Physical Exercise, Aging, and Mild Cognitive Impairment

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Physical Exercise, Aging, and Mild

Cognitive Impairment
A Population-Based Study
Yonas E. Geda, MD, MSc; Rosebud O. Roberts, MBChB, MS; David S. Knopman, MD;
Teresa J. H. Christianson, BSc; V. Shane Pankratz, PhD; Robert J. Ivnik, PhD; Bradley F. Boeve, MD;
Eric G. Tangalos, MD; Ronald C. Petersen, MD, PhD; Walter A. Rocca, MD, MPH

Background: Physical exercise is associated with de- Results: We compared the frequency of physical exer-
creased risk of dementia and Alzheimer disease. cise among 198 subjects with MCI with that among 1126
subjects with normal cognition and adjusted the analy-
Objective: To investigate whether physical exercise is ses for age, sex, years of education, medical comorbid-
associated with decreased risk of mild cognitive impair- ity, and depression. The odds ratios for any frequency
ment (MCI). of moderate exercise were 0.61 (95% confidence inter-
val, 0.43-0.88; P=.008) for midlife (age range, 50-65 years)
Design: Population-based case-control study. and 0.68 (95% confidence interval, 0.49-0.93; P=.02) for
late life. The findings were consistent among men and
Setting: The Mayo Clinic Study of Aging, an ongoing
women. Light exercise and vigorous exercise were not
population-based cohort study in Olmsted County, Min-
significantly associated with decreased risk of MCI.
Conclusion: In this population-based case-control study,
Participants: A total of 1324 subjects without demen-
tia who completed a Physical Exercise Questionnaire. any frequency of moderate exercise performed in midlife
or late life was associated with a reduced odds of having
Main Outcome Measures: An expert consensus panel MCI.
classified each subject as having normal cognition or MCI
based on published criteria. Arch Neurol. 2010;67(1):80-86

ILD COGNITIVE IMPAIR- gated whether physical exercise in midlife
ment (MCI) is an in- or proximate to the age at onset of MCI is
termediate state be- associated with a reduced odds ratio (OR)
tween the cognitive for MCI in a case-control study derived
changes of normal from the Mayo Clinic Study of Aging.21
cognitive aging and dementia.1-6 Subjects
with MCI constitute a high-risk group be- METHODS
cause they develop dementia at a rate of
Author Affiliations: 10% to 15% per year compared with 1%
Departments of Psychiatry and to 2% per year among the general popu- SETTING AND STUDY DESIGN
Psychology (Drs Geda and
lation.7 Therefore, it is critical to identify
Ivnik), Neurology We conducted a population-based case-
(Drs Knopman, Boeve, potential protective factors against MCI. control study comparing subjects having MCI
Petersen, and Rocca), and Physical exercise is associated with re- with subjects having normal cognition. This
Primary Care Internal Medicine duced risk of heart disease, coronary ar- study was derived from the Mayo Clinic Study
(Dr Tangalos) and Divisions of tery disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, some of Aging, which is described in detail else-
Epidemiology (Drs Geda, types of cancers, and overall mortality.8,9 where.21 Briefly, it is a population-based study
Roberts, Petersen, and Rocca) Several observational studies10-17 showed designed to estimate the prevalence and inci-
and Biomedical Statistics and
that physical exercise may also be protec- dence of MCI in Olmsted County, Minnesota.
Informatics (Ms Christianson Subjects were recruited using stratified ran-
and Dr Pankratz), Department tive against dementia and Alzheimer dis- dom sampling from the target population of al-
of Health Sciences Research, ease, with few discrepant findings.18 Re- most 10 000 older individuals living in Olm-
College of Medicine, Mayo sults of 2 studies19,20 suggested a similar sted County on October 1, 2004. The sampling
Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. protective effect for MCI. We investi- involved equal allocation of men and women



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in 2 age strata (70-79 and 80-89 years). During the first fol- tional Health Interview Survey33 and the Minnesota Heart Survey
low-up period from April 2006 through July 2008, subjects were intensity codes34). Subjects were asked to provide information
asked to complete a self-reported Physical Exercise Question- about physical exercise performed within 1 year of the date of
naire; therefore, the sample of this study was restricted to 1324 cognitive assessment (late-life physical exercise) and performed
subjects without dementia who completed the questionnaire. at age 50 to 65 years (midlife physical exercise). The question-
naire inquired about light, moderate, and vigorous exercise.
Light exercise was defined as bowling, leisurely walking,
DEFINITION OF CASES AND CONTROLS stretching, slow dancing, and golfing using a golf cart. Mod-
erate exercise was defined as brisk walking, hiking, aerobics,
Each subject in the Mayo Clinic Study of Aging underwent a strength training, swimming, tennis doubles, yoga, martial arts,
baseline face-to-face evaluation that included the following 3 weight lifting, golfing without using a golf cart, and moderate
components: (1) a neurologic evaluation by a physician (Y.E.G., use of exercise machines (eg, an exercise bike). Vigorous ex-
D.S.K., B.F.B., E.G.T., or R.C.P.), (2) a risk factor assessment ercise was defined as jogging, backpacking, bicycling uphill,
by a nurse or study coordinator, and (3) neuropsychologic test- tennis singles, racquetball, skiing, and intense or extended use
ing, which was interpreted by a neuropsychologist (R.J.I.). The of exercise machines. For each category of intensity, further
interview by the nurse or study coordinator included admin- inquiry was made as to the frequency of exercise (times per
istration of the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale (CDR)22 to the month or per week).
subject and to an informant. The neurologic evaluation was per-
formed by a physician and included administration of the Short
Test of Mental Status,23 a medical history review, and a com- MEASUREMENT OF COVARIATES
plete neurologic examination.
Neuropsychologic testing was performed using 9 cognitive We considered age, sex, years of education, medical comor-
tests to assess the following 4 cognitive domains: (1) memory bidity, and depression as covariates. We measured medical co-
(logical memory II and visual reproduction II [both delayed morbidity using the weighted index by Charlson et al,35 which
recall] from the Wechsler Memory ScaleRevised and delayed considers the number and severity of diseases (range, 0-33).
recall from the Auditory Verbal Learning Test),24-27 (2) execu- We measured depression using the Beck Depression Inven-
tive function (Trail Making Test B28 and digit symbol substi- tory.36
tution from the Wechsler Adult Intelligence ScaleRevised),
(3) language (Boston Naming Test29 and category fluency),30
and (4) visuospatial skills (picture completion and block de- STATISTICAL ANALYSIS
sign from the Wechsler Adult Intelligence ScaleRevised). We
transformed the raw scores on each test into age-adjusted We conducted a set of primary analyses considering only in-
scores using Mayos Older American Normative Studies27 tensity of exercise to test whether any frequency of exercise was
data. These adjusted scores were also scaled to have a mean associated with decreased risk of MCI. The once a month or
(SD) of 10 (3).24-27 less category served as the reference. Prompted by the results
Cognitive domain scores were obtained for every subject of the primary analyses, we also conducted a set of secondary
by summing the age-adjusted scores within each domain. analyses considering the frequency and intensity of exercise.
Because different numbers of tests were used to compute The strength of the association between physical exercise and
cognitive domain scores (ie, 2 tests for the executive func- MCI was measured using ORs and corresponding 95% confi-
tion, language, and visuospatial skills domains vs 3 tests for dence intervals (CIs) after adjusting for age (continuous vari-
memory), the domain scores were also scaled to allow com- able), sex, years of education (continuous variable), medical
parisons across domains. In summary, the performance of a comorbidity (weighted Charlson Comorbidity Index as a con-
subject in a particular cognitive domain was measured by tinuous variable), and depression (Beck Depression Inventory
comparing his or her domain score with the score among score of 13 vs 13).
persons with normal cognition, available from previous Analyses were conducted separately for physical exercise per-
normative work among this same population.24-27,31,32 How- formed at age 50 to 65 years and for physical exercise per-
ever, the final decision about impairment in any cognitive formed within 1 year of the date of cognitive assessment. We
domain was made by consensus agreement among the exam- considered 3 levels of intensity of exercise (light, moderate, and
ining physician, nurse, and neuropsychologist, taking into vigorous) and 6 levels of frequency of exercise (1 time per
account years of education, prior occupation, and other month , 2-3 times per month, 1-2 times per week, 3-4 times
information.21 per week, 5-6 times per week, and daily). Because the 3 cat-
We considered as cases all subjects who met the following egories of intensity of exercise were not mutually exclusive, it
revised Mayo Clinic criteria for MCI4,5: (1) cognitive concern was impossible to collapse these categories.
expressed by a physician, informant, subject, or nurse; (2) cog- We also conducted a set of sensitivity analyses using a com-
nitive impairment in 1 or more domains (memory, executive posite score obtained by assigning a numeric score to the fre-
function, language, or visuospatial skills); (3) normal func- quency of physical exercise and by adding the scores across the
tional activities; and (4) without dementia. Subjects with MCI light, moderate, and vigorous strata (equal weighting was given
could have a CDR score of 0 or 0.5; however, the final diagno- to all strata). The scores were 0 for 1 time per month or less,
sis of MCI was not based exclusively on the CDR score but rather 0.5 for 2 to 3 times per month, 1.5 for 1 to 2 times per week,
on all available data. We considered as controls all subjects who 3.5 for 3 to 4 times per week, 5.5 for 5 to 6 times per week,
had normal cognition according to published normative data and 7 for daily. The total composite score ranged from 0 to 21.
developed among this population.24-27 We consider these as secondary (sensitivity) analyses because
the results varied noticeably depending on the assumptions made
in computing the scores (weights were assigned to different re-
Statistical testing was performed at the conventional 2-tailed
We studied the frequency and intensity of exercise using a self- =.05. All analyses were performed using commercially avail-
reported questionnaire with ordinal responses. We used ques- able statistical software (SAS, version 8; SAS Institute, Cary,
tions from 2 previously validated instruments (the 1985 Na- North Carolina).



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consistent among men and women (Table 2 [footnotes
Table 1. Demographic Characteristics of Cases and Controls b and c]). Vigorous exercise had ORs of 0.82 (95% CI,
0.59-1.15; P =.25) for midlife and 1.14 (95% CI, 0.72-
Cases With Cases With 1.81; P=.58) for late life. As expected, fewer subjects re-
Mild Cognitive Normal
Impairment Cognition P
ported vigorous exercise in late life; therefore, the non-
Variable (n=198) (n=1126) Value significant associations for this analysis may be due in
Male sex, No. (%) 117 (59.1) 564 (50.1) .02
part to the lack of statistical power. Results using a com-
Age, y posite score of physical exercise were comparable (Table 2
Median (interquartile range) 83 (78-86) 80 (76-84) .001 [footnote a]).
70-79, No. (%) 61 (30.8) 532 (47.2)
80-93, No. (%) 137 (69.2) 594 (52.8) SECONDARY ANALYSES CONSIDERING
Education, y
Median (interquartile range) 12 (12-16) 13 (12-16) .001
12, No. (%) 92 (46.5) 652 (57.9)
Beck Depression Inventory, 30 (15.2) b 62 (5.5) .001 Table 3 summarizes the results of our case-control analy-
No. (%) a ses considering the frequency and intensity of exercise
Weighted Charlson Comorbidity 3 (2-6) 2 (1-5) .001 performed in midlife (age range, 50-65 years). The point
Index, median (interquartile
estimates for almost all frequencies of light and vigor-
ous exercise were between 0 and 1, suggesting a poten-
a Score of at least 13. tial protective effect. However, none of these associa-
b n=197. tions were statistically significant. In contrast, several
frequencies of moderate exercise were significantly as-
sociated with decreased risk of MCI. Table 4 summa-
rizes the results of our case-control analyses consider-
ing the frequency and intensity of exercise performed in
CHARACTERISTICS OF STUDY SUBJECTS late life (within 1 year of the date of cognitive assess-
ment). Except for 1 variable, no significant association
Table 1 summarizes the demographic characteristics of was noted between physical exercise and decreased risk
198 subjects with MCI and 1126 subjects with normal of MCI in any of the analyses.
cognition. Among subjects with normal cognition, there
were equal numbers of men and women, whereas there
were more men than women among subjects with MCI. COMMENT
The median ages were 83 years (interquartile range, 78-86
years) among subjects with MCI and 80 years (inter- In this population-based case-control study, midlife mod-
quartile range, 76-84 years) among subjects with nor- erate exercise was associated with a 39% reduced OR for
mal cognition. MCI. Similarly, late-life moderate exercise was associ-
ated with a 32% reduced OR for MCI. The ORs for light
RELIABILITY OF THE PHYSICAL EXERCISE and vigorous exercise were also consistently less than 1.00
QUESTIONNAIRE in most primary analyses; however, most of these asso-
ciations were not statistically significant. This may be due
We assessed the reliability of the Physical Exercise Ques- in part to the limited statistical power.
tionnaire in 2 ways. First, we studied its internal consis- Observational studies10-14,16,17,37-42 have reported pos-
tency using Cronbach and observed a value of 0.71 (in sible beneficial effects of physical exercise among older
the moderate to good range). Second, among a sub- subjects with normal cognition and among subjects with
sample of 87 subjects who completed the questionnaire dementia and Alzheimer disease. In contrast, investiga-
at 2 successive visits, we computed a test-retest Spear- tors from the Chicago Health and Aging Project re-
man rank correlation coefficient. The correlations in the ported that physical activity conducted within 2 weeks
overall group were 0.47 for light exercise, 0.50 for mod- of the date of cognitive assessment was associated with
erate exercise, and 0.33 for vigorous exercise. The test- no decreased risk of cognitive decline among an older
retest correlations were similar among 73 subjects with population.18 That negative finding may have been due
normal cognition and among 14 subjects with MCI (of in part to the timing of physical exercise proximate to
87 subjects with 2 interviews [data not shown]). the assessment of cognition.
One study19 reported a suggestive but nonsignificant
PRIMARY ANALYSES STRATIFIED association between physical activity and reduced risk
BY INTENSITY OF EXERCISE of amnestic MCI. Several observational studies also have
reported an association of physical exercise with de-
Table 2 summarizes the results of the primary analy- creased risk of cognitive decline. Although cognitive de-
ses dichotomizing physical exercise into any frequency cline does not coincide with our definition of MCI, these
of exercise vs none. Light exercise had ORs of 0.90 (95% studies are relevant to the interpretation of our find-
CI, 0.55-1.47; P=.68) for midlife and 0.69 (95% CI, 0.47- ings. The Nurses Health Study, involving 18 766 women
1.00; P=.048) for late life. Moderate exercise had ORs aged 70 to 81 years, reported that long-term physical ac-
of 0.61 (95% CI, 0.43-0.88; P=.008) for midlife and 0.68 tivity was associated with reduced risk of cognitive de-
(95% CI, 0.49-0.93; P=.02) for late life. The findings were cline.43 Similarly, the Monongahela Valley Independent



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Table 2. Primary Analyses for Any Frequency of Exercise vs None (1 Time per Month)

No. (%)

Frequency of Mild Cognitive Impairment Normal Cognition

Exercise Intensity (n=198) (n = 1126) OR (95% CI) a P Value
Physical Exercise in Midlife
None 25 (12.6) 104 (9.2) 1.00 [Reference]
Any 173 (87.4) 1022 (90.8) 0.90 (0.55-1.47) .68
None 58 (29.3) 193 (17.1) 1.00 [Reference]
Any 140 (70.7) 933 (82.9) 0.61 (0.43-0.88) .008 b
None 127 (64.1) 670 (59.5) 1.00 [Reference]
Any 71 (35.9) 456 (40.5) 0.82 (0.59-1.15) .25
Physical Exercise in Late Life
None 52 (26.3) 184 (16.3) 1.00 [Reference]
Any 146 (73.7) 942 (83.7) 0.69 (0.47-1.00) .048
None 103 (52.0) 426 (37.8) 1.00 [Reference]
Any 95 (48.0) 700 (62.2) 0.68 (0.49-0.93) .02 c
None 171 (86.4) 969 (86.1) 1.00 [Reference]
Any 27 (13.6) 157 (13.9) 1.14 (0.72-1.81) .58

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.

a Adjusted for age (continuous variable), sex, years of education (continuous variable), medical comorbidity (weighted Charlson Comorbidity Index as a
continuous variable), and depression (Beck Depression Inventory score of 13 vs 13). In a set of sensitivity analyses using a composite score to combine the
frequency and intensity of physical exercise, the OR for quartile 4 vs quartile 1 of the composite score distribution was 0.83 (95% CI, 0.54-1.28; P = .40) for midlife
and 0.74 (95% CI, 0.45-1.21; P =.23) for late life.
b The findings were consistent for men (OR, 0.56; 95% CI, 0.34-0.91; P= .02) and for women (OR, 0.68; 95% CI, 0.39-1.17; P= .16). A test for interaction
between moderate exercise and age at the time of cognitive assessment (continuous variable) was not significant (P = .33).
c The findings were consistent for men (OR, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.45-1.06; P = .09) and for women (OR, 0.65; 95% CI, 0.39-1.08; P= .10).

Table 3. Secondary Analyses for Physical Exercise in Midlife (Age 50-65 Years)

No. (%)

Mild Cognitive Impairment Normal Cognition

Frequency of Exercise (n=198) (n = 1126) OR (95% CI) a P Value
None 25 (12.6) 104 (9.2) 1.00 [Reference]
2-3/mo 18 (9.1) 103 (9.1) 0.83 (0.42-1.67) .61
1-2/wk 34 (17.2) 211 (18.7) 0.83 (0.46-1.50) .53
3-4/wk 31 (15.7) 206 (18.3) 0.76 (0.42-1.38) .36
5-6/wk 26 (13.1) 163 (14.5) 0.94 (0.50-1.76) .84
Daily 64 (32.3) 339 (30.1) 1.07 (0.62-1.83) .82
None 58 (29.3) 193 (17.1) 1.00 [Reference]
2-3/mo 19 (9.6) 140 (12.4) 0.56 (0.32-1.01) .05
1-2/wk 31 (15.7) 216 (19.2) 0.55 (0.34-0.91) .02
3-4/wk 41 (20.7) 244 (21.7) 0.71 (0.45-1.12) .14
5-6/wk 16 (8.1) 162 (14.4) 0.42 (0.23-0.77) .005
Daily 33 (16.7) 171 (15.2) 0.76 (0.47-1.24) .28
None 127 (64.1) 670 (59.5) 1.00 [Reference]
2-3/mo 17 (8.6) 142 (12.6) 0.62 (0.35-1.09) .10
1-2/wk 15 (7.6) 119 (10.6) 0.69 (0.38-1.24) .21
3-4/wk 14 (7.1) 100 (8.9) 0.84 (0.46-1.55) .59
5-6/wk 10 (5.1) 44 (3.9) 1.07 (0.51-2.24) .86
Daily 15 (7.6) 51 (4.5) 1.31 (0.70-2.47) .40

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.

a Adjusted for age (continuous variable), sex, years of education (continuous variable), medical comorbidity (weighted Charlson Comorbidity Index as a
continuous variable), and depression (Beck Depression Inventory score of 13 vs 13).



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Table 4. Secondary Analyses for Physical Exercise in Late Life (1 Year From the Date of Cognitive Assessment)

No. (%)

Mild Cognitive Impairment Normal Cognition

Frequency of Exercise (n=198) (n = 1126) OR (95% CI) a P Value
None 52 (26.3) 184 (16.3) 1.00 [Reference]
2-3/mo 17 (8.6) 87 (7.7) 0.73 (0.39-1.37) .33
1-2/wk 28 (14.1) 172 (15.3) 0.74 (0.44-1.25) .26
3-4/wk 25 (12.6) 229 (20.3) 0.48 (0.28-0.82) .007
5-6/wk 18 (9.1) 143 (12.7) 0.62 (0.34-1.14) .12
Daily 58 (29.3) 311 (27.6) 0.81 (0.53-1.25) .35
None 103 (52.0) 426 (37.8) 1.00 [Reference]
2-3/mo 16 (8.1) 106 (9.4) 0.72 (0.40-1.29) .27
1-2/wk 21 (10.6) 154 (13.7) 0.65 (0.38-1.09) .10
3-4/wk 23 (11.6) 198 (17.6) 0.63 (0.38-1.04) .07
5-6/wk 15 (7.6) 115 (10.2) 0.69 (0.37-1.25) .22
Daily 20 (10.1) 127 (11.3) 0.73 (0.43-1.24) .24
None 171 (86.4) 969 (86.1) 1.00 [Reference]
2-3/mo 9 (4.5) 52 (4.6) 1.24 (0.59-2.64) .57
1-2/wk 5 (2.5) 34 (3.0) 0.89 (0.33-2.40) .81
3-4/wk 9 (4.5) 42 (3.7) 1.52 (0.71-3.26) .28
5-6/wk 2 (1.0) 11 (1.0) 1.06 (0.23-4.95) .94
Daily 2 (1.0) 18 (1.6) 0.64 (0.15-2.85) .56

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.

a Adjusted for age (continuous variable), sex, years of education (continuous variable), medical comorbidity (weighted Charlson Comorbidity Index as a
continuous variable), and depression (Beck Depression Inventory score of 13 vs 13).

Elders Survey project13 reported that higher exercise level study11,40 that objectively measured physical fitness re-
(defined as aerobic exercise for 30 minutes performed ported similar findings. The investigators prospectively
3 times per week) was associated with reduced risk of followed up 349 community-dwelling older women for
cognitive decline. The Monongahela Valley Indepen- 6 to 8 years. At baseline, they objectively measured
dent Elders Survey project included a complete assess- physical fitness using a treadmill duration test and a
ment of physical exercise (including the frequency, in- peak oxygen consumption test. They also used the oxy-
tensity, and duration); however, its outcome measure was gen uptake efficiency slope, which is a measure of car-
limited to a Mini-Mental State Examination score.44 The diorespiratory fitness independent of motivation and
Canadian Health and Aging Study10 examined the asso- effort. The investigators observed that subjects who
ciation of physical exercise with cognitive impair- were in the highest tertile of cardiorespiratory fitness
mentno dementia (CIND) and dementia in a nested case- experienced less cognitive decline over a 6-year fol-
control study. Although CIND and MCI differ, they both low-up period.
describe the gray zone between normal cognitive aging The findings of our study should be interpreted within
and dementia. The Canadian Health and Aging Study in- the context of the following limitations. The first limi-
vestigators reported that physical activity was associ- tation pertains to study design. The exposure (physical
ated with a 42% reduced risk of CIND. exercise) and the outcome (MCI) were measured at a
Recently, a team of Australian investigators con- cross-sectional point in time. Therefore, it is difficult to
ducted a clinical trial of 170 volunteers 50 years and older study the direction of causality. The second limitation
who reported memory problems but who did not meet relates to the measurement of physical exercise. As in
the criteria for dementia.20 Subjects were randomized to many other observational studies, we used a self-
a program of education and usual care or to a 24-week reported questionnaire to collect physical exercise data.
home-based program of physical activity. Physical exer- Such measurement is prone to recall bias.13,45 The third
cise improved cognitive function among older adults at limitation is that few subjects engaged in vigorous exer-
risk for Alzheimer disease, including an unspecified num- cise in late life; therefore, statistical power was limited
ber of subjects with MCI. These benefits were observed for that analysis.
6 months after initiation of the physical activity and were Our study did not address mechanisms of action. Based
sustained 12 months after the intervention had been dis- on the literature, we can speculate that physical exer-
continued. cise may be directly protective against MCI via in-
All of these observational studies used retrospective creased production of neurotrophic factors,46 greater ce-
questionnaires and interviews to measure physical ex- rebral blood flow, improved neurogenesis, enhanced
ercise; hence, some degree of recall bias is inherent. neuronal survival, mobilization of gene expression af-
However, a University of California, San Francisco, fecting neuronal plasticity,47,48 and decreased risk of car-



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