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The Economist September 3rd 2016 17

Brieng Uber

one of the biggest companies in the

From zero to seventy (billion) worldone which plays a critical role in
the lives of consumers and the fabric of cit-
ies. The potential for prot is enormous.
Worldwide spending on internet advertis-
ing, the business that sustains internet
giants like Google and Facebook, will be
$175 billion this yearlarger than the taxi
The accelerated life and times of the worlds most valuable startup
market, which is estimated at roughly $100

S EVERAL of Americas great industrial-

ists built empires in Pittsburgh, includ-
ing Andrew Carnegie, a steel magnate.
ble the previous years. Originally dedicat-
ed to connecting customers with limos and
other ritzy rides, since 2012 it has oered a
billion. But the global market for personal
mobility is worth as much as $10 trillion,
according to Adam Jonas of Morgan Stan-
Now the city is attracting the attention of a peer-to-peer service called UberX that lets ley, a bank.
new, aspiring robber baron. Last year the drivers of all sorts of cars oer rides to pas- These prospects go some way to ex-
ride-hailing rm Uber swooped down on a sengers using its app. This service now ac- plaining a valuation higher than the mar-
robotics research centre run by Carnegie counts for the bulk of the rms revenues. ket value of 87% of rms in the S&P 500 and
Mellon University in search of autono- The company also oers an UberPool ser- more than a third higher than that of Gen-
mous-vehicle expertise. It has been testing vice that allows several passengers travel- eral Motors, which had a gargantuan $152
self-driving cars on Pittsburghs roads for ling in the same direction to share a ride. It billion in sales last year. Unsurprisingly, a
months, and will soon begin oering cus- does not own its car eet, but takes a cut of valuation of around 17 times the loss-mak-
tomers the chance to request rides in one. the fare in return for providing the plat- ing companys 2016 revenues spurs a cer-
Since the launch of its rst smartphone form that allows the drivers to worktypi- tain amount of scepticism. Such a gure
app, UberCab, in 2010, the startup has at- cally 25%, with the rest going to the driver. can be justied only by lots of future
tracted $18 billion in equity and debt. To- growth, which will cost yet more money.
day it carries a valuation of close to $70 bil- A runaway American dream But when Uber goes public, perhaps as
lion, making it by far the largest of the The company combines great name recog- soon as next year, in order to provide an
startup unicorns worth over $1 billion nition with huge potential for growth. Like exit for current investors, will its new
(see chart 1 on next page). No technology Facebook and Google before it, it has its shareholders be willing to tolerate con-
rm in history has raised more money own verb (Lets Uber there). Speaking to tinuing losses in the name of growth?
from private investors before going public. The Economist, Travis Kalanick, the com- There are other questions, too. Are the
Its deep-pocketed backers include Saudi panys co-founder and boss, says his goal is barriers to entry in Ubers business high
Arabias sovereign-wealth fund, mutual not simply to disrupt the taxi market but to enough to defend it against rivals such as
funds, Silicon Valley venture capitalists make ride-sharing so cheap and conve- Lyft in America, Ola in India and Grab in
and a crowd of other rms. They are stalk- nient that using Uber becomes an alterna- South-East Asia, and from future competi-
ing the next big win in the technology busi- tive to owning a car. Meanwhile, he is tion from the likes of Alphabets Google?
ness at a time when returns from other as- pushing into new areas, such as delivering Will regulation hamstring its growth? And
sets are widely disappointing. food and packages. Last month Uber ac- perhaps most crucially, how will it manage
Uber operates in more than 425 cities in quired Otto, a newborn autonomous-lor- the transition to driverlessness? The rms
72 countries and has around 30m monthly ry company, for around $600m and 20% of long-term success lies in changing the way
users. In 2016 it will probably have around Ubers future prots from trucking. people and goods get moved aroundex-
$4 billion in net revenues, more than dou- If Uber can pull all this o, it could be actly the area that autonomous vehicles 1
18 Brieng Uber The Economist September 3rd 2016

2 will disrupt. The company feels a pressing had become protable, Uber lost an esti-
need to navigate this technological change 2 mated $100m in America in the second
Take all the action you can meet
before the carmakers and rival technology Uber market share v Lyft, % quarter.
companies provide competitive visions of New York City Washington, DC Chicago Competition at home and abroad will
the future of transport, and of who will Los Angeles San Francisco US Total aect Ubers prot margins in the medium
prot from it. 100
term. Thibaud Simphal, the boss of Ubers
Two of todays digital giants provide a French operations, admits that ride-hailing
useful guide to Ubers position and plans. 90 could be a high-volume, low-margin busi-
Its executives never have Amazon far from ness. Its transportation. Its like retail. For
their minds as they plot their companys 80 the time being, investors are willing to ac-
future, says Bill Gurley, a venture capitalist cept these low margins as Uber pursues
at Benchmark Capital, who invested in 70 growth above all else. But their patience
Uber and sits on its board. Amazon has fa- may wear thin if the intense competition
voured relentless growth over the pursuit 60 drags on. Amazon built up its business at a
of prots for much of its history, keeping time when few competitors shared its vi-
prices low to win loyalty and grab market 2014 15 16 sion ofthe size ofthe e-commerce opportu-
Source: 7Park Data
share. Uber is trying a similar tack by subsi- nity. Uber does not operate in a world of
dising drivers to keep fares down, by rapid- low expectations.
ly expanding into new cities and by probably around $1.50 (0.84/km). It al- One wild card is whether Lyft remains
launching new services, such as the deliv- ready costs more than that to own a car in an independent company. There have
ery of food and other items. some places. In New York City, car owner- been reports it has been seeking a buyer. In
Investors like to see the company in ship works out at around $3 a mile. All told, 2014 Uber might have been that buyer,
terms of Facebook. When the social net- about 14% of people in the urban centres of something that has not been previously re-
work accepted an investment from Micro- Americas top 20 metropolitan statistical ported; negotiations fell apart over price.
soft that valued it at $15 billion in 2007, a areas (MSAs) may nd it cheaper to use Ub- Mr Kalanick insists he does not regret the
time when it had not shown any real pro- erX at current rates than to own a car, ac- outcome: Its a really powerful thing for a
pensity to make money, this was decried as cording to Rod Lache of Deutsche Bank. company to compete. It makes you erce
folly. When it led to go public at a valua- The more Uber can bring costs down, the about serving your customer. Having a ri-
tion of around $100 billion in 2012, accusa- more widely it will compete with car own- val also helps deect regulators scrutiny.
tions of madness came back, based on ership. Mr Lache reckons that autonomous Yet many of Ubers investors wish the two
worries about the companys ability to cars might bring the price per mile down to had gone forward with a deal, so that Uber
adapt to the mobile phone. Today Face- 89 cents or lessbelow the average cost per would not have to keep battling for share.
book has a market value of more than $360 mile for car ownership across all 20 top If the competition can be won with
billion. A fear of missing out on the inter- American MSAs. money and determination, Uber has to be
nets next Facebook-sized hit is a big factor well-positioned. It was not the rst rm to
in the ood of capital into Ubers coers. From the re roads to the interstate recognise the potential of peer-to-peer
Investors bullishness is bolstered by Cost is not the only reason someone ride-sharing: Sidecar, a now-defunct start-
Ubers position at the intersection of three would give up a car; convenience and time up in San Francisco, got the ball rolling. Lyft
linked disruptive trends. First is the emer- matter, too. Like Amazon, though, Uber un- came next. But Mr Kalanick used the mo-
gence of asset-light business models. The derstands that low prices hook customers mentum achieved by raising a lot of capital
cost of expanding is far lower for a startup and is trying to push them down more. In and expanding rapidly to great eect.
that does not own its own cars or consider San Francisco the price of an UberX ride is Ubers huge cash pile now acts as an al-
its drivers employees. Second is the shift to half what it was two years ago. An Uber- most unassailable barrier to new en-
the sharing economy, which underlies the Pool costs around half of an UberX ride. trants, says Sunil Paul, the founder of Side-
success of peer-to-peer services; a system Even without an interest in forming car. And even with $9 billion, Mr Kalanick
that lets people do as much or as little as habits, though, Uber would have little does not rule out the possibility of asking
they like attracts workers. The third is that choice about low pricesbecause it has investors for more: If the money is there,
consumers, especially young consumers, competition. The switching costs for both that means my competitors will raise it,
are increasingly happy to pay for access to passengers and drivers are relatively low, and that means I need to as well.
things, rather than own them outright. which means new entrants can buy mar- However dominant Ubers position
The average cost per mile of UberX is ket share by subsidising trips and earnings. may be, Mr Kalanick will not let up. [He]
The same exuberance that has driven up always sees himself as an underdog, says
Ubers valuation has also given its rivals Thuan Pham, Ubers chief technology o-
The price youve got to pay 1
the resources with which to attack it. cer. Uber is not Mr Kalanicks rst startup;
Worldwide startups with a current valuation Lyft, with 20% of the American market that was Scour, a le-sharing rm which
of at least $1bn, at August 30th 2016 to Ubers 80%, is spending an estimated led for bankruptcy in 2000 after being
80 $50m a month to increase its share, and in sued by media companies for $250 billion
Uber many places it has been succeeding (see for copyright infringement. He sold his sec-
chart 2). Uber has had to pay out to avoid ond startup to Akamai, an internet rm, for
Valuation, $bn

losing passengers and drivers in key mar- a modest $15m. Those experiences left him
40 Airbnb kets. New companies, hearing of gold in obsessed with details and intensely fo-
Didi Chuxing the ride-hailing hills, have rushed in; two cused on improvement. He enforces a
Snapchat Technologies
Internet Plus Holding
Flipkart startups, Juno and Via, have toeholds in feedback system called T3B3 (top-three,
20 DJIPinterest
Zhong AnTherapeutics
Social Leap
Finance (Paytm) New York. Being the biggest company in a bottom-three skills), requiring his deputies
Prosper Technologies
The Honest
Kabbage Hero
Apron (dba.
Unity Company
Medical Wish)Co.
Group International
Lyft market helps a lot, because customers to give him brutally honest feedback. He
0 want short waiting times and drivers want changes himself faster than we can change
0 5 10 15 20
Funding*, $bn frequent fares. But ghting o competitors our algorithms, says Mr Pham. In the T3B3
Sources: CB Insight;
*Including debt and equity
still costs money. After claiming earlier this process he shared his observation that Mr
company reports
year that its developed-market business Kalanick should thank people more; now, 1
20 Brieng Uber The Economist September 3rd 2016

2 apparently, he does. policymakers. Most of Ubers bookings are ume of trips is up.)
Uber has also shown a capacity for generated in just 20 cities. Many dense, po- According to one insider, the public-re-
change. It launched UberX when many tentially lucrative urban areas in countries lations nightmare of drivers low wages
employees at the company thought it including Germany, Italy and Spain are out and lack of benets (compared with te-
should not risk disrupting its black-car ser- of reach for the time being because of regu- chies high salaries) has helped to keep Ap-
vice by oering a cheaper option. And this latory problems. It is unclear how soon ple and Google out of ride-hailing so far.
August, after years spent ploughing huge and how favourably these will be re- But this does not necessarily apply to all
amounts of money into its business in Chi- solved, if at all. business models: later this year Waze, a
na, it announced that it was merging its mapping app owned by Alphabet, will re-
Chinese business with that of a local rival, Steppin out over the line portedly launch a service designed to let
Didi Chuxing, in return for a fth of the How Uber fares with regulators will de- San Francisco commuters share rides. And
new rm, worth around $7 billion today. pend to some extent on how it manages its it certainly wont apply when the cars be-
Investors were thrilled. They had wor- relationship with the public. If it succeeds come driverless.
ried that Uber would continue to lose bil- in its vision of becoming a major provider Mr Kalanick acknowledges that auton-
lions of dollars chasing its Chinese dream. of transport services for both passengers omy poses an existential risk to Uber. If
Mr Kalanick is extremely secretive about and goods all over the planet, it will have a other companies produce safe software
Ubers nancial data, but in the rst two larger presence in the physical world than solutions earlier, they could launch ride-
quarters of 2016, with $2.1 billion in rev- any technology company in history. The hailing or ride-sharing services that under-
enue, the company lost at least $1.3 billion, public will have an opinion about it. Today cut and possibly destroy his company. In
according to reports, and there are good competition authorities see Uber in a posi- an autonomous world, the competition
reasons to think that a lot of that was lost in tive light, because it brings more transport may expand to include carmakers like GM,
China. Now Uber can share in the growth options to city-dwellers. But when it puts Ford and Tesla as well as tech companies
of the Chinese market without spending like Google and Applewhich have moun-
another dime. tains ofcash to spend on eets, ifthey want
Having sorted China out, Uber is able to to. If the eet model proves the way to go,
concentrate on promising pickings in other Uber would have to give up its asset-light
developing markets where governments approach and join in.
may not be quite as determined as Chinas There are reasons to be optimistic about
was to see a local rm win out. In India, Ubers prospects in navigating this techno-
South-East Asia and Latin America rates of logical change. Because transport is its
car ownership are low. Just as consumers whole business, it will work harder to en-
in emerging markets leapfrogged the desk- sure it is in the lead. Alphabet, Googles
top internet and went straight to mobile parent company, has more wonky projects
devices, they could choose to bypass buy- than there are letters. Just as the shift to mo-
ing a car and move around via ride-hailing bile concentrated Facebooks attention
instead. Mr Jonas of Morgan Stanley reck- and required a great deal of discipline, the
ons that by 2030 around 25% of miles trav- shift to autonomy has created an urgency
elled in India will be on ride-hailing and and focus at Uber. At the same time, it
ride-sharing services. Fares in these mar- should be able to incorporate autonomy
kets will be lowerin Mumbai a commut- piecemeal as it is phased in at dierent
ers hour-and-a-half Uber costs 500 rupees paces, and with dierent rules, in dierent
($7.50)but the size of the population jurisdictions. Such a transition will be hard
means there will be a lot of transactions. for an all-autonomous approach.
At the moment Uber is the underdog in That said, Uber has a reputation for
India, lagging Ola, its local rival. Its huge pushing into new markets before regula-
cash resources mean that it is still a compet- tions are in place and working out rules lat-
itor, though. In Mexico and Brazil, it is the many taxi companies out of business and er; there are lots of places where there
leader. And as a global brand it will be best becomes an essential part of a citys infra- arent regulations at all, so you can just roll
placed to serve the small but dispropor- structure, there will be calls to regulate it out, says Mr Kalanick. That may not be
tionately lucrative global business clien- more strongly. Those calls will get louder if, such a good approach when it comes to au-
tele. To distinguish itself from its competi- or when, Uber starts to swap growth for tonomy. Governments that have not
tors, Uber is investing heavily in prots. thought through laws to govern autono-
developing its own mapping capabilities Ubers relationship with its drivers mous vehicles as quickly as they might are
by buying assets, including the mapping could hit its image and its pockets. Drivers unlikely to take kindly to self-driving cars
startup deCarta, and hoovering up talent in California, Massachusetts and New barrelling down roads in the interregnum.
from Google. (Uber dreams big but not York have sued the company, claiming that The shift to autonomous vehicles may
as broad as Google, says Brian McClen- they are employees, not freelancers, and improve riders lives, but it could also spark
don, a high-prole hire from Google who are thus entitled to benets. A judge in Cal- a backlash against new technologies that
now runs Ubers mapping team.) ifornia recently allowed one of these cases put chaueurs and truck drivers out of
Developing its own maps enables Uber to proceed, bringing fresh uncertainty over work. We have a lot of attention as it is. I
to oer more precise estimates for pickups Ubers nancial obligations. Some drivers dont even know how we could get more,
and drop-os to users and better routes for say that once they cover expenses, they says Mr Kalanick. But if there is a lesson to
driversimprovements which are particu- make less than the minimum wage. I feel be taken from Mr Carnegies experience of
larly important for carpooling and for au- betrayed by Uber, says Omer Abdelnur, empire-building in Pittsburgh, it is that the
tonomous vehicles. These are capabilities who has driven for Uber for three years in public rarely looks kindly on those who
that rivals in emerging markets would be San Francisco; he has watched his earnings amass big fortunes if they do not contrib-
very hard put to match. decline by around 70%, according to his es- ute some of their winnings in return. Oer-
In addition to competitors, Uber also timates. (Uber says fares have dropped, but ing cheap rides is not going to be enough to
needs to contend with regulators and wages have stayed level because the vol- count on the publics good graces. 7

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