Neisseria Chlamydia Mycoplasma

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*lifted from mra trans

* N. gonorrheae and N. meningitides -strictly human pathogens
*All Traditional pathogens (+) growth on the following selective media: ML (Martin Lewis Medium), MTM (Modified
Thayer Martin Medium), NYC (New York City Medium)
*All Commensals (-) growth on ML, MTM, NYC except N. lactamica (+ growth), N. cinerea and M. catarrhalis
(occasionally growth)
*catalase test is important in differentiation of Staphylococcus and Streptococcus
*all are catalase test (+) but the best run is an oxidase test because all Neisseria are oxidase (+), that is their initial
*sugars are not fermented by Neisseria, they utilize sugars by oxidative reaction rather than fermentation
<sabi ni doc must know: sugars utilized by each pathogens>
No spores
GENERAL Catalase (+)
CHARACTERISTICS Oxidase (+) (reagent: tetramethyleneparaphenylene
HCl/oxidase reagent
Gram (-) diplococci in pairs (has flattened adjacent Often seen intacellularly, inside phagocytes (but
side, coffee bean shape they do not multiply intracellularly, they multiply

Non-motile (most cocci are non-motile)

Lecture Date: September 2015

Lectured by: Doc Natividad
Commensals of oropharynx, nasopharynx, and -must be placed in a candle jar for CO2
anogenital mucosal membranes retention or a CO2 incubator (not for
Oxidase Test anaerobes, candle jar only decreases
oxygen tension and increases CO2
(1) Drop oxidase reagent on the filter paper (at Very sensitive to adverse environment: drying,
first no color) sunlight, moist heat, many disinfectants
(2) Put a sample of inoculum over the drop and Do not refrigerate specimens: sensitive to cold
there will be change in color. Dark purple is temperature
(+) -if cant process right away, best to put in
incubator or at very least room
Chocolate Agar- medium of choice for normally
sterile specimens (from blood, CSF)
Both chocolate agar and blood agar have blood,
but the difference is the temperature at which blood
Another variation: is added
-reagent added medium to chocolate agar plate -chocolate agar- 80oC (high temperature
-inoculate organisms lyse RBC making its content available to
-Black indicates (+) (this black color is not a organisms
pigment but a clor formed because of the reaction -blood- 45oC (to not lyse RBC)
Thayer-Martin Medium- selective media
-For non sterile specimen (ex.
Nasopharyngeal discharge)
-inhibits growth of normal flora so only
Neisseria will grow

(1) Thayer-Martin (TM)
Another variation: Chocolate agar + VCN antibiotics
-inoculate suspected organism Vancomycin (for gram (+) bacteria)
-place a disk of oxidase N (Neisseria test) Colistin (for gram(-) bacteria)
-incubate Nystatin (for fungi, especially candida,
-blackening circle indicates (+) oxidase test best for urethral or rectal specimen)
Do not use as medium of choice because
GROWTH some strains of Neisseria may be
unhibited by this. (MOC is still chocolate
Fastidous agar)
(2) Modified Thayer-Martin Medium (MTMM)
Greyish, a little opaque colonies
Chocolate agar+ VCN+ trimethoprim
Best under enriched medium with 5-10% CO2 (3) Martin Lewis
(4) New York City
Lecture Date: September 2015
Lectured by: Doc Natividad
Both 3 and 4 are chocolate agar with a) Transferrin-binding protein
particular antibiotics b) Lactoferrin-binding protein
*a and b sequester iron so that iron would not be
available for the organism
A. NEISSERIA c) Hgb-binding protein
GONORRHEAE (6)Lipooligosaccharides (LOS)
Both N. gonorrheae and N. meningitides has
MOT no O Ag; they have lipid A and core
polysaccharide. Lipid A is the one
Very sensitive (once excreted/released from the responsible for endotoxic activity (pag
body, they are killed) to adverse environment: drying, endotoxin-lipid and non immunogenic,
sunlight, moist heat, many disinfectants, therefore exotoxin-protein and immunogenic)
mode of transmission is through close contact and not Endotoxin- non immunogenic because it
through toilet seats or fomites exhibits Ag mimicry
Sexual contact, birth canal for newborns (not Ag mimicry- resembles human
transplacental) glycospingolipid so they escape recognition
(7)IgA1 protease
VIRULENCE FACTOR Cleaves IgAI; further explains why there is
no permanent immunity against gonorrhoea
(1) Pili/fimbriae (8)Beta lactamase
Attachment Plasmid coded therefore may or may not be
Antiphagocytic (not by the capsule that present, used to be really sensitive to
protects it but by the pili) penicillin
Ag variation of pili- reason why there is lack 2 bacteria noted to have this, S. aureus and
of immunity, so can be reinfected N. gonorrheae
Therefore Neisseria without pili are not
virulent (they do not produce disease CLINICAL
(2) Por protein MANIFESTATION
Inhibits phagosome-lysosome fusion in
PMNs (1) Genital gonorrhea
Interfere degranulation of PMNs
Associated with disseminated disease (kasi a. Males: most males are symptomatic(95%);
magcirculate si infected PMN) characterized by urethritis accompanied by
N. gonorrhoea is not intracellular parasite, dysuria and a purulent discharge
once it is inside the PMNs, it is killed except
pag may Por protein b. Females: 80% are asymptomatic; cervicitis
causing a purulent discharge and inter-
(3)OPA protein (opacity)
menstrual bleeding. May ascend to infect the
Firm attachment to eukaryotic cells
vagina causing vaginitis, caused by N.
(4)RMP protein (reduction-modifiable protein) Gonorrhea and Chlamydia
Protects other surface proteins from Vaginitis-usually caused by Candida
bactericidal Abs and Trichomonas, sometimes E. coli
(5)Proteins that mediate acquisition of iron:

Lecture Date: September 2015

Lectured by: Doc Natividad
Vaginosis-no inflammation, caused Not useful
by Garnerella Serum and genital fluid contain IgG and
c. DDx: IgA Abs against gonococcal pili, outer
i. Chlamydia trichomatis NGU membrane proteins and
ii. Ureaplasmin LPS(lipopolysaccharides)
iii. E. coli Some IgM of human sera is bactericidal
(2) Rectal infection in homosexuals for gonococcal in vitro
(3) Pharyngeal infection
(4) Meningitis and conjunctivitis in adults TREATMENT
(5) PID (pelvic inflammatory disease)
(6) Disseminated gonococcal infection (arthritis, DOC: Ceftriaxone
dermatitis)-Especially if you have MAC deficiency Add Doxycycline- for concomitant
(7) Opthalmia neonatorum purulent conjunctivitis in chlamydia infection since it is usually
the newborn (erythromyocin in all newborns eyes) associated to gonococcal infection
To prevent from happening (since usually Reason for giving more than 1 drug: N.
mother is asymptomatic) give prophylaxis gonorrhoea is resistant to Doxyxycline
to all newborns (so you can not give Doxycycline alone),
(8) Vulvo-vaginitis Chlamydia is resistant to Ceftriaxone (so
Gonorrhoea not normally a vaginitis and you can not give Ceftriaxone alone)
if it is its usually cervicitis Penicillin used to be drug of choice but because of beta
Young children suggestive sexual abuse lactamase/penicillinase, di na pwede
Second most common cause of septic arthritis, first is S. PPNG (Penicillinase Producing N. gonorrhoea)-
aureus resistant to penicillin
Chromosomally mediated resistance to Tetracycline-
inherently acquired unlike those that are plasmid-coded
Gram stain or urethral or endocervical smear B. NEISSERIA
Gram (-) diplococcic IC (sometimes EC) MENINGITIDES
From men- not necessary when gram stain
is (+) Transmission through respiratory droplets (usually
From women- a must, there are normal large droplets so you have to be close to each other,
flora that resembles N. gonorrhoea: unlike TB, droplets are small so you dont need
Moraxella osleonsis, Acitenobacter close contact---pag malaking droplets kasi madali
calcoacetous (small g(-) coccobacillus, syang babagsak from air, pag maliit, matagal syang
both are EC nasa air)
Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests (NAATs) Humans are the only natural hosts
Rapid direct detection in genito-urinary Does not last long so requires close contact
specimens Very contagious, fatal, progressive infection
Not for extragenital specimens Colonizes nasopharynx of healthy people (carriers
Serology harbour the organism in the nasopharynx)
Lecture Date: September 2015
Lectured by: Doc Natividad
2nd most common cause of community-acquired c. Hemorrhage of the adrenals (Waterhouse
meningitis in adults (1st is S. pneumoniae Friederichsen syndrome)
There can be swift pregression from good health to d. DIC, shock( endotoxin is cause of septic
life threatening disease shock), and death
Highest incidence in children <5 yo and young (2) Meningitis
adults, institutionalized people(crowding), people a. Fever, general malaise, nuchal rigidity
with late complement deficiencies (MAC)---from b. + Brudzinski sign, suggesting meningeal
C5 to C9 irritation
Tandaan, our protection from Neisseria is c. CSF findings
complement and therefore antibodies too i. 200-20k PMNs (normal: 0-5 lyms)
ii. glucose low (<45 mg/dL)
Late complement (C5-C9)-for formation
iii. protein high (>50mg/dL)
of MAC which is responsible for cytolysis
(3) Milder, chronic septicemia
Complement-mediated lysis is usually
ineffective in most bacteria. It is only (4) Other syndromes (Pneumonia, arthritis,
effective in Neisseria. urethritis)


(1) Capsule (1) Gram stain smear

a. Specimen:
Most important, without this, they cannot
b. Blood, CSF, petechial skin lesion
cause disease
c. Nasopharyngeal swab = carrier
13 serogroups- most important in human
(2) Culture: BAP and CAP a. Oxidase test b. CHO
are A, B, C, Y and W-135 (group A
utilization test using CTA medi
and C are associated with epidemic
productionin glucose and maltose
(3) Capsular polysaccharide Ag detection = CSF
Capsular Ags (polysaccharide) are found
or blood
in the blood and CSF (body fluids
a. Latex agglutination- more frequently used
(2) LOS- Endotoxin (lipid A) b. CIE (Counter immune electrophoresis)
No O Ag c. Limited value: serogroup B relatively non-
Most potent endotoxin that is why thee is immunogenic
rapid proliferation of disease
(3) IgA protease
Destroys IgA
DOC: Penicillin G
CLINICAL -very sensitive to Penicillin, no need for
MANIFESTATIONS susceptibility testing
Allergic: Chlorampenicol, 3rd generation
(1) Septicemia (meningococcemia) cephalosphorins (cefotaxime, ceftriaxone
a. Thrombosis of small bvs: skin rashes,
Petechia, ecchymosis (all due to endotoxin)
b. Arthritis

Lecture Date: September 2015

Lectured by: Doc Natividad
Chemoprophylaxis: rifampin, minocycline,
-Eradicate carrier state
-Oral penicillin does not eradicate carrier
Vaccine: serogroups A, C, Y and W-135
-Tetravalent conjugate vaccine: capsular Ag
conjugated with diphtheria toxoid (T- dependent
response) because it is a hapten


Lecture Date: September 2015

Lectured by: Doc Natividad

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