Growth Assessment Jessicafloyd

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Adapting to Education 2.0

Jessica Floyd

Azusa Pacific University

EDUC 526

Adapting to Education 2.0

History of Coursework

Table 1

History of Coursework

Course Term Professor Reflection

EDTC 515 Fall 2017 Tim Holder Introduction to history of educational technology.

EDTC 517 Fall 2017 Kristi Learning how to create a webpage, and using

Hernandez different forms of technology in lessons.

EDTC 527 Fall 2017 Barry Bettger Learn different web resources to incorporate into

teaching. Learn the use of blogs, wikis, online

scavenger hunts, and virtual field trips in the

classroom. Learned how to create a webpage.

EDUC 504 Spring Roderick Learn about the importance of being sensitive and

2017 Riley understanding to different cultures and ethnic

backgrounds. Learn different ways to close the

achievement gaps between students.

EDUC 511 Fall 2017 Kristi Introducing us to digital learning. Learn how

Hernandez online classes work, and different online resources.

EDUC 526 Fall 2017 Jennifer Summing up everything we have learned at APU,

Courduff and applying our new found knowledge.

EDUC 572 Fall 2017 Chinaka S. Using psychology to better teach students in a

DomNwachw class. Learn different theories to teach students.

u Each student learns differently, and develops



TEP 526 Fall 2016 Ie May Teaching math to K-8. Learn how to engage

Freeman students in math, and connect it to their everyday

life. Teach math using manipulatives, and online


TEP 536 Spring Greg Kaiser Teaching science to K-8. Using Next Generation

2017 Science Standards and Common Core.

TEP 546 Spring Greg Kaiser Teaching students social sciences and visual art.

2017 Created lessons that use common core standards.

TEP 566A Fall 2016 Ie. May Observe teachers as they teach their class, and how

Freeman a typical day is as a teacher.

TEP 566B Fall 2016 Ie. May Observe teachers and help teach students in small

Freeman groups. Learning from observing.

TEP 576A Spring Ie. May Student teaching. Learn how to teach in the

2017 Freeman classroom, manage a class, and build relationship

with students.

TEP 576 B Spring Ie. May Student teaching. Teaching a classroom of

2017 Freeman students. Keeping students engaged, and learning

from seasoned teachers.

TEP 586 Spring Ann Bradley Student teaching. Sharing struggles and joys with

2017 other student teachers.

TESP 506 Fall 2016 Ie. May Introduction to teaching. Teaches how to survive

Freeman the first year of teaching, and to find your own


teaching style.

TESP 516 Fall 2016 Ie. May Teaching reading and writing to students. Class

Freeman covers the parts of reading and writing. Phonemic

awareness, phonics, fluency, and reading


TESP 556 Fall 2016 Ie. May Teaching ELL students. Using SDAIE and ELD

Freeman strategies to help ELL students learn. This class is

helps prepare students for RICA and student


Personal Growth

Throughout the Master of Arts in Education: Learning and Technology (LRNT) program at

Azusa Pacific University, I have grown as a person. In the beginning of this program I was very

unsure in my ability to complete the program. When completing my Bachelors at Cal Poly

Pomona I did not feel confident in my schoolwork, and I felt as if I was not fully devoted to my

education. When I applied at APU I was hoping to complete my credential and degree, I did not

think how much of an impact this experience would have on me. In the past year I have grown

spiritually, cognitively, and affectively.

Spiritually I have grown an incredible amount. I was hesitant in coming to a Christian school

because I did not have a strong bond with God. I was confused on who I was and what I believed

in. I knew I believed in God, but was not sure how building a relationship with him would

benefit my life. After being around classmates who had a strong bond with God, and sitting

through classes that were faith based I started to become more connected with my religion. I

have learned that God is always here for me and is the most dependable person in my life.

During this program I lost my father. It was sudden and I know without APU I would not have

found God, and I know that without him I would not have been able to get through the passing of

my dad.

I have also grown cognitively during my time in this program. When I first started this

program I was not very organized. Throughout my time at APU I had to become more organized.

Student teaching was the biggest factor in my organization improvement. It was crucial to keep

my classwork organized. I learned how to juggle teaching, school, work, family, and friends

during student teaching. It taught me the importance of time management, and keeping all of my

documents and work organized.


Lastly, I have grown the most affectively. In the beginning I was terrified to begin this

process. I had so many doubts if I would be able to finish, and if teaching was something I was

meant to do. I had no confidence in myself. Through building relationships with my professors,

classmates, other teachers, and God I can say confidently that I am meant to teach. I am no more

the shy or timid person I was last year. I have grown into myself, and my confidence has

increased dramatically. During my time at APU I have created strong friendships with my

classmates. Having someone to talk to and who understands the stress of the program has helped

me a lot. The most valuable resource that all teachers have is each other (What Teachers Do,

2017). Without these friendships I have made with classmates and teachers I would not be

finishing this program. I will take these friendships with me as I leave APU.

This program has taught me a lot, and I have grown into myself.

Professional Growth

Through this program at APU I have grown professionally. Prior to this program I had

never been in a classroom before, or around several children at one time. I have since broken out

of my shell, and have learned how to manage a classroom. This program has affected my career,

pushed me to grow as an educator, and accomplish a lot.

This program has affected my career in a positive way. Before attending APU I was a

bartender/server in a restaurant, and I was not happy with where I was. I am now a substitute

teacher for Corona-Norco Unified School District and I could not be happier. I am able to do

something I am passionate about, and am looking forward to one day getting a position as a full-

time teacher.

As an educator I have grown professionally. I am now more comfortable in a classroom

teaching students. I have learned how to manage a classroom efficiently, and to build a good

rapport with the students. Through this program I am able to create engaging and meaningful

lessons. These aspects are crucial to being an effective and successful teacher.

I am proud of my professional accomplishments through this learning journey. Through

my student teaching I was able to impress and build strong bonds with teachers throughout the

school. Building this bond has opened up substitute teaching assignments. These teachers now

request me to teach their classes. I have also been able to tutor students for teachers I have met.

These teachers recommend me to parents, and I am able to tutor students. The teachers I have

met have been wonderful and I am looking forward to learning more from them. As John Cotton

Dana once said, Who dares to teach, must never cease to learn (as cited in Platt, 1989, p.55). I

know as much as I have grown I can always learn more from these amazing teachers I have come

in contact with. I feel as if I have accomplished a lot so far professionally, and am looking

forward to accomplishing more.

I have learned so much from this program and have grown significantly professionally. I

am looking forward to continue my growth.

Technical Growth

Throughout this program at APU I have grown a lot with my use of technology. When I

first began this program I struggled with my use of technology. I would always end up frustrated

when trying to learn how to use a new program. Since then I have grown in my technical

expertise with creating websites, video tutorials, and using technology to support my lesson

plans for teaching.

I have grown in my ability to create websites. At first when I was asked to create a

website I was lost and confused. I now understand how to create a website. I have also learned

the benefits of creating websites for my class. It is a great way to keep parents and students

updated with the class. I have learned how to use Wix and Weebly to create webpages.

Through this program I have also grown in my use of technology by learning how to

create video tutorials. I am now very confident in my use of Camtasia to create video tutorials.

These video tutorials are going to be very beneficial to my future students because I can

implement a flipped classroom in some subject matter. I have learned that Camtasia can support

my students learning, by using technology to create videos to teach students.

Lastly, I have grown in my technical expertise by learning ways to use technology to

support my lesson plans for teaching. I am able to create polls, use videos, go on virtual

fieldtrips, and create wikis to engage students and to enhance their learning. Instead of shying

away from technology in the classroom I have learned how to embrace it, and use it to help

students expand their knowledge. It is important as an educator to learn new ways to teach

students and keep them interested in their learning, and this is possible through the use of

technology. If we teach today the way we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow

(Dewey, 1977, p. 167).

Without this experience in the LRNT program I do not feel confident that I would have

grown as much as I have with my use of technology.

Life Long Learning Plan

Being an educator means being a life long learner. After my time at APU I plan on

continuing my learning through reading books, blogs, and attending seminars.

Reading has always been a passion of mine, and is something I do in my free time. I have

made friends with several teachers through my time of student teaching and subbing, and these

teachers have introduced me to amazing books. These books give me new ideas I can use in the


Another way I plan on continuing my learning is through blogs. Blogs are an amazing

way to learn new tools and information. I use social media a lot and it is a great way to connect

with other teachers. Almost all the teachers I follow on social media have blogs. I am then able to

learn from other teachers. The best part about blogs is that I am able to connect and learn from

people in different school districts, states, and even countries.

Lastly, I will continue my journey of learning by attending seminars and training.

Seminars and training are a great way to learn in a hands on environment. While attending

seminars and training I am able to hear guest speakers who have so much experience, and I am

able to connect with other teachers. Connecting with other teachers is important when building

my personal learning network. I love learning from other teachers because we share the same

passion and they have experience in the classroom.


APUs Masters of Arts in Education: Learning and Technology has helped me become an

effective teacher. I will use everything I have learned throughout this program in the classroom. I

know I have grown as a student and as a person. I have become a better Christian by building a

better connection with God. The LRNT program has provided me with the skills I needed to help

me grow personally, spiritually, technically, and professionally.



Meehan, R. J. (2017, July 7). What Teachers can be Retrieved December 01, 2017, from

Platt, S. (1989). Respectfully quoted: a dictionary of quotations requested from the

Congressional Research Service. Washington: Library of Congress, 55.

Dewey, J. (1977). Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education.

NY: The Macmillan Company, 167.

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