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Game Music and Sound Proposal

Date: 12/15/2017

Candy Crush Soda Saga

\\ Introduction
There are 3 different worlds in Game X. The music styles would be representative of those worlds
but would follow a sci-fi ambient based vibe. Story and cinematics play an important role in Game X.
The music for the cinematics should be extremely subtle so that it adds a layer to the dialogue but
does not get in its way. There will be menu, sub-menu and credits music. SFX is also needed.

\\ Creative Vision
We got Asian instruments and players in our studio, and they can play the authentic eastern music for
your game.

\\ Budget Breakdown

Categories Sub-Categories Rate Cost (USD/ 1-min music) Note

Composition 300 USD / 1 min music 300

Studio Rent 100 USD / 1 hour rent (100*45/60)+(100/4)=100 1-min music takes 45-min to
record and 1-hour studio
In Studio
3~5 * 80 USD / 1 hour time is needed for every 4-
Players (3~5)*80*45/60=180~300
recording hour session to set up.

1-hour studio time for mixing

Mixing Studio Rent 80 USD / 1 hour rent 80
1-min music

Total 660~780

Section Length or Quantity Rate Amount (in USD)

Music 40:00 700 per minute 28000

Cinematics 8:00 700 per minute 5600
Menus 5:00 700 per minute 3500
Sound Design 1000 20 per sfx 20000

Total 57100

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