Tarea 3

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Tarea 3

Cristian Parra Alvial

Elo 352: Comunicaciones por fibra ptica

Profesor: Ricardo Olivares
Fecha: 31/10/2017
Problema 2.17
A 1.55-m continuous-wave signal with 6-dBm power is launched into a fiber with 50-m2
effective mode area. After what fiber length would the nonlinear phase shift induced by SPM
become 2? Assume n2 = 2.6 1020 m2/W and neglect fiber losses.

= 1,55[]
= 6[] = 0,0039[]
= 50[]2
2 = 2,6 10 [ ]

= 0 = [0 + 2 ()]0

Intensidad corresponde a: = = 78 106 [ ]
[2 ] 2

Con 0 = 0, se tiene que el largo es:

= 764.29[]

Problema 2.18
Calculate the threshold power for stimulated Brillouin scattering for a 50-km fiber link operating at
1.3 m and having a loss of 0.5 dB/km. How much does the threshold power change if the
operating wavelength is changed to 1.55 m, where the fiber loss is only 0.2 dB/km? Assume that
Aeff = 50 m2 and gB = 51011 m/W at both wavelengths.

= 50[], = 50[]2 , = 5 1011 [ ]

1 = 1,3[], 1 = 0,5 [ ] = 0,1151 [ ]

2 = 1,55[], 2 = 0,2 [ ] = 0,046 [ ]

= (1 ), con [ ]

1 = 8,66[]
2 = 19,5596[]

Umbral Brillouin: 20 =

Se tiene como resultado 2 potencias distintas:

1 = 2,309[]
2 = 1,0204[]

Problema 2.19
Calculate the power launched into a 40-km-long single-mode fiber for which the SPM-induced
nonlinear phase shift becomes 180. Assume = 1.55 m, Aeff = 40 m2, = 0.2 dB/km, and n2 =
2.61020 m2/W

= 40[]

180, = 1,55[], = 40[]2 , = 0,2 [ ]

= (1 ), [ ]

= 0,046051 [ ]
Luego el largo efectivo es: = 18,273[]

= 0 = [0 + 2 ()]0

Con = , 0 = 0, con = , finalmente se obtiene la intensidad

= 1,63124 109 [ 2 ]

La potencia est dada por = = 0,06524[] = 65,24[]

Problema 2.20
Find the maximum frequency shift occurring because of the SPM-induced chirp imposed on a
Gaussian pulse of 20-ps width (FWHM) and 5-mW peak power after it has propagated 100 km. Use
the fiber parameters of the preceding problem but assume = 0.

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