Water For WATER

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Water for WATER

John 4:7 Soon a Samaritan woman came to draw water and

Jesus said to her, “Please give me a drink”.

You’ll never know how water is so important if you haven’t

searched for water. I mean searched. Forget about 70% of the
Earth, present in air and all the other statistics that says water
is omnipresent. People do search for water.

This woman left her home in search of water. She met a man
demanding water from her. Apparently this man wasn’t
expected to demand for water from her. It reminds me of how
familiarity breeds contempt. This woman actually said that Jews
and Samaritans don’t mix.

What actually fascinated me in this story was the question she

asked Jesus when she perceived that this man must have a
good answer. “You must be a prophet. So tell me why is it that
you Jews insist that Jerusalem is the only place of worship,
while we Samaritans claim it is here at Mount Gerizim”. This
question can be traced to the Political history of both Nations.
Before the divide, the place of worship in Israel was Jerusalem.
The Jews still worshipped in Jerusalem but to prevent the
Samaritans from going to worship in the Jewish territory, a
place of worship was created for them at Mount Gerizim. So
what happens on every Sabbath day? The Pastor or Bishop in
Jerusalem will tell his congregation that they are in the right
place of worship, starting from Genesis he’ll prove to them right
through Revelation that anyone who doesn’t worship in
Jerusalem is in the wrong place or to put it bluntly is already in
hell. Of course his opposite number at Mount Gerizim would not
want to be outshined, he will tell them that the worshippers in
Jerusalem are dwelling on the past, he’ll probably back it up
with anecdotes and of how God appeared to him right there on
Mount Gerizim.

You now know why this woman was confused, she doesn’t know
whose story is right and she needs the right answer. This
woman’s question is on the lips of many today. Maybe not the
way she asked it, this question can be rephrased in many
different ways and the painful fact is that the pulpit is not
giving back the right answers. This woman not only got the
right answer but also got the real thing.

“People soon become thirsty again after drinking this water.

But the water I give them takes away thirst altogether. It
becomes a perpetual spring within them, giving them eternal
life”. This is what Jesus said and see what happened. “The
woman left her water jar beside the well and went back to the
village and told everyone...”

Why did this woman have to leave her water pot? She came to
the well purposely in search of the scarce commodity water and
she just dumped her occupation. The reason why she did this is
in John 25-26 “I know the Messiah will come – the one who is
called Christ. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.”
vrs 26 Then Jesus told her “ I am the Messiah” Bang! Bang! !
Bang!!! She got the WATER then and she has to abandon the

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