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Ineffective Breathing Pattern: Dening

Characteristics in Children With Acute
Respiratory Infection
Livia Maia Pascoal, RN, Marcos Vencios de Oliveira Lopes, RN, PhD, Viviane Martins da Silva, RN, PhD,
Beatriz Amorim Beltro, RN, Daniel Bruno Resende Chaves, RN, Juliana Maria Vieira de Santiago, RN, and
T. Heather Herdman, RN, PhD, FNI
Livia Maia Pascoal, RN, is a Masters Degree, Nursing Professor at Federal University of Maranho in Imperatriz, Brazil;
Marcos Vencios de Oliveira Lopes, RN, PhD, is a Nursing Professor; Viviane Martins da Silva, RN, PhD, is a Nursing
Professor; Beatriz Amorim Beltro, RN, is a Doctoral Student; Daniel Bruno Resende Chaves, RN, is a Doctoral Student;
Juliana Maria Vieira de Santiago, RN, is a Masters Student at Federal University of Cear in Fortaleza, Brazil; and
T. Heather Herdman, RN, PhD, FNI, is a Visiting Professor at Federal University of Cear in Fortaleza, Brazil and the
CEO/Executive Director of NANDA International, Inc., Kaukauna, Wisconsin.

Search terms: PURPOSE: To determine the accuracy of NANDA-I dening characteristics for
Children, ineffective breathing the nursing diagnosis, ineffective breathing pattern, in children with acute respi-
pattern, nursing assessment, ratory infection.
nursing diagnosis, respiratory sign METHODS: This was a prospective cohort study in 136 children. Measures of
accuracy were calculated for the dening characteristics.
and symptom
FINDINGS: Use of accessory muscles to breathe presented the best measure of
accuracy. Alterations in depth of breathing presented a high value of sensitivity.
Termos de busca: Altered chest excursion and orthopnea presented high values of specicity.
Padro respiratrio inecaz, CONCLUSIONS: Use of accessory muscles to breathe showed the best predictive
crianas, avaliao de capacity for ineffective breathing pattern.
enfermagem, diagnstico de IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE: Measures of accuracy can contrib-
enfermagem, sinais e sintomas ute to an accurate diagnostic inference process, improving patient assessment
respiratrios and facilitating rapid, accurate diagnosis.
OBJETIVO: Determinar a acurcia das caractersticas denidoras para o diag-
Author contact: nstico de enfermagem Padro respiratrio inecaz em crianas com infeco, with a copy to the respiratria aguda.
MTODOS: Este foi um estudo de coorte prospectiva aberta com um grupo de
136 crianas. Medidas de acurcia foram calculadas para as caractersticas
Financial support: Coordenao de RESULTADOS: Uso de musculatura acessria para respirar apresentou a melhor
aperfeioamento de pessoal de medida de acurcia. Alterao na profundidade respiratria apresentou elevado
nvel superior (CAPES) process valor de sensibilidade. Excurso torcica alterada e Ortopneia apresentaram altos
number BEX12605/12-3. valores de especicidade.
CONCLUSO: Uso de musculatura acessria para respirar apresentou melhor
capacidade preditiva para Padro respiratrio inecaz.
podem contribuir para um processo de inferncia diagnostica acurado. Educado-
res podem usar o conhecimento de caractersticas denidoras crticas para
ensinar aos alunos tcnicas de avaliao adequadas, e os enfermeiros na prtica
clnica podem estar mais atentos a essas caractersticas, a m de facilitar o
diagnstico rpido e preciso. Pesquisa adicional deve procurar replicar esse tra-
balho em populaes semelhantes e diferentes, e identicar as caractersticas do
diagnstico ao longo do tempo.

54 2013 NANDA International, Inc.

International Journal of Nursing Knowledge Volume 25, No. 1, February 2014
L. M. Pascoal et al. Ineffective Breathing Pattern

NANDA-I (2012) denes nursing diagnosis as a clinical Among the multiple nursing diagnoses from NANDA-I,
judgment about actual or potential individual, family, group, many studies have highlighted those related to the respira-
or community responses to health conditions or life pro- tory system. The diagnoses of impaired gas exchange
cesses. The lack of knowledge about the components of (00030IGE), ineffective airway clearance (00031IAC),
nursing diagnosis (denitions, dening characteristics, and and ineffective breathing pattern (00032IBP) have been
related factors, or risk factors) presents a patient safety frequently cited in the literature in different clinical situa-
risk and makes it impossible to ensure diagnostic accuracy tions and age groups (Silva et al., 2011). In a previous study
(Herdman & Von Krogh, 2012). For most diagnoses, a single that sought to analyze the nursing diagnoses present in
piece of clinical assessment data is not sufcient to conrm children with respiratory signs and symptoms, IBP was iden-
the presence of a nursing diagnosis. Diagnostic accuracy tied in 80% of the sample. Among the dening character-
requires nurses to cluster assessment data through the use istics, alterations in depth of breathing and use of accessory
of clinical judgment as a basis for determining priority muscles to breathe presented statistically signicant asso-
foci of care, setting appropriate outcomes, and selecting ciations for that nursing diagnosis (Chagas, Lima, Oliveira, &
evidence-based interventions. Thus, nurses usually identify Luz, 2011).
a set of dening characteristics and verify a plausible rela- In another study that evaluated children with acute res-
tionship between the diagnostic hypotheses of a specic piratory infection (ARI), IBP was identied in 74.4% of the
situation and the characteristics presented by the patient sample. Dyspnea was the most frequent dening character-
(Lopes, Silva, & Araujo, 2012). It is, therefore, critical istic (74.4%), but other characteristics were also high-
for nurses to understand the concepts that underlie lighted, such as tachypnea (32.1%) and use of accessory
each nursing diagnosis, and to understand the diagnostic muscles to breathe (25.6%; Monteiro, Silva, & Lopes, 2006).
indicators necessary for the accurate diagnosis of their Although the ARIs are strongly related to the occurrence of
patients. respiratory nursing diagnosis, studies of accuracy related
It has been 30 years since Dr. Marjory Gordon (1982, to this theme were not found in the literature.
1987) discussed the need to identify critical dening char- ARI is the most common type of respiratory infection in
acteristics of nursing diagnoses: those that must be present childhood and creates changes that affect the functioning
in order to diagnose an actual or potential human response. of the respiratory system. Pneumonia is an example of this
She also discussed the necessity for reliability studies to type of infection, occurring when the defense mechanisms
identify clusters of assessment data (cues) that were reli- of the respiratory system fail to maintain a sterile respira-
able for accurate diagnosis. However, research remains tory tract, causing obstruction of the bronchioles and
scarce as to those dening characteristics that most com- alveoli with brotic exudate (Tarantino, 2005). This clinical
monly occur in patient populations and those that are condition can lead to several complications, such as
required for accuracy in diagnosis. damage to the gas exchange process, difculties in the
Much of the research on dening characteristics in pulmonary ventilation process, and atelectasis (Martins &
nursing diagnosis has focused on the diagnostic content Gutirrez, 2005).
validation method of Fehring (1986, 1987, 1994); others Because of the imperative to improve the accuracy of
have used magnitude estimation scaling (Kinney & the nursing diagnosis reasoning process, the objective of
Guzzetta, 1989) and identication of clinical referents for this study was to analyze the accuracy of the dening char-
nursing diagnosis (Grant & Kinney, 1992). More recently, acteristics of the nursing diagnosis, ineffective breathing
studies have evolved that utilize the Rasch method to test pattern, in children with ARI.
instrument development within nursing diagnosis and
health care in general (Vargas, 2011; Yorke, Horton, & Jones, Methods
2012), and a strategy for assessing the accuracy of the
dening characteristics based on the approach used to A group of 136 children with ARI were followed in a
determine accuracy of diagnostic tests (Beltro, Silva, prospective cohort study for a period ranging from 6 to 10
Araujo, & Lopes, 2011; Silva, Lopes, Araujo, Ciol, & Carvalho, consecutive days to verify the occurrence of IBP. The study
2008; Sousa et al., 2013). was conducted in Northeastern Brazil, in two public hospi-
In this latter strategy, each dening characteristic is tals specializing in pediatrics. Approval for this study was
treated as a diagnostic test, which modies the estimate of obtained from the ethics committee of the institutions
the probability of a diagnosis to be present in a given situ- where the research was performed. Parents were informed
ation. Thus, the accuracy of a dening characteristic is about the study, and signed the terms of free and informed
dened as the ability of this characteristic to correctly dif- consent prior to data collection.
ferentiate between individuals with and without a nursing Children who had been admitted for a period of less than
diagnosis (Lopes et al., 2012). Therefore, measures of sen- 48 hr, and who were between 0 and 5 years of age, were
sitivity (Se), specicity (Sp), and positive (PV+) and negative included in this study. Physicians practicing at the institu-
predictive values (PV) are used to describe the diagnostic tion diagnosed the ARI, which included pneumonia, bronchi-
accuracy of the dening characteristics (diagnostic tests, in olitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, and tonsillitis. Children were
the context of this research; Knottnerus & Buntinx, 2009). excluded if they were not hospitalized for a minimum of 6

Ineffective Breathing Pattern L. M. Pascoal et al.

days, or if they presented with diseases that could change period of his or her hospitalization. The agreement between
the specic clinical condition of ARI (e.g., congenital heart nurses, measured by the kappa coefcient, was 0.7307 (z =
disease, cerebral palsy). 53.58, p < .001), which was considered strong, according to
The sample size was calculated based on a condence Kestenbaum (2009). In cases in which there was discor-
level of 95%, a sensitivity of 80%, a desired width of 8% of dance of opinion about the presence of IBP (n = 251, 22.25%
the condence intervals constructed, and an estimated of cases), the determination about its presence or absence
prevalence of 74.4% according to a previous study was made by the research team, based on an analysis of the
(Monteiro et al., 2006). According to these parameters, a assessments.
minimum of 130 children was required for the sample. Ulti-
mately, the nal sample consisted of 136 consecutively
Data Analysis
sampled children. Because these children were evaluated
for a period of between 6 and 10 consecutive days, the total
Statistical analysis was performed with the support of
number of assessments was 1,128.
the R software, version 2.12.1 (R Foundation for Statistical
Computing, Vienna, Austria). The generalized estimating
Data Collection Instruments
equation model (GEE) was adjusted to evaluate the associa-
tion between each dening characteristic and the presence
An instrument including the dening characteristics of
of the IBP nursing diagnosis. This method allowed the analy-
IBP was developed in accordance with the NANDA-I termi-
sis of all evaluations of this nursing diagnosis per child,
nology (Herdman, 2012) and based on literature about pul-
considering the correlation between the repeated measure-
monary evaluation (Jarvis, 2011; Potter & Perry, 2004;
ments. The GEE model used a structure called the rst-
Swartz, 2005). This instrument also included other informa-
order autoregressive correlation, which assumes that the
tion about the children, including gender, medical diagnosis,
presence of each diagnostic assessment is correlated with
number of hospitalizations, date of birth, and date of admis-
the presence of this diagnosis in the previous assessment
sion. Operational denitions were created for each dening
(Van Belle, Fisher, Heagerty, & Lumley, 2004). The charac-
characteristic to be studied, and data were collected by
teristics that were associated with the nursing diagnosis,
trained members of a research group in nursing diagnosis.
according to the GEE model, were evaluated according to
This training lasted 8 hr and included a theoretical discus-
measures of accuracy.
sion of diagnostic methods and operational denitions that
The accuracy of dening characteristics was based on
would be used in data collection. It also included an assess-
measures of Se, Sp, PVs (positive and negative), likelihood
ment of the clinical evaluation skills using six children of
ratio (positive and negative), and diagnostic odds ratio (OR;
similar ages to the research sample. Once competency was
see Table 1). The quality of the dening characteristics was
assured, we proceeded with data collection.
evaluated from the condence intervals using the positive
and negative likelihood ratio. In this case, the dening char-
Diagnostic Inference Training
acteristic was considered accurate when the condence
interval did not include the value of 1.00.
Nurses from the same research group were selected to
In this study, these measures were dened based on the
participate in the diagnostic inference process. Initially,
description given by Lopes et al. (2012). Se represents the
these nurses were trained to recognize the presence or
probability of a dening characteristic being present in
absence of the IBP nursing diagnosis based on a review of
patients with the diagnosis in question. Sp represents the
dening characteristics. Once the team members reached
probability of the absence of a dening characteristic in
consensus as to what would constitute a diagnosis of IBP
patients without the nursing diagnosis. The PV of a dening
and what would not, they were then assessed for their
characteristic, if positive, represents the probability of the
ability to correctly diagnose subjects with or without IBP
nursing diagnosis being present in patients with a specic
based on an analysis of 12 ctitious clinical cases. The aim of
dening characteristic. If negative, this measure represents
this strategy was to enable these nurses to achieve the
the probability of the absence of a nursing diagnosis in
same level of ability in the diagnostic inference process, as
patients without this dening characteristic. The likelihood
would be evident in their ability to diagnose these cases
ratio represents the probability of the presence or absence
consistently and uniformly (Lopes et al., 2012). Ten nurses
of a dening characteristic in patients with the nursing
participated in this stage; once competency was conrmed
diagnosis, divided by the probability of this characteristic in
in the diagnosis of IBP, analysis of the collected assess-
patients without the nursing diagnosis.
ments was initiated.
All assessments obtained (1,128) were divided into ve
blocks containing approximately 226 clinical cases each. Results
The ve blocks were then evaluated by ve different pairs
of nurses to determine the presence or absence of IBP. The mean length of hospitalization of the children in the
Each nurse pair independently made the diagnostic infer- sample was 8.29 days (1.58); 58.1% were male, with a
ence, based on all evaluations made of each child over the mean age of 20.35 months (3.11). The most frequent

L. M. Pascoal et al. Ineffective Breathing Pattern

Focus is on estimating
medical diagnosis was pneumonia (85.3%); however, some
estimating equation

over a population,

different points in
in which subjects
are measured at
children (11.8%) were admitted without specifying the type

correlated data
the analysis of
Table 1. Statistical Measures Used for Determining the Accuracy of Dening Characteristics of the Nursing Diagnosis, Ineffective Breathing

of respiratory infection, and in some cases they had more

p value < .05


than one type of medical diagnosis. The highest percentage

of children with IBP was observed on the rst day of assess-


ment (64%). This value decreased until the seventh day

(24.6%), followed by a slight increase on the eighth day
(30.9%) and the ninth day (35.5%).
Diagnostic odds ratio

being positive if the

dened as the ratio

IBP, relative to the

test being positive
of the odds of the
effectiveness of a

if the subject has Figure 1 presents the distribution of the dening charac-

subject does not

odds of the test

include value of
diagnostic test;

CI 95% (does not

teristics of IBP during the period in which the research was
Measure of the

conducted. During the rst assessment, the dening char-

have IBP
acteristics, alterations in depth of breathing and dyspnea,
Value > 1

presented frequencies greater than 75%. However, other
and dening characteristics also showed high percentage
values, approximately 61%, such as orthopnea, tachypnea,
absence of a DC in

probability of this
patients with IBP,

and use of accessory muscles to breathe. Alterations in

include value of
CI 95% (does not
Probability of the

divided by the

DC in patients

depth of breathing and tachypnea presented the lowest

without IBP

variation in the percentage values throughout the research

Value < 1


The GEE model showed that IBP was associated with the

following dening characteristics: alterations in depth of

breathing (p < .001, OR = 73.32), increased anterior
patients without

include value of
95% (does not
Probability of the

posterior diameter (p < .001, OR = 31.56), altered chest

divided by the
DC in patients
Likelihood ratio

presence of a

probability of

Value > 1 and CI

excursion (p < .001, OR = 259.14), orthopnea (p < .001, OR =

this DC in
with IBP,

30.14), tachypnea (p = .001, OR = 5.89), and use of accessory


muscles to breathe (p < .001, OR = 2,595.06; Table 2).


Based on the result obtained by the GEE model, the


accuracy of measurements of the dening characteristics

patients without a

that showed statistical signicance were analyzed (p < .05).

being absent in
Probability of IBP

The dening characteristic that presented the best mea-

Value > 80.0%
specic DC

sures of accuracy for IBP was use of accessory muscles to

breathe (Se: 88.84%; Sp: 99.53%, PV+: 99.30%; PV-:
CI, condence interval; DC, dening characteristics; IBP, ineffective breathing pattern.

92.23%). Other characteristics that showed high accuracy


were alterations in depth of breathing (high value of Se and

PV), as well as altered chest excursion and orthopnea (high
being present in
Probability of IBP

patients with a

measures of Sp and PV+). However, despite the fact that

Predictive value

Value > 80.0%

the dening characteristic, increased anteriorposterior

specic DC

diameter, presented Sp above 70%, the condence inter-

vals for likelihood ratios were not statistically signicant.
These ndings can be seen in Table 3.
absence of a DC

Probability of the

Value > 80.0%

without IBP
in patients

The occurrence of the IBP nursing diagnosis in children

with ARI can be explained because respiratory infection is a
pathological process that contributes to the increase of
secretions and interferes with the defense mechanisms of
patient with IBP

the airways (Tarantino, 2005). This alteration can trigger

Probability of a

compensatory mechanisms of adaptation that alter the ven-

present in

tilatory pattern and result in clinical manifestations

DC being

> 80.0%

(dyspnea, orthopnea, use of accessory muscles, nasal


aring, tachypnea, and others) that correspond to the

dening characteristics of IBP. In this research, the preva-
lence of IBP (64%), obtained in the rst assessment, was
Cutoff point

this study


used in

similar to that observed in a previous study, in which the

prevalence was 59.6% (Andrade, Chaves, Silva, Beltro, &
Lopes, 2012).

Ineffective Breathing Pattern L. M. Pascoal et al.

Figure 1. Dening Characteristics of Ineffective Breathing Pattern During the Research Period of Children With
Acute Respiratory Infection (n = 136)

Table 2. Results of the Generalized Estimating Equation Model for All Assessments Using Ineffective Breathing
Pattern as the Response Variable (Yes or No), and Entering the Clinical Indicators as Explanatory Variables in the
Model (Using ARI)

Dening characteristics p value Odds ratio 95% CI

Alterations in depth of breathing < .001 73.320 15.457 347.79

Altered chest excursion < .001 259.14 31.41 2,137.92
Dyspnea .059 3.979 0.947 16.716
Increased anteriorposterior diameter < .001 31.564 7.202 138.34
Nasal aringa
Orthopnea < .001 30.149 4.490 202.43
Pursed lip breathinga
Tachypnea .001 5.893 2.029 17.113
Use of accessory muscles to breathe < .001 2,595.06 343.88 19,583.3
No convergence of the model.
ARI, acute respiratory infection; CI, condence interval.

The best measure of accuracy present in this study was the measures of Se and PV identied in this study. Alter-
use of accessory muscles to breathe, corroborating the ations in depth of breathing can occur when the body
ndings from a study performed in children with asthma in attempts to increase the airow into the respiratory system
which measures of accuracy were also more signicant for to combat elevated levels of carbon dioxide and hydrogen
this characteristic (Se: 73.58%, Sp: 90.43%, PV+: 81.25%; ions in the blood, which can be triggered by the obstruction
PV-: 85.86%; Cavalcante, Mendes, Lopes, & Lima, 2010). of air passage through the airway as a result of the accu-
These diseases affect the ventilatory mechanics so that, in mulation of secretions (Marcondes, Vaz, Ramos, & Okay,
some cases, the patient needs to use accessory muscles in 2003).
an attempt to stabilize respiration (Tarantino, 2005). The dening characteristic, altered chest excursion, pre-
Regarding the characteristic, alterations in depth of sented high Sp (99.84%) and PV+ (92.31%) for determina-
breathing, no studies were found to enable comparison with tion of IBP in children with ARI. In accordance with this

L. M. Pascoal et al. Ineffective Breathing Pattern

Table 3. Measures of Accuracy for the Dening Characteristics of the Ineffective Breathing Pattern Diagnosis in
Children With Acute Respiratory Infection

Dening characteristics Se Sp PV+ PV- LR+ (95% CI) LR- (95% CI) ROC

Alterations in depth of breathing 98.97 61.96 66.16 98.76 2.60 (2.362.87) 0.02 (0.010.04) 0.804
Altered chest excursion 2.48 99.84 92.31 57.55 15.89 (2.24112.87) 0.98 (0.960.99) 0.511
Increased anteriorposterior diameter 27.31 71.97 42.48 56.64 0.97 (0.841.14) 1.01 (0.941.09) 0.496
Orthopnea 66.53 91.30 85.19 78.40 7.65 (5.929.88) 0.37 (0.320.42) 0.789
Tachypnea 70.04 54.97 53.90 70.94 41.56 (1.401.73) 0.55 (0.470.64) 0.625
Use of accessory muscles to breathe 88.84 99.53 99.30 92.23 190.71 (61.64590.03) 11.20 (0.080.14) 0.941

CI, condence interval; LR, likelihood ratio; PV, predictive value; ROC, receiver operating characteristic curve; Se, sensibility; Sp, specicity.

nding, a study conducted with patients in the postopera- that in children under 2 years of age, an increased anterior
tive cardiac phase identied an Sp of 97.3% (Nascimento, posterior diameter is physiologically expected (Seidel et al.,
Sousa, Sousa, & Lopes, 2010). In respect to the ARI, one 2010); therefore, this nding should be considered with
of the possible relations with this characteristic may be caution. A possible explanation for the lack of statistical
related to the fact that bronchial obstruction (hypersecre- signicance for the increased anteriorposterior diameter
tion) interferes with the two phases of respiration. in the present study is the self-limiting nature of the ARI.
A previous study found different results related to Finally, it was noted that the percentage of children with
orthopnea, when compared with the present investigation. IBP was highest on the rst observation, and then
In children with asthma, a high Se (90%) and PV (96%) decreased daily until a slight increase was noted on days
were found for diagnosis of IBP. In contrast, children with eight and nine. This may signify that this human response
ARI presented measures of Sp and a higher PV+ for this presents early and tends to follow the natural course of the
dening characteristic (Silveira, Lima, & Lopes, 2008). The ARI. Likewise, it is noted that some of the dening charac-
Se value identied by those authors can be related to intrin- teristics decrease daily (e.g., alterations in depth of breath-
sic characteristics of the pathophysiology of asthma, in ing, dyspnea, use of accessory muscles to breathe), others
which orthopnea is expected to occur in a higher number of seem to stay constant for a few days before beginning
individuals. Therefore, when IBP was present, this charac- to recede (e.g., increased anteriorposterior diameter),
teristic was also identied in a large number of children whereas others uctuate in their occurrence over time (e.g.,
evaluated. However, the isolated occurrence of orthopnea nasal aring, orthopnea, tachypnea; Figure 1). Although not
cannot be considered sufcient to determine the presence the purpose of this research, these types of patterns in the
of this diagnosis; the manifestation of other dening char- dening characteristics may begin to provide us with an
acteristics is necessary to conrm the presence of IBP. understanding of the clinical course of this nursing diagno-
Despite the statistical signicance identied by the GEE sis, and require further study.
model for the dening characteristics of tachypnea and
increased anteriorposterior diameter, high values for the
measures of accuracy were not found in this research. The Study Limitations
result obtained by the GEE model for tachypnea could be
related to the fact that the increase in respiratory rate is One of the observed difculties was the lack of studies in
one of the rst responses by the body to try to increase the the literature with methodological design similar to this
blood oxygen concentration. Thus, this dening character- study, which restricted the comparison of results. The age
istic can be easily identied (Tarantino, 2005). of the study population was considered another limitation
For the dening characteristic, increased anterior because of the difculty of collecting data in children. In this
posterior diameter, the results obtained in this study were case, the data collection by persons also responsible for
different from those of other authors (Cavalcante et al., identifying the dening characteristics of IBP increased the
2010; Silveira et al., 2008). The value of Sp found in those subjectivity of responses and could compromise the analy-
studies was 96.81% and 96.88%, respectively. These nd- sis of results.
ings may be related to the fact that asthma is a chronic The results may have been inuenced by incorporation
clinical condition in which the thorax adopts a constant and diagnostic review bias. This happens when prior knowl-
inspiration position as a result of pulmonary hyperination. edge about the dening characteristics is incorporated
In this situation, the increased lung volume means that during the diagnostic inference (Zhou, Obuchowski, &
higher transthoracic pressures are required to produce McClish, 2002). Finally, although the information presented
changes of the pulmonary volume. These alterations may in this research contributed to the accurate identication of
cause changes so that the anteriorposterior diameter the IBP diagnosis in children with ARI, these results should
becomes equal to or greater than the transverse diameter be used with caution because most of the children sampled
(Tarantino, 2005). In this context, the literature indicates were hospitalized in organizations that received patients

Ineffective Breathing Pattern L. M. Pascoal et al.

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However, other characteristics also presented high Se mea- tions and classication, 20122014. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
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The results of this research can provide educators with a Wiley-Blackwell.
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