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Date: .30.10.2017

Mujahid Husain
Add: - 55, Kot old city, Bareilly
Uttar Pradesh
Pin: - 243005
PAN No.:- AMAPH0424R
Phone No.:-9631104015

Kind Attn: Mr. Mujahid Husain

Sub:Work Order for providing APL HH Service Connections with LT

Extension if required

This refers to the interest shown by you in execution of the above

mentioned project works and subsequent discussions we had with you,
we are pleased to place the work order on you for erection of material as
per the schedule of quantities and rates detailed in the enclosed
Annexure A and as per the list of Villages, where the above stated
works need to be carried out as per terms & conditions detailed below.

1) Scope of Work:
The erection work is as per the details in Schedule of Rates for each item
is enclosed as Annexure-A and the List of villages are allotted at the
time work order allotment. You have to submit the bills as per the break
up rates, prices shall remain FIRM till completion of the total erection

The rates are inclusive of complete survey, erection, testing &

commissioning as per drawing and technical specification including
supply of all manpower, equipments, tools & tackles and safely in
transportation of materials from our store at Gulabbahg, Purnea and
return of surplus materials to our store after completion of each village..

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2) Completion Period:
Time is the essence of this contract, you are required to mobilize the
equipment and manpower and start work immediately on handing over of
one village/site to you. You are required to complete the entire erection
work with in the scheduled time in your allotted villages. If you fail to
achieve the rate of progress, we reserve the right to terminate the
contract and get the work done by third parties at your risk & cost.

3) Liquidated damages for delay in work

In case the work is delayed beyond the agreed schedule, LD is leviable @
5% (five percent) per week of delay or part there of subject to a
maximum of 10% of the total contract value.
The payment will be deducted accordingly from your running bills
submitted by you.

4) Drawing & GTP

The erection work shall be done as per the approved drawings, technical
specifications and NBPDCL contract terms. You shall arrange to get the
daily progress reports certified on a day to day basis from the concerned
NBPDCL representative at site and representative of SWCPL(Sealwel
Corporation Pvt Ltd.).

5) Inspection :
The quality of work or workmanship shall be as per the
specifications/requirements of NBPDCL/SWCPL. If any objections raised
by the inspecting authorities, it is your responsibility to repair/rectify up
to the complete satisfaction of inspection authorities with out any extra
cost, the cost of inspection is also debited to your account.

6) Workmanship
The quality of the workmanship shall be as per requirement of the
NBPDCL/SWCPL specifications and directions of the Engineer in Charge

7) Safety Procedure & Insurance

You shall ensure proper safety of all the workmen, material, plant and
equipment during the execution of the allotted contract work till it is
properly handed over to the client NBPDCL/SCPL. Damages/injuries to
your workmen, tools & plants and third party property to be covered by
you at your cost. All the required insurance policies, work man
compensation policy etc. are to be taken by you and to the satisfaction of
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You shall take utmost care during the erection works especially during
Execution of works under power block and safe guard the already
existing Installations. You will depute your supervisor to ensure proper
safety of the manpower deployed at the work.

It is your responsibility to safeguard all the materials used in the erection

of feeder/village works against any damage, theft and loss. You shall take
all precautions required while execution of work and adequate
insurances to cover these eventualities.

8) Extension of Time
In case of delay due to reasons not attributed to you, you will be entitled
reasonable extension of time. However you will not be entitled for any
compensation there on.

10) Deviations
You shall carry out the work strictly as per the NBPDCLL Specification. In
case deviations required, it shall be carried out only with the written
confirmation from SWCPL.

While accepting this work order, you shall be aware of the scope of work,
site, working conditions, climatic conditions, availability of labour,
technicians, skilled tradesmen, materials and equipment, Transport &
communication facilities.

The number of villages and Census codes mentioned in the work order
are tentative only. However the exact number of feeder/villages will
change accordingly as per the actual site conditions.

11) Billing & Payment.

i. The first 80% payment will be made Progressive monthly
basis on the actual work done. The payment will be released in 30
days time after submission of the bill along with proper material
reconciliation statement and joint measurement certification by
SWCPL representative & Contractor.

ii. The second 20% payment will be made after fully

completion up to releasing of APL connections to the consumers and
handing over of the same to NBPDCL after certification from SCPL

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12) SWCPL supplied materials
You shall be responsible to collect/receive the SCPL supplied Material to
be used at site and balance unused material to be returned in good
condition to SCPL store. The cost of any damage/ loss/theft shall be
recovered from your running bills.

13) Warranty
All erection works executed by you shall be warranted till handing over
and acceptance by NBPDCL/SWCPL for any defects due to poor
workmanship. Any workman defects during this period shall be set right
by you and replacing equipments/parts for free of cost.

14) Claim
There shall be no claim for idle labour and machinery due to stoppage of
work either by neighbors, authorities or by us for what-so-ever reason it
may be or for any other reasons. No claims will be allowed in case of any
dispute and not aware of these requirements.

15) Relation with Neighbours

You should maintain good cordial relation with the neighbors and any
fellow Contractor/other working agencies at site.

17) Termination of the Contract

The SWCPL has the right to terminate the contract at any stage due to
any of the following reasons.
1. If the original contract between NBPDCL and SWCPL is terminated/

2. SWCPL/NBPDCL is unable to complete the work due to reasons like

non-availability of the work fronts, delay in availability of materials
or delay in receipt of the payments from NBPDCL.

3. In case you are unable to carry out the work to the satisfaction of
the SWCPL/ NBPDCLs representatives

4. In case you are unable to ensure adequate progress as required by


5. In case if you collect money from the consumers

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6. Upon termination of the contract/work order, all your future rights
and obligations shall cease. However, the termination shall not
relieve you from any obligation, which may have occurred up to the
date of the termination.

7. In case you allot the work to other Sub Contractors

18) Labour Welfare & Regulations

a. You shall comply with all the statutory rules and regulation as
provided in the labour laws including those concerning minimum
wages, employment of labour, disbursement of wages etc.

b. You shall file all the returns for labour license. You shall also submit
all the details required under the labour laws in terms of compliance
of the same.

c. You shall take all safety precautions and shall comply with all labour
regulations as specified by the state Government.

d. Hospitalization for work force shall be met by you, in case of any

injuries sustained at site due to non following of safety norms.

e. You shall be totally responsible for the conduct of your workers.

19) Force Majeure

Neither party shall be held responsible for any losses, if the fulfillment of
any terms of provisions of the order are delayed or prevented by Acts of
lawful Government, revolutions or other disorders, wars, acts of enemies,
strikes, fires, floods, acts of God or acts of states without limiting the
foregoing, any other cause not within the control of the party whose
performance is interfered with, and which by the exercise of reasonable
diligence, is unable to prevent, whether of the class of clause herein
before enumerated or not. You shall notify us within 7 days of the
occurrence of the force majeure condition hindering the progress of

20) Law, Statute and Jurisdiction

All matters relating to the validity, meaning and performance of the work
Order shall be decided in accordance with the laws and statute of
Republic of India and shall be subject to and be referred to the court of
law situated at Hyderabad.

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21) Arbitration
If any dispute shall arise between parties touching on the order,
agreement or the construction or operation thereof or the rights, duties
or liabilities under these except as to any matters, the decision of which
is specially provided for by the general or the special conditions, such
dispute shall be referred to two arbitrators, one to be appointed by each
party, and the said arbitrators shall appoint an Umpire in writing before
entering on the reference and the award of the arbitrators or the Umpire,
as the case may be, shall be and binding on both the parties. The
arbitrators or the Umpire as the case may be, with the consent of the
parties, enlarge the time from time to time for making and publishing the
award. Such arbitration shall be governed in all respects by the
provisions of the Indian Arbitration Act, 1940 and the rules framed there
under and any statutory modification or reenactment thereof. The
arbitration Proceedings shall be held in Hyderabad.

Please acknowledge the work order copy and return signed copy as token
of your acceptance of the above terms and conditions.

For SWCPL Constructions Ltd

Authorized signatory

1. Annexure A (Schedule of Rates).

2 Time Schedule Of Work

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