Trformer Regulation

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Power Transformer Data:

a. Voltage ratio : 132/13.8kV
b. Rating : 40/50/60MVA (ONAN/ONAF1/ONAF2)
c. Vector Group : YNyn0+d1
d. Percentage Impedance: at Principal Tap (139kV0=27% on 60 MVA Base
Percentage Impedance at lowest Tap (118kV)= 24% on 60MVA
e. OLTC Rang : -10 to +3 in 1.5 (+4.5 to -15%)
f. Total Losses : 304kW (tolerance +15% per IEC 60076-1)
= 350 W (Based on earlier transformers. However R value of transformer
is very much negligible compared to X)
Formula For Voltage Regulation

Per clause 14.4.4 of IEEE C57.12.90, Voltage regulation is given by the following formula when
the load is lagging :

Reg = (R + Fp)2 + (X + q)2 - 1

Fp =Load Power Factor
q =+1-Fp2 = 1 0.82
= 0.6 at 0.8 pf.
R = Resistance factor of transformer = Load Loss in kilowatts
Rated kilovolt amperes
= 350
60 x 1000
=0.005833 ohms
Value of Z in ohms at principal tap = 0.27 x (139)2
= 86.945ohms
X = Reactance factor of transformer = +Z2 R2
= (86.945)2 (0.005833)2

(As the value of R is very less compared to X, R value can be neglected)

Hence X Z

Hence transformer regulation at full load and 0.8 pf = 0.82 + (0.27 + 0.6)2 - 1
= 1.1819 1


Carrying out similar calculation for lowest tap with percentage impedance of 24% the regulation
at full load and 0.8 PF will be 16%

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Voltage Drop (Voltage Regulation) Formula per IEC 60076-8
Per clause 7.5 of IEC 60076-8 voltage drop is given by the following formula

Percentage Voltage drop= U20 -1


Where U20 = Secondary Voltage at no-load

U2 = Secondary terminal voltage with load connected.
Per equation (63) of IEC 60076-8

U20 = ZL + ZT

Where ZL = Load Impedance in ohms

ZT = Transformer Impedance

ZL + ZT = [1 + | S| { xt sin + rt cos } + j | S| { xt cos - rt sin } ]

ZL |Sr| 100 100 |Sr| 100 100

Where S = Actual loading


rt = 0.5% (based on 304kW load loss)

Neglecting resistance compared to percentage impedance xt = Zt = 0.25%

Hence regulation at 0.8 pf and full load (sin = 0.6) and neglecting resistance compared to
percentage impedance
= |{1 + (0.27 x 0.6+ 0.005 x 0.8) + j (0.27 x 0.8 0..005 x 0.6)}| -1

= |1 + 0.166 + j 0.213| - 1
= | 1.166 + j 0.213 | - 1
= 1.18529 1
= 18.529%
Regulation at Principal Tap (139kV)
Carrying out the calculation for 50%, 66.67%, 75% and 100% loading at 0.8, 0.86 and 0.9 pf the
regulation will be per tabulation given below:

Transformer Regulation
Power Factor 100% loading 75% loading 66.67% loading 50% loading
0.8 pf 18.529 13.58 12 8.82
0.86pf 16.5 12 10.6 7.6
0.9pf 14.8 10.65 9.4 6.8

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Regulation at Lowest Tap (118kV)
Similarly carrying out the calculation at lowest tap for 50%, 66.67%, 75% and 100% at 0.8, 0.86
and 0.9pf the regulation will be per following table:

Transformer Regulation
Power Factor 100% loading 75% loading 66.67% loading 50% loading
0.8 pf 16.34 12 10.64 7.8
0.86pf 14.5 10.9 9.4 6.8
0.9pf 13 9.4 8.3 6

Regulation at Highest tap (145.213kV)

Enclosed data schedule is not furnishing percentage impedance at highest tap i.e. 145.213kV.
Assuming the value is 2% higher than the principal tap i.e. 29% at 60MVA base the regulation at
highest tap calculated per IEEE and IEC will be as follows:

Regulation per IEEE methods at 0.8pf=19.67%

Regulation per IEC methods for 100%, 75% 66.67% and 50% are given in the following table:

Transformer Regulation
Power Factor 100% loading 75% loading 66.67% loading 50% loading
0.8pf 20 14.64 13 9.1
0.86pf 17.83 13 11.43 8.3
0.9pf 16.01 11.5 10.14 7.3

Conclusion Regarding Voltage Regulation

a. Regulation is within limits for loading 75% and below at all taps. Hence for substations
with three number 60MVA transformer regulation is not a concern at any taps.
b. For substation with two number 60MVA power Transformers for example Hail Village
Water 132/13.8kV S/S (S/S#8908) (Refer TAPD TOL letter 07-0008-030220 dated 17th
January 2007), regulation is a concern even at 0.86pf (per SEC Grid Code) at highest tap
and to some extent at principal tap. Hence TAPD can check whether the recommendation
is applicable for substations with 2x60MVA power transformer also.

OLTC Range Selection

Transformer Data:

Principal Tap : 139kV

LV no-load voltage : 15.2kV
LV Voltage during full load:13.8kV
Highest Tap : 145.213kV
Lowest tap : 118kV
Full load HV winding current at principal tap = 60/3 x 139
= 249.223A
Full load LV winding current = 60/1.732 x 13.8
= 2510A (but the value mentioned in data schedule
is 2282A which is nearly equivalent to rated current for

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Tap Range TAPD letter: +4.5% to -15% (insteps of 1.5%)

Rated Voltage for Primary Winding

Per clause 8.4.2 of IEC 60076-8 the variation of Voltage range are as follows:

nmax = U1 max nmin = U1 min

U20 U20

nmax = 145.213/13.8 = 10.507 nmin = 118/15.2 = 7.763

Per example given in clause 8.4.4 of IEC 60076-8, rated voltage of the primary winding shall be
fixed in the middle between nmax and nmin which is 9.135 x 15.2 = 138.852 139kV.

Rated voltages of the winding re selected per IEC methods. However there is no need to mention
the rated current at 13.8kV side per TAPD letter in the PTS. Per 53-TMSS-01 & 53-TMSS-02,
60MVA rating is the power the transformer shall deliver at the secondary voltage and the
manufacturer shall arrive at rated current based on this. Hence there is no need to specify rated
current for primary and secondary winding for principal tap per TAPD letter in the PTS.

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