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Settling Chambers

1. A hydraulic acid mist in air at 25C to be collected in gravity settler. You are requested to
calculate the smallest drop.

2. A NaOH spray in air at 30C is to be collected in a gravity settler. The unit is 30 ft wide,
15 ft high and 40 ft long. Settling velocity is 42 ft/s. Calculate the smallest mist droplet
(smallest n shape) that will entirely collected by the settler.
p = 0.0728 lb / ft3 ; v = 1.245 x 10-3 lb /ft.s ; SG = 1.21
3. A monodispersed aerosol 1.099 micrometer in diameter passes through a gravity settler
20 cm wide, 50 cm long with 18 plates and channel thickness of 0.124 cm. the gas
flowrates is 8.6 L/min and observed that it operates at an efficiency of 64.9%. How many
plates would be required to have the unit operate at 80% efficiency?

4. The aerosol consisting of particles 0.63 and 0.83 micrometer in diameter in equal mass
amounts passed through a gravity settler at a flowrate of 3.6 l/min. Given the following
data, use stokes law with the Cunningham correction factor to calculate the efficiency og
the settler. L = 50 cm
B = 20 cm
Height of channel = 0.124 cm
No. of channel = 19
Density = 1.05 g/L
x= 0.1 micometer
viscosity = 0.0182 cP

5. As a recently hired engineer for an equipment vending company, you have been
requested to design a gravity settler to remove all iron particulates from a dust-laden gas
stream. The following information is given:
dp = 35 mm; uniform, i.e., no distribution
gas = air at ambient conditions
q = 130 ft3/s
u, throughput velocity = 10 ft/s
density of particle = 7.62 g/cm3
6. Design a gravity-settling chamber to remove (with 100% efficiency) particles larger than
60 mm from an air stream of 24,000 acfm at 778F. Theinlet concentration is 15 gr/ft3,
and the outlet concentration is to be 1.0 gr/ft3. Shelves of 10 ft length and 5 ft width are
to be employed. The superficial velocity should be less than 10 ft/s (use this value in the
calculations). The properties of air at 778F are
Viscosity = 1.23 x 10-5 lb/ ft s
Density = 0.074 lb/ft3
Specific gravity of particles = 1:8

7. As a graduate student you have been assigned the task of studying certain process factors
in an operation in Sao Paulo, Brazil that employs three cyclones in series to treat
catalyst- laden gas at 258C and 1 atm. The inlet loading to the cyclone series is 8.24
gr/ft3, and the volumetric flow rate is 1,000,000 acfm. The efficiency of the cyclones are
93%, 84% and 73%, respectively. Calculate the following:

(a) Daily mass of catalyst collected (lb/day).

(b) Daily mass of catalyst discharged to the atmosphere.
(c) Whether it would be economical to add an additional cyclone (efficiency = 52%)
costing an additional $300,000 per year. (The cost of the catalyst is $0.75 per pound.)
(d) Outlet loading from the proposed fourth cyclone if the operation is based on 300 days
per year.

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