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Characteristics of Spiritual Well Being July 15, 2010

 Peace with God

 Inner Peace Spiritual Well Being
 Faith in Christ (God) - integrating aspect of human wholeness, meaning and hope
 Good Morals  Personal faith (belief)
 Faith in People  Religious Practice (support)
 Helping others  Spiritual Contentment (degree of contentment or
 Positive Self Concept distress)
 Meaning of Success
A. Personal faith
Alt. In Spiritual Integrity – reflection of an individual transcendent values and
 Spiritual Pain philosophy
– discomfort relative to relationship with God - “a personal relationship with God on whose strength and
 Spiritual Alienation sureness one can literally stake one’s life”
–God is remote from everyday life
 Spiritual Anxiety B. Religious Practice
– fear of God’s punishment and not to take care of, - attendance to formal group worship services, private
worry of displeased prayer & meditation, reading spiritual books and articles and
 Spiritual Guilt carrying out activities such as volunteer work or almsgiving
– failed to do which should have done
 Spiritual Anger C. Spiritual contentment
– frustration, anguish or outrage unfairness of God – “living in the now of God’s love”
 Spiritual Loss - “accepting the ultimate strength of God”
– temporarily lost or terminated the Love of God - “finding peace in God’s love & forgiveness”
 Spiritual Despair
– no hope of ever having a relationship with God Stages of Faith Development:
(Potential for suicidal ideation) 1. Prestage
– trust, courage, hope and love
Stages of Development - child is about to 1-3 years old
1. Undifferentiated Faith (Pre-stage)
–seeds of trust, courage, hope and love 2. Stage 1
2. Intuitive-Projective Faith – learns example of faith from related adults
– “fantasy-filled” influenced by examples
– moods, actions, and stories of visible faith 3. Stage 2
3. Mythic-Literal Faith – child is school age (6-12)
– internalizes stories, beliefs and observances - internalizes of stories of one’s own faith community
– symbolize belonging to own faith community
4. Synthetic-Conventional Faith 4. Stage 3 & 4
– outside family unit “faith basis for identity and – AGE 12-20
outlook - religious faith as basis for identity and world outlook
5. Individualize-Reflective Faith ***stage 4 – ages 21-30
– claim a faith identity no longer defined by “the
composite of one’s roles or meanings to others” 5. Stage 5
– personal creativity – age 31-40
6. Conjuctive Faith - conjunctive faith
– “deeper self” social conscience finding meaning
7. Universalizing Faith 6. Stage 6
– “imperatives of absolute love and justice – recognizes imperatives of love and justice towards
Approximate age associated categorization - Age 41 and above

History: spiritual needs may change

- new spiritual concern may arise
Signs of Possible spiritual distress
 Sudden change in spiritual practices
 Mood changes
 Sudden interest in spiritual matters
 Disturbed sleep

Nursing History “areas of concern”

 Concept of God
 Source of strength and hope
 Significance of related practices
 Perceived relationship between spiritual belief and
state of health

1 Cor 13: 4-8

Love is patient & kind, it is not jealous or conceited or proud;
love is not ill-mannered or selfish or iiritable, love does not
keep a record of wrongs,; love is not happy with evil, but is
happy with the truth. Love never gives up; and its faith,
hope, and patience never fail.
Love is eternal. There are inspired messages, but they are
temp. There are gifts of speaking in strange tongues but they
will cease; there is knowledge but it will pass.

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