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Outage Energy
In June, the county
Board of Supervisors is ex-
pected to consider going
Congress authorized Deep Green when it adopts
the use of the phrase In fact, people in the city In Larkspur, Council- its annual budget.
In God We Trust on of 850,000 people were gen- man Dan Hillmer said he Since 2010, the county
U.S. coins. erally courteous to each an- was surprised by his own has been enrolled in the
other. position to encourage Light Green program. An-
1889 The citys iconic cable
cars were taken out of ser-
the council to aggressively
move as fast as possible to
nually the county uses
about 15 million kilowatts
The Oklahoma Land vice as a precaution since Deep Green, and take a very of energy a year. The move
Rush began at noon as streetlights were not oper- strong leadership role in en- would cost the county
thousands of home- ating on large parts of their couraging every one of our about $150,000 on top of
steaders staked claims. routes. residents to take similar ac- the $2.5 million it pays for
Tourists werent griping, tion. energy annually, and would
though, said spokeswoman Cable Cars sit idle on California Street during a power The city and town were reduce about 2,200 tons of
Erica Kato. Everyones very outage in San Francisco Friday. both enrolled in MCEs carbon emissions a year, ac-
Thousands of college understanding its not Light Green program, in cording to Dana Armanino,
students in New York us, she said. which half of the agencys the countys sustainability
City staged a peace The outage initially energy is provided by re- planner.
strike opposing Ameri- closed the Bay Area Rapid newable energy sources MCE is a joint powers
can entry into another Transit agencys downtown such as solar, wind, bioen- authority made up of the
possible world conflict. Montgomery Station. Peo- ergy, geothermal and small county of Marin and mu-

ple used the lights of their hydroelectric operations. nicipalities in the county.
cellphones to walk through The program, developed
the darkened station before under a state law passed in
An atomic test in service was restored. Its exciting 2002, allows local govern-
Nevada became the Later, people milled on that there is a mental agencies in this
first nuclear explosion sidewalks, controllers di- groundswell of case, MCE to buy elec-
shown on live network rected traffic manually, tricity wholesale and resell
television as a 31-kilo- and shops were dark. Some
communities. it to local residents. The
ton bomb was dropped buildings had power, others J.R. Killigrew, community program has placed MCE
from a B-50 Superfor- did not. ATM screens were development manager of MCE in competition with inves-
tress. blank and the citys famed tor-owned Pacific Gas and

cable cars were shut down Electric Co.
for hours. Kate Davis, from left, Alex Rodriguez, Molly Gasch and Its expected that the The Deep Green option
People were confused Marissa Osowsky work on steps across from their office switch will reduce the entirely avoids the use of
Millions of Americans about what was going on Friday. citys greenhouse gas emis- Renewable Energy Certifi-
concerned about the and what to do, said Pam sions from 248 metric tons cates, and half of the addi-
environment observed Martinez, a 25-year-old San chatting or checking their said than done. of carbon pollution to about tional cost of the program
the first Earth Day. Francisco resident and soft- phones. Brent Chapman, who 158 metric tons, or about goes into a fund for other

ware engineer who was on Employees at a Starbucks works in billing and report- 90 metric tons annually. In MCE projects, including
a train when she heard the gave away cups of iced and ing for First Republic Bank, Corte Madera, about 190 the soon-to-be opened So-
announcement that her hot coffee in the darkened told his team to go home af- metric tons of carbon pol- lar One facility, a 10.5-mega-
In a dramatic pre-dawn destination station was shop. A worker said that ter huddling on a sidewalk lution would be reduced an- watt project in Richmond.
raid, armed immigra- closed. was better than letting the and waiting for word of nually. When communities join
tion agents seized Elian Even crossing the street coffee go to waste. when power would be re- Streetlights, flood-con- MCE residents are automat-
Gonzalez, the Cuban was chaotic because the Many of those affected stored. trol pump stations and ically switched to MCE un-
boy at the center of a streetlights dont work and used social media to vent They had been ready to sewer pumps are the three less they opt out.
custody dispute, from theres a few ambulances their frustrations or post send out a finished proj- big energy suckers in Corte The Deep Green pro-
his relatives home in trying to go through the celebratory memes about ect Friday, one theyd been Madera, said Town Man- gram is expected to be con-
Miami; Elian was re- crowds, Martinez said. Its getting off work early to working on for six months, ager Todd Cusimano. sidered as part of Mill Val-
united with his father at pretty crazy. play. Police Chief William after some had pulled an Corte Maderas MCE bill leys budget at a City Coun-
Andrews Air Force Base Patricio Herrera sat Scott said officers were all-nighter. totals about $117,000 a year; cil meeting May 15.
near Washington. glumly in his darkened res- working to clear traffic as Its brutal. This is se- Larkspur is paying about The San Rafael City
taurant, Ziggys Burgers, at quickly as possible, but in riously the worst possible $109,000 a year to MCE. Council will hear a budget
what should have been a the meantime folks should time that this could have The Twin Cities join Bel- preview, in which the Deep
Birthdays busy lunch hour full of peo- just relax. happened, Chapman said. vedere, Fairfax, San An- Green option will be intro-
Actress Charlotte Rae ple hungry for his freshly Take advantage of this I do not want to leave. I selmo and Sausalito in duced. The council is ex-
is 91. Actress Estelle ground hamburgers. beautiful day. See the city want to stay and get this the Deep Green program. pected to consider the bud-
Harris is 89. Singer Glen We have lost every- and enjoy the restaurants, done. The Marin Municipal Wa- get for adoption June 5.
Campbell is 81. Actor thing today, said Herrera, enjoy the parks and what- Anderson said the sub- ter District board last year Its exciting that there
Jack Nicholson is 80. the stores consulting chef not until we get traffic back station that failed was set to voted to also make the is a groundswell of com-
Author Janet Evanovich and manager. Six employ- to normalcy, he said. be part of $100 million up- switch. Other agencies in munities, said J.R. Killi-
is 74. Movie direc- ees sat at tables behind him, For some, that was easier grade of the power system. the county who moved to grew, community devel-
tor John Waters is 71. the program include the opment manager of MCE.
Singer Peter Frampton Marin Agricultural Land Hopefully it will encour-
is 67. Actress-talk show lice officers not to ask peo- ecutive Chris Abele said in Trust, Point Reyes National age the community to opt
host Sherri Shepherd
is 50. Actress Amber Funding ple they encounter about
their immigration status, it
a statement officials were
in compliance with the
Seashore and the Tamal-
pais Community Services
up, because these cities are
showing leadership.
Heard is 31. FROM PAGE 1 does not block them from law and will share the re-
talking to Immigration quired legal opinion by the
In a news release, the and Customs Enforcement date requested, though the knew everything was fixed

Star report
Justice Department said
the places were identified
agents, Butterworth said.
He said the city updated its
Justice Departments com-
ments about illegal immi-
Rebuild and it took another year,
in a May 2016 Justice De- policy to better reflect fed- gration and violent crime FROM PAGE 1 T hats because the
Ronda Rousey partment Inspector Gener- eral law last year. were neither accurate nor owners ... their mission
announces als Office report as poten- productive. The complex is made up from day one was we want
tially having policies that If they need one Milwaukee County has of six buildings, three and you to do what is right for
engagement to hindered communication its challenges but they are four stories tall. The size of the project, what is right
Travis Browne with Immigration and Cus- more letter, were not caused by illegal immi- each unit varies, but the one- for the community and we
Forget the octagon, toms Enforcement. happy to send gration, said Abele. My far bedroom apartments av- want you to spare no cost
Ronda Rousey is buzz- In addition to California, it, and well get greater concern is the pro- erage 775 square feet; two- in getting this done cor-
ing about a ring after the letters were addressed active dissemination of mis- bedroom apartments are rectly, Roy said.
announcing her engage- to officials in New Orleans; it turned around information, fear, and intol- about 1,090 square feet, and Roy would not disclose
ment to fellow MMA Philadelphia; Chicago; New quickly. erance. the three-bedroom, three- the cost of the project, but
fighter Travis Browne. York City; Clark County, Las Zach Butterworth, New That law that Sessions story townhouses average MacFarlane in 2012 ob-
Rousey flashed the Vegas; Miami Dade County; Orleans director of federal wants enforced is narrow, 1,290 square feet. Each unit tained a $47 million Bank
diamond and made the Milwaukee County, and relations and it would not bar any of will include a washer and of America construction
announcement in a Cook County, Illinois. the policies that people gen- dryer. There are 295 park- loan. A $25 million valu-
paparazzi video shared The Justice Department If they need one more erally associate with sanc- ing spaces, including private ation for the project was
by TMZ Sports. Browne wrote in a press release, letter, were happy to send tuary jurisdictions. garages on the street level of recorded on building per-
says in the video that Additionally, many of these it, and well get it turned When someone is ar- the townhouses. mits issued in February
he popped the ques- jurisdictions are also crum- around quickly, Butter- rested on a local crime, Each unit has either a and July of 2013.
tion under a waterfall in bling under the weight of il- worth said. their fingerprints are run balcony or patio deck. The Two buildings are com-
New Zealand last week. legal immigration and vio- Mike Hernandez, the through the FBI database, complex is expected to plete on the inside and
The 30-year-old lent crime, casting asper- communications director and whether local au- meet the Leadership in En- within days the scaffolding
Rousey says they plan sions on New York, Chicago for Miami Dade County, thorities like it or not ergy and Environmental will come down. The two
to get married soon, and the Bay Area in partic- said Mayor Carlos Gimnez Immigration and Customs Design silver standard for buildings that face Tamal
but that theyre just in ular. strongly believes that we Enforcement can tell if environmentally friendly Vista Boulevard will be
the beginning stages of The release said New are in compliance with the they are in the country ille- building practices. done next, and the other
planning a wedding. York, for example, which law, and noted the county gally. Immigration and Cus- Roy noted that six days a buildings will follow.
The Associated Press has seen significant re- had begun earlier this year toms Enforcement will of- week, some 200-plus work-
cent reductions in crime, to honor all requests from ten then send a request to ers park on site and crews
continues to see gang Immigration and Customs local authorities to detain receive deliveries daily.
Its a nice
murder after gang mur- Enforcement to detain po- such people. Traffic hasnt been im- concept. Its
der, the predictable con- tential illegal immigrants Refusing to honor such peded on any level, he said. free-flowing.
LOTTERY sequence of the citys soft
on crime stance. It said
taken into custody on local
a request would not neces-
sarily violate federal law.
Near the courtyard pool
there will be a fitness cen-
Its going to be
WINNING NUMBERS crime in Chicago had sky- Hernandez said the But telling local police of- ter and community room beautiful when
Daily 3 Afternoon: 0, rocketed. And it said af- county had stopped hon- ficers, for example, that with pool tables. its done.
8, 5 ter a raid on MS-13 mem- oring the requests in 2013 they could not give infor- A 3,000-square-foot Phil Roy, Tam Ridge project
Daily 3 Evening: 7, 8, 3 bers in the Bay Area, city because the federal govern- mation to their counter- ground-floor space at the manager
Daily 4: 2, 7, 0, 2 officials seemed more con- ment was not providing re- parts in Immigration and corner of Tamal Vista Bou-
Fantasy 5: 11, 30, 31, cerned with reassuring il- imbursement for the cost of C ust oms Enforc ement levard and Wornum Drive
37, 39 legal immigrants that the detaining suspected ille- might. will soon become an An- Corte Madera Mayor Di-
raid was unrelated to im- gal immigrants, but, fear- The Obama administra- dys Market, a grocery ane Furst said that since Roy
Daily Derby migration than with warn- ing the loss of federal fund- tion also had considered store and cafe. joined, shes noticed a dras-
1st: 5, California Clas- ing other MS-13 members ing, officials had decided to compliance with the law a MacFarlane represen- tic change in the construc-
sic that they were next. change course. requirement for receiving tatives wouldnt say what tion site, and that she is
2nd: 11, Money Bags Several jurisdictions We never proclaimed to Justice Department grants, it would cost to rent the looking forward to welcom-
3rd: 12, Lucky Charms said they believed they al- be a sanctuary community and in response to the In- units, and said leasing ing new residents to town.
Race Time: 1:48.51 ready had been complying before then, and we havent spector Generals report, information will be an- It is a very thorough re-
with federal law all along, since, Hernandez said. We even issued guidance on nounced in June, after the build, she said. They are
SUPER LOTTO PLUS and they disputed Sessions always have worked with the subject. Cities, though, town completes a final not just masking over the
Wednesdays draw- characterization of what federal authorities on all have said they are worried building inspection. construction mistakes ...
ing: was happening. matters, including immi- that Sessions threats are At a Tuesday Town they are literally rebuild-
2, 28, 33, 34, 38 Zach Butterworth, the di- gration. not mere talk. Council meeting, Dirk Hal- ing significant portions of
Mega number: 4 rector of federal relations Seth Stein, a spokesman Seattle, San Francisco lemeier, managing director the project.
Todays estimated for the city of New Orleans for City Hall in New York, and Santa Clara County of MacFarlane Partners, On a sunny afternoon
jackpot: $31 million and executive counsel to said, the administrations have actually sued over the said it was previously dis- this week four stories above
the mayor, said the city wel- push was nothing new matter, asking a federal cussed that rents could be where the grocery store is
MEGA MILLIONS comed the letter and would and the grandstanding judge to block Trumps ex- from the high $2,000 range planned, Roy stood in a
Fridays drawing: respond next week telling shows how out of touch the ecutive order and stop Ses- for one-bedroom units to doorway of what would
1, 12, 13, 32, 34 Sessions they were fully Trump administration is sions from making good $4,000 for the three-bed- soon be an apartment
Mega number: 10 complying with federal law. with reality. on his threat. The Justice room townhouses. Eigh- kitchen with a sliding door
Tuesdays estimated He said sanctuary city was Contrary to their alter- Department has fought teen of the units will be that leads to a communal
jackpot: $45 million an ill-defined term and New native facts, New York is the cases in court, and reserved for below-mar- balcony. This is where fu-
Orleans did not accept the the safest big city in the Acting Assistant Attorney ket-rate housing. ture residents would have
POWERBALL moniker. country, with crime at re- General Chad Readler ar- Weve learned a lot, access to a deck with a bar-
Wednesdays draw- Theres a lot of politi- cord lows in large part be- gued at a recent hearing Hallemeier said. We didnt becue pit and coveted views
ing: cal talk, but theres no le- cause we have policies in that it was premature for think it was going to take of the town and Mount Ta-
1, 19, 37, 40, 52 gal analysis, Butterworth place to encourage cooper- the judge to consider be- us a year-plus to get the malpais.
Powerball: 15 said. We say were not one ation between NYPD and cause the Justice Depart- thing done ... and then we Its a nice concept, Roy
Todays estimated because we follow federal immigrant communities, ment had not yet taken started pulling this thread said. Its free-flowing. Its
jackpot: $90 million law. he said. any sort of enforcement out of this sweater and we going to be beautiful when
While the city tells its po- Milwaukee County Ex- action. just didnt stop until we its done.

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