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By The Author of

The Simple Divine Truth Books

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Published in September 01, 2010

Revised Nov 06, 2015

I.a. Priests (Pastors)

Priests and pastors are the persons who do religious rites and also teach
what God expects man should do? Most of the preachers and pastors are
professional and may have studied from a seminary or theological
institutions. Their study goes, even beyond Thd and Phd. The more they
study, the more pride they have and less spiritual they become.
Some Preachers are self-made and have attained good knowledge, just by
the grace of God. When their attempt is true, sincere and not money
motivated, they become true servants of God, such people are very rare.
Anyone who speaks by mixing up the Bible with Philosophy, Psychology
and Logic cannot be a God sent. People will be amazed with such peoples
great, attractive and powerful orations. Such orations will never serve the
true spiritual attainment. People can be instigated and agitated with
their fiery speeches easily.
Just like Mark Anthonys purpose motivated oration in Julius Caesar;
Anthony led the people to mutiny and for a long civil war, which ended up
in the killing of all Julius Caesars murderers. Though Shakespeare wrote
in his dramatic way, the story was based on a historical truth.
Preachers can also do same orations, which does not help anyone to
repent for the sins they committed. The public will be attracted with
powerful sermons and will donate generously. Financial growth of a
person or Church is not an evidence of Gods blessing. God bless only
sincere and people who are not after money, their spiritual blessing is
greater than everything else on the earth.
Romans 6:9 Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead, die no
more; death hath no more dominion over him
Romans 6:10 For in that He died, He died unto sin once: but in that he
lives, he lives unto God.

Romans 6:11 Likewise reckon you also yourselves to be dead

indeed to sin, but alive to God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Through Baptism, Christs believers have died and then resurrected; now
they live in Christ, waiting for ascension. They are no worldly-man but
A spiritual man does not need everything on the earth but just what is
required for his reasonable survival. They are supposed to discharge their
spiritual responsibility and live without coveting worldly possessions and
even reward and remuneration.

This principle contradicts what todays Christians, Christian Churches,

Christian Institutions and Christian countries do. They all do everything
just opposite to what Jesus has taught.



Theologian is a person, who does and also teaches rational and systematic
study of religion and its influences and of the nature of religious truth and
God. Far as Christians are concerned, most of those who study theology
become a preacher or priest. Like any other professionals they are very
well skilled in their subject and field and less spiritual.



A Politician is the one, who study the government of states and other
political units and a schemer; who tries to gain advantage in a political
organization or system in sly or underhanded ways. Sly=Crafty
There is no straight and honest politics. Politics is full of treachery and
dishonest business.
So Bernard Shaw said The last resort of a scoundrel is politics In otherwords a politician is a scoundrel, if not he will not survive in his political
Resort=A means to an end; without principle and ethics adopted only in
desperation or for an escape.
Scoundrel=A wicked person who does evil deliberately.



Sociologist is the one, who study and classify human societies (Social
science) and trying to improve social life and provides humanitarian help.
All these are entirely different at the same time they are closely knitted
because they all are connected to mans everyday life. One can easily
handle several of these types of fields at the same time.
Generally Christian Priests get involved in most of everything where as
other religious priests do not.

Why Christian priests get in to all kinds of business?

After several years of study in a Seminary-prison they come out as a fullfledged priest, free as the bird, and get appointed to do what is learned.
Eventually the priest himself finds out, he has more capabilities and
talents. He ignores his spiritual commitments and becomes greedy in
Wealth, Power and Position in the society. On one side he will work as a
priest for a short time and the other side he will do other jobs.

They run hospitals, poly-technical schools, and engineering colleges and

so on. They also get involved in all kinds of social and political problems
without anyones invitation.
Crusade was the creation of the highest priest, which lasted for more than
200 years. This crusade has divided the Christians and Muslims for ever.

Crusades is described in The Simple Divine Truth Book IV Chapter

30 under the title The Cross and The Crescent
The first page is described as following: -- For the full story, please
refer the above referred Book and 30th Chapter.

Were those Crusades Holy? No!

Any war is a violation of God's sixth commandment.
"You shall not kill"
Any invasion of another country is a violation of God's tenth
commandment, "You shall not covet"
The term Crusade has derived from the blend of Croisade and Spanish
Crusada. Croisade and Crusada meant Holy-war.
Crusades are a number of military expeditions originated by Christian
leaders, from the 11th century to 13th century. Romans occupied
Jerusalem for four hundred years embraced with Christianity. During the
seventh century Jerusalem was under Muslims; for capturing the Holy
Land back from the Mohammedans the Christians set out for war.
When the first war ended the Christians' military strength has diminished
from sixty thousand to six hundred, what a remarkable achievement? The
troops traveled more than three thousand miles on foot to fight the war.
Several tens of thousands of soldiers died from both sides and the civilians
of all ages and sex were brutally massacred. Christian leaders at the
zenith of the Islamic culture and prosperity instigated this war; and when
Jerusalem was at the peak of richness and peace at that time. During that
period all the religious people lived in perfect harmony over there.
(First page of the book The Simple Divine Truth Book IV ends here)

When Pope Gregory reigned, the Papacy had acquired considerable power
over Europe. Gregorys second successor Pope Urban II instigated for the
crusade. He figured, Jerusalem will be in their control with all the wealth
after a brief war but it was not so. Before the result of first crusade could
reach Pope Urban II, he passed away.
Pope Urban promised complete remission of sins and will go to heaven for
anyone killed in the Holy Land and who died on the way to the Holy Land
in this righteous crusade. The truth is, just opposite; those who got killed
must have gone to hell rather than to heaven.
In monasteries, NUNS also do the same thing like the priests. In fact they
are to be bound with church and prayers and not supposed to get involved
in humanitarian and social work and any such matters.
This is in violation of their spiritual commitment. Their prime responsibility
of nuns is to worship God first with all the time he can get, and then bring
the people closer to God. Rest of the time they are supposed to pray for
During worshipping the priests will have a heap of lists for intercessional
prayers. They put their hand on it and pray for few moments. The priest
thinks his business is over. He is supposed to devote all the available time
to pray for others.
Before Christs coming the priests were to conduct animal sacrifices and to
pray. After Christs coming no animal sacrifices were needed but
repentance and prayers are required. The priests are to teach the laymen
what is righteous and bring them to repentance.
Those ancient priests never did any marriage engagements, marriages,
baptisms, and funerals.
These things were not connected to the Church or temple, in those days.
The laymen used to do it themselves.
Jesus Christs associates buried Him and there was not even the shadow
of a priest.
Jesus was Baptized by Baptist-John who was not a priest but known as a
Now, Baptism, marriage engagement, marriage, and funeral are declared
as spiritual performances of priests monopoly, for which the Church
charge enormously from the laymen. This is one way of plundering money
from the people in the name of GOD. Now you can see how church makes
money and get rich. (Laymen = Someone who is not a clergy or a
professional pastor or preacher Church members)

Should a priest do any jobs other than his spiritual matters?

The simple and firm answer is NO.
These priests are paid to work as a priest, at the cost of the members of
the Church. Now the congregation has no control over these priests when
they go out of their spiritual way.
In these days a preacher or priest gets involved in all kinds of things, and
all kinds of business like a common-curry-powder mixed with everything.
Nothing is left in this world for the priests not to poke with their nose.
No woman can love several men at the same time equally.
If they Love their God they cannot love wealth or anything else.
Mark 12: 33 Love God with all the heart, and with all the understanding,
and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbor as
himself, is more than all, whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.

What interests me most is the meaning of LOVE given in the Bible.

Love means not to do anything against the person whom you love;
in your thoughts, in your words and in your deeds; thereby you do
no harm to the one you love. Love is not what goes on between two
as lust. True love takes no reward from the counterpart.

Romans 13:10 Love does no ill to his neighbor.

Jesus said; love your God and also your neighbor. Loving God means
obeying Gods commandments. If you dont obey God, He will feel sorry
for you. Obey God, so that he will not feel sorry for creating you. God
wants you to be his obedient child and not a prodigal one.
A sincere or true preacher can never get in to in any other business or
money matters. Jesus very clearly said: Mathew 6:24 Jesus said No man can serve two masters: for either he will
hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and
despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon
Mammon=Wealth/ Money
Anyone, who is after Money, Worldly-possessions, Power and Position are
not Gods people, no matter what they are or who they are they are just
white-washed coffins, and they are devils children.
Christian Priests are the worst kind among all religious priests. The wealth
of the Church or any Christian establishments, were used under the
ownership of the people once. The congregation has a general body meeting elected committee members, secretary and a trustee.

In fact the trustee is the legal guardian of the wealth. The Church
members are the owner of the Church and its wealth.
In due course of time, the Churchs and the other institutions property
rights were grabbed from these laymen craftily; the highest head of the
Church became an imperialistic authority over them. Since everything was
done under the name of God, the laymen did not become a hindrance in
this Church-Politics.
Since the money, wealth and the people are under the authority of
Christian Priests; they became the centre of power of everything in the
The Christian priests behave as if they are Gods. They want to act, even
above the Government. They will agitate, criticize and protest against
Government-policies and try to manipulate the voters. Voters dont like
these priests involvements in politics and the church people are helpless
to stop them.
If you look at any other religious factions; you dont find this kind of
supremacy of Christian priests; and they dont run any institutions.
The tug of war between the Politicians, Government and the Christian
priests destroys the peaceful life of ordinary Christians who live with other
religious groups.
The priests does not represent the will of the Christian people, they speak
as if they are the God-father of Christians. Sometimes they act like God
and other times as Jesus disciple. They wear some Jewish dress and say
that was Jesus dress.
The priests are supposed to be in the mainstream of social life and to be
good example to others but they are the worst example.
Once an election candidate came to me and said some priest instructed
him to speak on his behalf for the votes to every Christian. I asked him,
who is the priest to tell me whom to vote? The candidate walked away
angrily and never looked on my face thereafter.
Priests are to pray to God, to give wisdom for the politicians to be
equitable and righteous but have no authority to tell them what to do.
If you dont pray and act, God will not act.
If you dont act and leave the problem to God, then God will act.
You can only keep waiting until such time for Gods intervention, sooner or
later. If the people deserve Gods intervention it will happen, if not the
people will suffer that is Gods will. Priests should not try to manipulate
the Government.

What the Government does may not be pleasing to priests, but they have
to accept it. It is none of the priests business to agitate against the
For all the inappropriate things priests are doing, not only the priests but
everyone else also will suffer.
If the priests dont stay away from all these menace, the Government has
to make proper legislation to stop the involvement of the priests in ------- POLITICS, SOCIAL, EDUCATIONAL and other matters apart from what
a priest is supposed to do.
Priests should not work in any colleges, Hospitals, Medical colleges,
nursing schools, Polytechnic- institutions and they should not be
advocates or attorneys, and they should not hold any Government Jobs.
The priests can run only theological schools and colleges. Now they are
everywhere under the banner of prayers. They conduct, marriage
engagements, Marriages, Baptism, funerals house warming, birthday
celebrations and opening of Gold and Diamond-shops and also different
commercial establishments.
Besides their salary they also get a heavy baksheesh and excellent food
where ever they go. They prefer and also demand uppermost rooms and
The greatest example of the Priests Empire is Vatican itself.
Vatican-State, (An Independent state under the rule of Pope)
Vatican-City and (Capital of Vatican State)
Vatican (The Popes Palace)
Pope is not only the Supreme head of religion but also the ruler of Vatican
State. Exactly like Emperor Constantine. Constantine was the head of
priests and also an Emperor. If you read Constantines biography you will
be astounded.
All the other Christian Churches also play the same game. Who is better
than the other, when the question of wealth and money is concerned?
NONE !!!
Priests create too much political disputes and controversies which destroy
the peaceful life of Christians itself.
During the French and Bolshevik revolution, the revolutionaries beheaded
priests, nuns and destroyed everything they had and plundered their
wealth. Priests in all countries took a stand with the hypocrites and the
rich despising the lower classes, which outnumbered.

Henry the VIIIth did a cleansing job on Englands Churches and

Monasteries; confiscated all their wealth to the Royal-Treasury and
hanged many of them on charges of adultery.
The priests pretend to be the guardian angel of the poor and sick and run
some more institutions exploiting them and their money.
During the invasion of Iraq by US, most of the US church leaders, who are
their spokesmen, publicly supported the war. Even self proclaimed US
Christian prophets began to quote from the Bible in favor of Iraq War.
Wars were fought before Christs coming.
When Christ came He said:

Mathew 26:52 Jesus said to Peter, Put up your sword into its place:
for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword
How the preachers and priests can support Iraq-War against Jesus
With all the benefits and luxuries the priests are getting, without any
physical hard work, why the priests should go for another job displacing a
well qualified layman starving for a job?
Before the Government displaces the priests, they should quit other jobs
with dignity. The priests also must stop interfering in politics and election
matters and requesting the voters, whom to vote.
Just look at Kerala-State Self-Financing Colleges, what a mess they have
made, court battles after court battles and finally getting nowhere. The
amount extracted as capitation fee for medical college admission is
enormous ` 60-70 lakh (` 6-7 Million). The whole amount is unaccounted
paid and received as black money. For Christian institutions Bishops are
manipulating the whole scheme. The Bishops have publicly admitted it,
even after that the Government is silent over the matter you know why?
This has to come to an end. Who will bell the cat?

How soon the Indian Government will ban Christian priests, from
doing all these and holding other jobs?
Does the Government have the grit to make such laws sooner or
later for the sake of peace and welfare of the needy?
Every country has a national-bird and national-animal; killing them is
highly offensive. Cruelty towards animals is also another offense, and the
punishments are severe.
Rape, murder, robbery, theft and any such inhuman offenses are not
highly punishable compared to animal cruelty punishments.

We live in a great world of freedom but weird where man can do

anything illegal and illegitimate; where the law is fragile & might of the
man becomes right.

Libert, galit, fraternit: (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity) is

the national motto of France created by the French revolutionists. Is
there such a thing in France or anywhere else in the world?
Likewise many such good things are said in the Bible, Quran,
Vedas, and in all the other religious books; they are also included in
the law of every country; who cares?


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There is an article in following website,Dated Feb 14, 2011Please read:-

Diamonds are a priest'sbest friend?

Published in September 01, 2010

Revised Nov 06, 2015

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