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Section 1 - Booklets to give Section 2 - Booklets dealing with practical issues and

to UNSAVED young people. problems facing SAVED young people and teachers.

Ten facts about life and How to know and achieve A clear and attractive How to know Gods will for How to have a daily Quiet How to solve your problems How to overcome the How to deal with How to relate to the
death to challenge the your lifes goals. presentation of the way of your life and ministry. Time and grow in grace. in a biblical way. problem of worry. discouragement and unsaved.
unsaved. salvation. disappointment.

I am not
ashamed of the
gospel, for it is
the power of
God for
salvation to
everyone who
A letter to an unsaved A letter to an unsaved believes. How to handle the problems How to have assurance of How to live a balanced How to have good personal How spiritual gifts will help An understanding of, and
friend about the Bible. friend about lifes first and Romans 1:16 of self-image. salvation. Christian life. relationships with others. you to serve God. belief in, the sovereignty of
greatest priority God.

Lead me in
your truth and
Some of the young people (and older people) we come teach me, for
into contact with through our ministry have never
you are the
personally trusted Christ as their Saviour. God could use
one or more of these booklets to speak to them and lead God of my
them to Christ. salvation
Psalm 25:5
How you can be sure the How God guides His How to understand and How to plant your roots so Salvation always results in
Bible is completely true. servants. engage in spiritual warfare. that you will produce your a changed life.

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