Nicholson Cason Project

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Study Poster Project

A derivative is going to play a vital role in the rest of this class. For this reason, its essential
to understand what a derivative is and how a derivative can be used. For this project, I
would like for you to submit a study poster on a single sheet of paper that details all
the essential characteristics of a derivative that we discussed in class. You may also
complete the project by using Popplet. You must incorporate at least one graphic
organizer in your poster. This can be a flow chart, concept web, Venn Diagram, etc. Your
aim should be to utilize creativity and color to generate a study poster that would assist a
student who is confused on what a derivative is and why its important.
Essential components:
1. One sheet of paper, unless completed using Popplet
2. A variety of color to differentiate important information
3. All of the following information
a. Definitions for a derivative
i. How slope and tangent line are related to derivative
b. The three interpretations of a derivative with examples
c. The motivation for finding derivatives
d. Define speed, velocity, and acceleration
i. Explain how a derivative is related to these three terms
ii. Explain how the slope speed generates velocity, and the slope of
velocity generates acceleration

The project will be graded out of 20 points and will determined as follows

5 4 3 2 1
Accurateness of The material There are There are There are lots Most of the
material is accurate slight errors, some errors of errors information is
[5 pts]
Clarity and Organizer is Organizer is Organizer is Organizer is Organizer is
presentation clear and well mostly clear moderately slightly clear confusing and
designed and well clear and and not well not well
[5 pts] designed mostly well designed designed
Incorporates Organizer Organizer Organizer Organizer Organizer
necessary contains all contains most contains some contains little doesnt
necessary necessary necessary necessary contain most
information information information information information necessary
[5 pts] information
Graphic Fully Graphic Graphic Graphic No graphic
organizer incorporates a organizer is organizer is organizer organizer was
graphic mostly well incomplete confusing and used
[5 pts] organizer incorporated not used well
An example of a fully complete assignment can be found through the link below

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