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A MONDAY, MARCH 20, 2017

FAIRFAX In your town

DUI suspect arrested after chase, collision Send us your news: Email news items from Marins cities
and towns to or mail them to City
Desk, Marin Independent Journal, 4000 Civic Center Drive,
cion of drunken driving about 11 a.m. Friday when the suspect, said Fairfax Suite 301, San Rafael, CA 94903.
By Gary Klien
with prior DUI convic- Fairfa x police Officer police Chief Christopher Send us your photos: Send photos to photos@marinij.
@GaryKlien on Twitter tions, reckless evasion, Aaron Odom saw a pickup Morin. com and include your name, phone number and some de-
resisting police and other truck weaving across lanes Smith was arrested af- tails about the photo.
A Santa Rosa man was counts. of traffic downtown and ter crashing into another
arrested on DUI allega- Smith remained in cus- nearly hitting cars and pe- vehicle at the intersection
tions after a police pur-
suit in Fairfax that ended
tody Sunday in lieu of
$50,000 bail pending fur-
T he pic k up d r iver
of Sir Francis Drake Boule-
vard and Shemran Court, Court fee relief period WEATHER WATCH
in a crash. ther review by the Marin sped west on Sir Fran- Morin said. will end on March 31 Marin County Civic Center 3/15-3/20
Mark David Smith, 59, County District Attorneys cis Drake Boulevard and The driver of the other
was booked into Marin Office. Odom went after him, oc- vehicle did not report in- The Marin Superior W Th F Sa Su Today
Count y Jail on suspi- The pursuit began at casionally losing sight of juries. Court traffic infraction 73
amnesty program is sched- 70 66 70 68 67
uled to end March 31. 60
SAN RAFAEL The program, which be- 50 55 58
50 51 53

Sex offender arrested at Terra Linda campus

gan in October 2015, al- 45
lows offenders a chance
to reduce traffic debts and 6-DAY TEMPERATURE FORECAST
get drivers licenses rein- at the Marin County Civic Center
By Gary Klien
Marin County District At- watching a youth soccer Marin Superior Court stated under certain con-
Today Tu W Th F Sa
torneys Office. game near the flag-foot- and the jury convicted ditions. Fees for park- 80
@GaryKlien on Twitter The incident occurred ball game, Eberle said. Po- him. In September 2014, ing tickets and serious of-
Saturday morning when lice arrested him. a judge gave Saravia-Cor- fenses such driving while 62 64 61 62 59 62
A convicted sex offender the off-duty probation of- T he prior lewdness tez a 120-day sentence, intoxicated are not eligible 60 58
was arrested in San Rafael ficer recognized Saravia- case occurred in March placed him on probation for reduction. 50 51 51 49
after an off-duty probation Cortez among the observ- 2014, when Saravia-Cor- for three years and or- The program carries 40 44 42
officer spotted him watch- ers of a flag-football game tez was arrested on suspi- dered him to register as a $50 fee to participate. High and low temp. for the day
ing youth sports at Terra at the Terra Linda cam- cion of masturbating a few a sex offender for life. The More information and ap- Normal high temperature
Linda High School. pus, said San Rafael po- feet from the Gerstle Park same year, Saravia-Cortez plications are available on- Normal low temperature
Fidel Humberto Sara- lice Sgt. Scott Eberle. playground while looking was charged with driving line at The
v i a - C or t e z , 4 9, w a s Under the terms of his directly at the women and while intoxicated in San phone number to the pro-
booked into Mar in probation in a 2014 lewd- children there. Rafael and driving drunk gram is 415-444-7180. event will be held from 2
County Jail on suspicion ness case, Saravia-Cor- Police found Saravia- with a prior DUI convic- to 3:30 p.m. at the down-
of being a sex offender on tez was required to stay Cortez in a bathroom near tion. NOVATO town library branch at
school grounds and vio- at least 100 yards from the playground, searched The alleged DUI oc- City Council cancels 1100 E St.
lating the conditions of schools while minors are him and found a tube of curred while Saravia-Cor- More information is
his probation. present. Vaseline and two pairs of tez was free on bail in the meeting on Tuesday available at 415-485-3321.
Saravia-Cortez is being The probation officer Latex gloves in his posses- public masturbation case The Novato City Coun-
held without bail pend- called police, who arrived sion. and about two weeks away cil has canceled its regular Dixie board to discuss
ing further review by the to find Saravia-Cortez He went to trial in from his trial. meeting that was sched- superintendent search
uled for Tuesday.
The next council meet- The Dixie School Dis-

After firing the contractor, It goes on to say, Led- and released individually. ing is scheduled for March trict board has scheduled
Ledcor Construction Inc. of cor is informed and be- Work was halted for six 28. a special meeting for Tues-
Las Vegas, in February 2016, lieves and thereon alleges weeks to three and a half day to discuss its recruit-
FROM PAGE 1 We immediately retained that Tamal Vista failed, ne- months on some build- SAN RAFAEL ment process for a new su-
the new contractor Centric glected, and refused to mit- ings. Information session perintendent.
apartment complex does who has been thoroughly in- igate its alleged damages In the fall of 2015, Mac- The meeting is sched-
indeed open this summer, specting the property and re- and is therefore barred Farlane was fined $30,000 offered on dementia uled for 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at
the development which mediating all issues as iden- from recovery, or alterna- for failing to meet dead- A discussion about Al- 380 Nova Albion Way. The
has become a symbol for tified, Chase said. tively, its recovery must be lines on right-of-way work, zheimers disease, memory consulting firm perform-
residents opposed to high- More work cropped up reduced to the extent of its such as sidewalks, gutters loss and dementia will be ing the recruitment will be
density housing will this winter, when power- failure to mitigate. and curb ramps. held March 24 at the San present.
have been three years be- ful winds in one of the big A Ledcor spokesman did Rafael Public Library. The new superintendent
hind schedule. rainstorms ripped off the not respond to a request Weve done our job The discussion will be will succeed Thomas Loh-
The complex, at a former protective tarp and dam- for further comment. Planning Direc tor led by Jen Tripathy, direc- wasser, who is retiring at
foam cup manufacturing aged the building at Tamal Last month, 13 related Adam Wolff said that tor of Senior Access. The the end of the school year.
plant near Highway 101 at Vista and Wornum Drive, suits filed by subcontrac- from a planning and
Tamal Vista Boulevard, has Cusimano said. However, tors for nonpayment were building perspective, we

been called a monstrosity work is back on track. consolidated into the one feel that weve done our factors, the analysis cited
by critics, who say its too dispute between Ledcor job. the fact that Broad attended
big and dense and will cre- Legal battle and the developer. Former town council- council meetings on top of
ate traffic problems once Meanwhile, a multi- man Michael Lappert, FROM PAGE 3 his 20-hour work week, had
its occupied. million-dollar legal bat- Years behind schedule who was on the council town-issued business cards,
The slow-moving con- tle between the developer The project was ap- that approved the project, If there was a problem and worked at Town Hall.
struction hasnt helped and Ledcor is unfolding in proved by the Town Coun- agreed, adding, Its not in how he was treated for The town appealed to the
much in the court of pub- Marin Superior Court. It is cil in 2012 and was sched- within the purview of the purposes of PERS member- state Office of Administra-
lic opinion, either. now complicated by suit fil- uled to open in the sum- Town Council, either, to ship, he was the person re- tive Hearings for a ruling
As it turns out, struc- ings by several subcontrac- mer of 2014. intervene on projects on sponsible to see that it was by a judge. But proceedings
tural deficiencies started tors who claim they were The developer hired private property. investigated and, if appro- were delayed several times
to emerge as early as the not paid for completed Ledcor in fall 2012 and Outside of the regu- priate, corrected. Despite while negotiations contin-
fall and winter of 2013 work. soon after obtained a $47 lar building inspections this duty, he waited for ued, and a deal was reached
not even a year after con- Last May, Ledcor sued million Bank of America and when construction over 10 years, until memo- in February.

struction began accord- 195-205 Tamal Vista Bou- construction loan. is disrupting the public ries had faded and details CalPERS could not say

ing to building inspection levard LLC an entity A $25 million valua- right-of-way, its not our may have been lost, before Friday how Broads settle-
and field observation re- controlled by MacFarlane tion for the project was problem, he said. It was requesting credit. ment affects his pension
ports. for breach of contract, recorded on the building a contractor issue. And In support of its posi- payments. Before the settle-
The structural failings alleging that the devel- permits issued in Febru- they fired them. Problem tion, Ross pointed to the ment, Broads monthly pen-

prompted MacFarlane Part- oper owed the contractor ary and July of 2013. solved. employment agreement sion was $7,856.78.
ners, the San Francisco de- $8 million in unpaid ser- Because the project Mayor Diane Furst said, that Broad signed in 1991. The town is still involved
veloper and owner of the vices completed as part of was on such a large scale, This has been a long, The deal specified that he in a separate pension dis-
project, to launch investi- a $34 million contract. the town brought in Code frustrating process but was to be an independent pute with another former
gative studies over the past In a cross-complaint Source, an independent were very encouraged by contractor, working about worker, Pam Riley, who
year. filed in September, Tamal building inspection firm. the responsiveness and 20 hours a week for $35 an ran Ross Recreation from

The reports produced by Vista alleged that Ledcor The consultants services the work done by the new hour. It also stated that he 1983 to 2014. When she re-
engineers and architects failed to correct shoddy were charged at $80 to construction team and was free to work for other tired, the CalPERS deter-
for MacFarlane found ex- work that had been doc- $90 an hour to be paid by we look forward to finally clients. mined her tenure qualified
tensive water damage and umented in MacFarlanes MacFarlane. having a completed devel- CalPERS reviewed the her for a pension, but Ross
shoddy workmanship. That and the towns inspection A majority of that inspec- opment in the near future dispute and decided in claimed she was an inde-
Notes: None

work involved weather-re- reports. Furthermore, the tion work was done by Hil- so that we can welcome Broads favor. Among other pendent contractor.
sistive barriers such as contractor continued to ary Ransom, a senior build- our new neighbors.
Italian Plate (Bold)
Fonts: Minion Pro (Regular), Avenir (95 Black),

Media Type: BW Fractional Newspaper Ad

Publication: None

flashings, windows, roof- miss deadlines, according ing inspector with the firm. As a building profes-
Run Date: None
Gutter: None
Safety: 5.6875 W x 21 H

Bleed: 5.6875 W x 21 H

Job#: ADC5-9551A0012
Trim: 5.6875 W x 21 H

Title: NHTSA Buckle Up


ing, exterior finishes and to the lawsuit. He said in a memo to town sional, Rick Wells, CEO of
deck coatings. Because of it, Tamal officials that from his ob- the Marin Builders Asso-

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Problems involving those Vista has incurred and will servations over the years, ciation, said delays are
Andrew McCarthy
2-18-2015 11:09 AM
1-13-2015 12:27 PM
Final Art

elements were noted sev- continue to incur, damage the construction site super- not unheard of in our in-
Production Manager:
Account Executive:

Creative Director:

Studio Manager:
Art Director:

eral times and some were to the buildings, costs to visors hired by Ledcor ap- dustry, although a delay
Ad Council
B. Ehninger
J. Adler-Kerekes
J. Morledge
W. Wood
M. Heckart
R. Virginia
A. McCarthy

ADC5-9551A0012_Buckle_5-6875x21_BWNP_R1.indd Initials Date

left unresolved, according investigate, deconstruct, peared to have little knowl- of this length and issues
Client: AD COUNCIL Art Version: Final Art Studio Manager: A. McCarthy
Job#: ADC5-9551A0012 Paper: Newsprint Proofreader: R. Virginia
Title: NHTSA Buckle Up Line Screen: 100 Art Director: M. Heckart
Media Type: BW Fractional Newspaper Ad Edit Round: 2 Copywriter: W. Wood

Bleed: 5.6875 W x 21 H Creation Date: 1-13-2015 12:27 PM Creative Director: J. Morledge

to both MacFarlanes archi- repair, remediate and com- edge of weather-proof detail- of this magnitude are un-
Trim: 5.6875 W x 21 H Modified Date: 2-18-2015 11:09 AM Production Manager: J. Adler-Kerekes
Safety: 5.6875 W x 21 H Printed at: 56.74% Account Executive: B. Ehninger

Gutter: None Printed by: Andrew McCarthy Client: Ad Council

Notes: None Run Date: None Links: (48.87%), ADCOUNCIL_Wht.eps (28.93%)
Publication: None

tects observation reports plete the work and other ing and California building common or rare.
Fonts: Minion Pro (Regular), Avenir (95 Black),
Italian Plate (Bold)
Inks Black

and town building inspec- financial burdens esti- code. Also, the contractor He called the Tam Ridge | | @MarinIJ
tion reports. mated to exceed $40 mil- was slow to address prob- Residences situation un-
But the extent of damage lion, according to the suit. lems with waterproofing and fortunate, and noted the
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was unknown a year ago In December, Ledcor building deficiencies, he said. vast majority of contrac- Hours: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday; 7 to 11 a.m.
when Centric took over the filed a cross-complaint for Cusimano said there are tors out there take a more Saturday; 7:30 to 11 a.m. Sunday.
project as the general con- indemnity against the sub- more than 650 reports to responsible approach to To report a missed newspaper: Call by 10 a.m. Monday through
tractor, according to Corte contractors whose work is date filed with the town their project, especially Friday, and by 11 a.m. on weekends.
Madera building officials. implied in the complaint of Corte Madera Planning members of the Marin Online: Manage your subscription at
As such, the new contractor filed by Tamal Vista. In a and Building Department Builders Association. Main office.......................................... 415.883.8600
Business hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
has been tasked with fixing, separate filing responding documenting communica- Among those affected by The Marin Independent Journal is a newspaper inclusive of the following
replacing and in some cases to the cross-complaint from tions between town build- the delay is Andy Bachich, Newspapers of General Circulation: Marin Independent Journal.
reconstructing parts of the Tamal Vista, the contractor ing officials, contractors, the owner of Andys Market, Online: The Marin Independent Journal (USPC 261000) is published
six buildings. said, Ledcor denies gener- architects and MacFar- who last year was supposed daily by Bay Area News Group, 4000 Civic Center Drive, Suite 301, San Rafael, CA
Unfortunately, inspec- ally and specifically ... each lane on progress, deficien- to have opened his grocery 94903. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Marin Independent Journal,
tions of the projects did pro- and every allegation con- cies and missed deadlines. store and cafe within the 4000 Civic Center Drive, Suite 301, San Rafael, CA 94903.
vide evidence of construc- tained in the cross-com- In December 2014, the 3,000-square-foot retail President and Publisher Sports Editor
tion that do not meet the plaint ... and denies that town issued a stop-work space on the ground floor David Rounds ................382.7297
Rob Devincenzi Mark Volain......................382.7298
.............. 382.7297 Derek Arild .....................382.7298
high standards MacFarlane Tamal Vista has been dam- order, demanding that the of the building at the cor-
Partners demands for all our aged in the sums alleged or contractor weatherproof ner of Wornum Drive. Online Director Photo Editor
Scott Henry .................. 382.7304 Robert Tong...................382.7269
developments, MacFarlane in any sum at all, by reason the six buildings before Everything is still a go,
spokeswoman Julie Chase of any act, breach, or omis- continuing work. Each just on hold waiting for Editor Lifestyles Editor
said in an email Thursday. sion on the part of Ledcor. building was inspected the word to go, he said. Robert Sterling ............ 382.7294 Vicki Larson...................382.7286
Opinion Page Editor Calendar Editor

Hamilton terms of payment of the commissary parcel on State munity meeting at 7 p.m. Brad Breithaupt ............ 382.7291 Nick Bensen...................382.7282
Colleen Bidwill ................ 382.7282
town center. Access Road. Monday, March 20, at the
We were not ready to The restrictions were Hamilton Community Cen- City Editor Digital Editor
FROM PAGE 3 purchase the property until transferred to 93 acres ter at 503B S. Palm Drive, to Jen Upshaw Swartz .... 382.7290 Dave Allen ..................... 382.7206
the complete plan was de- of open space around the look at possibilities for rede-
means all possibilities can veloped, Javanbakht said. Marin Valley Mobile Coun- veloping the Hamilton prop- ADVERTISING
Display 800.382.7275
be explored through public By withdrawing the pro- try Club. erties. City Manager Regan Classified ...................................................................................... 382.7242
discussion, she said. posal, the developer is hop- The Hamilton parcels Candelario and Scott Ward, Classified..................................................................................415.382.7242
Email ...................................................................
Javanbakht said Ham- ing to ensure the commu- were initially given to the director of Hamilton base Fax ............................................................................................
Fax .........................................................................................415.382.7204
ilton residents misunder- nity that their interests are city through the federal reuse, will talk about op- SUBSCRIPTION RATES
stood the developers inten- aligned, he said. Lands to Parks program, portunities and challenges SUBSCRIPTION RATES
Subscription All Access + daily print is $13.00 per week; All Access +
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Thursday, + 7-day
Friday, print:print
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per week; All Access + Sunday
with the city manager, City one of three Hamilton sites to create parks and recre- On March 28, the City All Access
Print is $3.95+per Thursday through
week; All Access Sunday
Digital Only isprint: $3.95per
$3.95 per week
week. Daily print
Council and director of where deed restrictions ation areas on surplus fed- Council will discuss whether All$6.95
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print subscribers receive a newspaper on selected
Hamilton base reuse at a were removed last March eral land. Under the pro- to begin accepting requests TV Week:
holidays. All The IJ offers
Access a 36-page
customers receive aSunday
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closed meeting on March 7. to allow development. The gram, the parcels could not for proposals from develop- available forbased
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A City Council agenda other sites were the Bach- be sold and were required ers for the sites. The meet- year plus
Editions sales tax.
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