Kim Lighting Concept 5000 Series Brochure 1986

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Concept 5000...

Kim Products
Street and A.ea Liqlrt n!
Lfv rof menta Lrght ng
Landscape !lht nll
Founta n L !lhlirg
Ct]slom Arclr tectLrra Fou.taifs
Founta n Cornponefis
mportart l --iltLrres
Se ect on Cons derat ons
Exp anai on ol Photomctr cs
afd App catroll
Dfect Bur a Lr!]his
Opi ors for D rect BLI a L]qhis
2. t)

Wc L L qhls r6 20
16555 East Ga e AvenLre Lamp Referefce Data ?1
Post Off ce Box 1275
lndustry. Ca il 91749127F.)
8181968 5666 Te ex 67 0491 ! 1982KmLlllrl fll
Cable Kl[,4 LTG NDUSTRY lhis vers orr :a 1986
FAX illE'illt0 3861
Concealed Lighting for
Landscape and Architecture.

Lafdscape lghting is both aesthetic afd funct ora. ach ev ng Safety and Maintenance Warning
dynamic effects in many d verse applicatiors Ma ntair ng those Al flxlLrres n th s cata og flrlrst be groLrndcd n accordafce w ih
effects ong terrn s a s gf f cant cha lenge. Below grade f xtures, oca codcs or the Natlona Eectrca Code Fa iLrre to do so may
by the very nature of thelr !se, requ re spec al design and resl] t I ser o!s p-orsona rlury. Fixtufes are not approved for
execut of On y after exters ve expeT ence can a manulacturer !,/a koveT aTeas where shoe hee s cou d odqe n ouver open ngs
evolve a f xture to w thstard the corros ve forces of water and so or h gh tempcratLr.c efses burn har'rds leet eic K m Light ng
K m ploneered be ow-grade ight ng forty years ago Cont nued recornrnends sea nll condL t entr es ',r/ th RTV ensu..rg a c ean
research by K m cng f eers togetherwtfr the f nestinrI]aterias ory spi ce con'partn'rent To ma nta n ght cff c ency afd prev-.ft
and crafts.nansh p. has created the Cofcept 5000 product Ine excess ve heat buL d up enses must oe kepl clean and lree oi
as t ex sts today The K m fame s yoLrr assurance of the f nest d rt dust eaves and trash
oLrtdoor ighi ng eqL"r pment rnade
(E Ltn,.t",*rit",. Laborator es Llsted
lmportant Features
Direct Burial Lights

lncandescent, l\lercury Vapor, Niietallic Halide,

or High Pressure Sodium lamp modes.
20" tilt, 326'rotation, and height
Flat or Bounde lens adjustment on lamp.


\-\/ - )

Heavy Wall, All-Cast Prewired, Pressure-Tested Anti-Siphon Barriers lntegral Ballast Box
Construction at Factory A Lrnderg ro!nd cond! t An Lrndeisiand ng of tre
There ls fo harsher Because each dlrect bur a systems conta I moisLLre econo.)- cs cf bLr o ng ano
env ronmenl than the outdoors l xture s prew red and which if drawn fto tfre ba ast ma ntcrafce has Tes!lted n ar
so mater al used for constfuctlng pressure-tested at l0 p.s or amp compartment w ftegra ba ast box The ba ast
below grade I xtLrres s ctlt ca y while corf p ete y su bmerged ln cause f xture fa lure s fot bLr ed beneath ih,. an'p
mportant Heavy wa cast water.a poss b e defects are Efgineer ng to prevent suscept b c to watcr ntakc and
meta whetfter a Lrrn num or detected and e rf nated On rno stute accumu at on thLls d ilc! t10 serv ce Father
b.oize has proven to be the site, on y fle d connections lf becomesacrtca des gf p acemeft oi the ba asl box al
most r.rperv ous to so ac d ty the sp ce compartment and Iactor. Kms ofg tenn grade eve on mercury vapor
afd mo sture Th s cofs stellt larfp nsert on are tequ red for experience w th be ow-grade and h gir prcss!rc sod Lrrn
dependab lty s the reason f xture operat on sav ng abor ght rg has deve oped and rf ls tar u tTr 7es rTra ntenallce
the 5000 prodlct lne is cast t me and expense proven the ant s phof barr er t me req! red Doub e ,,!a
exc usive y lorego ng exot c system to fre the besi Each cofstruct on Lrt zec bei!,/eerl
th n wa a oys alld assemb ies compartment arfp. sp ce the three conipartrf cnts
that cannot ho d up once and ba ast s so ated w th nsLr ates aird prolecrs tfe
fsta ed. lleavy wa cast a doLrb -o wa L Each w re sp ce area.
a utn nurn construct on w ter.rinates n an ant siphof
feslsl corrosion shou d the Lraffier ar'rd the ent re space s
biturr rous coating be sealed Even wilh the pressure
scratcfred d!r rg nsta at on. c hafges that occu r whe n the
Cast bronze s ol coLrse the ararp ls turned of afd oll
u t mate mater a for llroisture and its deslr!ct]ve
be ow grade ight ng The ellects are prevented lrom
one p ec-a Lrn tlzed cast ng enter ng the arrp and ba ast
comb fes super or strength comparlrnenls.
w th stream ned appearance
t)1 2
l lmpoftant Features
Well Lights

lncandescent, N,4ercury Vapo(

or High Pressure Sodiun'r Lamp modes.
Fu or Direcllona
Louvers. 15'tllt wlth

Cast Bronze or Copper Easy Relamping Anti-Siphon Barriers Grade Level Ballast
Fixtures in Bituminous Wells Again. deslgf s mp city resu ts \,4o stu.e the cofstant thr-oa1 lo Ba asts ior mercrry vapor a.rd
The ongo ng rellab e in fira ntenance eff ciency be ow grade Ixtures has been h gh pressLrre sodlLrrf nrode s
pedormance of cast bronre Service on Kim we ghts s addressed afd so ved by the are adjacent io :he I xture,weL.

and copper 1 xtLrres lust fies the eas ly accornp shed w Lh rrfovat ve Klm antl's phor housed I a rlrgged hea\/y !,i a
r'rvestment n qua ty t xtures llt nq out of we s 1or syste[a] Barr ers ocated aL two cast box Located at grade
mater a Only these meta s above grade ma ntenafc-A crlt ca lunctures prevent water eve thecompartrncnt s read y
carefu y crafted by K m. oller Predeterm ned f xture t t from enter ng flxt!re afd accesslb c for serv c ng.
the provef ele[lent res start afg es are fot affected by th s ba ast box. F lng the soated Standard 60'C f edwremeets
characler sl cs essenl al I we procedure so re a ming t me s chamberwthafexLbe UL requ rements for th s f xLure
ght des !ln. Surrounding the saved We can be ra sed as hlgh temperature sea ng because ol the exce eft
f xturc s a b tum nous f bre we q round cover qrows hiqher. compound comp etes the nsLr at on oflered w tfr do!b e
lghtwe qht and co[os or sea ing process \,!a constrLrct on Th s separate
prooi Bit!nr fo!s f llre wel ls iuNCt on box or ba ast box frees
biack for a concea ed ook ihe f xture \l/c to be ra sed
whef nstaled s ight y owcrcd or t ted \'\iilh ease to
allove grade n high groufd adapl to qrow irct andscape
cover The f xture s suspended
by adlustab e c ps frorn a
!,lrade eve grate of lu lor
d rect ona oLrvers ReqL.rired
dra nage ai the bottom ol the
we prevents poss b e
i oodinct.

Primary Considerations for Selection

D rer I B!r d Lrghts We Lights

Flush Mounted Height Adjustment

There are a variety of Land The we ght not im ted to
scape ghting app catons so f lsh rno!nted sltuat ons. is
severa gu de nes exlst for part cular y suited to
proper f xture se ect on. D rect andscaped ocat ons w th
bur al ghts shou d be conllned grow ng ground cover. Fixture
to areas that wi remain rela afd wel are easily raised so
t ve y f ush nstal ed I con that th-. lght ng eff c ency con
crete brick rock or c ose y t nues ur rnpeded by lo iage.
cropped awns Optimum
effect s achleved when the I x
ture s unobslructed by
efcroach ng ground cover
Shielding Full or Directional Louvers
ding or no sh eld ng s the One of two types of ouvers are
Sh e
optlor offered by d rect bur a
ufits W thout any restr ct on
ful larnp output prov des more
an lntegra part of any we ght
and provide good sh e d ng ot
the source The D rect ona
F! Louver opi or HafSrecoplo. LouveT a ows maximum lght ia oplo|

ight at wlder ang es. ll some D reclo Lc!'rcr
type of g are contro afdror effic ency if d recton of amp
efs protection ls required t lt wh e reducing g are on
there are a var ety of sh elds D rect ona I ouler Fock GLrarC observers side For 360'g are
and ouve.s availab e. These cplo.^ opt on contro, the Louver
come assemb ed to the
selected mode or rnay be
\:-- sr:n.l:r.t F:r .r
appropr ate
Fu I s
Stafdarll FLr LoLr!er

FourrLie rers
added n the fleld.
Wall or Sign Lighting Flexible lnstallation Angle
Vert ca s gn and wa surlaces As we ghts are spec fica y
are ghted un lormly and deslgned lor areas where
Lrnobtrusive y by d rect buria p ants and shrubbery are
modes A speclaly designed grow ng, flxture adlustment
reflector system glves eff clent rnay be necessary after some
effectlve pedormance for tme The flexib tydesgned
n ghttlrfe dent ficat on and rto thls unit perrn ts l5' amp
securty app catlons. titwthnthewelpus
nsta at on ol the entlre we I at
an ang e

c] 4
Photometrics and Application

I Accent Lighting photometr cs

are presented n the form of
cand epower d stributiof
Examp e eft FLr I cand epower
d str bution cL]lve for ofe arnp
250U 175 \,V

curves These tests were

conducted w th the amp Exar.rple r qhl: Cand epower vert caly and ra sed to dislribLrt on cLrrves 10r two amp
ts h ghest pos t of in the types. Each curve s one half
housing Lower nll or titing the the fu lcurve and ls
amp wi a ter these d str butlon symrnetrlca about the 0'ax s
c!ryes The sca e of each curve may,
or may not, be d fferent

The chart at right s an a d n

se ect ng a amp w th the
proper bea.. sp.ead to
lum nate an oblect of g ven
he !,lht and w dth Cand epor/er
car be converted to
Footcafd es by tfre formuia:
FC = Footcand es
CP: Cand epower
D: D starce from fixture
to oblect n feet

Trccs,r'r th alense 10 aqe


.10 35 30' 25 20 rs', r0 5 0 5' i0 15' 20 25' 30',35

w: !! d1h ol Oblect from A f rg L ne lllrrminaie irom the sides

Wall or Sign Lighting '0x !l .rl lr 2r i-2.5 3' 3.5' 4' Cross sect on v ew
photoraretrics are presented ]CX ofwalorscn
n so ux llnes of vertcal g)i
r3 r0 ght ng c
footcand es as prolected on a report
vert ca sLrrface w th the flxture 36 26 20
at var oLrs distances l.orn the
surface Each chart s a typ ca
half the r ght ha f symmet. ca 2 5' 'ro wa as
w th the -.ft

For conven ence each wa I or "sprc Frllres Spac ng chart does not
no FinureSpacinq Chart
s gn ight ng fixture has a lnd cate un forn ty of
spacing chart showing actua 25
ilumination Des gner shou d
spac fgs lor various
I xture check Footcand e curyes to
ght evels wal heights, and deternine f light eve attopol
fxture to-wa distafces. The wa and between f xtures w
E S. Light ng Handbook may satlsfy desired un forrn ty
olfer some guide ines for
recommended ight eve s on ?
vert ca surfaces
'Check sp3r ng wl rloolc..,n.le cLryes
Arera.e Ma nr. rerl Verr.a
lodelerm ne t !n lom (y s acceptal e

cr 5
150-300W. R-40 lncand.
Direct Burial Light 250W. PAR-38 Quartz
250W. KR-38 or R-38 Krypton lncand.


I ffi

(2) N PT

Housing: One-p ece cast alumlnum w th b tum nous coat ng
on below-grade portions or one-piece cast bronze. Doub e wal
separates lamp and splice compartments Lens reta ner and 8000 PAR l8
sp ice compartment cover are cast a um num or bronze with
neoprene gaskets. Lamp wel contlnuously welded to housing.
Lens: Tenrpered clear g ass with one-p ece s llcone gasket. F at
ens 3/s" th ck rounde lens 1::" thlck.
Socket: Porce ain rned urn base
Lamp Adiustment; 20'each side of vertical, 326'horizonta
rotation. Pos tive screw locks on al adjusllng brackets hold
a m ng posit on.
Wiring; A I components prewlred w th high temperature w re
term natina n ant -siphon barr ers. lso ation chamber fi led with
flex bie high temperature sea ng cor-fpound. Factory pressure
tested at 10 p.s.i Sp ce compartment vo ume-40 cubic inches
Grounding: 1/4-20 grcen hex head screw in splice compartment.
Conduit Taps: Standard tapping ls two 3/.r" N.PT. ln bottom.
Optona tapping is 1" N.P.T. in bottom and ends.

Fixtures Available Options: Detai s and reslr ctions on p. 14 Add option

ru^ b"' o t .r- r -^ be . { pre 1000 5081-15
Car \o De'-r oron " Co' LTLCLo']
5081HS Half Sh e d/directiona g are control. Cast Alum.
Lamp and N.4ax Wattage 5181HS Same as above. Cast Bronze
Cat No. (amp bV others) Construct on Lens 5083FL Fu ILouver/glare contro ens guard. Cast A um
5000 R-40 150-300W Incand. Cast Allrm Rounde 5183FL Same as above. Casl BronTe
PAR-38, 250W Ouartz
KR 38 or R-38 250W Krypton
5085DL Direct onal Louver/g are contro . Cast A um.
5185DL Same as above. Cast Bfofze
5001 Same as above Cast A rjm. Fat 5087RG Rock Guard/rounde ens onlv Cast A um.
5100 Same as above Cast BronTe RoLrndel 5187RG Same as above. Cast Bronze
5101 Same as above Cast Bronze F at 5200GM GroLrt N,4ask/for concrete insta ation Ga v Steel

250W. T-4 Quaftz
Direct Burial
Wall or Sign Lighter

(2)3/1" N Pr

Specifications 3.5,4, iD stance X

Housing: Ofe p ece cast alum num with bitumlnous coat ng F l lre o Wa

on below grade port ons, or one p ece cast bronze. Doub e wal 26 13 1O nla
separates amp and sp ice compartments Lens reta ner and Vert ca
sp ice compartrnent coveT are cast a Lrm num or bronze with 5l .26 20 Foolcand es
neoprene gaskets. Lamp wel cont nuous y we ded to hous ng. D. n.t ..ale
Lens: Tempered clear rounde g ass, 7a" th ck, w th one piece lxtLrres ess than
si icone gasket 1.3 .65 50 2 5' i166 y1s 3s
Socket: H gh temperature mln -can type 54 w th cast alumlnurn 26 tc i0 Lndesrrable
safety shroud. 5.1 _- r. rnrlo fr 1\ ol
,a _-
u.nnil ofnr/
Retlector: One-piece hydroforrned alum num with A zak f nish. 13 65 50 occlr
Retalners ock refector n any pos tion w thin 326" hor zonla 26 13 10
Wiring: A I components prewlred w th high temperature wlre
terminating n ant siphon barr ers solat on chamber fi ed with 'Spac nlr Belweef F xrl]res Fixlure Spacing Chart
high ternperature sea ng compound. Factory pressure tested at
l0 p.s. Spl ce compartment vo urne 40 cub c inches.
Grounding: 1/a 20 grcen hex head screw in splce compartment
Conduit Taps: Standard tapping is two 3/+" N P.T in bottom.
Optlonal tapp ng is 1" N.PT. n bottorn and ends

t/ x --.
'Check spac ng wth lootcand ecu.!es
Averag lMa nla ned Verl ca
lodelefln ne lLrn formly s acceplabe

Fixtures Available Options: Deta s and restrict ons on p. 14. Full LoLlver,
D rectiona Louver and Rock Guard not recommended because
of ght restr ct on. Add opt on cata og number to f xture number.
Examp e 5006/5082HS.
Lamp and Wattage
Cat No (lamp by others) Constructlon Lens Cat No. Descript on Constructon
5006 T-4, 250W QL.radz Cast A urn Rounde 5082HS Ha f Shield/d rect ofal glarecontro. CastAum.
(frosted) 5182HS Same as above Cast Bronze
5106 Same as above. Cast Bronze Rounde 5201GM Grout N,,1ask/for concrete instal ation Ga v Steel
75W. E-17 Mercury Vapor
Direct Burial
t Wall or Sign Lighter

D (2) l/: N PT n trollorn

Specifications 2.5'3 3.5'4'<DstanceX

Housing: One p ece cast alum num w th coating on
b tuminous F !r ,r-6 lo W:
be ow grade pod ons. Doub e wa separates a compartmerts t4 t0
Lefs reta rer and covers for ba ast and spl ce compartments are lPtt.j
cast a urn num with neoprene gaskets Lampwe continuousy Foolcanales
we ded to hoLrs ng.
29 20 l5 .ll
Llo not ocaie
Lens; Tempered c ear rounde gass.%"thick wthonepiece -^ ^Lrp\e clh:n
72 ^-
s cone gasket 25 lr.ri w: :c
Socket: Porcela n med um base. 1410 73 56 nnFc Fh F
Reflector: One p ece hydroformed a ufi]inum w th A zak f nish. 29 2A t5,oi
Feta ners lock ref ector in any poslt or with n 326' hor zortal 72 5A rf i. !m nal oa mdr
rotat on l4 l0
Wiring: Al co[r]ponents prew red w th high temperature w re
termnatrg n ant siphonbaflers. soationchambert edwith
I ex ble hlgh ternperature seal ng compound Factory pressure 'Spac nq Belwee. FllLrres Fixturc Spacing Chart
tested at 10 p.s i. Sp ce compartment vo 40 cub c nches
Ballast: High Power Factor 20'F. start ng
Grounding:1/a 2A grcer hex head screw in splice compartrnent.
Conduit Taps: Standard tapp ng s two 3/" N.PT n bottom
Optlofal tappinq s 1" N P.T. n bottom and efds

Caution: Some nterpretat ofs of the Nat ona E ectr ca Code

'Check sp:rc nllw th footca.d e c!tues
may al ow 120 Volt f xtLres only I2AB240 at 277 \,/a t s des red Av-6rao-. M. nrarn-.4 Verl.: lo delerm ne lLrn lornr ly s acceplabe
check w th oca code author ty before spec fV nq.

Fixtures Llne Vo tage ndcatedby ast3digts ncataognumller. Available Options; Detai s and restr ctions on p. 14. Fu Louver
D rectional Louver and Rock Guard not reconrfi]ended because
Larnp and Wattage lvax.
Cat No. (amp by others) AN,4PS Construci Lqns of ghl restr ct on. Add option cata og number to fixtLrre numller
Example: 5007|VV1 20/5082HS.
5007MV120 E 17. 75 W .82 Cast Alum Roundel
lvlercury Vapor
5007MV208 Same as above. CastAum. Roundel Cat No. Descrlption Constnlction
5007MV240 Same as above. .41 Cast A Lm. Roundel 5082HS Ha f Shleld/d rectiona q are control. Cast Alunr.
5OO7MV277 Same as above. .36 Cast A Lrm. Ro!ndel 5202GM Grout N/ask,i for concrete lnsta lat on Galv. Stee
70W T-10, E-17 or B-17
Direct Burial High Pressure Sodium
Wall or Sign Lighter

(2lra N PI

\\ \

9I I
rOI ]X 6X 5X :]X (D ti:rnc e X
Specifications s

Housing: One p ece cast a um num with bitum nous coat ng on ror- L I I

be ow grade port ons. Doub e wal separates a

comparlments n|e
Lens reta ner and covers for ba last and sp ce comparlmenls are .! I l0 Cl ear

cast alumlnum w th neoprene gaskets. Lamp wel contnuousy 12 5A 3t

we ded to hous ng.
Lens: Tempered clear rounde g ass r/4" th ck w th one piece
l4l0 t: 56 Do not ocale

s cone gasket ll
Sockel: Porce a n medlum base, 4KV pu se rated
Reflector: One-p ece hydroformed alum rum with A zak f n sh T2 50 37 28
Retainers ock refector n any pos tlon w th n 326' horizonta l0 73 56
rotat on.
20 l5 tl
Wiring: Acomponents prew red w th high lemperature wire
terrnnatng n ant -s phon barr ers soaton chamber f ed with
f exib e h gh temperature sea lng compound Factory pressure 'Spac fg Bet{reen F rtures Finure Spacing Charl
tesled ai 10 p.s i. Sp ce compartment vo ume-40 cubic nches
Ballast: H gh Power Factor -20' F starting 25
Grounding:r/a 20 green hex head screw ln sp ce compartment
Conduit Taps: Standard tapping is two 3/a" N P.T. in bottom.
Optlona tapp ng is l" N.PT. n bottom and ends t5'
;10' t/ x -
Caution: Some interpretat ons of th e N at ona Eectrlcal Code
'Check spac ng wrlr c!tues
may alow 120 Vo t f xtures on y f20B 240 or 277 Vo t s Averale Marnlaned Vedce delerm ne 1un lormly s acceplabe
des red check with local code authoritv bclore spec ly no.

Fixtures L ne Voltaqe ind cated by ast 3 d q ts I cataloq nurnber Available Options: Detalsand restrictonson p 14. Fu Louver
D rectona Louver and Rock Guard not recommended because
Larnp and Waltage Max. o'qh . o aooopio' .n'bp l ' '--.^b-
Ca1. No. others)
(lamp bV AN/PS Construct. Lers F^amo e
5009HPS120 50B2HS" "log
5009HPS120 T 10, E 17 or B 17 1.45 Cast A urn Rounde
70W H cth Pressure Sodlum
5009HPS208 Same as above. B5 Cast Alum. Roundel Cat. No Descr ption Constnrol on
5009HPS240 Same as above 15 Cast AlLrm. Rornde 5082HS Ha I Sh e d/direct onal g are control Casl A LJm

5009HPS277 Same as above 65 Casl AlLrrn. Ro!ndel 5202GM Grout N,4aski for concrete nsta aton Ga v Sleel
175W. E-28 or BT-28
Direct Burial Light Metallic Halide

(21 l,i" N P.T n botlom

rnda rd

It a

.l a

tl c,
l' a) a s

Specitications Caulion: Some nterpretations

Housing: Ofe p ece casl a um num w th ll tumlfous coating on of the Natona Eecirlca Code
be or\, grade portons or one p]ece cast bronze Doub e wa may a ow 120 Vo t flxtures of y
separates a lcompartmcnts Lens retainel and covers lol ba ast f 208 240 or 277 Vo t s des red.
and sp lce compart..cnis ale cast a um num or bronze with check w th oca code authority
neoprene gaskets Lamp ',!e cont nLous y \i c ded to hous rl!,1 before speclfying
Lens:Tempcred clear q ass wilh one peces lconegasket Fat
lef s -1,' thlck rouf dc ens 1," th ck
Socket: Porce a n.nogu base
Rellector: Orc p ece spLrn a um nuln w th A zako f n sh.
Wiring: A cornponents prew red w tfl h gh temperature w re
lermrfating f ant sphon barrels. soaton cflambcrt edwth
I ex b e hgh tempcrature sea ng cotnpoLlnd Factory prcss!re
Lested at 10 p s Sp ce compaltmefi vo urne 40 cubLC nches
175W E 28 C ear MH
Ballast: Nloh Po',!er Faclor. 20'F siartlng
Grounding: ,4 20 green hex head scre\r'/ n sp ce compartment.
Conduit Taps: Standard lapplfg s iwo 1'," N P.T. ln bollom.
Opt onal tapp n9 ls l" N.PT nbottomandefds

Ordering lnformation
Fixtures Larnp and Watlage Lne Max
Cat No { arrip by otlrers) Vots AlvlPS ConsrrJciroF Lens
5030MH120 E 28 or BT 28 120 B0
1 !m Boufde
Cast A
r 75W Metal lc Ha de

50301\4H208 Sane as above 208 I l0 Cast A um FoLnde

5030MH240 Sarne as abov-o 244 A 92 Casl A um RoLrnoe
5030MH277 Sarne as above 0 80 Oasl A Lran RoLrnde
5031MH120 Sarne as above 120 I B0 Casl A Lr.. Fat
5031MH208 San.e as abole 208 I10 CaslA lnr Fal
5031[4H240 Sanie as above 240 0 92 CasL A Lm Ftat Available Options: Add opt on catalog nu nrber to f xt! re nLlm ber Exam p e
5031MH277 Same as above 277 0 80 Cast A Lrm 503ON,4Hl2OI5082HS Deta s and restr ct ons on p l4
5130MH120 Sarne as above 120 I 80 Cast Bronze Rounclc Cat No Descr pt on L,onstrLrct on
5130MH208 Same as abovc 208 l l0 Cast Bronze RoLrnde 5082HS Haf Sli e d'd rectlona !,1arecorrtro. rounde
5130MH240 San'e as above 240 0 92 Casl Bronze Rounde ens on y Cast A um
5130MH277 Same as abo'ie 271 A 80 Cast Bronze 5l82HS Saire as above Cast Bronze
5131MH120 Same as above 120 I B0 Casl Bronze Fat 5088RG Rock Guardrroirnde ens on y CasL A Lr.n
5131MH208 Same as above 2oB I l0 Oast Bronze Fal
5131MH240 Same as above 240 0 92 Casl BronTe Fa( 5188FG Sarne as above Cast Bronze
5131MH277 Same as above 277 0 80 Casi Bronze 5202GM GroLrt Maskrfor concrete fsla at on Ga v Slee

70W. PAR-38 High Pressure Sodium
Direct Burial Light 100/175W R-40 Mercury Vapor
100W PAR-38 Mercury Vapor, Med. Base



Housing: Ore ptece cast alurat num w th biturI]inous coat fg
on below-grade port ons. or one-piece cast bronze Double wa I
separates al compartrnents Lens reta net and covers for bal ast
and sp ice compartmenls are cast a um f r.lm or bronze with
feoprene gaskets. Lamp we I cont nuous y we ded to hous ng.
Lens: Tempered clear g ass wth ofe-p ece s lcone gasket Fat
ens 3/s" th ck rounde ens /4" th ck
Socket: Porce ain med ur.r base HPS mode s 4KV pu se rated.
Lamp Adiustment: 20'each s de of vert ca , 326' horizona
rotat on Pos tive screw ocks on a adj!st ng brackets ho d
arm ng pos tion
Wiring: A I components prewired w th h gh temperature w re
terrn nat ngn ant s phon barriers solat on chamber f led with
I exib e h gh terarperature sea ing compoufd Factory pressure
tested at 10 p.s . Splce compartment vo Lrme-4o cub c inches
Ballast; lllgh Power Factor 20' start ng.
Grounding:r/a 20 green hex head screw I sp ce compartment.
Conduit Taps: Standard tapp ng s two 3r" N.Pl I bottom r00 w
Optona tappng s l" N P.T. nbottomandends
t4v :
w rh 50808N
Fixtures and Options See page 13

Note: The 50B0BN Beam lntens f er s recommended lor use on

R-40 Deluxe Wh te (DX) mercLfy vapor lamps on y. The add tion
of this accessory wi increasetheut zationof lghtlromthe
lamp s w de beam pattern
PAF 38 and R 40 ns de Frosted (l F) mercury vapor amps do
not need the Beam lntens fier because the r beam pattern is
narrow enough to prolect effic ently through the f xture openlng.
There s a s gnif cant d fference I co or temperature between
the three lamps lsted above Th s may be a factor I se ectlon.
See page 21.
N,4ercury Vapor R-40 lnside Frost (lF) 6700'K.
Mercury Vapor R 40 Deluxe Wh te (DX) 3900'K.
f,4ercury Vapor PAR-38 Med Base 7000" K. +
a1 12
Ordering lnformation

Fixtures Lamp and Wattage Lre N.4ax

Cat. No. (lamp bV others) Vo ts Al\I PS Construction Lens
5026HPS120 PAR-3B,7OW 124 1.45 Cast Alum. Rounde
Hlgh Pressure Sod ur.r
5026HPS208 Same as above 208 B5 Cast A urn. Founde
5026HPS240 Same as altove. 240 75 Cast A urn. Rounde
5026HPS277 Same as above 277 .65 Cast Alum. Rounde
s027HPS120 Sarne as altove. 120 145 Cast A ur.r. Flal
5027HPS208 Same as above. 208 85 Cast A um. Flat
5027HPS240 Same as above. 240 75 Casl A um. Flat
5027HPS277 Same as above. 277 65 Cast ALum Flat
sr zoHpsr zo Same as above 12A 1.45 Cast Bronze Rounde
5126HPS208 Same as above. 2AB .85 Cast Bronze Roundel
5126HPS240 Same as allove. 240 75 Cast Brofze Roundel
5126HPs277 Same as above. 277 .65 Cast Bronze Roundel
5t27HPS120 Same as above 124 1 .45 Cast Bronze Fat
5127HPS208 San're as allove. 2AB .85 Cast Bronze Fat
5127HPS240 Same as altove. 244 .75 Cast Bronze Fat
5127HPs277 Same as above. 277 .65 Cast Bronze Fat
5020MV120 R-40 or PAR 38 t\.4ed. 120 11 Cast Alum Roundel
Base, 100W [,4ercury Vapor
5020MV208 Same as above 208 60 Cast A Lrrlr Roundel
5020MV240 Sarne as above. 244 55 Cast AIum Rounde
5020MV277 Same as above. 2/7 .47 Cast Alum Ro!nde
5021MVl20 Same as above. 124 1.1 Casl Alum. Fat
5021MV208 Same as above. 208 .60 Cast A um. Fat
5021MV240 Sarne as above. 244 .55 Cast A !m. Fat
502'lMV277 Sarne as above 277 .47 Cast A um. Fat
5t 20MV l20 Same as above 120 1.1 Cast Bronze Rounde
5120MV208 Same as above 208 .60 Cast Bronze Rounde
5120MV240 Sarne as above. 244 .55 Cast Bronze Rounde
5120MV277 Same as above 217 .47 Casl BronTe Rol]nde
5121MV120 Same as above 120 1.1 Cast Bronze Fiat
512t MV208 Sarne as above 208 .60 Cast Bronze Flat
512t MV240 Sarne as above 240 .55 Cast Bronze Flat
5'121MV277 Same as above 27/ .47 Casl Bronze Flat
5024MV120 R 40, 175W 124 II Cast Alum. Rounde
N,4ercury Vapor
5024MV208 Same as above. 2AB Ll Cast Alum. Roundel
5024MV240 Same as above 244 .95 Cast A ullr. Rounde
5024MV277 Same as above 277 .80 Cast A um Rounde
5025MV.I20 Satl]e as above 120 1.9 Cast A Lrm. Flat
5025MV208 Same as above. 208 1.1 Cast A Lrm. Flat
5025MV240 Same as above 244 .95 Cast A um. Fat
5025MV277 Same as above. 277 .80 Cast Alum. Fat
5124MV120 Same as above 120 19 Cast Bronze Rounde
5t24MV208 Same as above 2AB Ll Cast Bronze Rou n de
5124MV240 Same as above. 244 .95 Cast Bronze Rounde
5124MV277 Same as above. 277 .80 Cast Bronze Rounde
5125MV120 Sarfe as above 120 1.9 Cast Bronze Flat
5125MV208 Same as above. 2AB Ll Cast Bronze Fat
5125MV240 Sarare as above 240 .95 Cast Bronze Flat
5125MV277 Same as above 277 .80 Cast Bronze Flat

Available Options: Detai s and restrict ons on p. 14 .See note

onp 12. Add opllon cata og nLrmber to flxture number
Examp e 5026HPS120/5082HS.
Cat No. Descript on Construction Caution: Some interpretat ons
of the Nat ona Electrical Code
5080BN' Bea^ lr lers Ier R 40 DX a^ ps or ly A,rah a -- may a ow 120 Vo t fixtures
5082HS Haf Shieldi d rectiona garecontro. Cast A urn. only f 208 240 a( 277 Vall s
5182HS SanTe as above. Cast Bronze des red. check w th oca code
5084FL Ful LoLrver/g are control, ens guard Cast A um. authority before spec fying
5184FL Same as above. Cast Bronze
5086DL D rectlona Louver/g are contro. Cast Alum.
5186DL Same as above. Cast Bronze
5088RG Rock Guard/rounde ens only. Cast A urn.
5188RG Same as above. Cast BronTe
5202GM Grout i\,lask/for concrete insta lat on Ga v Stee

cl 13
CAUTION lf Fla f Sh eld Ful Louver D recl ona Louver or Bock
Options for Guard are Lrsed n areas where a rap d co ecl on of eaves
and trash s antic pated a regular y schedu ed ma ntenance
Direct Burial Lights Only prograr| rnust be estab shed to keep f xt!res c ean. Dr ed
eaves and paper caf b!rf if i,r owed to accLrmLr ate cn h qh
temperature erses
Ava lab e
only for
f xtures
ancl Reslrictons Cat No ConsTn rcT on .ir r page

Bear.r ntens fier for B 40

Dellxe Wh te (DX) merc!ry
vapor amps on y Col ects
ost h cth anqle qht and re 50808N ATakALrm I:l
d stribltes t at usei! anq es
C ps d recty to R 40 amp.
De . re V,/h l. lDXl

lla l Shle d ens r rg for

d rect onai ight cut off afd
A Lrm
Bronre 7 o,l.lS
5!18I sall:)
i ls
g are coftro For use w th 5082HS Cast A Lrrr'r B I t0 ll l3 5lu t us !132 HS
roundel lenses only. See
cautior above
5182HS Cast BronT-o 8. l1 13 VY

Fu Louver efs r lgs for

360'g are contro and ens 5083FL Cast A lrn 7
protectiof For use w th 5l83FL Cast Brofze 7
flat lenses only. See caut on 5084FL Casl A urn 13
above 5184FL Cast Bronze 13

D rect ona Louver ens

rfg a ows maxirnum ight
efl c ercy I direclion of 5085DL Cast A urn 7
5185DL Appror
anrp t twh ecoflrol ng Cast Bronze
g are n oppos te d rection.
For !se w th llat lenses only.
Cast A um
Casl BronTe
'- lt l-.r

See cat]l on above

I'i,,, 5Otj7 FG
5187 llti
I1'," 5N83 FG
Rock GLrard lefs r ng for 5087RG Cast A um 7
vafda protect on of roundel 5l87RG Cast Bronze 7 V
lenses only, See caLlt of 5088RG Cast A Lr.n l3
5188RG Cast Bronze 11, 13

Lefqlh \r! dtr

Grout [,4ask and f xtL]re
support for nstal at ons
concrete N4ask s tied to
t;:::"/ 1, r; -
s'.tz i:v '.'t.. t tr,' r Y

re nforc ng bars and supports 5200GM

flxture dur ng concrete pou. 5201GM
Concrete ls kept away fronr
llxture a ow ng 2" grout
space for I fa trirn
alv Steel
alv Steel
Gav Steel
10 11.
al 14
Well Light 150W R-40 or PAR-38 lncand.

(2) 3,1" N PT n bottorn

Drainalle by olhers

Fixture: Cast bronze
Lens: Convex tempered c ear g ass with one plece si icone
Socket: Porce ain medium base
Wiring: Cord s prewired to f xtLrre, passlng through a brass seal.
Each wire term nates ln an ant s phon barrie( encapsu ated n
high temperature sea ing compound Factory pressure{ested al
10 p.s.i. Splce compartrnent vo ume 40 cub c nches
Well: Bituminlzed f bre, 9" dia. x 143la" depth.
Dra nage (by others) required.
Louver: Cast alurnlnum f nished b ack w th po ished edges
secured to we I w th socket head sel screws
Junction Box: Cast aluminum withr/2" rigld conduit
and brass sea forfxturecord 1/a 20gteen hex groLtnd ng screw
prov ded.
Conduit Taps: Standard tapping is two 3/a" N.PT. n bottorl
Optona tapping is 1" N.PT. n bottom, sides and ends
Fixture Adjustment: Slain ess stee wire hangers suspend fxture
from ouver and a ow 15' t lt, 360" rotation. Posit ve screw locks
hold aim nq pos t on.

Fixture Option: Directional Louver suppl ed n place ol standard fu I

olver. To order option add cata og number to flxture rumber.

Example: 5l50/5090D1.
Cat. No. Descr ption Construct on
Lamp and N4a^ Wattage F xture sogoDL 'fDirectional Louver a lows Cast A um.
Cat No (amps bV others) Construction 9% maxrtnum lght ell clency
sq. if d rect on of lamp t lt
5150 R 40 150W ncand Cast Bronze whi e control ing g are
PAR 38 150W lncand ! in oppos te dlrection.
cl 16
70W PAR-38 High Pressure Sodium
Well Light 100/175W. R-40 Mercury Vapor
100W PAR-38 Mercury Vapor, Med. Base

(2)3/a'N PT ]l bollom .

9l!" sq 7 its"




Fixlure: Cast llronze
Lens: Convex tempered c ear g ass with or]e piece s icone gasket
Socket: Porce ain rned urn base llPS mode s 4KV pu se-rated.
Wirinq: A components prew red with h qh temperatLre w re,
terminatlng in antl s phon barr ers so at on chamber fi ed with
hlgh lemperature seal ng cornpound. Factory pressure-lested at
10 p s.i. Spl ce compartment vo ume 40 cub c inches.
Well: Bitumln zed fibre, 9" dia x 143/a" depth
Dra nage (by others) required
Louver: Cast alum nurn f nished b ack w th po ished edges
secured to we w th socket head set screws.
Ballast: H gh Power Factor, 20'F. start ng
Ballast Box: One p ece cast alurn num with b tuminous coating
on below-grade port on. Doub e wa separates ba last and sp ce
compartment. Cover ls cast a um num w th one-piece neoprene
gasket 72" rig d conduit w th brass sea lor lixture
catd 1/a 2A green hex head grounding screw prov ded
Conduit Taps: Standard tapp ng s two 3/+" N PT n bottom.
Optional tapping s 1" N.PT. n bottor.r and ends.
Fixture Adjustment: Sta nless stee w re hangers suspend flxture
from ouver and a low 15' ti t, 360' rotat or Pos t ve screw ocks
Caution: Some nte rp retatlons of the N at ona Electrca Code
may allow l20 Volt f xtures only f 208, 244 at 277 Vali s
des red checkwlth oca code autho r ty before spec fy ng.

Fixtures lvercury Vapor Fixtures--H gh Pressure Sodium

Lamp and Wattage Lne N/ax xture
F Lamp and Wattage Line lvax F xture
Cat No ( amps bv others) Vo ts AN/lPS Construct Cat. No. (Lam ps by others) Volts Af\4PS Construct.
5152MV120 R 40orPAF 38Med 120 11 Cast Bronze 5156HPS 120 PAR 38 7OW 124 1.45 Cast Bronze
Base, 100W Mercury Vapor H gh Pressure Sodium
5152MV208 Same as above 208 60 Cast Bronze 5156HPS208 Same as above. 2AB 85 Cast Bronze

? 5152MV240 Same
5'152MV277 Same
as above
as above.
R 40, 175W
240 .55
Cast Bronze
Option: D
Same as above
Same as above.
244 .75
277 .65
Cast Bronze
Cast Bronze
rectiona Louver suppl ed ln p ace of stafdard fu ouver
Mercury Vapor
5154MV208 Same as above. 208 11 Cast Bronze
5154MV240 Same as ab,ove. 240 95 Cast Bronz-. Cal. No Descr Construct on
5154MV277 Same as above 277 BO Cast Bronze 5090DL D rectlona Louver Cast A lrrn

c1 17
300W. PAR-56 lncand.
Well Light

(2) N P

1331' sq


Dra naee by others

Fixture: Cast bronze.
Lens: Convex tempered c ear g ass with one piece s lcone
Socket: N,4ogul PAR cornector.
Wiring: Cord is prew red to flxture, passing through a brass seal
Each wire terminates in an ant siphon barrier encapsulaled in
h gh temperature seallng compound. Factory pressure{ested at
10 p.s . Sp ice compartfi]ent vo ume-40 cubic nches.
Well: B tum n zed fibre, 13"da x l4" depth. Drairage (by others)
Louver: Cast a uminum fin shed black wlth pol shed edges,
secured to we with socket head set screws.
Junction Box: Cast a uminum w th 72" r gid conduit
and brass seal for fixture cord .1/a 2A greer hex head grounding
screw prov ded.
Conduit Taps: Standard tapping is two 3/a" N P.T. in bottom.
Optional lapp ng is 1" N.PT. in bottom, sides and ends
Fixture Adjustment: Stainless stee w re hangere suspend f xture
from ouver ard alow 15" tit, 360' rolat on Postive screw ocks
hold aim ng pos tion

Fixture Option: D rectjona Louver suppi ed o p ace of standard ful

louver To order opt on add cata og number to f xiure number.
Example: 5l60i 5091D1.
Cat. No Descr ptlon Constructon
5091DL 4 Dlrect onal Louver. alows Cast A urn
,.max mum ght eff c ency
Lamp and Wattage Fixture in dlrect on of amp ti t
Cat. No. (amp bV others) Construct on whi e contro ling g are
5160 PAR 56 300w Cast Bronze I n oppos te direction.
c1 18
Well Light 150W R-40 or PAR-38 lncand.

9lr" sq


(2)r," N PT


D.a nage by olhers

Fixture: Spun copper with cast bronze ens ring.
Lens: Convex tempered clear g ass w th ore p ece s cone
Socket; Porce a n med urn base
Wiring: Cord s prew red to llxture passing through a brass sea
Well: Bitum n zed flbre, 9" d a. x T43l" depth
Dra.rage (by others) requ red.
Louver: Cast a um nlm f nished b ack w th po shed edges,
secured to we w th socket head set screws
Junction Box: Cast ron hot dlpped ga vanlzed wlth r/r" r g d
condLr t, brass sea for flxture cord f; 20 green hex
head ground ng screw prov ded Junct on Box vo ume 912
cLrb c fches
ConduitTaps: l^o / \D oo
Fixture Adjustment: Sta nless stee w re hangers suspend flxture
lrom louver and a ow 15' t lt 360" rotation. Posit ve screw locks
ho d a minq pos tion

Fixture Option: Direct ora Louver supp ied n p ace oi standard ful
ouver To order opt on add cata og number to llxture number
Examp e C 5415090D1.
Cat No Descr pt or Construct on

Lamp afd lvlax. Wattage Fixture

CaT No (amps by others) Constnrct on
c-54 H 40. 150W ncand. Spun Copper
PAR 38 l50W rcand
CT 19
100W R-40 Mercury Vapor
Well Light 100W. PAR-38 Mercury Vapor, Med. Base
100W PAR-38 Mercury Vapor,
Admedium Base

(2)3./4"NPT nbollom.

l l
9]',!" sq

25" t

Drainage by others

Fixture: Spun copper with cast bronze ens r ng.
Lens: Convex terrpered c ear glass w th one-p ece si icone gasket
Socket: Porcelain medium base (5162 mode s) admed um base
(5164 mode s).
Wiring: A components prew red with htgh ternperalure wire
terminating I ant s phon barriers. Factory pressure tested at
l0 p s i Sp ice compartment volume 40 cublc inches
Well: B 1ur.r nized fibre, 9" d a x 143/+" depth.
Dra fage (by others) requ red.
Louver: Cast aluminum fln shed b ack with po shed edges,
^ *ed_o el !\rl oL-e ne.lo el 5cre^5
Ballast: H gh Power Factor. 20' F. starting
Ballast Box: One piece cast a urninum with bituminous coatlfg
on below-grade portions Double wa I separates ba ast and
sp ce compaftment Cover s cast a uminum wlth ore piece
feoprefe gasket. 12" r gid condu t with brass sea for
fixture cord 1/a 2A green hex head grounding screw prov ded. MV C ear
Conduit Taps: Standard tapp ng s two 3/r" N P.T in bottom.
Opt ona tapping is 1" N.PT n bottorn and ends
Fixture Adiustment: Sta n ess steel w re hangers suspend f xture
lrom ouver and al ow I5'ti t. 360" rotat on Pos t ve screw ocks
ho d aim ng pos t on.

Caution: Some nterp retatlons of the N at ona Electrca Code

may a low 120 Vo t flxtures only. I2AB,24A at 277 ValI s
des red check w th oca code authorlty belore spec ly ng
Lamp and Wattage L ne lvax F xtLrre
Cat. No. (lamps by others) Vo ts AN,4PS Construction
5162MV120 R 40orPAR'3BN,4ed 120 1.1 Spun Copper
Base 100W l\lercury Vapor Option: Dlrectional Louver supp ied n p ace of standard Iu I

5'162MV208 Same as above 208 60 Spun Copper ouver. To order option add catalog number lo f xture numlter
5162MV240 Same as above. 24O .55 Spun Copper Exarrp e: 51 621\4V 120/5090D1.
5162MV277 Same as above. 277 .47 Spun Copper Cat. No. Descr pt on Construct on
5164MV120 PAR-38 Admedium 12O '1 .1 Spun Copper 5090DL r Dlrectional Louver alows Cast A um.
Base, 100W Mercu ry Vapor or." max mum lqht eff ciency
5164MV208 Sarr]e as above 2AA 60 Spun Copper iq n d rect on of lamp tit
5164MV240 Same as above 24A 55 Spun Copper whie control ing g are
5164MV277 as above 277 47 Spun Copper r in opposlte direct on.
Lamp Reference Data

A Word on Color
Lamp and Contiguralion
Beam or Raled Lite lnitial Color Temp. Temperature: Each is
{Hours) fK) I sted w th its approx mate
t'_ 150 2000 1900 2850 W S.GE
color temperature in deg rees
Ke v n Since these lamps
Spol 2000 r900 28s0 WS GE
300 2000 3650 2850 WS GE vary greaty n spectral
ts' Spor 2000 W.S GE characteristics co or
temperature is on y a rough
pred ction of how they wil
150 2000 r740 2850 WS GE alfect the color of ghted
2!{J0 17 4A 28511 WS GE
2000 1714 2850 WS GE
oblects The fol owing
genera ization can be made
KB 38 or F:38 Kryplon ncandescent or quartz llght
250 4000 3200 2950 WS at 3000'K wi I render colors
Spot 4000 3?00 2950 WS fa r y true to the human eye As
the color temperature fa ls. the
I ght becomes warmer n co or.
Nigh Pressure Sodium lamps
at 2l00"K contain arge
amounts of ye low and red
which have a gray ng eifect
on co ors As the co or
temperature rlses, the ight
PAR 38 becornes coo er. C ear Ny'ercury

t' *!=
ri0{J0 3500 2900
GE Vapor lamps at 6700'K to
7000'K contain large amounts
of b ue and violet which will
turn green lol age towards a
turquolse color f color rendi-
t on s cr tica K ni suggests a
f e d tesi be conducted uslng
clesired amps
2U00 WS GE

Mn Can

i' -'r
n +o
I00 !! de F ood (De lre Wirl. DX) 24000 2850 3900 W S.GE
(lfs de Frost lFl 24000 2850
_!i 175

Wde Food (De
ood (fsde
Wh te DX)
Frost lF) 240OrJ


W de Flood amps sfrou d not

100 Flood (C ear)Adnred Lrm Base r6000 2800 7000 - WS GE be used in Well Llghts or Direct
Spol (C ear)Admed rnr Base 16000 2800 7000+ WS GE
t*r 7000+
Bur a Lights w th louver
100 Med Spot lC ear) N4ed Base 2800
opt ons. These un ts give
opt rnum peformance when
L tt spot and mediuffr distr but on
{[' 75 (De lrle Wh te tlx) GF
amps are se ected.

10000 4500

'W = West nghouse
S : Syvana
i,I ta 21000 5800 2l00 GF = Genera E ectr c

E lTorB l7
,ln l 70 1C,.ar)

LampdataLSCUrreftattirneofcataogpLrbl catonafd istsonlythelampsusedlorproductsinths

cata og f data is cr tica. check with lamp rnanufacturer for trost recent nfortnation
c1 21

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