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ES Gane © | bru yo. - Ee Gonus: Brusynansia Leam w ‘ and ho Frow plants oveke tropicala qute ike the Bugmansias with the voluminous tubular Rowers that op from imposing shrubs or small trees. They look fantastic n containers or plunged nto a border, end the ramatc play persis fem late spring untilauuren. In cooler climates, hay ‘may be brought under lass or cutback and held dormant in coolbaserent. Al pars re highly toxe ingested [Noteworthy Charaeterstos: Wht, yelow, or pink foct-ong blossoms avs nectumaliyrapran, ‘2nd pou out rem nero calyoea a terminate in wisted, refed openings, Gare: Ouidoos: grow in mals, wel-ctaned son ful eun with tharedaftencon shade, Indoors \Wale reel and fertiize during bloom, and kegp ust maistn winter. Bugrransias may respond 13 ‘exreme hast by drepping thei leaves, but they wil recunerate wih coal temperatures. Propagation: Take sips cuttings in summer; sow a2edin sping Problems: Spidar mits, white fies, msalybogs, catia, aphide Get the atest Overview GARDEN itt orton Ceol Soreu snow. : GrowtnHbt ures GrowthPace Fat Gromer ton FalSuntoPat Shee Moisture: (Medium to Wet ¥ Maiionince ——Mosoxte We appreciate your feseback! Paco take a moment fo lus your opinion of cur west Take Survey © > C [Ownaposonpndercouseusie sche 3 ee es more correctly called Brugmansia suaveolens ‘sumenary srr tsa rac pl tan on nr Baas pl ume Re mun na ate ale Monch enn hak ‘undo behead star nto 3 See [coe xO mies xen a) dives x Wee eee ee © [Dwmresosorawseecoucnosaresunne ee Meaning ofthe Name “The name, whch held be app oe plat prveuly cles str, rom Stal un Srugmans, 1763-1810, 3 Cutehprofszer of natura Frome tn suave! manna one and nace, suet smaling Parts from the grea Det and Eazanaia are msl cette a hang an rpebsint rT ‘ule nay ste me Eans or saps ‘Common Names and Synonyms nee mgt sce t,t, en op carci cls Boar sees est su os ts st inde he How Potsonous How Harmful? arargmgra srs wath nove a unger acral ening om arc ngeion lt tars rol ost oeing ents rem the ‘hens a tes masa ram ne soe ar seed medana ons re issopee heae = Aruba of yt have ban apts tl peau a nr cae. Tanya soca hae ben ain, 7 ot sn pow eon an speciosa arte poy bao Dos eee ee ee eel ee etter Fenrby er. teh on such cameo ser pcs moons por eave er aaton and comvsons euiog eve es or estes ar reputdn arun 3 Ef heSutes, 3 rr pon ge san ete ane Er poo ony fen sures maton he mule ests ch nas sipped emake trl mide weapon by redeing Baten raps sat manor ax sppenetb ovarian amey wm eating te Clana ane en es ncn! ese aS Tana RY a Ors ome = Ve Xo OE CO mwntsposensnenss ak a Incidents ie halacnagecc proper hu as yours pope eaptinertng nih Ding he 090, ar ag na cae frig war, Bebb, yon pale ‘Sttmeling nh ert nts al nay Ste high tle mak ond romed wantin Se amen ‘he 210 Ameren kaon of Pon Cora Cer (RAC) anil espe sto ne cast ue a msica ange ramet ‘The ftorng ae ae snot ith arouses of Osal Bp 1a telvedto hae bee carey pfsinl ls bess he ities he ah able 9 move Snfey ota. wt vcs so Sa oe ts who ter on Sa ala ac Ifo thr atong because These nana ae re ch mime a ads th ae fhe ea he hay ave IN eee epee Eas mean Tee 2 mayb at a nlcacsinued ln pre ho woke vp peas Dee hay hd pr a nny [ets XG romans x (Cl oanwerns ® Va onan XY w teres. » \lanmnmanan xR coat » Vie C [sa maaan se mnsoeee cere ae teen Description si res iar res a ‘Bogmansasuaeaensis a seriniody stu esate, govng upto 2-5 (1O-I6N3H, ey @ ou ow ww et) eo tore ctuninamenroancestik Tle os ozSen ‘omengey enone WO WM vecan ton ted evn age vtn gn shade, The Rover re era Deh and eve on page ‘ragrant. about 24-2 cm (9-12 in) long and 2napad ike rumpets. The corolla body le sgly —«=«—Setleeassfiation a cranes Sn pains Sneven piste oe spaces are ay cinedccwons, ison: Pane rose terre boc nd these eats ae shoo 28 em(G4-1O) ang Tefonesare CHC: Argospe SEE: —— elipante sets oyetan arp asrang sooner fen taypenaicusuptonesty Cage Siders Pence verona coe Aan ane ora: sous onevoms Taxonomy’ (st aac Fist ascoveratby Alexander von Hunbolst and An Sonpans, Brugmansia suaeoions was Genus! Brugmansia. © ist foal described and pusned by Car Ludvig ildenow in 1808 a6 Datura svaveolbns.In Species: suaveolens 1803, Fierich von Serhan Jan Pres transteredinaseto Brugmansia susvectens Local |) inemlalnams common nanes ince iakoa, Huta wins llc, Tuma. Toe WENN. gmansia suaveolens ef, Blt Onset. Anvil aun. Canc and stauna "Thre ae teusande of eS, cautated Brugmansia hrs, and te mary nave atleast some Bsmt neta “ie Serect ne ore pple Seis Pony Pan Chae ma! | Distribution and habitat sss) fouasarnl [ets XG romans x (Cl oanwerns ® Va onan XY w teres. » \lanmnmanan xR coat » Vie [Sear | Ramya igri nc a Distribution and habitat et) eae Pounts “Ts Ange! Trumpet we ergy ence tothe casa anforests of sut-est Bra, where a {on bv osm (23008 eg et anew es wh em wpe gh Se amity an hase rns reut of haan nteacon wih ns species, ican now be fund growing in resident arexs wear ‘tvouhou mach of Seuth Amer: and oceasonsy in Cel Ameres, Meio, Celi nd evenin pase Fora! Ecology sit Fragrant inte everngs oat patnaing mots, hey hang halicosed curing te dy, bit retum tothe pek agin inthe ‘evenings Brugmansia have to min lage other fe cl. n heii vgettive sage the young stedng grows sragh up on usual Single sal unt reaches rs maln fo at 2-150 cm (2.64 9) igh wl rot owe ntl art has reaches ork, ‘and than ony enna goth above te fork. Cutings taken fom loner vegeta region must lo grou to ilar aight blo ‘toneeng, but cutings fom he upper towering regen vl often tower ata vr low aight." ‘One rteresing example of plananimaliteracton ils the buttery Placa euryanaca, who uses Brigmansi suaveatns as one ‘fs man ara fod. thas been stown that hese can sequester the plants ropane alka and store em trcugh the pupal stage ‘onto he seu bute, where tay ar then uted 388 ceense mechanism, making thenseves lass platade to vartebate preston”) Uses est) Many South American eutures use Brugmansia suavciesrtuthy Te gan and Sion nthe Putumayo regen bam seit as an endgen. ts aso used by some Amazonian es as an ‘rir to inerene the potency of Ayanuneca "The owes and tne aa re ractonally ead in Ro Grande co Su, etna Bra, med Water and ingest te anaigesicsha irene a dimes a) Warm = eoman AS eke ewe NE iS ren) Culture (esi) Pricfonered Bgmans [Crema x Srmaony =X See | tes ranepeaaon ae Erugmancia are groan as omamentale outdoors year-round In ron-teezing climates around the ‘Wore Lk other argeeaved fast-groning plans, they appreciaie a ite protection from the wind, 28 wal as fern the hottest afternoon sun. Thay ike organically rich sol, requent water, and heavy frtiizer when in fll growth, Both woody anc leaty tip cuttings are used to propagate Brugmansia although thicker cuttings iclerate lover humid Innorthem clmes they are ofen grown out in large containers and \intered over in non-freezing garages or basements." Toxicity (ast Man atl: Bgmansia (Toit) Ever part of Sugmansis suaveolens is poisonous, wit the seeds and leaves being ‘especialy dangerous As in other species of Brugmansia, 8 euaveolens Ich in scopolamine (hyescne) hyosyarine, stoping and eevee cher ropane eee ea aiksioies"*l Eecs ofingeston can Include paralyss of smocn muscles, confusion tachycardia, dry mouth, dlarrhea, visual and auditory nalucinatons, Iycass, pid onset cyclopegla, anc death 1°55) References [ovi) 4.89064 Poies Pree H-G (2002) Bngmans ‘Aesies. Bute, Now York Fey Bocks pp, 100-120 ‘SEN 1.58200.508-3 2% Anson JK. (2008). eyes Ske Ei of Hema! Medoves (5 84) p_715 \SENSTE.-A44.

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