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Footings Example 1Design of a square spread footing of a seven-story building

Design and detail a typical square spread footing of a six bay by five bay seven-story building,
founded on stiff soil, supporting a 24 in. square column. The building has a 10 ft high basement.
The bottom of the footing is 13 ft below finished grade. The building is assigned to Seismic
Design Category (SDC) B.

Column load
Service dead load D = 541 kip
Service live load L = 194 kip
Seismic load E = 18 kip
(Column force due to the building frame
resisting the seismic load)
Material properties
Concrete compressive strength fc = 4 ksi
Steel yield strength fy = 60 ksi
Fig. 1.1Rectangular foundation plan.
Normalweight concrete = 1
Density of concrete = 150 lb/ft3

Allowable soil-bearing pressures

D only: qall.D = 4000 psf
D + L: qall,D+L = 5600 psf
D + L + E: qall.Lat = 6000 psf

ACI 318-14 Procedure Computation

Step 1: Foundation type
13.1.1 This bottom footing is 3 ft below
basement slab. Therefore, it is
considered a shallow foundation.
Step 2: Material requirements The mixture proportion must By specifying that the concrete mixture shall
satisfy the durability requirements be in accordance with ACI 301 and providing
of Chapter 19 (318) and structural the exposure classes, Chapter 19 requirements
strength requirements. The are satisfied.
designer determines the durability Based on durability and strength
classes. Please see Chapter 2 of requirements, and experience with local
SP-17 for an in-depth discussion mixtures, the compressive strength of concrete
of the categories and classes. is specified at 28 days to be at least 4000 psi.
ACI 301 is a reference
specification that is in sync with
ACI 318. ACI encourages
referencing 301 into job
There are several mixture options
within ACI 301, such as
admixtures and pozzolans, which
the designer can require, permit,
or review if suggested by the
Example 1 provides a more
detailed breakdown on
determining the concrete
compressive strength and
exposure categories and classes.
Step 3: Determine footing dimensions
The unit weights of concrete and soil are 150 To calculate the footing base area,
pcf and 120 pcf; close. Therefore, footing
divide the service load by the
self-weight will be ignored:
allowable soil pressure.
Area of footing = D 541 k
135 ft 2 (controls)
total service load ( P) qall., D 4 ksf
allowable soil pressure, q a D L

541 k+ 194 k
131 ft 2
qall , D L 5.6 ksf
D + L +E 541 k + 194 k + 18 k
126 ft 2
qall., Lat 6 ksf

l 135 ft 2 11.6 ft
Assuming a square footing.
Therefore, provide 12 x 12 ft square footing.

The footing thickness is

calculated in Step 5, footing
Step 4: Soil pressure
Footing stability
Because there is no overturning
moment, overall footing stability
is assumed.
Calculate factored soil pressure

Calculate the soil pressures
resulting from the applied
factored loads.
5.3.1(a) Load Case I: U = 1.4D U = 1.4D = 1.4(541 kip) = 757 kip
757 kip
qu = 5.3 ksf
144 ft 2
5.3.1(b) Load Case II: U = 1.2D + 1.6L U = 1.2D + 1.6L = 1.2(541 kip) + 1.6(194 kip)
= 960kip
960 kip
qu = 6.7 ksf (controls)
144 ft 2
5.3.1(d) Load Case IV: U = 1.2D + E + L U = 1.2D + 1.0E + 1.0L
= 1.2(541 kip) + 18 kip + 1.0(194 kip) = 861 kip
861 kip
qu = 6.0 ksf
144 ft 2
5.3.1(e) Load Case IV: U = 0.9D + E
U = 0.9D + 1.0E = 0.9(541 kip)+ 18 kip = 505 kip
505 kip
qu = 3.5 ksf
144 ft 2
The load combinations includes
the seismic uplift force. In this
example, uplift does not occur. Because the footing has equal dimension in plan, it will be designed in one
direction and symmetry is assumed.
Step 5: One-way shear design

Fig. 1.2One-way shear in longitudinal

21.2.1(b) Shear reduction factor: shear = 0.75 Vn Vu Vn Vc Vs Assume Vs = 0 (no shear reinforcement) Vn = Vc

Therefore: Vc 2 fc' bwd

And satisfying: Vu Vc The critical section for one-way
shear is at a distance d from the
face of the column (Fig. 1.2).
The engineer could either assume
a value for d that satisfies the
strength Eq. ( by iteration
or solve Eq. (
In this example, the first approach
is followed:
Assume that the footing is 30 in.
thick. The cover requirement is 3 in. to
bottom of reinforcement. Assume
that No. 8 bars are used in the
both directions and design for the
more critical case (upper layer).
Therefore, the effective depth d:
d = 30 in. 3 in. 1 in. 1 in./2
= 25.5 in.
(12 ft) 24 in. 25.5 in.
l c
Vn Vu ( d )bqu Vu ( )
2 2 2 in. in.
2(12 ) 12
ft ft
(12 ft)(6.7 ksf) = 231 kip

Vc 0.75(2) 4000 psi (12 ft)(25.5 in.)

(12 in./ft) = 348 kip

Vc = 348 kip > Vu = 231 kip OK

Therefore, assumed depth is adequate:
h = 30 in.
Step 6: Two-way shear design

The foundation will not be

reinforced with shear
reinforcement for two-way action.
Therefore, the nominal shear
strength for two-way foundation
without shear reinforcement is
equal to the concrete shear
vn = vc Under punching shear theory,
inclined cracks are assumed to
originate and propagate at 45
degrees away and down from the Fig. 1.3Two-way shear.
column corners. The punch area is
calculated at an average distance
of d/2 from column face on all
sides (Fig. 1.3). bo = 4(24 + 25.5) = 198 in.
bo = 4(c + d)
ACI 318 permits the engineer to
take the average of the effective
depth in the two orthogonal
directions when designing the
footing, but in this example the
smaller effective depth will be
The two-way shear strength
equations for nonprestressed members must be satisfied and the
least calculated value of (a), (b),
and (c) controls: vc 4(1.0)( 4000 psi) = 253 psi
vc 4 fc' (a)
4 vc (2 )(1.0)( 4000 psi) = 379.5 psi
vc (2 ) f c' (b) 1

where is ratio of the long side to
short side of column; = 1 (40)(25.5 in.)
vc ( 2)( 4000 psi) = 452 psi
d 198 in.
vc ( s 2) fc' (c)
Equation (a) controls; vc = 253 psi s = 40, considered interior
(253 psi)(198 in.)(25.5 in.)
column Vc = 1277 kip
1000 lb/kip

Vc 4 fc' bo d = 0.75

Vc = 0.75(1277 kip) = 958 kip

21.2.1(b) Use a reduction factor of 0.75:

Vc (0.75)4 fc' bod 24 in.+25.5 in. 2

Vu [(12 ft)(12 ft) ( ) ](6.7 ksf)
12 in./ft
Vu qu [(a)2 (c d )2 ] 851 kip
Check if design strength exceeds Vc = 958 kip > Vu = 851 kip OK
required strength:
Two-way shear strength is adequate.
Vc Vu?

Step 7: Flexure design

13.2.71 The critical section is permitted to
be at the face of the column (Fig.

Fig. 1.4Flexure in the longitudinal


24 in.
l c 2 12 ft
M u qu ( ) (b) / 2 M u (6.7 ksf)( 12 in./ft )2 (12 ft) / 2
2 2
Mu = 1005 ft-kip
Set compression force equal to tension force at the column face:

C = 0.85fcba and T = Asfy

As f y
a and
0.85 f c' b As (60 ksi)
a 0.1As a 0.85(5 ksi)(12 ft)
M n As f y (d ) 2 Substitute for a in the equation
21.2.1(a) Use reduction factor from Table
21.2.1. = 0.9 Setting Mn Mu = 1005 ft-k and (0.1)As

M n (0.9) As (60 ksi)(25.5 in. )
solving for As: 2
As = 8.91 in.2 Check the minimum As,min = 0.0018(12 ft)(12 in./ft)(30 in.)
reinforcement ratio: l = 0.0018 = 7.8 in.2 < As,reqd = 8.91 in.2 OK Use 13 No. 8 bars distributed uniformly
across the entire 12 ft width of footing.
21.2.1(a) Check if the tension controlled Note: Although not required by code, some
assumption and the use of practitioner distrute half the required bars in
= 0.9 is correct. the mid third of the footing and distribute the
remaining bars in the equally on both sides.
To answer the question, the
calculated tensile strain in
reinforcement is compared to the
values in Table 21.2.2. The strain
in reinforcement is calculated
from similar triangles (refer to
Fig. 1.5):

21.2.2 t = c (d c)
where: c = 0.1(13)(0.79 in.2 ) 1 c= 1.21 in.
0.85 and a = 0.28As 0.003
t = (25.5 in. 1.21 in.) 0.06
1.21 in.

t = 0.06 > 0.005

Section is tension controlled and = 0.9

Fig. 1.5Strain distribution across footing.

Step 8: Transfer of column forces to the base Factored forces are transferred to
the foundation at the base of the
column by bearing on concrete
and the reinforcement dowels. The foundation is wider on all
sides than the loaded area.
Therefore, the nominal bearing
strength, Bn, is the smaller of the
two equations.
A2 Bn (0.85 f c' A1)

and Bn 2(0.85 fc' A1)

2.0 where
A2 [(12 ft)(12 in./ft)]2
Check if 62
A1 A1 (24 in.)2
A1 is the bearing area of the Therefore, Eq. ( controls.
column and A2 is the area of the
part of the supporting footing that
is geometrically similar to and
concentric with the loaded area.
The reduction factor for bearing is
bearing = 0.65

Bn (0.65)(2)(0.85)(4000 psi)(24 in.)2

Column factored forces are Bn = 2546 kip > 960 kip (Step 4) OK
transferred to the foundation by
bearing and through
reinforcement dowels. Provide
dowel reinforcement area of at
least 0.005Ag and at least four
bars. As,dowel = 0.005(24 in.)2 = 2.88 in.2
Use eight No. 6 bars
Bars are in compression for all
load combinations. Therefore, the
bars must extend into the footing
a compression development
length, ldc, the larger of the two:
f y r
0.02(60,000 psi)
ldc 50 fc '
ldc (0.75 in.) 14.3 in. 4000 psi
(0.0003 f y r db )
ldc 0.0003(60,000 psi)(0.75 in.) 13.5 in.
The footing depth must satisfy the ldc = 14.3 in. (controls)
following inequality so that the
vertical reinforcement can be
developed within the provided
h ldc r db, dwl 2db,bars 3 in.
where hreqd = 14.3 in. + 6(0.75 in.) + 0.75 in.
25.3.1 r = radius of No. 6 bent = 6db + 2(0.75 in.) + 3 in. = 24.05 in.
hreqd = 24.1 in. < hprov. = 30 in. OK
Step 9: Footing details
Development length Reinforcement development is

calculated at the maximum
factored moment, which occurs at the column face. Bars must extend
a tension development length
beyond the critical section.
3 f y t e s
ld { }db
40 f ' c Ktr c 3 60,000 psi (1.0)(1.0)(1.0)
db ld { }db
40 (1.0) 4000 psi 2.5
tbar location; not more than = 28.5db
12 in. of fresh concrete below
horizontal reinforcement
ecoating factor; uncoated
sbar size factor; No. 8 and
cb = spacing or cover dimension
to center of bar, whichever is
tr = transverse reinforcement
It is permitted to use Ktr = 0.
cb K tr
But the expression: must
cb K tr 3.5 in. 0
not be taken greater than 2.5. No. 6: = 3.5 2.5
db 1.0 in.

No.8 bars: 28.5(1.0 in.) = 28.5 in. > 12 in. OK

ld in the longitudinal direction:

ld,prov. = ((12 ft)(12 in./ft) 24 in.)/2 3 in.
ld,prov. = 57 in. > ld,reqd = 28.5 in. OK
use straight No. 8 bars in both directions.
Step 10: Detailing

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