Kim Lighting CL In-Grade Series Brochure 1993

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35 Years

Experience: Kim Light ng proneered the concept

of concea rfg andscape lum narres below grade
For over three decades we have rei ned tested,
ollserved redesigned and adapted these frxtures
to new arl]p technology. No otfier manufacturer
even comes close to understanding this product
like K m L ghtrng Be ow grade Lrminaires mLrst
wrthstand the harshest env ronment imag nab e.
They are subjected to corros ve sor s and tefi izers
They are somet rnes t ooded and must operate under
water They are stepped upon. driven over wth
d^1 0^6' .'td .a , aqa, -^o I d,l
tenance prograrars They must w thstand
heat UV exposure to sa t air along w th
the possibi ity of vanda sm Yet f
designed and rnstalled correctly,
they w I prov de a concea ed
afdscape lght ng scheme that
wl ast the le of the project
No Plastics!There are now betow qrade
uminaires be nq manulactured us nq
compos te p ast c The pretense is
that plastic offers the corros on
resistance oi bronze at the pr ce
of a umif um lt is the oprnron
ol K m L ght ng that plastic wil 197 4
ia if a be ow-grade um naire
We be ieve that high operating
temperatures nternal UV bombard[nent
from Fl .D lamps comb ned wth external
UV from sunllght w I cause ihe plastic
to lose its o s becom ng dry and britt e
Cracks w I deve op, and threaded inserts
wil dis odge eav ng an iffeparab]e and use ess
fixture The Kim products oflered in th s cata og
are rrade of heavy cast a um nurn or bronze
The fixture des gns protective coatings,
qaskets wire seals and ref ectors are
state of the art and bu t to ast
This cata og in tse f represents
35 years of experience on how to se ect and
nstall be ow grade lumina res for permanence

Spec f cat on Considerat ons
CLl (Alum num)
ROADWAY CL2 (Bronze) 1
CL4 (Bronze) I
lnsta lat on 10
] 6555 EAST GALE AVENUE Photomekics 11 14 @ 1990 Kim L ghting lnc
PO BOX 1275 Lamp Guide 15 This version O'1993
Order ng lnformat on 16- 17 Patents Pend ng
PHONE al8 / 968 5666
FAX A18 / 369 2695
Features: CL1 and CL2 For MR 16 12V. Lamps Only

A speciaiy
des gned
pebb e pattern
n the lens
frame obscures
screws and
provides a
Compact Desrgn clean exterior
that harmon zes
with the
surrou nd ing
-only9'Dia landscape or

Flush Mounted Anti-Siphon Barriers

Tempered Glass Lens Plus Pressure Testing
To avo d a pocket where d rt Conduit systems often contain
can co lect and b ock ight, the Corrosion Resistant mo sture. lf mo sture fi ls the
flat tempered g ass lens has Heavy-Wall Castings sp ice compartrl]ent, lt can
been mo ded to f t llush w th A uminurn mode s enlploy wick through w res and f I the
the lens frarne. The ens s heavy wal sand cast bodies Fully Adjustable MB-16 Lamp lamp and transformer
cornpletely sea ed by a one of a oy 356 with clear anodic And Optional Louver compartmenl The CL1 2
piece si icone qasket. coat ng fo owed by TGIC High performance [/R 16 sp ice compartment is tota ly
thermoset po yesler powder ha ogen amps are yoke so ated from the amp
coat pa nt For very harsh so mounted provid ng 25't t and compartment with a fu ly-
cofditions a so d cast bronze 360' rotation. The opt ona gasketed access cover. A I
mode is ava ab e. See page 4 nterna Louver tits with the w res pass through an epoxy
for specifrcat on cons derations. amp to maintain ight output f I ed anti-s phon barr er before
enter ng the amp chamber.
Beliable Core-and-Coil Alter assembly the entire
f xture is placed under water
120V. to 12V. Transtormer
Kim has chosen the proven and pressure tested to insure
Optional Halt-Shield
rel ab lty of a core and-coi aga nst eakage through the
Tota concealment of the lght
stepdown translorrner Th s cast ngs and gaskets.
source s poss ble w th the
des gn-coord nated opt onal transformer s factory wired
Fla lshle d. This heavy cast and mounted on a rerfovab e
p ate which a so supporls the Sp lice
shie d is avaiable n alum num
ot brarze, fie d rotatab e n 90' lamp yoke assernbly
increments and s factory
mounted w th concealed Lamp
fasteners. Compart-
Louver s ment
Ant -S phon

It is recommended to ma nta n
splce compartment
a c ean, dry
by seal ng the condu t entr es
wrth RTV
2 frm Lghtlng

Features: CL3 and CL4 For Medium Base H.l.D. and
PAR 36 12V. Lamps Only.


Co.npact Des gn

A specialy des gned

pebb e pattern in the
Jens frame obscures
screws and provides a
c ean exter or appeat
ance that harmonizes
with the surrounding
landscape or hardscape.
Choice ol Flat or Boundel
Tempered Glass Lenses
Both ens confiqurations are
mo ded glass, fu y ternpered,
with a ofe p ece si lcone
gasket The f at lens is r.olded
to f t Jlush with the lens f rame. Dual Anti-Siphon Barriers
See page 4 for spec f cat on Plus Pressure Testing
aons deralions Condu t systems often conta n
Corrosion Resistant
mo slLrre wh ch can wick

lrg- Heavy-Wall Castings

A umrnum models emp oy one
piece heavy wal sand-cast lsolated Ballast Compartment
With Electrical Module
through w res nto the balast
and amp compartments
caus ng fixture fai ure. Both
bod es of a oy 356 with a
c ear anodic coatrfg To redt]oe heat transfer. 95% the CL3 and CL4 employ an
followed by TGIC thermoset ol ihe ba last compartfi]enl s exc us ve Kim ant -s phon
polyester powder coat pa nt separated from the lar.rp barrler between the sp ice and
For very harsh soi cond tlons cornpartment by a doub e wal ba ast compartmenls, and
the I xture I so d cast bronze and air space. The sp ice between the ba ast and amp
Optional Halt-Shield or compadment is a so so ated corarpartments. After
Rock Guard See page 4 for specification
considerat ons. to insure that fie d w re asser.rbly the entire f xture is
Two opt onal ens frame requirements do not exceed p aced under water and
conf gurat ons are ava ab e in 90"C All e ectrca components pressure tested to insure
cast a um num or bronze The High Perlormance are factory w red tested and aga nst leakage through th-^
Ha f-Sh e d car provide tota Fully Adjustable optics
lght source concealment w tfr AI H -
D amps are housed in
rarounted on a s nqle bracket cast ngs and gaskets
for easy remova should future
90'fie d rotat on ncrements A zak" rel ectors wh ch serv c ng be required Bal asts
The Rock Guard s designed produce very high gh1
and low vo tage transformers
to prov de ens protection n output A rnount ng r ng alows are the rel able core-and-co I
vanda -prone areas Both 22' rel eclor ti t 360- rotat on type. Balasts are high power
opt ons are des gn and 1 /,, height adlustment. factor rated for 20' F start ng
coord nated w th the lens The optiona nternal Louver
frame and are factory t ts w th the ref ector to
tl]ounted w th concea ed ma ntain jght outp!t

Anti S phon
See page 4 for Lim tat ons Barr er
Louver is optrona
Krm L ghting 3
Specif ication Considerations

Aluminum Bronze Flat or Roundel Lens CL1-2 or CL3-4

a below grade use. alun'rlnurn Eronze cast ngs have ong beea There s a negl;g ble drlfe.ence n There aae considerab e d flerences
m!st be treaied wiih anlr' cons:de.ed the ultimate maler al iqfrt output between lhe fiat and between these two baslc f xture
coraosive coatlngs. Extens ve ior below grade umina res. n the Tolrnde enses Because lhe offerlngs in the Kl.. CL line
research ai K m has resLi 1ed in 32 years Klm has been manLrfac- roLrnde ons hEs more sLrrfaco Besides the obvlous size and
the use ol a very durable comblna- tur ng these prodLrcis, $/e aTe io: area I does have more br ghtness shape d fference. iamp
t on of sand'cast a loy 356, rl'r' aware ole s ng e bronze casl ng al greater disiances frorn the characterisiics w be a malor
walth ckness. a ciear anodic faiure due to corroslon The only f xtuae. Of coLrse this can be faclor n determ ning lhe proper
coating and a TGIC thermosei precaLrt on thal musl be laken s lo greatly redLrced by the opllonai fixl!re to rrse.
polyestcr powder coat paint. The avold d ssim ar n]etais where ihe lnlerna Louver oa elimlaated with
condu I system enl(lrs tre fixlure lf the op|onai Ha f Shield. The flat
CL1 and 2
lens irarie has beea treated for the
galvan;zed stee conduit ls used t lens does restrlct aiming when ihe These flxtures are round and very
worst possible salt a r env ronTnent
by uslng a chromate conversion anusl bc isoiated fiom the f xture by optional flerna Louver s used compact us ng T2 Volt [/R-16
coai.rg ihermosel
r..rnder TGIC
polyeste. powder coat painl.
Chromale s tfre best kno\r'/n p.epa
rat on of alurnlnum for palnt adhe
Tneans o1 a nor'r :ne:al c fitl ng PVC
conduit s idealfor tlrls appiication
+ ffitl_
halogen amps wlth 120 Vo ls lo
the I xture l\4F 16 lamps are
ava ab e in a var ety ol beam
spreads and produce considerable

Bronze vr' toierate a ntost a I so ght output for their s ze. The
s o.r and relardation of ox;dat on.
cond t ors Only n cxtreme y amps render colors very true
Soil ac dic or alka ne corTos ve so (3000'K) and have a rated life oi
For a rminum CL fixtLrres. the soil cond t ons shou d the atqrnaiive 3000 lo 3500 hours These lxtlrres
shou d be relat vg y neulral wlth nsta at on n concrete be consl WthoLrt the optonaj lnternal Louver, wlil lighl trees, bUilding fealures or
son're a ka nity acceplab e Acld c dered necessary ior add tiona e ther the I ai or rolnde lens w f ags up lo 25' rn helght.
and sa t waler so condtons protectlon Bonze w I aso tolerate provide Ju 22' amp till lleight
shouid be avolded Lrn ess the so i perffreaied wth salt water as adlustment s llla wilh the roundel CL3 and 4

aternailve nsta atiofi is used as often found near the ocean lens and rL vvith lhe flat lens These rectangu ar flxtLrres empioy
shown beLow H I D. larnps pr rnariy atholrgh a
Fertilizers 12 Vo t lamp mode is avaiab e
Fertilizers Noamal lertllzat on of sLrrround ng using the Osram PAR'36 haogen
Heavy use ol {er1l lzers w andscape w have no adverse lamp. Al H.l.D. lamps a.e mounled
shorlen ihe ie expectancy of eJleci on bro:'rze other Lhan accel- in Alzak!rei ectors and generate
a um num lixlures because most eral nll tlre aatJra co or-aglng very high lght output in relation lo
feitll:zers are coiroslve F eld process should ihe cheaa cals be wattage. [,4eta Halde and
observat ons show thls to be of sprayeci on the ens frame. See Coaied \.4ercury Vapor amps offer
gTeateT concern n conflned areas bclow lor wealherl.g 'whlte lght" sources wth good
Wilh the opt ona lnternal Louver
sLrch as p aniers or lree we s. The and ihe rounde ens, luli 22" lamp coor rendrtlon and ong iJe. High
aternat:ve nsta ation shown Alternative lnstallation Pressure Sodlurn lamps offer a
lcsla ng lhe flxture n concrele iilt is poss b e only when the he ght
below ls a solut on where corro' adjust.nent is at the lowest sett ng. 'golden" lght source \,!ith ong ite,
s ve leriiizers wi beLrsedona
(ses left) ls rarely ieeded for
and are better sulted fo. light ng
regu ar bas s bronze as p.otect on f!'om coTTos ve
bu d ng features than andscape.
so: Holvever it anay be cons dered These iiNtures wil lght trees,
Alternative lnslallaiion for ts other advanlages sLrch as
There are many advantages to
buid ng leatures or iags up to
us ng h gher waltage ard for

insta llng fie fixture n concrete as beiler rna ftenance characlerist cs 70 ln helght
o page10.Coa See page 15 for lamp gulde
lurlher d scussed See page 10
crete wi I solate the I x1!re froan the
surround ng soi and also alow lhe Sa:t Air Environment
!se ol hlgher watlages because it Bronze ls exce ent in a sat air W th the oplional laterna LoLrver
env ronmeni ncluding so per Salety and
ls an xcelent heat s nk Concreie and the fat lens, no lllt or
meated w(h sail waier The natural Maintenance Warning
can a so birlfer the I xture trofit sua helght adlustmenl s poss ble.
bronze cast.rgs wdarken wlth Al flxlures rnust be grounded in
roundlng ground cover prov ding Slralght up a n'r ng on y.
age and eventualy forni ihe patina accordance w th oca codes or the
betler malnlenance ol light output Natlona Eleclrica Code Failure 10
assoc aied w th this material SeltCleaning
by reducing tne possibiily of lens The roundel lens has lhe addltjonal take these sleps may result ln serlous i-,
overgrowlh. Weathering personal injury Fixtures are rot
benel:t of slay ng cleaner n areas
Ali CL bronze n]ode s ar,3 natura sublect to dlrl accurnu atron. approved lor walkover areas as
as cast iaterial Depcnd ng on Beoause of ts shape, ra n and high temperalure lenses can burn
ihe lobs te c mate. the bronze w I spr nk er water can do a better lob feet hands elc. t is recommended
age d fferent y l4 gonera , bronze ol wash ng the ens See Safety to ma ntain a clean, dry sp lce
v/:i! a ways darken w th age. ln and Nla ntenance Warning at r:9hl. compadment by seaing the conduit
c linates where there s cons derab e entrles wth RTV To ma:nta n ight
hum diiy or rala, the bronze may effic ency and prevenl lixture
eventua ly acqu re the green overheatlng, lenses musl be kept
Salt Air Environment palina s mrlaa lo copper roofs clean and lree ol d rt dusl eaves
The CL alumlnurr ers fra res lrash or folage. Do rot use these
have exce lefi sat a I res gtaacc l xlures ln submersrble instalatons
provided by the cornbinairon of a such as founla ns or swimm ng
chromate coatlng and povr'der poois For submersible lghting
coal painlIn sh. These iens CL1 and 2 use on y K m flxtLrres approved for
frames have undergoae a Because oJ the very sma ens th s app lcation and lollow lhe
conlinuous sat sp.ay test with open ng. these lixlures are on y regulat ons set fodh in Section 680
corosion not occurrng unli 2500 ava able with a flat ens. The ens ol the Nationai Electr cal Code.
hours wh ch trans ate to years oi irame s slghtly domed for wate.
mantenance free serv ce. Standard runofl 25"'larllp tlt is possib e with
A.S T lU sal spray tesis are 1000 or w thout ihe opt:ona lnterna
hours lor deterrn n ng excelenl Louver Height adjustmenl is.loi a
resislance oi coatings on fireta teature oJ these Nrodels
4 Kirn Llghtlflg
cL1 Specif ication Considerations P,1
lnstal ation P l0
50W. to 75W. MR-16 LV
(l2V iamps/l20V to Fixture)
Narrow Spot
Photometrics P l1 12
Na(ow Flood
Lamp Gulde P l5 Flood
Order nq P 16- 17

Factory Orieniatlon of
Opiional Haif,Shield

9" Dia

r-'1_'"'-... -'s.nqw
1 :l.
'\ "':'="

--1 1',

t N PT.

OptiOnS (Not inc uded with staf dard f xture ) Specif ications
Housing: ONe p ece cast a !rarinLlm 356 illr; m n
lnternal Louver: 45 cLrloff b ack her cc I a u thckfess ntegra sp ice ard anti-siphof com
partmcnts w th cast a uni fum covets. s I cone
minum ouver moufted n a circu ar lrame Cl ps Cal No
gaskets and stain ess steel screws. C ear afodtc
onto r m of ["4R-] 6 amp and ti ts w th lhe lamp L12
coat ng !nder a dark bronze TGIC thermoset
po yester powder coat paint
?'1,. ata Lens Frame: One p ecc cast a um fu.f 356 7.'
Hall-Shield: . d or'.o. oo ,.\. m n th ckncss \,! th scre\,! obscuring pebble
a o 'lo^ a r' ol ed,ear r ,.. car patterfl Sta I ess stee reti]incf screws and one
rotatable n g0'rncrements Sarne di I'uLrI d 4u { ":l Nn p ece mo ded s lcore llasket Dark Bronze TG C
rdrn L-L- HSl thermoset po yester powd,^r coitt I ftsh over a
chromate cofversron coating 2500 hour sa t
Grout Mask:We ded galvanrzed steel frame spray rated
and re rlorc ng bar assembly SLtpporls I xture []3 Dr. I LlaL No Lens: Tcrnpered c ear l at g ass il'l; lhrck. molded
for a lllsh I t u', th ens ltanle Ofe p ece s icone
dur n{l CorCrete pour and prov d--S 2 grolt
space around frxturc (see page 10) @r GM12
g as k-.1

lrn-il _,
Electrical Module: S ng e a Lttat Ittrm p ate ho ds a
iactory pre \'v red l20V to l2V stepdowr core
and-coi trarsform-or p !s a socket yoke prov d ng
25't t and 360' rotal on lii,th sc.ew locks
Sockel: Porcela | 2 p I GXs 3 [./R ]6 type
Wiring: Ai !'v res betweef sp ice i{td amp cora
partmefts pass tlrough ant s phol] llarr ers sealed
rr epoxy .,, 20 hex head groLlnd Screw ptov ded
Sp ce ber s 2l cub c ifches
ConduitTaps: Trio :':, NPT n botlorr
Testing and Certilication: Factory pressLrrlzcd
Lrnd-ar !/viiler tt Itl p s i lo ltsu.e agairst ,oakilge if
cast fgs and ga:rk.-ls U L sted 1or \\i et ocat]ons

6 KmLghtfg
cLz Reierences:
Specification Considerations P 4
lnsta lation P l0
50W. to 75W. MR-16 LV
(l2V amps/120V to F xture)
Narrow Spot
Photometr cs P ll-12 Narrow Flood
Lamp Guide P 15 F ood
Ordering P 16 17

Factory Orientalion of
Optional Half-Shield

t "N.PT'

OptiOnS (Not incluclecl w th standard f ixture ) Specif ication s

H6using:O r .

th ckfess niegra sp ice and ant -s phon com

lnternal Louver; 45"cutoff b ack hex-cel alu partments with casl brofze covers s licore gaskets
minum louver mounted n a circu ar frame Clips Cat No and bronze screws Natura as castfnsh
onto r m of lv4R-16 lamp and ti ts with the lamp L12 Lens Frame: Ore plece cast bronze,:'/r. rn n
thickness [/ th screw obscur fg pebl] e pattern
2 ft Dta. Bronze reta ner screws afd one p ece tato ded
Half-Shield: u" b o-tt- d o'J r-r"o rn 6d o s cone gasket Natural as cast finlsh
ens lrame w th concea ed screws Fre d ro 40 Cat No Lens: Tempered c ear f at g ass '/ r th ck mo d
tatab e Ln 90" increments Natura as cast frn sh ,7, /1 \ HS2 ed lor f ush It w th ens frame Onepeces icone
-Lr-tu,-.1 gasket
Electrical Module: S ng e aluminum p ate holds
[13', a. l
Grout Mask; We ded qalvan zed steel frame D a factory pre w red 120V to 12V. stepdown core
and re nforcing bar assembly. Supports fixture and-co transformer, p !s a socket yoke pro
dur ng concrete pour and provides 2 grout vding 25 t t and 360'rotatof wth screw ocks.
space around f xture (see page 10).
ffi:3ii,)" Socket: Porce a n 2 p n GXs 3 [,4R 16 tYPe
Wiring: A wires between sp ce and latnp com
partments pass throuqh ant s phon barriers sea ed
n epoxy. ,/. 20 hex head ground screw provided.
Sp ce box s 2l cubic inches
Conduit Taps: Twor/, NPT n bottom.
Testing and Certification: Factory pressurized
under water to l0 p s.l to ifsure agarnst eakage
in cast ngs and gaskets. UL sted 1or wet locat ons

Klrn L qht n{l 7

cL3 References:
Spec ficalions Considerat ons P 4
lnsta lat on P I0
75W. PAR-36 LV
(12V amp/120V to Fixture)
Photometrics P 11 12
70W. and 00w.. ED-17 tvH
*100W.lixtures must be installed in concrete. 75W. and OOW.- ED-17 MV
Lamp Guide P.15
See pages 10 and 16- Ordering P.16 1 7 70W. and OOW,- ED-17 HPS

Faclory Orienlation of
Optional Haltshield

f-"--l _l 41/a'


e**.* l_
Selections (One ol each must be spec f ed. om t r,.flector for PAR 36 larnp ) Specif ications
Fellector:lD-oo',o'"'_Housing:o.o6Aod|'^'ro^|' Lit ' 1pdd^ dmo oord do o F o'-
I . I o cr lllllll
'^.\ -q do
o o
o ,^. o.-,o.1 PU '.ft llZl"" ^"^'] o"'^^i 8"" "d or'
: separate nterna covers C ear
ens ./- with flatiens ( m ied acllLtstmFnts =t U anodic coating under
,/,/hen opiona lnterna LouverisLrsed) Cal No Sp adark brofzeTG C thermoset po yester powder coat
Cat No NF
Lens: oor LensFrame:O Fp- - o.dL-t1 .. ,
.-ft .E/-7.----.-\l' , -15 An re^ oo _r noro^

s cone gasket ( ir.tted teJ ector adlustr.rerts F at Rounde pattetn Stainless stee .etatner screr"rs and one
when optiofal nterna Louver s used) Cat No. F R
Cat No piece mo decl si icone gasket Dark Bronze TGIC

5?ffi",19i3f ::"Jf :li:i,":1'.'#'il::::ft )

lnternal Louver: 4s'cutoff [r cel
ack hcx spray rated
a um nLrm oLrver rnounted n a c rcllar lrame F@l CatNo. Lens: Cho ce oJ f at or rounclel See se ect ons at eft
Vlounts nto refector Feflector adjustment t F L34 Electrical Module: Srng e alum nurn bracket hoids
imits Roundel Lefs 1!l 22't t, fo he ght adl . factory pre wired high power factor core and-coil
F at Lers ro t t or fre gh1 adl (see page 4) =Dia I
L4r/,, oia.-.1 balast 2O.F start ng, or l2OV to 12V stepdown
cote and co iransformel.
'oF a Ft -""o " Beflector: 'r D o ,o For roo'
o. .d-o e/ /" ,.4I f,:^No
'oddor- - .d eo'rrL bronze " 'h:-J,,-L
- Hs3 'drro^ ooo rF^ "-o
FA io d ^ll
rnsrr as ens socket;(H. D ony) Porce a n rned um base rated

to frame with concea ed screws ,ll'

-ons No.
f,[x il:ilfi
J: ;"J,i* t :1 ft :::H
:i :
compartmefts plus ba ast and lamp compart
dark bronze fir sh as iens fratfe (cannot be l- HG3 mefts pass throLrgh ant siphof barrers ,,4 20
used with Flail Sh e d)
R_ hex head grouncl Screw prov ded. Sp rce box s
lT crbic nches
a|d renJorcfg bar asiemby Suppo r, i^ture \a-ffi- I Cat No. Conduit Taps: Two y'" N P T I bottorr
dur nq concreic pour arct provides 2 qrout 4]U)2 I GM34 Testing and Certification: Factory pressur zed
space arolnd f xturc (see page I O) uf der water to I0 p s to if sure aga nst eakage n
ffil *
I'|Jll lluI cast ngs and gaskets. U L I sted (for 12O.2AB 24A
and 2TT Volt o.ry) and CSA cert I ed (1or 1 20, and
_ 347 Volt of y) forwet ocatons
8 KnrLghtng
cL4 References:
Specificat ons Cons derations P 4
lnstallation P 10
75W. PAR-36 LV
(l2V. lamp/120V. io F
70W. and 100W.. ED-17 MH

Photometr cs P.l l l 2
*100W.lixtures must be installed in concrete. Lamp
Guide P 15 75W. and 100W.. ED-17 MV
See pages 10 and Ordering P.16 17 70W. and 100W.. ED-17 HPS

Faclory Orientation of
Optional Half-Shleld

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SelgCtiOnS (Oneof each rnlsl bespecfied Omit ref ectorforPAR36 amp.) Specifications
Housing: One p ece cast alLrrninum 356 .7e min
Betlector: ( H.l.D. amps only) Spun a uminum wth
I sh 22'tlt 360'rotat on with ockng ilililt g,)E[:i th ckfess Separate amp, ba ast and sp ce com-

A zak"'l

Spot paftrrents. Ba ast afd sp ce comparlments have
screws 1r/, he ght adjustmenl with rounde separaie nternaL covers Natural as cast fin sh
ens. + w th f at lens ( im ted adjustrnents
Lens Frame: One piece cast bronze, 3li'min
when optonal nterna Louver s used) Cat. No. SP Cal No NF
th ckfess with scfew obscLrr nq pebb e
Lens: C ear tempered molded g ass '/.. th ck pattern. Bronze reta reT screws and one p ece
lAt a"< [ 'L\L -. d^ o O o po 6 .a-t rz '\<t mo ded s cofegasket Nalura ascastfrsh.
^,lL ref Fat Lens: Choice of f at or rounde Seeseectionsat eft
si icone gasket (l mited ector adjustrnents Roundel
i when optona lnterna Louver is used) Cat. No. F Cat. No R Electrical Module: Sing e a uminum bracket ho ds
factory pre wired high power factor core and co
I Options (Not nc uded w th standard f xture.) balast 20'F start ng, orl20V to 12V. stepdown
Internal Louver: 45'cutoff b ack hex ce core-and-co I trafslormer.
a urn nurn ouveT mounted n a circu ar lrarne Cat No
Reflector: (H D ar|psony) ChoceoJspotor
Mounts nto refector Reflector adlustment L34 nallow f ood. See se ect ons at eft
Irfits. Rounde Lefs ful 22'tit no he ght adj.; Socket: (H I D. only) Porce a n rr]edium base rated
FLat Lers ro tit or he ght adl (see page 4). L4,7. 9 a 1 4KV r.loufted n rel ector S p on tabs for 12V
Wiring: Al wires between splce and balast
Hall-Shield; Cast bronze lactory mounted to compartrnents, p us balast and amp con part
lens f rame with concea ed screws F e d ro :;
tatable n 90' ncrements. Natural as cast t n sh
-<4 .ts
Cat No
ments, pass throLrgh anti-s phon b'arriers l'a 20
hex head ground screw prov ded Spiceboxrs
l7 cubic nches.
Rock Guard: Cast bronze factory rnounted to Conduit Taps: Two :,/r' N P T n bottom.
lens frarlle wilh concealed screws. Natura as- 1rl: Cat No Testing and Certilication: Factory pressur zed
d ot o^ - -o ^irl td. 5 -or #=\_ BG4 urder water to 10 p.s i to fsure aga nst leakage n
castirgs afd gaskets U L sted (for 12A 2AB 24A

? Grout Mask: We ded ga van zed stee frame and 277 Vo t on y) and CSA certfied (for I20 afd

347 Vo t on y) for wet locat ofs
and rernforcing bar assemb y Supports f xture
dur ng concrete pour and provides 2 grout Cat. No
space around fixture (see paqe 10) GM34

Klm L qhtiig I

Be ow-grade um naires oiten become neffectveor foperabe

s mplv because they are not nsta ed and ma ntaifed colect y
Wh le r is tempt ng to nstai these fixtures at or be ow grade th s
genera y turns out to be unsat sfactory un ess the insta at on s
n a paved area When the f xtures are nsta ed too ow they
become a co ection poirt for d rt mLJd and encroach rg ground
cover. Furthermore andscape ma ntenance serv ces genera ly
gnore be ow grade umina res, a ow ng ground cover dead leaves
or surface rnater al to cover the ens and b ock the ight With a
tt e pre-p anning and care, be ow-grade url] na res caf be nsta led
namannerthalw promote easy maintenance and ongevty.
The lolow ng nstalation rnethods represent oLrr best recornrnenda
t ons based or 35 years of exper ence n beow-grade ightng

lsolate and Elevate

The lundamentals of a clean. rI]a nta nab e instal ation.

Create a Buffer Zone Redwood or Sect on

When the fixtures are to be nsta led n areas p an- of a Be o\,\, Grade 2 Io 4
ted if ground cover and shrubbery, a blffer zone Water Pipe for Frarn ng. Above Grade.
s needed to prevent ens overgrowth as the p ants
matLrre E evat ng the lixture wil encourage water
runoff around the unit rather than over the top

. Helps prevent ens overgrowth.
. Prov des a def fed edge lor prun ng.
. Provides drainage around f xture and he ps
keep ens clean.
. Rock f partially butfers f xture frorn coros ve sorl
. Visua y ooks like a flush mounted nstallalion.

lnstall in Concrete
Arother opt on for ground cover shrubbery or
awn areas is to encase the fixture in concrete. Concrete N4ust Have Re nforcing
This has some add liona advantages over the Rods to Prevent Crack ng From
F xture Heat Expafs on

. Al ows h gher wattage arnps becals-o
concrete makes an exce ent freat s nk
. Tota y isolates lixture lTom corTos ve so s
. Helps prevent lens overgrowth.
. A ows edging wrtholt scratching fixture
. Prov des dra nage around f xture and he ps
keep ers c ean
. V s!a ly ooks ke a i ush mounted nsta at on.

Opt ona
ln Paved Areas K rn Grout Nlask.
Be ow grade f xtures are not approved fo[ Round lor CLI and 2.
walkover areas because h gh temperatLrre enses
can b!rn feet, hands. etc However, they can be 2 Grout Space
used n paved areas that w I not be used as a lor Fin shing
pathway or dr veway To make f xture nstal at on
6d pd.'ooFo\ d opro,o I'rCoI
[,4ask s ava lab e. o.d'
. Supports i xture dur ng concrete pour
. Prov des 2 grout space for f nishing
. Can be easry t ed nto reinforc ng rods
used for pav rg and f xture she
. Eas ly adapts to any pav ng materia
10 K.i L ght ng
Photometrics and Application
How to interpret and apply the CL photometric data.

Beam Width and

Candlepower Center Footcand es

25.6. G

Badlus of Spot
4' 1?'1
cL3-4 1OOW MH E-17
Narrow Flood Reflector
High Position
Candlepower No Louver Beam Width
The left ha f of the photometr c This included-ang e is
chart is the lum nous ntens ty determined by the width of the
at various angles n a typical A I CL photometrlc charts are candlepower curve at 50% of
vertica p ane through the liqht divided into two halves which are the max mum value. t s
center. The curye s symmetrical symmetncal. The left half ls the generally regarded as the
about the centerl ne in a I CL basic cand epower d stribut on. usefu beam wrdlh that wi I
f xtures, and is commonly The right half converts the candle- produce acceptable un formity
known as a "cand epow,or power nto data that is more useful of i luminatlon.
distribution curve." in applying the fixture to an actual Footcandles
Rellector or Lamp I ghting task. See be ow and right.
Footcandle va ues are shown
A I H.l.D. lamps are mounted on the beam center ine at
in either a Spot or Narrow F ood Application ot Data var ous distances from lhe
ref ector (CL3 and 4 only). A I The final objective is to select the CL fixture-lamp- f xture. See Applicat on of Data
12V amps have ntegral reflectors, reflector comb nat on that will prov de the correct at left. ln addit on, the diameter
and are descr bed by the r bare illum nation without wast ng unnecessary ight. All of the beam can also be
lamp beam width This wil of this can be eas iy der ved from lhe beam width, determ ned by the grid. Since
change when the lamp is tested footcand es and distance va ues shown on the the beam edges are 50% of the
ins de the f xfure right side of a I CL photometric charts. lt is easy maximum candlepower, the
Reflector/Lamp Position to see how a simp e scaled e evation of the object footcandle value at the edge
CL3 and 4 fixtures have wll quickly tel you the beam width required. The would be 50% of the center
he ght adlustment on the following footcandle recommendations are based va ue
H.l.D. reflectors and 12V on K m experience and LE.S. recommendations: co
lamps. Spot ref ectors and
Basrc Formula: lc = '---
Object Dark Surroundings Bright Surroundings
12V spot lamps were p aced fc footcandles
in the owest position for maximum Trees 5fc 10-20fc cp candlepower
glare sh elding by the fixture. Narrow d - distance from fixtrrre
F ood reflectors and 12V f ood to object n feet
lamps were placed n lhe mid or An object can be i luminated w th mu tiple fixtures
h gh position to allow full utilizat on from one side or many sides depend ng on the
of these w der d str but ons dlrect on(s) f rom which t will be viewed.
Optional lnternal Louver
Louvers atfect I ght output,
even w th very narrow spot
beams. Selected Spot and
Narrow Flood beams were
tested with the optional nternal Louver to
provide accurate and usefu data. Use of
the optional lnternal Louver rnay imit ad
justments as shown on page 4, and should
never be used on Flood beams because of
efficiency loss. us ng data from
above chart.

Kim Llghting I l
Photometrics - CL1 and CL2 See page 1 1 for chart exp anat on.
See paqe 15 for amp guide.

Fad us olSpot Bad u5 olSpol RadiLrsolSpol

A rh' rs' :i
cL1-2 50W. MR-16 LV cL1-2 50W. MR-16 LV CL1-2 5OW MR-16 LV cL1-2 50W. MR-16 LV
Narrow Spot - 14" Narrow Spot - 14o Narrow Flood - 27o Narrow Flood - 27o
No Louver lnternal Louver No Louver lnternal Louver

Fad usolSpol Badrus ofSpol Fad us ol Spot Rad us ofSpot

cll-2 50W. MR-l6 LV cL1-2 50W. MR-l6 LV cL1-2 75W. MR-16 LV cll-2 75W. MR-l6 LV
Narrow Flood - 32o Flood - 40' Narrow Spol - I4o Narrow Spot - 14o
No Louver No Louver No Louvet Inlernal Louver

RadiLrs of Spol Rad !s ofSpol , Rad Lrs ofSpot

cL1-2 75W. MR-16 LV cL1-2 75W. MR-16 LV cL1-2 75W. MR-16 LV

Narrow Flood - 25o Narrow Flood - 25o Flood - 42"
No Louver lnternal Louver No Louver

12 K m Llghting
Photometrics - CL3 and CL4 See page 11 for chart exp anation
See page 15 for amp gu de
Al tests conducted with roundel enses
"rdcad F D l"'nps - ess'oted

Rad Lrs ol Spol / Bad LrsolSpol

CL3-4 75W. PAR.36 LV CL3.4 75W. PAR-36 LV CL3-4 75W. PAR-36 LV CL3-4 75W. PAR-36 LV
(Osram Halogen) (Osram Halogen) (Osram Halogen) (Osram Halogen)
Spot " 10" Spot - 10" Flood - 30' Flood - 30"
Low Position Low Position Mid Position Mid Position
No Louver lnternalLouver No Louver lnternal Louver

I , Red usolspol Rad us olSpot Radius olSpol Bad Lrs olSpol

cL3-4 75W. PAR-36

(Osram Halogen)
LV CL3-4 7OW. MH E-17 cL3-4 70W. MH E-17
Spot Reflector
cL3-4 70W MH E-17
Spot Rellector Narrow Flood Reflector
Wide Flood - 60" Low Position Low Position High Posilion
High Position No Louver lnternalLouver No Louver
No Louver

Rad us of Spot BadiusolSpol

cL3-4 100W. MH E-17 cL3-4 100W MH E-17 cL3-4 100W. MH E-17 cL3-4 75W. MV E-17
Spot Reflecto. Spot Rellector Narrow Flood Reflector (coated lamp)
Low Position Low Position High Position Spot Reflector
No Louver lnternal Louver No Louver Low Position
No Louver

I m L qhtrng 13
Photometrics - CL3 and CL4 con't. See page 1 1 lor chart exp anat on.
See page l5lor lamp glide.
All tests conducted w th rounde lenses
dnd c ea' !.1.D. lamps ur les: no.ed

/ Badius of Spol / Bad us olSpol

cL3-4 75W MV E-17 cL3-4 100W. MV E-17 cL3-4 100W. MV E-17 cL3-4 70W. HPS E-17
(coated lamp) (coated lamp) (coated lamp) Spot Reflector
Narrow Flood Rellector Spot Rellector Narrow Flood Reflector Low Position
High Position Low Position High Position No Louver
No Louver No Louver No Louver

Rad us oi Spot RadiusolSpot Rad Lrs ol Spol

cL3-4 70W. HPS E-17 cL3-4 70W. HPS E-17 cL3-4 100W. HPS E-17 CL3-4 1OOWHPSENT
Spot Rellector Narrow Flood Rellecior Spot Rellector Spot Retlector
Low Position High Position Low Position Low Position
lnternal Louver No Louver No Louver lnternal Louver

cL3-4 ImW.HPSE-17
Narrow Flood Reflector
High Position
No Louver

14 Kim L qht ncl

Lamp Guide

Lamp Lamp Lumens or Average Manutacturer's

Lamp and Manufacturer Watls Volts geam Candlepower Lile(hrs.) Base Catalog Number
.50 12 Narrow Spot - 14' s500 cP 4000 2'P n os0MF 16i NSP(EXT)
.50 12 Narrow F ood - 27' 27AA CP 4000 2'P n o50t\4F 16/NFL(EXZ)
.50 12 NarrowFood-32' 225A CP 4000 2-P n os0MR16i NFL/1(EXK)
GE, .50 12 Flood 40' 1500 cP 4000 2-P n o50MR16/FL(EXN)
.75 12 Narrow Spot 14' 12,300 CP 4000 2-P n QTsMR 16/NSP(EYF)
NarrowFood-25' 4600 cP 4000 2-P n oTsrvR 16/NFL(EYJ)
Flaad 42 2100 cP 4000 2-P n Q75rVF 16/FL(EYC)
50 12 Spot ' 12" 10,000 cP 2AO0O 2 P)n AKTT O
50 12 Flood 24' 3000 cP 2000 2-Pit) AKTOO
50 12 Mediurn F ood 30" 2500 cP 2000 2-Piti AK711
Osram 50 12 Wide Food 38' 1500 cP 2000 2-Piti AK7O5
75 12 Spot 14' r2 500 cP 2000 2'Pitj AKBl O
75 12 Foad 24' 420A CP 2000 2-Pir AKBOO
75 12 Wide Food 38' 2204 CP 2000 2'Pit) AKB05

50 12 Nafiow Spot 13" 9150 CP 3000 2-Pit) s0MB 16/Q/NSP(EXT)

50 12 Narrow Flood 26' 3000 cP 3000 2-Pit) 50MR 16/Q/NFL(EXZ)
V MB-16
Halogen sv uan a !9
b5 t1_)
Food 40'
Narrow Spot 14'
1r 500cP
cP 3000
50MR 16/0/FL(EXN)
65MB 16/0/NSP(FPA)
65 12 I\4ed um Flood 27' 4800 cP 3500 2 Pi., 65MB 16/0/MFL(FPC)
65 12 F ood - 38' 2000 cP 3500 65J\,4816/0/FL(FPB)

50 12 Narrow Spot l3' 9150 CP 3000 2-P ANS (EXT)

50 12 Narrow Flood 24' 3000 cP 3000 2-P ^ I ANS (EXZ)
Ph ps 50 12 Nafiow Flood 30' 2500 cP 3000 2-P I ANS (ENL)
50 12 Food 40' 1500 cP 3000 2-Ptr ANS (EXN)
75 12 Narrow Spot 14' 11,500 cP 3500 2-Ptr ANS (EYF)
75 12 Food 38' 2000 cP 3500 2-Pin ANS (EYC)

50 12 Narrow Spot 13" 10,000 3000 2-Ptal PQ50l\ilR16/NSP

50 12 Narrow Flood 24' 3000 cP 3000 2-Ptr PO50t\,4R 16/NFL
50 12 F ood 39" 1500 cP 3000 2-Pir PQ5OI\,4R16/FL
Venture 50 12 Wide F ood
60" 1500 cP 3000 2-Pi) PO50t\,4R16/5F
75 12 Narrow Spot - 13" 11,500 CP 3500 2-P .) PO75l\ilR16/NSP
75 12 Narrow Flood ' 24" 4000 cP 3500 2-P .) PQ75I\,4R16/NFL
75 12 Food 36' 2000 cP 3500 2-P .) PO75t\,4R16/FL

PAR"36 .75 12 Spot - 10' 25,000 cP 2000 @ Sl p On Lug A1025

Halogen (12V.) Osram .75 12 Flood 30' 4000 cP 2000 Sl p On Lug A1030
12 F ooci - 60' 8OO CP 2000 SpOnLuq 41035

EO-17 ot E-17 venture '{fin 124 NA 5000 L 5000 Medium MH7o/U/MED

Metal Halide
124 NA 7800 L r0 000 Medium MH100/U/I\,4ED
(clear) Sylvanra 100 NA B5OO L 7500 Medium M 100/u
G. E. .100 9000 L 10,000 Medium MXRlOO/U

EO-17, E-17 svrvania'{flo 124 NA 3150 L 24,000 Medum H43AV 75lDX

ot B-17
124 NA 4400 L 24,000 Medum H38AV-1ftr1/DX

Mercury Vapor G E
124 NA 2800 L 16,000 l\,4ed um HR75DX43
(coated) 100 12A NA 4000 L 18,000 Med um HR100DX38/E17
Venture 75 124 NA 2800 L 24,A0O Med um H43AV 75lDX
Philips 124 NA 2800 L 24,AOO f.4ed urn H43AV-75/DX

.70 124 NA 6400 L 24,404 IVIEd UM LUTO/I\,4ED
EO-17, E-17 100 124 NA 9500 L 24,AOA IVIEd UTN LUIOO/MED
or B-17
High Pressure Svtvanra 19^ 12A NA 6300 L 24,000 l\y'ed um LU70/|\,4ED

124 NA c500 I 24,AOA lvled um LU100/N,4ED
(clear) vent,re {!o 12A NA 6300 L 24,000 IVed um LU70/|\4ED
124 NA 9500 L 24.004 f,4ed um LU100/MED

Phrtrns 70 124 NA 6300 L 24,004 I/ed um C70S62/M

' roo 124 NA 9500 L 24,O0A Med um C100S54/L4

O 65W. Sylvania 1".4R-16 amp will operate correctly on any CLl or Note: The above data is current at time of cata og publication. lf
CL2 f xture with the 75W. (751V120) electrical mode See page 16 nformation rs crltical, consu t lamp manufacturer Average life of
O Osram 12V. lamps have an average I fe rating based on 12 Vo ts H.l.D. lamps is based on 10 hours operat on per start. Shorter
to the lamp Other manufacturers ratether lamps h gher based on burning cycles reduce larrp ife. Average ife of 12V haiogen
norma transformer outputs ranging from 1 1.4 to 1 1.8 vo ts. amps is allected by var ations from 120 Vo ts nominal nput to
. These arfps were used for CL photometr c test ng, but should thefixture. Greater than 120Vots reduces lamp ifewhie ess
rot be construed as an endorsement by K m Light ng. than T 20 Volts increases amp llfe. Chart data is frorn larnp manu-
facturs publshed data and s compiled for spec fier conven ence.
Kim is not respons ble for naccuracies or changes.

Kim Light ng 15
Ordering lnformation

Ordering Guide - CL1 and CL2 Ordering Guide - CL3 and CL4 O

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3456",78
// /
, ( ( ((
cL1I 7 sLV 1 20 I L1 2 I HS1I GM1 2
exam ple

examp e

Notes: lnsta lat on r.rethod

atlects maximum lamp wal-
tage a owed n soi or rock,l
max mum larf p wattage is 75
Watts ln concrete rnax rfutu Any ot these ffi1uffi
amp wattage s 100 Watts
See pages 4 and 10 n so or Tock 75W maximum.
f xtures rnay aLso
be rsta led
=ll =ll
cofcrete - 100W max
See pages B and 9lor U.L. CL3-4 on y
and CSA cert licat on for I fe 1r,trur"
vo tages below.

See page l5lor amp guide.

\, \--l @@
\ l-l \li-l
cL1 iC-12 CL3 CL4 cL3 lcl+
Lamp Nfode
(Lamps by Others)
Volts 2 fl::'j""
E ectrica
E ectrical
E ectr ca
A Lrm

ectr caL^
E eclr ca
E ectr

ca D:rla
50W., 65W or 75W 75LV120 NA NA NA 0.73
124 75LV120 NA B1
(12V ) N4R 16 Ha ogen

75 Watt (12V ) 7sLV120 75LV120 NA NA a73

124 NA NA B1
PAR-36 Osram Halogen

70 Watt C ear 124 70MH120 70MH120 B9 0.85

Meta lla lde 277 NA NA 70MH277 70MH277 NA NA B9 0.40
ED -17 [,4ed Base ?,4 / 70MH347 70MH347 94 0.30

100MH120 '100MH120 129 '1.

100 Watt C ear 124 15
NA NA NA 100MH277 '100MH277 129 0.50
N4etal 277 NA
FD 17 N4-.d Base 347 100MH347 100MH347 129 o.4a

75 Watt Coated 75MV120 93 082

124 75MV120
l,4ercury Vapor NA NA NA NA
277 7sMV277 7sMV277 93 036
FD 17 Med Base
100 WattLloated 120 100MV120 118 105
Mercury Vapor 277 NA NA NA NA 100Mv277 100Mv277 118 045
FD 17 M-.d Base 347 100MV347 100MV347 118 040

70 Watt C ear 124 70HPS120 70HPS120 B6 0.89

H gh Pressure Sod um 2AA 70HP5208 70HPS208 91 4.47
FD T 7 N/]ed BaSe 244 NA NA 70HP5240 70HPS240 NA NA 91 040
277 70HPS,277 70HPS,277 91 035
347 70HPS347 70HPS347 93 0.30

I00 Watt C ear 120 100HPS120 100HPSl20 115 1.50

ll gh Pressure Sodiur.l
ED l7 N4ed. Base
'16 K m LrcthtLnq
| 6r oottions Selections and Options
tr/ clr and CL2 "X-\
W \ l-l
cl3and cL4
Options - Not ncludecl with standard fixture. Selections - one of each must be specrf ed.
J lnternal Louver 2
s Rellector
45'cutoff lrlack hex ce I
1H.l.D. lamp modes only)*
l-t Sool
a uminum ouver Cl ps onto
rim of l/lR 16 amp and tits
No Spotor Narrow Flood alurninum
ref ector w ih A zak"rfin sh. 22' tlCat No SP U
Cat. No. NF
w th the lamp. 2 l"' Dia. tit 360" rotation, l /n height
adlustment w th roundel ens

4 n"rt sni"to
Heavy cast shie d factory
mounled to ens frame. Freld
ancl rA w th t at lens I rm led
adjustrr]ents when optiona
nternal Louver is used). See
no 5 beow
* PAR 36 12V lar.rps have
integra reflectors whrch de
termine beam w dth. See p. l5
Cat. No.
rotatabe n 90' ncrements.
Same f n sh as lens frame. ,fr
_4: HSI A uminum
HS2 Bronze 4 l"n"
F at or Roundel clear tempered
3/16" thick molded g ass (l mited
q:sr Flat
Cal. No F

5 reflector adlustments when Roundel

f13 Da l
Grout Mask
Ga vanized steel frame and optonal lnterna Louver is used). Cat No R

.o o' vo . @>,
'lltr----fl / 3i,,)" Options - Not included with standard f xture

l3",oj-" ",""
5 lnternal Louver
45'cutoff b ack hex celi
a uminum louver N,4ounts nto Cat. No
ref ector. Reflector adjustment L34
limls: Rounde Lens tul 22'
t t, no he ght adj. i F at Lens - no 45la Dta.
t t or height adl. (see page 4).

6 Hutt srri"to
Heavy cast shie d factory Cat No
mounted to lens frame Fie d -1 HS3 Aluminum
Se ect one rotatab e in 90" ncrements.
only. Same f nish as lens frame.
7 Roct cuard
Heavy cast guard factory
.@ c", no
mounted to lens frame. Same RG3 Aluminum
f nish as lens frame (cannot be
used with Half Shie d). rfu RG4 Bronze

8 Grout lvtask
Galvanized steel frame and
reinforc ng bar assembly.
.W, Cat. No.
Note: Do nol mix a uminum Supports iixture during con-
and bronze frxtures and opt ons. crete pour. See paqe 10 for
For a uminum f xtures, only typlca usaqe.
order allrminum Half-Shleld or
Rock Guard. For bronze
fixtures, only order bronze Ha f-
Shie d or Rock Guard

Al ref ector/lamp adlustments

are by others after instalation.

Klm L ghting l7

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