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During the 19th APEC Economic Leaders Meeting, taking place from 12-13 th November 2011 at
Honolulu, USA, the leaders from 21 economies declared their commitment to reduce energy intensity by
at least 45% within 2035 as stated in APEC Leaders Declaration on Climate Change, Energy Security and
Clean Development. According to the estimation by Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC),
Thailand was expected to contribute approximately 26 30% of the reduction.

The Ministry of Energy this started using Energy Intensity (EI), defined as the ratio between the
amount of energy consumption (in ktoe) to the countrys gross domestic product (GDP, in billion Baht) to
dictate and formulate long-term energy efficiency plan. The cabinet, during the meeting on 3 rd May
2011, agreed to the target of EI reduction by 25% within 2030, using 2005 as the base year in which the
total reduction was estimated to be approximately 30,000 ktoe. The target was later adjusted after the
change in government (Coup) , to EI reduction by 25% within 2030, using 2010 as the base year. This is
equivalent to the final energy consumption reduction of 20% in 2030 or approximately 38,200 ktoe.

In addition, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) requested

countries to declare their intention toward Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs). Thailand,
during the COP20 taking place at Lima, Peru in December 2014, proposed to the greenhouse gas
reduction in transportation and energy production sector by 7 20% compared to the emission amount
in 2005. This is in accordance with the Climate Change Framework 2014 2050 established by Office of
Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP) and was approved on 20 November
2014 by National Climate Change Policy Committee with the Prime Minister, Mr.Prayut Chan-o-cha, as
the chairman of the committee.

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