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SAS laste Ine. Master License Agreement Number _02540 AMENDMENT NUMBER 3 To SERVICES SUPPLEMENT NUMBER 50 Customer name and address: North Carolina Department of Public instruction 301 N. Wimingion Steet Raleigh, North Caralina 27601 WHEREAS, SAS Instiute Inc, SAS Campus Orve, Cary, North Carolina, USA 27513 ("SAS") and Customer Previously entered into the above-referenced Services Supplement Number 60 (‘Supplement) to Master License Agreement 02540 to provide services as described inthe Supplement; and WHEREAS, the partos dese to modify the Supplement to allow for 5,260 sditionsl Services hours ‘thereunder and to extend the tem thereot, In consideration of further benefits to each, NOW, THEREFORE, notwithstanding any provisions tothe contrary contained inthe Supplement, the parties hereby agree as follows. 1. The recitals set forth above are incorporated into this Amendment 2. ‘The Description of Services in Section 2.2 ofthe Supplement is hereby amended tothe following ‘SAS shall provide Services toward P-20W broker build out and Services that willbe directed foward “assisting Custemer in managing ts SRC data and making chenges to the manner in which SRC Information is splayed. These SRC Services may include assisting Customer with: () data ‘management effots (i) altering existing reports and creating new reports: i) efforts lo make ‘reports interactive for constivent auclnce of parents, teachers, principals, superintendents, businesses and others who wish o view school performance information; and fh) estabishing @ ‘mutualy agreeeble Internet portal that makes data availabe via the Iniemet n a mutualy agreesble ‘manner. For purposes of this Supolement, SRC" means Customers Schoo! Report Gard (SRC) ‘epatg system othenvise avaiable on the intemet at the folowing locaton: ‘hl diss nerepodcards org. In adn, SAS may include such other general services upon which the Paes may agree may be cluded hereunder as Services up tothe aggregate number of hours set fort below, 3. The fist sentence of Section 2.92 of the Supplement is hereby amended to provide that the tots number of Services how's to be performed by SAS under the Supplement shall not exceed Eight ‘Thousand (8,000) hours. 4. The parties have contioued to operate under the terms and constions ofthe Supplement and hereby extend the term thereot to August 1, 2018. Except as herein modified, all terms and conditions ofthe Supplement remain in ful force and effect. In the event ofa confit between the Supplement andthe terms ofthis Amendment, the terms of this Amendment shall apply. This Amendment represenis the Parties’ complete and exclusive sialoment onthe subject mater herein, Any mosifcations must be in welling and signed by both Parties, [REMAINDER OF PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK] sy By i Levinson, Ghat Pancal Oficer Tuioned signature WYirfrr on JUL - 5 20" Dae Date Customer North Carolina Department of S ao lark Johnson, NO Sup {nsiructon, on behal Eaucation folowing approval by te Chet Financial Offeer pursuant to Board Policies 'SBOP-013 and CNTR-102 on 7-14-/7 Da eae eee

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