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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-4, Issue-12, Dec- 2017] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)

On Edge Dominating Number of Tensor Product

of Cycle and Path
Robiatul Adawiyah1, Darmaji2, Reza Ambarwati1, Lela Nursafrida1, Inge Wiliandani
Setya Putri1, Ermita Rizki Albirri1
Department of Mathematics Education, University of Jember, Indonesia
Department of Mathematics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia

AbstractA subset S of E(G) is called an edge (V2, E2) be two connected graph.The tensor product of
dominating set ofG if every edge not in S is adjacent to G1and G2, denoted by G = G1 G2 is a graph withthe
some edge in S. The edge dominatingnumber of G, cardinality of vertex |V| = |V1| |V2 | and two vertices
denoted by (G), of G is the minimum cardinality (u1,u2) and (v1, v2)in V are adjacent in G1G2 if u1v1E1
takenover all edge dominating sets of G. Let G1 (V1, E1) and u2v2E2 . All graph consideredhere are nite,
and G2(V2,E2) betwo connected graph. The tensor product nontrivial, undirected, connected, without loops and
of G1 and G2, denoted byG1 2 is a graph with the multipleedges. We will verify the tensor product
cardinality of vertex |V| = |V1| |V2|and two vertices operation between cycle and path.
(u1,u2) and (v1,v2) in V are adjacent in G1 2ifu1 v1 E1 Cycle is a single vertex with a self-loop or simple graph C
and u2,v2 E2 . In this paper we study an edge with |Vc| = |Ec|that can be drawn so that all of its vertices
dominatingnumber in the tensor product of path and and edges lie on a single circle. Annvertex cycle graph
2 is denoted by Cn[3]. A path is a simple graph with|Vp| =
cycle. The results show that(Cn 2) = for n is odd,
|Ep| + 1 that can be drawn so that all of its vertices and
(Cn 3) = n for n is odd, and theedge dominating
edge lie on asingle straight line. A path graph with m
number is undened if n is even. For n even number,we
vertices and m1 edges is denotedby Pm [3]. From the
investigated the edge dominating number of its
previous research, S. Arumugam and S velamal show
component on tensorproduct of cycle Cn and path. The

thatthe edge dominating number of cycle graph is (Cn) =
results are c(Cn 2)= andc(Cn 3) = which n for n 3 [1] and based on the paper The Neighborhood
3 2
Cn ,P2 and P3, respectively, is Cycle order n,Path order 2 Total Edge dominating Number of A
and Path order 3. Graph by V.R. Kulli, we know that the edge dominating
Keywordsedge dominating number, tensor product, number of the pathgraph (Pn) = n for n 2, n = 0 mod 3
path, cycle. [10]. In this paper, we are focus onnding the edge
dominating number on tensor product of
I. INTRODUCTION graph,respectivelytensor product of cycle Cn and path
One of the interesting topics in graph theory is which havent been investigated before.
dominating of graph.In recent years, there are some kinds
of dominating in graph have been investigated. Most of II. EDGE DOMINATING NUMBER
those belong to the vertex dominating of graph. A An edge in graph G dominates itself and its adjacent. A
fewresults have been obtained about the edge dominating set of edges S ingraph G is an edge dominating set, if
of graph. In this paper,we mainly discuss about the edge each edge of G is dominated by some edgesin S . The
dominating on some product operations ofgraph. dominating number (G) of G is the minimum
A subset H of E(G) is called an edge dominating set of G cardinality of edgedominating set of G. The concept of
if every edge notin H is adjacent to some edge in H. The edge dominating was rstly introducedby Mitchel and
edge dominating number (G) ofG is the minimum Hedetniemi [4]. Let we take an example in cycle C9 (see
cardinality taken over all edge dominating sets of G. gure2), we can verify some edge dominating sets such as
Theconcept of edge dominating number are introduced by X1 = {e1, e3, e4 , e6, e8},X2 = {e1, e4, e6, e8} and X3 = {e1,
Mitchell and Hedetniemi[4] and was studied by several e4, e7}. The cardinality of X1, X2 and X3are respectively 5,
researches, such as V.R. Kulli [6,7,8,9,10], S.Arumugam 4, and 3. Based on the denition, the dominating
and S. Velamal [1], Araya Chemchan [2], etc. numberof C9 is the minimum cardinality of edge
In graph theory, we have some graph operations, one of dominating set of C9 . So, we get(C9 ) = 3.
them is tensorproduct of graph. Let G1 (V1, E1) and G2 Page | 33
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-4, Issue-12, Dec- 2017] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)
a minimum edge dominating set with cardinality 1.
The maximum edge can be dominated is 3( 1) 3(
( ) 1 =2n 1. We know that CnP2 = 2n. If the
cardinality of minimum edgedominating set S is 1,
there are one edge which cannot be dominatedby S . So,
|S|= (CnP2)=2n is the minimum cardinality taken all
of the dominating set. It can be concluded (CnP2)
= .
Fig.1: cycle graph order 9 For n 3 and even, there is no domination number since
(CnP2) isdisconnected graph. We can nd the edge
Consider the graph C9 shown in gure 1, we can see that
dominating number only on connected graph. For n
the edge dominating set of C9with cardinality 3 is not
even number, the tensor product CnP2 consist oftwo
only X3= {e1, e4, e7}. There also existanother edge
component of graph which is isomorphic one and other. If
dominating sets with cardinality 3, such that X4 = {e2, e5,
we separatethe two component, we can see that each
e8}and X5 = {e3, e6, e9}. Our concern in this paper is not
graph is isomorphic to cycle graphCn. Then, we can verify
about the element ofedge dominating set, but the
a new theorem about edge dominating number
minimum cardinality taking on edge dominatingset. As
oncomponent of tensor product CnP2 (denoted by s),
long as the cardinality of edge dominating set is
for n 3 and even.
minimum, it can beconcluded as edge dominating number
of graph G. In order to verify the edgedominating number
Theorem 3.2Let Cn and 2 be, respectively, cycle order n
on tensor product of path and cycle in this paper, we
and path order2. For any component of CnP2 , for n 3
needthe following term. The degree of an edge e = uv of
and even,
G is dened by deg (e) =deg (u) + deg (v 2) [1]. For a
real number x, the greatest integer less thanor equal to x is 'c (CnP2) =
denoted by and the smallest integer greater than or Proof.We have noticed that the component of CnP2for
equalto x is denoted by. n even numberis isomorphic to cycle graph order n.
Thus, we should consider the edge dominating number of
III. MAIN RESULTS cycle graph. Because every edges in cycle graph has
The following theorems show the properties of the edge degree2, So, for every ES, E can dominated maximum

dominating number on tensor product of path and cycle. 3 sides in Cn, |S| .Because nZ+ , which Z+is denoted
Path order 2, path order 3, and cyclegraph order n,
an integer more than zero, so S = .
respectively, are denoted by P2, P3, and Cn. Here are 3

someresults of edge dominating number on tensor product

of cycle and path. Now, we proof ( ) . By contradiction, let | | =

( ) 1.Without loose of generality, we can
Theorem 3.1Let Cn and P2 be, respectively cycle order n assume that is a minimum edge dominating set of
and path order2. For n 3 and n is odd,
2 cardinality 1. The maximum edge can be dominated
'(CnP2 ) = +2
is3( 1) 3( ) 1 = 1. Not all edges
Proof. The graph CnP2 is a regular graph 2. By 3 3

denition, for any regulargraph with degree 2 is a cycle. can be dominated by . So,

If we observe graph CnP2 , this graph isisomorphic with | | = ( ) is the minimum cardinality taken all
cycle graph with the cardinality of edges is 2n. Thus, of the dominatingset. We can conclude ( 2 ) =
weshould consider the edge dominating number of cycle
graph. Because everyedge in CnP2 has degree 2, So, for , for any component of 2 and
every ES, E can dominated maximum3 sides in .
2 , || . Let says that the minimum cardinality of
Theorem 3.3Let and 3 be, respectively, cycle order
edgedominating number is (CnP2) = for n 3. In and path order3. For 3 and ,
order to prove that is the minimum cardinality of the ( 3 ) =
Proof. The tensor product of 3 consist of 2
dominating set S in CnP2, weuse contradiction. Let S is Page | 34
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-4, Issue-12, Dec- 2017] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)
(3 1) = 4 edges.The maximum edge degree in 2 consist of two component which is isomorphic.
3 is (1 1 ) = (1 ) + (1 ) 2 = From the componentof 3 , we can determine the
4.So, every edge with maximum degree can dominate 5 edge dominating number of each componentin 3 .
other edges includeditself. Suppose that, the edge with Here is the theorem of edge dominating number on
maximum degree is one of the element ofedge dominating component oftensor product 2 (denoted by ),
set in 3 . There are edges with maximum for 3 and even.
degreewhich can dominate 5 edges included its self. In
order to determine the edgedominating number of Theorem 3.4Let and 3be, respectively, cycle order n
3 , Let we observe the following condition ofdominating and path order3. For any component of 3 , for
set if the element of edge dominating set is the edge with 3 and even,

maximumdegree. ( 3 ) =
2 2
1. If is multiple of three, there are edges which can Proof. The component of 3 consist of 2 edges.
2 Suppose that,the edge with maximum degree is one of the
dominate 2edges and edges with maximum degree
element of edge dominating setin subgraph 3 . The
that can dominated 5 edges. Thetotal edges can be
2 2 maximum edge degree in subgraph of 3 is
dominated by those edges are 5. + 2. = 4. So, (1 1 ) = (1 ) + (1 ) 2 = 4. So,
3 3
2 2
we needminimal | | = + = edges so that all every edge with maximumdegree can dominated 5 other
3 3
edges in 3 can be dominated.If the cardinality of edges included itself. If is multiple of 3, therewill be
is 1, there will be minimal 2 edges which cant edges with maximum degree that can dominate 5 edges

bedominated by . and whichcan dominate 2 edges. So, the total edge can
2. If 1 is multiple of three, there are 2 ( ) edges be dominated by those edgesare 5. + 2. = 2. We
3 3 6
which can dominate 2 edges, edges with maximum can say that + = edges can dominate alledges in
3 3 6 2
degree, and one edge that can dominate4 other edges
3 . If 1 is multiple of 3, there will be edges
include its self. So, the cardinality of edge dominating 4
22 1 withmaximum degree, which can dominate 2 edges,
set is| | + + 1 = . The total edges can 6
3 3
2 1
and one edge which candominated 3 edges. So, the total
be dominated by | | = edges are 5. + 2. ( )+
3 3 edge can be dominated by those edges are5. +
4 = 4. If the cardinality of is 1, there will 4 1

beminimal 2 edges which cant be dominated by . + 2. + 1.3 = 2. There will be | | +
6 3
3. If + 1 is multiple of three, there are 2 edges + 1 = edges whichcan dominate all edges in
3 6 2
which can dominate 2 edges, edges with maximum 3 . If 2 is multiple of 3, there will be edges
3 3
degree, and one edge that can dominate3 other edges which can dominate 5 edges, which can dominate 2
include its self. So, the cardinality of edge dominating edges, andone edge which can dominate 4 edges. So, the
21 2
set is| | + + 1 = . The total edges can total edge can be dominated by those edges are 5. +

3 3
2 1
be dominated by | | = edges are 5. + 2. ( )+ 2.
+ 1.4 = 2. It means that | | 2
3 3 6 3 6
4 = 4. If the cardinality of is 1, there willbe
1 = edges can dominate all edges in 3 . From
minimal 2 edges which cant be dominated by .
those explanation, we can seethat we need minimal
From those three conditions, we can see that the 2
minimum cardinality ofedge dominating set in each edges to dominate all edges in 3 .

condition is . So, it can be concluded ( 3 ) = In order to check that | | = is minimum cardinality
, for . of edge dominatingset, we use a contradiction. Assume
For 3 and even, there is no domination number since
that | | = 1 is minimum cardinalityof edge
3 isdisconnected graph. Because tensor product
dominating set. If | | = 1, there will be minimal two
3 for consist of disconnected 2

graph, so the edge dominating number is edges whichcan not be dominated. So, it can be concluded

undened.Although we can not determine the edge that ( 3 ) = , for and
dominating number of 3 , butwe can consider the 3.
component of 3 to be analyzed. The tensor product Page | 35
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-4, Issue-12, Dec- 2017] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)
In this paper, we have already investigated the edge
dominating numberon tensor product of cycle and path.
The results are as follow:
( 2 ) = , for 3 and is odd.

( 2 ) = , for any subgraph of
2 and .
( 3 ) = 3, for n 3 and is odd.

( 3 ) = , for any subgraph of Cn P3
and n even number

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