them aside it was with that same start were which Julia chooses to rebel
magnificent gesture by which a whole
against B.B. This is to reflect the similarities
civilization seemed to be annihilated."
of Shakespeare stories, that show the
expression of the human spirit.

24. 135 Some kinds of failure are better than This society is being represented in a way TT
other kinds, thats all. that the people believe that no matter what
they do that failure in not a issue and this
pholphisope is similar to the one in the novel
Siddhartha. This is because the character
Siddhartha believes that the world should not
be concerned in the failures of life.

25. 150 "The room was a world, a pocket of the Winston has rented a room with Julia, and he TW
past where extinct animals could walk." has directed the room to the past.This shows
Big Brother control the past. Much like
Stalin when he controlled what the public
would see and edit all literature to coincide
with what he wanted the public to see

26. 164 She had been an unusual woman she A certain kind of regalness emanated from TI
had possessed a kind of nobility. her. Unusual ways of thinking and acting
that separate her from others.

27. 164 If you loved someone, you loved him, Our main character is talking about the old TW
and when you had nothing else to give, ways of life in society before Big Brother
you still gave him love. where people were free to love and have
feelings like in today's world where we have
the freedom to pick and choose who we love
in this life.

28. 166 Confession is not betrayal. Only The feelings behind an action is what truly DI
feelings matter. If they could make me warrants the word betrayal. If one does it
stop loving you--that would be the real for the sake of backstabbing or personal
gain, that is true betrayal, not protecting.

29. 166 They cant do that. Its the one thing The world could be represented as Big TS
they cant do. They can make you say Brother because of all the people as you
anything--anything--but they cant make travel through life try to convert you to there
you believe it. They cant get inside you.
way to thinking much like what Big Brother
tries to do but still in our minds we always
have the choice to think for ourselves that
something no dictator or ruler can change

30 168 The whole atmosphere of the huge block The vast majority of the world is poor and TW
of flats, the richness and spaciousness of dying, the Inner Party members live in
everything, the unfamiliar smells of good amazing lives.The whole motif of the the
food and good tobacco. poor and rich is a huge part of this

31. 171 Actually, when he came to swallow it, I could relate to this due to the fact where he TS
the stuff was distinctly disappointing. would get so excited about a certain thing
and then it's not how you would expect it to

32. 174 You will always be in the dark. I tell To always be in the dark and never to have TI
you that the Brotherhood exists, but I the the light (truth & fact) s
cannot tell you whether it numbers a
hundred members, or ten million.

33. 180 "On a scarlet-draped platform an orator of They are highly reminiscent of TW
the Inner Party, a small lean man with Adolf Hitler and the USSR, and so are
disproportionately long arms and a large, noteworthy. The both are based on the same
bald skull over which a few lank lock
straggled, was haranguing the crowd."

34. 186 It is impossible for it to be decisive. Just as it sounds (The whole story itself). DI

35. 187 Secondly, there is no longer, in a The lose of a material reason to fight can be TS
material sense, anything to fight about. demoralizing if one does not have an idea
meaning behind what he does.
36. 188 The primary aim of modern warfare is The government uses war to control the TI
to use up the products of the machine people and keep them unable to obtain the
without raising the general standard of certain luxuries that are allotted to the select
few. It also helps keep them in the dark,
unaware of the truth.

37 199 A peace that was truly permanent would He is comparing the world that he is part of TW
be the same as a permanent war. currently where they are telling him that the
peace they bring is just as painful as the war
that would be permanent due to how many
rules that are place in the prison of a society.
This could be compared the Island named
Alcatraz were the men that would be trapped
under the prison would be stuck under the
same circumstance

38. 207 There are only four ways in which a If one removes all possible enemies, he wins TW
ruling group can fall from power. A indefinitely. In essence, Its a power
ruling class which could guard against all monopoly.
of them would remain in power

39. 208

40. 214 Doublethink lies at the very heart of If one believes ones own lie, is he/she truly TI
Ingsoc, since the essential act of the Party lying? To that person it is the truth and the
is to use conscious deception while whole truth, for it is all that they know. It is
retaining the firmness of purpose that goes
the very essence of ignorance and control,
with complete honesty.
and the Party knows it. They use it very
much to keep themselves in power and the
public easy to manipulate.

41. 216 The prevailing mental condition must be Basically, it means that to believe a blatant DI
controlled insanity. lie is insanity, but the lies are controlled.
That which is given to believe is careful
scrutinized by those in power to engineer
their utopia.

42. 236 "I've got a wife and three children. The Winston's fellow inmate told to Winston to DI
biggest of them isn't six years old. You build terror out of the rommer of Room 101.
can take the whole lot of them and cut
their throats in front of my eyes, and I'll This may be a room that Winston will go to
stand by and watch it. But not Room 101" later in the story

43 245 You are afraid that in another Pointing out that Winston is just a regular TS
moment something is going to break. man that may believe that he is working for a
better cause that gives him a feeling of a God
but in the end he is just a man with fear in
his heat and can be broken like any man

44. 249 Would not make the act of submission To become part of the society that he hates DI
which is the price of sanity. so much him accepting the ideas of Big
Brother is basically going insane and
accepting the pure insanity that B.B. tells to
his people.

45. 250 How can I help seeing what is in front Someone who truly knows what they see. TI
of my eyes? Two and two are four. Someone who is a danger to the Party in
power. He refuses to believe a lie.

46. 252 It did not matter whether OBrien was a No matter what in life you can come across TS
friend or an enemy. OBrien was a people are part of are very
person who could be talked to.

47. 253 Not merely to extract your confession, To change their enemy is to do more than DI
nor to punish you. We do not merely just crush them and their will to fight for
destroy our enemies; we change them. their cause. It turns them into a weapon
against what they used to believe. It is the
most complete form of strategic dominance.

48. 255 But we make the brain perfect before we They build there people up to their highest DI
blow it out. point of knowledge and then when they feel
like they think they know everything the
government in which they live tears them
down and destroyed what they think they
know which is a recurring theme.

49. 256 What most oppressed him was the The lack of knowledge can be the most TW
consciousness of his own intellectual enslaving. Knowledge is what can free a
inferiority. man. It can change everything for someone
who is poor or lives in a lesser part of the
world. The lack of it could cause the same
person to never change or improve.

50. 263 The Party seeks power entirely for its This is the point of the story were all emotio, DI
own sake. We are not interested in the all hope and means of light in his life is
good of others; we are interested solely in diminished by the darkness of the
power. Power is power over human
community and has no potential to return

Tone Paragraph
I love to spend my days with my family in Hawaii. Messing around on the beach is so
much fun, even if the sand gets in my hair. Everyday its a new adventure because of the
memories I share with everybody. There couldn't be one thing I don't like about Hawaii;
besides, who can hate a place where you get to swim with sea turtles. After the day is
over, I go to bed restlessly awaiting for the exciting adventures of tomorrow.
The Interlopers

Ryan Sutherland

October 1, 2017

Period 8

West Career and Technical Academy

The Interlopers Acceptance

The short story of The Interlopers is a story of two men from opposing families that

have despised each other for a countless amount of years, Ulrich von Gradwitz and Georg

Znaeym. These two opposing forces that would normally not likely be able to accept one

another's beliefs were able to band together to survive through the elements of nature and wait

for one another's party to come rescue them.

The feud between these men & their families has been an unnecessary hatred.When they

drag me out from under these damned branches it won't need much clumsiness on their part to

roll this mass of trunk right over on the top of you. Your men will find you dead under a fallen

beech tree, (Saki:pg.3) The Greed over the forest has poisoned these men's souls. It has

barricaded their hearts with hate, with their inner selves locked in battle with anger as the stir for

both men and pride as the monster that swallows them up. There is no redemption in the minds

of these two men, as they are bound to their families hatred toward one another. A proud man

is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you are looking down,

you cannot see something that is above you. (C.S. Lewis, Mere) This dispute has pulled the

curtain over both the family's eyes causing them to be blind to the desolation. If not for the feud,

both men wouldn't have been placed under the unforeseen circumstance of their horrific death.

Their own knowledge has made them cynical. They fight so much to over so little.Their lineage,

which has brought these two men to this point, has forsaken them to certain death over the

insignificant pride of both families.

The initial definition Interloper is A person who becomes involved in a place or

situation where they are not wanted or are considered not to belong. In the end, both this men
want to help one another.Peace there would be among the forester folk if we ended our feud

to-night. And if we choose to make peace among our people. These men are not beastly. In the

end, both these men band together, realizing that to live by each others happiness is better than

living by each others misery and false pride. They dont want to hate and despise one

another.The forest is rich and can provide for both families. Living can be free without any

grudges, but somehow both the families have lost sight of this. When you put away the fighting

and bloodshed, these are just two men that have been created equal in on the same mission.

The moral of the story is to not let long-lasting feuds determine the fate of generations to

come but to learn and build trust and loyalty. These two men have realized that they should have

learned to understand and coexist with each other. To find peace in oneself and to never look

back on what has happened but always to keep moving forward, just like George and Ulrich.

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