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Novena of

Priest: May the God of peace sanctify you completely, and may your spirit, soul
and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
People: And with your spirit.

HYMN Redeemer of all Nations, Come Chant

vb bv v vfv v fv v v fv v dv bv v fv vbvhvbv v gv v v v.fv v vvbv hv v vjv vb vjvbv vjv vb v vhv v v vjv cb

1. Re-deem-er of all na- tions come That men the Vir- ginss Child
2. By no em-brace of hu- man- kind But by the Spi- rits mys-
3. We see the Vir- gin great with child, In Her all maid-en- hood
4. Let Him, as from His bri- dal night, Now leave His pure and roy-

vv vjv v vkvbv v bvbvkvb bv vkv v v jv v vbvkv v v hv vbv jv v v vb bhv v v .fv v v vfv vbv vdv vbv fv v v b
1. may see, And all the world be hushed with awe: Such birth be-
2. tic shade, The Word of God as- sumed our flesh And quick-ened
3. ex- cels, A- dorned with vir- tues ban- ners bright: And God with-
4. al room, In two- fold na- ture joy with might To run the

vv hv bv v v vjv v v fv v v dv v vf,v v v v v vfgfv vdr,mv v

1. comes Gods maj- es- ty.
2. in a spot- less Maid.
3. in His tem- ple dwells.
4. course that saves from doom. A- men.

Priest: The Lord is our coming King, let us hasten to adore Him!
People: The Lord is our coming King, let us hasten to adore Him!

Priest: Rejoice, O Daughter of Zion, and exult, O Daughter of Jerusalem.

People: Behold, the Lord will come, and there will be on that day a great
light, and the mountains will drip with sweetness and the hills
will flow with milk and honey, for the great Prophet will come,
and He will renew Jerusalem.

Priest: Behold, He who is God and Man will come forth from the house of David
to sit upon His throne, and you will see Him and your heart shall rejoice.
People: Behold, the Lord shall come, our Protector, the Holy One of
Israel, bearing on His head the crown of the kingdom.

Priest: And He will rule from sea unto sea, and from the river to the ends of the
People: Behold the Lord will appear, and He will not deceive: if He
delay, wait for Him, for He will come and He will not tarry.

Priest: The Lord will descend as rain on the field. In His days, justice will arise and
an abundance of peace; and all the kings of the earth will adore Him, all
peoples serve Him.
People: A Child will be born to us, and He shall be called the God of
Strength; He will sit upon the throne of David His father, and He
will rule whose dominion rests upon His shoulder.

Priest: O Bethlehem, city of the Most High God, out from you shall go forth the
ruler of Israel, and His going forth will be as from the beginning of the days
of eternity.
People: And He will be glorified in the midst of all the earth, and peace
will be upon our land when He will have come.

Add on December 24 only:

Priest: Tomorrow He will wipe out the iniquities of the earth.
People: And the Savior of the world will reign over us.

Priest: Let the heavens rejoice and the earth exult. Praise the Lord, O mountains!
People: Let the mountains break forth into gladness, and the hills with

Priest: For the Lord shall come, and to the poor He will show mercy.
People: Drop down dew, you heavens, from above, and let the clouds
rain down the Just One. Let the earth be opened and bud forth
the Savior.
Priest: Send forth the Lamb, O Lord, the ruler of the earth, from the rock of the
desert to the mountain of the Daughter of Zion.
People: Come to free us, O Lord God of hosts, show Your face and we
shall be saved.

Priest: Come, O Lord, and visit us in peace that we may rejoice before You with
a perfect heart.
People: So that we may know, O Lord, Your way upon earth, among all
the peoples Your salvation.

Priest: Stir up Your power, Lord, and come to save us.

People: Come, O Lord, and do not delay, do away with the offenses of
Your people.

Priest: O that You would rend the heavens and come down, with the mountains
quaking before You!
People: Come, and show Your face to us, O Lord, who are enthroned
upon the Cherubim.

The appropriate versicle and response is said:

December 16:
Behold the King, the Lord of the earth, will come,
and He will remove the yoke of our captivity. (Continue, Prayer, on page 6.)

December 17:
O Wisdom, who came from the mouth of the Most High, reaching from end
to end and ordering all things mightily and sweetly:
come and teach us the way of prudence. (Continue, Prayer, on page 6.)

December 18:
O Lord and Ruler of the House of Israel, who appeared to Moses in the flame
of the burning bush and gave him the law on Sinai:
come redeem us with outstretched arm. (Continue, Prayer, on page 6.)

December 19:
O Root of Jesse, who stand as a banner of the people, before whom kings shall
keep silence and unto whom the Gentiles shall make supplication:
come to deliver us, and tarry not. (Continue, Prayer, on page 6.)

December 20:
O Key of David, and Scepter of the House of Israel, who open and no man
shut, who shut and no man opens:
come and bring forth the captive from his prison, he who sits in
darkness and in the shadow of death. (Continue, Prayer, below.)

December 21:
O Dawn of the East, brightness of the light eternal, and Sun of Justice:
come and enlighten them who sit in darkness and in the shadow of
death. (Continue, Prayer, below.)

December 22:
O King of the Gentiles and their Desired One, Cornerstone that make both
come and deliver man whom you formed out of the dust of the
earth. (Continue, Prayer, below.)

December 23:
O Emmanuel, God with us, our King and Lawgiver, the expected of the
nations and their Savior:
come to save us, O Lord our God. (Continue, Prayer, below.)

December 24:
When the Sun will have risen from heaven,
you shall see the King of kings coming forth from the Father as
from His bridal chamber.


Priest: Let us pray.

Hasten, we beseech You, O Lord, do not tarry,
and grant us the help of celestial power,
so that they who hope for Your consolations
may be lifted up by Your mercy:
who live and reign with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God for ever and ever.
People: Amen.


Alma Redemptoris Mater

bvvav dfv hbvb b g,v v b vb bvgvbv v,gv b bv vhvbv jv b v vkv b b vg,v v b b b v dv b bv d$ v b bdv bf. vb bvb dvb vs vb b b v
Al- ma * Re- demp t-ris Ma- ter, qu pr-vi- a c-li
Dear Mother of the Redeemer, who the open heavenly

bvv vdv b b.fv b v hvb vg,v v v bvb vhv b bvkvbv jvb b v bvhv b bgv, v v vb bvb bdv b f. v b dv b v s v b b vdv b bgv, b vb b
porta manes, Et stel-la ma-ris, succ- re ca- dn-ti
gate do keep, And (are) the star of the sea, give help to a fallen people

bvb b vdv b vfv vg, v bv hv b bvb bk vbvjv b v l v b vkv b vkv v vb b bv kvb bv vjv vbvb bkv b vk vbv blv bv g, v vbvb bkbvb b v
srge-re qui curat p-pu- lo: Tu qu ge-nu- - sti, na-
that wishes to rise: You who bore

bvb bvj vb vhvb bvbvg, vb b vfv bv dvm vvb vdvbvb dv b b bvh vbv vbvgvb b v b f. vb b vdbvbvds vbvrd, vm b vvb b kvb v jv b b b hvbvg, vb bv
tu-ra mi-rn-te, tu- um sanctum Ge-ni-trem: Virgo pri-us
by natures wonder, your holy Maker: A-Virgin before

bvb bvhvb bv gvb bvd$ vb fv bvgv, vbvb b vhv b b bvhv vbk v bvhvb vg, v b fv b bd$ v vb bvbfv b vd$ v b v gv bg, v b bvhvbv gv, vvb
ac post-ri- us, Ga- bri- - lis ab o- re sumens illud A- ve,
and after, from Gabriels lips receiving that Ave,

bvvbv bkv bvbjv b vkv b bvygv b vbvhv b vfv bv esvb v anv

pecca- t- rum mi-se- r- re.
have mercy on us sinners.

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