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Outflow Performance

Hagedorn and Brown

Two adjustments were found necessary to improve Hagerdorn and Brown generalized correlation
o Griffith correlation used when bubble flow existed
o Holdup checked to make sure that it is > HL for no slippage and if not HL for no slippage used
Generalized Correlation
Basic steady state flow equation in differential form based on 1lbm of flowing fluid is given by
144(gc/g)Vdp + dh + vdv/g + dWf + dWe = 0
Hagedorn and Brown treated mixture of gas and liquid as a homogeneous mixture of combined properties
If no work is done by flowing fluid dWe = 0
Frictional loss (dWf) can be defined by Darcy-Weisbach equation as dWf = fvm2dh/2gd
144(gc/g)Vdp + dh + vmdvm/g + fvm2dh/2gd = 0
144(gc/g) Vdp + dh + vmdvm/g + fvm2dh/2gd = 0
144(gc/g) Vdp + (h2 - h1) + (vm22 - vm12)/2g + fvm2(h2 - h1)/2gd = 0
144(gc/g)Vm(p1 - p2) + (h2 - h1) + (vm22 - vm12)/2g + fvm2(h2 - h1)/2gd = 0
Vm = Mm / m = 1/ m --- vm = vsL + vsg
144p/h = (g/gc)m + mvm2/2gch + fmvm2/2gcd
144p/h = (g/gc)m + m(vsL + vsg)2/2gch + fm(vsL + vsg)2/2gcd
Using field units 144p/h = m + m{(5.61q + qg)2/(2.9652.1011.d4)}/h + fw2/m{2.9652.1011.d5}
Mass flow rate (w) = Mass (m) . Flow rate (q) --- m = LHL + g (1 - HL)
For single phase liquid flow 144p/h = (g/gc)L + L(vL2)/2gch + fLvL2/2gcd
For single phase gas flow 144p/h = (g/gc)g + g(vg2)/2gch + fgvg2/2gcd
Procedure for calculating a vertical pressure traverse
h = {144p - m ((vm)2/2gc)}/{m + (fw2/2.9652.1011.d5)}
Oil specific gravity o = 141.5/(131.5 + API)
Average pressure P = (P1 + P2)/2 --- Average temperature P = (T1 + T2)/2
Oil formation volume factor Bo @ {(P,T) - (P1,T1) - (P2,T2)} from correlation or chart
Gas in solution Rs @ {(P,T) - (P1,T1) - (P2,T2)} from correlation or chart
1. Mass flow rate w = mqL = m(qo + qw)
o Mass associated with 1bbl of STL m = 350o{1/(1+WOR)} + 350w{WOR/(1+WOR)} +
2. Mixture density m = LHL + g(1 - HL)
o Liquid density L = {(62.4o + (0.0764gRs/5.614))/Bo)}.{1/(1+WOR)} + 62.4w{WOR/
o Gas density g = 0.0764g(P/14.7)(520/T)(1/Z)
o Liquid holdup HL = (HL/).
Liquid holdup correlating function = (NLv/Ngv0.575)(P/14.7)0.1(CNL/Nd) HL/ from chart
Secondary correction factor correlating parameter = NgvNL0.38/Nd 2.14 from chart
Liquid velocity number NLv = 1.938vsL(L/L)1/4
Gas velocity number Ngv = 1.938vsg(L/L)1/4
Pipe diameter number Nd = 120.872d(L/L)1/2
CNL vs. Liquid viscosity number NL = 0.15726 L{1/(LL3)}1/4
Superficial liquid velocity vsL = (5.61qL/86400Ap){Bo(1/(1+WOR)) + Bw(WOR/(1+WOR))}
Superficial gas velocity vsg = (qL/86400Ap){GLR - Rs(1/(1+WOR))}(14.7/P)(T/520)(Z/1)
Liquid viscosity L = o{1/(1+WOR)} + w{WOR/(1+WOR)}
o (Considering Rs) = (o1 + o2)/2 --- w = (w1 + w2)/2 from correlation or charts.
Liquid surface tension L = o{1/(1+WOR)}+ w{WOR/(1+WOR)}
3. vm2 = vm12 - vm22
o Two phase mixture velocity vm1 = vsL1 + vsg1 --- vm2 = vsL2 + vsg2
4. Friction factor (f) vs. {(NRe)TP - /d} Moody diagram
o Two phase Reynolds number = 0.022w/{dLHLg(1-HL)}
N.B. Flow regime is checked depending on (B-A) sign
A = 1.071 - {0.2218(vsL + vsg)2}/d --- B = vsg/(vsL + vsg)
If (B-A) 0 Continue with Hagedorn and Brown correlation
If (B-A) < 0 Proceed with Griffith correlation
Duns and Ros
Duns and Ros divided various flow regions into 3 main regions depending on amount of gas present
o Region I Liquid phase is continuous --- (Bubble - Plug - Froth) flow regimes exist
o Region II Liquid and Gas phases alternate --- (Slug - Froth) flow regimes exist
o Region III Gas phase is continuous --- Mist flow regime exists
Duns and Ros suggested limits for 3 main flow regions
o Region I 0 Ngv (L1 + L2NLv)
o Region II (L1 + L2NLv) < Ngv < (50 + 36NLv)
o Region III Ngv > (75 + 84NLv0.75)
Different nature of 3 main flow regions needs separate friction and holdup correlations for each region
1. Liquid holdup (HL) is related to slip velocity vs = vsg/(1 - HL) - vsL/HL
2. Friction gradient (dp/dh)fr differs from a region to another
o Regions I & II (dp/dh)fr = (2fwLvsL/d).(vsL + vsg) --- Gfr = (dp/dh)fr/Lg = (2fwvsL/gd).(vsL + vsg)
o Region III (dp/dh)fr = (2fwgvsg2/d) --- Gfr = (dp/dh)fr/Lg = 2fw(g/L)vsg2/gd = 2fw(N)Ngv2/Nd
Procedure for calculating a vertical pressure traverse
Distance h = P/G
Total pressure gradient G according to flow region
Regions I & II G = (L/144)(Gst + Gfr)
Region III G = {(L/144).(Gst + Gfr)}/{1 - ((LvsL + gvsg)(vsg/P))}
Oil specific gravity o = 141.5/(131.5 + API)
Average pressure P = (P1 + P2)/2 --- Average temperature P = (T1 + T2)/2
Oil formation volume factor Bo @ {(P,T)} from correlation or chart
Gas in solution Rs @ {(P,T)} from correlation or chart
1. Static gradient Gst = HL + {(1 - HL)(g/L)}
o Liquid density L = 62.4o{1/(1+WOR)} + 62.4w{WOR/(1+WOR)}
o Gas density g = 0.0764g(P/14.7)(520/T)(1/Z)
o Liquid holdup HL = {vs - vsg - vsL + ((vs - vsg - vsL)2 + 4vsvsL)1/2}/2vs
Liquid surface tension L = o{1/(1+WOR)} + w{WOR/(1+WOR)}
o (Considering Rs) = (o1 + o2)/2 --- w = (w1 + w2)/2 from correlation or charts
Liquid viscosity L = o{1/(1+WOR)}+ w{WOR/(1+WOR)}
Liquid viscosity number NL = 0.15726 L{1/(LL3)}1/4
Superficial liquid velocity vsL = (5.61qL/86400Ap){Bo(1/(1+WOR)) + Bw(WOR/(1+WOR))}
Liquid velocity number NLv = 1.938vsL(L/L)1/4
Superficial gas velocity vsg = (qL/86400Ap){GLR - Rs(1/(1+WOR))}(14.7/P)(T/520)(Z/1)
Gas velocity number Ngv = 1.938vsg(L/L)1/4
Pipe diameter number Nd = 120.872d(L/L)1/2
Flow regime based on NLv - Ngv from chart
Slip factor S according to flow region from correlations
Region I S = F1 + F2NLv + F3'{Ngv/(1 + NLv)}2 --- F3' = F3 - (F4/Nd)
Region II S = (1 + F5).{(Ngv0.982 + F6')/(1 + F7NLv)2} --- F6' = 0.029Nd + F6
Region III S = 0 (Mist flow)
Slip velocity vs = S/{1.938(L/L)1/2}
2. Friction gradient Gfr according to flow region from correlations
Regions I & II Gfr = 2fwNLv(NLv + Ngv)/Nd --- fw = f1f2/f3
Region III Gfr = 2fw(g/L)Ngv2/Nd (Mist flow) --- fw is taken as f1
o f1 is a fucnction of liquid Reynolds number (NRe)L
o f2 is a function of (f1RNd2/3)
f2 is a correction for R and is essentially 1 when R is small but decreases very rapidly for high R
o f3 = (1 + f1(R/50)1/2)
f3 is an additional correction factor for (L & R) and becomes significant for L > 50 cp
(dp/dh)fr for Mist flow is based on gas phase. There is no slip (f) is that given in Fanning
diagram but as a function of gas Reynolds number (NRe)g = gvsgdhy/g fw = f1
Liquid Reynolds number (NRe)L= 1488LvsLd/L f1
Orkiszewski extended Griffith and Wallis work to include high velocity flow range
Parameter was developed to account for liquid distribution among liquid slug - liquid film - entrained
liquid in gas bubble & liquid holdup at higher velocities to detect friction losses and flowing velocities
Procedure for calculating a vertical pressure traverse
P = (1/144)h{( + f)/(1 - (wtqg/4637Ap2P))}k
h = 144p{(1- (wtqg/4637Ap2P))/( + f)}k
P = 10% of measured or previously calculated pressure (@ top/bottom of increment)
Average pressure of increment Pk = Pk-1 0.5Pk
Assume a depth increment h --- Average depth of increment hk = hk-1 0.5hk
Average temperature of increment Tk = Tk-1 (dT/dh)(hk - hk-1)
Rs - Bo - - Z @ (Pk,Tk)
qo = 6.49.10-5qoBo --- qg = 3.27.10-7Zqo(R - Rs)(Tk/Pk) --- qt = qo + qg
wL = qo(4.05.10-3o + 8.85.10-7gRs) --- wg = 8.85.10-7qog(R - Rs) --- wt = wL + wg
L = wL/qL --- g = wg/qg
o Detection of flow regime
Test variables vt = qt/Ap -- GLR = qg/qt -- vg = Ngv = (qg/Ap)(L/g)1/4
Boundary limits (L)B = 1.071 - (0.2218vt2/dh) 0.13 -- (L)S = 50 + 36(vgqL/qg) -- (L)M = 75 + 84(vgqL/qg)0.75
(qg/qt) < (L)B Bubble flow
(qg/qt) > (L)B & vg < (L)S Slug flow
(L)S < vg < (L)M Transition flow
vg > (L)M Mist flow
a. Bubble flow
o Average flowing density = (1 - Hg)L + Hgg
Void fraction of gas Hg = 0.5{1 + (qt/vsAp) - {(1+ (qt/vsAp))2 - (4qg/vsAp)}1/2}
o Friction gradient (dP/dh)f = f = fLvL2/2gcdh
Fiction factor f is a function of /d & NRe = 1488 LdhvL/L
vL = qL/(Ap(1 - Hg))
b. Slug flow
o = {(wt + LvsAp)/(qt + vsAp)} + L
Bubble rise velocity vs = C1C2(gdh)1/2
C1 is a function of bubble Reynolds number Nb = 1488vsdhL/L
C2 is a function of Nb & NRe = 1488vtLdh/L
Liquid distribution coefficient is dependent on continuous liquid phase and whether vt </> 10
o f = (fLvt2/2gcdh).{(qL + vsAp)/(qt + vsAp) + }
c. Transient flow
Duns and Ros approximated & f for transition flow
& f are first calculated for both slug and mist flow. Then linearly weighted with respect to vg
o = {((L)M - vg)/((L)M - (L)S))}slug + {(vg - (L)S)/((L)M - (L)S)}mist
o f = {((L)M - vg)/((L)M - (L)S))}(f)slug + {(vg - (L)S)/((L)M - (L)S)}(f)mist
d. Mist flow
o = (1 - Hg)L + Hgg
Hg = 1/(1 + qL/qg) = qg/qt
o f = fgvsg2/2gcdh
f is a function of /dh & NReg = 1488 gdhvsg/g
vsg is superficial gas velocity
Beggs and Brill

Experimental Study
a. Parameters studied and varied ..
o Qg (0 0.3 MMSCFPD) -- QL (0 1028.6 STBPD) i.e. GLR (0 291.7 SCF / STB)
o P avg (35 95 psia) -- dP / dZ (0 0.8 psi / ft) -- HL (0 0.87)
o D pipe (1 1.5 in) -- (- 90 + 90)
b. Test fluids used .. air & water
c. For each D pipe .. Qg & QL were varied to observe all flow patterns when pipe was horizontal
after a particular set of flow conditions was set .. pipe was varied to observe effect of on HL & P
HL & P were measured @ ( 90 - 85 - 75 - 55 - 35 - 20 - 15 - 10 - 5 - 0)

P / Z Correlation and Calculation

P / Z = [(g / gc) tp Sin () + (ftp Gm vm / 2 gc d)] / [1 - (tp vm vsg / gc P)]
Superficial mixture velocity vm = vsL + vsg
vsL = qL / Ap -- qL = 0.0000649 (qo Bo + qw Bw)
vsg = qg / Ap -- qg = 0.000000327 zg qo (R - Rs) (T + 460) / P
Mixture mass flux rate Gm = GL + Gg
GL = L vsL -- L = w WC + o (1 - WC)
Gg = g vsg
Input liquid content no slip holdup = qL / (qL + qg)
Froude number NFR = vm 2 / g d
a. Liquid holdup HL () = HL (0)
o Horizontal holdup HL(0) = a b / NFR c ..
HL(0) Segregated = 0.98 0.4846 / NFR 0.0868
HL(0) Intermittent = 0.845 0.5351 / NFR 0.0173
HL(0) Distributed = 1.065 0.5824 / NFR 0.0609
Liquid holdup inclination correction factor = 1 + C [Sin (1.8 ) - 0.333 Sin 3 (1.8 )]
Inclination correction factor C = (1 - ) Ln (d e NLv f NFR g) ..
Uphill flow (e.g. Directional Producer) ..
C Segregated = (1 - ) Ln (0.011 - 3.768 NLv 3.539 NFR - 1.614)
C Intermittent = (1 - ) Ln (2.96 0.305 NLv - 0.4473 NFR 0.0978)
C Distributed = 0
Downhill flow (e.g. Inclined Injector) .. C all flow patterns = (1 - ) Ln (4.7 - 0.3692 NLv 0.1244 NFR - 0.5056)
NLv = 1.938 vsL (L / L)0.25 -- L = w WC + o (1 - WC)
Horizontal flow pattern = f ( - NFR - Correlating parameters) ..
Correlating parameters .. L1 = 316 0.302 - L2 = 0.0009252 - 2.4684 - L3 = 0.1 - 1.4516 .- L4 = 0.5 - 6.738
Segregated .. < 0.01 & NFR < L1 ooor 0.01 & NFR < L2
Transition .. 0.01 & L2 < NFR L3
Intermittent .. 0.01 < 0.4 & L3 < NFR L1 ooor 0.4 & L3 < NFR L4
Distributed .. < 0.4 & NFR L1 ooor 0.4 & NFR > L4
Two phase density tp = L HL + g (1 - HL)
b. Two phase friction factor ftp = fns e S
No slip friction factor fns = [2 Log (NRens / (4.5223 Log NRens - 3.8215))] - 2
No slip Reynolds number NRens = Gm d / m
m = 0.000672 (L + g (1 - )) -- L = w WC + o (1 - WC)
o S = Ln (y) / [- 0.0523 + 3.182 Ln (y) - 0.8725 (Ln (y)) 2 + 0.01853 (Ln (y)) 4]
y = / (HL ()) 2

Technical Notes
a. D pipe > 1.5 in & high GLR especially above 5000 SCF / STB Over predicted P
b. Broad range of o & WC up to 10 % Well predicted P
a. Beggs, H. D. and Brill, J. P.: "A Study of Two-Phase Flow in Inclined Pipes,"
b. Brown, K. E. and Beggs, H. D.: "The Technology of Artificial Lift Methods," Volume 1
c. "Multiphase Flow Model Range of Applicability"

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