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POR RAT ee ko <0). OXFORD 1.Communication | 2 Careers ud VOCABULARY» Communication in ‘Applying for jobs Employment — business adjectives to describe people Using English for work Benefits of learning Two people talk other languages about jobs ‘Changing economies Present simple and ‘continuous Past simple and present perfect LANGUAGE\FOR ‘Telephoning and Giving advice ‘Asking questions leaving messages and stating preferences ‘Advising a colleague Letters, faxes, and Producing a CV Covering letter emai fora cv Policy person for the job SPs and the product life cycle Retail outlets and ‘the supply chain . How to negotiate a } Survived competition bank loan FOR — Making suggestions Giving an effective Negotiating a good ‘improvements presentation deal Dealing with customer Promotional copy for Chasing late ‘complaints new products payments e . 4 ‘Saving a company Developing and Negotiating a ‘promoting an satisfactory deal invention Market research | 11 Investment ‘OR Indirect questions Information files Grammar guide Listening scripts CD-ROM. Glossary of business terms poz prs pis put piss BD Communication TALKING BUSINESS 11 Read the questionnaire and tc () the sentences which are ru about you Discus your answer. VOCABULARY 41 Match the statements 1-6 with the responses -f 1+ This website takes long He’ probaly chang onlin or time to download. surfing the nee 2 Would yout her mabe 1b No,senditas an email atachment surmbert © Hold on, 1 put you through to 2 Hsin sil by her extension 4 Your fx is’ very clea 44 Yes there are a0 many images 5) like to speak to Gemma, Would you ke me to send again? plow Yes, please—Tilsend hera text 6 Shall print this eter and resi poste 2, Lintthe words and expressions in connected with: telephoning the lntrnet mal eters and axe 3. Which ways of communicating do you us egal 4 Complete the sentences wi traning native course knowedge ‘hile offi! commen fuert word from the bom. 1 Ifyou improne your language __ahille__ youl be abet gt ete jo. 2 Bven though Leni completly in English, she sl asa song Russian accent, 3 Vtech i Swedish mulkinational whose languages English This means English i spoken in meetings and wsed for ll company document 46 Have you ever thought of doing a evening, after work? 5 My Srm hope odo more business abroad, 2o plane wo introduce anguage forall ssf. 6 She hava good working oF Chinese and communicates easly in everyday stations. Somncne who ie speaker speaks language a their mother tog. {Heinrich is German and Stats is from Argenting fortunately they have French at ‘ tangeage. LISTENING 11 Read thefts about the English language: Why has ithecome so succesful 8095 ofthe wo’ clecronzaly toed Aguarter of the wrk!s population, Intracon ia Engh 1.2 bain 1.5 billion, speak Engl 0 “Threqunrer of the word’ mals wanes some level of competence By 2050 this ao Tiber pom nae ‘aglish she main language of took, ‘Thee are around 320 0 372 mio native ‘omens soca ses cat, spears of Engi othe works and Enh Incrtona busines ecology dipacy, ‘REN a second ngage around 238 Spor eration ompettons, pop ms, to 370ailion people. hd cverting ‘Ore two-thind ofthe worst rend Haglish as oficial or speci stats nat leat 75 Eaglsh ‘runtis, with tol popeltion of over 2 bilon. 2 4h) Listento thee people taking about using English and complete the tbl, 1 Where they ve Sonoma Rang 3 What they us Eran for: cmsite 4 Wo they speak oleagues fon 3 Transhtng aed interpreting cot in the European Union are andreds of millons of euros eit time tves common Fsropes langage, common world language! Which language would you choose? READING “1 Read the situation above involving language problems in Betis companies 11 What big mistake do you think was mae in each? Turn o File 26 0n page 112 forthe anewers. 2 Whathoald British companies learn fom thst 2. Read the arte about ANC Exports, small company which has done well asa ‘est of improving its language sk. 1 Deve these sentences are tre (7) oils (sporting your answers ‘ith information from the tx. [AKC managed to sll potatoe to aly AKC was happy with sing an interpreter AKC thinks that clr dtference are wnimportant. (One person was atthe centre ofthe changes. Karen was already a fluent alan speaker. Karen knows ow to maximize er language leaning. Customers ughed when se fist tried to communicate in Haan Karen's wor har flected staff tal levels inthe company ‘What could oer small export companies lar from A&C’ experience? 3 Inpsirsor group list ways you could improve your Ealsh Then compare your lst wth the one in Fle 27 on page 112. Tick (7) the ogetions that you think are practical Put cress (1) bythe ones ou think are impossible or impractical. “alk sbout your answers in groups or asaclas. GRAMMAR 1 Which ofthe verbsin talisin sentences a-hBelow: 3 Complete the tex by changing the ver in brackets Peay Inte one of the frm in 2- The rst one has ben done 2 describes a eton tht began and ended inthe fo pat 3) apresses an everday tut o att {4 ecrbes an aon that wat in progres when ‘woes aps Gotan Bt mma smother action happened? (oe) be mse sng he Garang Ne 5 exprewer an intention” igi Resa (describes something that began in the past with a rest inthe present + duce ee athe osc 1 deseribes an etion current in progres? (ee renin Hes an 1 shows tht an action happened further inthe past Inport mig ee than another post action! toe peed 2 ASC takes reat creo respond othe cultural hota Sate Sn as | requirements of ty estomers ‘nate cert — state | Shelisened to lian wl she ws ving smdng Wha lh Gre [ABC Exports has en its nl export sales ise Pe i iowinetinpoedittregriogngais tive Meath Beata | 4 Shesays she gong tohave + working knowledge conn acid —eamenin | | ‘of German by Chrismas co Geran, se yo a oe ‘One small company was sucesfl afer it had taught its ta to speak orig languages. In the four weeks before she took up er new pot, she redo improve he Kain She’ teaching Spanish co senor staf "Now they areal quite conden that export sles weil continue wo te 2 Whichof the sentences in 1 ah use: 1 the going fare the future simple? the present simpler © 4 the present continous? the present perfect simple the past spl? Sa ce pe caine Cette ered 8 the pat peter? ° conmricaion ED LANGUAGE FOR leaving messages ‘1 What kinds of tings annoy you when you try fo phone a company? Compere your snr wth Pe JB oe page 13. 22) Youare going to hear two telephone conversations 1 Listen tall, “urn ile 2 on page 113. Tick () the things that any the cle 1 Correct the mesage on the ef then compare your answers with purine. © _Intherearyhing postive about the mesa! 2 Listen agen and compete these sentences fom the conversation ain the example lle spate Corinne Peters, pleat ® 4 menage fr he? © Goudie tha Siobhan °Connor ang, plese? or that se gets it 2 Listen oll 2 Wy i fean-aojus Gira calling Paradise Marketing? What doe be he ode? > Hayei l treated direc rom cll A? 4 Listen gis ai Yorplete hese sentence rom the conversion Maman Resources Melanie Coline be ive me your name and ade. eu speling hat, plese? Right etme jou you ‘5 Which expressions in 2 and 4 are useful fo: asking speak to someone! asking for and checking speling? 1 glving and king meget SPEAKING 11 Workin pir. Create a telephone comveration uring the ces low: Be yourselves Batre an ee eee Agr to take menage: ak name /ramber wine eee Spm ee 2 Workin prs Stent A turmoil on page 102-Stadat Btwn to Fle 120 age 107 Make ure that you spell ames and give all umber corety. When [Jou have nished both anverantions, check your message with your partners rg iormation BD ns 4" WRITING 1 Read texts 2,and 3 Mac eon ‘rod ee eer cont Paes 29 Mc 206 + Deac gic Hao, Ae lama ig cure ‘an wnginmpene ou eee a ‘erp Pee a ou eo ers eee sobre omer ate eel © terete tea ee freer o Roars, ‘rattan tau Se ascae Sense tte cua | Pn pet inn PA Matos Ree meen eee aaa Tae Se meteneseera Yours faaifoly Thank you very much for sending me your application form and information ia matin | cn) eiesn Sree ee eee rese 1 ya TP inestaant ¢ amu 3 npr brtiat 2 2 Wan were brvating ect nS 3. Comite reine han appre xen fom ie es =e eS ort ssncoly Oe Earner tor fea Meat igi ve _— _ ‘begin with Dear Mr / Mrs / 4d tvevatins and oi, 22nd 3 bh eae Maia et aecap <2 @ ‘a ser inex Pet o_.. eae 8 tgieee Tel wrt an a oun i Seppe nd — ‘wath Best regoras, 2. Choose one of thes tasks 1 YouareCorinne Writ short email to Siobhan suggesting ste and a place where you an meet. 2 White a facto Ms Clin from Jean Janues Gadoux. ay you are delighted that you have been accepted fora placement Ask ifthe company can hep you ‘organ accommodation for your sty. 2 White ashore leer to the enrolments secretary athe Crowd Busnes School asking fra prospectus of ir basins sts courses. aki rants te avaable fo oeiga stants commaiaton CASE STUDY 11 Read about Cassia Printing Presses and identify what important problem the ‘Cast Pring Press is ase in Leipsig in ‘Germany Recent, it has opened assembly plants in So Pal in Baal and Salamanca {in Spain. As there iso ofial eompany language, the lel languages, German, Portuguese, and Spanish reused in al of ‘he plants. Instructors from the headquarters in Germany vist the other offices to tin) Aocal technical tft instl Csi printing ‘esses and to tran leases staf to show ‘aslomer how to operate them. This can be ‘ileal jab wen everyone speaks dierent fanguages! Ther are also frequent breakdowns in commuricaion atthe ‘ees to do something about its language voi tht fin ese ras can work more efficiently. 22. Mos statfat Cassa have English a thei second language. Casa has brought in language taining organicaton to et ts employee knowledge of Eglin. This thelr report. ‘Summary of language analysis | Pre Technical tlt Most have very ile knowledge of English (oval Inetsctors| Most are abet take pat in very bese communications in English {tool 2A tow ofthe more wxparenced ste con communicate ‘more easy (oval 3) ‘elophone and reeption stat between love 1 and level 3.To take basic cello they Tove 2 In two or thes languages. Language taining takes 150 nous (75 hours of lass + 75 hours fs stay) for fe student to progress from one level othe next Tne et doreaaress wf Sorroreen por tome Forces rors reduced rate of 840 pet person per hour Is ed 13, Read what the staff ave Ben saying about the language policy in the company Decide which comments were probably made by = s member of management © Funion representative Someone om the main Geman branch someone fom an overseas branch 2 Tick(Y) the opinions you agree with Which language? "The empuny should choose Engh as its corporate bens Langage, tm intornationl langage nod ne haps 0 ofood into other markets.’ vane asia 18 2 Carmen company, 50 Cenman shoul be He officiat hegeget eget Who should learn? 4 ining shoe! deepen malel tet i acta da a “Onl the mstrctors need lompene rin,” ALE Cassia’ zechnieal ataff shoals be able 20 cennarnusaze tonfartably it the onme Lamgecige! "Zh cs tmpachand fre the frst contac: ob ths company, the Vassplion shale, te ba able to jputh all company fanpoapss When and how? "Language reining should be in worn vine and paid for by the tomnpane: "Te shold abe pce aurng stad¥s personal time! Sais cores sot tte pao te amps! ‘Shaft from rors offices hou be sen fo te USA or ba UK to shady Engl! ‘selected etalf from yer verscae operations shold fGen Come, fo Ba Sa aad ces tec avg 4 Scaior management has asked a group of you to havea fresh look a he problem Sito mate some recommendations Bas onthe opinions you ticked in 3 above, Savin of recommendations aboat the ellowing which you allagree en. ‘= which anguge/ languages should Cassia adopt? Who shoul eee urgent attention and how much guage training will they eed? se How and where should language training be organined? Careers TALKING BUSINESS 11 Read thes statements and tek (7) the tree which most clas represent your lief about work 2 Twrnto File2¥ on page 113 and compare your answers withthe table Are you more theory Xor theory YF VOCABULARY 11 Complete the sentences by rearranging the ters ia CAPITALS to form a wordt do with work a inthe example. 1 Theyvesent mean _splistion__ form, PLITACAIOPN 2 They want wo waten they suggest an employer anda teacher EFEERRNCES se Leno Accs Wel hyve iit me foram 999!) met wk Can oman your it rege we wake ITEWRVNE unas wees SEX 4 Thejb ofa F250 yer. SARAYL ro 5 Hlnaademie Se pod but edocs have ny previous ‘UALIIOFQCATISN / PEEERINCEX (6 Employers are intersted practi. Whe word procesing and Aueny in languages. SLKLST 7 I Bitsn the normal working week for _ tie employees is anything up t cightcen hours a week, while people working time do around thiry-cight hours. PATR / LULF {8 Offaly she works thi fve hours a week bt sometimes with she does s many aff, VEOTIMRE 9 Now sbe works from home, she does hiv 10 Soest by teint and fiom London every day. CMMOTUE 10 Nowadays many designers or information technology workers ae 3 ‘hat they sel their wrk a srvices to diferent organization. ERLENAEFC BD caees * 2 Complete sentences 1-6 with endings af 1 They ae lying off300 workers. a. by hand or should ibe ype? 2 She tuned down the job offer bb sat Christmas when i busy. 2) She has set wpher own bec it involved working shits. 4 Doni forge to put dv 4 import export busines 5 Shou i inthis orm © cathe names of 9 referees 6 Wegenerallytaeon extra staff... fn because there arent enough ders [3 Match the phrasal verbs in allt in 2 above withthe definition below. nabl beg 2 compete 2 inchde | write dwn 4 refse 5 employ {amiss workers becaae there is enough work 4 Stay the ist of things which are important in ajo opportunites for promotion Sa gpod slay and lays Comfortable working conditions cllagues ike tue and respect SS faieand resonable boss interesting and satisfing work traning opportunites Ginge bene (eg company cx, jab secty private health insurance) 4 Choose the thee which are most and lest important for you. 2 Compe oar anevers witha partner and agree on the ae is. 3) Asses decide the tee mos and least important. LISTENING 41 Laakat the pita and read the ception. Howe ol do you think they art How do you think they made so much money By dong argu job or srorking for themes? Do you think more people wll have their own busine inthe Faure? 2 a1) ‘Twopcople ar talkingsbout the results of survey into young peoples stds towards work 1 Lise to pat A. Desde if the statements are tre (1) or fale (P. {2500 people were questioned 1b They wore under twenty five {© More young peopl are working in trading jobs. Soa 4 There are fever secure jobs now Talk about 2 Listen o pat 2 What ar young people doing instead of gong into tational employment? 1 Whatind of basnes are they going into? (© What effec re changing titods among young people hiving upon ‘tablished companies pseeets 2 What do you think theresa of sma survey in your country would be? READING 41 Amanagement magerine carted out sary among British executives to ind out ‘wh they weuld ike to shange shout thee working ves, Which do you think they ‘would mst keto change (= most, 10 least? Compare your rests with the {tawers in Fe 0 on page 113. work eile hours work rm home sede, or sed commuting change the company culture shange jobs o locate rete ‘am more be ale 0 wok ever hours reduce sess have more stall 2 Youare going o read about two women and ther tite to work, 1 Workin pure Student A, read the text below aout Trish Crofts, Student B, ‘atabout Paria Calder in File 13 on page 107 Complete the chat for your {eatand then exchange information wih your pare. 2 Now diss thee questions wih parte: Pmt ofthe tem in above do you think would Be number one on ~ Tere wih at 1» How diferent would Parvin if she worked for someone se {How common are people ike Tish and Parvin your country? fix ‘How easy foe young profesional to havelives whih are a heathy talmce Between work nd personal et “wory-sicyearold Tish Gro, a macia buyer wih the aaversng agency Oaly and Math, typical ofthe young potessionas who {eal ht the works depriving them of el He, She tars werk st ‘Sam. tat often dosen't leave he fice un 8 pm. Occasionally sho Isat work unl 10).m. "inmy compen, when peopl eave thay ae not rept and ‘verady ie wxpaced to werk extra Far she sid Ms rats ey or work els tessed il he ne. Sho sai: ‘My Pa i ad ‘going ae.’ Aa er partner Graram Doskge, frequent doss not rive home unl leah to cole chan not have the meal ‘ntl aor 19 pm, Crate woul be prepared to accept ct pay it would ‘sree 2 genuine rection in her worked, but she beleves her romain prespects woud ele You have to sarilce your prsonal loi you wart career advancement she si 2 What dows he a? How dos she eel svat wor har? Is work geting easier cr more et Wa nd of ares GRAMMAR 11 Study sentences del: Which one describes: a regular occurence or outine! something coretiyin progress? ture personal arrangement? simple scent ae When people row oder thir air goes ry (Occasionally she works ntl 10pm My ir ging grey in woekig unt 10 pam tomorow night 2 Complete the sentences by puting the verb in bracket iat the present simple o the present continuous as inthe example. Imtonos 41 Penna sure that he (6elong in ‘hs company zt (ake) me age to ish the report. have to work le agin 3 How much (She carn) a month 4 Leatcome tis evening (drive Tony othe sieport 5 thin) of ooking fo ajo ‘outside London, 6 Heys what Gon took ba ay ny ‘Good news our sles tbo up). at (ave) dial ine at works we (have thee people of sick. Careers w Laine that you are interviowing Tesh Crofts {Complete the ces to complete the conversation, asin the example vou What, for ving ish? (do) re Tr amadia buyer foram averting agency ou What tine do youde in the morning tat) re Atnine You And when * usualy finish) re often dont eae unt 8 pam. or occasionally 10pm, vou Thats long day How. about working sch long hour? (fe) re enjoy my jo, but feel steed al the tie. ook at ny hat rou Goods! + tery ‘ xe) : ve Yesand im only twenty ow So, what” Shoot your ieee, Tish (think) {Te _Weafi 7 ove to work ls; 40 would my partner Graham ou hel 5 work) 1eYesbe has his own busines, you se He oten comes home ter than Betioeis ve which never es the prevat ‘ntinuoa for example: he liv, her promotion prospects wend efor ‘Tick (V) the verbs that wally de nthe the present ‘timoes: Cau you suggest wa? nom think. own show take belong ‘indestand” need" feel” be esr te Expand the prompts to makes quetonnsire about work studies Then workin paes/ groups and ak Tod enewer the questions 1 how —you fe your ob / sade! Hew de yo fet Mba your job / sie you like your boss colleagues? how well you know them outside woek? Your job be satsing? You chm enough money? that projects you wosk on atthe moment? Wehat”you thik your erganization! ‘you fel stressed at work at the moment? you have any tesning hk year ‘you plan ~ change your job this year?

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