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Kicking Power

Tracie L. Haines, MS, Travis M. Erickson, MS, and Jeffrey M. McBride, PhD
Department of Health, Leisure & Exercise Science, Neuromuscular and Biomechanics Laboratory, Appalachian State
University, Boone, North Carolina

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SUMMARY optimal performance. The basic tenants kick (30). During the backswing phase,
of kicking performance involve angular the player extends the kicking-side hip
velocity of the hip generated through to the desired range-of-motion. There
a stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) and is smaller backswing during the side-
THERE ARE DIFFERENT TYPES OF the linear velocity of the foot in combi- foot kick than the instep kick, mainly
KICKS SUCH AS THE INSTEP KICK, nation with the force applied to the due to less power needing to be pro-
SIDE-FOOT KICK, AND DROP-PUNT ball, which determines kicking power duced (28). However, side-foot kicking
KICK. BY EXAMINING THE DIFFER- (Figure 1). Kicking power then deter- displays larger limb cocking. The limb-
ENT SEGMENTS OF A KICK, ONE mines the velocity of the ball and in cocking phase starts when then the
CAN DETERMINE THE PROPERTIES combination with the angle of projec- knee flexes to the desired maximal
THAT ALLOW FOR OPTIMAL PER- tion determines the balls flight path. range-of-motion. The combination of
FORMANCE. THE BASIC TENANTS The strength and conditioning profes- hip extension and knee flexion is
OF KICKING PERFORMANCE sional can use this information to design referred to as the tension arc (40)
INVOLVE ANGULAR VELOCITY OF a training program that optimizes kick- (see Supplemental Digital Content 2,
THE HIP GENERATED THROUGH ing performance by optimizing the force, which
A STRETCH-SHORTENING CYCLE applied to the ball at a given velocity shows the preparation and limb-cocking
AND THE LINEAR VELOCITY OF THE during contact. This would include phases). When the leg starts to move for-
FOOT IN COMBINATION WITH THE strength, power, plyometric (SSC), and ward, it is considered the acceleration
FORCE APPLIED TO THE BALL, speed training. phase or fast release of tension.
WHICH DETERMINES KICKING This fast release of tension is described
POWER. THE STRENGTH AND as a whip-like movement where the prox-
PHASES OF KICKING imal segment, the thigh, reaches its max-
CONDITIONING PROFESSIONAL Both the side-foot kick and instep
CAN USE THIS INFORMATION TO imal velocity before the distal segment,
kick occur in the following 5 phases: the lower leg (14,46). Contact time is
DESIGN A TRAINING PROGRAM preparation, backswing, limb cock- a brief time, only about 10 m/s, when
THAT OPTIMIZES KICKING PER- ing, acceleration, and follow-through the foot makes contact with the ball
FORMANCE. (see Supplemental Digital Content 1, (19). Previous studies without, which extremely high-speed videography
overviews the 5 phases) (3). The prep- have been limited in examining var-
INTRODUCTION aration phase includes the approach to iables related to the contact time due
icking is an integral maneuver in the ball and the planting of the support

to the short time frame. After the ball
many team sports such as soc- foot. Three-dimensional analysis has leaves the foot, the follow-through
cer, Australian Rules football, shown that skilled soccer players use phase begins. The leg continues to
rugby, and football. Kicking is an an S-shaped path to the ball rather accelerate and then quickly deceler-
open-chain kinetic movement involving than a straightforward approach ates. The duration of the follow-
co-ordination and movement of the (40). The self-selected approach was through phase depends on the type
whole body. There are different types found to be around a starting angle of of kick, where a side-foot kick for
of kicks such as the instep kick, side-foot 35458 (16,19). The approach starts short passing may result in a shorter
kick, and drop-punt kick. Each style of from 2 to 4 steps out with an approach- phase, whereas an instep kick for
kick is utilized for a different objective ing speed of 34 m/s (19). The player a powerful shot may take longer. Many
(distance versus accuracy) and includes plants his/her support foot to the
sequenced phases. By examining the dif- side and slightly behind the ball. KEY WORDS:
ferent segments of a kick, one can deter- The placement of the support foot power; stretch shortening cycle
mine the properties that allow for can vary depending on the type of

52 VOLUME 34 | NUMBER 6 | DECEMBER 2012 Copyright National Strength and Conditioning Association
Figure 1. Components of kicking power (strength, power, speed, and plyometrics [SSC]). SSC 5 stretch-shortening cycle.

coaches try to tell their players to kick (see Supplemental Digital Content 4 postural difference in the upper body
through the ball to ensure they per- and 5, (14,40). Males create more of a tension
form a proper follow-through (see and arc during the backswing phase, allow-
Supplemental Digital Content 3, (1416,30). ing for increased activity via the SSC., which During contact with the ball, males
shows the acceleration and follow- DROP-PUNT KICK were in a more upright position than
through phases). The drop-punt kick is utilized in females and followed through more
Australian Rules Football and football than females (40). The reasons for
SIDE-FOOT KICK VERSUS INSTEP with the main objective being to cover these discrepancies are not fully under-
KICK maximal distance. Although similar stood but may be due to structural
The side-foot kick is mainly used in mechanics to the side-foot kick and differences. Also, the biomechanics of
soccer for passing the ball from one instep kick, the drop-punt kick incor- kicking differ in experienced versus
teammate to another but can be used porates 2 additionl phases of ball drop inexperienced players. As expected,
for scoring as well. The side-foot kick is and support land (2). The player is experienced players have a significantly
utilized for accuracy and short distance initially holding the ball and drops faster ball speed. Inexperienced players
more than power, with the ball contact- the ball to make contact with it before have less of an S-shaped approach in
ing the medial aspect of the foot hitting the ground. The foot speed at the preparation phase and a shorter
(28,40). To make such contact, the leg ball contact of the drop-punt kick in tension arc in the backswing phase
has to externally rotate at the hip. In professional Australian Rules Football (15,19). It is theorized that the inexpe-
Kawamotos investigation, experienced (;26.4 m/s) is similar to the foot rienced players are inefficient at creat-
soccer players demonstrated ball speeds speed for elite soccer players (25.6 ing and transferring throughout the
of 22.523.4 m/s from the side-foot 28 m/s) (2). dynamic movement of kicking to gen-
kick (15). The instep kick is mainly used erate a faster ball speed.
in soccer for shooting and passing lon- OTHER FACTORS
ger distances. The instep kick creates As well as differences between styles Training
a faster velocity of the ball, but accuracy of kicking, there are also variances in Regardless of the style of kicking, the
is often sacrificed. The ball makes con- kicking between males and females hip is the prime mover for the kick.
tact with the dorsal arch area of the foot and between experienced and inexpe- When comparing power of the hip
although the ankle is in plantar flexion. rienced players. Movement of the and knee during a kick, Lees et al.
Because contact is being made head-on, upper body has been shown to be (19) discovered 113 J of power pro-
external rotation of the leg is not neces- necessary though not thoroughly duced at the hip and only 5 J at the knee
sary as with the side-foot kick. Higher examined in the phases of kicking. of the kicking leg. Furthermore, strong
ball speeds of up to 35 m/s have been When observing differences between positive correlations have been shown
reported while using the instep kick males and females, there is a distinctive between foot swing velocity and

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 53

Kicking Power

increased ball velocity (15,19). The and club head velocity in golfers agility test times, and sprinting ability
angular component of force production (8,31,32,44). In a longitudinal sense, (6,23,24). Thus, incorporation of power
around the hip has been reported to be strength gains with training have training is most likely an important com-
approximately 168 Nm for experienced coincided with increased perfor- ponent of kicking ability.
kickers in comparison to 94 Nm for mance times in rowers, increased
inexperienced kickers (15). Therefore, golf ball velocity at contact in golfers, Plyometrics
to kick the ball with more velocity, foot and increased sprint velocity in A major component of power activi-
velocity created during the acceleration handball players (1,10,11,17,18,41). ties is the SSC. All power activities
phase generated by torque around the Specific to soccer, strength has been have some SSC component to them.
hip is critical. This would translate into associated with faster sprint times Plyometrics is a specific form of train-
the amount of force applied to the ball. and increased single jump and ing utilized to optimize SSC perfor-
Given the basic tenants of kicking per- 5 repeated jump height as a result of mance. Plyometric drills are a viable
formance variables, it is then clear that strength training (45). Thus, strength exercise for development of power
strength and conditioning coaches training is a vital component to output and can be performed on the
should focus on developing strength, improving power-related activities, sports field. Campo et al (4) investi-
power, and speed of the lower body which include kicking power. gated the effects of plyometric training
musculature which would include plyo- on elite female soccer players that
metric training for optimal utilization of Power consisted of hurdle jumps, drop jumps,
the SSC (Figure 2). Power training, which typically involves and horizontal jumps for 12 weeks,
weightlifting (clean and jerk, snatch) 3 times a week. Both vertical jump
Strength and ballistic movements (jump squats, height and kicking distance signifi-
Gains in strength with training are medicine ball throws) has been associ- cantly increased after the plyometric
optimized when utilizing loading at ated with improvements in on-field training as compared with a control
80% or more of maximal one repeti- performance as well. Loads that opti- group. Rubley et al. (38) examined
tion strength (1RM) (33,36). From mize power output in weightlifting are the effects of kicking distance from
a cross-sectional perspective, strength approximately 70% of 1RM, 0% of 1RM a low-impact low-frequency plyomet-
has been positively correlated with in jump squat, and 50% of 1RM in the ric program on adolescent female soc-
sprint times in basketball players, soft- squat (7). Power output has been posi- cer players. Players who incorporated
ball players, track and field sprinters, tively correlated with rock climbing abil- the plyometric exercise were able to
sprint cyclists, and football players ity, sprinting ability, swimming starts, significantly increase their kicking
(5,23,27,35). In addition, strength has skating speed in ice hockey, and jump- distance from 25.9 6 2.6 m to 33.0
been positively correlated with luge ing performance (9,20,29,34,35,44). 6 3.7 m as compared with a control
start times, swimming sprint times, for- Power training has been shown to result group (38). Plyometric training has
ward grinding performance in sailors, in increased jumping performance, also been shown to increase kicking

Figure 2. Preseason Training (R 5 Repetitions; S 5 Sets).


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