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in the Collected Works

Emeritus Professor of Eastern Church History
Harvard University


The Eastern Fathers of the Fourth Century (in Russian)
The Byzantine Fathers from the Fifth to the Eighth Century (in Russian)
The Ways of Russian Theology (in Russian)
Bible, Church, Tradition: An Eastern Orthodox View (Vol. I in The Collected
Christianity and Culture (Vol. II in The Collected Works)
Aspects of Church History (Vol. IV in The Collected Works)

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 74-22862

ISBN 0-913124-10-9
All Rights Reserved


About the Author

Born in Odessa in 1893, Father Georges Florovsky was

Assistant Professor at the University of Odessa in. 1919.
Having left Russia, Fr. Florovsky taught philosophy in
Prague from 1922 until 1926. He was then invited to the
chair of Patrology at St. Sergius' Orthodox Theological
Institute in Paris.
In 1948 Fr. Florovsky came to the United States. He
was Professor and Dean of St. Vladimir's Theological
School until 1955, while also teaching as Adjunct Profes-
sor at Columbia University and Union Theological Seminary.
From 1956 until 1964 Fr. Florovsky held the chair of
Eastern Church History at Harvard University. Since 1964
he has taught Slavic studies and history at Princeton Uni-
Fr. Georges Florovsky, Emeritus Professor of Eastern
Church History at Harvard University and recipient of
numerous honorary degrees, is a member of the American
Academy of Arts and Sciences.

About The Collected Works of Fr. Florovsky

The Collected Works of Fr. Georges Florovsky will be published in

English and will contain his articles in Slavic studies as well as in Church
History and Theology which have previously appeared in Russian, German,
French, Bulgarian, Czech, Serbian, Swedish and English. Each volume will
be arranged thematically. Included in the Collected Works will be his two
major works on the Church Fathers (The Eastern Fathers of the Fourth
Century and The Byzantine Fathers from the Fifth to the Eighth Century)
and Ways of Russian Theology. The last volume of The Collected Works
will contain an Index to the entire corpus.
Table of Contents

The Valley of the Shadow of Death 11
Revelation, Philosophy, and Theology 21
Creation and Creaturehood 43
The Darkness of Night 81
Redemption 95
Cur eus Homo? The Motive for the Incarnation 163
The Ever-Virgin Mother of God 171
The Sacrament of Pentecost 189
On the Veneration of Saints 201
Holy Ikons 209
The "Immortality" of the Soul 213
The Last Things and The Last Events 243
Creation and Creaturehood 269
Redemption 280
Cur eus Homo? The Motive of the Incarnation 310
The "Immortality" of the Soul 315
The Last Things and The Last Events 317
The Valley of the Shadow of Death

"O Y E DRY BONES" . . . Ezekiel 37

A GLORIOUS VISION was granted to the Prophet. By

the hand of the Lord the prophet Ezekiel was taken to
the valley of death, a valley of despair and desolation. There
was nothing alive there. There was nothing but dry bones,
and very dry they were indeed. This was all that had been
left of those who were once living. Life was gone. And
a question was put to the Prophet: "Can these dry bones live
again? Can life come back once more?" The human answer
to this question would have been obviously, no. Life never
comes back. What is once dead, is dead for ever. Life cannot
come out of dust and ashes. "Tor we must needs die, and
are as water spilt on the ground, which cannot be gathered
up again" (2 Sam. 14:14). Death is an ultimate ending, a
complete frustration of human hopes and prospects. Death
comes from sin, from the original Fall. It was not divinely
instituted. Human death did not belong to the Divine order
of creation. It was not normal or natural for man to die.
It was an 1 estrangement from God, who is man's
Maker and Mastereven physical death; i.e. the separation

"The Valley of the Shadow of Death," originally a sermon, appeared as

an editorial under the title "O Ye Dry Bones" in St Vladimirs Seminary
Quarterly, Vol. I, No. 3-4 (1953), 4-8. Reprinted by permission.

12 Creation and Redemption

of soul and body. Man's mortality is the stigma or "the

wages" of sin (Rom. 6:23).
Many Christians today have lost this Biblical conception
of death and mortality and regard death rather as a release,
a release of an immortal soul out of the bondage of the
body. As widely spread as this conception of death may
actually be, it is. utterly alien to the Scriptures. In fact, it is
a Greek, a gentile conception. Death is not a release, it is a
catastrophe. "Death is a mystery indeed: for the soul is by
violence severed from the body, is separated from the natural
connection and composition, by the Divine will. marvel.
Why have we been given over unto corruption, and why
have we been wedded unto death?" (St. John of Damascus
in the "Burial office"). A dead man is no man any more.
For man is not a bodiless spirit. Body and soul belong to-
gether, and their separation is a decomposition of the human
being. A discarnate soul is but a ghost. A soulless body is
but a corpse. "For in death there is no remembrance of Thee,
in the grave who shall give Thee thanks" (Ps. 6:5). Or
again: "Wilt Thou shew wonders to the dead? shall the
dead arise and praise Thee? shall Thy loving-kindness
be declared in the grave ? or Thy faithfulness in destruction ?
shall Thy wonders be known in the dark ? and Thy righteous-
ness in the land of forgetfulness" (Ps. 88:10-12). And the
Psalmist was perfectly sure: "and they are cut off from Thy
hand" (v. 5). Death is hopeless. And thus the only reason-
able answer could be given, from the human point of view,
to the quest about the dry bones: No, the dry bones will
never live again.
But the Divine reply was very different from that. And
it was not just an answer in words, but a mighty deed of
God. And even the Word of God is creative: "for He spake,
and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast" (Ps.
33:9). And now God speaks again and acts. He sends His
Spirit and renews the face of the earth (Ps. 104:30). The
Spirit of God is the Giver of Life. And the Prophet could
The Valley of the Shadow of Death 15

witness a marvelous restoration. By the power of God the

dry bones were brought again together, and linked, and
shaped, and covered over again with a living flesh, and
the breath of life came back into the bodies. And they
stood up again, in full strength, "an exceedingly great con-
gregation.'' Life came back, death was overcome.
The explanation of this vision goes along with the vision
itself. Those bones were the house of Israel, the chosen
People of God. She was dead, by her sins and apostasy, and
has fallen into the ditch which she made herself, was defeated
and rejected, lost her glory, and freedom, and strength.
Israel, the People of Divine Love and adoption, the ob-
stinate, rebellious and stiff necked people, and yet still the
Chosen People . ..... And God brings her out of the valley
of the shadow of death back to the green pastures, out of
the snare of death, of many waters, of an horrible pit, out
of the miry clay.
The prophecy has been accomplished. The promised
deliverance came one day. The promised Deliverer, or
Redeemer, the Messiah, came in the due time, and His
name was Jesus: "for He shall save His people from their
sins" (Matt. 1:21). He was "a light to lighten the Gentiles,
and the glory of Thy people Israel/'
And then something incredible and paradoxical happened.
He was not recognized or "received" by His people, was
rejected and reviled, was condemned and put to death, as
a false prophet, even as a liar or "deceiver." For the fleshly
conception of the deliverance held by the people was very
different from that which was in God's own design. Instead
of a mighty earthly Prince expected by the Jews, Jesus of
Nazareth came, "meek and lowly in heart." The King of
Heaven, the King of Kings Himself, came down, the King
of Glory, yet under the form of a Servant. And not to
dominate, but to serve all those "that labor and are heavy
laden," and to give them rest. Instead of a charter of political
freedom and independence, He brought to His people, and
14 Creation and Redemption

to all men indeed, a charter of Salvation, the Gospel of

Eternal Life. Instead of political liberation He brought free-
dom from sin and death, the forgiveness of sins and Life
Everlasting. He came unto His own and was not "received."
He was put to death, to shameful death, and "was numbered
with the transgressors." Life put to death, Life Divine
sentenced to death by menthis is the mystery of the Crucifi-
Once more God has acted. "Him, being delivered by
the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have
taken, and by wicked hands hve crucified and slain; Whom
God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death:
because it was not possible that He should be holden of it"
(Acts 2:23-24, the words of St. Peter). Once more Life came
out of the grave. Christ is risen, He came forth out of His
grave, as a Bridegroom out of his chamber. And with Him
the whole human race, all men indeed, was raised. He is
the first fruits of them that slept, and all are to follow Him
in their own order (I Cor. 15:20, 23). "That as sin hath
reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through
righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord"
(Rom. 5:21).
The prophecy of Ezekiel is read in the Orthodox Church
at Matins on Great Saturday, at that glorious office at which
believers are iiivited to keep watch at the grave of the
Lord, at that Sacred and Holy Grave out of which Life
sprung abundantly for all Creation. In the beautiful hymns
and anthems, appointed for the day, the "encomia"one of
the most precious creations of devotional poetry-this tre-
mendous mystery is depicted and adored: Life laid down in
the grave, Life shining forth out of the grave. "For lo, He
who dwelleth on high is numbered among the dead and is
lodged in the narrow grave" (The Canon, Ode 8, Irmos).
The faithful are called to contemplate and to adore this
mystery of the Life-bearing and Life-bringing tomb.
And yet, the old prophecy is still a prophecy, or rather
he V alley of the Shadow of Death 15

both a prophecy and a witness. Life came forth from the

grave, but the fulness of life is still to come. The human
race, even the redeemed, even the Church itself, are still
in the valley of the shadow of death.
The house of the New Israel of God is again very much
like dry bones. There is so little true life in all of us. The
historical path of man is still tragic and insecure. All of us
have been, in recent years, driven back into the valley of
death. Every one, who had to walk on the ruins of nce
flourishing cities, realizes the terrible power of death and
destruction. Man is still spreading death and desolation. One
may expect even worse things to come. For the root of death
is sin. No wonder that there is, in many and diverse quarters,
a growing understanding of the seriousness of sin. The old
saying of St. Augustine finds anew echoes in the human
soul: Nondum considerasti quanti ponde fis sit peccatum,
"you never understand of what weight is sin." The power
of death is broken indeed. Christ is risen indeed. "The
Prince of Life, who died, reigns immortal." The spirit f
God, the Comforter, the Giver of Life, has been sent upon
the earth to seal the victory of Christ, and abides in the
Church, since Pentecost. The gift of life, of the true
life, has been given to men, and is being given to them
constantly, and abundantly, and increasingly. It i$ given,
but not always readily "received." For in order to be truly
quickened one has to overcome one's fleshly desires, "to put
aside all worldly cares," pride and prejudice, hatred and
selfishness, and self-complacency, and even to renounce one's
self. Otherwise one would quench the Spirit. God knocks
perpetually at the gate of human hearts, but it is man himself
who can unlock them.
God never breaks in by violence. He respects, in the phrase
of St. Irenaeus of Lyons, "the ancient law of human free-
dom," once chartered by Himself. Surely, without Him,
without Christ, man can do nothing. Yet, there is one thing
that can be done only by manit is to respond to the Divine
16 Creation and Redemption

call and to "receive" Christ. And this so many fail to do,

We are living in a grim and nervous age. The sense of
historical security has been lost long ago. It seems that
our traditional civilization may collapse altogether and fall
to pieces. The sense of direction is also confused. There is
no way out of this predicament and impasse unless a radical
change takes place. Unless . . . In the Christian language it
readsunless we repent, unless we ask for a gift of repen-
tance. .. Life is given abundantly to all men, and yet we
are still dead. "Repent, and turn yourselves from all your
transgressions; so iniquity shall not be your ruin. Cast away
from you all your transgressions, whereby you have trans-
gressed; and make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why
will ye die, house of Israel? For I have no pleasure in the
death of him that dieth, saith the Lord God: wherefore turn
yourselves, and live ye" (Ezekiel 18:30-32).
There are two ways. "See, I have set before thee this day
life and good, and death and evil... I call heaven and earth
to record this day against you that have set before you life
and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life (Deuter.
30:15, 19).
Let us choose life.. .First, we have to dedicate all our
life to God, and to "receive" or accept Him as our only
Lord and Master, and this not only in the spirit of formal
obedience, but in the spirit of love. For He is more than
our Lord, He is our Father. To love Him means also to serve
Him, to make His purpose our own, to share His designs
and aims. "Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant
knoweth not what his Lord doeth: but I have called you
friends; for all things that I heard of my Father I have made
known unto you" (John 15:15).
Our Lord left to us His own work to carry on and to
accomplish. We have to enter into the very spirit of His
redeeming work. And we are given power to do this. We are
given power to the sons of God. Even the Prodigal son
was not allowed to lose his privilege of birth and to be
the Valley of the Shadow of Death 17

counted among the hirelings. And even more, we are members

of Christ, in the Church, which is His Body. His life is indwelt
unto us by the Holy Spirit.
Thus, secondly, we have to draw closer together and
search in all our life for that unity which was in the mind
of our Blessed Lord on His last day, before the Passion
and the Cross: that all may be onein faith and love,
onein Him.
The world is utterly divided still. There is too much
strife and division even among those who claim to be of
Christ. The peace among nations and above all the unity
among Christians, this is the common bound duty, this is
the most urgent task of the day. And surely the ultimate
destiny of man is decided not on the battlefields, nor by the
deliberations of the clever men. The destiny of man is decided
in human hearts. Will they be locked up even at the knocking
of the Heavenly Father ? Or will man succeed in unlocking
them in response to the call of Divine Love?
Even in our gloomy days there are signs of hope. There
is not only "darkness at noon," but also lights in the night.
There is a growing search for unity. But true unity is only
found in the Truth, in the fulness of Truth. "Make schisms
to cease in the Church. Quench the ragings of the nations.
Speedily destroy, by the might of the Holy Spirit, all uprisings
of heresies" (The Liturgy of St. Basil). Life is given abun-
We have to watchnot to miss the day of our visitation,
as the Israel of old had missed hers. "How often would I
have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth
her chickens under her wings, and ye would not" (Matt.
23:37). Let us choose life, in the knowledge of the Father
and His only Son, our Lord, in the power of the Holy
Spirit. And then the glory of the Cross and Resurrection
will be revealed in our own lives. And the glorious prophecy
of old will once more come true. "Behold, my people, I
will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of
18 Creation and Redemption

your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel. . .Then
shall you know that I the Lord have spoken it, and performed
it, saith the Lord" (Ezekiel, 37:12, 14).
Revelation, Philosophy
and Theology

fPHERE ARE TWO ASPECTS of religious knowledge:

Revelation and Experience, Revelation is the voice of
God speaking to man. And man hears this voice, listens to it,
accepts the Word of God and understands it. It is precisely
for this purpose that God speaks: that man should hear him.
By Revelation in the proper sense, we understand precisely
this word of God as it is heard. Holy Scripture is the written
record of the Revelation which has been heard. And however
one may interpret the inspired character of Scripture, it must
be acknowledged that Scripture preserves for us and presents
to us the voice of God in the language of man. It presents to
us the word of God just as it resounded in the receptive
soul f man. Revelation is theophany. God descends to man
and reveals himself to man. And man sees and beholds God.
And he describes what he sees and hears; he testifies to what
has been revealed to him. The greatest mystery and miracle
of the Bible consists of the fact that it is the Word of God
in the language of man. Quite properly the early Christian
exegetes saw in the Old Testamental scriptures an anticipa-

This article originally appeared as "Offenbarung, Philosophie und

Theologie" in Zwischen den Zeiten, Heft 6 (Mnchen, 1931). Reprinted by
permission of the author. Translated from the German by Richard Haugh.

22 Creation and Redemption

tion and prototype of the coming Incarnation of God.

Already in the Old Testament the Divine Word becomes
human. God speaks to man in the language of man. This
constitutes the authentic anthropomorphism of Revelation.
This anthropomorphism however is not merely an accom-
modation. Human language in no way reduces the absolute
character of Revelation nor limits the power of God's Word.
The Word of God can be expressed precisely and adequately
in the language of man. For man is created in the image of
God. It is precisely for this reason that man is capable of
perceiving God, of receiving God's Word and of preserving it.
The Word of God is not diminished while it resounds in
human language. On the contrary, the human word is trans-
formed and, as it were, transfigured because of the fact that
it pleased God to speak in human language. Man is able
to hear God, to grasp, receive and preserve the word of God.
In any case, Holy Scripture speaks to us not only of God,
but also of man. Furthermore, God himself speaks in his
Revelation not only about himself but also about man. Thus
historical Revelation fulfills itself precisely in the appearance
of the God-Man. Not only in the Old but also in the New
Testament we see not only God, but also man. We apprehend
God approaching arid appearing to man; and we see human
persons who encounter God and listen attentively to his
Wordand, what is more, respond to his words. We hear
in Scripture also the voice of man, answering God in words
of prayer or of thanksgiving or of praise. It is sufficent to
mention the Psalms in this connection. And God desires,
expects, and requires this response. God desires that man not
only listen| to his words but that man also respond| to
them. God wants to involve man in "conversation." God
descends to manand he descends in order to elevate man to
him. In Scripture one is astounded, above all, by this intimate
nearness of God to man and of man to God, this sanctifica-
tion of all human life by the presence of God, this over-
shadowing of the earth with Divine protection. In Scripture
Revelation, Philosophy and Theology 23

we are astonished by the very fact of sacred history itself.

In Scripture it is revealed that history itself becomes sacred,
that history can be consecrated, that life can be sanctified.
And, to be sure, not only in the sense of an external illumina-
tion of lifeas if from outsidebut also in the sense of its
transfiguration. For Revelation is indeed completed with the
founding of the Church and with the Holy Spirit's descent
into the world. Since that time the Spirit of God abides in
the world. Suddenly in the world itself the source of eternal
life is established. And Revelation will be consummated with
the appearance of the new heaven and the new earth, with
a cosmic and universal transformation of all created existence.
One can suggest that Revelation is the path of God in
historywe see how God walks among the ranks of men.
We behold God not only in the transcendent majesty of
his glory and omnipotence but also in his loving nearness to
his creation. God reveals himself to us not only as Lord
and Pantocrator but, above all, as Father. And the main fact
is that written Revelation is history, the history of the world
as the creation of God. Scripture begins with the creation
of the world and closes with the promise of a new creation.
And one senses the dynamic tension between both these
moments, between the first divine "fiat" and the coming
one: "Behold, I make all things new" [
Revelation 22:5].
This is not the place to treat in detail the basic questions
of Biblical exegesis. Nevertheless one thing must be un-
conditionally stated. Scripture can be viewed from a double
perspective: outside of history oras history. In the first
case the Bible is interpreted as a book of eternal and sacred
images and symbols. And one must then unravel and interpret
it precisely as a symbol, according to the rules of the sym-
bolical or allegorical method. In the ancient Church the
adherents of the allegorical method interpreted the Bible
in this manner. The mystics of the Middle Ages and of the
era of the Reformation understood the Bible also in this
24 Creation and Redemption

manner. Many contemporary theologians, especially Roman

Catholic theologians, also lean toward such an understanding.
The Bible appears then as a kind of Law Book, as a codex
of divine commandments and ordinances, as a collection of
texts or "theological loci" as a compilation of pictures and
illustrations. The Bible then becomes a self-sufficient and
self-contained booka book, so to speak, written for no
one, a book with seven seals.,.. One need not reject such an
approach: there is a certain truth in such an interpretation.
But the totality of the Spirit of the Bible contradicts such an
interpretation; it contradicts the direct meaning of Scripture.
And the basic error of such an understanding consists in the
abstraction from man. Certainly the Word of God is eternal
truth and God speaks in Revelation for all times. But if
one admits the possibility of various meanings of Scripture
and one recognizes in Scripture a kind of inner meaning
which is abstracted and independent from time and history,
one is in danger of destroying the realism of Revelation.
It is as though God had so spoken that those to whom he
first and directly spoke had not understood himor, at
least, had not understood as God had intended. Such an
understanding reduces history to mythology. And finally
Revelation is not only a system of divine words but also a
system of divine acts; and precisely for this reasonit is,
above all, history, sacred history or the history of salva-
tion [Heilsgeschickte], the history of the covenant of God
with man. Only in such an historical perspective does the
fulness of Scripture disclose itself to us. The texture of
Scripture is an historical texture. The words of God are
always, and above all, time-relatedthey have always, and
above all, a direct meaning. God sees before him, as it were,
the one to whom he speaks, and he speaks because of this
in such a way that he can be heard and understood. For
he always speaks for the sake of man, for man. There is a
symbolism in Scripturebut it is rather a prophetic than
an allegorical symbolism. There are images and allegories in
Revelation, Philosophy and Theology 25

Scripture, but in its totality Scripture is not image and

allegory but history. One must distinguish between sym-
bolism and typology. In symbolism one abstracts from
history. Typology, however, is always historical; it is a kind
of prophecywhen the events themselves prophesy. One can
also say that prophecy is also a symbola sign which points to
the futurebut it is always an historical symbol which directs
attention to future events. Scripture has an historical tele-
ology: everything strives toward an historical boundary-point,
upward toward the historical telos. For this reason there is
such a tension of time in Holy Scripture. The Old Testament
is the time of messianic expectationthis is the basic theme
of the Old Testament. And the New Testament is, above
all, historythe evangelical history of the Divine Word and
the beginning of the history of the Church, which is directed
anew to the expectation of Apocalyptic fulfillment. "Fulfill-
ment 0 is in general the basic category of Revelation.
Revelation is the Word of God and the Word about God.
But, at the same time, in addition to this, Revelation is
always a Word addressed to man, a summons and an appeal
to man. And in Revelation the destiny of man is also revealed.
In any case the Word of God is given to us in our human
language. We know it only as it resounds through our
receptiveness, in our consciousness, in our spirit. And the
substance and objectivity of Revelation is apprehended not
by man's abstracting himself from himself, nor by deper-
sonalizing himself, nor by shrinking to a mathematical point,
thereby transforming himself into a "transcendental subject."
It is precisely the opposite: a "transcendental subject" can
neither perceive nor understand the voice of God. It is not
to a "transcendental subject," not to any "consciousness-in-
general" that God speaks. The "God of the Living," the God
of Revelation speaks to living persons, to empirical subjects.
The face of God reveals itself only to living personalities.
And the better, the fuller and the clearer that man sees the
face of God, so much the more distinct and living is his
26 Creation and Redemption

own face, so much the fuller and clearer has the "image of
God" exhibited and realized itself in him. The highest
objectivity in the hearing and understanding of Revelation
is achieved through the greatest exertion of the creative
personality, through spiritual growth, through the transfigura-
tion of the personality, which overcomes in itself "the wisdom
of flesh," ascending to "the measure of the stature of the
fulness of Christ" [
Ephesians 4:13]. From man it is not self-
abnegation which is demanded but a victorious forward move-
ment, not self-destruction but a rebirth or transformation,
indeed a theosis [ ] . Without man Revelation would
be impossiblebecause no one would be there to hear and
God would then not speak. And God created man so that
man would hear his words, receive them, and grow in them
and through them become a participator of "eternal life."
The Fall of man did not alter the original intention of God.
Man has not lost completely the capacity of hearing God
and praising him. And finallythe dominion and power
of sin has ceased. "And the Word became flesh and dwelt
among us . . . and we have beheld his glory, glory as of the
only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth" [John
1:14]. The way of life and light is open. And the human
spirit has anew become capable of hearing God completely
and of receiving his words.


But God spoke to man not only so that he would

remember and call to mind his words. One can not just
keep the Word of God in his memory. One must preserve
the Word of God, above all, in a living and burning heart.
The Word of God is preserved in the human spirit as a
seed which sprouts and brings forth fruit. This means that
the truth of divine Revelation must unfold within human
Revelation, Philosophy and Theology 27

thought, must develop into an entire system of believing

confession, into a system of religious perspectiveone may
say, into a system of religious philosophy and a philosophy
of Revelation. There is no subjectivism in this. Religious
knowledge always remains in its essence heteronomous, since
it is a vision and a description of divine reality which was
and is revealed to man by the entrance of the Divine into
the world. God descends into the worldand unveils not
only his countenance to man but actually appears to him.
Revelation is comprehended by faith and faith is vision and
perception. God appears to man and man beholds God.
The truths of faith are truths of experience, truths of a fact.
It is precisely this which is the foundation of the apodictic
certainty of faith. Faith is a descriptive confirmation of
certain facts"thus it is," "thus it was," or "thus it will be."
Precisely for this reason faith is also undemonstrablefaith
is the evidence of experience. One must distinguish clearly
between the epochs of Revelation. And one ought not as-
certain the essence of the Christian faith on the basis of Old
Testamental precedents. The Old Testament was the time
of expectation; the entire pathos of Old Testamental man
was directed toward the "future"the "future" was the basic
category of its religious experience and life. The faith of
Old Testamental man was expectationthe expectation of
that which was not yet, of that which had not yet come
to pass, of that which was also "invisible." Indeed the time
of expectation came to an end. The prophecies are fulfilled.
The Lord has come. And he has come in order to remain with
those who believe on him "always, to the close of the age"
[Matthew 28:20]. He has given man "the power to become
children of God" [John 1:12]. He has sent the Holy Spirit
into the world to lead believers "into all truth" [John 16:13],
and bring to remembrance all that the Lord has said [John
14:26: !
] . For this reason the
believers have "the anointing by the Holy Spirit, and know
28 Creation and Redemption

all . . . and have no need that any one should teach them*'
[I John 2:20, 27]. They have the "unction of truth," charisma
veritatiSy as St. Irenaeus states. In Christ the possibility and
the path of spiritual life opens itself to man. And the height
of spiritual life is knowledge and vision, and
. This alters the meaning of faith. The Christian
faith is not directed primarily toward "the future," but
rather toward that which was already fulfilledmore pro-
perly expressed, toward that Eternal Present, toward the
divine fulness which has been and is being revealed by Christ.
In a certain sense one can say that Christ made religious
knowledge possible for the first time; that is, the knowledge
of God. And this he accomplished not as preacher or as
prophet, but as the "Prince of Life" and as the High Priest
f the New Covenant. Knowledge of God has become pos-
sible through that renewal of human nature which Christ
accomplished in his death and resurrection. This renev/al
was also a renewal of human reason and of the human spirit.
That meant again the renewal of man's vision.
And the knowledge of God has becQme possible in the
Church, in the Body of Christ as the unity of the life of
grace. In the Church Revelation becomes an inner Revela-
tion. In a certain sense Revelation becomes the confession of
the Church. It is very important to remember that the New
Testamental writings are younger than the Church. These
writings are a book written in the Church. They are a written
record of the faith of the Church, of the faith which is
preserved in the Church. And the Church confirms the truth
of Scripture, confirms its authenticityverifies it by the
authority of the Holy Spirit who dwells in the Church. One
should not forget this with regard to the Gospel. In the
written Gospels the image of the Saviour is held firm, that
same image which lived from the very beginning in the
living memory of the Church, in the experience of faith
not just in the historical memory but in the very memory
of faith. This is an essential distinction. Because we know
Revelation, Philosophy and Theology 29

Christ not just from memories and accounts. Not only is

his image living in the memory of believershe himself abides
among them, standing always before the door of each soul.
It is precisely in this experience of the living community
with Christ that the Gospel becomes alive as a holy book.
Divine Revelation lives in the Churchhow else should it
be able to preserve itself? It is sketched and strengthened
by the words of Scripture. To be sure, it is sketchedbut
these words do not exhaust the entire fulness of Revelation,
do not exhaust the entire fulness of Christian experience.
And the possibility of new and other words are not excluded.
Scripture, in any case, calls for interpretation.
And the unalterable truths of exprience can be expressed
in different ways. Divine reality can be described in images
and parables, in the language of devotional poetry and of
religious art. Such was the language of the prophets in the
Old Testament, in such a manner the Evangelists often speak,
in such a w#y the Apostles preached, and in such a manner
the Church preaches even now in her liturgical hymns and
in the symbolism of her sacramental acts. That is the lan-
guage of proclamation and of good tidings, the language of
prayer and of mystical experience, the language of "Keryg-
math" theology. And there is another language, the language
of comprehending thought, the language of dogma. Dogma
is a witness of experience. The entire pathos of dogma lies
in the fact that it points to Divine reality; in this the witness
of dogma is symbolic. Dogma is the testimony of thought
about what-has been seen and revealed, about what has
been contemplated in the experience of faithand this
testimony is expressed in concepts and definitions. Dogma
is an "intellectual'vision," truth of perception. One can
say: it is the logical image, a "logical icon" of divine reality.
And at the same time a dogma is a definitionthat is why
its logical form is so important for dogma, that "inner word"
which acquires force in its external expression. This is why
the external aspect of dogmaits wordingis so essential.
30 Creation and Redemption

Dogma is by no means a new Revelation. Dogma is only a

witness. The whole meaning of dogmatic definition consists
of testifying to unchanging truth, truth which was revealed
and has been preserved from the beginning. Thus it is a
total misunderstanding to speak of t(the development of
dogma." Dogmas do not develop; they are unchanging and
inviolable, even in their external aspecttheir wording. Least
of all is it possible to change dogmatic language or termi-
nology. As strange as it may appear, one can indeed say:
dogmas arise, dogmas are established, but they do not
develop. And once established, a dogma is perennial and
already an immutable "rule of faith ["rgula fidei}); "o
" ] . Dogma is an intuitive truth, not
a discursive axiom which is accessible to logical development.
The whole meaning of dogma lies in the fact that it is
expressed truth. Revelation discloses itself and is received
in the silence of faith, in silent visionthis is the first and
apophatic step of the knowledge of God. The entire fulness
of truth is already contained in this apophatic vision, but
truth must be expressed. Man, however, is called not only
to be silent but also to speak, to communicate. The silentium
mysticum does not exhaust the entire fulness of the religious
vocation of man. There is also room for the expression of
praise. In her dogmatic confession the Church expresses
herself and proclaims the apophatic truth which she preserves.
The quest for dogmatic definitions is therefore, above all, a
quest for terms. Precisely because of this the doctrinal con-
troversies were a dispute over terms. One had to find accurate
and clear words which could describe and express the experi-
ence of the Church. One had to express that "spiritual
Vision" which presents itself to the believing spirit in
experience and contemplation.
This is necessary because the truth of faith is also the
truth for reason and for thought-^this does not mean,
however, that it is the truth of thought, the truth of pure
reason. The truth of faith is fact, realitythat which is.
Revelation, Philosophy and Theology 31

In this "quest for words" human thought changes, the

essence of thought itself is transformed and sanctified. The
Church indirectly testified to this in rejecting the heresy
of Apollinarius. Apollinarianism is, in its deepest sense, a
false anthropology, it is a false teaching about man and
therefore it is also a false teaching about the God-Man
Christ. Apollinarianism is the negation of human reason,
the fear of thought*'it is impossible that there be no sin
in human thoughts" ["
"Gregory of Nyssa,
Contra Apollin. II, 6, 8; I, 2]. And that means that human
reason is incurable that is, it must be
cut off. The rejection of Apollinarianism meant therefore,
at the time, the fundamental justification of reason and
thought. Not in the sense, of course, that "natural reason"
is sinless and right by itself but in the sense that it is open
to transformation, that it can be healed, that it can be renewed.
And not only can but also must be healed and renewed.
Reason is summoned to the knowledge of God. The "philos-
ophizing" about God is not just a feature of inquisitiveness
or a kind of audacious curiosity. On the contrary, it is the
fulfillment of man*s religious calling and duty. Not an
extra-echievement, not a kind of opus supererogatorium
but a necessary and organic moment of religious behavior.
And for this reason the Church "philosophized" about God
"formulated dogmas which fishermen had earlier expounded
in simple words" [from the service in honor of the Three
Hierarchs}. The "dogmas of the Fathers" present again the
unchanging content of "apostolic preaching" in intellectual
categories. The experience of truth does not change and
does not even grow; indeed, thought penetrates into the
"understanding of truth" and transforms itself through the
One can simply say: in establishing dogmas the Church
expressed Revelation in the language of Greek philosophy
or, if preferable: translated Revelation from the Hebraic,
32 Creation and Redemption

poetic and prophetic language into Greek. That meant, in

a certain sense, a "Hellenization" of Revelation. In reality,
however, it was a "Churchification" ["Verkirchlichung"]
of Hellenism. One can speak at length about this theme
indeed, much and often has this theme been taken up and
discussedindeed, it has been discussed and disputed too
much and too often. It is essential here to raise only one
issue. The Old Covenant has passed. Israel did not accept
the Divine Christ, did not recognize Him nor confess Him
and "the promise" passed to the Gentiles. The Church is,
above all, ecclesia ex gentibus. We must acknowledge this
basic fact of Christian history in humility before the will of
God, which is fulfilled in the destiny of nations. And the
"calling of the Gentiles" meant that Hellenism became blessed
by God. In this there was no "historical accident"no such
accident could lie thereto. In the religious destiny of man
there are no "accidents." In any case the fact remains that the
Gospel is given to us all and for all time in the Greek lan-
guage. It is in this language that we hear the Gospel in all
its entirety and fulness. That does not and cannot, of course,
mean that it is untranslatablebut we always translate it
from the Greek. And there was precisely as little "chance"
or "accident" in this "selection" of the Greek language
as the unchanging proto-language of the Christian Gospel-
as there was in God's "selection" of the Jewish peopleout
of all the people of antiquityas "His" Peoplethere was
as little "accident" in the "selection" of the Greek language
as there was in the fact that "salvation comes from the
Jews" [John 4:22]. We receive the Revelation of God as it
occurred. And it would be pointless to ask whether it could
have been otherwise. In the selection of the "Hellenes"
we must acknowledge the hidden decisions of God's will.
In any case, the presentation of Revelation in the language
of historical Hellenism in no way restricts Revelation. It
rather proves precisely the oppositethat this language
possessed certain powers and resources which aided in ex-
Revelation, Philosophy and Theology 33

pounding and expressing the truth of Revelation.

When divine truth is expressed in human language, the
words themselves are transformed. And the fact that the
truths of the faith are veiled in logical images and concepts
testifies to the transformation of word and thoughtwords
become sanctified through this usage. The words of dogmatic
definitions are not "simple words," they are not "accidental"
words which one can replace by other words. They are
eternal words, incapable of being replaced. This means that
certain wordscertain conceptsare eternalized by the very
fact that they express divine truth. This means that there
is a so-called philosophic perennisiat there is something
eternal and absolute in thought. But this does not at all
mean there is an "eternaliztion" of one specific philosophical
"system." To state it more correctlyChristian dogmatics
itself is the only true philosophical "system." One recalls
that dogmas are expressed in philosophical languageindeed,
in a specific philosophical lnguagebut not at all in the
language of a specific philosophical school. Rather, one can
speak of a philosophical "eclecticism" of Christian dogmatics.
And this "eclecticism" has much deeper meaning than one
usually assumes. Its entire meaning consists of the fact
that particular themes of Hellenic philosophy are received
and, through this reception, they change essentially; they
change and are no longer recognizable. Because now, in the
terminology of Greek philosophy, a new, a totally new
experience is expressed. Although themes and motives of
Greek thought are retained, the answers to the problems are
quite different; they are given out of a new experience.
Hellenism, for this reason, received Christianity as some-
thing foreign and alien, and the Christian Gospel was
"foolishness" to the Greeks [ ;
Corinthians 1:23].
Hellenism, forged in the fire of a new experience and
a new faith, is renewed; Hellenic thought is transformed.
Usually we do not sufficiently perceive the entire significance
34 Creation and Redemption

of this transformation which Christianity introduced into

the realm of thought. This is so, partially because we too
often remain ancient Greeks philosophically, not yet having
experienced the baptism of thought by fire. And in part,
on the contrary, because we are too accustomed to the new
world-view, retaining it as an "innate truth" when, in
actuality, it was given to us only through Revelation. It is
sufficient to point out just a few examples: the idea of
the creaturehood of the world, not only in its transitory
and perishable aspect but also in its primordial principles.
For Greek thought the concept of "created ideas" was im-
possible and offensive. And bound up with this was the
Christian intuition of history as a uniqueonce-occurring
creative fulfillment, the sense of a movement from an actual
"beginning" up to a final end, a feeling for history which
in no way at all allows itself to be linked with the static
pathos of ancient Greek thought. And the understanding of
man as person, the concept of personality, was entirely inac-
cessible to Hellenism which considered only the mask as per-
son. And finally there is the message of Resurrection in glori-
fied but real flesh, a thought which could only frighten the
Greeks who lived in the hope of a future dematerialization
of the Spirit. These are some of the new vistas disclosed in
the new experience, out of Revelation. They are the presup-
positions and categories of a new Christian philosophy. This
new philosophy is enclosed in Church dogmatics. In the
experience of faith the world reveals itself differently than
in the experience of "natural man." Revelation is not only
Revelation about God but also about the world. For the
fulness of Revelation is in the image of the God-Man;
that is, in the fact of the ineffable union of God and Man,
of the Divine and the human, of the Creator and the creature
in the indivisible and unmerged union forever. It is precisely
the Chalcedonian dogma of the unity of the God-Man
which is the true, decisive point of Revelation, and of the
experience of faith and of Christian vision. Strictly speaking,
Revelation, Philosophy and Theology 35

a clear knowledge of God is impossible for man, // he is

commitfed to vague and false conceptions of the world and
of himself. There is nothing surprising about this. For the
world is the creation of God and therefore, if one has a
false understanding of the world, one attributes to God a
work which he did not produce; one therefore casts a
distorted judgment on God's activity and will. In this
respect a true philosophy is necessary for faith. And, on the
other hand, faith is committed to specific metaphysical
presuppositions. Dogmatic theology, as the exposition and
explanation of divinely revealed truth in the realm of
thought, is precisely the basis of a Christian philosophy,
of a sacred philosophy, of a philosophy of the Holy Spirit.
Once again it must be stressed: dogma presupposes
experience, and only in the experience of vision and faith
does dogma reach its fulness and come to life. And again:
dogmas do not exhaust this experience, just as Revelation is
not exhausted in "words" or in the "letter" of Scripture.
The experience and knowledge of the Church are more
comprehensive and fuller than her dogmatic pronouncement.
The Church witnesses to many things which are not in
"dogmatic" statements but rather in images and symbols.
In other words, "dogmatic" theology can neither dismiss
nor replace "Kerygmatic" theology. In the Church the fulness
of knowledge and understanding is given, but this fulness
is only gradually and partially disclosed and professedand,
in general, the knowledge in this world is always only a
"partial" knowledge, and the fulness will be revealed only
in the Parousia. "Now I know in part"["
. . . " I Corinthians 13:12]. This "incompleteness"
of knowledge depends upon the fact that the Church is
still "in pilgrimage," still in the process of becoming; she
witnesses to the mystical essence of time in which the
growth of mankind is being accomplished according to the
measure of the image of Christ. And furthermore: the
Church does not endeavor at all to express and declare
36 Creation and Redemption

everything. The Church does not endeavor to crystallize her

experience in a closed system of words and concepts. Never-
theless, this "incompleteness" of our knowledge here and
now does not weaken its authentic and apodictic character.
A Russian theologian described this situation in the following
way: "The Church gives no fixed plan of the City of God to
her members but rather she gives them the key to the City
of God. And he who enters, without having a fixed plan,
may occasionally lose his way; yet, everything he sees, he
will behold as it is, in full reality. He, however, who will
study the City according to plan, without possessing the
key to the actual city, will never get to the City/' [. .
Melioranskii, from the Lectures on the History of the Ancient
Christian Church, "Strannik" (June, 1910), p. 931, in


Revelation is preserved in the Church. It was given by

God to the Church, not to separate individuals, just as in
the Old Testament "the words of God" [ "
"Romans 3:2] were entrusted not to individuals but
to the People of God. Revelation is given, and is accessible,
only in the Church; that is, only through life in the Church,
through a living and actual belonging to the mystical
organism of the Body of Christ. This means that genuine
knowledge is only possible in the element of Tradition.
Tradition is a very important concept, one which is usually
understood too narrowly: as oral Tradition in contrast to
Scripture. This understanding not only narrows but also
distorts the meaning of Tradition. Sacred Tradition as the
"tradition of truth,"traditio veritatis, as St. Irenaeus stated
is not only historical memory, not simply an appeal to
antiquity and to empirical unchangingness. Tradition is the
inner, mystical memory of the Church. It is, above all, the
Revelation, Philosophy and Theology 37

"unity of the Spirit," the unity and continuity of the spiritual

experience and the life of grace. It is the living connection
with the day of Pentecost, the day when the Holy Spirit
descended into the world as the "Spirit of Truth." The
faithfulness to Tradition is not a loyalty to antiquity but
rather the living relationship with the fulness of the Christian
life. The appeal to Tradition is not so much the appeal to
earlier patterns as it is an appeal to the "catholic" experience
of the Church, to the fulness of her knowledge. As the well-
known formula of St. Vincent of Lrins states: quod semper,
quod ubique} guod ab omnibus creditum est-An this formula,
to which one so often appeals, there is an essential ambiguity.
"Semper" and "ubique" must not be understood literally
and empirically. And "omnes" does not include all who
claim to be Christian but only the "true" Christians who
preserve the right doctrine and interpret it correctly. Those,
however, who are "heretics," who are misled, and those who
are weak in faith are not included in the concept of "all."
The formula of St. Vincent is based on a tautology. The
scope of Tradition cannot be established simply by historical
research. That would be a very dangerous path. That would
mean a complete disregard for the spiritual nature of the
Church. Tradition is known and understood only by belonging
to the Church, through participation in her common or
"catholic" life. The term "catholic" is often understood
wrongly and imprecisely. The of '
does not at all mean an external universalityit is not a
quantative but rather a qualitative criterion. "Catholic" does
not mean "universal"; is not identical with
. The "Catholic Church" can also historically
turn out to be the "small flock." There are probably more
"heretics" than "Orthodox believers" in the actual world and
it can turn out that "heretics" are "everywhere"ubique
and the true Church is pushed into the background of history,
into the "desert." This was often the case and it may happen
again. But this empirical limitation and situation does not
38 Creation and Redemption

in any way destroy the "catholic" nature of the Church. The

Church is catholic because she is the Body of Christ, and in
the unity of this Body the reciprocal co-growth of individual
members takes place; mutual seclusion and isolation is
overcome, and the true "community" or the "common life"
or is realized. And that concerns
thought also. In the unity of the Church the catholicity of
consciousness is realized. In this the true mystery of the
Church is contained: "that they may all be one; even as thou,
Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be in
u s . . . so that they may become perfectly one.. . ""
v . . .
-John 17:21, 2J.
This "fulness of unity" in the image of the Trinity is
precisely the catholicity f the Church. In explaining the
High Priestly prayer of our Lord, the late Metropolitan
Antonii of Kiev stated: "This prayer concerns nothing else
other than the establishment of a new, united existence of
the Church on earth. This reality has its image not on earth,
where there is no unity but only division, but rather its
image is in heaven where the unity of the Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit unites Three Persons in one Being. Thus there
are not three Gods but One God who lives One life. The
Church is the completely new, particular, unique existence
on earth, a unique existence which one cannot define clearly
by certain concepts taken from profane life. The Church is
an image of Trinitarian existence, an image in which many
persons become one being. Why is such an existence, as also
the existence of the Holy Trinity, new and, for ancient man,
inaccessible? For this reason: because in the natural self-
consciousness a person is enclosed within himself and is
radically opposed to every other person." [Archbishop Antonii
Khrapovitskii, Collected Works, II, 2 (St. Petersburg, 1911)
"The Moral Idea of the Dogma of the Church" (pp. 17
and 18) ; in Russian]. Elsewhere Metropolitan Antonii states:
"The Christian therefore must free himself, in the measure of
Revelation, Philosophy and Theology 39

his spiritual perfection, from the direct opposition of " I "

and "non-I"to transform from its very foundation the
structure of human self-consciousness" [Ibid., p. 65].
Such a transformation of "human self-consciousness" also
takes place in the Church, in the "catholic" or "communal"
consciousness of the Church. "Catholic" consciousness is not
a collective-consciousness, not a universal or profane com-
munity-consciousnessneither is it a conglomerate of single
conscious individuals; it is not an impersonal "consciousness-
in-general." "Catholicity" is the concrete "unity of thoughts"
and "community of persons." "Catholicity" is structure and
style, "the determination of personal consciousness," which
overcomes its limitation and isolation and matures to a
"catholic" height"catholicity" is the ideal standard or
boundary-point, the "," of personal consciousness which
is realized in the affirmation^ not in the abolition, of person-
ality. And the measure of "catholicity" can only be fulfilled
through life in Christ. And not because we realize in our
consciousness an abstract "consciousness-in-general" or an
impersonal nature of logical thought, but rather "catholicity"
is realized by concrete experience or by the Vision of the
Truth. Unity is realized through participation in the one
truth; it realized itself in the truth, in Christ. And therefore
consciousness transforms itself. As the clearest expression of
this transformation one must recognize that mysterious over-
coming of time which takes place in the Church. In Christ
the believers of all eras and generations unify and unite
themselvesmeeting each other, as it were, as mystically
united contemporaries. In this consists precisely the religious
and metaphysical meaning of "the communion of the saints"
communio sanctorum. And therefore the memory of the
Church is oriented not to the past which has passed away
but rather to what has been achieved or "completed"the
memory of the Church is turned toward those of the past as
contemporaries in the fulness of the Church of the Body
of Christ, which embraces all times. Tradition is the symbol
40 Creation and Redemption

of this "all-time-ness." To know or perceive through Tradi-

tion means to know or perceive from the fulness of this
experience of "all-time-ness." And this can be known within
the Church by each person in his personal experience,
according to the measure of his spiritual maturity. To turn
oneself toward Tradition means to turn oneself toward this
fulness. The "Catholic transformation" of consciousness
makes it possible for each person to knownot in fact for
himself only but for all; it makes the fulness of experience
possible. And this knowledge is free from every restriction.
In the catholic nature of the Church there is the possibility of
theological knowledge and not just something founded upon
theological "opinions." I maintain that each person can
Realize the catholic standard in himself. I do not say that
each person does realize it. That depends upon the measure
of one's spiritual maturity. Each person is, however, called.
And those who realize it we call Fathers and Teachers of the
Church, for we hear from them not simply their personal
opinions but the very witness of the Churchbecause they
speak out of the Catholic fulness. This fulness is unexhausted
and inexhaustible. And we are summoned to testify about
this and in this the vocation of man is fulfilled. God revealed
and reveals himself to man. And we are called to testify to
that which we have seen and see.
Translated from the German

Creation and Creaturehood

Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands,

and thy walls are continually before me . . . ISAIAH 49:16

WORLD IS CREATED. That means: the world

came out of nothing. That means there was no world
before it sprang up and came into being. It sprang up and
came into being together with time. Because when there was
no world, there was no time. Because "time is reckoned
from the creation of the heavens and the earth/' as St.
Maximus the Confessor said.1 Only the world exists in
timein change, succession, duration. Without the world
there is no time. And the genesis of the world is the begin-
ning of time. This beginning, as St. Basil the Great explains,
is not yet time, nor even a fraction of time, just as the
beginning of a road is not yet the road itself. It is simple
and uncomposite.3 There was no time; and suddenly, all
at once, it began. Creation springs, comes into being, passes
from out of non-being into being. It begins to be. As St.
Gregory of Nyssa says, ' T h e very subsistence of creation
owed its beginning to change/'4 "the very transition from
non-entity to existence is a change, non-existence being
changed by the Divine power into being." This primordial
genesis and beginning of change and duration, this "transi-

44 Creation and Redemption

tion" from void to existence, is inaccessible to human

thought. But it becomes comprehensible and imaginable
from its opposite. We always calculate time in an inverse
order, back from the present, retreating into the depths of
time, going backwards in the temporal sequence; and only
secondarily do we think in terms of consecutive reckoning.
And going backwards into the past, we stop at some deter-
minate link, one which is calculated and calculable from
within the series, with a clear consciousness that we have
to stop. The very notion of the beginning of time is this
necessity of stopping, is the very impossibility of an infinite
regression into the past. It makes no difference whether
we can or cannot compute this limit of retreat in terms of
centuries or of days. The prohibition itself remains in full
force. A first unit is absolutely postulated in the temporal
series, before which there are no other links, no other
moments of time, because there was no change, and no
sequence whatever. It is not time that precedes time, but
"the height of ever-present eternity" transcending duration
celsitudo semper praesentis aetemttatts, as St. Augustine used
to say. Time began. But there will be a time "when time
shall be no more" " " (Rev.
10:6). Change will cease. And according to St. John
Damascene, "Time, after the resurrection, will no longer be
numbered by days and nights; rather, there will be one
day without evening."8 The temporal sequence will be broken;
there will be a last unit in it. But this end and cessation of
change does not indicate the abolition of what began with
time, of what was and existed in time; it does not suggest
a return or relapse into nothingness. There will be no time,
but creation will be preserved. The created world can exist
even not in time. Creation began, but it will not cease/ Time
is a kind of line segment, with a beginning and an end. And
therefore it is incommensurate with eternity, because time
has a beginning. And in eternity there is no change, neither
a beginning. The whole of temporality does not coincide
Creation and Creaturehod 45

with eternity. "The .fulness of the times" \pntne tempus\

does not necessarily mean "always" [semper], as Augustine
has pointed out.8 Infinity or endlessness does not necessarily
imply beginninglessness. And creation may be compared to
a mathematical "bundle of rays," halves of straight lines
extending from their point of origin to infinity. Once
brought out of nothingness and non-being, the world has in
the creative fiat an immutable and final foundation and sup-
port for its existence. "The creative word is like an adamantine
bridge uporfWhich creatures are placed, and they stand under
the abyss of the Divine Infinitude, over the abyss of their
own nothingness," said Metropolitan Philaret. "Because the
word of God must not be imagined as like the spoken word
of. manJ, which, when it has been pronounced, straightway
desists and vanishes in air. In God there is nothing of cessa-
tion, nothing of vanishing: His word proceeds but does not
recede: the word of the Lord endureth for ever (I Peter
1:25)."V God "created all things, that they might have
their being" (Wis. Solomon i.14). And not for the time
being, but for ever did He create: He brought creation into
being by His creative word. "For He hath established the
world, so that it shall not be moved" (Ps. 93:1).
The world exists. But it began to exist. And that means:
the world could have not existed. There is no necessity
whatsoever for th existence of the world. Creaturely exis-
tence is not self-sufficient and is not independent. In the
created world itself there is no foundation, no basis for
genesis and being. Creation by its very existence witnesses
to and proclaims its creaturehod, it proclaims that it has
been produced. Speaking in the words of Augustine, "[It]
cries out that it has been createdit cries out that it did
not create itself: [ I ] exist because I am created; and I was
not before I came to be, and I could not issue from
myself. . /'clamant quod fact a sunt. Clamant etiam quod
seipsa non fecerint: ideo sumus, quia facta sumus; non
eramus ante quam essemus, ut fieri possemus a nobis...10
46 Creation and Redemption

By its very existence creation points beyond its own limits.

The cause and foundation of the world is outside the world.
The world's being is possible only through the supra-
mundane will of the merciful and Almighty God, "Who
calls the things that be not, to be" (Rom. 4:17). But,
unexpectedly it is precisely in its creaturehood and created-
ness that the stability and substantiality of the world is
rooted. Because the origin from out of nothing determines
the otherness, the "non-consubstantiality" of the world and
of God. It is insufficient and inexact to say that things are
created and placed outside of God. The "outside" itself is
posited only in creation, and creation "from out of nothing"
[ex nihilo\ is precisely such a positing of the "outside," the
positing of an "other" side by side with God. Certainly
not in the sense of any kind of limitation to the Divine
fulness, but in the sense that side by side with God there
springs up an other, a heterogeneous substance or nature,
one different from Him, and in a certain sense an inde-
pendent and autonomous subject. That which did not exist
springs now up and comes forth. In creation something
absolutely new, an extra-divine reality is posited and built
up. It is precisely in this that the supremely great and
incomprehensible miracle of creation consiststhat an "other"
springs up, that heterogeneous drops of creation exist side
by side with "the illimitable and infinite Ocean of being,"
as St. Gregory of Nazianzus sys of God.11 There is an
infinite distance between God and creation, and this is a
distance of natures. All is distant from God, and is remote
from Him not by place but by nature- ,
as St. John Damascene explains. And this distance
is never removed, but is only, as it were, overlapped by
immeasurable Divine love. As St. Augustine said, in creation
"there is nothing related to the Trinity, except the fact
that the Trinity has created it"nihilique in ea esse quod
ad Trinitatem pertineat, nisi quod Trinitas condidit. .. . 1S
Even on the most exalted heights of prayerful ascent and
Creation and Creaturehood 47

intimacy thgre is ^lways an impassable limit, there can always

be perceived and revealed the living duality of God and
creation. "He is God, and she is non-God," said Macrius
"the Great" of the soul. "He is the Lord, and she the
handmaid; He-the Creator, and she the creation; He the
Architect, and she the fabric; and there is nothing in com-
mon between Him and her nature."14 Any transubstantia-
tion of creaturely nature into the Divine is as impossible
as the changing of God into creation, and any "coalescence"
and "fusion^ of natures is excluded. In the one and only
hypostasis and person of Christthe God-Manin spite of
the completeness of the mutual interpntration [-
] of the two natures, the two natures
remain with their unchanged, immutable difference: "with-
out the distinction of natures being taken away by such
union, but rather the specific property of each nature being
preserved." -
(the of Chalcedon).
The vague "out of two natures" the Fathers of Chalcedon
replaced by the strong and clear "in two natures," and by
the confession of the double and bilateral consubstantiality
of the God-Man they established an unshakeable and indis-
putable criterion and rule of faith. The real existence of a
created human .nature, that is, of an other and second nature
outside of God and side by side with Him, is an indispensable
prerequisite for the accomplishment of the Incarnation with-
out any change in or transmutation of the Divine nature.
What is created is outside of God, but is united with
Him. The Fathers of the fourth century, moved by the
Arian controversy to define the concept of creation in a
clear and precise manner, stressed above all else the hetero-
geneity of the created and Creator in counterdistinction to
the "consubstantiality" of generation; and they corrected
this heterogeneity with the dependence of creation upon the
will and volition. Everything created, wrote St. Athanasius
48 Creation and Redemption

the Great, "is not in the least like its Creator in substance,
but is outside of Him/' and therefore also could have not
existed.15 Creation "comes into being, made up from out-
side."16 And there is no similarity between that which bursts
forth from nothing and the Creator Who verily is, Who
brings creatures out of nothing.17 Will and volition precede
creating. Creating is an act of will [ ] ,
and therefore is sharply distinguished from the Divine gen-
eration, which is an act of nature [ ]. 1 8
A similar interpretation was given by St. Cyril of Alexandria.
The generation is out of the substance, .
Creating is an act, and is not done out of the creator's own
substance; and therefore a creation is heterogeneous to its
creator.19 Summarizing the patristic interpretation, St. John
of Damascus gives a following definition: "Begetting means
producing from the substance of the begetter an offspring
similar in substance to the begetter. Creation, or making, on
the other hand, is the bringing into being, from outside
and not from the substance of the creator, an actor of
something, entirely unlike {by nature}." Generation is
accomplished "by a natural power of begetting" [ -
], and creating is an act of volition and
will . 2 0 Creaturehood determines the com-
plete dissimilarity of the creation and God, its otherness,
and hence its independence and Substantiality. The whole
section of St. John is actually an elaborate rejoinder to
arguments of Origin.
Creation is not phenomenon but a *fsubstance." The
reality and substantiality of created nature is manifested
first of all in creaturely freedom. Freedom is not exhausted
by the possibility of choice, but presupposes it and starts
with it. And creaturely freedom is disclosed first of all in
the equal possibility of two ways: to God and away from
God. This duality of ways is not a mere formal or logical
possibility, but a real possibility, dependent on the effectual
presence of powers and capacities not only for a choice
Creation and Creaturehood 49

between, but ^ilso for the following of, the two ways.
Freedom consists not only in the possibility, but also in the
necessity of autonomous choice, the resolution and resolute-
ness of choice. Without this autonomy, nothing happens in
creation. As St. Gregory the Theologian says, "God legislates
human self-determination."21 ''He honored man with free-
dom that good might belong no less to him who chose it
than to Him Who planted its seed/'22 Creation must ascend
to and unite with God by its own efforts and achievements.
And if the way of union requires and presupposes a respon-
sive prevenient movement of Divine Mercy, "the ancient
law of human freedom," as St. Irenaeus once put it, is not
undermined by this. The way of dis-union is not closed to
creatures, the way of destruction and death. There is no
irresistible grace, creatures can and may lose themselves,
are capable, as it were, of "metaphysical suicide." In her
primordial and ultimate vocation, creation is destined for
union with God, for communion and participation in His
life. But this is not a binding necessity of creaturely nature.
Of course, outside of God there is no life for creation. But
as Augustine happily phrased it, being and life do not
coincide in creation.23 And therefore existence in death is
possible. Of course, creation can realize and establish herself
fully only by overcoming her self-isolation, only in God.
But even without realizing her true vocation, and even
opposing it, thus undoing and losing herself, creation does
not cease to exist. The possibility of metaphysical suicide
is open to her. But the power of self-annihilation is not
given. Creation is indestructibleand not only that creation
which is rooted in God as in the source of true being and
eternal life, but also that creation which has set herself
against God. "For the fashion of this world passeth away"
(I Cor. vii. 31), and shall pass. But the world itself shall
not pass. Because it was created "that it might have being."
Its qualities and properties are changeable and mutable,
and do change; but its "elements" are immutable. And
50 Creation and Redemption

immutable above all is the microcosm man, and immutable

are men's hypostases, sealed as they are and brought out of
nothing by the creative will of God. Indeed, the way of
rebellion and apostasy is the way of destruction and perdition.
But it leads not towards non-being, but to death; and death
is not the end of existence, but a separationthe separation
of soul and body, the separation of creation from God.
In fact, evil "is not an entity."24 Evil has no "substance"
it is according to St. John Damascene.25 Evil has
a negative and privative character, it is the absence and priva-
tion of true being. And at the same time, as St. Gregory
of Nyssa says, "in its very non-being it has its being"
. 2 6 The root and character of
evil is delusion and error. Evil, in the incisive phrase of
one German theologian, is "a mythopoeic lie" {"eine
dichtende Lge"F. Staudenmeier]. It is a kind of fiction,
but a fiction loaded with enigmatic energy and power. Evil
is active in the world, and in this actuality is real. Evil
introduces new qualities into the world, as it were, adding
something to the reality created by God, a something not
willed and not created by God, although tolerated by Him.
And this innovation, in a certain sense "non-being," is in
an enigmatic fashion real and powerful. "For God made
not death" (Wis. Sol. 1:13), and nevertheless the whole
creation is become subject to futility, and to the bondage of
corruption (Rom. 8:20, 21). By sin death spread to all men
(Rom. 5:12), and sin, being itself a fictitious innovation
in the world, the spawn of the treated will and of human
devices, creates death and as it were sets up a new law
of existence for creation, a kind of anti-law. And in a
certain sense, evil is ineradicable. Yet, because the final
perdition in eternal torment provoked by evil in "the resur-
rection unto judgment" does not mean total annihilation
nor the total suppression of evil beings, it is impossible
to ascribe to evil such anti-creative power which would
overcome the creative power of God. By its devastation of
Creation and Creaturehood 51

beiag, evif does not wipe out being. And, such a devastated,
distorted, deceitful, and false reality is mysteriously received
into eternity, even though in the torments of unquenchable
fire. The eternity of torments that will come upon the sons
of perdition points out with a special urgency and sharpness
the reality of creation as a second and extra-divine reality.
It is provoked by a persistent though free rebellion, by a
self-assertion in evil. Thus, as in becoming, so in dissolu-
tionas 151 holiness, so in perditionas in obedience, so
in disobediencecreation manifests and witnesses to her own
reality as the free object of the divine decrees.
The idea of creation is alien to the "natural" conscious-
ness. Classical, Hellenistic thought did not know it. Modern
philosophy has forgotten it. Given in the Bible, it is dis-
closed and manifested in the living experience of the
Church. In the idea of creation are juxtaposed the motif of
the immutable, intransitory reality of the world as a free
and active subject (more precisely, as a totality of inter-
acting subjects) and the motif of its total non-self-sufficiency,
of its ultimate dependence upon Another higher principle.
And therefore any supposition of the world's beginningless-
ness, the necessity of its existence, and any admission of its
elimination are excluded. Creation is neither self-existent
being, nor transitory becoming; neither eternal "substance,"
nor illusory *'appearance" In creaturehood a great wonder
is revealed. The world also might not have existed at all.
And that which might not have existed, for which there
are no inevitable causes or bases, does exist.. This is a riddle,
a "foolishness" for "natural" thought. And hence comes
the temptation to attenuate and blunt the idea of creation,
to replace it by other notions. Only by the contrary approach
can the mystery of creation be clarified, by the exclusion
and suspension of all evasive speculation and conjecture.
52 Creation and Redemption


God creates in perfect freedom. This proposition is

framed with remarkable precision by the "Subtle Doctor"
of the Western middle ages, Duns Scotus: Procedit autem
rerum creatio a Deo, non aliqua necessitate, vel essentiae,
vel scientiae, vel voluntatis, sed ex mera libertate, quae non
movetur et multo minus necessitatur ab aliquo extra se ad
causandum. "The creation of things is executed by God not
out of any necessity, whether of essence or of knowledge
or of will, but out of a sheer freedom which is not moved
much less constrainedby anything external that it should
have to be a cause/'27 Even so, in defining God's freedom in
creation it is not enough to do away with crude conceptions
of compulsion, of external necessity. It is obvious that we
cannot even speak of any kind of external compulsion,
because the very "outside" itself is first posited only in
creation. In creation God is determined only by Himself.
But it is not so easy to demonstrate the absence of any
internal "necessity" in this self-determination, in the revela-
tion of God ad extra. Here, the thought is beset by alluring
temptations. The question may be put in this manner: Is
the attribute of Creator and Sustainer to be considered as
belonging to the essential and formative properties of the
Divine Being? The thought of the Divine immutability
may prevent us from giving a negative answer. Precisely
so did Origen reason in his time. "It is alike impious and
absurd to say that God's nature is to be at ease and never
to move, or to suppose that there was a time when Goodness
did not do good and Omnipotence did not exercise its
power."28 From the perfect extra-temporality and immuta-
bility of the Divine Being, Origen, in the words of Bolotov,
draws the conclusion "that all His properties and predicates
always belong to God in a strict sensein actu, in statu
quo." Here, "always" for Origen has the meaning of "extra-
temporal eternity," and not only "the whole of tempo-
Creation and Creaturehood 53

.*"Just as nobody can be a father without having

a son, nor a lord without holding a possession or a slave,"
reasons Origen, "so too we cannot even call God Almighty
Pantocrator if there are no creatures over whom he can
exercise His power. For if anyone would have it that certain
ages, or periods of time, or of Divine Omnipotencewhatever
he cares to call themelapsed during which the present
creation did not exist, he would undoubtedly prove that in
those ags or periods God was not Almighty but that He
became Pantocrator afterward, that He became Almighty
from the time when he began to have creatures over whom
he could exercise power. Thus God will apparently have
experienced a kind of progress, for there can be no doubt
that it is better for Him to be Almighty than not to be so.
Now how is it anything but absurd that God should at
first not possess something that is appropriate to Him and
then should come to possess it? But if there was no time
when God was not Almighty, there must always have
existed the things in virtue of which He is Almighty; and
there must always have existed things under his rule, over
which He is their Ruler."30 In view of the perfect Divine
immutability, "it is necessary that the creatures of God
should have been created from the beginning, and that there
should be no time when they were not." Because it is
inadmissible to think that, in time, God "would pass from
inaction to action." Hence it is necessary to recognize "that
with God all things are without beginning and are co-
It is not simple or easy to escape from Origen's dialectical
nets. In this very problematic there lies an incontestable
difficulty. "When I think what God was Lord of from
eternity, if creation be not from always," exclaimed Augustine,
"I fear to affirm anything/' Cum git s ret dominus
semper fuit, si semper creatura non fuit, affirmare aliquid
perttmesco.,.32 Origen complicated his question by his in-
ability to extricate himself completely from time as change.
54 Creation and Redemption

Together with the sempiternal and immobile eternity of the

Divine Being, he imagined an endless flow of ages which
had to be filled. Furthermore, any sequence in the Divine
predicates appeared to him under the form of real temporal
change; and therefore, having excluded change, he was
inclined to deny any sequence at all to, or interdependence
among, those predicates taken as a whole; he asserted more
than the mere * 'co-eternity' ' of the world with God; he
asserted the necessity of the Divine self-disclosure ad extra,
the necessity of the revelation and out-pouring of Divine
goodness upon the "other" from all eternity, the necessity
of the eternal realization of the fulness and of all the
potentialities of Divine power. In other words, in order to
comply with the notion of the Divine immutability, Origen
had to admit the necessity of a conjointly ever-existent
and beginningless "not-I" as a corresponding prerequisite to
and correlative of the Divine completeness and life. And
here is the ultimate sting of the question. It was also
possible that the world might not have existed at all
possible in the full sense of the word only granted that
God can also not create. If, on the other hand, God creates
out of necessity, for sake of the completeness of His Being,
then the world must exist; then it is not possible that the
world might not have existed. Even if one rejects the
Origenistic notion of the infinitude of real past time and
recognizes the beginning of time, the question remains:
Does not at least the thought of the world belong to the
absolute necessity of the Divine Being?
We may assume that the real world came into being
together with time, and that "there was when it was not,"
when there was no temporal change. But the image of the
world, does not this remain eternal and everlasting in the
Divine knowledge and will, participating immutably and
ineluctably in the fulness of the Divine self-knowledge and
self-determination? On this point St. Methodius of Olympus
had already put his finger, against Origen, stressing that
Creation and Creaturehood 55

the Divine All-Perfectness cannot depend on anything except

God JHimself, except on His own nature. 33 Indeed, God
creates solely out of His goodness, and in this Divine good-
ness lies the only basis of His revelation to the "other," the
only basis of the very being of that "other" as recipient
and object of this goodness. But should we not think of this
revelation as eternal? And if we shouldsince God lives in
eternity and in unchangeable completenesswould not this
mean t^iat in the final analysis "the image of the world"
was present, and conjointly present, with God unchangingly
in eternity, and moreover in the unalterable completeness of
all its particular predicates?. .. Is there not a "necessity of
knowledge or will"? Does not this mean that God in His
eternal self-contemplation also necessarily contemplates even
what He is not, that which is not He, but other? Is God not
bound in His sempiternal self-awareness by the image of
His "Non-I" at least as a kind of possibility? And in His
self-awareness is He not forced -to think of and to con-
template Himself as a creative principle and as the source
of the world, and of the world as an object of and participant
in His good pleasure? And on the other hand, over the
whole world there lies imprinted the Divine seal, a seal
of permanence, a reflection of the Divine glory. The Divine
economy of the world, the unchanging and immutable
Providence of God, conveysto our visionperfect stability
and wise harmonyand also a kind of necessity. This vision
hinders our understanding and apprehension of the claim
that the world also might not have existed. It seems we
cannot conceive the world as non-existing without intro-
ducing a kind of impious fortuitousness or arbitrariness in
its existence and genesis, either of which is contradictory
and derogatory to the Divine Wisdom. Is it not obvious that
there must be some kind of sufficient cause for the world,
cur sit potius quam non sit? And that this cause must consist
of the unchangeable and sempiternal will and command
of God? Does it not follow that once the world is impossible
56 Creation and Redemption

without God, God also is impossible without the world?

Thus the difficulty is only shelved, but not solved, if we
limit ourselves to the chronological beginnings of the actual
existence of the world, since, in this case, the possibility of
the world, the idea of the world, God's design and will
concerning it, still remains eternal and as though con-
jointly everlasting with God.
And it must be said at once that any such admission
means introducing the world into the intra-Trinitarian life
of the Godhead as a co-determinant principle. And we must
firmly and uncompromisingly reject any such notion. The
idea of the world, God's design and will concerning the
world, is obviously eternal, but in some sense not co-eternal,
and not conjointly everlasting with Him, because "distinct
and separated/' as it were, from His "essence" by His
volition. One should say rather that the Divine idea of the
World is eternal by another kind of eternity than the Divine
essence. Although paradoxical, this distinction of types and
kinds of eternity is necessary for the expression of the
incontestable distinction between the essence (nature) of
God and the will of God. This distinction would not
introduce any kind of separation or split into the Divine
Being, but by analogy expresses the distinction between
will and nature, the fundamental distinction made so strik-
ingly explicit by the Fathers of the fourth century. The
idea of the world has its basis not in the essence, but in the
will of God. God does not so much have as "think up" the
idea of creation.84 And He "thinks it up" in perfect freedom;
and it is only by virtue of this wholly free "thinking up"
and good pleasure of His that He as it were "becomes"
Creator, even though from everlasting. But nevertheless He
could also not have created. And any such "refraining"
from creation would in no way alter or impoverish the
Divine nature, would mean no diminution, just as the very
creation of the world does not enrich the Divine Being.
Thus by way of opposites we can come close to an under-
Creation and Creaturehood 57

standing of God's creative freedom. In a sense, it would
be "indifferent" to God whether the world exists or not
herein consists the absolute "all-sufficiency" of God, the
Divine autarchy. The absence of the world would mean a
kind of subtraction of what is finite from the Infinite, which
would not affect Divine fulness. And conversely, the creation j,
of the world would mean the addition of what is finite
to the Infinite, which in no way affects Divine plenitude.
The might of God and the freedom of God must be defined
not only as the power to create and to produce but also as
the absolute freedom not to create.
All these words and presuppositions, obviously, are insuf-
ficient and inexact. They all have the character of negations
and prohibitions, and not of direct and positive definitions;
but they are necessary for the testimony to that experience
of faith in which the mystery of Divine freedom is revealed.
With a tolerable inexactitude, one could say that God is
able to permit and tolerate the absence of anything outside
of Himself. such a presumption the whole immeasur-
ability of the Divine love is not diminished, but on the
contrary is thrown into relief. God creates out of the absolute
superabundance of His mercies and goodness, and herein
His good pleasure and freedom are manifest. And in this
sense, one could say that the world is a kind of a surplus.
And further, it is a surplus which in no way enriches the
Divine fulness; it is, as it were, something "supererogatory"
and superadded, something which also could not have existed,
and which exists only through the sovereign and all-perfect
freedom and unspeakable good pleasure and love of God.
This means that the world is created and is "the work of"
God's will, . No outward revelation what-
ever belongs to the "necessity" of the Divine nature, to the
necessary structure of the intra-Divine life. And creative
revelation is not something imposed upon God by His
goodness. It is executed in perfect freedom, though in
eternity also. Therefore it cannot be said that God began
58 Creation and Redemption

to create, or "became" Creator, even though "to be Creator"

does not belong to those definitions of Divine nature which
includes the Trinity of Hypostases. In the everlasting im-
mutability of God's Being there is no origination whatsoever,
nor any becoming, nor any sequence. And nevertheless there
is a kind of all-perfect harmonic order which is partially
knowable and expressible on the level of the Divine names.
In this sense St. Athanasius the Great used to say that "to
create, for God, is secondary; and to beget, primary" that
"what is of nature [essence]" is antecedent to "what is of
volition."85 One has to admit distinctions within the very
co-eternity and immutability of the Divine Being. In the
wholly simple Divine life there is an absolute rational or
logical order [ ] of Hypostases, which is irreversible
and inexchangeable for the simple reason that there is a
"first principle" or "source" of Godhead, and that there is
the enumeration of First, Second, and Third Persons.86 And
likewise it is possible to say that the Trinitarian structure
is antecedent to the will and thought of God, because the
Divine will is the common and undivided will of the All-
Holy Trinity, as it is also antecedent to all the Divine acts
and "energies." But even more than this, the Trinity is the
internal, self-revelation of the Divine nature. The properties
of God are also revelations of the same sort, but in their
particular disclosure God is free. The unchanging will of
God freely postulates creation, and even the very idea of
creation. It would be a tempting mistake to regard the
"thinking up" of the world by God as an "ideal creation,"
because the idea of the world and the world of ideas are
totally in God, , and in God there is not, and
there cannot be, anything of the created. But this ambiguous
notion of an "ideal creation" defines with great clarity the
complete distinction between the necessity of the Trinitarian
Being on the one hand and the freedom of God's design
His good pleasure concerning creationon the other. There
remains an absolute and irremoveable distinction, the denial
Creation and Creaturehood 59

of whicftx leads to picturing the whole created economy as

made up of essential acts and conditions which disclose the
Divine nature as though of necessity, and this leads to
raising the world, at least the "intelligible world" [
] to an improper height. One might, with permissible
boldness, say that in the Divine idea of creation there is
a kind of contingency, and that if it is eternal, it is not an
eternity of essence, but a free eternity. We could clarify
the f reedofri of God's designHis good pleasurefor our-
selves by the hypothesis that this idea need not have been
postulated at all. Certainly, it is a casus irrealis, but there
is no inherent contradiction in it. Certainly, once God
"thought up" or postulated such an idea, He had sufficient
reason for doing so. However, one thinks that Augustine
was right in prohibiting any search for "the cause of God's
will/'37 But it is bound by nothing and preordained by
nothing. The Divine will is not constrained by anything to
"think up" vthe world. From eternity, the Divine Mind,
rhapsodized St. Gregory the Theologian, "contemplated the
desirable light of His own beauty, the equal and equally-
perfect splendor of the triple-rayed Divinity.. . The world-
creating Mind in His vast thoughts also mused upon the
patterns of the world which He made up, upon the cosmos
which was produced only afterwards, but which for God
even then was present. All, with God, lies before His eyes,
both what shall be, and what was, and what is now. .. . For
God, all flows into one, and all is held by the arms of the
great Divinity!'**
"The desirable light" of the Divine beauty would not be
enhanced by these "patterns of the world," and the Mind
"makes them up" only out of the superabundance of love.
They do not belong to the splendor of the Trinity; they are
postulated by His will and good pleasure. And these very
"patterns of the world" are themselves a surplus and super-
added gift or "bonus" of Him Who is All-Blessed Love,
6 Creation and Redemption

In this very good pleasure of His will to create the world

the infinite freedom of God is manifest.
So St. Athanasius says, "The Father creates all, by the
Word, in the Spirit,"39Creation is a common and indivisible
act of the All-Holy Trinity. And God creates by thought,
and the thought becomes deed ,
, says St. John Damascene.40
"He contemplated everything from before its being, from
eternity pondering it in His mind; hence each thing receives
its being at a determinate time according to His timeless
and decisive thought, which is predestination, and image,
and pattern"
, -
. 4 1 These patterns and prototypes of things that are
to be constitute the tfpre~temporal and unchangeable counsel"
of God, in which everything is given its distinctive character
[ ] before its being, everything which is
preordained by God in advance and then brought to existence

. 4 2 This "counsel" of God is eternal and unchanging,
pre-temporal and without beginning[]since
everything Divine is immutable. And this is the image of
God, the second form of the image, the image turned towards
.the creation.43 St. John Damascene is referring to Pseudo-
Dionysius. These creative patterns, says the Areopagite, "are
creative foundations pre-existent together in God, and to-
gether compose the powers that make being into entities,
powers which theology calls 'predestinations/ Divine and
'bnficient/ decisions which are determinative and creative
of all things extant, according to which He Who is above
being has preordained and produced all that exists."

, ,
, 9
Creation and Creaturehod 61

! ! . 4 4 According to St. Maximus

the Confessor these types and ideas are the Divine all-prfect
and everlasting thoughts of the everlasting God,
. 4 5 This eternal counsel
is God's design and decision concerning the world. It must
be rigorously distinguished from the world itself. The Divine
idea of creation is not creation itself; it is not the substance
of creation; it is not the bearer of the cosmic-process; and
the "transition" from "design" [] to "deed"
[ ] is not a process within the Divine idea, but the
appearance, formation, and the realization of another sub-
stratum, of a multiplicity of created subjects. The Divine
idea remains unchangeable and unchanged, it is not involved
in the process of formation. It remains always outside the
created world, transcending it. The world is created according
to the idea, in accordance with the patternit is the realiza-
tion of the patternbut this pattern is not the subject of
becoming. The pattern is a norm and a goal established
in God. This distinction and distance is never abolished, and
therefore the eternity of the pattern, which is fixed and is
never involved in temporal change, is compatible with
temporal beginning, with the entering-into-being of the
bearers of the external decrees. "Things before their becom-
ing are as though non-existent," said Augustine, utiquae non
er ant. And he explains himself: they both were and were not
before they originated; "they were in God's knowledge: but
were not in their own nature"er ant in Dei scientia, non
erant in sua natural According to St. Maximus, created
beings "are images and similes of the Divine ideas,"*7 in
which they are "participants."40 In creation, the Creator
realizes, "makes substantial" and "discloses" His knowledge,
pre-existent everlastingly in Himself.49 In creation there is
projected from out of nothing a new reality which becomes
the bearer of the Divine idea, and must realize this idea
in its own becoming. In this context the pantheistic tendency
of Platonic ideology and of the Stoic theory of "seminal
62 Creation and Rdemption

reasons" [ ] is altogether overcome and

avoided. For Platonism the identification of the "essence"
of each thing with its Divine idea is characteristic, the
endowment of substances with absolute and eternal (begin-
ningless) properties and predicates, as well as the introduc-
tion of the "idea" into real things. On the contrary, the
created nucleus of things must be rigorously distinguished
from the Divine idea about things. Only in this way is
even the most sequacious logical realism freed from a
pantheistic flavor; the reality of the whole will nevertheless
be but a created reality. Together with this, pan-logism is also
overcome: The thought of a thing and the Divine thought-
design concerning a thing are not its "essence" or nucleus,
even though the essence itself is characterized by
[ ] . The Divine pattern in things is not their "sub-
stance" or "hypostasis" ; it is not the vehicle of their qualities
and conditions. Rather, it might be called the truth of a
thing, its transcendental entelechy. But the truth of a thing
and the substance of a thing are not identical.*0


The acceptance of the absolute creatureliness and nn-

self-sufficiency of the world leads to the distinguishing of
two kinds of predicates and acts in God. Indeed, at this
point we reach the limit of our understanding, all words
become, as it were, mute and inexact, receiving an apophatic,
prohibitive, not a cataphatic, indicative sense. Nevertheless,
the example of the holy Fathers encourages a speculative
confession of faith. As Metropolitan Philaret once said, "We
must by no means consider wisdom, even that hidden in a
mystery, as alien and beyond us, but with humility should
edify our mind towards the contemplation of divine things."51
Only, in our speculation we must not overstep the boundaries
of positive revelation, and must limit ourselves to the inter-
Creation and Creaturehood 63


pretation of the experience of faith and of the rule of faith,

presuming to do no more than discern and clarify those
inherent presuppositions through which the confession of
dogmas as intelligible truths becomes possible. And it
must be said that the whole structure of the doctrine of
faith encourages these distinctions. In essence, they are
already given in the ancient and primary distinction between
"theology" and "economy." From the very beginning of
Christian history, the Fathers and Doctors of the Church
endeavored to distinguish clearly and sharply those defini-
tions and names which referred to God on the "theological"
plane and those used on the "economical." Behind this
stands the distinction between "nature" and "will." And
bound up with it is the distinction in God between "essence"
[] and "that which surrounds the essence," "that
which is related to the nature." A distinction, but not a
"What .we say about God affirmatively shows us," as
St. John Damascene explains, "not His nature, but only
what is related to His nature" o ,
! , 52 "something which accompanies His
nature" [ ! ]. And "what
He is by essence and nature, this is unattainable and un-
knowable."54 St. John expresses here the basic and constant
assumption of all Eastern theology: God's essence is un-
attainable; only the powers and operations of God are
accessible to knowledge. And as matters stand, there is
some distinction between them. This distinction is connected
with God's relation to the world. God is knowable and
attainable only in so far as He turns Himself to the world,
only by His revelation to the world, only through His
economy or dispensation. The internal Divine life is hedged
by "light unapproachable," and is known only on the level of
"apophatic" theology, with the exclusion of ambiguous and
inadequate definitions and names. In the literature of the
ante-Nicene period, this distinction not seldom had an
64 Creation and Redemption

ambiguous and blurred character. Cosmological motives

were often used in the definition of intra-Trinitarian rela-
tions, and the Second Hypostasis was often defined from
the perspective of God's manifestation or revelation to the
world, as the God of revelation, as the Creative Word. And
therefore the unknowability and inaccessibility were assigned
primarily to the Hypostasis of the Father as being >
revealable and ineffable. God reveals Himself only in the
Logos, in "the spoken Word" [ ] , as
"in the idea and active power" issuing forth to build
creation.58 Connected with that was the tendency to sub-
ordinationism in the ante-Nicene theological interpretation of
the Trinitarian dogma. Only the Fathers of the fourth century
obtained in their Trinitarian theology the basis for an
adequate formulation of God's relation to the world: the
whole entire and undivided "operation" [ ] of
the consubstantial Trinity is revealed in God's acts and deeds.
But the single "essence" [] of the undivided Trinity
remains beyond the reach of knowledge and understanding.
His works, as St. Basil the Great explains, reveal the power
and wisdom of God, but not His essence itseljT "We affirm,"
he wrote to Amphilochius of Iconium, "that we know our
God by His energies, but we do not presume that it is possible
to approach the essence itself. Because although His energies
descend to us, His essence remains inaccessible." And these
energies are multiform, yet the essence is simple.58 The
essence of God is unfathomable for men, and is known
solely t the Only-begotten Son and to the Holy Spirit5*
In the words of St. Gregory the Theologian, the essence of
God is "the Holy of Holies, closed even to the Seraphim,
and glorified by the three 'Holies' that come together in
one 'Lordship* and 'Godhead.' " And the created mind is
able, very imperfectly, to "sketch" some small "diagram
of the truth" in the infinite ocean of the Divine entity,
but based not upon what God is, but upon what is around
Him [ ]. 6 0 "The Divine essence, totally
Creation and Creaturehood 65

inaccessible and comparable to nothing," says St. Gregory of

Nyssa, "is knowable only through His energies."61 And all
our words concerning God denote not His essence but His
energies.62 The Divine essence is inaccessible, unnamable,
and ineffable. The manifold and relative names referring to
God do not name His nature or essence but th attributes of
God. Yet the attributes of God are not just intelligible or
knowledgeable signs or marks which constitute our human
notion of God; they are not abstractions or Conceptual
formulae. They are energies, powers, actions. They are real,
essential, life-giving manifestations of the Divine Lifereal
images of God's relation to creation, connected with the
image of creation in God's eternal knowledge and counsel.
And this is "that which may be known of God"
(Rom. 1:19). This is, as it were, the particular
domain of the undivided but yet "many-named" Divine
Being, "of the Divine radiance and activity," X-
.! , as St. John Damascene says, follow-
ing the Areopagitica.*5 According to the Apostolic word,
"the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world
are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are
made, even His everlasting power and Godhead" (Rom.
1:20), [f] ! ] .
And this is the revelation or manifestation of God: "God
hath shewed it unto them" (Rom. 1:19), [].
Bishop Silvester rightly explains in commenting on these
Apostolic words: "The invisible things of God, being actually
existent and not merely imaginary, become visible not in a
kind of illusory way, but certainly, veritably; not as a mere
phantom, but in His own eternal power; not merely in the
thoughts of men, but in very factthe reality of His
Divinity."64 They are visible because manifested and revealed.
Because God is present everywhere, not phantasmally, not
in remoteness, but really present everywhere"which art
in all places, and fillest all things, the Treasury of good
things^ and Giver of life/' This providential ubiquity (dif-
66 Creation and Redemption

ferent from the "particular* ' or charismatic presence of God,

which is not everywhere) is a particular "form of existence"
for God, distinct from the "form of His existence according
to His own nature/' 65 And furthermore this form is existen-
tially real or subsistentit is an actual presence, not merely
an omnipraesentia operativa, sicut agens adest ei in quod
agit. And if we "do not particularly understand" (in the
phrase of St. Chrysostom66) this mysterious omnipresence,
and this form of the Divine Being, ad extra, nevertheless
it is indisputable that God "is everywhere, whole and en-
tirely," "all -in. all," as St. John Damascene said
v, . 6 7 The life-giving
acts of God in the world are God Himselfsn assertion
which precludes separation but does not abolish distinction.88
In the doctrine f the Cappadocian fathers concerning
"essence" and "energies" we find in an elaborate and
systematic form the mysterious author of the Areopagitica
that was to determine the whole subsequent development
of Byzantine theology. Dionysius bases himself on the strict
distinction between those "Divine Names" which refer to
the intra-Divine and Trinitarian life and those which express
the relation of God ad extra.69 But both series of names tell
of the immutable Divine reality. The intra-Divine life is
hidden from our understanding, is known only through
negations and prohibitions,70 and in the phrase of St. Gregory
the Theologian "one who by seeing God has understood
what he has seen, has not Seen Him."71 And nevertheless
God really reveals Himself and acts and is present in
creation through His powers and ideasin "providences and
graces which issue from the incommunicable God, which
pour out in a flooding stream, and in which all existing
things participate,"72 "in an essence-producing procession,"
[ ], in "a providence that works good
things," [ay ], which are distinguish-
able but not separable from the DiVine entity "which sur-
passes entity," from God Himself, as St. Maximus the
Creation and Creaturehood 61

Confessor says in his scholia.73 The basis of these "proces-

sions" and of the, as it were, procession of God in His
providences out of Himself[ ]is
His goodness and love.74 These energies do not mix with
created things, and are not themselves these things, but are
only their basic and life-giving principles; they are the
prototypes, the predeterminations, the reasons, the
and Divine decisions respecting them, of which they are
participants and ought to be "communicants."75 They are not
only the "principle" and the "cause," but also the "challenge"
and beckoning goal which is beyond and above all limits.
It would be difficult to express more forcefully both the
distinction between and the indivisibility of th Divine
Essence and the Divine energies than is done in the Areo-
pagitia . 7 6 The divine energies
are that aspect of God which is turned towards creation.
It is not an aspect imagined by us; it is not what we see
and as We see it, but it is the real and living gaze of God
Himself, by which He wills and vivifies and preserves all
thingsthe gaze of Almighty Power and Superabundant
The doctrine of the energies of God received its final
formulation in the Byzantine theology of the fourteenth
century, and above all in St. Gregory Palamas. He bases
himself on th distinction between Grace and Essence, "the
divine and deifying radiance and grace is not the essence,
but the energy of God" ^
, 9 . 7 7
The notion of the Divine energy received explicit definition
in the series of Synods held in the fourteenth century in
Constantinople. There is a real distinction, but no separation,
between the essence or entity of God and His energies.
This distinction is manifest above all in the fact that the
Entity is absolutely incommunicable and inaccessible to
creatures. The cratures have access to and communicate
with the Divie Energies only. But with this participation
68 Creation and Redemption

they enter into a genuine and perfect communion and union

with God; they receive "deification."78 Because this is "the
natural and indivisible energy and power of God/'
, 7 9
"it is the common and Divine energy and power of the
Tri-Hypostatic God." 80 The active Divine power does not
separate itself from the Essence. This "procession" [-
] expresses an "ineffable distinction," which in no way
disturbs the unity "that surpasses essence."81 The active
Power of God is not the very "substance" of God, but neither
is it an "accident" [ ] ; because it is immutable
and coeternal with God, it exists before creation and it
reveals the creative will of God. In God there is iiot only
essence, but also that which is not the essence, although it is
not accidentthe Divine will and powerHis real, existential,
essence-producing providence and authority.82 St. Gregory
Palamas emphasizes that any refusal to make real distinc-
tion between the "essence" and "energy" erases and blurs
the boundary between generation and creationboth the
former and the latter then appear to be acts of essence.
And as St. Mark of Ephesus explained, "Being and energy,
completely and wholly coincide in equivalent necessity.
Distinction between essence and will [ ] is abolished;
then God only begets and does not create, and does not
exercise His will. Then the difference between foreknowledge
and actual making becomes indefinite, and creation seems
to be coeternally created."83 The essence is God's inherent
self-existence ; and the energy is His relations towards the
other [ ]. God is Life, and has life; is Wisdom,
and has wisdom; and so forth. The first series of expressions
refers to the incommunicable essence, the second to the
inseparably distinct energies of the one essence, which descend
upon creation.84 None of these energies is hypostatic, nor
hypostasis in itself, and their incalculable multiplicity intro-
duces no composition into the Divine Being.85 The totality
of the Divine "energies" constitutes His pre-temporl will,
Creatiqp and Creaturehood 69

His designHis good pleasureconcerning the "other," His

eternal counsel. This is God Himself, not His Essence, but
His will*^The distinction between "essence" and "energies"
or, it could be said, between "nature" and "grace" [
and ]corresponds to the mysterious distinction in
God between "necessity" and "freedom," understood in a
proper sense. In His mysterious essence God is, as it were,
"necessitated"not, indeed, by any necessity of constraint,
but by a kind of necessity of nature, which is, in the words of
St. Athanasius the Great, "above and antecedent to free
choice."87 And with permissible boldness one may say: God
cannot but be the Trinity of persons. The Triad of Hypostases
is above the Divine Will, is, as it were, "a necessity" or
"law" of the Divine nature. This internal "necessity" is
expressed as much in the notion of the "consubstantiality"
as in that of the perfect indivisibility of the Three Persons
as They co-exist in and intercompenetrate one another. In
the judgment of St. Maximus the Confessor, it would be
unfitting and fruitless to introduce the notion of will into
the internal life of the Godhead for the sake of defining
the relations between the Hypostases, because the Persons
of the All-Holy Trinity exist together above any kind of
relation and action, and by Their Being determine the
relations between Themselves.88 The common and undivided
"natural" will of God is free. God is free in His operations
and acts. And therefore for a dogmatic confession of the
reciprocal relations between the Divine Hypostases, expres-
sions must be found such as will exclude any cosmological
motives, any relation to created being and its destinies,
any relation to creation or re-creation. The ground of Trini-
tarian being is not in the economy or revelation of God ad
extra. The mystery of the intra-Divine life should be con-
ceived in total abstraction from the dispensation; and the
hypostatic properties of the Persons must be defined apart
from all relationship to the existence of creation, and only
according to the relationship that subsists between Them-
70 Creation and Redemption

selves. The living relationship of Godprecisely as a Triad

to the creation is in no way thus obscured; the distinction
in the relations of the different Hypostases towards the
creation is in no wise obscured. Rather, a fitting perspective
is thus established. The entire meaning of the dogmatic
definition of Christ's Divinity as it was interpreted by the
Church actually lay in the exclusion of all predicates relative
to the Divine condescension which characterize Him as
Creator and Redeemer, as Demiurge and Saviour, in order
to understand His Divinity in the light of the internal
Divine Life and Nature and Essence. The .creative relation-
ship of the Word to the world is explicitly confessed in the
Nicene Creedby Whom all things were made. And "things"
were made not only because the Word is God, but also
because the Word is the Word of God, the Divine Word.
No one was as emphatic in separating the demiurgical
moment in Christ's action from the dogma of the eternal
generation of the Word as St. Athanasius the Great. The
generation of the Word does not presuppose the beingand
not even the designof the world. Even had the world not
been created, the Word would exist in the completeness of
His Godhead, because the Word is Son by nature [
]. 'If it had pleased God not to create any
creatures, the Word would nevertheless be with God, and
the Father would be in Him," as St. Athanasius said; and
this because creatures cannot receive their being otherwise
than through the Word.89 The creatures are created by the
Word and through the Word, "in the image" of the Word,
"in the image of the image" of the Father, as St. Methodius
of Olympus once expressed it.90 The creation presupposes
the Trinity, and the seal of the Trinity lies over the whole
creation; yet one must not therefore introduce cosmological
motifs into the definition of the intra-Trinitarian Being. And
yet one may say that the natural fulness of the Divine es-
sence is contained within the Trinity, and therefore that the
designHis good pleasureconcerning the world is a ere-
Cration and Creaturehood 71

athe act, an operation of the willan abundance of Divine

love, a gift and a grace. The distinction between the names of
"God inJHimself," in His eternal being, and those names
which describe God in revelation, "economy," action, is not
only a subjective distinction of our analytical thinking; it has
an objective and ontological meaning, and expresses the ab-
solute freedom of Divine creativity and operation. This in-
cludes^ the "economy" of salvation. The Divine Counsel
concerning salvation and redemption is an eternal and pre-
temporal decree, an "eternal purpose" (Eph. 3:11), "the
. mystery which from the beginning of the world hath been
hid in.God" (Eph. 3:9). The Son of God is from ever-
lasting destined to the Incarnation and the Cross, and there-
fore He is the Lamb "Who verily was foreordained before
the foundation of the world" (I Pet. 1:19-20), "the Lamb
slain from the foundation of the world" Rev. 13:8). But
this "purpose" [] does not belong to the "essen-
tial" necessity of the Divine nature; it is not a "work of
nature, but the image of economical condescension," as St.
John Damascene says.91 This is an act of Divine lovefor
God so loved the world.... And therefore the predicates
referring to the economy of salvation do not coincide with
those predicates by which the Hypostatic Being of the Sec-
ond Person is defined. In Divine revelation there is no
constraint, and this is expressed in the notion of the perfect
Divine Beatitude. Revelation is an act of love and freedom,
and therefore introduces no change into the Divine nature.92
It introduces no change simply because there are no "natural"
foundations for revelation at all. The sole foundation of the
world consists in God's freedom, in the freedom of Love.


From eternity God "thinks up" the image of the world,

and this free good pleasure of His is an immutable, un-
72 Creation and Redemption

changeable counsel. But this immutability of the accom-

plished will does not in the least imply its necessity. The
immutability of God's will is rooted in His supreme free-
dom. And therefore it does not bind His freedom in crea-
tion, either. It would be very appropriate here to recall the
scholastic distinction between potentia absoluta and potentia
And in conformity with the designthe good pleasure
of Godcreation, together with time, is * 'built up" from
out of nothing. Through temporal becoming, creation must
advance by its own free ascent according to the standard
of the Divine economy respecting it, according to the
standard of the pre-temporal image of and predestination
for it. The Divine image of the world always remains
above and beyond creation by nature. Creation is bound by
it unchangeably and inseparably, is bound even in its very
resistance tp it. Because this "image" or "idea" of creation
is simultaneously the will of God [ ] and
the power of God by which creation is made and sus-
tained; and the beneficent counsel of the Creator is not
made void by the resistance of creation, but througfi this
resistance turns out to be, for rebels, a judgment, the force
of wrath, a consuming fire. In the Divine image and coun-
sel, each creaturei.e., every created hypostasis in its im-
perishable and irreproducible formi$ contained. Out of
eternity God sees and wills, by His good pleasure, each
and every being in the completeness of its particular destiny
and features, even regarding its future and sin. And if,
according to the mystical insight of St. Symeon the New
Theologian, in the age to come "Christ will behold all the
numberless myriads of Saints, turning His glance away from
none, so that to each one of them it will seem that He is
looking at him, talking with him, and greeting him," and
yet "while remaining unchanged, He will seem different to
one and different to another" so likewise out of eternity,
God in the counsel of His good pleasure, beholds all the
Creation^ and Creaturehood 73

innumerable myriads of created hypostases, wills them, and

to each one of them manifests Himself in a different way.
And herein consists the "inseparable distribution' ' of His
grace or energy, "myriadfold hypostatic" in the bold phrase
of St. Gregory Palamas,94 because this grace or energy is
beneficently imparted to thousands upon myriads of thou-
sands of hypostases. Each hypostasis, in its own being and
existence, is sealed by a particular ray of the good pleasure
of God's love and will. And in this sense, all things are in
Godin "image'' [ ! ] but not
by nature, the created "all" being infinitely remote from
Uncreated Nature. This remoteness is bridged by Divine
love, its impenetrability done away by the Incarnation of
the Divine Word. Yet this remoteness remains. The image
of creation in God transcends created nature and does not
coincide with "the image of God" in creation. Whatever
description may be given to the "image of God" in man, it
is a characteristic moment of his created nature// is created.
It is a "likeness," a mirroring.95 But above the image the
Proto-Image always shines, sometimes with a gladenning,
sometimes with a threatening, light. It shines as a call and
a norm. There is in creation a supra-natural challenging
goal set above its own naturethe challenging goal, founded
on freedom, of a free participation in and union with God.
This challenge transcends created nature, but only by re-
sponding to it is this nature itself revealed in its complete-
ness. This challenging goal is an aim, an aim that can be
realized only through the self-determination and efforts of
the creature. Therefore the process of created becoming is
real in its freedom, and free in its reality, and it is by this
becoming that what-was-not reaches fulfilment and is
achieved. Because it is guided by the challenging goal. In
it i? room for creation, construction, for re-constructionnot
only in the sense of recovering, but also in the sense of
generating what is new. The scope of the constructiveness
is defined by the contradiction between the nature and the
74 ^ Creation and Redemption

goal. In a certain sense, this goal itself is "natural" and

proper to the one who does the constructive acts, so that
the attainment of this goal is somehow also the subject's
realization of himself. And nevertheless this " I " which is
realized and realizable through constructiveness is not the
"natural" and empiric " I " , inasmuch as any such realiza-
tion of one's self" is a rupture a leap from the plane of
nature onto the plane of grace, because this realization is
the acquisition of the Spirit, is participation in God. Only
in this "communion" with God does a man become "him-
self"; in separation from God and in sdi-isolation, on the
contrary, he falls to a plane lower than himself. But at the
same time, he does not realize himself merely out of him-
self. Because the goal lies beyond nature, it is an invitation
to a living and free encounter and union with God. The
world is substantially different from God. And therefore
God's plan for the world can be realized only by created
becomingbecause this plan is not a substratum or sub*
stantia that comes into being and completes itself, but is the
standard and crown of the "other's" becoming. On the other
hand, the created process is not therefore a development, or
not only a development; its meaning does not consist in
the mere unfolding and manifestation of innate "natural"
ends, or not only in this. Rather, the ultimate and supreme
self-determination of created nature emerges in its zealous
impulse to outstrip itself in a , as
St. Maximus says.98 And an anointing shower of grace re-
sponds to this inclination, crowning the efforts of the
The limit and goal of creaturely striving and becoming
is divinization [ ] or deification []. But
even in this, th immutable, unchangeable gap between
natures will remain: any "transubstantiation" of the creature
is excluded. It is true that according to a phrase of St.
Basil the Great preserved by St. Gregory the Theologian,
creation "has been ordered to become God."97 But this
Creation3and Creaturehood 75

"deification" is only communion with God, participation

[ ] in His life and gifts, and thereby a kind of
acquisition of certain similitude to the Divine Reality.
Anointed and sealed by the Spirit, men become conformed
to the Divine image or prototype of themselves ; and through
this they become "conformed to God" [ ] . 9 8
With the Incarnation of the Word the first fruit of human
nature is unalterably grafted into the Divine Life, and
hence to all creatures the way to communion with this Life
is open, the way of adoption by God. In the phrase of St.
Athanasius, the Word "became man in order to deify
[] us in Himself,"99 in order that "the sons
of men might become the sons of God." 100 But this "diviniza-
tion" is acquired because Christ, the Incarnate Word, has
made us "receptive to the Spirit," that He has prepared for
us both the ascension and resurrection as well as the in-
dwelling and appropriation of the Holy Spirit."101 Through
the "flesh-bearing God" we have become "Spirit-bearing
men"; we have become sons "by grace," "sons of God in
the likeness of the Son of God." 102 And thus is recovered
what had been lost since the original sin, when "the trans-
gression of the commandment turned man into what he
was by nature," over which he had been elevated in his
very first adoption or birth from God, coinciding with his
initial creation.104 The expression so dear to St. Athanasius
and to St. Gregory the Theologian, , finds
its complementary explanation in a saying of two other
Cappadocian Saints: . If
Macarius the Egyptian dare speak of the "changing" of
Spirit-bearing souls "into the Divine nature," of "participa-
tion in the Divine nature," he nevertheless understands this
participation as a , i.e., as a certain
"mingling" of the two, preserving the properties and entities
of each in particular.108 But he also stresses that "the Divine
Trinity comes to dwell in that soul which, by the coopera-
tion of Divine Grace, keeps herself pureHe comes to dwell
76 Creation and Redemption

not as He is in Himself, because He is incontainable by any

creaturebut according to the measure of the capacity and
receptivity of man." 109 Explicit formulae concerning this
were not established all at once, but from the very begin-
ning the impassable gulf between the natures was rigorously
marked, and the distinction between the notions 3
(or ) and was rigorously
observed and kept. The concept of "divinization" was crys-
tallized only when the doctrine of God's "energies" had
been explicated once and for all. In this regard the teaching
of St. Maximus is significant. "The salvation of those who
are saved is^ccomplished by grace and not by nature"1 and
if "in Christ the entire fulness of the Godhead dwelt bodily
according to essence then in us, on the contrary, there is
not the fulness of the Godhead according to grace."111 The
longed-for "divinization" which is to come is a likeness by
/ 1 2 And even by becoming partakers of Divine Life,
"in the unity of love," "by co-inhering totally and entirely
with the whole of God," [ -
] by appropriating all that is Divine, the
creature "nevertheless remains outside the essence of God,"
9 . 1 1 3 And what is most
remarkable in this is the fact that St. Maximus directly
identifies the deifying grace with the Divine good pleasure
as regards creation, with the creative fiat.114 In its efforts
to acquire the Spirit, the human hypostasis becomes a vehicle
and vessel of Grace; it is in a manner imbued with it, so
that by it God's creative will is accomplishedthe will
which has summoned that-which-is-not into being in order
to receive those that will come into His communion. And
the creative good pleasure itself concerning each and every
particular is already by itself a descending stream of Grace-
but not everyone opens to the Creator and God Who
knocks. Human nature must be freely discovered through a
responsive movement, by overcoming the self-isolation of its
Creatiti and Credturehd 77

own nature; and by denying the self, as one might say, re-
ceive this mysterious, and terrifying, and unspeakable double-
naturedness for sake of which the world was made. For it
was made to be and to become the Church, the Body of
The meaning of history consists in thisthat the freedom
of creation should respond by accepting the pre-temporal
counsel of God, that it should respond both in word and in
deed. In the promised double-naturedness of the Church
the reality of created nature is affirmed at the outset. Crea-
tion is the other, another nature willed by God's good
pleasure and brought forth from nothing by the Divine
freedom for creation's own freedom's sake. It must con-
form itself freely to that creative standard by which it lives
and moves and has its being. Creation is not this standard,
and this standard is not creation. In some mysterious way,
human freedom becomes a kind of "limitation" on the
Divine omnipotence, because it pleased God to save creation
not by compulsion, but by freedom alone. Creation is "other,"
and therefore the process of ascent to God must be accom-
plished by her own powerswith God's help, to be sure.
Through the Church creaturely efforts are crowned and
saved. And creation is restored to its fulness and reality.
And the Church follows, or, rather, portrays the mystery
and miracle of the two natures. As the Body of Christ, the
Church is a kind of "plenitude" of Christas Theophan
the Recluse says"just as the tree is the 'plenitude' of
the seed."115 And the Church is united to Her Head. "J u s t
as we do not ordinarily see iron when it is red-hot, because
the iron's qualities are completely concealed by the fire,"
says Nicholas Cabasilas in his Commentary on the Divine
Liturgy, "so, if you could see the Church of Christ in Her
true form, as She is united to Christ and participates in His
Flesh, then you would see Her as none other than the Lord's
Body alone."116 In the Church creation is forever confirmed
78 Creation and Redemption

and established, unto all ages, in union with Christ, in the

Holy Spirit.
Translated from the Russian
The Darkness of Night

"Evil Is Among Ut"

The existence of evil is a paradox and a mystery.

The Existence of Evil as a Paradox

I N A WORLD Which is created by God and whose laws and

purposes are established by Divine wisdom and goodness
how is it possible that evil exists ? For evil is precisely that
v/hich opposes itself to and resists God, it perverts his designs
and repudiates his ordinances. Evil is that which is not created
by God. And Since the Divine will establishes the reasons
for everything which exists,and this Sovereign \vill alone
establishes "sufficient reasons"one can assert that evil, as
evil, exists despite lack of reasons, exists without a single
reason for its very existence. As St. Gregory of Nyssa stated,
it is "an unsown herb, without seed and without root".One
could say: phaenomenon omnino non fufidatum. It is God
alone who establishes the foundations of the world.
Certainly there are always and everywhere causes and
reasons for evil. But the causality of evil is deeply peculiar.

This article originally appeared in French as '"fenebrae Nctium" in

L Mal est Parmi Nous, edited by Daniel Rops (Paris: Libraire Pion, 194$),
pp. 251-264. i 1948 by Libraire Pion. Printed by permission. Translated
from the French by Richard Haugh.

82 Creation and Redemption '

The causes and reasons of evil are always an absurdity,

more or less veiled. This strange causality is not included
in the ideal "chain" of God's universal causality; it splits and
disfigures it. It is a causality which rivals that of the Creator,
as if it came from a destroyer of the world. And this
destructive powerwhence does it come? For all real power
belongs to God alone. One wonders whether the existence
of evil is compatible with the existence of God. And, never-
theless, this illegitimate power is not at all an anaemic
phantom. It is really a force, a violent energy. And the op-
position of evil to God is very active. The Good is seriously
limited and oppressed by the insurrection of evil. God himself
is engaged in a struggle with these powers of darkness. And
in this struggle there are very real losses, there is a perpetual
diminution of the Good. Evil is an ontological danger.
Universal harmony, willed and established by God, is really
decomposed. The world is fallen. The entire world is sur-
rounded by a dismal twilight of nothingness. No longer is it
that world which was conceived and created by God. There
are morbid innovations, new existencesfalse existences but
real. Evil adds something to what is created by God, it has a
"miraculous" force of imitating creationindeed, evil is pro-
ductive in its destructions. In the fallen world there is an
incomprehensible surplus, a surplus which has entered ex-
istence against the will of God. In a certain sense, the world
is stolen from its Master and Creator. It is more than an
intellectual paradox; it is rather a scandal, a terrible tempta-
tion for faith, because, above all, this destruction of existence
by evil is in a large measure irreparable. The lofty ''univer-
salist" hope is prohibited us by the direct witness of Holy
Scripture and by the explicit teaching of the Church. There
will be exterior darkness for "the sons of perdition" in the
world to come! In the case of perseverance in evil, all the
devastations and perversions produced by it will preserve
themselves forever in the paradoxical eternity of hell. Hell
is a sinister testimony to the staggering power of evil. In
ThzDarkness of Night 83

the final reckoning of this historical struggle between Divine

Goodness and evil, all the ravages produced among unre-
pentant beings will only be simply acknowledged by the final
decree of condemnation. The perverse split, introduced into
the world of God by an act of usurped power, seems to be
eternal. The unity of the world is compromised forever.
Evil seems to have eternal conquests. The obstinacy in evil,
its resolved impenitence, is never covered by the omnipotence
of God's compassion. We are now already in the realm of
the full mystery.

The Existence of Evil as a Mystery

God has his response to the world of evil. "The ancient

law of human freedom/' as St. Irenaeus states, is still
respected by God, who has granted from the beginning this
dignity to spiritual beings. Any coercion or compulsion by
Divine Grace is excluded. God has in fact responded to evil
authoritatively once for all through his Beloved Son who
came upon earth to bear here the sins of the world and
the sins of all humanity. God's absolute response to evil was
the Cross of Jesus, the sufferings of the Servant of God, the
Death of the Incarnate Son. "Evil begins on earth, but it
disquiets heaven, and causes the Son of God to descend to
earth," stated a Russian preacher of the 19th century. Evil
causes God himself to suffer, and he accepts this suffering
to the end. And the glory of eternal life shines forth
victoriously from the tomb of God Incarnate. The Passion
of Jesus was a triumph, a decisive victory. But it is rather a
triumph of Divine Love which calls and accepts without any
coercion. From this time on the very existence of evil is
given to us only within this framework f the Co-Suffering
Love f God. And also the Love, and even the sublime
majesty of God, are revealed to us in the enigmatic frame-
84 Creation and Redemption

work of evil and s i n . . . Felix culpa quae tantum et talem

meruit h ab eve Redemptorem.
One defines evil as nothingness. Certainly evil never
exists by itself but only inside of Goodness. Evil is a pure
negation, a privation or a mutilation. Undoubtedly evil is a
lack, a defect, dejectus. But the structure of evil is rather
antinomic. Evil is a void of nothingness but a void which
exists, which swallows and devours beings. Evil is a power-
lessness; it never creates but its destructive energy is enormous.
Evil never ascends; it always descends. But the very debase-
ment of being which it produces is frightening. Nevertheless,
there is an illusory grandeur itself in this baseness of evil.
Occasionally there is something of genius in sin and in evil.
Evil is chaotic, it is a separation, a decomposition constantly
in progress, disorganization of the entire structure of
being. But evil is also, without doubt, vigorously organized.
Everything in this sad domain of deception and illusion is
amphibolic and ambiguous. Undoubtedly evil lives only
through the Good which it deforms, but which it also adapts
to its needs. But this deformed "Universe" is a reality which
asserts itself.
Actually, the problem f evil is not at all a purely
philosophical problem, and that is why it can never be
resolved on the neutral plane of a theory of being. It is no
longer a purely ethical problem and on the plane of natural
morality one can never surmount the correlativity of good
and evil. The problem of evil only takes on its proper
character on the religious plane. And the meaning of evil
is a radical opposition to God, a revolt, a disobedience, a
resistance. And the unique source of evil, in the strict sense
of the term, is sin, the opposition to God and the tragic
separation from Him. Speculation about the freedom of
choice is always barren and ambiguous. Freedom of choice,
the libertas minor of St. Augustine and the "gnomic will"
[" "] of St. Maximos the Confessor, is
a disfigured freedom, a freedom diminished and impover-
TheDarkness of Night 85

ished, a freedom as it exists after the fall among fallen

beings. The duality of purpose, the two correlative directions,
do^not belong to the essence of the primordial freedom of
innocent beings. It must be restored to penitent sinners
through asceticism and Grace. And original sin was not just
an erroneous choice, not just an option for the wrong direc-
tion, but rather a refusal to ascend toward God, a desertion
from the service of God.
Actually, choice as such was not at all possible for the
first sinner because evil did not yet exist as an ideal pos-
sibility. If, however, it was a choice, it was not a choice
between good and evil but only a choice between God and
"himself, between service and sloth. And it is precisely in this
sense that St. Athanasius interpreted the fall and original
sin in his work Contra Gentes. The vocation of primordial
man, innate in his very nature, was to love God with filial
devotion and to serve him in the world of which man was
designated to be prophet, priest, and king. It was an appeal
froi the paternal love of God to the filial love of man.
Undoubtedly to follow God involved a total surrender to
Divine arms. This was not yet a sacrifice. Innocent man had
nothing to sacrifice, for everything he possessed came, from
the Grace of God. Here there is something more profound
than a voluptuous attachment to the world. It was rather
a tragedy of a misguided love. According to St. Athanasius,
the human fall consists precisely in the fact that man
limits himself to himself, that man becomes, as it were,
in love with himself. And through this concentration on
himself man separated himself from God and broke the
spiritual and free contact with God. It was a kind of
delirium, a self-erotic obsession, a spiritual narcissism. And
through this man isolated himself from God and soon
became aware of being involved in the external cosmic flow.
One can say it was a de-spiritualization of human existence.
AH the rest came as a resultthe death and decomposition
of human structure. In any case, the fall was realized first in
86 Creation and Redemption

the realm of the spirit, just as it already was in the angelic

world. The meaning of original sin is the same everywhere
self-eroticism, pride, and vanity. All the rest is only a pro-
jection of this spiritual catastrophe into the different areas of
human structure. Evil comes from above, not from below;
from the created spirit and not from matter. It is more pro-
found than a false choice of direction, more profound even
than a choice between an inferior and a superior good.
Rather, it was the infidelity of love, the insane separation
from the Only One who is worthy of affection and love.
This infidelity is the main, source of the negative character
of evil. It was a primordial negation and it was fatal.
It is necessary to take precaution and not identify the
infirmity of fallen nature with the inherent imperfection
of all created nature. There is nothing morbid or sinister in
the "natural imperfection*' of created nature except what is
penetrated ''from above" after the consummated fall. In
pre-falien nature, one can perhaps speak of lack and flaws.
But in the fallen world there is something morea perver-
sion, a revolt, a vertiginous blasphemy, violence. It is the
domain of usurpation. The dark tide of this perverted love
envelops all creatures and the entire cosmos. Behind all the
negations of evil one always discerns something quasi-
positive, this initial licentiousness, the egoistic arbitrariness
of finite personalities. The fallen world is de-centralized, or
rather it is oriented around an imaginary or fictitious center.
One could say perhaps that the circle (with a unique center)
is deformed, becoming an ellipse with two points of reference
God and anti-God. Being, in any case, is dynamically
divided in two. There are now two tendencies which intersect
and cross each other, both remaining essentially different.
One could say there are two worlds within one: there are
the Two Cities of St. Augustine. Evil, beginning with a
practical atheism, puts itself in the place of God, resulting
in a theoretical atheism and consequently in a resolved
deification of itself. And in this dualized world true freedom
The Darkness of Night 87

does not exist. Freedom of choice is only a remote and pale

reflection of real freedom.
^ v i l is created by personal agents. Evil, in the strict sense
of this word, exists only in persons or in their creations and
their acts. Physical and cosmic evil also originates from
these personal acts. And that is why evil can have a power,
can be active. For evil is a perverse personal activity. But
this activity inevitably spreads itself to the impersonal. Evil
de-personalizes personality itself. Complete de-personaliza-
tion, however, can never be achieved; there is a potential
limit which can never be attained. But the tendency and the
aspiration of evil toward this limit of total disintegration is
energetically accentuated everywhere. Even demons never
cease being persons. It is the intrinsic form of their existence
which cannot be lost. But, since personality is the "image
of God" in spiritual beings, personal character can only be
preserved in a constant conversation with God. Separated
from God, personality vanishes, is stricken with a spiritual
sterility. The isolated personality, which encloses itself within
itself, often loses itself. In the state of sin there is always
tension between the two internal solicitations: the "I"'.and
something impersonal, represented by instincts or rather by
Passions are the place, the seat of evil in the human
person. "Passions," of the Fathers and of the
Greek masters of spirituality, are active, they entrapit is
the person possessed by passions who is passive, who suffers
constraint. Passions are always impersonal; they are a con-
centration of cosmic energies which make the human person
its prisoner, its slave. They are blind and they blind those
whom they possess. The impassioned man, "the man of
passions," does not act on his own, but is rather acted upon:
fata trahunt. He often loses even the consciousness of being
a free agent. He doubts the existence and the possibility of
freedom in general. He adopts rather the t(necessarionist"
concept of reality [the expression of Charles Rnouvier].
88 Creation and Redemption

And, as a consequence, he loses his personality, his personal

identity. He becomes chaotic, with multiple faces, or rather-
masks. The "man of passions" is not at all free, although
he can give an impression of activity and energy. He is
nothing more than a "ball" of impersonal influences. He is
hypnotized by these influences which actually have a power
over him. Arbitrariness is not freedom. Or, perhaps, it is an
imaginary freedom which engenders servitude, in the spiritual
life we begin precisely with a struggle against passions. And
"impassibility" is actually the main goal of spiritual
ascent. ,
"Impassibility," the of the Greeks, is in general
poorly understood and interpreted. It is not an indifference,
not a cold insensibility of the heart. On the contrary, it is an
active state, a state of spiritual activity, which is acquired only
after struggles and ordeals. It is rather an independence
from passions. Each person's own " I " is finally regained,
freeing oneself from fatal bondage. But one can regain one-
self only in God. True "impassibility" is achieved only in an
encounter with the Living God. The path which leads there
is the path of obedience, even of servitude to God, but this
servitude engenders true freedom, a concrete freedom, the
real freedom of the adopted sons of God. In evil the human
personality is absorbed by the impersonal milieu, even though
the sinner may pretend to be free. In God the personality is
restored and reintegrated in the Holy Spirit, although a
severe discipline is imposed on the individual.
Evil is revealed to us in the world at first under the aspect
of suffering and sorrow. The world is empty, cold, indifferent
(cf. "the indifferent nature" in Pushkin). It is a non-
responding wasteland. We all suffer because of evil. Evil,
disseminated everywhere in the world, causes us to suffer.
And the contemplation of this universal suffering brings us
sometimes to the brink of despair. Universal suffering was
not discovered for the first time by Schopenhauer. It was
attested to already by St. Paul (Rom. 8:20-22) and he has
The Darkness of Night 89

given us a,very clear explication: evil is introduced in the

creature by sin. All creation suffers. There is a cosmic suffer-
ing^ The entire world is poisoned by evil and malevolent
energies, and the entire world suffers because of it.
The intricate problem of Theodicy was first inspired by
these facts of suffering. It was one of the primary questions
of Dostoevsky. The world is hard, cruel, and pitiless. And
the world is terrible and frightening: tenor antiquus. There
is chaos in the world, there are subterranean storms, an
elemental disorder. And man feels himself frail and lost in
this inhospitable world. But evil encounters us not only
externally,^ in an exterior milieu, but also internally, in our
own existence. We also are sickwe ourselvesand we
suffer because of it. And again there is an unexpected dis-
coverynot only do we suffer from evil, but we do evil.
And sometimes one is delighted with evil and unhappiness.
One is sometimes enraptured by the Fleurs du mal. One some-
times dreams of an "ideal of Sodom/' The abyssit has a
sinister appeal. Sometimes one loves ambiguous choices. One
can be enchanted by them. It is easier to do evil than to do
good. Everyone can discover in himself this "subterranean"
darkness, the subconscious full of malignant seeds, full of
cruelty and deceit. Alasthe analyses of Dostoevsky (and
of many others) are not morbid dreams of a pessimist who
looks at life through a black glass. It is a truthful revelation
of the sad. reality of our existential situation. And one could
find the same revelations in the ancient teachers of Christian
spirituality. There is a delirium, a spiritual fever, a libido
at the core of "this world/' at the core of our existence. One
cannot ask an insane or maniacal person for reasons. He does
not have reasons for his folly, he has lost his reason, he is
insane. Origen was very close to the correct solution when he
attributed the origin of evil, in the world of spirits, either
to boredom and idleness [desidia et lahoris taedium in
servando hond>\ or to a satiety of Divine contemplation and
love [De prin. , 9-2; and 8-3]. In any case, with regard to
90 Creation and Redemption

us now, we find in our heart and in our intelligence many

revivals of the same paroxysms of delirium, the same ab-
surdities. Libido is not the same thing as carnal concupiscence.
It is a broader term. It is synonymous with self-eroticism,
originating from sin. Evil in man is an ignorance []
and an insensibility, the blindness of reason and the hardness
of the heart. Man seals himself up, encloses himself in him-
self, he isolates and separates himself. But evil is multi-form
and chaotic. There are contrasting forms in evil: the aggres-
sive formder Wille zur Macht, sadism; and the solipsistic
formindifference, "the cold beart." Evil is divided within
itself: it is a discord and a disharmony, inordinatio. Evil is
ambiguous, wavering, variable. It does not have its own
stable character. The seat of evil in man is in the depths of
the heart, and not only on the empirical plane. Nature itself
is affected, nature itself is no longer pure. And it is rather
dynamic, a dynamic or functional perversion which is not
yet consolidated in a metaphysical transformation. The exis-
tence of evil is a parasitical existence; evil lives because of
the Good, ex ratione boni. The elements are the same in the
original world and in the fallen world. But the principle of
organization is changed. And although dynamic, the perver-
sion is inconvertible. He who has descended voluntarily into
the abyss of evil cannot reascend from there by himself. His
energies are exhausted. Without doubt, even in the demoniac
depths the creature remains the work of God and the traits
of Divine design are never effaced. The image of God,
obscured by the infidelity of sin, is nevertheless preserved
intact, and that is why there is always, even in the abyss,
an ontological receptacle for Divine appeal, for the Grace
of God. This is true even for those who obstinately shut
themselves off from the appeal of the Cross, who have
always rendered themselves incapable of receiving the vivify-
ing gifts of this Divine Love, the gifts of the Paraclete.
Metaphysical identity is not destroyed even among the
demons. Demons are still, according to a phrase by St.
The Darkness of Night 91

Gregory o f N y s s a , angels by nature, and angelic dignity is

not completely abolished in them. '
Btit perhaps we could say that this image of God in (
man is paralyzed in a certain sense, and rendered ineffective [
after the separation from the One who should always be |
reflected in this image, in this living and personal mirror. ;
It is not enough to begin again the ascent to Godit is \\
necessary to have the living co-operation of God himself,
who restores the circulation of spiritual life in a dead man,
enslaved in and paralyzed by sin and evil. The paradox of
evil resides precisely in this split of human existence and in
the entire cosmic structure; it resides in the dynamic splitting
of life in two, a split which resulted from the separation
from God. It is as though there were two souls within each
person. Good and evil are strangely mixed. But no synthesis
is possibly "Natural" Good is too weak to resist evil. And
evil exists only through the Good. Human unity is seriously
compromised, if not lost. The Grace of God alone can sur-
mount this human impasse.
Formal analysis of evil is not enough. The existence of
evil is a reality on the religious plane. And only through
spiritual effort can one understand and resolve this paradox,
surmount this scandal, and penetrate the mystery of Good
and Evil.
Translated from the French



The Incarnation and Redemption

44 i|r PH WORD BECAME FLESH": in this is the ultimate

joy of the Christian faith. In this is the fulness of
Revelation. The Same Incarnate Lord is both perfect God
and perfect man. The full significance and the ultimate
purpose of human existence is revealed and realized in and
through "the Incarnation. He came down from Heaven to
redeem the earth, to unite man with God for ever. "And
became man." The new age has been initiated. We count
now the "anni Domini." As St. Irenaeus wrote: "the Son
of God became the Son of Man, that man also might be-
come the son of God." 1 Not only is the original fulness of
human nature restored or re-established in the Incarnation.
Not only does human nature return to its once lost com-
munion with God. The Incarnation is also the new Revela-
tion, the aew and further step. The first Adam was a liv-
ing soul. But the last Adam is the Lord from Heaven [1
Cor. 15:47]. And in the Incarnation of the Word human
nature was not merely anointed with a superabundant over-
flowing of Grace, but was assumed into an intimate and
hypostatical unity with the Divinity itself. In that lifting up
of human nature into an everlasting communion with the
Divine Life, the Fathers of the early Church unanimously
saw the very essence of salvation, the basis of the whole re-

96 Creation and Redemption

deeming work of Christ. "That is saved which is united

with God/' says St. Gregory of Nazianzus. And what was
not united could not be saved t all. This was his chief
reason for insisting, against Apollinarius,2 on the fulness of
human nature, assumed by the Only Begotten in the Incarna-
tion. This was the fundamental motive in the whole of
early theology, in St. Irenaeus, St. Athanasius, the Cappa-
docian Fathers, St. Cyril of Alexandria, and St. Maximus
the Confessor. The whole history of Christological dogma
was determined by this fundamental conception: th Incar-
nation of the Word as Redemption. In the Incarnation
human history is completed. God's eternal will is accom-
plished, "the mystery from eternity hidden and to angels
unknown." The days of expectation are over. The Promised
and the Expected has come. And from henceforth, to use
the phrase of St. Paul, the life of man "is hid with Christ
in God" [Colossians 3 : 3 ] . . . .
The Incarnation of the Word was an absolute manifesta-
tion of God. And above all it was a revelation of Life.
Christ is the Word of Life, . . ."and
the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness,
and declare unto you the life, the eternal life, which was
with the Father, and was manifested unto us" [1 John
l:l-2]. 3 The Incarnation is the quickening of man, as it
were, the resurrection of human nature. But the climax of
the Gospel is the Cross, the death of the Incarnate. Life
has been revealed in full through death. This is the para-
doxical mystery of the Christian faith: life through death,
life from the grave and out of the grave, the mystery of
the life-bearing grave. And we are born to real and eternal
life only through our baptismal death and burial in Christ;
we are regenerated with Christ in the baptismal font. Such
is the invariable law of true life. "That which thou sowest
is not quickened, except it die" [I Cor. 15:36].
"Great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest
in the flesh" [I Timothy 3:16]. But God was not manifest
"ion 97

in order to recreate the world at once by the exercise of

His omnipotent might, or to illuminate and transfigure it
by theT overwhelming light of His glory. It was in the utter-
most humiliation that this revelation of Divinity was
wrought. The Divine will does not abolish the original
status of human freedom or "self-power" [ -
] , it does not destroy or abolish the "ancient law of
human freedom."4 Herein is revealed a certain self-limita-
tion or "kenosts" of the Divine might. And more than that,
a certain kenosis of Divine Love itself. Divine love, a$ it
were, restricts and limits itself in the maintenance of the
freedom of the creation. Love does not impose the healing
by compulsion as it might have done. There was no com-
pelling evidence in this manifestation of God. Not all
recognized the Lord of Glory under that "guise of the
servant"AH deliberately took upon Himself. And whosoever
did recognize, did so not by any natural insight, but by
the revelation of the Father [cf. Matt. 16:17]. The Incarnate
Word appeared on earth as man among men. This was
the redeeming assumption of all human fulness, not only
of human nature, but also of all the fulness of human life.
The Incarnation had to be manifested in all the fulness of
life, in the fulness of human ages, that all that fulness might
be sanctified. This is one of the aspects f the idea of the
"summing up" of all in Christ (recapitulatio, -
) which was taken up with such emphasis by St.
Irenaeus from St. Paul.5 This was the "humiliation" of the
Word [cf. Phil. 2:7]. But this "kenosis" was no reduction
of His Divinity, which in the Incarnation continues un-
changed, . It was, on the contrary, a lif ting-up
of man, the "deification" of human nature, the "theosis"
As St. John Damascene says, in the Incarnation "three things
were accomplished at once: the assumption, the existence,
and the dedication of humanity by the Word." 6 It must
be stressed that in the Incarnation the Word assumes the
original human nature, innocent and free from original sin,
98 Creation and Redemption

without any stain. This does not violate the fulness of nature,
nor does this affect the Saviour's likeness to us sinful people.
For sin does not belong to human nature, but is a parasitic
and abnormal growth. This point was vigorously stressed
by St. Gregory of Nyssa and particularly by St. Maximus
the Confessor in connection with their teaching of the will
as the seat of sin.7 In the Incarnation the Word assumes
the first-formed human nature, created "in the image of
God," and thereby the image of God is again re-established
in man.8 This was not yet the assumption of human suffering
or of suffering humanity. It was an assumption of human
life, but not yet of human death. Christ's freedom from
original sin constitutes also His freedom from death, which
is the "wages of sin." Christ is unstained from corruption
and mortality right from His birth. And like the First Adam
before the Fall, He is able not to die at all, potens non mort,
though obviously He can still die, potens autem mori. He
was exempt from the necessity of death, because His
humanity was pure and innocent. Therefore Christ's death
was and could not but be voluntary, not by the necessity of
fallen nature, but by free choice and acceptance.9
A distinction must be made between the assumption of
human nature and the taking up of sin by Christ. Christ is
"the Lamb of God that taketh the sin of the world" [John
I:29].10 But He does not take the sin of the world in the
Incarnation. That is an act of the will, not a necessity of
nature. The Saviour bears the sin of the world (rather than
assumes it) by the free choice of love. He bears it in such
a way that it does not become His own sin, or violate
the purity of His nature and will. He carries it freely; hence
this "taking up" of sin has a redeeming power, as a free act
of compassion and love.11 This taking up of sin is not
merely a compassion. In this world, which "lies in sin,"
even purity itself is suffering, it is a fount or cause of suffer-
ing. Hence it is that the righteous heart grieves and aches
over unrighteousness, and suffers from the unrighteousness
Redemption 99

of this world. The Saviours life, as the life of a righteous

and gure being, as a life pure and sinless, must inevitably
have been in this world the life of one who suffered. The
good is oppressive to this world, and this world is oppressive
to the good. This world resists good and does not regard
light. And it does not accept Christ, it rejects both Him and
His Father [John 15:23-24]. The Saviour submits Himself
to the order of this world, forbears, and the very opposition
of this world is covered by His all-forgiving love: "They
know not what they do" [Luke 23:34]. The whole life
of Our Lord is one Cross. But suffering is not yet the whole
Cross. The Cross is more than merely suffering Good.
The sacrifice of Christ is not yet exhausted by His obedience
and endurance, forbearance, compassion, all-forgivingness.
The one redeeming work of Christ cannot be separated into
parts. Our; Lord's earthly life is one organic whole, and
His redeeming action cannot be exclusively connected with
any one particular moment in that life. However, the climax
of this life was its death. And the Lord plainly bore witness
to the hoar of death: "For this cause came I unto this
hour" [John 12:27]. The redeeming death is the ultimate
purpose of the Incarnation.12
The mystery of the Cross is beyond our rational com-
prehension. This "terrible sight" seems strange and startling.
The whole life of Our Blessed Lord was one great act
of forbearance, mercy and love. And the whole of it is
illuminated by the eternal radiance of Divinity, though that
radiance is invisible to the world of flesh and sin. But
salvation is completed on Golgotha, not on Tabor, and the
Cross of Jesus was foretold even on Tabor [cf. Luke 9:31].
Christ came not only that He might teach with authority
and tell people the name of the Father, not only that He
might accomplish works of mercy. He came to suffer and
to die, and to rise again. He Hifnself more than once
witnessed to this before the perplexed and startled disciples
He not only prophesied the coming Passion and death, but
100 Creation and Redemption

plainly stated that He must, that He had to, suffer and be

killed. He plainly said that "must," not simply "was about
to." "And He began to teach them that the Son of Man
must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders,
and the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed, and
after three days rise again" [Mark 8:31; also Matthew 16:21;
Luke 9:22; 24:26]. "Must" [ ] not just according to
the law of this world, in which good and truth is persecuted
and rejected, not just according to the law of hatred and
evil. The death of Our Lord was in full freedom. No one
takes His life away. He Himself offers His soul by His own
supreme will and authority. "I have authority,"*
[John 10:18]. He suffered and died, "not because
He could not escape suffering, but because He chose to
suffer," as it is stated in the Russian Catechism. Chose,
not merely in the sense of voluntary endurance or non-
resistnce, not merely in the sense that He permitted the
rage of sin and unrighteousness to be vented on Himself.
He not only permitted but willed it. He "must have died
according to the law of truth and love. In no way was the
Crucifixion a passive suicide or simply murder. It was a
Sacrifice and an oblation. He had to die. This was not the
necessity of this world. This was the necessity of Divine
Love. The mystery of the Cross begins in eternity, "in the
sanctuary of the Holy Trinity, unapproachable for creatures,"
And the transcendent mystery of God's wisdom and love is
revealed and fulfilled in history. Hence Christ is spoken of
as the Lamb, "who was foreknown indeed before the
foundation of the world" [Peter 1:19], and even "that
hath been slain from the foundation of the world [Rev.
13:8].13 "The Cross of Jesus, composed of the enmity of
the Jews and the violence of the Gentiles, is indeed but the
earthly image and shadow of this heavenly Cross of love."14
This "Divine necessity" of the death on the Cross passes
all understanding indeed. And the Church has never attempted
any rational definition of this supreme mystery. Scriptural
Redemption 101

terms have appeared, and do still appear, to be the most

adequate ones. In any case, no merely ethical categories
will o. The moral, and still more the legal or juridical
conceptions, can never be more than colorless anthropo-
morphism. This is true even of the idea of sacrifice. The
sacrifice of Christ cannot be considered as a mere offering
or surrender. That would not explain the necessity of the
death. For the whole life of the Incarnate One was one
continuous sacrifice. Why then was this purest life yet
insufficient for victory over death? Why was death van-
quished only by death? And was death really a terrifying
prospect for the Righteous One, for the Incarnate One, espe-
cially in the supreme foreknowledge of the coming Resur-
rection on the third day? But even ordinary Christian mar-
tyrs have accepted all their torments and sufferings, and
death itself, in full calm and joy, as a crown and a triumph.
The Chief of martyrs, the Protomartyr Christ Himself, was
not less than they. And, by the same "Divine decree/'- by
the same "Divine necessity/' He "must" not only have been
executed and reviled, and have died, but also have been
raised on the third day. Whatever may be our interpretation
of the Agony in the Garden, one point is perfectly clear.
Christ was not a passive victim, but the Conqueror, even in
His uttermost humiliation. He knew that this humiliation
was no mere endurance or obedience, but the very path of
Glory arid of the ultimate victory. Nor does the idea of
Divine justice alone, justifia vindicativa, reveal the ultimate
meaning of the sacrifice of the Cross. The mystery of the
Cross cannot be adequately presented in terms of the trans-
action, the requital, or the ransom.15 If the value of the
death of Christ was infinitely enhanced by His Divine Per-
sonality, the same also applies to the whole of His life. All
His deeds have an infinite value and significance as the
deeds of the Incarnate Word of God. And they cover indeed
superabundantly both all misdeeds and sinful shortcomings
of the fallen human race. Finally, there could hardly be any
102 Creation and Redemption

retributive justice in the Passion and death of the Lord,

which might possibly have been in the death of even a
righteous man. For this was not the suffering and death of
a mere man, graciously supported by the Divine help be-
cause of his faithfulness and endurance. This death was the
suffering of the Incarnate Son of God Himself, the suffer-
ing of unstained human nature already deified by its as-
sumption into the hypostasis of the Word. Nor is this to
be explained by the idea of a substitution! satisfaction, the
satisfactio vicaria of the scholastics. Not because substitu-
tion is not possible. Christ did indeed take upon Himself
the sin of the world. But because God does not seek the
sufferings of anyone, He grieves over them. How could the
penal death of the Incarnate, most pure and undefiled, be
the abolition of sin, if death itself is the wages of sin, and
if death exists only in the sinful world? Does Justice really
restrain Love and Mercy, and was the Crucifixion needed to
disclose the pardoning love of God, otherwise precluded
from manifesting itself by the restraint of vindicatory jus-
tice? If there was any restraint at all, it was rather a re-
straint of love. And justice was accomplished, in that Salva-
tion was wrought by condescension, by a "kenosis," and not
by omnipotent might. Probably a recreation of fallen man-
kind by the mighty intervention of the Divine omnipotence
would have seemed to us simpler and more merciful.
Strangely enough, the fulness of the Divine Love, which is
intent to preserve our human freedom, appears to us rather
as a severe request of transcendent justice, simply be-
cause it implies an appeal to the cooperation of the human
will. Thus Salvation becomes a task for man himself also,
and can be consummated only in freedom, with the response
of man. The "image of God" is manifested in freedom. And
freedom itself is all too often a burden for man. And in a
certain sense it is indeed a superhuman gift and request, a
supernatural path, the path of "deification," / ^ . Is not
this very tbeosis a burden for a self-imprisoned, selfish, and
Redemption 103

self-sufficient being? And yet this burdensome gift of free-

dom is the ultimate mark of the Divine love and benevolence
towards man. The Cross is not a symbol of Justice, but the
symbol of Love Divine. St. Gregory of Nazianzus utters all
these doubts with great emphasis in his remarkable Easter
To whom, and why, is this blood poured out
for us and shed, the great and most precious blood
of God, the High Priest and Victim ? . . . We were
in the power of the Evil One, sold to sin, and had
brought this harm on ourselves by sensuality. .. .
If the price of ransom is given to none other than
him in whose power we are held, then I ask, to
whom and for what reason is such a price paid ? . . .
If it^ is to the Evil One, then how insulting is this !
The thief receives the price of ransom; he not only
receives it from God, but even receives God Him-
self. For his tyranny he receives so large a price
that it was only right to have mercy upon u s . . . .
If to the Father, then first, in what way ? Were we
not in captivity under Him ? . . . And secondly, for
what reason? For what reason was the blood of
the Only Begotten pleasing to the Father, Who
did not accept even Isaac, when offered by his fa-
ther, but exchanged the offering, giving instead of
the reasonable victim a lamb? . . .
By all these questions St. Gregory tries to make clear
the inexplicability of the Cross in terms of vindicatory jus-
tice. And he concludes: "From this it is evident that the
Father accepted [the sacrifice], not because He demanded
or had need, but by economy and because man had to be
sanctified by the humanity of God."*6
Redemption is not just the forgiveness of sins, it is not
just man's reconciliation with God. Redemption is the aboli-
tion of sin altogether, the deliverance from sin and death.
104 Creation and Redemption

And Redemption was accomplished on the Cross, "by the

blood of His Cross" [Col. 1:20; cf. Acts 20:28; Rom. 5:9;
Eph. 1:7; Col. 1:14; Heb. 9:22; I John 1:7; Rev. 1:5-6;
5:9}. Not by the suffering of the Cross only, bpt precisely
by the death on the Cross. And the ultimate victory is
wrought, not by sufferings or endurance, but by death and
resurrection. We enter here into the ontological depth of
human existence. The death of Our Lord was the victory
over death and mortality, not just the remission of
sins, nor merely a justification of man, again a satis-
faction of an abstract justice. And the very key to the Mys-
tery can be given only by a coherent doctrine of human


The Mystery of Death and Redemption

In separation from God human nature becomes un-

settled, goes out of tune, as it were, is decomposed. The
very structure of man becomes unstable. The unity of the
soul and the body becomes insecure. The soul loses its vital
power, is no more able to quicken the body. The body is
turned into the tomb and prison of the soul. And physical
death becomes inevitable. The body and the soul are no
longer, as it were, secured or adjusted to each other. The
transgression of the commandment "reinstated man in the
state of nature," says St. Athanasius,
"that as he was made out of nothing, so also
in his very existence he suffered in due time corruption ac-
cording to all justice/' For, being made out of nothing, the
creature also exists over an abyss of nothingness, ever
ready to fall into it. The created nature, St. Athanasius
says, is mortal and infirm, "flowing and liable to decom-
position," ! . And it is only
saved from this "natural corruption" by the power of
Redemption 105

heavenly 'Grace, "by the indwelling of the Word." Thus

separation from God leads the creature to decomposition and
disintegration.17 'Tor we must needs die, and are as water
spilt on the ground which cannot be gathered up again"
[2 Samuel 14:14].
In Christian experience death is first revealed as a deep
tragedy, as a painful metaphysical catastrophe, as a mys-
terious failure of human destiny. For death is not a normal
end of human existence. Just the contrary. Man's death is
abnormal, is a failure. God did not create death; He created
man for inorruption and true being, that we "might have
being," [cf. Wisdom 6:18 and 2:23]. The
death of man is the "wages of sin" [Romans 6:23]. It is
a loss and corruption. And since the Fall the mystery of
life is displaced by the mystery of death. What does it mean
for a man to die? What is actually dying is obviously the
body, for only the body is mortal and we speak of the
"immortal" soul. In current philosophies nowadays, the
"immortality of the soul" is emphasized to such an extent
that the "mortality of man" is almost overlooked. In death
this external, visible, and earthly bodily existence ceases.
But yet, by some prophetic instinct, we say that it is "the
man" who dies. For death surely breaks up human existence,
although, admittedly, the human soul is "immortal," and
personality is indestructible. Thus the question of death is
first the question of the human body, of the corporeality of
man. And Christianity proclaims not only the after-life of
the immortal soul, but also the resurrection of the body. Man
became mortal in the Fall, and actually dies. And the death
of man becomes a cosmic catastrophe. For in the dying man,
nature loses its immortal center, and itself, as it were, dies
in man. Man was taken from nature, being made of the
dust of the earth. But in a way he was taken out of nature,
because God breathed into him the breath of life. St. Gregory
of Nyssa comments on the narrative of Genesis in this way.
"For God, it says, taking dust from the earth, fashioned man
10 Creation and Redemption

and by His own breath planted life in the creature which

He formed, in order that th earthly element might be
raised by union with the Diviji, and so the Divine grace
in one even course might uniformly extend through all
creation, the lower nature being mingled with that which
is above the world/' 1 8 ... Man is a sort of "microcosm,"
every kind of life is combined in him, and in him
only the whole world comes into contact with God.19 Con-
sequently man's apostasy estranges the whole creation from
God, devastates it, and, as it were, deprives it of God. The
Fall of man shatters the cosmic harmony. Sin is disorder,
discord, lawlessness. Strictly speaking it is only man that
dies. Death indeed is a law of nature, a law of organic life.
But man's death means just his fall or entanglement into
this cyclical motion of nature, just what ought not to have
happened at all. As St. Gregory says, "from the nature of
dumb animals mortality is transferred to a nature created
for immortality." Only for man is death contrary to nature
and mortality is evil.20 Only man is wounded and mutilated
by death. In the generic life of dumb animals, death is rather
a natural moment in the development of the species; it is
the expression rather of the generating power of life than
of infirmity. However, with the fall of man, mortality, even
in nature, assumes an evil and tragic significance. Nature
itself, as it were, is poisoned by the fatal venom of human
decomposition. With dumb animals, death is but the dis-
continuation of individual existence. In the human world,
death strikes at personality, and personality is much greater
than mere individuality. It is the body that becomes corrup-
tible and liable to death through sin. Only the body can
disintegrate. Yet it is not the body that dies, but the whole
man. For man is organically composed of body and soul.
Neither soul nor body separately represents man. A body
without a soul is but a corpse, and a soul without body is
a ghost. Man is not a ghost j^/zj-corpse, and corpse is not
a part of man. Man is not a "bodiless demon," simply con-
Redemption 17

fined in'the prison of the body. Mysterious as the union of

soul and^ body indeed is, the immediate consciousness of
man witnesses to the organic wholeness of his psycho-physical
structure. This organic wholeness of human composition was
from the very beginning strongly emphasized by all Chris-
tian teachers.21 That is why the separation of soul and body
is the death of the man himself, the discontinuation of his
existence, of wholeness, i.e. of his existence as a man. Con-
sequently death and the corruption of the body are a sort
of fading away of the "image of God" in man. St. John
Damascene, in one of his glorious anthems in the Burial
Service, says of this: "I weep and I lament, when I con-
template death, and see our beauty, fashioned after the
image of God, lying in the tomb disfigured, dishonored,
bereft of form/'22 St. John speaks not of man's body, but
of man himself. 'Our beauty in the image of God," *
, this is not the body,
but man. He is indeed an "image of the unfathomable
glory" of God, even when wounded by sin,
. 2 3 And in death it is disclosed that man, this "rea-
sonable statue" fashioned by God, to use the phrase of St.
Methodius,24 is but a corpse. "Man is but dry bones, a
stench and the food of worms." This is the riddle and the
mystery of death. "Death is a mystery indeed: for the soul
by violence is severed from the body, is separated, by the
Divine will, from the natural connection and composition....
marvel! Why have we been given over unto corruption,
and why have we been wedded unto death?" In the fear of
death, often so petty and faint-hearted, there is revealed a
profound metaphysical alarm, not merely a sinful attach-
ment to the earthly flesh. In the fear of death the pathos
of human wholeness is manifested. The Fathers used to
see in the unity of soul and body in man an analogy of the
indivisible unijty of two natures in the unique hypostasis of
Christ. Analogy may be misleading. But still by analogy
one may speak of man as being just "one hypostasis in two
108 Creation and Redemption

natures," and not only of, but precisely in two natures. And
in death this oiie human hypostasis is broken up. Hence the
justification fpj^ the mourning and weeping. The terror of
death is only warded off by the hope of the resurrection
and life eternal.
However, death is not just the self-revelation of sin.
Death itself is already, as it were, the anticipation of the
resurrection. By death God not only punishes but also heals
fallen and ruined human nature. And this not merely in the
sense that He cuts the sinful life short by death and thereby
prevents the propagation of sin and evil. God turns the
very mortality of man into a means of healing. In death
human nature is purified, pre-resurrected as it were. Such
was the common opinion of the Fathers. With greatest
emphasis this conception was put forward by St. Gregory
of Nyssa. "Divine providence introduced death into human
nature with a specific design," he says, "so that by the dis-
solution of body and soul, vice may be drawn off and man
may be refashioned again through the resurrection, sound,
free from passions, pure, and without any admixture of
evil/' This is particularly a healing of the body. In St.
Gregory's opinion, man's journey beyond the grave is a
means of cleansing. Man's bodily structure is purified and
renewed. In death, as it were? God refines the vessel of our
body as in a refining furnace. By the free exercise of his sin-
ful will man entered into communion with evil, and our
structure became alloyed with the poison of vice. In death
man falls to pieces, like an earthenware vessel, and his body
is decomposed again in the earth, so that by purification
from the accrued filth he may be restored to his normal
form, through the resurrection. Consequently death is not
an evil, but a benefit ( ) . Death is the wages
of sin, yet at the same time it is also a healing process,
a medicine, a sort of fiery tempering of the impaired struc-
ture of man. The earth is, as it were, sown with human
ashes, that they may shoot forth in the last day, by the
Redemption 109

power God; this was the Pauline analogy. The mortal

remains ^ r e committed to the earth unto the resurrection.
Death implies within itself a potentiality of resurrection.
The destiny of man can be realized only in the resurrection,
and in the general resurrection. But only the Resurrection
of Our Lord resuscitates human nature and makes the gen-
eral resurrection possible. The potentiality of resurrection
inherent in every death was realized only in Christ, the
"first-fruits of them that are asleep" [1 Cor. 15:20].25
Redemption is above all an escape from death and cor-
ruption, the liberation of man from the "bondage of cor-
ruption'^ [Romans 8:21], the restoration of the original
wholeness and stability of human nature. The fulfilment
of redemption is in the resurrection. It will be fulfilled in
the geperal "quickening" when "the last enemy shall be
abolished, death" [1 Cor. 15:26: ] . But
the restoration of unity within human nature is possible
only through a restoration of the union of man with God.
The resurrection is possible only in God. Christ is the
Resurrection and the Life. "Unless man had been joined
to God, he could never have become a partaker of incor-
ruptibility," says St. Irenaeus. The way and the hope of the
resurrection is revealed only through the Incarnation of the
Word.26 St. Athanasius expresses this point even more
emphatically. The merey of God could not permit "that
creatures once made rational, and having partaken of the
Word, should go to ruin and turn again to non-existence by
the way of corruption." The violation of the law and dis-
obedience did not abolish the original purpose of God. The
abolition of that purpose would have violated the truth of
God. But human repentance was insufficient. "Penitence
does not deliver from the state of nature [into which man
has relapsed through sin], it only discontinues the sin." For
man not ofily sinned but fell into corruption. Consequently
the Word of God descended and became man, assumed our
body, "that, whereas man turned towards corruption, he
110 Creation and Redemption

might turn them again towards incorruption, and quicken

them from death by appropriation of his body and by the
grace of the Resurrection, banishing death from them like
a straw from the fire/'27 Death was grafted on to the body,
then life must be grafted on to the body again, that the
body may throw off corruption and be clothed in life.
Otherwise the body would not be raised. "If death had
been kept away from the body by a mere command, it
would nonetheless have been mortal and corruptible, ac-
cording to the nature of our bodies. But that this should
not be, it put on the incorporeal Word of God, and thus
no longer fears either death or corruption, for it has life as
a garment, and corruption is done away in it." 28 Thus,
according to St. Athanasius, the Word became flesh in
order to abolish corruption in human nature. However,
death is vanquished, not by the appearance of Life in the
mortal body, but rather by the voluntary death of the In-
carnate Life. The Word became incarnate on account of
death in the flesh, St. Athanasius emphasizes. "In order to
accept death He had a body," and only through His death
was the resurrection possible.29
The ultimate reason for Christ's death must be seen in
the mortality of man. Christ suffered death, but passed
through it and overcame mortality and corruption. He
quickened death itself. By His death He abolishes the power
of death. "The dominion of death is cancelled by Thy death,
Strong One." And the grave becomes the life-giving
"source of our resurrection." And every grave becomes rather
a "bed of hope" for believers. In the death of Christ, death
itself is given a new meaning and significance. "By death
He destroyed death."
Redempfiion 111


Immortality, Resurrection, and Redemption

Death is a catastrophe for man; this is the basic prin-

ciple of the whole Christian anthropology. Man is an
"amphibious" being, both spiritual and corporeal, and so
he was intended and created by God. Body belongs or-
ganically to the unity of human existence. And this was per-
haps the most striking novelty in the original Christian
message. The preaching of the Resurrection as well as the
preaching of the Cross was foolishness and a stumbling-
block to the Gentiles. The Greek mind was always rather
disgusted by the body. The attitude of an average Greek in
early Christian times was strongly influenced by Platonic or
Orphic ideas, and it was a common opinion that the body
was a kind of a "prison," in which the fallen soul was
incarcerated and confined. The Greeks dreamt rather of a
complete and final disincarntion. The famous Orphic slogan
was: -. 3 0 And the Christian belief in a coming
Resurrection could only confuse and frighten the Gentile
mind. It meant simply that the prison will be everlasting,
that the imprisonment will be renewed again and for ever.
The expectation of a bodily resurrection would befit rather
an earthworm, suggested Celsus, and he jeered in the name
of common sense. This nonsense about a future resurrection
seemed to him altogether irreverent and irreligious. God
would never do things so stupid, would never accomplish
desires so criminal and capricious, which are inspired by an
impure and fantastic love of the flesh. Celsus nicknames
Christians a " ," "a flesh-loving
crew," and he refers to the Docetists with far greater
sympathy and understanding.31 Such was the general attitude
to the Resurrection.
St. Paul had already been called a "babbler" by the
Athenian philosophers just because he had preached to them
112 Creation and Redemption

"Jesus and the Resurrection" [Acts 17:18, 32]. In the cur-

rent opinion of those heathen days, an almost physical
disgust of the body was frequently expressed. There was
also a wide-spread influence from the farther East; one
thinks at once of the later Manichean inundation which
spread so rapidly all over the Mediterranean. St. Augustine,
once a fervent Manichean himself, has intimated in his
Cnfessiones that this abhorrence of the body was the chief
reason for him to hesitate so long in embracing the faith
of the Church, the faith in the Incarnation.32
Porphyry, in his Life of Plotinus, tells that Plotinus, it
seemed, "was ashamed to be in the flesh," and from this
Porphyry starts his biography. "And in such a frame of
mind he refused to speak either of his ancestors or parents,
or of his fatherland. He would not sit for a sculptor or
painter to make a permanent image of this perishable
frame." It is already enough that we bear it now [Life of
Plotinus, 1]. This philosophical asceticism of Plotinus, of
course, must be distinguished from Oriental asceticism,
Gnostic or Manichean. Plotinus himself wrote very strongly
"against Gnostics." Here, however, there was only a dif-
ference of motives and methods. The practical issue in
both cases was one and th same, a "retreat" from this
corporeal world, an escape from the body. Plotinus sug-
gested the following analogy: Two men live in the same
house. One of them blames the builder and his handiwork,
because it is made of inanimate wood and stone. The other
praises the wisdom of the architect, because the building is
so skillfully erected. For Plotinus this world is not evil, it
is the "image" or reflection of the world above, and is
perhaps even the best of images. Still, one has to aspire
beyond all images, from the image to the prototype, from
the lower to the higher world. And Plotinus praises not the
copy, but the pattern.33 "He knows that when the time comes,
he will go out and will no longer have need of a house."
This phrase is very characteristic. The soul is to be liberated
Redemption 113

from the'ties of the body, to be disrobed, and then it will

ascend to^its proper sphere.34 "The true awakening is the
true resurrection from the body, not with the body. For the
resurrection with the body would be simply a passage from
one sleep to another, to some other dwelling. The only true
awakening is an escape from all bodies, since they are by
nature opposite to the nature of the soul. Both the origin,
and the life and the decay of bodies show that they do
not correspond to the nature of the souls."35 With all Greek
philosophers the fear of impurity was much stronger than
the dread of sin. Indeed, sin to them just meant impurity.
This "lower nature/' body and flesh, a corporeal and gross
substance, was usually presented as the source and seat of
evil. Evil comes from pollution, not from the perversion of
the will^ One must be liberated and cleansed from this
And at this point Christianity brings a new conception of
the body as well. From the beginning Docetism was rejected
as the most destructive of temptations, a sort of dark anti-
gospel, proceeding from Anti-Christ, "from the spirit of
falsehood" [I John 4:2-3]. This was strongly emphasized in
St. Ignatius, St. Irenaeus, and Tertullian. "Not that we would
be unclothed, but that we would be further clothed, so that
what is mortal may be swallowed up by life" [2 Cor. 5:4].
This is precisely the antithesis to Plotinus' thought.36 "He
deals death-blow here to those who depreciate the physical
nature and revile our flesh," commented St. John Chrysos-
tom. "It is not flesh, as he would say, that we put off from
ourselves, but corruption; the body is one thing, corruption
is another. Nor is the body corruption, nor corruption the
body. True, the body is corrupt, but it is not corruption. The
body dies, but it is not death. The body is the work of God,
but death and corruption entered by sin. Therefore, he says,
I would puf: off from myself that strange thing which is
not proper to me. Ad that strange thing is not the body,
but corruption. The future life shatters and abolishes not
114 Creation and Redemption

the body, but that which clings to it, corruption and death/'37
Chrysostom, no doubt, gives here the common feeling of
the Church. "We must also wait for the spring of the body,"
as a Latin apologist of the second century put it"expec-
tandurn nobis etiam et cor ports ver est!m A Russian
scholar, V. F. Em, speaking of the catacombs, happily re-
calls these words in his letters from Rome. "There are no
words which could better render the impression of jubilant
serenity, the feeling of rest and unbounded peacefulness of
the early Christian burial places. Here the body lies, like
wheat under the winter shroud, awaiting, anticipating and
foretelling the other-worldly eternal Spring/'39 This was
the simile used by St. Paul. "So also is the resurrection of
the dead. It is sown in corruption: it is raised in incorrup-
tion" [I Cor. 15:42]. The earth, 'as it were, is sown with
human ashes in order that it may bring forth fruit, by the
power of God, on the Great Day. "Like seed cast on the
earth, we do not perish when we die, but having been
sown, we rise/'40 Each grave is already the shrine of incor-
ruption. Death itself is, as it were, illuminated by the light
of triumphant hope.41
There is a deep distinction between Christian asceticism
and the pessimistic asceticism of the non-Christian world.
Father P. Florenskii describes this contrast in the following
way: "One is based on the bad news of evil dominating
the world, the other on the good news of victory, of the
conquest of evil in the world. The former offers superiority,
the latter holiness. The former type of ascetic goes out in
order to escape, to conceal himself; the latter goes out in
order to become pure, to conquer/'42 Continence can be in-
spired by different motives and different purposes. There
was, certainly, some real truth in the Orphic or Platonic
conceptions as well. And indeed only too often the soul
lives in the bondage of the flesh. Platonism was right in
its endeavor to set free the reasonable soul from, the bondage
of fleshly desires, in its struggle against sensuality. And
Redemption 115

some elements of this Platonic asceticism were absorbed into

the Christian synthesis. And yet the ultimate goal was quite
different in the two cases. Platonism longs for the purifica-
tion of the soul only. Christianity insists on the purification
of the body as well. Platonism preaches the ultimate disin-
carnation. Christianity proclaims the ultimate cosmic trans-
figuration. Bodily existence itself is to be spiritualized.
There is the same antithesis of eschatological expectation
and aspiration: "to be unclothed" and " clothed upon,"
again and for ever. And strange enough, in this respect
Aristotle was much closer t Christianity than Plato.
In the philosophical interpretation of its eschatological
hope, Christian theology from the very beginning clings to
Aristotle.43 On this point he, the writer of prose amid the
throng of poets, sober among the inspired, points higher than
the: "divine'* Plato. Such a biased preference must appear
altogether unexpected and strange. For, strictly speaking, in
Aristotle there is not and cannot be any "after-death"
"destiny of man. Man in his interpretation is entirely an
earthly being. Nothing really human passes beyond the grave.
Man is mortal through and through like everything else
earthly; he dies never to return. Aristotle simply denies per-
sonal immortality. His singular being is not a person. And
what does actually survive is not properly human and does
not belong to individuals; it is a "divine" element, immortal
and eternal.44 But yet in this weakness of Aristotle is his
strength. Aristotle had a real understanding of the unity
of human existence. Man is to Aristotle, first of all, an
individual being, an organism, a living unit. And man is
one just in his duality, as an "animated body" ( -
) ; both of the elements in him exist only together, in
a concrete and indivisible correlation/Into the "body" the
matter is "formed" by the soul, and the soul realizes itself
only in its body. "Hence there is n need to inquire whether
soul and body are one, any more than whether the wax and
the imprint ( ) are one, or, in general, whether
116 Creation and Redemption

the matter of a thing is the same with that of which it is

the matter'' [De anima, 417b 6]. The soul is just the
"form" of the body ( , 407b 23;
, 4 l l a 12), its "principle" and "term" (
and ) , its very being and "actuality."45 And Aristotle
coins a new term to describe this peculiar correlation: the
soul is "the first actuality of a natural body"
( , 412a 27).
Soul and body, for Aristotle they are not even two elements,
combined or connected with each Other, but rather simply
two aspects of the same concrete reality.46 "Soul and body
together constitute the animal. Now it needs no proof that
the soul cannot be separated from the body" (413a 4 ) . Soul
is but the functional reality of the corresponding body.
"Soul and body cannot be defined out of relation to each
other; a dead body is properly only matter; for the soul is
the essence, the true being of what we call body."47 Once
this functional unity of the soul and body has been broken
by death, no organism is there any more, the corpse is
no more a body, and a dead man can hardly be called man
at all.48 Aristotle insisted on a complete unity of each con-
crete existence, as it is given hic et nunc. The soul "is not
the body, but something belonging to the body (
) , and therefore resides in the body and, what is more,
in a specific body ( ) . Our prede-
cessors were wrong in endeavoring to fit the soul into a
body without further determination of the nature and qual-
ities of that body, although we do not even find that of
any two things taken at random the one will admit the other
( . . . ) . For the actuality of each
thing comes naturally to be developed in the potentiality of
each thing; in other words, in the appropriate matter" (4l4a
20: ) .
The idea of the "transmigration" of souls was thus to
Aristotle altogether excluded. Each soul abides in its "own"
body, which it creates and forms, and each body has its
Redemption 111

"own" soul, as its vital principle, "eidos" or form. This

anthropology was ambiguous and liable to a dangerous in-
terpretation. It easily lends itself to a biological simplifica-
tion and transformation into a crude naturalism, in which
man is almost completely equated with other animals. Such
indeed were the conclusions of certain followers of the
Stagirite, of Aristoxenus and Dikaearchus, for whom the
soul was but a "harmony" or a disposition of the body
( or , "tension") and of Strato etc.49 "There
is no more talk about the immaterial soul, the separate
reason, or pure thought. The object of science is the cor-
porate soul, the united soul and body."50 Immortality was
openly denied. The soul disappears just as the body dies;
they have a common destiny. And even Theophrastes and
Eudemus did not believe in immortality.51 For Alexander of
Aphrodisias the soul was just an " ." 5 2 Aristotle
himself has hardly escaped these inherent dangers of his
conception. Certainly, man is to him an "intelligent being,"
and the faculty of thinking is his distinctive mark.53 Yet, the
doctrine of Nous does not fit very well into the general
frame of the Aristotelian psychology. It is obviously the
most obscure and complicated part of his system. Whatever
the explanation of this incoherence may be, the stumbling-
block is still there. "The fact is that the position of
in the system is anomalous." The "intellect" does not
belong to the concrete unity of the individual organism,
and it is not an of any natural body. It is
rather an alien and "divine" element, that comes in somehow
"from outside." It is a "distinct species of soul" (
), which is separable from the body, "un-
mixed" with the matter. It is impassive, immortal and eternal,
and therefore^ separable from the body, "as that which is
eternal from that which is perishable."55 This impassive or
active intellect does survive all individual existences indeed,
but it does not properly belong to individuals and does not
convey any immortality to the particular beings. Alexander
118 Creation and Redemption

of Aphrodisias seems to have grasped the main idea of the

Master. He invented the term itself: . In
no sense is it a part or power of the human soul. It super-
venes as something really coming in from outside. It is a
common and eternal source of all intellectual activities in
individuals, but it does not belong to any one of them.
Rather is it an eternal, imperishable, self-existing substance,
an immaterial energy, devoid of all matter and potentiality.
And, obviously, there can be but one such substance. The
is not only "divine," it must be rather
identified with the deity itself, the first cause of all energy
and motion.57
The real failure of Aristotle was not in his.'"naturalism,"
but in that he could not see any permanence of the individual.
But this was rather a common failure of the whole of ancient
philosophy. Plato has the same short sight. Beyond time,
Greek thought visualizes only the "typical," and nothing
truly personal. Personality itself was hardly known in pre-
Christian times. Hegel suggested, in his Aesthetics, that
Sculpture gives the true key to the whole of Greek mentality.58
Recently a Russian scholar, A. F. Lossev, pointed out that
the whole of Greek philosophy was a "sculptural symbolism."
He was thinking especially of Platonism. "Against a dark
background, as a result of an interplay and conflict of light
and shadow, there stands out a blind, colorless, cold, marble
and divinely beautiful, proud and majestic body, a statue.
And the world is such a statue, and gods are statues; the
city-state also, and the heroes, and the myths, and ideas,
all conceal underneath them this original sculptural intui-
tion. . . . There is no personality, no eyes, no spiritual indi-
viduality. There is a "something," but not a "someone," an
individualized "it," but no living person with his proper
n a m e . . . . There is at all. There are bodies, and
there are ideas. The spiritual character of the ideas is killed
by the body, but the warmth of the body is restrained by
the abstract idea. There are here beautiful, but cold and
Redemption 119

blissfully indifferent statues."59 And yet, in the general frame

of such , impersonalist mentality, Aristotle did feel and
understand the individual more than anyone else. He got
closer than anybody else to the true conception of human
personality. He provided Christian philosophers with all the
elements out of which an adequate conception of personality
could be built up. His strength was just in his understanding
of the empirical wholeness of human existence.60
Aristotle's conception was radically transformed in its
Christian adaptation, for new perspectives were opened, and
all the terms were given a new significance. And yet one
cannot fail to acknowledge the Aristotelian origin of the
main eschatological ideas in early Christian theology. Such
a christening of Aristotelianism we find in Origen, to a
certain extent in St. Methodius of Olympus as well, and
later in St. Gregory of Nyssa. The idea of
itself now receives new depth in the new experience of
spiritual life. The term itself was never used by the Fathers,
but there can be no doubt about the Aristotelian roots of their
conceptions.61 The break between intellect, impersonal and
eternal, and the soul, individual but mortal, was healed and
overcome in the new self-consciousness of a spiritual per-
sonality. The idea of personality itself was a great Christian
contribution to philosophy. And again, there was here a
sharp understanding of the tragedy of death also.
The first theological essay on the Resurrection was
written in the middle of the second century by Athenagoras
of Athens. Of the many arguments he puts forward, his
reference to the unity and integrity of man is of particular
interest. Athenagoras proceeds from the fact of this unity
to the future resurrection. "God gave independent being and
life neither to the nature of the soul by itself, nor to the
nature of the body separately, but rather to men, composed of
soul^nd body, so that with these same parts of which they
are composed, when they are born and live, they should
attain after the termination of this life their common end;
120 Creation and Redemption

soul and body compose in man one living entity." There

would no longer be a man, Athenagoras emphasizes, if the
completeness of this structure were broken, for then the
identity of the individual would be broken also. The stability
of the body, its continuity in its proper nature, must cor-
respond to the immortality of the soul. 'The entity which
receives intellect and reason is man, and not the soul alone.
Consequently man must for ever remain composed of soul
and body. And this is impossible, if there is no resurrection.
For if there is no resurrection, human nature is no longer
Aristotle concluded from the mortality of the body that
the individual soul, which is but the vital power of the body,
is also mortal. Both go down together. Athenagoras, on the
contrary, infers the resurrection of the body from the immor-
tality of the reasonable soul. Both are kept together.63 The
resurrection, however, is no mere simple return or repetition.
The Christian dogma of the General Resurrection is not
that "eternal return" which was professed by the Stoics.
The resurrection is the true renewal, the transfiguration,
the reformation of the whole creation. Not just a return
of what has passed away, but a heightening, a fulfillment
of something better and more perfect. "And what you sow
is not the body which is to be, but a bare kernel... It is
sown a physical body, it is raised a spiritual body" [I Cor.
15:37, 44]. A very considerable change is implied. And
there is here a very real philosophical difficulty. How are
we to think of this "change" so that "identity" shall not be
lost ? We find in the early writers merely an assertion of
this identity, without any attempt at a philosophical explana-
tion. St. Paul's distinction between the "natural" body (
) and the "spiritual" body ( )
obviously needs some further interpretation [cf. the contrast
of the body "of our humiliation,"
, and the body "of His glory," ,
in Phil. 3:21].
Redemption 121

In the period of the early controversies with the Docetists

and Gnosjics, a careful and precise answer became urgent.
Origen was probably the first who attempted to give one.
Origen's eschatology was from the very beginning vigorously
denounced by many, indeed with good reason, and his
doctrine of the Resurrection was perhaps the chief reason why
his orthodoxy was challenged. Origen himself never claimed
any formal authority for his doctrine. He offered merely
some explanation, to be tested and checked by the mind of
the Church. For him it was not enough to refer simply to
Divine omnipotence, as the earlier writers sometimes did,
or to quote certain appropriate passages of Holy Scripture.
One had rather to show how the doctrine of the Resurrection
fitted ^ into the general conception of human destiny and
purpose. Origen was exploring a via media between the
fleshly conception of the simplkiores and the denial of
the Docetists: "jugere se et nostvorum cames, et haereticorum
phantasmata" as St. Jerome puts it.64 And both were dis-
satisfied and even offended.65
The General Resurrection is an article of faith indeed.
The same individuals will rise, and the individual identity
of the bodies will be preserved. But this does not imply
for Origen any identity of material substance, or identity of
status. The bodies indeed will be transfigured or trans-
formed in the Resurrection. In any case, the risen body will
be a "spiritual" body, and not a fleshly one. Origen takes
up the simile of St. Paul. This fleshly body, the body of
this earthly life, is buried in the earth, like a seed that is
sown, and disintegrates. And one thing is sown, and another
rises. The germinating power is not extinguished in the
dead body, and in due season, by the word of God, the new
body will be raised, like the ear that shoots forth from
the seed. Some corporeal principle remains undestroyed and
unaffected by the death. The term Origen used was ob-
viously Aristotelian: " ," "species/' or "form." But
it is not the soul that Origen regards as the form of the
122 Creation and Redemption

body. It is rather a certain potential corporeality, pertaining

to each soul and to each person. It is the forming and the
quickening principle of the body, just a seed capable of
germination. Origen also uses the term -
, ratio seminalis. It is impossible to expect that the
whole body should be restored in the resurrection, since
the material substance changes so quickly and is not the
same in the body even for two days, and surely it can never
be reintegrated again. The material substance in the risen
bodies will be not the same as in the bodies of this life
( ) . Yet
the body will be the same, just as our body is the same
throughout this life in spite of all changes of its material
composition. And again, a body must be adapted to the
environment, to the conditions of life, and obviously in the
Kingdom of Heaven the bodies cannot be just the same
as here on earth. The individual identity is not compromised,
because the "eidos" of each body is not destroyed (
) . It is the very principium
individuationis. To Origen the "body itself is just this
vital principle. His closely corresponds to Aristotle's
. But with Qrigen this "form'* or germinative
power is indestructible; that makes the construction of a
doctrine of the resurrection possible. This "principle of
individation" is also principium surgendi. In this definite
body the material particles are composed or arranged just
by this individual "form" or . Therefore, of what-
ever particles the risen body is composed, the strict identity
of the psycho-physical individuality is not impaired, since
the germinative power remains unchangeable.67 Origen
presumes that the continuity of individual existence is suf-
ficiently secured by the identity of the reanimating principle.
This view was more than once repeated later, especially
under the renewed influence of Aristotle. And in modern
Roman theology the question is still rather open: to what
extent the recognition of the material identity of the risen

bodies witb the mortal ones belongs to the essence of the

dogma.68 whole question is rather that of metaphysical
interpretation, not a problem of faith. It may even be sug-
gested that on this occasion Origen expresses not so much
his own, as rather a current opinion. There is very much
that is questionable in Origen's eschatological opinions.
They cannot be regarded as a coherent whole. And it is not
easy to reconcile his "Aristotelian" conception of the resur-
rection with a theory of the pre-existence of souls, or with
a conception of the periodical recurrent cycles of worlds
and final annihilation of matter. There is no complete agree-
ment between this theory of the Resurrection and the doctrine
of a "General apokatastasis". either. Many of Origen's escha-
tological ideas may be misleading. Yet his speculation on
the relation between the fleshly body of this life and the
permanent body of the resurrection was an important step
towards the synthetic conception of the Resurrection. His
chief opponent, St. Methodius of Olympus, does not seem to
have understood him well. St. Methodius' criticisms amounted
to the complete rejection of the whole conception of the
. Is not the form of the body changeable as well as
the material substance ? Can the form really survive the
body itself, or rather is it dissolved and decomposed, when
the body of which it is the form dies and ceases to exist as
a whole? In any case the identity of the form is no guar-
antee of personal identity, if the whole material substratum
is to be entirely different. For St. Methodius the "form"
meant rather merely the external shape of the body, and
not the internal vital power, as for Origen. And most of
his arguments simply miss the point. But his emphasis on
the wholeness of the human composition was a real com-
plement to Qrigen's rather excessive formalism.69
St. Gregory of Nyssa in his eschatological doctrine en-
deavored to bring together the two conceptions, to recon-
cile the truth of Origen with the truth of Methodius. And
this attempt at a synthesis is of exceptional importance.70
124 Creation and Redemption

St. Gregory starts with the empirical unity of body and

soul, its dissolution in death. And the body severed from
the soul, deprived of its * Vital power" ( ), 7 1
by which the corporeal elements are held and knit together
during life, disintegrates and is involved into the general
circulation of matter. The material substance itself, however,
is not destroyed, only the body dies, not its elements. More-
over, in the very disintegration the particles of the decaying
body preserve in themselves certain "signs" or "marks" of
their former connection with their own soul (
) . And again, in each soul
also certain "bodily marks" are preserved, as on a piece of
waxcertain signs of union. By a "power of recognition"
( ) , even in the separation of death,
the soul somehow remains nevertheless near the elements
of its own decomposed body ( ) .
In the day of resurrection each soul will be able by these
double marks to "recognize" the familiar elements. This is
the " " of the body, its "inward image," or "type."
St. Gregory compares this process of the restoration of the
body with the germination of a seed, with the development
of the human foetus. He differs sharply from Origen on
the question as to what substance will constitute the bodies
of the resurrection, and he joins here St. Methodius. If
the risen bodies were constructed entirely from the new
elements, that "would not be a resurrection, but rather the
creation of a new man," ^
, . 7 2 The
resurrected body will be reconstructed from its former ele-
ments, signed or sealed by the soul in the days of its in-
carnation, otherwise it would simply be another man. Never-
theless, the resurrection is not just a return, nor is it in
any way a repetition of present existence. Such a repetition
would be really an "endless misery." In the resurrection
human nature will be restored not to its present, but to its
normal or "original" condition. Strictly speaking, it will be
Redemption 125

for the first time brought into that state, in which it ought
to have been, had not sin and the Fall entered the world,
but which was never realized in the past. And everything in
human existence, which is connected with instability,
is not so much a return as a consummation. This is the new
mode of man's existence. Man is to be raised to eternity, the
form of time falls away. And in the risen corporeality all
succession and change will be abolished and condensed.
This will be not only an , but rather a
rcapitulant) !' The evil surplus, that which is of sin, falls
away. But in no sense is this a loss. The fulness f per-
sonality will not be damaged by this subtraction, for this
surplus does not belong to the personality at all. In any
case, not everything is to be restored in human composition.
And to St. Gregory the material identity of the body of the
resurrection with the mortal body means, rather, the ultimate
reality of the life once lived, which must be transferred into
the future age. Here again he differs from Origen, to whom
this empirical and earthly life was only a transient episode
to be ultimately forgotten. For St. Gregory the identity of
the form, i.e. the unity and continuity of individual existence,
was the only point of importance. He holds the same
"Aristotelian" conception of the unique and intimate con-
nection of the individual soul and body.
The very idea of uniqueness is radically modified in
Christian philosophy as compared with the pre-Christian
Greek. In Greek philosophy it was "sculptural" uniqueness,
an invariable crystallization of a frozen image. In Christian
experience it is the uniqueness of the life once experienced
and lived. In the one case it was a timeless identity, in the
other it is a uniqueness in time. The whole conception of
time is different in the two cases.
126 Creation and Redemption


Time, Eternity, and Redemption

Greek philosophy did not know and was in no way

prepared to admit any passage from time into eternity, the
temporal seemed to be eo ipso transitory. That which is
happening can never become everlasting. What is born must
inevitably die. Only what is unborn or unoriginated can
persist. Everything that had a beginning will have an end.
Only that which had no beginning can be pern^anent, or
''eternal/* Therefore, for a Greek philosopher to admit future
immortality meant at once to presuppose an eternal pr-
existence. Thus the whole meaning of the historical process
is a kind of descent from eternity into time. The destiny
of man depends upon his innate germs rather than upon
his creative achievements. For a Greek, time was simply
a lower or reduced mode of existence. Strictly speaking, in
time nothing is produced or achieved nor is there anything
to be produced or achieved. The "eternal" and invariable
realities are merely, as it were, "projected" into a lower
sphere. In this sense Plato called time a "mobile image of
^eternity" (Timaeus 37d: Lv
) . Plato had in view astronomical time, i.e. the
rotation of the heavens. No real progress is visualized. On
the contrary, time "imitates" eternity and "rolls on according
to the laws of number" (38a, b ) , just in order to become
like the eternal as much as possible. Time is just this
permanent reiteration of itself. The basic idea is reflection,
not accomplishment.73 For everything which is worth existing
really does exist in the most perfect manner before all time,
in a static invariability of the timeless, and there is nothing
to add to this perfected fulness.74 Consequently, all that is
happening is to be utterly transient. All is perfect and com-
plete, and nothing to be perfected or completed. And there-
fore the burden of time, this rotation of beginnings and ends,
Redemption 127

is meaningless and tiresome. There is no sense of creative

duty in the Greek, mind. The impassibility or even indif-
ference of the sage seem to be the climax of perfection. The
sage is not concerned with or disturbed by all these vicis-
situdes of the temporal order. He knows that everything
is happening according to eternal and inviolable laws or
measures. He learns amid the tumult of events to contemplate
the invariable and eternal harmony of the Cosmos. The
ancient philosopher out of time dreams of eternity. He
dreams of the escape from this world to another, immovable,
impassive, and permanent. Hence the sense of fate which
was so typical before Christ. It was a climax and a limit
of ancient philosophy. The temporal perspective of ancient
philosophy is for ever closed and limited. Yet the Cosmos
is eternal, there will be no end of cosmic "revolutions."
The Cosmos is a periodical being, like a clock. The highest
symbol of life is a recurrent circle. As Aristotle put it,
"the circle is a perfect thing," and the circle only, not any
straight line.75 'This also explains the common saying that
human affairs form a circle, and that there is a circle in all
other things that have a natural movement, both coming
into being and passing way. This is because all other
things are discriminated by time, and end and begin as
though conforming to a cycle; for even time itself is thought
to be a circle/'76 The whole conception is obviously based
on astronomical experience. Indeed, celestial movements are
periodical and recurrent. The whole course of rotation is
accomplished in a certain period [the *'Great Year,"
]. And then comes a repetition, a new circle or
cycle. There is no continuous progress in time, but rather
"eternal returns," a cyclophoria.77 The Pythagoreans seem
to have been the first to profess clearly an exact repetition.
Eudemus refers to this Pythagorean conception. "If we are
to believe the Pythagoreans, then in a certain time I shall
again be reading to you, with the same rod in my hands,
and all of you, even as at this moment, will be sitting in
128 Creation and Redemption

front of me, and in the same way everything else will come
again/'78 With Aristotle this periodical conception of the
Universe took a strict scientific shape and was elaborated
into a coherent system of Physics.79 Later this idea of
periodical returns was again taken up by the Stoics.
The early Stoics professed a periodical dissolution (-
) and palingenesis of all things, and then every
minute detail will be exactly reproduced. There will be
again a Socrates, the son of Sophroniscos and Phenareti,
and he will be married to a Xanthippe, and will be again
betrayed by an Anytus and a Meletes.80 The same idea we
find in Cleanthes and Chrysippus, in Poseidonius and
Marcus Aurelius and all the others. This return was what
the Stoics called the "universal restoration," an -
. And it was obviously an astronomical
term.81 There will be certainly some difference, but obviously
no progress whatever. And on a circle all positions are
indeed relative. It is a kind of a cosmic perpetuum mobile.
All individual existences are hopelessly involved in this
perpetual cosmic rotation, in these cosmic rhythms and
"astral courses" [this was precisely what the Greeks used to
call "destiny" and "fate," ; vis positionis
astrrutri]. It is to be kept in mind that this exact repetition
of worlds does not imply necessarily any continuity of
individual existences, any survival or perseverance of the
individuals, any individual immortality. The Universe itself
is always numerically the same, and its laws are immutable
and invariable, and each next world will exactly resemble
the previous one in all particulars. But, strictly speaking,
no individual survival is required for that. The same causes
will inevitably produce the same effects. Nothing really
new can ever happen. There is a continuity in the Cosmos,
but hardly any true continuity of individuals.
Such was at least the view of Aristotle and the Aristo-
telians, and of some Stoics.82 This periodical idea was
kept by the Neoplatonists as well.83 It was a miserable
Redemption 129

caricature of the resurrection. The permanence of these

rotations, this nightmare of invariable cosmic predestina-
tion, a real imprisonment f every being, make this theory
dull and frightening. There is no real history. "Cyclic motion
and the transmigration of souls is not history," remarks
Lossev wittily. "It was a history built up on the pattern
of astronomy, it was indeed itself kind of astronomy."84
The very feeling or apprehension of time is radically changed
in Christianity. Time begins and ends, but in time
human destiny is accomplished. Time itself is essentially
unique, and fiever comes buck. And the General Resurrection
is the final limit of this unique time, of this unique destiny
of the whole creation. In Greek philosophy a cycle was the
symbol of time, or rotation. In Christian philosophy time
is symbolized rather by a line, a beam, or an arrow. But
the difference is deeper still. From Christian point of view,
time is neither an infinite rotation, nor an infinite progres-
sion, which never reaches its goal ["die schlechte Unend-
lichkeit" in Hegelian terminology, or of the Greek
philosophers}. Time is not merely a sequence of moments,
nor is it an abstract form of multiplicity. Time is vectorial
and finite. The temporal order is organized from within.
The concreteness of purpose binds, from within, the stream
of events into an organic whole. Events are precisely events,
and not merely passing happenings. The temporal order
is not the realm of privation, as it was for the Greek mind.
It is more than just a stream. It is a creative process, in
which whaj: was brought to existence from nothingness, by
the Divine will, is ascending towards its ultimate consumma-
tion, when the Divine purpose will be fulfilled, on the last
day.85 And the center of history is the Incarnation and the
victory of the Incarnate Lord over death and sin. St. Augustine
pointed out this change, which has been brought about by
Christianity, in this admirable phrase: "Viam red am
sequenteS, quae nobis est Christus, eo duce et salvatore, a
vano et ipept imporium circuit iter fidem men-
130 Creation and Redemption

temque avertanms.'m St. Gregory of Nyssa describes the

vectoriality of history in this way. "When mankind attains
to its fulness, then, without fail, this flowing motion of
nature will cease, having reached its necessary end; and
this life will be replaced by another mode of existence,
distinct from the present, which consists in birth and destruc-
tion. When our nature, in due order, fulfils the course of
time, Then, without fail, this flowing motion, created by
the succession of generations, will come to an end. The
filling of the Universe will make any further advance or
increase impossible, and then the whole plenitude of souls
will return from the dispersed and formless state to an
assembled one, and the very elements will be reunited in
the self-same combination."89 This end and this goal is the
General Resurrection. St. Gregory speaks of inner fulfilment
of history. Time will come to an end. For sooner or later
things will be accomplished. Seeds will mature and shoot
forth. The resurrection of the dead is the one and unique
destiny of the whole world, of the whole Cosmos, One for
all and each, an universal and catholic balance. There is
nothing naturalistic about this conception. The power of God
will raise the dead. It will be the new and final revelation
of God, of the Divine might and glory. The General Resur-
rection is the consummation of the Resurrection of Our
Lord, the consummation of His victory over death and
corruption. And beyond historical time there will be the
future Kingdom, "the life of the age to come." We are
still in via, in the age of hope and expectation. Even the
Saints in heaven still "await the resurrection of the dead."
The ultimate consummation will come for the whole human
race at once.90 Then, at the close, for the whole creation
the "Blessed Sabbath," that very "day of rest," the mys-
terious "Seventh day of creation," will be inaugurated for
ever. The expected is as yet inconceivable. "It is not yet
made manifest what we shall be" [1 John 3:2]. But the
pledge is given. Christ is risen.
Redemption 131

High Priest and Redeemer

In the Epistle to the Hebrews the redeeming work of

Our Lord is depicted as the ministry of the High Priest.
Christ comes into the world to accomplish the Will of God.
Through the eternal Spirit He offers His own self to God,
offers His blood for the remission of human sins, and this
He accomplishes through the Passion. By His blood, as the
blood of the New Testament, of the New Covenant, He
enters heaven and enters within the very Holy of Holies,
behind the veil. After the suffering of death He is crowned
with glory and honor, and sits on the right hand of God
the Father for ever. The sacrificial offering begins on earth
and is consummated in heaven, where Christ presented and
is still presenting us to God, as the eternal High Priest
"High Priest of the good things to come" (
) as the Apostle and High Priest of our
confession, as the minister of the true tabernacle and
sanctuary of God. In brief, as the Mediator of the New
Covenant. Through the death of Christ is revealed Life
Everlasting, "the powers of the age to come" are disclosed
and shown forth ( ) . In
the blood of Jesus is revealed the new and living way, the
way into that eternal Sabbath, when God rests from His
mighty deeds.
Thus the death of the Cross is a sacrificial offering.
And to offer a sacrifice does not mean only to surrender.
Even from a merely moral point of view, the whole sig-
nificance of sacrifice is not the denial itself, but the sac-
rificial power of love. The sacrifice is not merely an offer-
ing, but rather a dedication, a consecration to God. The
effective power of sacrifice is love [I Cor. 13:3]. But the
offering of the sacrifice is more than the evidence of love,
it is also a sacramental action, a liturgical office, or even
132 Creation and Redemption

a mystery. The offering of the sacrifice of the Cross is the

sacrifice of love indeed, "as Christ also hath loved us, and
given Himself for us, an offering and sacrifice to God for
a sweet-smelling savour" [Ephes. 5:2]. But this love was
not only sympathy or compassion and mercy towards the
fallen and heavy-laden. Christ gives Himself not only "for
the remission of sins," but also for our glorification. He
gives Himself npt only for sinful humanity, but also for
the Church: to cleanse and to hallow her, to make her
holy, glorious and spotless [Ephes. 5:25]. The power of a
sacrificial offering is in its cleansing and hallowing effect.
And the power of the sacrifice of the Cross is that the Cross
is the path of glory. On the Cross the Son of Man is glorified
and God is glorified in Him [John 13:31]. Here is the
fulness of the sacrifice. 'Ought not Christ to have suffered
these things, and to enter into His glory?" [Luke 24:26].
The death of the Cross was effective, not as death of
an Innocent One, but as the death of the Incarnate Lord.
"We needed an Incarnate God; God put to death, that
we might live"-to use a bold phrase of St. Gregory of
Nazianzus.01 This is the "dreadful and most glorious mys-
tery" of the Cross. On Golgotha the Incarnate Lord cele-
brates the Holy Service, in ara crucis, and offers in sacrifice
His own human nature, which from its conception "in the
Virgin's wmb" was assumed into the indivisible unity of
His Hypostasis, and in this assumption was restored to all its
original sinlessness and purity. In Christ there is no human
hypostasis. His personality is Divine, yet incarnate. There
is the all-complete fulness of human nature, "the whole
human nature," and therefore Christ is the "perfect man,"
as the Council of Chalcedon said. But there was no human
hypostasis. And consequently on the Cross it was not a man
that died. "For He who suffered was not common man, but
God made man, fighting the contest of endurance," says St.
Cyril of Jerusalem.92 It fflay be properly said that God dies
on the Cross, but in His own humanity. "He who dwelleth
Redemption 133

in the highest is reckoned among the dead, and in the little

grave findeth lodging."93 This is the voluntary death of
One who is Himself Life Eternal, who is in very truth the
Resurrection and the Life. A human death indeed but ob-
viously death within the hypostasis of the Word, the In-
carnate Word. And thence a resurrecting death.
"I came to cast fire upon the earth; and would that it
were already kindled! I have a baptism to be baptized with;
and how I am constrained until it is accomplished!" [Luke
12:49-50]. Firethe Holy Spiritdescending from on high
in fiery tongues in the "dreadful and unsearchable mystery
of Pentecost." This was baptism by the Spirit. And Baptism,
this is the death on the Cross itself and the shedding of
blood, /'the baptism of martyrdom and blood, with which
Christ Himself also was baptized," as St. Gregory of Nazi-
anzus suggested.94 The death on the Cross as a baptism by
blood is the very essence of the redeeming mystery of the
Cross. Baptism is a cleansing. And the Baptism of the Cross
is, as it were, the cleansing of human nature, which is
travelling the path of restoration in the Hypostasis of the
Incarnate Word. This is a washing of human nature in the
outpoured sacrificial blood of the Divine Lamb. And first of
all, a washing of the body: not only a washing away of
sins, but a washing away of human infirmities and of mor-
tality itself. It is the cleansing in preparation for the com-
ing resurrection: a cleansing of all human nature, of all
humanity in the person of its new and mystical First-born, in
the "Second Adam." This is the baptism by blood of the
whole Church. "Thou hast purchased Thy Church by the
power of Thy Cross." And the whole Body ought to be
and must be baptized with the baptism of the Cross. "The
cup that I drink, you will drink; and with the baptism with
which I am baptized, you will be baptized" [Mark 10:39;
Matthew 20:23].95
Further, the death of the Cross is the cleansing of the
whole world. It is the baptism by blood of all creation, the
134 Creation and Redemption

cleansing of the Cosmos through the cleansing of the

Microcosm. "A purification not for a small part of man's
world, not for a short time, but for the whole Universe
and through eternity," to quote St. Gregory of Nazianzus
again.96 Therefore all creation mysteriously partakes in the
mortal Passion of the Incarnate Master and Lord. "All
creation changed its face in terror when it r beheld Thee
hanging on the Cross, Christ.. .. The sun was darkened
and of earth the foundations were shaken: All things suf-
fered in sympathy with Thee, Who hadst created all things/'97
This was not co-suffering of compassion or pity, but rather
co-suffering of awe and trembling. "The foundations of the
earth were set in trembling by the terror of Thy might," co-
suffering in the joyous apprehension of the great mystery
of the resurrecting death. "For by the blood of Thy Son
is the earth blessed." "Many indeed are the miracles of
that time," says St. Gregory of Nazianzus, "God crucified,
the sun darkened and rekindled again; for it was fitting
that with the Creator the creatures should co-suffer. The
veil rent in twain. Blood and water shed from His side,
blood because He was man, and water because He was
higher than man. The earth quaked, rocks were rent for
the sake of the Rock. The dead rose up for a pledge of
the final and general resurrection. The miracles before the
grave and at the gravewho will worthily sing? But none
is like the miracle of my salvation. A few drops of blood
recreate the whole world and become to us what rennet
is to milk, binding us together and compressing us in unity."98
The death of the Cross is a sacrament, it has not only
a moral, but also a sacramental and liturgical meaning. It
is the Passover of the New Testament. And its sacramental
significance is revealed at the Last Supper. It may seem
rather strange that the Eucharist should precede Calvary,
and that in the Upper Room the Saviour Himself should
give His Body and His Blood to the disciples. "This cup
is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you"
Redemption 135

[Luke 22:20]. However, the Last Supper was not merely

a prophetic rite, just as the Eucharist is no mere symbolic
remembrance. It is a true sacrament. For Christ who per-
forms both is the High Priest of the New Testament. The
Eucharist is the sacrament of the Crucifixion, the broken
Body and the Blood outpoured. And along with this it is
also the sacrament of the transfiguration, the mysterious
and sacramental ' 'conversion*' of the flesh into the glorious
spiritual food ( ) . The broken Body, dying, yet,
in death itself, rising again. For the Lord went voluntarily
to the Cross, the Cross of shame and glory. St. Gregory of
Nyssa gives the following explanation. "Christ does not
wait for the constraint of treachery, nor does He await
the thieving attack of the Jews, or the lawless judgment of
Pilate, that their evil might be the fount and source of the
general salvation of men. Of His own economy He an-
ticipates their transgressions by means of a hierurgic rite,
ineffable and unusual. He brings His own Self as an offer-
ing and sacrifice for us, being at once the Priest and the
Lamb of God, that 'taketh' the sins of the world. By of-
fering His Body as food, He clearly showed that the sac-
rificial offering of the Lamb had already been accomplished.
For the sacrificial body would not have been suitable for
food if it were still animated. And so, when He gave the
disciples the Body to eat and the Blood to drink, then by
free will and the power of the sacrament His Body had
already ineffably and invisibly been offered in sacrifice, and
His soul, together with the Divine power united with it, was
in those places whither the power of Him who so ordained
transported it" In other words, the voluntary separation
of the soul from the body, the sacramental agony, so to
say, of the Incarnate, was, as it were, already begun. And
the Blood, freely shed in the salvation of all, becomes a
"medicine of incorruption," a medicine of immortality and
The Lord died on the Cross. This was a true death. Yet
136 Creation and Redemption

not wholly like ours, simply because this was the death of
the Lord, the death of the Incarnate Word, death within
the indivisible Hypostasis of the Word made man. And
again, it was a voluntary death, since in the undefiled human
nature, free from original sin, which was assumed by the
Word in the Incarnation, there was no inherent necessity
of death. And the free "taking up" by the Lord of the sin
of the world did not constitute for Him any ultimate neces-
sity to die. Death was accepted only by the desire of the re-
deeming Love. His death was not the "wages of sin."101 And
the main point is that this was a death within the Hypostasis
of the Word, the death of the "enhypostasized" humanity.
Death in general is a separation, and in the death of the
Lord His most precious body and soul were separated in-
deed. But the one hypostasis of the Word Incarnate was not
divided, the "Hypostatic union" was not broken or destroyed.
In other words, though separated in death, the soul and
the body remained still united through the Divinity of the
Word, from which neither was ever estranged. This does
not alter the ontological character of death, but changes its
meaning. This was an "incorrupt death," and therefore
corruption and death were overcome in it, and in it begins
the resurrection. The very death of the Incarnate reveals
the resurrection of human nature. And the Cross is manifest-
ed to be life-giving, the new tree of life, "by which the
lamentation of death has been consumed."102 The Church
bears witness to this on Good Saturday with special emphasis.
"Although Christ died as man, and His holy soul was
separated from His most pure body," says St. John Damas-
cene, "His Divinity remained both with the soul and the
body, continued inseparable from either. And thus the one
hypostasis was not divided into two hypostases, for from
the beginning both body and soul had their being with the
hypostasis of the Word. Although at the hour of death
body and soul were separated from each other, yet each of
them was preserved, having the one hypostasis of the Word.
Redemption 13?

Therefore the one hypostasis of the Word was also the

hypostasis of the body and of the soul. For neither the body
nor the soul ever received any proper hypostasis, other than
that of the Word. The Hypostasis then of the Word is
ever one, and there were never two hypostases of the Word.
Accordingly the Hypostasis of Christ is ever one. And though
the soul is separated from the body in space, yet they re-
main Itypostatically united through the Word."103
There are two aspects of the mystery of the Cross. It
is at once a mystery of sorrow and a mystery of joy, a
mystery of shame and of glory. It is a mystery of sorrow and
mortal anguish, a mystery of desertion, of humiliation and
shame. "Today the Master of Creation and the Lord of
Glory is nailed upon the Cross. .., is beaten upon the shoul-
ders, and receives spittings and wounds, indignities and buf-
fetings in the face/'104 The God-man languishes and suffers
at Gethsemane and on Calvary until the mystery of death is
accomplished. Before Him are revealed all the hatred and
blindness of the world, all the obstinacy and foolishness of
evil, the coldness of hearts, all the helplessness and pettiness
of the disciples, all the "righteousness" of human pseudo-
freedom. And He covers everything with His all-forgiving,
sorrowful, compassionate and co-suffering love, and prays
for those who crucify Him, for verily they do not know
what they are doing. "O my people, what have I done unto
thee? and wherein have I wearied thee?" [Micah 6:3, para-
phrased and applied to Our Lord in the Office of Good
Friday, Matins, Antiphon XII, Tropariori]. The salvation
of the world is accomplished in these sufferings and sor-
rows, "by His stripes we are healed [Is. 53:5]. And the
Church guards us against every docetic underestimate of
the reality and fulness of these sufferings "
" [I Cor. 1:17]. Yet the Church
guards us also against the opposite exaggeration, against
all kenotic overemphasis. For the day of the shameful
Crucifixion, when Our Lord was numbered among the
138 Creation and Redemption

thieves, is the day of glory. "Today we keep the feast, for

Our Lord is nailed upon the Cross," in the sharp phrase
of St. John Chrysostom.105 And the tree of the Cross is
an "ever-glorious tree/' the very Tree of Life, "by which
corruption is destroyed," "by which the lamentation of
death is abolished." The Cross is the "seal of salvation,"
a sign of power and victory. Not just a symbol, but the
very power of salvation, "the foundation of salvation," as
Chrysostom says . The Cross
is the sign of the Kingdom. "I call Him King, because I see
Him crucified, for it is appropriate for a King to die for
His subjects." This again is St. John Chrysostom. The Church
keeps the days of the Cross and cherishes them as solem-
nitiesnot only as a triumph of humility and love, but also
as a victory of immortality and life. "As the life of the crea-
tion does the Church greet Thy Cross, Lord."106 For the
death of Christ is itself the victory over death, the destruc-
tion of death, the abolition of mortality and corruption,
"Thou diest and quickenest me." And the death of the
Cross is a victory over death not only because it was fol-
lowed or crowned by the Resurrection. The Resurrection
only reveals and sets forth the victory achieved on the
Cross. The Resurrection is accomplished in the very falling
asleep of the God-man. And the power of the Resurrection
is precisely the "power of the Cross," "the unconquerable
and indestructible and Divine power of the honorable and
life-giving Cross,"107 the power of the voluntary Passion
and death of the God-man. As St. Gregory of Nazianzus
puts it: "He lays down His life, but He has power to take
it again; and the veil is rent, for the mysterious doors of
Heaven are opened; the rocks are cleft, the dead rise.. ..
He dies, but He gives life, and by His death destroys death.
He is buried, but He rises again. He goes down into Hell,
but He brings up the souls." On the Cross the Lord "re-
stores us to original blessedness," and "by the Cross comes
joy to the whole world." On the Cross the Lord not only
Redemption 139

suffers and languishes, but rests, ' 'having fallen asleep, as

Thou wert dead/'109 And He gives rest to man too, restores
and renews him, "and resting on the tree, Thou hast given
me rest, one who was overburdened with the burden of
sins." From the Cross Christ sheds immortality upon men.
By his burial in the grave He opens the gates of death, and
renews corrupted human nature. "Every action and every
miracle of Christ are most divine and marvellous," says
St. John Damascene, "but the most marvellous of all is
His honorable Cross. For no other thing has subdued death,
expiated the sin of the first parents, despoiled Hades, bestowed
the resurrection, granted power to us of condemning death
itself, prepared the return to original blessedness, opened
the gates of Paradise, given our nature a seat at the right
hand of God, and made us the children of God, save the
Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The death of Christ on
the Cross clothed us with the hypostatic Wisdom and Power
of God."110 The mystery of the resurrecting Cross is com-
memorated especially on Good Saturday. As it is explained
in the Synaxarion of that day, "on Great and Holy Satur-
day do we celebrate the divine-bodily burial of Our Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ and His descent into Hell, by
which being called from corruption, our race passed to life
eternal." This is not only the eve of salvation. It is the very
day of our salvation. "This is the blessed Sabbath, this is
the day of rest, whereon the Only Begotten Son of God
has rested from all His deeds."111 This is the day of the
Descent into Hell. And the Descent into Hell is already
the Resurrection.112
The great "three days of death" {triduum mortis) are
the mysterious sacramental days of the Resurrection. In His
flesh the Lord is resting in the grave, and His flesh is not
abandoned by His Divinity. "Though Thy Temple was
destroyed in the hour of the Passion, yet even then one was
the Hypostasis of Thy Divinity and Thy flesh."113 The Lord's
flesh does not suffer corruption, it remains incorruptible
l40 Creation and Redemption

even in death itself, i.e. alive, as though it had never died,

for it abides in the very bosom of Life, in the Hypostasis
of the Word. As it is phrased in one of the hymns, "Thou
hast tasted of death, but hast not known corruption.114
St.. John Damascene suggested that the word "corruption"
( ) has a double meaning. First, it means "all passive
states of man" ( ) such as hunger, thirst, weariness,
the nailing, death itselfthat is, the separation of soul
and body. In this sense we say that the Lord's body was
liable to corruption () until the Resurrection. But
corruption also means the complete decomposition of the
body and its destruction. This is corruption in the proper
senseor rather "destruction" ()but the body
of the Lord did not experience this mode of corruption at
all, it remained even in death "incorrupt." That is to say,
it never became a corpse.115 And in this incorruption the
Body has been transfigured into a state of glory. The soul of
Christ descends into Hell, also unseparated from the Divinity,
"even in Hell in the soul, as God,"the "deified soul" of
Christ, as St. John of Damascus suggests, -
. 1 1 6
This descent into Hell means first of all the entry
or penetration into the realm of death, into the realm of
mortality and corruption. And in this sense it is simply
a synonym of death itself.117 It is hardly possible to identify
that Hell, or Hades, or the "subterranean abodes" to which
the Lord descended, with the "hell" of sufferings for the
sinners and the wicked. In all its objective reality the hell
of sufferings and torments is certainly a spiritual mode of
existence, determined by the personal character of each
soul. And it is not only something to come, but to a great
extent is already constituted for an obstinate sinner by the
very fact of his perversion and apostasy. The wicked are
actually in hell, in darkness and desolation. In any case
one cannot imagine that the souls of the unrepentant sinners,
and the Prophets of the Old Dispensation, who spake by
Redemption 141

the Holy Spirit and preached the coming Messiah, and St.
John the Baptist himself, were in the same "hell." Our
Lord descended into the darkness of death. Hell, or Hades,
is just the darkness and shadow of death, rather a place of
mortal anguish than a place of penal torments, a dark
"sheol," a place of hopeless disembodiment and disincarna-
tion, which was only scantily and dimly fore-illuminated
by^the slanting rays of the not-yet-risen Sun, by the hope
and expectation yet unfulfilled. Because of the Fall and
Original Sin, all mankind fell into mortality and corruption.
And even the highest righteousness under the Law could
save man neither from the inevitability of empirical death,
nor that helplessness and powerlessness beyond the grave,
which depended upon the impossibility of a natural resur-
rection, upon the lack of power to restore the broken
wholeness of human existence. That was, as it were, a
kind of ontological infirmity of the soul, which, in the
separation of death, had lost the faculty of being the true
"entelechia" of its own body, the helplessness of fallen and
wounded nature. And in this sense, all descended "into
hell," into infernal darkness, as it were, into the very King-
dom of Satan, the prince of death and the spirit of negation;
and they were all under his power, though the righteous
ones did not partake of evil or demoniac perversion, since
they were confined in death by the grip of ontological
powerlessness, not because of their personal perversion. They
were really the "spirits in prison." And it was into this
prison, into this Hell, that the Lord and Saviour de-
scended. Amid the darkness of pale death shines the un-
quenchable light of Life, and Life Divine. This destroys
Hell and destroys mortality. "Though Thou didst descend
into the grave, Merciful One, yet didst Thou destroy
the power of Hell." 119 In this sense Hell has been simply
abolished, "and there is not one dead in the grave." For
"he received earth, and yet met heaven." Death is overcome
by Life. "When Thou didst descend into death, Life
142 Creation and Redemption

Eternal, then Thou didst slay Hell by the flash of Thy

The descent of Christ into Hell is the manifestation
of Life amid the hopelessness of death, it is victory over
death. And by no means is it the "taking upon" Himself
by Christ of the "hellish torments of God-forsakenness."121
The Lord descended into Hell as the Victor, Christus Victor,
as the Master of Life. He descended in His glory, not in
humiliation, although through humiliation. But even death
He assumed voluntarily and with authority. "It was not from
any natural weakness of the Word that dwelt in it that the
body had died, but in order that in it death might be done
away by the power of the Saviour," says St. Athanasius.122
The Lord descended into Hell to announce the good tidings
and to preach to those souls who were held and imprisoned
there [I Peter 3:19:
and 4:6: ] ,
by the power of His appearance and preaching, to set them
free, to show them their deliverance.123 In other words, th
descent into Hell is the resurrection of the "whole Adam."
Since "Hell groans below" and "is afflicted," by His descent
Christ "shatters the bonds eternal," and raises the whole
human race.124 He destroys death itself, "the hold of death
is broken and the power of Satan is destroyed."125 This is
the triumph of the Resurrection. "And the iron gates didst
Thou crush, and Thou didst lead us out of darkness and
the shadow of death, and our chains didst Thou break."126
"And Thou hast laid waste the abode of death by Thy death
today and illuminated everything by Thy light of the Resur-
rection." Thus Death itself is transmuted into Resurrection.
"I am the first and the last: I am He that liveth, and was
dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen. And I
have the keys of death and of Hades" [Rev. 1:17-18].
Redemption 143


The Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Redemption

In the death of the Saviour the powerlessness of death

over Him was revealed. In the fulness of His human nature
Our Lord was mortal, since even in the original and spotless
human nature a "potentia mortis" was inherent. The Lord
was killed and died. But death did not hold Him. "It was
not possible for him to be held by it." [Acts 2:24]. St.
John Chrysostom commented: "He Himself permitted it. . . .
Death itself in holding Him had pangs as in travail, and
was sore bested. . .and He so rose as never to die."127 He is
Life Everlasting, and by the very fact of His death He
destroys death. His very descent into Hell, into the realm
of death, is the mighty manifestation of Life. By the descent
into Hell He quickens death itself. By the Resurrection
the powerlessness of death is manifested. The soul of Christ,
separated in death, filled with Divine power, is again
united with its body, which remained incorruptible through-
out the mortal separation, in which it did not suffer any
physical decomposition. In the death of the Lord it is
frtanifest that His most pure body was not susceptible to
corruption, that it was free from that mortality into which
the original human nature had been involved through sin
and Fall.
In the first Adam the inherent potentiality of death
by disobedience was disclosed and actualized. In the second
AdanVthe potentiality of immortality by purity and obedience
was sublimated and actualized into the impossibility of
death. "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all
be made alive" [I Cor. 15:22]. The whole fabric of human
nature in Christ proved to be stable and strong. The disem-
bodiment of the soul was not consummated into a rupture.
Even in the common death of man, as St. Gregory of Nyssa
pointed out, the separation of soul and body is never
144 Creation and Rdemption

absolute; a certain connection is still there. In the death of

Christ this connection proved to be not only a "connection
of knowledge"; His soul never ceased to be the "vital power"
of the body. Thus His death in all its reality, as a true
separation and disembodiment, was like a sleep. "Then was
man's death shown to be but a sleep," as &t John Damascene
says.128 The reality of death is not yet abolished, but its
powerlessness is revealed. The Lord really and truly died.
But in His death in an eminent measure the "dynamis
of the resurrection" was manifest, which is latent but inherent
in every death. To His death the glorious simile of the kernel
of wheat can be applied to its full extent. \John 12:24].
And in His death the glory of God is manifest. "I have both
glorified it and will glorify again" [v.28j. In the body of
the Incarnate One this interim between death and resur-
rection is fore-shortened. "It is sown in dishonor: it is
raised in glory; it is sown in weakness: it is raised in power;
it is sown a natural body: it is raised a spiritual body"
{7 Cor. 15:43-44]. In the death of the Incarnate One this
mysterious growth of the seed was accomplished in three
days-Hriduum mortis/9
"He suffered not the temple of His body to remain long
dead, but just having shown it dead by the contact of death,
straightway raised it on the third day, and raised with it
also the sign of victory over death, that is, the incorruption
and impassibility manifested in the body." In i;hese words
St. Athanasius brings forward the victorious and resurrecting
character of the death of Christ.129 In this mysterious
"tridum mortis'' the body of Our Lord has been transfigured
into a body of glory, and has been clothed in power and light.
The seed matures. The Lord rises from the dead, as a
Bridegroom comes forth from the chamber. This was ac-
complished by the power of God, as the general resurrection
will, in the last day, be accomplished by the power of God.
And in the Resurrection the Incarnation is completed, a
victorious manifestation of Life within human nature, a
Redemption 145

grafting of immortality into the human composition.

The Resurrection of Christ was a victory, not over his
death only, but over death in general. "We celebrate the
death f Death, the downfall f Hell, and the beginning
of a life new and everlasting/'130 In His Resurrection the
whole of humanity, all human nature, is co-resurrected with
Christ, "the human race is clothed in incorruption."131 Co-
resurrected not indeed in the sense that all are raised from
the grave. Men do still die; but the hopelessness of dying
is abolished. Death is rendered powerless, and to all human
nature is given the power or "potentia" of resurrection.
St. Paul made this quite clear: "But if there be no resur-
rection of the dead, then is Christ not risen.... For if the
dead rise not, then is not Christ raised" [I Cor. 15:13, 16].
St. Paul meant to say that the Resurrection f Christ would
become meaningless if it were not a universal accomplish-
ment, if the whole Body were not implicitly "pre-resurrected"
with the Head. And faith in Christ itself would lose any
sense and become empty and vain; there would be nothing
to believe in. "And if Christ be not raised, your faith is
vain" [v. 17]. Apart from the hope of the General Resur-
rection, belief in Christ would be in vain and to no purpose;
it would only be vainglory. "But now is Christ risen from
the dead, and become the first-fruits of them that slept"
{7 Cor. 15:20\ And in this lies the victory of life.132 "It is
true, we still die as before," Says St. John Chrysostom, "but
we do not remain in death; and this is not to d i e . . . .
The power and very reality of death is just this, that a
dead man has no possibility of returning to l i f e . . . . But
if after death he is to be quickened and moreover to be
given a better life, then this is no longer death, but falling
asleep."133 The same conception is found in St. Athanasius.
The "condemnation of death" is abolished. "Corruption
ceasing and being put away by the grace of Resurrection,
we are henceforth dissolved for a time only, according to
our bodies' mortal nature; like seeds cast into the earth,
146 Creation and Redemption

we do riot perish; but sown in the earth we shall rise again,

death being brought to nought by the grace of the Saviour/'134
This was a healing and a renewing of nature, and therefore
there is here a certain compulsion; all will rise, and all
will be restored to the fulness of their natural being, yet
transformed. From henceforth every disembodiment is but
temporary. The dark vale of Hades is abolished by the
power of the life-giving Cross.
St. Gregory of Nyssa strongly emphasizes the organic
interdependence between the Crucifixion and the Resurrec-
tion. The Resurrection is not only a consequence, but a
fruit of the death on the Cross. St. Gregory stresses two
points especially: the unity of the Divine Hypostasis, in
which the soul and body of Christ are linked together even
in their mortal separation; and the utter sinlessness of the
Lord. And he proceeds: "When our nature, following its
proper course, had even in Him been advanced to the
separation of soul and body, He knitted together again
the disconnected elements, cementing them together, as it
were, with a cement of His Divine power, and recombining
what was severed in a union never to be broken. And this
is the Resurrection, namely the return, after they have been
dissolved, of those elements that have been before linked
together, into an indissoluble union through a mutual incor-
poration; in order that thus the primal grace which invested
humanity might be recalled, and we restored to everlasting
life, when the vice that had been mixed up with our kind
has evaporated through our dissolution.... For as the
principle of death took its rise in one person and passed
on in succession through the whole of human kind, in
like manner the principle of the Resurrection extends from
one person to the whole of humanity.... For when, in that
concrete humanity which He had taken to Himself, the soul
after the dissolution returned to th body, then this uniting
of the several portions passes, as by a new principle, in
equal force upon the whole human race. This then is the
Redemption 147

mystery of God's plan with regard to His death and His

resurrection from the dead/'135 In another place St. Gregory
explains his meaning by the analogy of the broken reed,
cloven in twain. Whoever puts the broken parts together,
starting from any one end, then also, of necessity, puts
together the other end, "and the whole broken reed is
completely re jointed." Thus then in Christ the union of
soul and body, again restored, brings to reunion "the whole
human nature, divided by death into two parts," since the
hope of resurrection establishes the connection between the
separated parts. In Adam our nature was split or dissected
into two through sin. Yet in Christ this split is healed
completely. This then is the abolition of death, or rather
of mortality. In other words, it is the potential and dynamic
restoration of the fulness and wholeness of human existence.
It is a recreation of the whole human race, a "new creation"
( ), 1 8 6 a new revelation of Divine love and
Divine power, the consummation of creation.
One has to distinguish most carefully between the healing
of nature and the healing of the will. Nature is healed
and restored with certain compulsion, by the mighty power
of God's omnipotent and invincible grace. One may even
say, by some "violence of grace." The wholeness is in a way
forced upon human nature. For in Christ all human nature
(the "seed of Adam") is fully and completely cured from
unwholeness and mortality. This restoration will be actu-
alized and revealed to its full extent in the General Resur-
rection, the resurrection of all, both of the righteous and
of the wicked. No one, so far as nature is concerned, can
escape Christ's kingly rule, can alienate himself from the
invincible power of the resurrection. But the will of man
cannot be cured in the same invincible manner; for the
whole meaning of the healing of the will is in its free
conversion. The will of man must turn itself to God; there
must be a free and spontaneous response of love and adora-
tion. The will of man can be healed only in freedom, in the
148 Creation and Redemption

"mystery of freedom." Only by this spontaneous and free

effort does man enter into that new and eternal life which
is revealed in Christ Jesus. A spiritual regeneration can be
wrought only in perfect freedom, in an obedience of love,
by self-consecration and self-dedication to God. This dis-
tinction was stressed with great insistence in the remaikable
treatise by Nicolas Cabasilas on The Life in Christ. Resur-
rection is a "rectification of nature" (
) and this God grants freely. But the
Kingdom of Heaven, and the beatific vision, and union
with Christ, presume the desire ( -
) , and therefore are available only for those who
have longed for them, and loved, and desired. Immortality
will be given to all, just as all can enjoy the Divine provi-
dence. It doe$ not depend upon our will whether we shall
rise after death or not, just as it is not by our will that
we are born. Christ's death and resurrection brings im-
mortality and incorruption to all in the same manner,
because all have the same nature as the Man Christ Jesus.
But nobody can be compelled to desire. Thus Resurrection is
a gift common to all, but blessedness will be given only to
some.137 And again, the path of life is the path of renuncia-
tion, of mortification, of self-sacrific and self-oblation.
One has to die to oneself in order to live in Christ. Each
one must personally and freely associate himself with Christ,
the Lord, the Saviour, and the Redeemer, in the Confession of
faith, in the choice of love, in the mystical oath of allegiance.
Each one has to renounce himself, to 'lose his soul" for
Christ's sake, to take up his cross, and to follow after Him.
The Christian struggle is the "following" after Christ,
following the path of His Passion and Cross, even unto
death, but first of all, following in love. "Hereby perceive
we the love of God, because He laid down His life for
us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. . . .
Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved
us, and sent His Son t be the propitiation for our sis"
Redemption 149

J7 John 3:16; 4:10}. He who does not die with Christ

cannot live with Him. "Unless of our own free choice we
accept to die unto His passion, His life is not in us," says
St. Ignatius.138 This is no mere ascetical or moral rule, not
merely a discipline. This is the ontological law of spiritual
existence, even the law of life itself.


Baptismal Symbolism and Redemptive Reality

The Christian life is initiated with a new birth, by water

and the Spirit. First, repentance is required, " ,"
an inner change, intimate and resolute.
The symbolism of Holy Baptism is complex and manifold.
Baptism must be performed in the name of the Holy Trinity;
and the Trinitarian invocation is unanimously regarded as
the most necessary condition of the validity and efficacy
of the sacrament. Yet above all, baptism is the putting on
of Christ [Gal. 3:27}, and an incorporation into His Body
{7 Cor. 12:13}. The Trinitarian invocation is required because
outside the Trinitarian faith it is impossible to know Christ,
to recognize in Jesus the Incarnate Lord, "One of the Holy
Trinity." The symbolism of baptism is above all a symbolism
of death and resurrection, of Christ's death and resurrection.
"Know ye not, that as many of us as were baptized into
Jesus Christ were baptized into His death ? Therefore we
are buried with Him by baptism into death; that like as
Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the
Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life"
[Rom. 6:3-4}. It can be said that baptism is a sacramental
resurrection in Christ, a rising up with Him and in Him to
a new and eternal life: "Buried with Him in baptism,
wherein also ye are risen with Him through the faith of
the operation of God, who hath raised Him from the dead"
150 Creation and Redemption

[Col. 2:12] ,

. Co-resur^
rected with Him precisely through burial: "for if we be
dead with Him, we shall also live with Him" [2 Tim.
2:ll\ For in baptism the believer becomes a member of
Christ, grafted into His Body, "rooted and built up in Him"
{Col. 2:1\ Thereby the grace of the Resurrection is shed
abroad on all. Before it is consummated in the General
Resurrection, Life Eternal is manifested in the spiritual re-
birth of believers, granted and accomplished in baptism,
and the union with the Risen Lord is the initiation of the
resurrection and of the Life to come. "But we all, with open
face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are
changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as
by the Spirit of the Lord... .Always bearing about in the
body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus
might also be made manifest in our body.... Knowing that
He which raised up the Lord Jesus shall also raise us by
Jesus, and shall present us with you.... For we know, that
if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we
have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eter-
nal in the heavens. For in this we groan, earnestly desiring
to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven . . . ,
not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that
mortality might be swallowed up by life" [2 Cor. 3:18;
4:10,14; 5:1, 2 ] . We are changed, not only will be changed.
Baptismal regeneration and ascesis are joined together: the
Death with Christ and resurrection are already operative
within believers. The resurrection is operative not only as a
return to life, but also as a lifting up or sublimation into
the glory. This is not only a manifestation of the power and
glory of God, but also a transfiguration of man, in so far
as he is dying with Christ. In dying with Him, man also
lives. All will rise, but only to the faithful believer is the
resurrection to be a true "resurrection unto life." He comes
Redemption 151

not into judgment, but passes from death to life [John

5:24-29; 8:51*]. Only in communion with God and through
life in Christ does the restoration of human wholeness gain
meaning. To those in total darkness, who have deliberately
confined themselves "outside God/' outside the Light Divine,
the Resurrection itself must seem rather unnecessary and
unmotivated. But it will come, as a "resurrection to judgment"
[John 5:29; ]. And in this will
be completed the mystery and the tragedy of human freedom.
Here indeed we are on the threshold of the inconceivable
and incomprehensible. The "apokatastasis" of nature does
not abolish free will. The will must be moved from within
by love. St. Gregory of Nyssa had a clear understanding of
this. He anticipated a kind of universal "conversio" of souls
in the after-life, when the Truth of God will be revealed
and manifested with some compelling and ultimate evidence.
Just at that point the limitations of the Hellenistic mind
are obvious. Evidence to it seemed to be the decisive reason
or motive for the will, as if "sin" were merely "ignorance/'139
The Hellenistic mind had to pass through the long and hard
experience of asceticism, of ascetic self-examination and self-
control, in order to free itself from this intellectualistic
naivete and illusion, and discover a dark abyss in the fallen
soul. Only in St. Maximus the Confessor, after some cen-
turies of ascetic preparation, do we find a new, remodelled
and deepened interpretation of the "apokatasta$is!\ All
nature, the whole Cosmos, will be restituted. But the dead
souls will still be insensitive to the very revelation of Light.
The Light Divine will shine to all, but those who have
deliberately spent their lives here on earth in fleshly de-
sires, "against nature," will be unable to apprehend or enjoy
this eternal bliss. The Light is the Word which illuminates the
natural minds of the faithful; but to others it is a burning fire
of the judgment ( ) . He punishes
those who, through love of the flesh, cling to the nocturnal
darkness of this life. St. Maximus admitted an apokatastasts"
152 Creation and Redemption

in the sense of a restitution of all beings to an integrity of

nature, of a universal manifestation of the Divine Life,
which will be apprehended by every one; but it does not
mean that all will equally participate in this revelation of
the Good. St. Maximus draws a clear distinction between
an and a . The divine gifts are dis-
pensed in proportion to the capacities of men. The fulness
of natural powers will be restored in all, and God will be
in all, indeed; but only in the Saints will He be present
with grace . In the wicked He will be pres-
ent without grace, . No grace will be
bestowed upon the wicked, because the ultimate union with
God requires the determination of the will. The wicked will
be separated from God by their lack of a resolute purpose
of good. We have here the same duality of nature and
will. In the resurrection the whole of creation will be
restored. But sin and evil are rooted in the will. Th Hel-
lenistic mind concluded therefrom that evil is unstable and
by itself must disappear inevitably. For nothing can be
perpetual, unless it be rooted in a Divine decree. Evil can-
not be but transitory. The Christian inference is the op-
posite indeed. There is some strange inertia and obstinacy
of the will, and this obstinacy may remain uncured even in
the universal restoration. God never does any violence to
man, and the communion with God cannot be forced upon
or imposed upon the obstinate. As St. Maximus puts it, "the
Spirit does not produce an undesired resolve, but it trans-
forms a chosen purpose into t h e s i s '140 For sin and
evil come not from an external impurity, but from an in-
ternal failure, from the perversion of the will. Consequently,
sin is overcome only by inner conversion and change, and
repentance is sealed by grace in the sacraments.141
Physical death among mankind is not abrogated by the
Resurrection of Christ. Death is rendered powerless, indeed;
mortality is overcome by the hope and pledge of the com-
ing resurrection. And yet each must justify that
Redemption 153

for himself. This can be done only in a free communion

with the Lord. The immortality of nature, the permanence
of existence, must be actualized into the life in the Spirit
The fulness of life is not merely an endless existence. In
baptism we are initiated into this very resurrection of life,
which will be consummated in the last day.
St. Paul speaks of a 'likeness" unto the death of Christ,
[Rom. 6:3}, but
this "likeness" means more than a resemblance. It is more
than a mere sign or recollection. The meaning of this
"likeness" for St. Paul himself was that in each of us
Christ can and must be "formed" [Gal. 4:19\ Christ is the
Head, all believers are His members, and His life is ac-
tualized in them. All are called and every one is capable
of believing, and of being quickened by faith and baptism
to live in Him. Baptism is a regeneration, ,
a new, spiritual, and charismatic birth. As Cabasilas says,
Baptism is the cause of a beatific life in Christ, not merely
of life.142 St. Cyril of Jerusalem lucidly explains the true
reality of all baptismal symbolism. It is true, he says, that
in the baptismal font we die and are buried only "in imita-
tion," only "symbolically" ( ). We do not
rise from a real grave (* ) and yet,
"if the imitation is in an image, the salvation is in very
truth," . Christ was really cru-
cified and buried, and actually rose from the grave. The
Greek word used is . It is more and stronger than
simply "in very truth"; it emphasizes the super-
natural character of the death and resurrection of Our Lord.
Hence He gave us this chance, by "imitative" sharing of
His Passion to acquire "salvation in reality" (
) . It is not only
an "imitation," but rather a participation, or a similitude.
"Christ was crucified and buried in reality, but to you it
is given to be crucified, buried, and raised with Him in
similitude" ( ). It should be kept in mind
154 Creation and Redemption

that St. Cyril mentions not only the death, but also the
burial. This means that in baptism man descends "sacra-
mentally" into the darkness of death, and yet with the
Risen Lord rises again and crosses over from death to life.
"And the image is completed all upon you, for you are
the image of Christ/1 concludes St. Cyril. In other words,
all are held together by and in Christ, hence the very pos-
sibility of a sacramental "resemblance."144
St. Gregory of Nyssa dwells on the same point. There
are two aspects in baptism. Baptism is a birth and a death.
Natural birth is the beginning of a mortal existence, which
begins and ends in corruption. Another, a new birth, had
to be discovered, which would initiate into eternal life. In
baptism "the presence of a Divine power transforms what
is born with a corruptible nature into a state of incorrup-
tion."145 It is transformed through following and imitat-
ing; and thus what was foreshown by the Lord is realized.
Only by following after Christ can one pass through the
labyrinth of life and come out of it. "For I call the ines-
capable guard of death, in which sorrowing mankind is
imprisoned, a labyrinth" (
). Christ escaped from this after the three days
of death. In the baptismal font "the imitation of all that
He has done is accomplished." Death is "represented" in
the element of water, and as Christ rose again to life, so
also the newly-baptized, united with Him in bodily nature,
"doth imitate the resurrection on the third day." This is
just an "imitation," and not "identity." In baptism man
is not actually raised, but only freed from natural evil and
the inescapability of death. In him the "continuity of vice"
is cut off. He is not resurrected, for he does not die, he
remains in this life. Baptism only foreshadows the resur-
rection. In baptism we anticipate the grace of the final
resurrection. Baptism is a "homiomatic resurrection" to use
the phrase of one Russian scholar. Yet in baptism the
resurrection is in a way already initiated. Baptism is the
Redemption 155

start, , and the resurrection is the end and consum-

mation, . . . and all that will take place in the great
Resurrection already has its beginnings and causes in bap-
tism. St. Gregory does not mean that resurrection which
consists only in a remolding of our composition. Human
nature advances towards that goal by a kind of necessity.
He speaks of the fulness of the resurrection, of a "restora-
tion to a blessed and divine state, set free from all shame
and sorrow/' It is an apokatastasis, a true "resurrection unto
It must be pointed out that St. Gregory specially em-
phasized the need of keeping and holding fast the baptismal
grace, for in baptism it is not only nature but also the will
that is transformed and transfigured, remaining free
throughout. If the soul is not cleansed and purified in the
free exercise of will, baptism proves to be fruitless; the
transfiguration is not actualized; the new life is not yet
consummated. This does not subordinate baptismal grace to
human license. Grace does indeed descend. But it can never
be forced upon any one who is free and made in the image
of God, it must be responded to and corroborated by the
synergism of love and will. Grace does not quicken and
enliven the closed and obstinate souls, the really "dead
souls." Response and co-operation are required.147 That is
just because baptism is a sacramental dying with Christ, a
participation in His voluntary death, in His sacrificial Love
and this can be accomplished only in freedom. Thus in
baptism the death of Christ on the Cross is reflected or
portrayed as in a living and sacramental image. Baptism is
at once a death and a birth, a burial and a "bath of re-
generation," "a time of death and a time of birth," to quote
St. Cyril of Jerusalem.148
156 Creation and Redemption


The Eucharist and Redemption

In the Early Church the rite of Christian initiation was

not divided. Three of the sacraments belong together:
Baptism, the Holy Chrism (Confirmation), and the Eucharist.
The Initiation described by St. Cyril, and later on by
Cabasilas, included all three.
Sacraments are instituted in order to enable man to
participate in Christ's redeeming death and thereby to gain
the grace of His resurrection. This was Cabasilas' main
idea. "We are baptized in order to die by His death and to
rise by His resurrection. We are anointed with the chrism
that we may partake of His kingly anointment of the deifica-
tion. And when we are fed with the most sacred Bread
and do drink the most Divine Cup, we do partake of the
same flesh and the same blood Our Lord has assumed, and
so we are united with Him, Who was for us incarnate, and
died, and rose again.... Baptism is a birth, and Chrism is
the cause of acts and movements, and the Bread of life
and Cup of thanksgiving are the true food and the true
drink.149 In the whole sacramental and devotional life of
the Church, the Cross and the Resurrection are "imitated"
and reflected in manifold symbols and rites. All the sym-
bolism is realistic. These symbols do not merely remind us
of something in the past. Through these sacred symbols,
the ultimate Reality is in very truth disclosed and conveyed.
All this hieratic symbolism culminates in the august mystery
of the Holy Altar. The Eucharist is the heart of the Church,
the Sacrament of Redemption in an eminent sense. It is
more than an "imitat'to." It is Reality itself, veiled and dis-
closed in the Sacrament.
It is "the perfect and final Sacrament," says Cabasilas,
"and one cannot go further, and there is nothing to be
added." It is the "limit of life" . "After
Rdemption 157

the Eucharist there is nothing more to long for, but we

hve to stay here and learn how we can preserve this
treasure to the end."150
The Eucharist is the Last Supper itself, again and again
enacted, but not repeated for every new celebration does not
only represent, but truly is the same "Mystical Supper"
which was celebrated for the first time by the Divine High
Priest Himself, "in the night in which He was given up or
rather gave Himself for the life of the world."
The true Celebrant of each Liturgy is Our Lord Him-
self. This was stressed with great power by St. John Chrysos-
tom on various occasions. "Believe, therefore, that even now
it is that Supper, at which He Himself sat down. For this
one is in no respect different from that one. For neither
doth man make this one and Himself that one, but both
this and that are His own work. When therefore thou seest
the priest delivering it unto thee, account not that it is the
priest that does, so, but that it is Christ's hand that is stretched
out."151 And again in horn. 82, 5, Col. F.44: "He that then
did these things t that Supper, this same now also works
them.CW hold the rank of ministers. He who sanctifieth
and changeth them is the Same. This table is the same as
that, and hath nothing less. For it is not that Christ wrought
that, and man this, but He doth this too. This is that Upper
Chamber, where they were then."152 And "Christ now also
is present, He who adorned that table is He who now also
adorns t h i s . . . . The priest stands fulfilling a figure, but the
power and grace are of God."158
All this is of primary importance. The Last Supper was
an offering of the sacrifice of the Cross. The offering is still
continued. Christ is still acting as the High Priest in His
Church. The Mystery is all the same. The Sacrifice is one.
The Table is one. The priest is the same. And not one Lamb
is slain, or offered this day, and another of old; not one
here, and another somewhere else. But the same always
158 Creation and Redemption

and everywhere. One very Lamb of God, "who 'taketh'

the sins of the world/' even the Lord Jesus.
The Eucharist is a sacrifice, not because Jesus is slain
again, but because the same Body and the same sacrificial
Blood are actually here on the Altar, offered and presented.
And the Altar is actually the Holy Grave, in which the
Heavenly Master is falling asleep. Nicolas Cabasilas put
this in these words: "In offering and sacrificing Himself
once for all, He did not cease from His priesthood, but He
exercises this perpetual ministry for us, in which He is our
advocate with God for ever, for which reason it is said of
Him, Thou art a priest for ever/'154
The resurrecting power and significance of Christ's death
are made manifest in full in the Eucharist. The Lamb is
slain, the Body broken, the Blood shed, and yet it is a
celestial food, and "the medicine of immortality and the
antidote that we should not die but live forever in Jesus
Christ," to use the famous phrase of St. Ignatius.155 It is
"the heavenly Bread and the Cup of life." This tremendous
Sacrament is for the faithful the very "Betrothal of the Life
Eternal." Because Christ's Death itself was the Victory and
the Resurrection, this Victory and this Triumph do we ob-
serve and celebrate in the Sacrament of the Altar. Eucharist
means thanksgiving. It is a hymn rather than a prayer. It is
the service of triumphant joy, the continuous Easter, the
kingly feast of the Lord of Life and glory. "And so the
whole celebration of the Mystery is one image of the whole
economy of our Lord," says Cabasilas.
The Holy Eucharist is the climax of our aspirations. The
beginning and the end are here linked together: the reminis-
cences of the Gospels and the prophecies of the Revelation,
i.e. the fulness of the New Testament. The Eucharist is a
sacramental anticipation, a foretaste of the Resurrection, an
"image of the Resurrection" ( ;
the phrase is from the consecration prayer of St. Basil). The
sacramental life of believers is the building up of the
Redemption 159

Church. Through the sacraments, and in them, the new life

of Christ is extended to and bestowed upon the members of
His Body. Through the sacraments the Redemption is ap-
propriated and disclosed. One may add: In the sacraments
is consummated the Incarnation, the true reunion of man
with God in Christ.
Christ, Passover great and most Holy! Wisdom,
Word, and Power of God! Vouchsafe that we may more
perfectly partake of Thee in the days of Thine everlasting
Kingdom. (Easter Hymn, recited by the priest at every
Cur Deus Homo?
The Motive of the Incarnation

'Tam the Alpha and the Omega."

Rev. 1:8

The Christian message was from the very beginning the

message of Salvation, and accordingly our Lord was depicted
primarily as the Savior, Who has redeemed His people from
bondage of sin and corruption. The very fact of the Incarna-
tion was usually interpreted in early Christian theology in the
perspective of Redemption. Erroneous Conceptions of the
Person of Christ with which the early Church had to wrestle
were criticized and refuted precisely when they tended to un-
dermine the reality of human Redemption. It was generally
assumed that the very meaning of Salvation was that the in-
timate union between God and man had been restored, and
it was inferred that the Redeemed had to belong Himself to
both sides, i.e. to be at once both Divine and human, for
otherwise the broken communion between God and man
would not have been re-established. This was the main line
of reasoning of St. Athanasius in his struggle with the Arians,
of St. Gregory of Nazianzus in his refutation of Apollinarian-

"Cur Deus Homo? The Motive of the Incarnation" appeared in vhariste-

rion: Hamilcar Alivhatos (Athens, 1957), 70-79. Reprinted by permission.
The translations from Latin were done by Raymond German Ciuba; those
from Greek, by Stephen N. Scott.

164 Creation and Redemption

ism, and of other writers of the IVth and Vth centuries.

"That is saved which is united with God," says St. Gregory
of Nazianzus.1 The redeeming aspect and impact of the In-
carnation were emphatically stressed by the Fathers. The pur-
pose and the effect of the Incarnation were defined precisely
as the Redemption of man and his restoration to those origi-
nal conditions which were destroyed by the fall and sin. The
sin of the world was abrogated and taken away by the In-
carnate One, and He only, being both Divine and human,
could have done it. On the other hand, it would be unfair to
claim that the Fathers regarded this redeeming purpose as
the only reason for the Incarnation, so that th Incarnation
would not have taken place at all, had not man sinned.
In this form the question was never asked by the Fathers.
The question about the ultimate motive of the Incarnation
Vas never formally discussed in the Patristic Age. The prob-
lem of the relation between the mystery of the Incarnation
and the original purpose of Creation was not touched upon
by the Fathers; they never elaborated this point systematically.
"It may perhaps be truly said that the thought of an Incarna-
tion independent of the Fall harmonizes with the general
tenor of Greek theology. ome patristic phrases seem to im-
ply that the thought was distinctly realized here and there,
and perhaps discussed."2 These 'patristic phrases' were not
collected and examined. In fact, the same Fathers could be
quoted in favor of opposite opinions. It is not enough to
accumulate quotations, taking them out of their context and
ignoring the purpose, very often polemical, for which par-
ticular writings were composed. Many of these 'patristic
phrases' were just Occasional'*statements, and they can be
used only with utter care and caution. Their proper meaning
can be ascertained only when they are read in the context,
i.e. in the perspective of the thought of each particular writer.
Cur Deus Homo? 165


Rupert of Deutz (d. 1135) seems to be the first among

the medieval theologians who formally raised the question
of the motive of the Incarnation, and his contention was that
the Incarnation belonged to the original design of Creation
and was therefore independent of the Fall. Incarnation was,
in his interpretation, the consummation of the original crea-
tive purpose of God, an aim in itself, and not merely a re-
demptive remedy for human failure.3 Honorius of Autun
(d. 1152) was of the same conviction.4 The great doctors of
the Xlllth century, such as Alexander of Hales and Albert
Magnus, admitted the idea of an Incarnation independent of
the Fall as a most convenient solution of the problem.5 Duns
Scotus (c. 1266-1308) elaborated the whole conception with
great care and logical consistency. For him the Incarnation
apart from the Fall was not merely a most convenient assump-
tion, but rather an indispensable doctrinal presupposition.
The Incarnation of the Son of God was for him the very rea-
son of the whole Creation. Otherwise, he thought, this su-
preme action of God would have been something merely
accidental or 'occasional*. "Again, if the Fall were the cause
of the predestination of Christ, it would follow that God's
greatest work was only occasional, for the glory of all will
not be so intense as that of Christ, and it seems unreasonable
to think that God would have foregone such a work because
of Adam's good deed, if he had not sinned." The whole
question for Duns Scotus was precisely that of the order of
Divine ( predestination' or purpose, i.e. of the order of
thoughts in the Divine counsel of Creation. Christ, the In-
carnate, was the first object of the creative will of God, and
it was for Christ's sake that anything else had been created
at all. "The Incarnation of Christ was not foreseen occasion-
ally, but was viewed as an immediate end by God from eter-
nity; thus, in speaking about things which are predestined,
Christ in human nature was predestined before others, since
166 Creation and Redemption

He is nearer to an end.'* This order of 'purposes' or 'previ-

sions' was, of course, just a logical one. The main emphasis
of Duns Scotus was on the unconditional and primordial
character of the Divine decree of the Incarnation, seen in the
total perspective of Creation.6 Aquinas (1224-1274) also dis-
cussed the problem at considerable length. He saw the whole
weight of the arguments in favor of the opinion that, even
apart from the Fall, ''nevertheless, God would have become
incarnate," and he quoted the phrase of St. Augustine: "in
the Incarnation of Christ, other things must be considered be-
sides absolution from sin." (De Tnnitate, XIII. 17). But
Aquinas could not find, either in Scripture or in the Patristic
writings, any definite witness to this Incarnation independent
of the Fall, and therefore was inclined to believe that the Son
of God would not have been incarnate if the first man did
, not sin: "Although God could have become incarnate with-
out the existence of sin, it is nevertheless more appropriate
to say that, if man had not sinned, God would not have be-
come incarnate, since in Sacred Scripture the reason for the
Incarnation is everywhere given as the sin of the first man."
The unfathomable mystery of the Divine will can be compre-
hended by man only in so far as it is plainly attested in Holy
Scripture, "only to the extent that [these things] are trans-
mitted in Sacred Scripture," or, as Aquinas says in another
place, "only in so far as we are informed by the authority of
the saints, through whom God has revealed His will." Christ
alone knows the right answer to this question: "The truth of
the matter only He can know, Who was born and Who was
off erred up, because He so willed."7 Bonaventura (1221-
1274) suggested the same caution. Comparing the two opi-
nionsone in favor of an Incarnation apart from the Fall and
the other dependent on it, he concluded: "Both [opinions]
excite the soul to devotion by different considerations: the
first, however, more consonant with the judgment of reason;
yet it appears that the second is more agreeable to the piety
of faith." One should rely rather on the direct testimony of
Cut Dens Homo? 167

the Scriptures than on the arguments of human logic.8 On the

whole, Duns Scotus was followed by the majority of theolo-
gians of the Franciscan order, and also by not a few outside
it, as, for instance, by Dionysius Carthusianus, by Gabriel
Biel, by John Wessel, and, in the time of the Council of Trent,
by Giacomo Nachianti, Bishop of Chiozza (Jacobus Naclan-
tus), and also by some of the early Reformers, for instance,
by Andreas Osiander.9 This opinion was strongly opposed by
others, and not only by the strict Thomists, and the whole
problem was much discussed both by Roman Catholic and by
Protestant theologians in the XVIIth century.10 Among the
Roman Catholic champions of the absolute decree of the In-
carnation one should mention especially Franois de Sales
and Malebranche. Malebranche strongly insisted on the meta-
phycical necessity of the Incarnation, quite apart from the
Fall, for otherwise, he contended, there would have been no
adequate reason or purpose for the act of Creation itself.11
The controversy is still going on among Roman Catholic the-
ologians, sometimes with excessive heat and vigor, and the
question is not settled.12 Among the Anglicans, in the last
century, Bishop Wescott strongly pleaded for the 'absolute
motive', in his admirable essay on-"The Gospel of Creation/"13
The late Father Sergii Bulgakov was strongly in favor of the
opinion that the Incarnation should be regarded as an abso-
lute decree of God, prior to the catastrophe of the Fall.14


In the course of this age-long discussion a constant appeal

has been made to the testimony of the Fathers. Strangely
enough, the most important item has been overlooked in this
anthology of quotations. Since the question of the motive of
the Incarnation was never formally raised in the Patristic age,
most of the texts used in the later discussions could not pro-
vide any direct guidance.15 St. Maximus the Confessor (580-
168 Creation and Redemption

662) seems to be the only Father who was directly concerned

with the problem, although not in the same setting as the
later theologians in the West. He stated plainly that the In-
carnation should be regarded as an absolute and primary pur-
pose of God in the act of Creation. The nature of the Incarna-
tion, of this union of the Divine majesty with human frailty,
is indeed an unfathomable mystery, but we can at least grasp
the reason and the purpose of this supreme mystery, its logos
and skopos. And this original reason, or the ultimate pur-
pose, was, in the opinion of St. Maximus, precisely the Incar-
nation itself and then our own incorporation into the Body
of the Incarnate One. The phrasing of St. Maximus is straight
and clear. The 60th questio ad Thalassium, is a commentary
on I Peter, 1:19-20: "[Christ was] like a blameless and spot-
less lamb, who was foreordained from the foundation of the
world." Now the question is: St. Maximus first briefly sum-
marizes the true teaching about the Person of Christ, and then
proceeds: 'This i$ the blessed end, on account of which
everything was created. This is the Divine purpose, which
was thought of before the beginning of Creation, and which
we call an intended fulfillment. All creation exists on ac-
count of this fulfillment and yet the fulfillment itself exists
because of nothing that was created. Since God had this end
in full view, he produced the natures of things. This is truly
the fulfillment of Providence and of planning. Through this
there is a recapitulation to God of those created by Him. This
is the jnystery circumscribing all ages, the awesome plan of
God, super-infinite and infinitely pre-existing the ages. The
Messenger, who is in essence Himself the Word of God, be-
came man on account of this fulfillment. And it may be said
that it was He Himself Who restored the manifest innermost
depths of the goodness handed down by the Father; and He
revealed the fulfillment in Himself, by which creation has
won the beginning of true existence. For on account of Christ,
that is to say the mystery concerning Christ, all time and that
which is in time have found the beginning and the end of
Cut Deus Homo? 109

their existence in Christ. For before time there was secretly

purposed a union of the ages, of the determined and the In-
determinate, of the measurable and the Immeasurable, of the
finite and Infinity, of the creation and the Creator, of motion
and resta union which was made manifest in Christ during
these last times." (M., P.G., XC, 621, -B.) One has to dis-
tinguish most carefully between the eternal being of the
Logos, in the bosom of the Holy Trinity, and the 'economy'
of His Incarnation. 'Prevision* is related precisely to the In-
carnation: "Therefore Christ was foreknown, not as He was
according to His own nature, but as he later appeared incar-
nate for our sake in accordance with the final economy."
(M., P.G., XC, 624D). The 'absolute predestination' of
Christ is alluded to with full clarity.16 This conviction was in
full agreement with the general tenor of the theological sys-
tem of St. Maximus, and he returns to the problem on many
occasions, both in his answers to Thalassius and in his Am-
bigua. For instance, in connection with Ephesians 1:9, St.
Maximus says: "[By this Incarnation and by our age] he has
shown us for what purpose we were made and the greatest
good will be of God towards us before the ages." (M., P.G.,
1097C). By his very constitution man anticipates in himself
"the great mystery of the Divine purpose," the ultimate con-
summation of all things in God. The whole history of Divine
Providence is for St. Maximus divided into two great periods:
the first culminates in the Incarnation of the Logos and is the
story of Divine condescension ("through the Incarnation") ;
the second is the story of human ascension into the glory of
deification, an extension, as it were, of the Incarnation to the
whole creation. "Therefore we may divide time into two
parts according to its design, and we may distinguish both the
ages pertaining to the mystery of the Incarnation of the Di-
vine, and the ages concerning the deification of the human
by grace.. .and to say it concisely: both those ages which con-
cern the descent of God to men, and those which have begun
the ascent of men to God. . .Or, to say it even better, the
170 Creation and Redemption

beginning, the middle, and the end of all the ages, those
which have gone by, those of the present time, and those
which are yet to come, is our Lord Jesus Christ." (M., P.G.,
XC, 320, B-C). The ultimate consummation is linked in the
vision of St. Maximus with the primordial creative will and
purpose of God, and therefore his whole conception is strict-
ly 'theocentric', and at the same time 'Christocentric'. In no
sense, however, does this obscure the sad reality of sin, of the
utter misery of sinful existence. The great stress is always
laid by St. Maximus on the conversion and cleansing of the
human will, on the struggle with passions and with evil. But
he views the tragedy of the Fall and the apostasy of the
created in the wider perspective of the original plan of


What is the actual weight of the witness of St. Maximus ?

Was it more than his 'private opinion', and what is the au-
thority of such Opinions'? It is perfectly clear that to the
question of the first or ultimate 'motive' of the Incarnation
no more than a 'hypothetical' (or 'convenient') answer can
be given. But many doctrinal statements are precisely such
hypothetical statements or 'theologoumena'.18 And it seems
that the 'hypothesis' of an Incarnation apart from the Fall is
at least permissible in the system of Orthodox theology and
fits well enough into the mainstream of Patristic teaching.
An adequate answer to the question of the 'motive' of the
Incarnaion can be given only in the context of the general
doctrine of Creation.
The Ever-Virgin Mother of God

The writer is fully aware of the inadequacy of his exposition. This

is not a theological essay in the strict sense. It is only an occasional
address written down in haste some time after it had been impro-
vised. Th only contention of the author was to suggest the way
in which the subject should be approached and to open the dis-
cussion. The main concern in the paper was to prove that
Mariology belongs to the very body of Christian doctrine or, if we
allow the phrase, to that essential minimum of doctrinal agreement
outside which no true unity of faith could even be claimed.
G. F.

T HE WHOLE DOGMATIC teaching about our Lady can be

condensed into these two names of hers: the Mother
of God and the Ever-Virgin,- and .
Both names have the formal authority of the Church Universal,
an ecumenical authority indeed. The Virgin Birth is plainly
attested in the New Testament and has been an integral
part of the Catholic tradition ever since. "Incarnate by the
Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary'* (or "Born of the Virgin
Mary") is a credal phrase. It is not merely a statement of
the historical fact. It is precisely a credal statement, a solemn
profession of faith. The term "Ever-Virgin" was formally
endorsed by the Fifth Ecumenical Council (553). And
Theotokos is more than a name or an honorific title. It is
rather a doctrinal definitionin one word. It has been a
touchstone of the true faith and a distinctive mark of
Orthodoxy even before the Council of Ephesus (432). Already

"The Ever-Virgin Mother of God" originally appeared in The Mother

of. God, edited by E..L. Mascall (London: Dacre Press, 1949), pp. 51-63.
Reprinted by permission.

172 Creation and Redemption

St. Gregory of Nazianzus warns Cledonius: "if one does

not acknowledge Mary as Theotokos, he is estranged from
God" (Epist. 101). As a matter of fact, the name was widely
used by the Fathers of the fourth century and possibly even
in the third (by Origen, for instance, if we can trust Socrates,
Hist. Eccl., VII, 32, and the texts preserved in catenas, e.g. In
Lucam . 6 and 7, ed. Rauer, 44. 10 and 50. 9). It was
already traditional when it was contested and repudiated by
Nestorius and his group. The word does not occur in
Scripture, just as the term does not occur. But
surely, neither at Nicaea nor at Ephesus was the Church
innovating or imposing a new article of faith. An "un-
scriptural" word was chosen and used, precisely to voice
and to safeguard the traditional belief and common con-
viction of ages. It is true, of course, that the Third Ecu-
menical Council was concerned primarily with the Christo-
logical dogma and did not formulate any special Mariological
doctrine. But precisely for that very reason it was truly
remarkable that a Mariological term should have been
selected and put forward as the ultimate test of Christological
orthodoxy, to be used, as it were, as a doctrinal shibboleth
in the Christological discussion. It was really a key-word to
the whole of Christology. "This name/; says St. John of
Damascus, u contains the whole mystery of the Incarnation"
(De Fide Orth., III. 12). As Petavius aptly puts it: Quem in
Trinitatis explicando dogmate vox, eumdem hoc
in nostro Incarnationis usum ac princtpatum obtinet -
nomen (De Incarnatipne, lib. V, cap. 15). The motive
and the purpose of such a choice are obvious. The Christo-
logical doctrine can never be accurately and adequately stated
unless a very definite teaching about the Mother of Christ
has been included. In fact, all the Mariological doubts and
errors of modern times depend in the last resort precisely
upon an utter Christological confusion. They reveal a hope-
less "conflict in Christology/' There is no room for the
Mother of God in a "reduced Christology/' Protestant theo-
The Ever-Virgin Mother of God lib

logians simply have nothing to say about her. Yet to ignore

the Mother means to misinterpret the Son. On the other hand,
the person of th Blessed Virgin can be properly understood
and rightly described only in a Christological setting and
context. Mariology is to be but a chapter in the treatise on
the Incarnation, never to be extended into an independent
"treatise." Not, of course, an optional or occasional chapter,
not an appendix. It belongs to the very body of doctrine.
The Mystery of the Incarnation includes the Mother of the
Incarnate. Sometimes, however, this Christological perspective
has been obscured by a devotional exaggeration, by an un-
balanced pietism. Piety must always be guided and checked
by dogma. Again, there must be a Mariological chapter in
the treatise on the Church. But the doctrine of the Church
itself is but an "extended Christology," the doctrine of the
"total Christ" totus Christus, caput et corpus.
The name Theotokos stresses the fact that the Child
whom M^ry bore was not a "simple man," not a human
person, but the only-begotten Son of God, "One of the Holy
Trinity," yet Incarnate. This is obviously the corner-stone of
the Orthodox faith. Let us recall the formula of Chalcedon:
"Following, then, the holy Fathers, we confess one and the
same Son [ ! ], our Lord Jesus Christ...
before the ages begotten of the Father as to Godhead, but
in the last days, for us and for our salvation, the selfsame
[ ], born of Mary, the Virgin Mother of God, as
to Manhood" [the translation is by Dr. Bright]. The whole
emphasis is on the absolute identity i the Person: the Same,
the Selfsame, unus idemque in St. Leo. This implies a twofold
generation of the divine Word (but emphaticably not a
double Sonship; that would be precisely the Nestorian per-
version) . There is but one Son: the One born of the Virgin
Mary is in the fullest possible sense the Son of God. As St.
John of Damascus says, the Holy Virgin did not bear "a
common man, but the true God" [
. . . ], yet "not naked, but
174 Creation and Redemption

incarnate" , ]. The Same,

who from all eternity is born of the Father, "in these last
days" was born of the Virgin, "without any change" (De
Fide Orth.j III. 12). There is here no confusion of natures.
The "second " is just the Incarnation. No new
person came into being when the Son of Mary was conceived
and boni, but the Eternal Son of God was made man. This
constitutes the mystery of the divine Motherhood of the
Virgin Mary. For indeed Motherhood is a personal relation,
relation between persons. Now, the Son of Mary was in very
truth a divine Person. The name Theotokos is an inevitable
sequel to the name Theanthropos, the God-Man. Both stand
and fall together. The doctrine of the Hypostatic Union
implies and demands the conception of the divine Mother-
hood. Most unfortunately, the mystery of the Incarnation has
been treated in modern times too often in an utterly abstract
manner, as if it were but a metaphysical problem or even a
dialectical riddle. One indulges too easily in the dialectics of
the Finite and the Infinite, of the Temporal and the Eternal,
etc., as if they were but terms of a logical or metaphysical
relation. One is then in danger of overlooking and missing
the very point: the Incarnation was precisely a mighty deed
of the Living God, his most personal intervention into the
creaturely existence, indeed, the "coming down" of a divine
Person, of God in person. Again, there is a subtle but real
docetic flavor in many recent attempts to re-state the tradi-
tional faith in modern terms. There is a tendency to over-
emphasize the divine initiative in the Incarnation to such an
extent that the historic life of the Incarnate itself fades out
into "the Incognito of the Son of God." The direct identity"
of the Jesus of history and the Son of God is explicitly denied.
The whole impact of Incarnation is reduced to symbols: the
Incarnate Lord is understood rather as an exponent of some
august principle or idea (be it the Wrath of God or Love,
Anger or Mercy, Judgement or Forgiveness), than as a living
Person. In both cases the personal implications of the Incarna-
The Ever-Virgin Mother of God 175

tion are overlooked or neglectedI mean, our adoption into

true sonship of God in the Incarnate Lord. Now, something
very real and ultimate happened with men and to men when
the Word of God "was made flesh and dwelt among us," or
rather, "took his abode in our midst"a very pictorial turn
indeed: (John i. 14).
"But when the time had fully come, God sent forth his
Son, born of woman" (Gal. iv. 4, R.V.). This is a scriptural
statement of the same mystery with which the Fathers were
wrestling at Chalcedon. Now, what is the full meaning and
purpose of this phrase: "born of woman"? Motherhood, in
general, is by no means exhausted by the mere fact of a
physical procreation. It would be lamentable blindness if we
ignored its spiritual aspect. In fact, procreation itself estab-
lishes an intimate spiritual relation between the mother and
the child. This relation is unique and reciprocal, and its
essence is affection or love. Are we entitled to ignore this
implication of the fact that our Lord was "born of the Virgin
Mary"? Surely, no docetic reduction is permissible in this
case, just as it must be avoided anywhere else in Christology.
Jesus was (and is) the Eternal God, and yet Incarnate, and
Mary was his Mother in the fullest sense. Otherwise the In-
carnation would not have been genuine. But this means
precisely that for the Incarnate Lord there is one particular
human person to whom he is in a very special relation,in
precise terms, one for whom he is not only the Lord and
Saviour, but a Son. On the other hand, Mary was the true
mother of her Childthe truth of her human maternity is
of no less relevance and importance than the mystery of her
divine motherhood. But the Child was divine. Yet the spiritual
implications of her motherhood could not be diminished by
the exceptional character of the case, nor could Jesus fail to
be truly human in his filial response to the motherly affection
of the one of whom he was born. This is not a vain specula-
tion. It would be impertinent indeed to intrude upon the
sacred field of this unparallelled intimacy between the Mother
176 Creation and Redemption

and the divine Child. But it would be even more impertinent

to ignore the mystery. In any case, it would have been a very
impoverished idea if we regarded the Virgin Mother merely
as a physical instrument of our Lord's taking flesh. Moreover,
such a misinterpretation is formally excluded by the explicit
teaching of the Church, attested from the earliest date: she
was not just a "channel" through which the Heavenly Lord
has come, but truly the mother of whom he took his humanity.
St. John of Damascus precisely in these very words summarizes
the Catholic teaching: he did not come "us through a pipe"
[ ] , but has assumed of her [ ] , a
human nature consubstantial to ours (De Fide Orth., Ill, 12).
Mary "has found favor with God" (Luke i. 30). She
was chosen and ordained to serve in the Mystery of the
Incarnation. And by this eternal election or predestination
she was in a sense set apart and given an unique privilege
and position in the whole of mankind, nay in the whole of
creation. She was given a transcendent rank, as it were.
She was at once a representative of the human race, and set
apart. There is an antinomy here, implied in the divine elec-
tion. She was set apart. She was put into a unique and
unparallelled relation to God, to the Holy Trinity, even
before the Incarnation, as the prospective Mother of the
Incarnate Lord, just because it was not an ordinary historical
happening, but an eventful consummation of the eternal
decree of God. She has a unique position even in the divine
plan of salvation. Through the Incarnation human nature was
to be restored again into the fellowship with God which had
been destroyed and abrogated by the Fall. The sacred
humanity of Jesus was to be the bridge over the abyss of sin.
Now, this humanity was to be taken of the Virgin Mary.
The Incarnation itself was a new beginning in the destiny
oi man, a beginning of the new humanity. In the Incarnation
the "new man" was born, the "Last Adam"; he was truly
human, but he was more than a man: "The second man is
the Lord from heaven" (1 Cor. xv. 47). As the Mother of
The Ever-Virgin Mother of God 177

this ' 'Second Man/' Mary herself was participating in the

mystery of the redeeming re-creation of the world. Surely,
she is to be counted among the redeemed. She was most
obviously in need of salvation. Her Son is her Redeemer and
Saviour, just as he is the Redeemer of the world. Yet, she
is the only human being for whom the Redeemer of the
world is also a son, her own child whom she truly bore.
Jesus indeed was born "not of the will of the flesh, nor of
the will of man, but of God" (John i. 13this verse is
related both to the Incarnation and to baptismal regenera-
tion), and yet he is "the fruit of the womb" of Mary. His
supernatural birth is the pattern and the font of the new
existence, of the new and spiritual birth of all believers,
which is nothing else than a participation in his sacred
humanity, an adoption into the sonship of Godin the
"second man," in the "last Adam." The Mother of the
"second man" necessarily had her own and peculiar way
into the new life. It is not too much to say that for her the
Redemption was, in a sense, anticipated in the fact of the
Incarnation itself,and anticipated in a peculiar and personal
manner. "The Holy Spirit shall come upon thee, and the
power of the Highest shall overshadow thee" (Luke i. 35).
This was a true "theophanic presence"in the fulness of
grace and of the Spirit. The "shadow" is exactly a theophanic
symbol. And Mary was truly "full of grace," gratia plena,
/. The Annunciation was for her, as it were,
an anticipated Pentecost. We are compelled to risk this daring
parallelism by the inscrutable logic of the divine election.
For indeed we cannot regard the Incarnation merely as a
metaphysical miracle which would be unrelated to the per-
sonal destiny and existence of the persons involved. Man
is never dealt with by God as if he was but a tool in the
hands of a master. For man is a living person. By no means
could it be merely an "instrumental" grace, when the Virgin
was "overshadowed" with the power of the Highest. The
unique position of the Virgin Mary is obviously not her own
178 Creation and Redemption

achievement, nor simply a "reward" for her "merits,"nor

even perhaps was the fulness of grace given to her in a
"prevision" of her merits and virtue. It was supremely
the free gift of God, in the strictest sensegratia gratis data.
It was an absolute and eternal election, although not uncon-
ditionalfor it was conditioned by and related to the mystery
of the Incarnation. Mary holds her unique position and has
a "category of her own" not as a mere Virgin, but as the
Virgin-Mother, , as the predestined Mother
of the Lord. Her function in the Incarnation is twofold. On
the one hand, she secures the continuity of the human race.
Her Son is, in virtue of his "second nativity," the Son of
David, the Son of Abraham and of all the "forefathers" (this
is emphasized by the genealogies of Jesus, in both versions).
In the phrase of St. Irenaeus, he "recapitulated in himself
the long roll of humanity" {Adv. Haeres., Ill, 18, 1: longam
hominum expositionem in se ipso recapitulavit), "gathered
up in himself all nations, dispersed as they were even from
Adam" (III, 22, 3) and "took upon himself the old way of
creation' (IV, 23, 4 ) . But, on the other hand, he "exhibited
a new sort of generation' (V, 1, 3). He was the New Adam.
This was the most drastic break in the continuity, the true
reversal of the previous process. And this "reversal" begins
precisely with the Incarnation, with the Nativity of the
"Second Man." St. Irenaeus speaks of a recirculationfrom
Mary to Eve (III, 22, 4 ) . As the Mother of the New Man
Mary has her anticipated share in this very newness. Of
course, Jesus the Christ is the only Lord and Saviour. But
Mary is his mother. She is the morning star that announces
the sunrise, the rise of the true Sol salutis:
. She is "the dawn of the mystic day,"
(both phrases are from the Akathist
hymn). And in a certain sense even the Nativity of our
Lady itself belongs to the mystery of salvation. "Thy birth,
Mother of God and Virgin, hath declared joy to all the
universefor from thee arose the Sun of Righteousness,
The Ever-Virgin Mother of God 179

Christ our God" (Troparion of the Feast of the Nativity of

our Lady). Christian thought moves always in the dimension
of personalities, not in the realm of general ideas. It appre-
hends the mystery of the Incarnation as mystery of the
Mother and the Child. This is the ultimate safeguard against
any abstract docetism. It is a safeguard of the evangelical
concreteness. The traditional ikon of the Blessed Virgin, in
the Eastern tradition, is precisely an ikon of the Incarnation:
the Virgin is always with the Babe. And surely no ikon, i.e.
no image of the Incarnation, is ever possible without the
Virgin Mother.
Again, the Annunciation is "the beginning of our salva-
tion and the revelation of the mystery which is from eternity:
the Son of God becometh the Son of the Virgin, and Gabriel
proclaimeth good tidings of grace" (Troparion of the Feast
of the Annunciation). The divine will has been declared
and proclaimed by the archangel. But the Virgin was not
silent. She responded to the divine call, responded in humility
and faith. "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me
according to thy word." Divine will is accepted and responded
to. And this human response is highly relevant at this point.
The obedience of Mary counterbalances the disobedience of
Eve. In this sense the Virgin Mary is the Second Eve, as her
Son is the Second Adam. This parallel was drawn quite early.
The earliest witness is St. Justin {Dial., 100) and in St.
Irenaeus we find already an elaborate conception, organically
connected with his basic idea of the recapitulation. "As Eve
by the speech of an angel was seduced, so as to flee God,
transgressing his word, so also Mary received the good tidings
by means of the angel's speech, so as to bear God within
her, being obedient to his word. And, though the one has
disobeyed God, yet the other was drawn to obey God; that
of the virgin Eve the Virgin Mary might become the advocate.
And, as by a virgin the human race had been bound to death,
by a virgin it is saved, the balance being preserved, a virgin's
disobedience by a virgin's obedience" (V, 19, 1). And again:
180 Creation and Redemption

"And so the knot of Eve's disobedience received its unloosing

through the obedience of Mary; for what Eve, a virgin,
bound by incredulity, that Mary, a virgin, unloosed by faith"
(III, 22, 34translation by Cardinal Newman). This con-
ception was traditional, especially in the catechetical teaching,
both in the East and in the West. "It is a great sacrament
{magnum sacramentum] that, whereas through woman death
became our portion, so life was born to us by woman," says
St. Augustine {De Agone Christ., 24,in another place he is
simply quoting Irenaeus). "Death by Eve, life by Mary,"
declares St. Jerome (Jipist. 22: mors per Evam, vita per
Mariam). Let me quote also an admirable and concise
passage from one of the sermons of the Metropolitan Philaret
of Moscow (1782-1867). He was preaching on the day of
the Annunciation. "During the days of the creation of the
world, when God uttered his living and mighty words: Let
there be . . . 9 the Creator's words brought creatures into
existence. But on the day, unique in the existence of the
world, when Holy Mary uttered her humble and obedient
Let it be, I would hardly dare to express what took place
thenthe word of the creature caused the Creator to descend
into the world. God uttered his word here also: You will
conceive in your womb and bear a son . . .he will be great. . .
and he will reign over the house of Jacob for ever. But again
that which is divine and incomprehensible occursthe word
of God itself defers its action, allowing itself to be delayed
by the word of Mary: How can this be? Her humble Let it
be was necessary for the realization of God's mighty Let it be.
What secret power is thus contained in these simple words:
Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me
according to yout willthat it produces an effect so extra-
ordinary? This marvelous power is Mary's pure and perfect
self-dedication to God, a dedication of her will, of her
thought, of her soul, of her entire being, of all her faculties,
of all her actions, of all her hopes and expectations." [Choix
de Sermons et Discours de S. Em. Mgr. Philarte, Mtropolite
The Ever-Virgin Mother of God 181

de Moscow, traduits par A. Serpinet (Paris, 1866, T. I,

p. 187) ; the translation is by Dr. R. Haugh]. The Incarnation
was indeed a sovereign act of God, but it was a revelation
not only of his omnipotent might, but above all of his
fatherly love and compassion. There was implied an appeal
to human freedom once more, as an appeal to freedom was
implied in the act of creation itself, namely in the creation
of rational beings. The initiative was of course divine. Yet,
as the means of salvation chosen by God was to be an
assumption of true human nature by a divine Person, man
had to have his active share in the mystery. Mary was voicing
this obedient response of man to the redeeming decree of
the love divine, and so she was representative of the whole
race. She exemplified in her person, as it were, the whole of
humanity. This obedient and joyful acceptance of the re-
deeming purpose of God, so beautifully expressed in the
Magnificat, was an act of freedom. Indeed, it was freedom of
obedience, not of initiativeand yet a true freedom, freedom
of love and adoration, of humility and trustand freedom
of co-operation (cf. St. Irenaeus, Adv. Haeres., Ill, 21, 8:
"Mary cooperating with the economy")this is just what
human freedom means. The grace of God can never be
simply superadded, mechanically as it were. It has to be
received in a free obedience and submission.
Mary was chosen and elected to become the Mother of the
Incarnate Lord. We must assume that she was fit for that
awful office, that she was prepared for her exceptional
callingprepared by God. Can we properly define the nature
and character of this preparation? We are facing here the
crucial antinomy (to which we have alluded above). The
Blessed Virgin was representative of the race, i.e. of the
fallen human race, of the "old Adam." But she was also the
second Eve; with her begins the tenew generation." She was
set apart by the eternal counsel of God, but this "setting
apart" was not to destroy her essential solidarity with the
rest of mankind. Can we solve this antinomical mystery in
182 Creation and Redemption

any logical scheme? The Roman Catholic dogma of the

Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary is a noble attempt
to suggest such a solution. But this solution is valid only
in the context of a particular and highly inadequate doctrine
of original sin and does not hold outside this particular
setting. Strictly speaking, this "dogma" is an unnecessary
complication, and an unfortunate terminology only obscures
the undisputable truth of the Catholic belief. The "privileges"
of the divine Motherhood do not depend upon a "freedom
from original sin." The fulness of grace was truly bestowed
upon the Blessed Virgin and her personal purity was pre-
served by the perpetual assistance of the Spirit. But this was
not an abolition of the sin. The sin was destroyed only on
the tree of the Cross, and no "exemption" was possible,
since it was simply the common and general condition of
the whole of human existence. It was not destroyed even by
the Incarnation itself, although the Incarnation was the true
inauguration of the New Creation. The Incarnation was but
the basis and the starting-point of the redemptive work of
our Lord. And the "Second Man" himself enters into his
full glory through the gate of death. Redemption is a
complex act, and we have to distinguish most carefully its
moments, although they are supremely integrated in the
unique and eternal counsel of God. Being integrated in the
eternal plan, in the temporal display they are reflected in each
ether and the final consummation is already /^figured and
tf#//cipated in all the earlier stages. There was a real progress
in the history of the Redemption. Mary had the grace of
the Incarnation, as the Mother of the Incarnate, but this was
not yet the complete grace, since the Redemption had not yet
been accomplished. Yet, her personal purity was possible even
in an unredeemed world, or rather in a world that was in
process of Redemption. The true theological issue is that of
the divine election. The Mother and the Cihld are insepar-
ably linked in the unique decree of the Incarnation. As an
event, the Incarnation is just the turning-point of history,
The Ever-Virgin Mother of God 183

and the turning-point is inevitably antinomical: it belongs at

once to the Old and to the New. The rest is silence. We have
to stand in awe and trembling on the threshold of the mystery.
The intimate experience of the Mother of the Lord is
hidden from us. And nobody was ever able to share this
unique experience, by the very nature of the case. It is the
mystery of the person. This accounts for the dogmatic
reticence of the Church in Mariological doctrine. The Church
speaks of her rather in the language of devotional poetry,
in the language of antinomical metaphors and images. There
is no need, and no reason, to assume that the Blessed Virgin
realized at once all the fulness and all the implications of
the unique privilege bestowed upon her by the grace of God.
There is no need, and no reason, to interpret the "fulness"
of grace in a literal sense as including all possible perfections
and the whole variety of particular spiritual gifts. It was a
fulness for her, she was full of grace. And yet it was a
"specialized" fulness, the grace of the Mother of God, of
the Virgin Mother, of the "Unwedded Spouse,"
. Indeed, she had her own spiritual way, her own
growth in grace. The full meaning of the mystery of salva-
tion was apprehended by her gradually. And she had her
own share in the sacrifice of the Cross: "Yea, a sword shall
pierce through thy own soul also" (Luke ii. 35). The full
light shone forth only in the Resurrection. Up to that point
Jesus himself was not yet glorified. And after the Ascension
we find the Blessed Virgin among the Twelve, in the center
of the growing Church. One point is beyond any doubt.
The Blessed Virgin had been always impressed, if this word
is suitable here, by the angelic salutation and announcement
and by the startling mystery of the virgin birth. How could
she not be impressed? Again, the mystery of her experience
is hidden from us. But can we really avoid this pious guess-
work without betraying the mystery itself? "But Mary kept
all these things, and pondered them in her heart" (Luke ii.
19). Her inner life had to be concentrated on this crucial
184 Creation and Redemption

event of her story. For indeed the mystery of the Incarnation

was for her also the mystery of her own personal existence.
Her existential situation was unique and peculiar. She had
to be adequate to the unprecedented dignity of this situation.
This is perhaps the very essence of her particular dignity,
which is described as her "Ever-Virginity/' She is the Virgin.
Now virginity is not simply a bodily status or a physical
feature as such. Above all it is a spiritual and inner attitude,
and apart from that a bodily status would be altogether
meaningless. The title of Ever-Virgin means surely much
more than merely a "physiological" statement. It does not
refer only to the Virgin Birth. It does not imply only an
exclusion of any later marital intercourse (which would be
utterly inconceivable if we really believe in the Virgin Birth
and in the Divinity of Jesus). It excludes first of allany
"erotic" involvement, any sensual and selfish desires or
passions, any dissipation of the heart and mind. The bodily
integrity or incorruption is but an outward sign of the internal
purity. The main point is precisely the purity of the heart,
that indispensable condition of "seeing God." This is the
freedom from passions, the true , which has been
commonly described as the essence of the spiritual life. Free-
dom from passions and "desires," imperviability
to evil thoughts, as St. John of Damascus puts it. Her soul
was governed by God only [], it was supre-
mely attached to him. All her desire was directed towards
things worthy of desire and affection (St. John says:
, attracted, gravitating). She had no passion
[]. She ever preserved virginity in mind, and soul,
and body, , -
^ (Homil. I, in Nativitatem B.V. Mariae 9 and 5,
Migne, Ser. Gr. XCVI, 676 A and 668 C ) . It was an undis-
turbed orientation of the whole personal life towards God, a
complete self-dedication. To be truly a "handmaid of the
Lord" means precisely to be ever-virgin, and not to have any
fleshly preoccupations. Spiritual virginity is siniessness, but
The Ever-Virgin Mother of God 185

not yet "perfection," and not freedom from temptations.

But even our Lord himself was in a sense liable to tempta-
tions and was actually tempted by Satan in the wilderness.
Our Lady perhaps had her temptations too, but has over-
come them in her steady faithfulness to God's calling. Even
an ordinary motherly love culminates in a spiritual identifica-
tion with the child, which implies so often sacrifice and
self-denial. Nothing less can be assumed in the case of Mary;
her Child was to be great and to be called the Son of the
Highest (cf. Luke i. 32). Obviously, he was one who
"should have come," the Messiah (cf. Luke vii. 19). This is
openly professed by Mary in the Magnificat, a song of
Messianic praise and thanksgiving. Mary could not fail to
realize all this, if only dimly for a time and gradually, as she
pondered all the glorious promises in her heart. This was the
only conceivable way for her. She had to be absorbed by this
single thought, in an obedient faithfulness to the Lord who
"hath regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden" and "hath
done (for her) great things." This is precisely the way in
which St. Paul described the state and the privilege of
virginity: "the unmarried woman, and the virgin, thinks
about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy in body
and in spirit" (1 Cor. vii. 34, Douay version: f\ !
) . The climax of this virginal
aspiration is the holiness of the Virgin Mother all-pure and
Cardinal Newman in his admirable "Letter addressed to
the Rev. . . Pusey, D.D., on occasion of his Eirenicon"
(1865) says very aptly: "Theology is occupied with super-
natural matters, and is ever running into mysteries, which
reason can neither explain nor adjust. Its lines of thought
come to an abrupt termination, and to pursue them or to
complete them is to plunge down the abyss. St. Augustine
warns us that, if we attempt to find and to tie together the
ends of lines which run into infinity, we shall only succeed
in contradicting ourselves . . . " {Difficulties felt by Anglicans
186 Creation and Redemption

in Catholic Teaching, 5th ed., page 430). It is widely agreed

that the ultimate considerations which determine a true
estimate of all particular points of the Christian tradition are
doctrinal. No purely historical arguments, whether from
antiquity or from silence, are ever decisive. They are subject
to a further theological scrutiny and revision in the perspective
of the total Christian faith, taken as a whole. The ultimate
question is simply this: does one really keep the faith of the
Bible and of the Church, does one accept and recite the
Catholic Creed exactly in that sense in which it had been
drafted and supposed to be taken and understood, does one
really believe in the truth of the Incarnation? Let me quote
Newman once more. "I say then/' he proceeds, "when once
we have mastered the idea, that Mary bore, suckled, and
handled the Eternal in the form of a child, what limit is
conceivable to the rush and flood of thoughts which such a
doctrine involves? What awe and surprise must attend upon
the knowledge, that a creature has been brought so close to
the Divine Essence ?" {op. cit., page 431). Fortunately, a
Catholic theologian is not left alone with logic and erudition.
He is led by the faith; credo ut intelligam. Faith illuminates
the reason. And erudition, the memory of the past, is quick-
ened in the continuous experience of the Church. A Catholic
theologian is guided by the teaching authority of the Church,
by its living tradition. But above all, he himself lives in the
Church, which is the Body of Christ. The mystery of the
Incarnation is still, as it were, continuously enacted in the
Church, and its "implications" are revealed and disclosed in
devotional experience and in sacramental participation. In
the Communion of Saints, which is the true Church Universal
and Catholic, the mystery of the New Humanity is disclosed
as a new existential situation. And in this perspective and
living context of the Mystical Body of Christ the person of
the Blessed Virgin Mother appears in full light and full
glory. The Church now contemplates her in the state of
perfection. She is now seen as inseparably united with her
The Ever-Virgin Mother of God 187

Son, who "sitteth on the right hand of God the Father

Almighty." For her the final consummation of life has
already comein an anticipation. "Thou art passed over
into Life, who art the Mother of Life," acknowledges the
Church, "Neither grave nor death had power over the Mother
of God . . . for the Mother of Life hath been brought into
Life by him who dwelt in her ever-virgin womb" (Troparion
and Kontakion for the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin
Mary, ,). Again, it is not so much a heavenly reward
for her purity and virtue, as an "implication" of her sublime
office, of her being the Mother of God, the Theotokos. The
Church Triumphant is above all the worshipping Church,
her existence is a living participation in Christ's office of
intercession and his redeeming love. Incorporation into
Christ, which is the essence of the Church and of the whole
Christian existence, is first of all an incorporation into his
sacrificial love for mankind. And here there is a special place
for her who is united with the Redeemer in the unique
intimacy of motherly affection and devotion. The Mother of
God is truly the common mother of all living, of the whole
Christian race, born or reborn in the Spirit and truth. An
affectionate identification with the child, which is the spiritual
essence of motherhood, is here consummated in its ultimate
perfection. The Church does not dogmatize much about
these mysteries of her own existence. For the mystery of Mary
is precisely the mystery of the Church. Mater Ecclesia and
Virgo Mater, both are birthgivers of the New Life. And both
are orantes. The Church invites the faithful and helps them to
grow spiritually into these mysteries of faith which are as well
the mysteries of their own existence and spiritual destiny. In
the Church they learn to contemplate and to adore the living
Christ together with the whole assembly and Church of the
firstborn, which are written in heaven (cf. Heb. xii. 23).
And in this glorious assembly they discern the eminent person
of the Virgin Mother of the Lord and Redeemer, full of
grace and love, of charity and compassion"More honorable
188 Creation and Redemption

than the cherubim, more glorious than the seraphim, who

without spot didst bear the Eternal Word." In the light of
this contemplation and in the spirit of faith the theologian
must fulfil his office of interpreting to believers and to
those who seek the truth the overwhelming mystery of the
Incarnation. This mystery is still symbolized, as it was in the
age of the Fathers, by a single and glorious name: Mary
Theotokos, the Mother of God Incarnate.
The Sacrament of Pentecost

T HE CHURCH IS O N E . This does not merely mean that

there i$ only one Church, but that the Church is a unity.
In it mankind is translated into a new plane of existence so
that it may perfect itself in unity in the image of the life
of the Trinity. The Church is one in the Holy Spirit and the
Spirit "construes" it into the complete and perfect Body of
Christ. The Church is predominantly one in the fellowship
of the sacraments. Putting it in another way, the Church is
one in Pentecost, which was the day of the mysterious founda-
tion and consecration of the Church when all the prophecies
about her were fulfilled. In that "terrible and unknown
celebration" the Spirit-Comforter descends and enters the
world in which He was never present before in the same
way as He now begins to dwell. Now He enters the world
to abide in it and to become the all-powerful source of
transfiguration and deification. The bestowal and the descent
of the Spirit was a unique and unrepeatable Relevation. On
that day, in moment, an inexhaustible source of living water
and Life Eternal was disclosed here on earth.
Pentecost, therefore, is the fulness and the source of all
sacraments and sacramental actions, the one and inexhaustible
spring of all the mysterious and spiritual life of the Church.
To abide or "to live in the Church implies a participation in

"The Sacrament of Pentecost" originally appeared in The Journal of the

Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius, No. 23 (London, 1934), 29-35.
Reprinted by permission of the author. "Consensus Ecclesie" appeared in
No. 24 of the same.

190 Creation and Redemption

Pentecost. Moreover, Pentecost becomes eternal in the Apos-

tolic Succession, that is in the uninterrptibility of hierarchical
ordinations in which every part of the Church is at every
moment organically united with the primary source. The
lines of power proceed from the Upper Room. Apostolic
Succession is not merely, as it were, the canonical skeleton
of the Church. Generally speaking, the hierarchy is primarily
a charismatic principle, that isa "ministry of the sacra-
ments/' or "a divine economy.'* And in this capacity precisely
the hierarchy is an organ of the unity of the Church.
Jt is the unity of grace. It is to the Church what the circula-
tion of the blood is to the human body. Apostolic Succession
is not so much the canonical as the mystical foundation of
Church unity. It is associated with the divine rather than
with the human side of the Church. Historically the Church
remains actually one in its priesthood. It is precisely by
this Apostolic uninterrptibility of successive ordinations that
the whole Church is bound into a unity of the body from a
unity of the Spirit. And there is only one way and one
approach: to draw near and to drink from the one spring
of life, once revealed.
The peculiar function of bishops is to be the organ of
Apostolic Succession. The bishop differs from the priest in his
power to ordain, and in this alone. Nor is this only a canonical
privilege and only a power of jurisdiction. It is a power of
sacramental action beyond that possessed by the priest. In the
celebration of the Eucharist the bishop has no precedence
over the priest and can never have it, for the priest has full
power to celebrate, every priest being primarily appointed
for the purpose of offering the Eucharistie Sacrifice. It is as
the celebrator of the divine Eucharist that the priest is the
minister and the builder of Church unity. The unity of the
Body of Christ springs from unity in the Eucharistie meal.
But in addition to this the bishop has his own particular duty
in the building up of Church unity, not as the offerer of the
Bloodless Sacrifice but as the ordainer. The Last Supper and
The Sacrament of Pentecost 191

Pentecost are inseparably bound up with one another. The

Comforter descends when the Son has been glorified in His
death on the Cross. But still they are two sacraments which
cannot be merged the one into the other.
The same applies to the two degrees in orders: the bishop
is above the priest and it is through the episcopate that
Pentecost becomes universal and eternal. Moreover every
particular Church through its bishop, or, to put it more
exactly, in its bishop, is included in the Catholic fulness of
the Church as a whole. Through its bishop it is linked up
with the past and with antiquity. Through its bishop it forms
a part of the living organism of the Body of the Church
Universal. For every bishop is ordained by many bishops in
the name of the undivided episcopate. In its bishop every
single Church outgrows and transcends its own limits, and
comes into contact with and merges into other Churches,
not the order of brotherly love and remembrance alone,
but in the unity of mysterious and gracious life.
Every local Church therefore finds its center and its unity
in the bishop, not so much because he is its local head and
pastor, but because through him it is included in the mys-
terious "sobornost" ["catholicity"'] of the Church-body for
all times. "We affirm that the order of bishops is so neces-
sary for the Church that without it the Church is not a
Church and a Christian is not a Christian, and that they
cannot be even so called. For the bishop is a successor of the
Apostles through the laying on of hands and invocation of
the Holy Spirit, having successively received the power
bestowed from God to loose and to bind. He is a living
image of God on earth, and owing to the divine activity and
power of the Holy Spirit is the abundant source of all the
sacraments of the Church Universal through which salvation
is obtained. We consider that a bishop is as essential to a
Church as breath is to man and the sun to the world" (the
Epistle of the Eastern Patriarchs to the Bishops of Great
Britain, 1723, par. 10).
192 Creation and Redemption

On the Day of Pentecost the Spirit descends not only on

the Apostles, but also on those who were present with them;
not only on the Twelve but on the entire multitude (compare
Chrysostom's Discourses and his interpretation of Acts). This
means that the Spirit descends on the whole of the Primitive
Church then present in Jerusalem. But though the Spirit is
one, the gifts and ministrations in the Church are very varied,
so that while in the sacrament of Pentecost the Spirit descends
on all, it is on the Twelve alone that He bestows the power
and the rank of priesthood promised to them by Our Lord
in the days of His flesh. The distinctive features of priesthood
do not become blurred in the all-embracing fulness of
Pentecost. But the simultaneity of this Catholic outpouring
of the Spirit n the entire Church witnesses to the fact that
priesthood was founded within the sobornost of the Church.
It is with this that the direct prohibition of ordination in
a "'general" or abstract" Sense (viz., without a definite ap-
pointment to a Church or a congregation) is directly asso-
ciated (IV. Oecum., Rule No. 6). Secret ordination is also
prohibited. It must always be public and open, in the Church
itself, before the people and with the people. Moreover, a
participation of the *'people" in the ordination itself is
required, and not only as reverent spectators who follow
the prayers. The binding "aksios" or "amen" is not merely
an accompaniment, but also a witness, and an acceptance.
The power to ordain is bestowed on bishops and on bishops
alone. But it is given to them within the Church as to the
pastors of a definite flock. And they can and should realize
this power only in the sobornost of the Church and in agree-
ment with the entire Bodynamely, the priests and the
peopleand not in a "general" or "abstract" way. This
means that the bishop should abide in the Church, and the
Church in the bishop.
The ancient stipulation that a bishop should be ordained
by two or three bishops is especially significant (Apost I.).
The implication of this requirement is quite obvious (cf.
The Sacrament of Pentecost 193

Matt, xviii. 16, "that at the mouth of two witnesses or three

every word may be established"). But to what do the bishops
who-ordain witness ? In the ordination of a bishop no separate
bishop can act for himself as a bishop of a definite and
particular local Church for s such he remains an outsider
so far as any other diocese or bishopric is concerned. He
acts as representative of the sobornost of the co-bishops, as
a member and sharer of this sobornost. In addition to this
it is implied that these bishops belong to a particular diocese
and as ruling bishops are not Separated and indeed are
inseparable from their flocks. Every co-ordainer acts in the
name f Catholic sobornost and fulness (cf. I. Oecum.,
rule 4: "it is most seemly for a bishop to be appointed by all
the bishops of that region; but if this happens to be incon-
venient either for some special reason or owing to the distance,
let at least three of them assemble in one place, and let
those who are absent signify their acquiescence in writing,
and then let them proceed with ordination").
Again, these are not only canonical, or administrative,
or disciplinary measures. One feels that there is a mystical
depth in them. No realization or extension of Apostolic Suc-
cession is otherwise possible, apart from the unbreakable
sobornost of the whole Church. Apostolic Succession can
never be severed or divorced from the organic context of the
life of the entire Church, although it has its own divine root.
In the Roman rite one bishop alone ordains, but the presence
of "witnesses" or "assistants" is required, who thus confirm
the fulness and the sobornost of the sacramental act. The
main point lies here in the co-operation of the whole Church,
even though it may be taken for granted and represented
symbolically. Under normal conditions of Church life Apos-
tolic Succession should never become reduced to an abstract
enumeration of successive ordainers. In ancient times Apos-
tolic Succession usually implied first of all a succession to a
definite cathedra, again in a particular local sobornost. Apos-
tolic Succession does not represent a self-sufficient chain or
194 Creation and Redemption

order of bishops. It is an organ and a system of Church one-

ness. Moreover, not only "holy orders" [ordo], but also the
"priestly power" [jurisdictio] are congruent in grace. "Juris-
diction" signifies the concreteness of the bishop's power and
dignity, and it stands precisely for sobornost,
unity with a particular body of Church people; Therefore
apart from "jurisdiction," that is in the mere self-sufficiency
of the episcopal rank, the power to ordain cannot be practised.
If such an "abstract" ordination cannot be recognized as
"valid" [valida], it is, nevertheless, not only "illegal" [illicita],
but also mystically defective. For every rupture of canonical
bonds simultaneously implies a certain loss of grace, namely
isolation, estrangement, neglect, mystical forgetfulness, limita-
tion of Church outlook, and decrease of love. For Apostolic
Succession has been established for the sake of unity and
sobomost, and must never become the vehicle of exclusiveness
and division. . .. ..
The Apostolicity of the Church is not exhausted by the
uninterruptibility of this priestly succession from the Apostles.
Apostolic Succession must not be severed from Apostolic
Tradition, and in fact never can be. Apostolic Tradition is
not only a historical reminiscence, nor does faithfulness to
Tradition mean simply an obstinate insistence on what is
ancient, still less does it demand an archaic adaptation of
the present to the manners or standards of the past. Tradi-
tion is not Church archeology but spiritual life. It is the
memory of the Church. It is, firstly, an uninterrupted current
of spiritual life proceeding from the Upper Room. Nor is
faithfulness to Apostolic Tradition faithfulness to antiquity
alone, but a living link with all the fulness of Church life.
Faithfulness to Tradition is similarly a participation in
Pentecost, and Tradition represents a fulfilment of Pente-
cost"Howbeit when He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, He
shall guide you unto all truth" (John xvi. 13). Generally
speaking, Tradition is not so much a safeguarding and con-
servative principle, as a progressive and adducible onethe
The Sacrament of Pentecost 195

beginning of life, renewal, and growth. Apostolic times are

not only an external example for imitation or repetition, but
an eternally renewed spring or experience and life in grace.
Tradition is the power to teach, confess, witness, and proclaim
out of the depth of the experience of the Church, which
remains always the same and unimpaired. And this "power
tcj teach" [ptestas magisteri] is included in Apostolic Suc-
cession and based on it. The power to teach is conferred
precisely on the episcopateit is the most apostolic "power/*
But this "power" is a function of the Catholic fulness of
the Church. "De omnium fidelium ore pendeamus, quia in
fidelem Spiritus Dei spirat" The hierarchy in its
teaching capacity represents, as it were, the lips of the Church.
This does not mean that the hierarchy acquires its teaching
credentials from the people of the Church, for it has them
from the Holy Spirit, s an "anointing of truth" [charisma
ver it at is certum\ according to the expression of St. Irenaeus
of Lyons, in the sacrament of ordination. But this is the right
or power to express and witness to the faith nd exprience
of the Church. The hierarchy teaches as an organ of the
Church. Therefore it is limited by the "consent of the Church"
[e consensu ecclesiae\ and again not so much in the order
of canonics as of spiritual life and evidence. To the hierarchy
alone is given the right to teach and witness in the Church.
But the hierarchy is not a self-sufficient and complete "teacb
ing body" in the Church. The hierarchy then only teaches
in a Catholic way when it truly holds and contains the Church
within itself. Every local Church has the right to a "teaching
voice" only in the person of its bishop, which, however, does
not exclude the right to freedom of opinion. On the other
hand the bishop also has the "power to teach" only within
the Church, only within the actual sobornost of his people
and flock. The bishop receives this power and ability to teach,
not from his flock, but from Christ Himself, in Whose
ministry of teaching he participates through the grace of
Apostolic Succession. But the power to be, as it were, the
196 Creation and Redemption

heart of his people is conferred on him, and therefore the

people also have right and duty to witness, to consent, and
to refuse consent, in the search for full unanimity and the
fulness of sobornost.
The power to teach is therefore based on a two-fold con-
_ tinuity. Firstly, the uninterruptibility of spiritual life in the
Church as the "fulness of Him that fillth all in all" (Eph. i.
23). All the meaning and grandeur of the Christian life lies
in the acquiring of the Spirit. We enter into communion with
the Spirit in the sacraments, and we must strive to be filled
with the Spirit in prayer and action. This constitutes the
mystery of our inner life. But even in this it is assumed that
we belong to the Church and are part of its very texture.
Each individual way of life is also included in sobornost, and
this means that it is conditioned and limited by Apostolic
Succession. Secondly, a universal communion for all time or
a union in the sacraments is Only possible through the uninter^
ruptibility of priestly succession. The historical development
of the Church, its organic integrity in revealing the funda-
mental "depositufn fidei" are alike based on Apostolic Suc-
cession. The Catholic fulness of the teaching of the Church
is only possible for us through Apostolic Succession which
supersedes the historical relativity of separate epochs, and
which also acts as a check for an inner differentiation between
what is varying and what is permanent. The freedom of
theological investigation and opinion finds support and a
foundation for itself in this hierarchical "anointing of the
truth/' It is precisely Apostolic Succession which allows us
in our theology to rise above and beyond the spirit of our
times and enter into the fulness of truth.
Generally speaking, the efficacy and the reality of the
sacraments does not depend on the faith of those who
partake of them. For the sacraments are accomplished by the
power of God, and not of man, and the frailty and imperfec-
tion of an individual priest is made good by the mysterious
participation of the entire Church in his actions-Hire Church
The Sacrament of Pentecost 197

which has appointed him and authorized him to fulfil the

"ministry of the Sacraments." However, in spite of this, it is
hardly possible to isolate completely the objectively-gracious
moment of the sacraments. For example, how can Apostolic
Succession be preserved when Apostolic Tradition has been
broken together with the continuity of the spiritual life ? In
^my case an injury to faith cannot but be reflected in one way
or another in the hierarchy of such communities in which
the Apostolic "deposit of faith" has not been safeguarded,
and where the fulness of Tradition has been diminished by
breaches in historical continuity. Especially does this apply to
cases where the injury affects the basic motives of the "suc-
cession" itself, when Eucharistie faith becomes dimmed, and
when the idea of priesthood becomes vague. One might add
that in such cases the empirical link with the fulness of
Church life both past and present is usually severed, and the
community becomes self-contained and isolated, so that an
empirical separation or schism takes place. Such a will to
isolation and, as it were* solitude cannot but affect that
ministry of the Church the whole meaning of which lies in
the preservation and expression of unity. Again this is not
only a question of legality or "jurisdiction." Not so much
canonically as mystically every priest acts on behalf of and
in the name of the whole Churchand only thus is his
Divine ministry full of mystical value. The Eucharist is one
and undivided and can only be celebrated within the mystical
limits of the Catholic Church. How can a "dissenter" celebrate
the Eucharist?
Still more equivocal is the continuity of the Apostolic
Succession in schismatic bodies, particularly if it has been
continued, or even "re-established" precisely for the sake of
making the separation permanent. How can the hierarchical
chain persist in division, when its very raison d' tre is unity ?
And how can schismatic hierarchs act on behalf of and in
the name of the Catholic Church ? Yet Church life in practice
witnesses to the fact that this is possible, and that the life
198 Creation and Redemption

in grace in schismatical bodies is not extinguished and

exhausted, at any rate, to be sure, not immediately. However,
we cannot think it possible that it should go on unimpaired,
precisely for the reason that one cannot sharply Isolate
different aspects of the organic whole of Church life. Human
and historical isolation even if they do not altogether lead
to the severing of Apostolic Succession must at any rate
weaken it mystically. For the unity in grace can only come
to be revealed in the "mystery of freedom/' and only through
a return to Catholic fulness and communion can every sepa-
rated hierarchical body recover its full mystical significance.
Simultaneously with this return there is the acceptance of
the Apostolic "deposit of faith" in all its completeness.
Apostolic Succession is only strengthened by faithfulness to
and fulfilment of Apostolic Tradition. In their inseparable-
ness lies the fulness of Pentecost.


[Two explanatory notes to Professor Florovsky's article on

"The Sacrament of Pentecost."]

I. "To the hierarchy alone is given the right to teach

and witness in the Church" This does not mean that the
clergy and laity are merely destined to an unconditional and
formal obedience to the episcopate. It does not similarly
imply that "the right to teach" is conferred on the bishops
apart from the people. On the contrary, there should be no
room for exclusiveness in the Church. In this way the sharp
contrast which exists in the Roman Church between the
"teaching" and the "learning" Church is relinquished; It is
more correct to speak of the co-ordination between all the
strata, or elements, within the Church. I emphasize again
"the bishop also has the "power to teach" only within the
Church, only within the actual s ob st of his people and
The Sacrament of Pentecost 199

flock." Everyone in the Church is called not only to obedience

but also to understanding. Precisely in questions of faith and
dogma everyone is constrained by personal responsibility.
It is preferable not to speak of "responsibility"the term is
too formalit is better to say that everyone should dwell in
truth. The flock must not only listen but also acquiesce.
It is not authority that decides so much as an inner evidence
of spiritual life. Within the boundaries of unbroken sobornost
there exists an allocation of activities and tasks. At any rate
everyone is called to be a living example and witness to his
faith and trust, to teach and help everyone. This is not the
question at issue. Nor is it even one of theological research,
which formally cannot be delimited by any position in the
Church. The question is one of the right of dogmatic witness
on behalf of the Church.
, - Again, the power of the hierarchy does not assume that
truth, as it were, is revealed automatically to the bishop, by
force of his ordination and dignity, or that he can discover it
without consultation and communion with that Church out-
side of which he loses all "power/' generally speaking. How-
ever, only to him, and to him alone, is given the right to speak
in a Catholic way. It is not only a canonical privilege or right.
It isr bound up with the fact that the bishop as such is a
mystical center of his flock, which unites in him in the one-
ness of sacramental fellowship. The fact that not infrequently
bishops are not sufficiently good theologians does not con-
tradict this statement. In such a case they are forced to find
support in other priests who are more learned than they.
This has been the case from the most ancient times: we have
merely to recall Eusebius of Caesarea, whose chief councillor
was Basil the Great. This is no greater contradiction than
the simple fact that there do exist unworthy bishops and even
unworthy Christians, generally speaking. Even laymen can
and must study, discuss, preach, write, and argue; they can
similarly disagree with bishops. But to witness on behalf of
the Church is given only to the bishop. One can also put it
200 Creation and Redemption

thus: the right of an opinion and of advice is given to all,

but the "power to teach" is bestowed on the hierarchy alone
of course, in the unbreakableness of soborny fellowship. The
scarcity of learned bishops in the Orthodox Church in recent
times is to be greatly regretted, but it is in no way linked
with this main postulate.
As regards "lay theologians" in Russia, it can be hardly
said that they have the power to teach on behalf of the whole
Churchwhich does not in any way limit their great historical
significance. For the voice of laymen must be heard in the
Orthodox choir. The leader of the choir, however, can only be
a bishop. There are various gifts, and all gifts are necessary.
Only one, however, is appointed shepherd and the staff is
entrusted to him. "And the sheep follow Him: for they
know His voice" (John x. 4 ) .
II. The disunity within the Christian world implies, of
course, its mystical weakness, and here nothing is clear. I
would only like to emphasize one point. The very fact of
division in the Church is a paradox and an antinomy. A falling
away from the Church is more comprehensible than division
in the Church, while the very efficacy of the sacraments in
schism [raskol] does not in itself do away with the undoubted
fact that even the spirit of division is an unhealthy symptom.
It is not easy to develop this point of view, for it is precisely
a paradox. However, I think that the West separated itself
from the East, and that the guilt of the West is greater. All
the history of Roman deviations witnesses to this, and they
continue to burden the Anglican Church as well. However,
this brings us to a new and very complicated theme, namely,
that of the division of the Churches, and it will be wiser to
return to it separately on another occasion.
On the Veneration of the Saints


is further unveiled and fulfilled in the fact that He
built His Church. In Christ and through Christ the unity
of mankind was brought about truly for the first time, for
those who believed in His Name become the Body of Christ.
And through uniting with Christ they unite likewise with
each other in a most sincere concord of love. In this great
unity all empirical distinctions and barriers are done away
Vith: differences of birth in the flesh are effaced within
the unity of a spiritual birth. The Church is a new people
filled with grace, which does not coincide with any physical
boundaries or any earthly nationneither Greeks nor Jews,
and a struggle of faith, through the "Mystery of water,"
through a union with Christ in the "Mysterious font/' through
the "grace of becoming sons"; i.e. "sons of God" for Whom
"were all things created that are in heaven and that are in
earth." In Holy Christening the one to be enlightened leaves
"this world" and forsakes its vanity, as if freeing himself
and stepping out of the natural order of things; from the
order of "flesh and blood" one enters an order of grace.
All inherited ties and all ties of blood are severed. But
man is not left- solitary or alone. For according to the
expression of the Apostle "by one Spirit are we all baptized,"
neither Scythians nor Barbariansand this nation does not

"On the Veneration of the Saints" originally appeared in the Journal of

the Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius (No. 2 ) . Reprinted by permis$ion.

202 Creation and Redemption

spring through a relationship of blood but through freedom

into one Body. The whole meaning of Holy Christening
consists in the fact that it is a mysterious acceptance into
the Church, into the City of God, into the Kingdom of
Grace. Through Christening the believer becomes a member
of the Church, enters the "one Church of angels and men,"
becomes a "co-citizen of the saints and ever with God,"
according to the mysterious and solemn words of St. P a u l -
one comes "to mount Zion, and to the city of the Living God,
the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company
of angels, to the general assembly and Church of the
firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the
Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect."
And in this great throng he is united unto Christ. For, tfunus
Christianusnullus Christianus"
The essence of the Church is in its unity, for the Church
is the Mansion of the One Spirit. This is not an external
and empirical unity or catholicity. The Ecumenical character
of the Church is not something external, quantitative, spacial,
not even any geographical quality, and does not at all depend
on the universal dispersal of believers. The visible unity
of the Church is merely a result but not a foundation for
the catholicity of the Church. Geographical "universality"
is a derivative and not an essential necessity. The catholicity
of the Church was not diminished in the first ages of
Christianity when communities of the faithful were scattered
like^ small islands, almost lost in the immense world of
unbelief and resistance. It is likewise not diminished now
when the majority of mankind is not with Christ. "Though
a town or even a province fall away from the Ecumenical
Church," says Metropolitan Philaret, "the Ecumenical Church
will always remain a complete and incorruptible body."
Likewise the Church will remain Ecumenical in the 'last
days" when it will be compressed into the "little flock,"
when the mystery of "retreat" will be revealed and when
On theVeneration of the Saints 203

faith will hardly be found on earth. For the Church is

Catholic according to its nature.
If one seeks for external definitions, then perhaps the
Ecumenical nature of the Church is best expressed by the
feature of its ftall-timeness" (of its running through all
times). For believers of all ages and all generations, who
are alive now, who lived, and who will be born, belong to
it in the same way. They all form one body, and through the
same prayer are united into one before the one throne of
the Lord of Glory. The experience of this unity through
all times is revealed and sealed in the whole cycle of Divine
worship. In the Church time is mysteriously overcome. The
outpouring of grace seems to stop time, to stop the run of
minutes and seasons, to overcome even the general order of
consecutiveness and the disconnectedness of those things
which took place at different times. In a unity with Christ
through grace, in the gift of communion with the One
Spirit, men of different epochs and generations become our
living contemporaries. Christ reigns equally in the Church
among the departed and among the living, for God is not
God of the dead but of the living.
The Church is a Kingdom not of this world but an
eternal Kingdom, for it has an eternal KingChrist. The
Church is a kind of mysterious image of eternity and a
foretaste of the Resurrection of all. For Christ the Head of
the Body is "the life and the resurrection" of His servants
and brothers. The measure of births has not yet been filled
and the stream of time still flows. The Church is still in its
historical wanderings but even now time has no power and
no strength in it. It is as if the Apocalyptic moment is
forestalledwhen there shall be no more time and all time
shall cease. Earthly death, the separation of the soul from
the body, does not sever the tie between those who have
faith, does not part and does not separate co-members in
Christ, does not exclude the deceased from the limits and
composition of the Church. In the prayer for the departed and
24 Creation and Redemption

in the order for burial we pray Christ "our immortal King

and God" to send the souls of the departed "to the habita-
tions of the holy/' "to the abodes of the righteous/' "to
the bosom of Abraham," where all the righteous are at rest.
And with special expressiveness in these parting prayers
we remember and call on the hosts of the righteous, and
on the Mother of God, and on the powers of heaven, and
on the holy martyrs and on all the saints as on our heavenly
co-citizens in the Church. With powerful emphasis the all-
timely and catholic consciousness of the Church is disclosed
in the order of burial. The faithful who attain to a genuine
union with Christ Himself in their struggle and in the
saving "mysteries" cannot be parted from Him even by
death. "Blessed are they who die in the Lordtheir souls
shall abide with the blessed." And the prayers for the
departed are a witness and measure of the catholic conscious-
ness of the Church.
Reverently the Church watches for any signs of grace
which witness and confirm the earthly struggle of the
departed. By an inner sight the Church recognizes both the
righteous living and departed, and the feeling of the Church
is sealed by the witness of the priesthood of the Church.
In this recognition of its brothers and members who have
"attained to perfection" consists the mystical essence of that
which in the Christian West is termed the "canonization
of saints," and which is understood by the Orthodox East
as their glorification, magnification and blessedness. And
firstly it is a glorification of God "Wonderous is the Lord
in His saints." "God's saints," said St. John of Damascus,
"reigned over and mastered their passions and kept uninjured
the likeness unto the image of God, according to which
they were created; they of their own free will united them-
selves with God and received Him into the habitation of
their heart, and having thus received Him in communion,
through grace, they became in their very nature like unto
Him." In them God reststhey became "the treasures and the
On the Veneration of the Saints 205

pure habitations of God." In this the mystery was accom-

plished. For as the ancient fathers saidthe Son of God
became man so that men could be deified, so that sons
of men should become sons of God. And in the righteous
who attain to love this measure of growth and ''likening"
unto Christ is fulfilled. "The Saints in their lifetime already
were filled with the Holy Spirit/' continues St. John of
Damascus, "and when they died the grace of the Holy
Spirit was still present with their souls and with their bodies
in the graves, and with their images and with their holy
ikons not because of their nature but because of grace and
its activity. ..the saints are alive and with daring they
stand before the Lord; they are not dead...the death of
saints is more like falling asleep than death," for they "abide
in the hand of God"; that is, in life and in light...and
"after He Who is Life itself and the source of life was
ranked among the dead, we consider no more as dead those
who depart with a hope of resurrection and with faith in
Him." And it is not only to get help and intercession that
the Holy Spirit teaches every believer to pray to the glorified
saints but also because this calling on them, through com-
tfnunion in prayer, deepens the consciousness of the catholic
unity of the Church. In our invocation of the saints our
measure of Christian love is exhibited, a living feeling f
unanimity and of the power of Church unity is expressed;
and, conversely, doubt or inability to feel the intercession of
grace and the intervention of saints on our behalf before
God witnesses not only to a weakening of love and of the
brotherly and Church ties and relationships but also to a
decrease in the fulness of faith in the Ecumenical value and
power of the Incarnation and Resurrection.
One of the most mysterious anticipations of the Orthodox
Church is the contemplation of the "Protecting Veil of the
Mother of God," of Her constant standing in prayer for
the world, surrounded by all the saints, before the throne
of God, "Today the Virgin stands in the Church and with
206 Creation and Redemption

hosts of saints invisibly prays to God for us all; angels

and high priests worship; apostles and prophets embrace
each otherit is for us that the Mother of God prays unto
the Eternal God!" Thus the Church remembers the vision
which was once seen by St. Andrew, the fool for Christ's
sake. And that which was then visibly revealed remains
now and will stand for all ages. The "Contemplation of the
Protecting Veil" of the Mother of God is a vision of the
celestial Church, a vision of the unbreakable and ever-
existent unity of the heavenly and the earthly Church. And
it is also a foreseeing that all existence beyond the grave,
of the righteous and the saints, is one untiring prayer, one
ceaseless intercession and mediation. For love is the "union
of all perfection." And the blessedness of the righteous is an
abiding in love. The Great Eastern saint St. Isaac th Syrian,
with incomparable daring, bore witness to the all-embracing
power which crowns a Christian's struggles. According to
his words this struggle for God acquires fulness and com-
pleteness and attains its aim in purityand purity is "a
heart which is merciful to every created being." And what
is a heart that has its mercy? asks the saint, and answers:
"A burning of the heart for all creation for men, birds,
beasts, demons and all creatures. And from remembrance
of them and contemplation of them such a man's eyes shed
tears: because of a great and strong compassion which
possesses his heart and its great constancy, he is overwhelmed
with tender pity and he cannot bear, or hear of, or see any
harm or any even small sorrow which creatures suffer.
And therefore he prays hourly with tears for the dumb
animals, and for the enemies of Truth and for those who
harm him that they should be guarded and that they should
be shown mercy; and also for all the reptiles he prays, from
this great compassion which is constantly aroused in his
heart in likeness to God." And if even on earth so fiery is
the prayer of saints, even with a more fiery flame it burns
"there" in the "embrace of the Father" on the bosom of
On the Veneration of the Saints 207

Divine Love, close to God, Whose Name is Love, Whose

car about the World is Love. And in the Church Triumphant
prayers for the whole Catholic Church do not cease. As
St. Cyprian saidChristian prayer is for all the world;
everyone prays not only for himself but for all people, for
all form one, and so we pray not with a particular individual
prayer but with one common to all, with one soul in all.
The whole deed of prayer must be determined by an
ecumenical consciousness and unanimous love, which includes
likewise those whose names are known to God alone. It is
not characteristic of a Christian to feel himself alone and
separated from all, for he is saved only in the unity of the
Church. And the crown of all prayer is that flaming love
which was expressed in th prayer of Moses: "Forgive their
sin; and if not, blot me, I pray Thee, out of Thy book which
Thou hast written..." Th center of Church worship is
Eucharistie worship. Here the whole Church is united also.
Here a sacrifice is made and prayers are offered "for all
and for all things/* here the whole Church is remembered
the militant and the triumphant. In the mystery-action of
the Liturgy "the powers of heaven invisibly celebrate with
us," they are present and celebrate with the celebrating
priest. And unto great saints it wras granted sometimes by
God's grace to contemplate in visible form that which is
hidden from the sight of the sinfulthe co-celebration of the
angels. Thus it is known that St. Seraphim of Sarov on one
occasion was granted to see the triumphant entrance of the
Lord of Glory surrounded by hosts of angels. Such an
entrance of the Lord of Glory is often represented in ikon
form on the walls of the holy Altar, and not only as a symbol
but likewise as an indication that invisibly all this actually
takes place. And all the ikon decoration of the Church
generally speaks of the mysterious unity, of the actual
presence of the saints with us. "We picture Christ, the
King and the Lord, without separating Him from His army,
for the Army of the Lord are the saints"said St. John of
208 Creation and Redemption

Damascus. Holy ikons are not only images of remembrance,

"images "of the past and of righteousness," not only pictures,
but are actually sacred things with which, as the fathers
explained, the Lord is "present" and by grace is "in com-
munion" with them. There exists some mysterious objective
tie between the "image" and the "Prototype," between the
likeness and the one who is represented, which is specially
marked in miracle-working ikons which show God's power.
"A venerating worship" of holy ikons clearly expresses the
idea of the Church's conception of the past: it is not only
a remembrance directed to something gone, but a vision by
grace of something fixed in eternity, a vision of something
mysterious, a presence by grace of those who are dead and
parted from us, "a joyful vision of a unity of all creation."
All creation has a Head in Christ. And through His
Incarnation the Son of God, according t the wonderful
expression of St. Irenaeus of Lyons, "again commenced a
long row of human beings." The Church is the spiritual
posterity of the Second Adam and in its history His
redemptive work is fulfilled and completed, while His love
blossoms and flames in it. The Church is a fulfillment of
Christ and His Body. According to the bold words of St.
John Chrysstom, "only then is the Fulfiller the Head when
a perfect body shall be formed." There is some mysterious
movementwhich started from the awe-filled day of Pente-
cost, when in the face of the first chosen few it was as if
all creation received a fiery christening by the Spirit towards
that last aim, when in all its glory the New Jerusalem shall
appear and the Bridal Feast of the Lamb shall begin. In
the stretch of ages the guests and the chosen are being
collected. The people of the eternal Kingdom are being
assembled. The Kingdom is being selected and set aside
beyond the limits of time. The fulfillment shall be accom-
plished in the last resurrectionthen the complete fulness
and glory and th whole meaning of Church catholicity shall
be revealed.
Holy Ikons


It was established as a special memorial day f the
Council at Constantinople in 843. It commemorates first
of all the victory of the Church over the heresy of the
Iconoclasts: The use and veneration of Holy Ikons was
restored. On this day we continue to sing the troparion of
the Holy Image of Christ: rfWe reverence Thy sacrd Image
At first glance, it may seem to be an unsuitable occasion
to commemorate the glory of th Church and all the heroes
and martyrs of the Orthodox Faith. Would it not be more
reasonable to do so rather on the days dedicated to the
memory of the great Ecumenical Councils or of the Fathers
of the Church ? Is not the veneration of Ikons rather a piece
of an external ritual and ceremonial ? Is not Ikon-painting
rather just a decoration, very beautiful indeed, and in many
ways instructive, but hardly an article of Faith? Such is the
current opinion, unfortunately widely spread even among the
Orthodox themselves. And it accounts for a sore decay of
our religious art. We usually mistake Icons for "religious
pictures," and therefore have no difficulty in using the most
unsuitable pictures as Ikons, even in our churches. Too often
we simply miss the religious significance of Holy Ikons.
We have forgotten the true and ultimate purpose of Ikons.

"Holy Ikons" originally appeared as an editorial in 5/. Vladimir's

Seminary Quarterly, Vol. 2, No. 3 (Spring, 1954), 3-5. Reprinted by
permission of the author.
210 Creation and Redemption

Let us turn to the witness of St. John of Damascusone

of the first ad greatest defenders of Holy Ikons in the
period of strugglethe great theologian and devotional
poet of our Church. In one of his sermons in the defense
of Ikons he says: "I have seen the human image of God,
and my soul is saved." It is a strong and moving statement.
God is invisible, He lives in light unapproachable. How can
a frail man see or behold Him? Now, God has been mani-
fested in the flesh. The Son of God, Who is in the bosom
of the Father, "came down from heaven" and "became man."
He dwelt among men. This was the great move of Love
Divine. The Heavenly Father was moved by the misery of
man and sent His Son because He loved the world. "No
man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son,
which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him."
John 1:18. The Ikon of Christ, God Incarnate, is a continuous
witness of the Church to that mystery of the Holy Incarna-
tion, which is the basis and the substance of our faith and
hope. Christ Jesus, Our blessed Lord, is God Incarnate. It
means that since the Incarnation, God is visible. One can
now have a true image of God.
The Incarnation is an intimate and personal identifica-
tion of God with man, with the needs and misery of man.
The Son of God "was made man," as it is stated in the
Creed, "for us men and for our salvation." He took upon
Himself the sins of the world, and died for us sinners on
the tree of the Cross, and thereby He made the Cross the
new tree of life for believers. He became the new and Last
Adam, the Head of the new and redeemed Humanity. The
Incarnation means a personal intervention of God into the
life of man, an intervention of Love and Mercy. The Holy
Ikon of Christ is a symbol of this, but much more than a
mere symbol or sign. It is also an efficient sign and token
of Christ's abiding presence in the Churchy which is His
Body. Even in an ordinary portrait there is always something
of the person represented. A portrait not only reminds us
Holy Ikons 211

of the person, but somehow conveys something of him,

i.e. represents the person, i.e. "makes present again." It is
even more true of the sacred Image of Christ. As the teachers
of the Church have taught usand especially St. Theodore
of Studium, another great confessor and defender of Holy
Ikonsan Ikon, in a sense, belongs to Christ's personality
itself. The Lord is there, in His "Holy Images."
Therefore not everyone is permitted to make or paint
Ikons, if they are to be true Ikons. The Ikon-painter must
be a faithful member of the Church, and he must prepare
himself for his sacred task by fasting and prayer. It is not
just a matter of art, of artistic or technical skill. It is a kind
of witness, a profession of faith. For the same reason, the
art itself must be wholeheartedly subordinate to the rule
of faith. There are limits of the artistic imagination. There
are certain established patterns to be followed. In any case,
the Ikon of Christ must be so executed as to convey the
true conception of His person, i.e. to witness to His Divinity,
yet Incarnate. All these rules were strictly kept for centuries
in the Church, and then they were forgotten. Even unbelievers
were permitted to paint Christ's ikons in the churches, and
therefore certain modern "ikons" are no more than pictures,
showing us just a man. These pictures fail to be "Ikons"
in any proper and true sense, and cease to be witnesses of
the Incarnation. In such cases, we just "decorate" our
The use of Holy Ikons has always been one of the most
distinctive features of the Eastern Orthodox Church. The
Christian West, even before the Schism, had little under-
standing for this dogmatic and devotional substance of Ikon-
painting. In the West it meant just decoration. And it was
under Western influence that Ikon-pinting has also deterio-
rated in the Orthodox East in modern times. The decay of
Ikon-painting was a symptom of a weakening of faith. The
art of Holy Ikons is not a neutral matter. It appertains to
212 Creation and Redemption

There should be no hazard, and n "improvisation," in

the painting of our churches. Christ is never alone, St. John
of Damascus contended. He is always with His saints, who
are His friends for ever. Christ is the Head, and true
believers are the Body. In the old churches the whole state
of the Church Triumphant would be pictorially represented
on the walls. Again, this was not just a decoration, nor
was it simply a story told in lines and colors for the ignorant
and illiterate. It was rather an insight into the invisible
reality of the Church. The whole company of Heaven was
represented on the walls because it was present there, though
invisibly. We always pray at Divine Liturgy, during the
Little Entrance, that "Holy Angels may enter with us to
serve with us." And our prayer is, no doubt, granted. We do
not see Angels, indeed. Our sight is weak. But it is told of
St. Seraphim that he used to see them, for they were there
indeed. The elect of the Lord do see them and the Church
Triumphant. Ikons are signs of this presence. "When we
stay in the temple of Thy glory, we seem to stand in the
Thus, it is quite natural that on the Sunday of Orthodoxy
we should not only celebrate the restoration of Ikon-venera-
tion, but also commemorate that glorious body of witnesses
and believers who did profess their faith, even at the cost
of their worldly security, prosperity, and life itself. It is a
great day of the Church. In fact, on this Sunday we do
celebrate the Church of the Incarnate Word: we celebrate
the redeeming Love of the Fathers, the Love Crucified of
the Son, and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit, made visible
in the whole company of the faithful, who did already
enter into Heavenly Rest, into the Joy Everlasting of their
Lord and Master. Holy Ikons are our witness to the glory
of the Kingdom to come, and already present.
The "Immortality" of the Soul


mitted to the belief in the Immortality of the human
soul? And what does Immortality actually mean in the
Christian universe of discourse? These questions are by no
means just rhetorical ones. Etienne Gilson, in his Gif ford
lectures, felt himself compelled to make the following start-
ling statement: "On the whole," he said, "Christianity with-
out an Immortality of the soul is not altogether inconceivable,
the proof is that it has been so conceived. What is, on the
contrary, absolutely inconceivable, is Christianity without a
Resurrection of Man."1 The striking feature of the early
history of the Christian doctrine of Man was that many
of the leading writers of the second century seem to have
emphatically denied the (natural) immortality of the soul.
And this does not seem to be an exceptional or extravagant
opinion of certain writers only, but rather the common
teaching of the age. Nor was this conviction completely aban-
doned in a later age. Bishop Anders Nygren, in his famous
book, Den kristna karlekstanken genom tiderna, praises the
Apologists of the second century precisely for this courageous

"The 'Immortality' of the Soul" first appeared as "The Resurrection of

Life" in the Bulletin of Harvard University Divinity School, XLIX, No. 8
(April, 1952), 5-26. Reprinted by permission pf the author.

214 Creation and Redemption

statement and sees in it an expression of the true Evangelical

spirit. The main emphasis was then, as in Nygren's opinion
it should ever be, rather on the "Resurrection of the body"
than on the "Immortality of the soul."* An Anglican erudite
of the XVIIth century, Henry Dodwell (1641-1711, one-time
Camden "Praelector" of History in the University of Ox-
ford), published in London a curious book, under a rather
bewildering title:
An Epistolary Discourse, proving, from the Scriptures and
the First Fathers, that the Soul is a Principle naturally Mortal;
but immortalized actually by the Pleasure of God, to Punish-
ment; or to Reward, by its Union with the Divine Baptismal
Spirit. Wherein is proved, that None have the Power of
giving this Divine Immortalizing Spirit, since the Apostles,
but only the Bishops (1706).
Dodwell's argument was often confused and involved.
The main value of the book, however, was in its immense
erudition. Dodwell, probably for the first time, collected
an enormous mass of information on the early Christian
doctrine of Man, even if he could not use it properly himself.
And he was quite right in his contention that Christianity was
not concerned with a natural "Immortality," but rather with
the soul's supernatural Communion with God, "Who only
hath immortality" (I Tim. 6:16). No wonder that Dodwell's
book provoked a violent controversy. A formal charge of
heresy was brought against the author. Yet, he found some
fervent supporters. And an anonymous writer, "a Presbyter
of the Church of England," published two books on the
subject, presenting a careful study of the Patristic evidence
that "the Holy Spirit (was) the Author of Immortality, or
Immortality (was) a Peculiar Grace of the Gospel, (and)
no Natural Ingredient of the soul," and that "Immortality
(was) preternatural to Human Souls, the Gift of Jesus Christ,
collated by the Holy Spirit in Baptism."3 What was of
special interest in that controversy was that DodwelFs thesis
was opposed chiefly by the "liberals" of that day, and his
The "Immortality" of the Soul 215

greatest literary opponent was the famous Samuel Clarke,

of St. James, Westminster, a follower of Newton and a
correspondent of Leibniz, notorious for his unorthodox beliefs
and ideas, a typical man of the age of Latitudinarianism
and Enlightenment. It was an unusual sight: 'Immortality"
contested by an 'Orthodox" and defended by a Latitudinarian.
In fact, it was rather what one should have expected. The
belief in a natural Immortality was one of the few basic
" dogmas" of the enlightened Deism of that time. A man
of the Enlightenment could easily dismiss the doctrines of
Revelation, but could not afford any doubt on the "truth"
of Reason. Gilson suggested that "what is known under the
name of the 'Moralist' doctrine of the XVIIth century was
originally a return to the position of the Early Fathers and
not, as seems to be usually believed, a manifestation of a
libertine spirit."4 As a general statement, it is untenable.
The whole situation in the XVIIth century was much more
complex and mixed up than Gilson apparently surmised.
Yet, in the case of Dodwell (and some others) Gilson*s
guess is fully vindicated. There was an obvious "return to
the positions of the First Fathers."


The Soul as 'Creature'

St. Justin, in his Dialogue with Trypho, tells the story

of his conversion. In his quest for truth he went first to
Philosophers, and for a time was fully satisfied with the
teaching of Platonists. "The perception of incorporeal things
quite overwhelmed me, and the Platonic theory of ideas
added wing to my mind." Then he met a Christian teacher,
an elderly and respectable man. Among the questions raised
in the course of their conversation was that of the nature
of the soul. We should not call the soul immortal, contended
216 Creation and Redemption

the Christian. "For, if it were, we would certainly have to

call it unbegotten also," !
. This was, of course, the thesis of the Platonists.
Now, God alone is "unbegotten" and immortal, and it is
for that very reason that He is Divine. The world, on the
other hand, is "begotten," and the souls make part of it.
"Perhaps, there was a time when they were not in existence."
And therefore they are not immortal, "since the world has
appeared to us to be begotten." The soul is not life by
itself, but only "partakes" of life. God alone is life, the
soul can but have life. "For the power to live is not an
attribute of the soul, as it is of God." Moreover, God gives
life to souls, "as He pleases." All created things "have the
nature of decay, and are such as may be blotted out and
cease to exist." Creatures as such are "corruptible" (Dial., 5
and 6 ) . The main classical proofs of immortality, derived
from Phaedo and Phaedrus, are disavowed and declined, and
their basic presuppositions openly rejected. As Professor A. E.
Taylor pointed out, "to the Greek mind or
regularly signified much the same things as
'divinity' and included the conception of ingenerability as
well as of indestructibility." To say "the soul is immortal"
would be for a Greek the same as to say "it is uncreated,"
i.e., eternal and "divine." Everything that had a beginning
was bound to have an end. In other words, for a Greek,
"immortality" of the soul would immediately imply its
"eternity," i.e., an eternal "pre-existence." Only that which
had no beginning could last for ever. Christians could not
comply with this "philosophical" assumption, as they believed
in Creation, and therefore they had to deny "immortality"
(in the Greek meaning of the word). The soul is hot an
independent or self-governing being, but precisely a creature,
and its very existence it owes to God, the Creator. Accordingly,
it cannot be "immortal" by nature, i.e., by itself, but only
by "God's pleasure," i.e., by grace. The "philosophical"
argument for (natural) "immortality" was based on the
The "Immortality" of the Soul 217

"necessity" of existence. On the contrary, to say that the

world is created is to emphasize, first of all, its radical
contingency, and preciselya contingency in the order of
existence. In other words, a created world is a world which
might not have existed at all. That is to say that the world is,
utterly and entirely, ab olio, and in no sense a se? As Gilson
puts it, "there are some beings that are radically different
from God at least in this that, unlike Him, they might not
have existed, and still may, at a certain time, cease to exist/'7
"May cease" however, does not mean necessarily "will
(actually) cease!' St. Justin was not a "conditionalist," and
his name has been invoked by the defenders of a "conditional
immortality" quite in vain. "I do not say, indeed, that all
souls d i e . . . " The whole argument was polemical, and its
purpose was to stress belief in Creation. We find the same
reasoning in other writings of the second century. St. Theo-
philus of Antioch insisted on the "neutral" character of
Man. "By nature" Man is neither "immortal" nor "mortal,"
but rather "capable of both," . "For
if God had made him immortal from the beginning, He
would have made him God." If Man from the beginning
had chosen things immortal, in obedience to God's command-
ments, he would have been rewarded with immortality and
have become God, "an adoptive God," deus assumptus,
{Ad Autolycum , 24 and 27). Tatian
went even further. "The soul is not in itself immortal,
Greeks, but mortal. Yet it is possible for it not to die"
{Oratio ad Graecos, 13). The thought of the early Apologists
was not free from contradictions, nor was it always accu-
rately expressed. But the main contention was always clear:
the problem of human immortality had to be faced in the
context of the doctrine of Creation. One may say also:
not as a metaphysical problem only, but as a religious one,
first of all. "Immortality" is not an attribute of the soul,
but something that ultimately depends upon man's actual
relationship with God, his Master and Creator, Not only
218 Creation and Redemption

the ultimate destiny of Man can be achieved only in Com-

munion with God, but even Man's existence itself and his
"survival" or endurance depend upon God's will. St. Irenaeus
continued the same tradition. In his struggle against the
Gnostics he had a special motive to emphasize the creaturely
character of the soul. It does not come from "another
world," exempt from corruption; it belongs precisely to this
created world. It has been contended, says St. Irenaeus,
that in order to stay in existence souls had to be "unbegot-
ten" (sed port ere eas aut innascibiles esse ut sint im-
mortales), for otherwise they would have to die with the
body (vel si generationis initium acceperint, cum corpore
mori). He declines this argument. As creatures, the souls
"endure as long as God wills them to endure" (persvrant
autem quoadusque eas Deus et esse, et perseverare voluerit).
Perseverantia here obviously corresponds to the Greek: -
. St. Irenaeus uses almqst the same phrases as St. Justin.
The soul is not life by itself; it partakes of life, by the grant
of God (sic et anima quidem non est vita, participatur autem
a Deo sibi praestitam vit am). God alone is Life and the only
Giver of Life (Adversus haereses, II, 34.). Even Clement
of Alexandria, in spite of his Platonism, would occasionally
recall that the soul was not immortal "by nature" (Adum-
brationes in I Petri 1:9: him apparet quoniam non est
naturaliter anima incorruptibilis, sed gartia Dei . . . perficitur
incorruptibilis) .7a St. Athanasius would demonstrate the im-
mortality of the soul by arguments which can be traced
back to Plato (Adv. Gnies, 33), and yet he insisted very
strongly that everything created is "by nature" unstable and
exposed to destruction (ibidem, 41 :
! ). Even St. Augustine was aware of the
necessity to qualify the immortality of the soul: Anima
hominis immortalis est secundum quendam modum suum;
non enim omni modo sicut Deus (Epist. VFF, ad Hiero-
nymum). "According to the mutability of this life, it may
be said to be mortal." (In Jo., tr. 23, 9; cf. De Trinitate,
The "Immortality" of the Soul 219

1.9.15, and De Civ. Dei, 19.3: mortalis in quantum mutabilis).

St. John of Damascus says that even Angels are immortal
not by nature, but only by grace (De fide orth. 11,3:
) , and proves it more or less in the same
way as the Apologists (Dial, Manich., 21). We find the
same emphatic statement in the "synodical" letter of St.
Sophronius, the Patriarch of Jerusalem (634), which was
read and favorably received at the Sixth Ecumenical Council
(681). In the latter part of his letter Sophronius condemns
the errors of the Origenists, the pre-existence of the soul
and apokatastasis, and states plainly that "intellectual beings"
( ) , though they do not die ( -
) , nevertheless "are not immortal by nature" but only
by the grace of God (Mansi, XI, 490-492; Aligne, LXXXVII.
3, 3181). It may be added that even in the XVIIth century
this early tradition was not forgotten in the East, and we
have an interesting contemporary record of a dispute between
two Greek bishops of Crete exactly on this question: whether
the soul was immortal "by nature" or "by grace."8 We may
conclude: When we discuss the problem of Immortality
from a Christian point of view, we must keep in mind the
creaturely nature of the soul. The very existence of the soul
is contingent, i.e., as it were, "conditional." It is conditioned
by the creative fiat of God. Yet, a given existence, i.e., an
existence which is not necessarily implied in the "essence,"
is not necessarily a transient one. The creative fiat is a free
but ultimate act of God. God has created the world simply
for existence: (Wis.
1:14). There is no provision for revoking this creative decree.
The sting of the antinomy is exactly here: the world has a
contingent beginning, yet no end. It stands by the immutable
will of God.9
220 Creation and Redemption


Man Is Mortal

In current thinking nowadays, the "immortality of the

soul" is usually overemphasized to such an extent that the
basic "mortality of man" is almost overlooked. Only in
the recent "existentialist" philosophies are we again strongly
reminded that man's existence stands intrinsically sub specie
mortis. Death is a catastrophe for man. It is his "last (or
rather, ultimate) enemy" (I Cor. 15:26).
"Immortality" is obviously a negative term; it is correlative
with the term "death." And here again we find Christianity
in an open and radical conflict with "Hellenism," with
Platonism first of all. W. H. V. Reade, in his recent book,
The Christian Challenge to Philosophy,1* very aptly confronts
two quotations: "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt
among us" (John 1:14) and "Plotinus, the philosopher
of our time, was like one ashamed of being in the flesh"
(Porphyry, Life of Plotinus, I ) . Reade then proceeds: "When
the message of Christmas Day and Porphyry's brief sum-
mary of his master's creed are thus brought into direct
comparison, it should be plain enough that they are totally
incompatible: that no Christian can possibly be a Platonist,
nor any Platonist a Christian; and of this elementary fact
the Platonists, to do them justice, were perfectly aware."10*
I would only add that, unfortunately, Christians did not seem
to be aware "of this elementary fact." Through centuries,
down t our own age, Platonism has been the favorite
philosophy of Christian wise men. It is not our purpose
now to explain how it could and did happen. But this
unfortunate misunderstanding (not to say more) has resulted
in an utter confusion in modern thiking about death and
immortality. We may still use the old definition of death:
it is a separation of soul from body,
(Nemesius, De natura hominis, 2; he quotes
The "Immortality" of the Soul 221

Chrysippus). For a Greek it was a liberation, a-"return"

to the native sphere of spirits. For a Christian it was the
catastrophe, a frustration of human existence. The Greek
doctrine of Immortality could never solve th Christian
problem. The only adequate solution has been offered by
the message of Christ's Resurrection and by the promise of
the General Resurrection of the dead. If we turn again
to Christian antiquity, we find this point clearly made at
an early date. St. Justin was quite emphatic on the point.
People "who say there is no resurrection of the dead, and
that their souls, when they die, are taken to heaven are not
Christian at all" {Dial., 80). The unknown author of the
treatise On Resurrection (traditionally ascribed to St. Justin)
states the problem very accurately. 'Tor what is man but
a reasonable animal composed of body and soul? Is the soul
by itself man ? No, but the soul of man. Would the body be
called man? No, but it is called the body of man. If neither
of these is by itself man, but that which is made up of the two
together is called man, and God has called man to life
and resurrection, He has called not a part, but the whole,
which is the soul and the body" (De resurr., 8). Athenagoras
of Athens develops the same argument in his admirable
treatise On the Resurrection of the Dead. Man was created
by God for a definite purpose, for perpetual existence.
Now, "God gave independent being and life neither to the
nature of the soul by itself, nor to the nature of the body
separately, but rather to men, composed of soul and body,
so that with these same parts of which they are composed,
when they are born and live, they should attain after the
termination of this life their common end; soul and body
compose in man one living entity!' There would no longer
be a man, Athenagoras argues, if the completeness of this
structure were broken, for then the identity of the individual
would be broken also. The stability of the body, its con-
tinuity in its proper nature, must correspond to the im-
mortality of the souL 'The entity which receives intellect and
222 Creation and Redemption

reason is man, and not the soul alone. Consequently man

must for ever remain composed of soul and body/' Other-
wise there would be no man, but only parts of man. "And
this is impossible, if there is no resurrection. For if there
is no resurrection, the nature of men as men would not
continu" (15). The basic presupposition of the whole argu-
ment is that the body intrinsically belongs to the fullness of
human existence. And therefore man, as man, would cease
to exist, if the soul had to remain for ever "disembodied."
It is precisely the opposite of what the Platonists contended.
The Greeks dreamt rather of a complete and ultimate disin-
carnation. An embodiment was just the bondage of the soul.
For Christians, on the other hand, death was not a normal
end of human existence. Man's death is abnormal, is a
failure. The death of man is "the wages of sin" (Rom.
6:23). It is a loss and corruption. And since the Fall the
mystery of life is displaced by the mystery of death.
Mysterious as the "union" of soul and body indeed is, the
immediate consciousness of man witnesses to the organic
wholeness of his psycho-physical structure. Anima autem
et Spiritus pars hominis esse possunt, homo autem nequa-
quam, said St. Irenaeus {Adv. haereses V, 6.1). A body
without a soul is but a corpse, and a soul without body is a
ghost. Man is not a ghost without body, and corpse is not
a part of man. Man is not a "bodiless demon," simply
confined in the prison of the body. That is why the "separa-
tion" of soul and body is the death of man himself, the
discontinuation of his existence, of his existence as a man.
Consequently death and the corruption of the body are a
sort of fading away of the "image of God" in man. A
dead man is not fully human. St. John of Damascus, in
one of his glorious anthems in the Burial Service, says of
this: "I weep and I lament, when I contemplate death,
and see our beauty, fashioned after the image of God,
lying in the grave disfigured, dishonored, bereft of form."
St. John speaks not of man's body, but of man himself.
The "Immortality" of the Soul 223

"Our beauty in the image of God" is not the body, but

man. He is indeed an "image of the unfathomable glory of
God," even when "wounded by sin." And in death it is
disclosed that man, this "reasonable statue" fashioned by
God,to use the phrase of St. Methodius (De resurrectione
I, 34.4: ) , is but a corpse. "Man
is but dry bones, a stench and the food of worms."11 One
may speak of man as being "one hypostasis in two natures,"
and not only of, but precisely in two natures. And in death
this one human hypostasis is broken up. And there is no
man any more. And therefore man longs for "the redemption
of his body" (Rom. 8:23: / -
) . As St. Paul says elsewhere, "not for that
we would be unclothed, but that we would be clothed,
that what is mortal may be swallowed up of life" (II Cor.
5:4). The sting of death is precisely in that it is "the wages
of sin," i.e., the consequence of a distorted relationship with
God. It is not only a natural imperfection, nor is it just a
metaphysical deadlock. Man's mortality reflects man's
estrangement from God, Who is the only Giver of Life.
And, in this estrangement from God, Man simply cannot
"endure" as man, cannot stay fully human. The status of
mortality is essentially "subhuman." To stress human mor-
tality does not mean to offer a "naturalistic" interpretation
of human tragedy, but, on the contrary, it means to trace the
human predicament to its ultimate religious root. The
strength of Patristic theology was precisely in its interest in
human mortality, and accordingly in the message of the
Resurrection. The misery of sinful existence was by no
means underestimated, but it was interpreted not only in
ethical or moralistic categories, but in theological ones. The
burden of sin consisted not only in self-accusations of human
conscience, not only in the consciousness of guilt, but in an
utter disintegration of the whole fabric of human nature.
The fallen man was no man any more, he was existentially
"degraded." And the sign of this "degradation" was Man's
224 Creation and Redemption

mortality, Man's death. In separation from God human

nature becomes unsettled, goes out of tune, as it were.
The very structure of man becomes unstable. The ' 'union"
of the soul and the body becomes insecure. The soul loses
its vital power, is no more able to quicken the body. The
body is turned into the tomb and prison of the soul. And
physical death becomes inevitable. The body and the soul
are no longer, as it were, secured or adjusted to each other.
The transgression of the Divine commandment "reinstated
man in the state of nature," as St. Athanasius puts it,
. "That as he was made out
of nothing, so also in his veiy existence he suffered in due
time corruption, according to all justice." For, being made
out of nothing, the creature also exists over an abyss of
nothingness, ever ready to fall into it {De incarnationef 4
and 5). "For we must needs die, and are as water spilt on
the ground, which cannot be gathered up again" (II Samuel
14:14). "The state of nature," of which St. Athanasius
speaks, is the cyclical motion of Cosmos, in which fallen
man is hopelessly entangled, and this entanglement signifies
man's degradation. He loses his privileged position in the
order of Creation. But this metaphysical catastrophe is just
a manifestation of the broken relationship with God.


"I am the Resurrection, and the Life"

The Incarnation of the Word was an absolute manifesta-

tion of God. And above all it was a revelation of Life.
Christ is the Word of Life, ( John
1:1). The Incarnation itself was, in a sense, the quickening
of man, as it were the resurrection of human nature. In the
Incarnation human nature was not merely anointed with a
superabundant overflowing of Grace, but was assumed into
The "Immortality" of the Soul 225

an intimate and "hypostatical" unity with Divinity itself.

In that lifting up of human nature into an everlasting
communion with the Divine Life, the Fathers of the early
Church unanimously saw the very essence of salvation:
"That is saved which is united with God," says St. Gregory
of Nazianzus. And what was not so united could not be
saved at all (Epist. 101, ad Cledonium). This was the
fundamental motive in the whole of early theology,-in
St. Irenaeus, St. Athanasius, the Cappadocians, St. Cyril of
Alexandria, St. Maximus the Confessor. Yet, the climax
of the Incarnate Life was the Cross, the death of the In-
carnate Lord. Life has been revealed in full through death.
This is the paradoxical mystery of the Christian faith: life
through death, life from the grave and out of the grave, the
Mystery of the life-bearing grave. And Christians are born
again to real and everlasting life only through their baptismal
death and burial in Christ; they are regenerated with Christ
in the baptismal font (cf. Rom. 6:3-5). Such is the invariable
law of true life. "That which thou sowest is not quickened,
except it die" (I Cor. 15:36). Salvation was completed on
Golgotha, not on Tabor, and the Cross of Jesus was spoken
of even on Tabor (cf. Luke 9:31). Christ had to die, in
order to bestow an abundant life upon the whole of man-
kind. It was not the necessity of this world. This was, as it
were, the necessity of Love Divine, a necessity of a Divine
order. And we fail to comprehend the mystery. Why had
the true life to be revealed through the death of One, Who
was Himself "the Resurrection and the Life"? The only
answer is that Salvation had to be a victory over death
and man's mortality. The ultimate enemy of man was
precisely death. Redemption was not just the forgiveness
of sins, nor was it man's reconciliation with God. It was
the deliverance from sin and death. "Penitence does not
deliver from the state of nature (into which man has
relapsed through sin), it only discontinues the sin," says
St. Athanasius. For man not only sinned but "fell into cor-
226 Creation and Redemption

ruption." Now, the mercy of God could not permit "that

creatures once made rational, and having partaken of the
Word, should go to ruin and turn again to non-existence
by the way of corruption." Consequently the Word of God
descended and became man, assumed our body, "that, whereas
man turned towards corruption, He might turn them again
towards incorruption, and quicken them from death by
the appropriation of his body and by the grace of the Resur-
rection, banishing death from them like a straw from the
fire" (De incarnatione, 6-8). Thus, according to St. Atha-
nasius, the Word became flesh in order to abolish "cor-
ruption" in human nature. However, death is vanquished,
not by the appearance of Life in the mortal body, but rather
by the voluntary death of the Incarnate Life. The Word
became incarnate on account of death in flesh, St. Athanasius
emphasizes. "In order to accept death He had a body"
(c. 44). Or, to quote Tertullian, forma moriendi causa
nascendi est (De carne Christi, 6 ) . The ultimate reason for
Christ's death must be seen in the mortality of Man. Christ
suffered death, but passed through it and overcame mortality
and corruption. He quickened death itself. "By death He
destroyed death." The death of Christ is therefore, as it
were, an extension of the Incarnation. The death on the Cross
was effective, not as the death of an Innocent One, but as
the death f the Incarnate Lord. "We needed an Incarnate
God, God put to death, that we might live," to use a bold
and startling phrase of St. Gregory of Nazianzus (Orat. 45,
in S. Pascha, 28: !
). It was not a man that died on the Cross. In
Christ there is no human hypostasis. His personality was
Divine, yet incarnate. "For He who suffered was not com-
mon man, but God made man, and fighting the contest of
endurance," says St. Cyril of Jerusalem (Catech. 13, 6 ) .
It may be properly said that God died on the Cross, but in
His own humanity (which was, however, "consubstantial"
with ours). This was the voluntary death of One Who
The "Immortality" of the Soul 111

was Himself Life Eternal. A human death indeed, death

"according to humanity," and yet death within the hypostasis
of the Word, of the Incarnate Word. And thence a resur-
recting death. "I have a baptism to be baptized with" (Luke
12:50). It was the death on the Cross, and the shedding of
blood,"the baptism of martyrdom and blood, with which
Christ Himself also was baptized," as St. Gregory of
Nazianzus suggested (Orat. 37, 17). The death on the Cross
as a baptism of blood, this is the very essence of the redeem-
ing mystery of the Cross. Baptism is a cleansing. And the
Baptism of the Cross was, as it were, the cleansing of the
human nature, which was travelling the path of restoration
in the Hypostasis of the Incarnate Word. This was, as it were,
a washing of human nature in the outpoured sacrificial
blood of the Divine Lamb, and first of all a washing of the
body: not only a washing away of sins, but a washing away
of human infirmities and of mortality itself. It was the
cleansing in preparation for the coming resurrection: a
cleansing of all human nature, a cleansing of all humanity
in the person of its new and mystical First-born, in the
"Last Adam." This was the baptism by blood of the whole
Church, and indeed of the whole world. "A purification
not for a small part of man's world, not for a short time,
but for the whole Universe and through eternity," to quote
St. Gregory of Nazianzus once more (Orat. 45, 13). The
Lord died on the Cross. This was a true death. Yet not
wholly like ours, simply because this was the death of the
Incarnate Word, death within the indivisible Hypostasis of
the Word made man, the death of the "enhypostatized"
humanity. This does not alter the ontological character of
death, but changes its meaning. The "Hypostatic Union" was
not broken or destroyed by death, and therefore the soul
and the body, though separated from each other, remained
still united through the Divinity of the Word, from which
neither was ever estranged. This was an "incorrupt death,"
and therefore "corruption" and "mortality" were overcome
228 Creation and Redemption

in it, and in it begins the resurrection. The very death of

the Incarnate reveals the resurrection of human nature (St.
John of Damascus, De fide orth., 3.27; cf. homil. in Magn.
Sabbat., 29). "Today we keep the feast, for our Lord is
nailed upon the Cross/* in the sharp phrase of St. John
Chrysostom (In crucem et latronem, horn. 1). The death on
the Cross is a victory over death not only because it was
followed by the Resurrection. It is itself the victory. The
Resurrection only reveals and sets forth the victory achieved
on the Cross. It is already accomplished in the very falling
asleep of the God-man. "Thou diest and quickenest me."
.. .As St. Gregory of Nazianzus puts it: "He lays down His
life, but He has the power to take it again; and the veil
is rent, for the mysterious doors of Heaven are opened;
the rocks are cleft, the dead arise. .. He dies, but He gives
life, and by His death destroys death. He is buried, but He
rises again. He goes down into Hades, but He brings up
the souls" (Orat. 41). This mystery of the resurrecting Cross
is commemorated especially on Good Saturday. It is the day
of the Descent into Hell (Hades). And the Descent into
Hades is already the Resurrection of the dead. By the very
fact of His death Christ joins the company of the departed.
It is the new extension of the Incarnation. Hades is just
the darkness and shadow of death, rather a place of mortal
anguish than a place of penal torments, a dark "sheol," a
place of hopeless disembodiment and disincarnation, which
was only scantily and dimly fore-illuminated by the slanting
rays of the not-yet-risen Sun, by the hope and expectation yet
unfulfilled. It was, as it were, a kind f ontological infirmity
of the soul, which, in the separation of death, had lost the
faculty of being the true entelechia of its own body,the
helplessness of fallen and wounded nature. Not a "place"
at all, but rather a spiritual state: "the spirits in prison"
(I Peter 3:19). It was into this prison, into this "Hell,"
that the Lord and Savior descended. Amid the darkness of
pale death shone the unquenchable light of Life, the Life
The "Immortality" of the Soul 229

Divine. The "Descent into Hell" is the manifestation of

Life amid the hopelessness of mortal dissolution, it is victory
over death. "It was not from any natural weakness of the
Word that dwelt in it that the body had died, but in order
that in it death might be done away by the power of the
Savior/' says St. Athanasius {De inc., 26). Good Saturday is
more than Easter-Eve. It is the "Blessed Sabbath/' "Sanctum
Sabbatum"requies Sabbati magni, in the phrase of St.
Ambrose. "This is the Blessed Sabbath, this is the day of
rest, whereon the Only-Begotten Son of God has rested
from all His deeds" (Anthem, Vespers of Good Saturday,
according to the Eastern rite). "I am the first and the last:
I am He that liveth, and was dead: and behold, I am alive
for evermore. Amen. And I have the keys of death and of
Hades" (Rev. 1:17-18). The Christian "hope of immortality"
is rooted in and secured by this victory of Christ, and not
by any "natural" endowment. And it means also that this
hope is rooted in a historical event, i.e., in a historical self-
revelation of God, and not in any static disposition or con-
stitution of human nature.

The Last Adam

The reality of death is not yet abolished, but its power-

lessness has been revealed. "It is true, we still die as before,"
says St. John Chrysostom, "but we do not remain in death,
and this is not to die.. .the power and very reality of death
is just this, that a dead man has no possibility of returning
to life; but if after death he is to be quickened and moreover
to be given a better life, then this is no longer death, but
a falling sleep" (In Hebr., horn. 17, 2:
, ). Or in the phrase of St. Athanasius,
"like seed cast on the earth, we do not perish when we
2 30 Creation and Redemption

die, but having been sown, we rise" (De inc., 21). This
was a healing and renewal of human "nature," and there-
fore all will rise, all will be raised and restored to the
fullness of their natural being, yet transformed. From hence-
forth every disembodiment is but temporary. The dark vale
of Hades is abolished by the power of the life-giving Cross.
In the first Adam the inherent potentiality of death by
disobedience was disclosed and actualized. In the second
Adam the potentiality of immortality by purity and obedience
was sublimated and actualized into the impossibility of death.
This parallel was drawn already by St. Irenaeus. Apart from
the hope of the General Resurrection, belief in Christ would
be vain and to no purpose. "But now is Christ risen from
the dead, and become the first-fruit of them that slept"
(I Cor. 15:20). The Resurrection of Christ is begin-
ning. It is a "new creation^ . One may say
even, an eschatological beginning, an ultimate step in the
history of Salvation.12 And yet, we have to make a clear
distinction between the healing of nature and the healing
of the will. "Nature" is healed and restored with a certain
compulsion, by the mighty power of God's omnipotent and
invincible grace. The wholeness is as it were, "forced" upon
human nature. For in Christ all human nature (the "seed of
Adam") is fully and completely cured from unwholeness
and mortality. This restoration will be actualized and revealed
to its full extent in due time, in the General Resurrection,
in the resurrection of all, both of the righteous and the
wicked. And no one, so far as nature is concerned, can
escape Christ's kingly rule, or alienate himself from the
invincible power of the resurrection. But the will of man
cannot be cured in the same invincible manner. The will
of man must turn itself to God. There must be a free and
spontaneous response of love and adoration, a "free con-
version." The will of man can be cured only in the "mystery
of freedom." Only by this free effort does man enter into
that new and eternal life which is revealed in Christ Jesus.
The "Immortality" of the Soul 231

A spiritual regeneration can be wrought only in perfect free-

dom, in an obedience of love, by a self-consecration and
self-dedication to God, in Christ. This distinction was made
with great insistence by Nicolas Cabasilas in his remarkable
treatise on The Life in Christ. Resurrection is a "rectification
of nature" ( )
and this God grants freely. But the Kingdom of Heaven,
and the beatific vision, and union with Christ, presuppose
the desire ( ) , and therefore
are available only for those who have longed for them,
and loved, and desired. And immortality will be given to
all, just as all can enjoy Divine providence. It does not
depend upon our will whether we shall rise after death
or not, just as it is not by our will that we are born. The
death and resurrection of Christ bring immortality and incor-
ruption to all in the same manner, because all have the
same nature as the Man Christ Jesus. But nobody can be
compelled to desire. Thus Resurrection is a gift common
to all, but the blessedness will be given only to some (De
vita in Christo II, 86-96). And again, the path of life is the
path of renunciation, of mortification, of self-sacrifice and
self-oblation. One has to die to oneself in order to live in
Christ. Each one must personally and freely associate himself
with Christ, the Lord, the Savior, and the Redeemer, in the
confession of faith, in the choice of love, in the mystical
oath of allegiance. He who does not die with Christ cannot
live with Him. "Unless of our own free choice we accept to
die unto His passion, His life is not in us" (St. Ignatius,
Magnes., 5; the phraseology is Pauline). This is no mere
ascetical or moral rule, no mere discipline. This is the onto-
logical law of spiritual existence, even the law of life itself.
For only in communion with God and through life in Christ
does the restoration of human wholeness gain meaning. To
those in total darkness, who have deliberately confined
themselves "outside God/' the Resurrection itself must seem
rather unnecessary and unmotivated. But it will come, as
232 Creation and Redemption

a "resurrection to judgment" (John 5:29

) . And in this will be completed the tragedy of
human freedom. Here indeed we are on the threshold of
the inconceivable and incomprehensible. The apokatastasis
of nature does not abolish free will, and the will must be
moved from within by love. St. Gregory of Nyssa had a
clear understanding of this. He anticipated a kind of universal
conversion of souls in the after-life, when the Truth of God
will be revealed and manifested with some ultimate and
compelling evidence. Just at this point the limitations of the
Hellenistic mind are obvious. Evidence seemed to it to be
the decisive reason or motive for the will, as if "sin" were
merely "ignorance." The Hellenistic mind had to pass
through its long and hard experience of asceticism, of
ascetical self-exmination and self-control, in order to free
itself from this intellectualistic naivete and illusion, and
discover a dark abyss in the fallen soul. Only in St. Maximus,
after some centuries of ascetic preparation, do we find a
new, remodeled and deepened interpretation of the apoka-
tastasis. St. Maximus did not believe in the inevitable conver-
sion of obstinate souls. He taught an apokatastasis of nature,
i.e., a restitution of all beings to an integrity of nature, of a
universal manifestation of the Divine Life, which will be
evident to every one. But those who have deliberately spent
their lives on earth in fleshly desires, "against nature," will
be unable to enjoy this eternal bliss. The Light is the Word,
that illuminates the natural minds of the faithful; but as a
burning fire of the judgment ( ) ,
He punishes those who, through love of the flesh, cling to
the nocturnal darkness of this life. The distinction is be-
tween an and a . "Acknowledgment"
is not the same as "Participation." God will be in all indeed,
but only in the Saints will He be present "with grace" (
) ; in the reprobate He will be present "without
grace" ( ) . And the wicked will be es-
tranged from God by their lack of a resolute purpose of
The "Immortality" of the Soul 233

good.13 We have here the same duality of nature and will.

In the resurrection the whole of creation will be restored,
i.e., brought to perfection and ultimate stability. But sin
and evil are rooted in the will. The Hellenistic mind con-
cluded therefrom that evil is unstable and by itself must
disappear inevitably. For nothing can be perpetual, unless
it be rooted in a Divine decree. The Christian inference is
exactly the opposite. There is the inertia and obstinacy of
the will, and this obstinacy may remain uncured even in
the "universal Restoration." God never does any violence
to man, and communion with God cannot be forced upon
the obstinate. In the phrase of St. Maximus, "the Spirit does
not produce an undesired resolve but it transforms a chosen
purpose into theosis" (Quaest, ad Thalass., 6). We live in a
changed world: it has been changed by Christ's redeeming
Resurrection. Life has been given, and it will prevail. The
Incarnate Lord is in very truth the Second Adam and in
Him the new humanity has been inaugurated. Not only an
ultimate "survival" is assured, but also the fulfillment of
God's creative purpose. Man is made "immortal." He cannot
commit an ultimate "metaphysical suicide" and strike him-
self out of existence. Yet even the victory of Christ does not
force "Eternal Life" upon the "closed" beings. As St.
Augustine says, for the creature "being is not the same
thing as living" (De Genest ad litt. I, 5).


"And Life Everlasting"

There is an inevitable tension in the Christian concep-

tion between "the given" and "the expected." Christians
look "for the Life of the world to come" but they are no
less aware of the Life that had already come: "for the
Life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness,
234 Creation and Redemption

and show unto you that eternal Life, which was with the
Father, and was manifested unto us'* (I John 1:2). This is
not only a tension in time,-between the past, and the present,
and the future. It is a tension between destiny and decision.
Or perhaps one may say: Life Eternal is offered to Man, but
he has to receive it. For individuals, fulfillment of "destiny"
depends upon the "decision of faith," which is not an
"acknowledgment" only, but a willing "participation." The
Christian life is initiated with a new birth, by water and
the Spirit. And first, "repentance" is required, ,
an inner change, intimate and resolute. The symbolism of
Holy Baptism is complex and manifold. But above all it is
a symbolism of death and resurrection, of Christ's death
and resurrection (Rom. 6:3-4). It is a sacramental resurrec-
tion with Christ, by the participation in His death, a rising
up with Him and in Him to a new and eternal life (Col.
2:12; Phil. 3:10). Christians are corresurrected with Christ
precisely through burial: "for //we be dead with Him, we
shall also live with Him" (II Tim. 2:11). Christ is the
Second Adam, but men must be born anew and be incor-
porated into Him, in order to partake of that new life which
is His. St. Paul spoke of a "likeness" unto the death of
Christ (Rom. 6:5 . . . /-
) . But this "likeness" means much more than a
resemblance. It is more than a mere sign or recollection.
The meaning of this likeness for St. Paul himself was that
in each of us Christ can and must be "formed" (Gal. 4:19).
Christ is the Head, all believers are His members, and His
life is actualized in them. This is the mystery of the Whole
Christ,totus Christus, Caput et Corpus. All are called and
every one is capable of believing, and of being quickened
by faith and baptism so as to live in Him. Baptism is
therefore a "regeneration," an , a new, spiritual
and charismatic birth. As Cabasilas says, Baptism is the cause
of a beatific life in Christ, not merely of life (De vita in
Christo II, 95). St. Cyril of Jerusalem in a lucid manner
The "Immortality" of the Soul 235

explains the true reality of all baptismal symbolism. It is

true, he says, that in the baptismal font we die (and are
buried) only "in imitation/' only, as it were, "symbolically/*
, and we do not rise from a real grave.
And yet, "if. the imitation is in an image, the salvation is
in very truth/' For Christ was really crucified and buried,
and actually rose from the grave. The Greek word is .
It is even stronger than simply , "in very truth/'
It emphasizes the ultimate meaning of Christ's death and
resurrection. It was a new achievement. Hence He gave us
the chance, by "imitative" sharing of His Passion (
. . . ), to acquire salvation "in
reality." It is not only an "imitation," but a "similitude,"
. "Christ was crucified and buried in reality,
but to you it is given to be crucified, buried, and raised with
Him in similitude." In other words, in baptism man descends
"sacramentally" into the darkness of death, and yet with the
Risen Lord he rises again and crosses over from death to
life. "And the image is completed all upon you, for you are
an image of Christ," concludes St. Cyril. In other words,
all are held together by and in Christ; hence the very pos-
sibility of a sacramental "resemblance" (Mystag. 2.4-5, 7;
3.1). St. Gregory of Nyssa dwells on the same point. There
are two aspects in baptism. Baptism is a birth and a death.
Natural birth is the beginning of a mortal existence, which
begins and ends in corruption. Another, a new birth, had to
be discovered, which would initiate into everlasting life. In
baptism "the presence of a Divine power transforms what
is born with a corruptible nature into a state of incorruption"
{rat. cat., 33). It is transformed through following and
imitating; and thus what was foreshown by the Lord is
realized. Only by following after Christ can one pass through
the labyrinth of life and come out of it. "For I call the
inescapable guard of death, in which sorrowing mankind is
imprisoned, a labyrinth." Christ escaped from this after the
three days of death. In the baptismal font "the imitation of
236 Creation and Redemption

all that He has done is accomplished." Death is "represented"

in the element of water. And as Christ rose again to life,
so also the newly-baptized, united with Him in bodily nature,
"does imitate the resurrection on the third day." This is
just an "imitation," , and not "identity." In baptism
man is not actually raised, but only freed from natural evil
and the inescapability of death. In him the "continuity of
vice" is cut off. He is not resurrected for he does not die,
but remains still in this life. Baptism only foreshadows the
resurrection; in baptism one anticipates the grace of the
final resurrection. Baptism is the start, , and the resur-
rection is the end and consummation, ; and all that
takes place in the great Resurrection already has its begin-
nings and causes in baptism. One may say, baptism is an
"Homiomatic resurrection" {Ofat. cat., 35). It must be
pointed out that St. Gregory specially emphasized the need
of keeping and holding fast the baptismal grace. For in
baptism it is not nature only, but the will as well, that is
transformed and transfigured, remaining free throughout.
And if the soul is not cleansed and purified in the free
exercise of will, baptism proves to be fruitless. The trans-
figuration is not actualized, the new life is not yet consum-
mated. This does not subordinate baptismal grace to human
license; Grace does indeed descend. Yet it can never be
forced upon any one who is free and made in the image
of God: it must be responded to and corroborated by the
synergism of love and will. Grace does not quicken and
enliven the closed and obstinate souls, the really "dead
souls." Response and cooperation are required (c. 40). That
is just because baptism is a sacramental dying with Christ,
a participation in His voluntary death, in His sacrificial love;
and this can be accomplished only in freedom. Thus in
baptism the death of Christ on the Cross is reflected or
portrayed as in a living and sacramental image. Baptism
is at once a death and a birth, a burial and a "bath of
regeneration," : "a time of
The "Immortality" of the Soul 237

death and a time of birth,' ' to quote St. Cyril of Jerusalem

(Mystag. II, 4 ) . The same is true of all sacraments. All
sacraments are instituted just in order to enable the faithful
"to participate" in Christ's redeeming death and to gain
thereby the grce of His resurrection. In sacraments the
uniqueness and universality of Christ's victory and sacrifice
are brought forward and emphasized. This was the main
idea of Nicolas Cabasilas in his treatise On the Life in Christ,
in which the whole sacramental doctrine of the Eastern
Church was admirably summarized. "We are baptized just
in order to die by His death and to rise by His resurrection.
We are anointed with the chrism that we may partake of
His kingly anointment of deification (theosis). And when
we are fed with the most sacred Bread and do drink the
most Divine Cup, we do partake of the same flesh and the
same blood our Lord has assumed, and so we are united
with Him, Who was for us incarnate, and died, and rose
again... Baptism is a birth, and Chrism is the cause of acts
and movements, and the Bread of life and the Cup of
thanksgivings are the true food and the true drink" (De
vita II, 3,4,6, etc.). In the whole sacramental life of the
Church the Cross and the Resurrection are "imitated" and
reflected in manifold symbols. All that symbolism is realistic.
The symbols do not merely remind us of something in the
past, something which has passed away. That which took
place "in the past" was a beginning of "the Everlasting."
Under all these sacred "symbols," and in them, the ultimate
Reality is in very truth disclosed and conveyed. This hieratic
symbolism culminates in the august Mystery of the Holy
Altar. The Eucharist is the heart of the Church, the Sacra-
ment of Redemption in an eminent sense. It is more than
an "imitation," or mere "commemoration." It is Reality
itself, at once veiled and disclosed in the Sacrament. It is
"the perfect and ultimate Sacrament" (
), as Cabasilas says, "and one cannot go further,
and there is nothing to be added." It is the "limit of life,"
238 Creation and Redemption

. "After the Eucharist there is nothing

more to long for, but we have to stay here and learn how
we can preserve this treasure up to the end" {De vita IV,
i,4,15). The Eucharist is the Last Supper itself, enacted,
as it were, again and again, and yet not repeated. For every
new celebration does not only "represent," but truly is the
same "Mystical Supper" which was celebrated for the first
time (and for ever) by the Divine High Priest Himself,
as a voluntary anticipation and initiation of the Sacrifice
of the Cross. And the true Celebrant of each Eucharist is
always Christ Himself. St. John Chrysostom was quite
emphatic on this point. "Believe, therefore, that even now
it is that Supper, at which He Himself sat down. For this
one is in no respect different from that one" (In Matt.,
horn. 50,3). "He that then did these things at that Supper,
this same now also works them. We hold the rank of
ministers. He who sanctifieth and changeth them is the
Same. This table is the same as that, and hath nothing less;
For it is not that Christ wrought that, and man this, but
He doth this too. This is that Upper Chamber, where they
were then" {Ibid., horn. 82,5). All this is of primary impor-
tance. The Last Supper was an offering of the sacrifice,
of the sacrifice of the Cross. The offering is still continued.
Christ is still acting as the High Priest in His Church.
The Mystery is all the same, and the Priest is the same, and
the Table is one. To quote Cabasilas once more: "In offering
and sacrificing Himself once for all, He did not cease from
His Priesthood, but He exercises this perpetual ministry for
us, in which He is our advocate with God for ever" {Explan,
div. liturg., c. 23). And the resurrecting power and signifi-
cance of Christ's death are in the Eucharist made manifest
in full. It is "the medicine of immortality and an antidote
that we should not die but live for ever in Jesus Christ,"
to quote the famous phrase of St. Ignatius {Ephes., 20.2:
, /,
). It is "the heavenly Bread
The "Immortality" of the Soul 239

and the Cup of life/* This tremendous Sacrament is for the

faithful the very "Betrothal of the Life Eternal," just because
Christ's death itself was the Victory and the Resurrection.
In the Eucharist the beginning and the end are linked
together: the memories of the Gospel and the prophecies
of the Revelation. It is a sacramentum juturi because it is
an anamnesis of the Cross. The Eucharist is a sacramental
anticipation, a foretaste of the Resurrection, an ''image of
the Resurrection" ( (,the phrase
is from the consecration prayer of St. Basil). It is but an
"image," not because it is a mere sign, but because the
history of Salvation is still going on, and one has to look
forward, t(to look for the life of the age to come"


Christians, as Christians, are not committed to any

philosophical doctrine of immortality. But they are com-
mitted to the belief in the General Resurrection. Man is a
creature. His very existence is the grant of God. His very
existence is contingent. He exists by the grace of God.
But God created Man for existence, i.e., for an eternal
destiny. This destiny can be achieved and consummated only
in communion with God. A broken communion frustrates
human existence, and yet Man does not cease to exist. Man's
death and mortality is the sign of the broken communion,
the sign of Man's isolation, of his estrangement from the
source and the goal of his existence. And yet the creative
fiat continues to operate. In the Incarnation communion
is restored. Life is manifested afresh in the shadow of
death. The Incarnate is the Life and the Resurrection. The
Incarnate is the Conqueror of death and Hades. And He is
the First-fruit of the New Creation, the First-fruit of all
those who slept. The physical death of men is not just
an irrelevant "natural phenomenon," but rather an ominous
240 Creation and Redemption

sign of the original tragedy. An ''immortality" of disembodied

"souls" would not solve the human problem. And "im-
mortality" in a Godless world, an "immortality" without
God or "outside God," would be an eternal doom. Christians,
as Christians, aspire to something greater than a "natural"
immortality. They aspire to an everlasting communion
with God, or, to use the startling phrase of the early Fathers,
to a theosis. There is nothing "naturalistic" or pantheistic
about the term. Theosis means no more than an intimate
communion of human persons with the Living God. To
be with God means to dwell in Him and to share His
perfection. "Then the Son of God became the son of man,
that man also might become the son of God" (St. Irenaeus,
Adv. haeres. Ill, 10.2). In Him man is forever united with
God. In Him we have Life Eternal. "But we all, with open
face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are
changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as
by the Spirit of the Lord" (II Cor. 3:18). And, at the close,
for the whole creation the "Blessed Sabbath," the very "Day
of rest," the mysterious "Seventh day of creation," will be
inaugurated, in the General Resurrection and in "the World
to come."
The Last Things und the Last Events
Behold, 1 make all things newRev. 21.5

TT'SCHATOLOGY was for a long time a neglected field in

Xli modern theology. The arrogant phrase of Ernst Troeltsch
Das eschatolgische Bureau ist meist geschlossen ["The
bureau of eschatology is for the most part closed"]was
distinctively characteristic of the whole liberal tradition,
since the Age of the Enlightenment. Nor is this neglect for
eschatological issues fully overcome in contemporary thought.
In certain quarters eschatology is still regarded as an obsolete
relic of the forlorn past. The theme itself is avoided, or it
is summarily dismissed as unreal and irrelevant. The modern
man is not concerned with the last events. This attitude of
neglect was recently reinforced by the rise of theological
Existentialism. Now, Existentialism does claim to be itself
an eschatological doctrine. But it is a sheer abuse of terms.
Eschatology is radically interiorized in its existentialist reinter-
pretation. It is actually swallowed up in the immediacy of
personal decisions. In a sense, modern Existentialism in
theology is but a fresh variation on the old Pietistic theme.
In the last resort, it amounts to the radical dehistorization of
the Christian faith. Events of history are eclipsed by the

"The Last Things and the Last Events " originally appeared in The
Theology of Emil Brunner, edited by C. W. Kegley (New York: Macmillan
Co., 1962), pp 207-224. Reprinted by permission.

244 Creation and Redemption

events of inner life. The Bible itself is used as a book of

parables and patterns. History is no more than a passing
frame. Eternity can be encountered and tasted at any time.
History is no more a theological problem.
On the other hand, precisely in the last few decades,
the basic historicity of the Christian faith has been reassessed
and reaffirmed in various trends of contemporary theology.
This was a momentous shift in theological thinking. Indeed,
it was a return to Biblical faith. Of course, no elaborate
"philosophy of history'' can be found in the Bible. But
there is in the Bible a comprehensive vision of history, a
perspective of an unfolding time, running from a "begin-
ning" to an "end,".and guided by the sovereign will of God
toward the accomplishment of. His ultimate purpose. The
Christian faith is primarily an obedient witness to the mighty
deeds of God in history,, which culminated, "in those last
days," in the Advent of Christ and in His redemptive victory.
Accordingly, Christian theology should be construed as. a
.."Theology of History." Christian faith is grounded in events,
not in ideas. The Creed itself is a historical witness, a witness
to the saving or redemptive events, which are apprehended
by faith as God's mighty deeds.
This recovery of the historic dimension of the Christian
faith was bound to bring the eschatological theme into the
focus of theological meditation. The Bible and the Creed
are both pointing to the future. It has been recently suggested
that Greek philosophy was inescapably "in the grip of the
past." The category of the future was quite irrelevant in the
Greek version of history. History was conceived as a rota-
tion, with an inevitable return to the initial position, from
which a new repetition of events was bound to start again.
On the contrary, the Biblical view opens into the future,
in which new things are to be disclosed and realized. And
an ultimate realization of the divine purpose is anticipated
in the future, beyond which no temporal movement Can
proceeda state of consummation.
The Last Things and the Last Events 245

In the witty phrase of von Balthasar, die Eschatologie ist

der "Wetterwinkel" in der Theologie unserer Zeit ["Escha-
tology is the 'eye of the storm' in the theology of our time*'].1
Indeed, it is a "subtle knot" in which all lines of theological
thinking intersect and are inextricably woven together.
Eschatology cannot be discussed as a special topic, as a
separate article of belief. It can be understood only in the
total perspective of the Christian faith. What is characteristic
of contemporary theological thought is precisely the recovery
of the eschatological dimension of the Christian faith. All
articles of faith have an eschatological connotation. There
is no common consensus in the contemporary theology of
"the Last Things." There is rather a sharp conflict of views
and opinions. But there is also a new widening of the
perspective. .
Emil Brunner's contribution to the current discussion
was both provocative and constructive. His theology is a
theology of hope and expectation, as it befits one who stands
in the Reformed tradition. His theology is inwardly oriented
toward "the Last Events." Yet, at many points, his vision is
limited by his general theological presuppositions. Indeed,
his theology reflects his personal experience of faithwhat
he himselfcalls-die glubige Existenz.


The mystery of the Last Things is grounded in the primary

paradox of Creation. According to Brunner, the term Creation,
in its Biblical use, does not denote the manner in which
th world did actually come into existence, but only the
sovereign Lordship of God. In the act of Creation God
posits something totally other than Himself, "over against"
Himself. Accordingly, the world of creatures has its own
mode of existence-derivative, subordinate, dependent, and
yet genuine and real, in its own kind. Brunner is quite formal
246 Creation and Redemption

at this point. "A world which is not God exists alongside of

Him." Thus, the very existence of the world implies a
certain measure of self-imposed "limitation" on the side of
God, His kenosis, which reaches its climax in the cross of
Christ. God, as it were, spares room for the existence of
something different. The world has been "called into exis-
tence" for a purpose, in order that it manifest the glory of
God. The Word is the principle and the ultimate goal of
Indeed, the very fact of Creation constitutes the basic
paradox of the Christian faith, to which all other mysteries
of God can be traced back, or rather in which they are
implied. Brunner, however, does not distinguish clearly, at
this point, between the very "being" of God and His "will."
Yet, the "being" of God simply cannot be "limited" in any
sense. If there is a "limitation," it can refer only to His "will,"
insofar as another "will" has been "called into existence,"
a will which could not have existed at all. This basic "con-
tingency" of Creation testifies to the absolute sovereignity
of God. On the other hand, the ultimate climax of the
creative kenosis will be reached only in "the Last Events."
The sting of the paradox, of the kenosis, is not in the
existence of the world, but in the possibility of Hell. Indeed,
the World may be obedient to God, as well as it may be
disobedient, and in its obedience it would serve God and
manifest His glory. It will be not a "limitation," but an
expansion of God's majesty. On the contrary, Hell means
resistance and estrangement, pure and simple. However, even
in the state of revolt and rebellion, the world still belongs
to God. It can never escape His Judgment.
God is eternal. This is a negative definition. It simply
means that the notion of time cannot be applied to His
existence. Indeed, "time" is simply the mode of creaturely
existence. Time is given by God. It is not an imperfect or
deficient mode of being. There is nothing illusory about time.
Temporality is real. Time is really moving on, irreversibly.
The Last Things and the Last Events 247

But it is not just a flux, as it is not a rotation. It is not just

a series of indifferent "time-atoms" which could be conceived
or postulated as infinite, without any end or limit. It is
rather a teleological process, inwardly ordained toward a
certain final goal. A telos is implied in the very design of
Creation. Accordingly, what takes place in time is significant
significant and real for God Himself. History is not a
shadow. Ultimately, history has a "metahistoric" goal. Brun-
ner does not use this term, but he stresses strongly the
inherent "finitude" of history. An infinite history, rolling
on indefinitely, without destination or end, would have been
an empty and meaningless history. The story is bound to
have an end, a conclusion, a katharsis, a solution. The plot
must be disclosed. History has to have an end, at which it is
"fulfilled" or "consummated." It has been originally designed
to be "fulfilled." At the end there will be no history any
more. Time will be filled with eternity, as Brunner puts it.
Of course, eternity means in this connection simply God.
Time has meaning only against the background of eternity,
that isonly in the context of the divine design.
Yet, history is not just a disclosure of that primordial
and sovereign design. The theme of actual history, of the
only real history we know about, is given by the existence of
sin. Brunner dismisses the query about the origin of sin.
He only stresses its "universality." Sin, in the biblical sense
of the term, is not primarily an ethical category. According
to Brunner, it only denotes the need for redemption. Two
terms are intrinsically correlative. Now, sin is not a primary
phenomenon, but a break, a deviation, a turning away from
the beginning. Its essence is apostasy and rebellion. It is this
aspect of sin that is emphasized in the biblical story of the
Fall. Brunner refuses to regard the Fall as an actual event.
He only insists that without the concept of the Fall the basic
message of the New Testament, that isthe message of
salvation would be absolutely incomprehensible. Yet, one
should not inquire into the "when" and "how" of the Fall.
248 Creation and Redemption

The essence of sin can be discerned only in the light of Christ,

that isin the light of redemption. Man, as he can be
observed in history, always appears as sinner, unable not to
sin. The man of history is always "man in revolt." Brunner
is fully aware of the strength of evilin the world and in
the history of man. He commends the Kantian notion of
radical evil. What he has to say about the Satanic sin, as
different from man's sin, about the superpersonal Satanic
power, is impressive and highly relevant for theological
inquiry, as much as all that may inevitably offend and disturb
the mind of modern man. But the major question remains
still without answer. Has the Fall the character of an event?
The logic of Brunner's own argument seems to compel us to
regard it as event, as a link in the chain of events. Otherwise
it would be just a symbol, a working hypothesis, indispensable
for interpretative purposes, but unreal. Indeed, the end of
history must be regarded, according to Brunner, as "an
event," howsoever mysterious this event will be. "The begin-
ning' ' also has the character of "event," as the first link in the
chain. Moreover, redemption is obviously "an event" which
can be exactly datedindeed, the crucial event, determinative
of all others. In this perspective it seems imperative to regard
the Fall as event, in whatever manner it may be visualized
or interpreted. In any case, redemption and Fall are intrin-
sically related to each other, in Brunner's own interpreta-
Brunner distinguishes clearly between the creatureliness
as such and sin. Creatures come from God. Sin comes from
an opposite source. Sinfulness is disclosed in events, in sinful
acts and actions. Indeed, it is an abuse of power, an abuse of
freedom, a perversion of that responsible freedom which
has been bestowed upon man in the very act by which he
was called into existence. Yet, before the abuse became a
habit, it had to have been exercised for the first time. The
revolt had to have been started. Such an assumption would
be in line with the rest of Brunner's exposition. Otherwise
The Last Things and the Last Events 249

one lapses into some kind of metaphysical dualism which

Brunner himself vigorously denounces. In any case, creature-
liness and sinfulness cannot be equated or identified.
Indeed, Brunner is right in suggesting that we must start
from the center, that is, with the glad tidings of redemption
in Christ. But in Christ we contemplate not only our desperate
"existential predicament" as miserable sinners, but, above all,
the historical involvement of men in sin. We are moving
in the world of events. Only for that reason are we justified
in looking forward, to "the Last Events/'
The course of history has been radically challenged by
Godat one crucial point. According to Brunner, since the
coming of Christ, time itself has been charged, for believers,
with a totally new qualityeine sonst unbekannte Entschei-
dungsqualitt ["an otherwise unknown quality of decision"].
Ever since, believers are confronted with an ultimate alter-
native, confronted nowin this "historic time." The choice
is radicalbetween heaven and hell. Any moment of history
may become decisivefor those who are bound to make
decisions, through Christ's challenge and revelation. In this
sense, according to Brunner, "the earthly time is, for faith,
charged with an eternity-tension"mit Ewigkeitspannung
geladen. Men are now inescapably called to decisions, since
God has manifested His own decision, in Christ, and in His
Cross and Resurrection. Does it mean that "eternal deci-
sions"-that is, decisions "for eternity"must be made in
this "historic time" ? By faithin Jesus Christ, the Mediator-
one may, already now, "participate" in eternity. Since Christ,
believers dwell already, as it were, in two different dimen-
sions, both inside and outside of the "ordinary" timehoc
Universum tempus, sive saeculum, in quo cedunt morientes
succeduntque nascentes [this universal time, or age, in which
the dying give place to those being born. St. Augustine,
Civ. Dei, XV.I]. Time has been, as it were, "polarized" by
Christ's Advent. Thus, it seems, time is related now to
eternity, that is to God, in a dual manner. On the one hand,
250 Creation and Redemption

time is always intrinsically related to the eternal God, as

its Creator: God gives time. On the other hand, time has
been, in those last days, radically challenged by God's direct
and immediate intervention, in the person of Jesus Christ.
As Brunner says himself, "temporality, existence in time,
takes on a new character through its relationship to this
event, Jesus Christ, the eph h of history, the once-for-all
quality of His cross and Resurrection, and is newly fashioned
in a paradoxical manner that is unintelligible to thinking
guided by reason alone/'2
We have reached the crucial point in Brunner's exposi-
tion. His interpretation of human destiny is strictly Chris-
tological and Christocentric. Only faith in Christ gives mean-
ing to human existence. This is Brunner's strong point. But
there is an ambiguous docetic accent in his Christology, and
it affects grievously his understanding of history. Strangely
enough, Brunner himself addresses the same charge to the
traditional Christology of the Church, claiming that it never
paid enough attention to the historic Jesus. It is a summary
charge which we cannot analyze and "refute" just now.
What is relevant for our purpose now is that Brunner's
Christology is obviously much more docetic than that of the
Catholic tradition. Brunner's attention to the historical Jesus
is utterly ambiguous. According to Brunner, Christ is a
historic personality only as man. When He "unveils Himself"
that is, when He discloses His Divinity to those who have
the eye of faithHe is no more a historical personality
at all. In fact, Christ's humanity, according to Brunner, is
no more than "a disguise." The true self of Christ is divine.
To faith Christ discards His disguise, His "incognito," to
use Brunner's own phrase. "Where He discloses Himself,
history disappears, and the Kingdom of God has begun. And
when He unveils Himself, He is no longer an historical
personality, but the Son of God, Who is from everlasting
to everlasting."3 This is a startling language, indeed.
Actually, Christ's humanity is just a means to enter
The Last Things and the Last Events 251

history, or ratherto appear in history. God's relation to

history, and to human reality, is, as it were, no more than
tangential, even in the crucial mystery of Incarnation. Actu-
ally, Christ's humanity interests Brunner only as a medium
of revelation, of divine self-disclosure. Indeed, according to
Brunner, in Christ God has really found a firm footing in
humanity. But this does not seem anything more than that
God has now challenged man in his own human element, on
his own human ground and level. In order to meet man,
God had to descendto man's own level. This may be
understood in a strictly orthodox way. Indeed, this was the
favorite thought of the ancient Fathers. But Brunner denies
any real interpntration of divine and human aspects in
Christ's person. In fact, they are no more than "aspects."
Two elements meet, but there is no real unity. Christ of
faith is only divine, even if in a human disguise. His
humanity is just a means to enter history, or ratherto
appear in history. Is history just a moving screen on which
divine "eternity" is to be projected? God had to assume a
beggar's robe of man, for otherwise He would be unable
to encounter man. There was no real ."assumption" of human
reality into the personal experience of the Incarnate. The
role of Christ's humanity was purely instrumental, a disguise.
Basically it is a sheer "Docetism," however much attention
may be given to "historic Jesus." After all, "historic Jesus"
does not belong, in this interpretation, to the realm of faith.
Real decisions are not inade on the plane of history, says
Brunner. "For that is the sphere in which men wear masks.
For the sake of our "masquerade," that is, for the sake of
our sinful mendacity, Christ also, if I may put it like this,
has to wear a mask; this is His Incognito."4 Now, in the
act of faith, man takes away his mask. Then, in response,
Christ also discards His mask, His human disguise, and
appears in His glory. Faith, according to Brunner, breaks
down history. Faith itself is a kind of a "metahistoric" act,
which transcends history, or even discards it. Indeed, Brunner
252 Creation and Redemption

stresses the uniqueness of God's redemptive revelation in

Christ. For man it only means that the challenge is radical
and ultimate. Man is now given a unique opportunity, or
occasion, to make his decision, to overcome his own limited
humanity, and even his intrinsic temporalityby an act of
faith which takes him beyond history, if only in hope and
promise, till the final kairos has come. But is human history
ultimately just a masquerade? According to Brunner's own
emphatic statement, temporality as such is not sinful. Why,
then, should divine revelation in Christ discard history?
Why should historicity be an obstacle to God's self-revelation,
an obstacle that must be radically removed?
In the last resort, the radical change in historythe
New Age, released by Christ's Adventseems to consist only
in the new and unprecedented opportunity to take sides. God
actually remains as hidden in history as He has been before,
or, probably, even more than before, since the ultimate in-
commensurability of divine revelation with the human mas-
querade has been made self-evident and conspicuous. God
could approach man only in disguise. The actual course of
history has not been changed, either by God's intervention,
or by man's option. Apart from the decision of faith, history
is empty, and still sinful. The intimate texture of actual
historic life has not been affected by the redemptive revela-
tion. Nevertheless, a warning has been given: The Lord
comes again. This time He is coming as Judge, not as
Redeemer, although Judgment will actually accomplish and
stabilize redemption.
By faith we can now discern an "eschatological tension"
in the very course of history, although it would be idle and
in vin to indulge in any kind of apocalyptic calculations.
This tension seems to exist on the human level alone. The
eschatological interim is the age of decisionsto be taken
by men. God's decision has been already taken.
As whole, Christian history, according to Brunner, was
a sore failure, a history of decay and misunderstanding. This
The Last Things and the Last Events 253

is an old scheme, firmly established in Protestant historio-

graphy at least since Gottfried Arnold. The primitive Chris-
tian community, the ecclesia, was a genuine Messianic com-
munity, "the bearer of the new life of eternity and of the
powers of the divine world/' as Brunner puts it. But this
primitive cclesia did not survive, at least as an historic
entity, as an historic factor. Brunner acknowledges partial
and provisional "advents" of the Kingdom of God in the
course of history. But all these "advents" are sporadic. Where
faith is, there is ecclesia or Kingdom. But it is hidden, in
the continuing "masquerade" of history. Ultimately, the
ongoing history is a kind of testing ground, on which men
are challenged and their responses are tried and tested. But
does the "saving history" still continue? Is God still active
in history, after the First Adventor is history now left,
after the great intervention f Christ, to man alone, with
that eschatological provision that finally Christ comes again?
Now, history is obviously but a provisional and passing
stage in the destiny of man. Man is called to "eternity," not
to "history." This is why "history" must come t its close,
to its end. Yet, indeed, history is also a stage of growth
the wheat and the tares are growing together, and their
ultimate discrimination is delayedtill the day of harvest.
The tares are growing indeed, rapidly and wildly. But the
wheat is growing also. Otherwise there would be no chance
for any harvest, except for that of tares. Indeed, history
matures not only for judgment, but also for consummation.
Moreover, Christ is still active in history. Brunner disregards,
or ignores, that component of Christian history. Christian
history is, as it were, "atomized," in his vision. It is just a
series of existential acts, performed by men, and, strangely
enough, only negative acts, the acts of rebellion and resistance,
seem to be integrated and solidarized. But, in fact, ecclesia
is not just an aggregate of sporadic acts, but a "body," the
body of Christ. Christ is present in the ecclesi not only as an
object of faith and recognition, but as her Head. He is
254 Creation and Redemption

actually reigning and ruling. This secures the Church's con-

tinuity and identity through the ages. In Brunner's conception
Christ seems to be outside history, or above it. He did come
once, in the past. He is coming again, in the future. Is He
really present now, in the present, except through the memory
of the past and the hope of the future, and indeed in the
"metahistoric" acts of faith?
Creation, according to Brunner, has its own mode of
existence. But it is no more than a "medium" of divine
revelation. It must be, as it were, transparent for divine light
and glory. And this strangely reminds us of the Platonizing
gnosis of Origen and his various followers. The whole story
is reduced to the dialectics of eternal and temporal. Brunner's
own term is "parabolic."

The notion of "the end"of an ultimate endis a

paradoxical notion. An "end" both belongs to the chain or
series, and breaks it. It is both "an event" and "the end of
all events." It belongs to the dimension of history, and yet it
dismisses the whole dimension. The notion of "the beginr
ning"first and radicalis also a paradoxical notion. As
St. Basil has said once, "the beginning of time is not yet
time, but precisely the beginning of it" (Hexaem. 1.6). It is
both an "instant" and more than that.
Of the future we can speak but in images and parables.
This was the language of the Scripture. This imagery cannot
be adequately deciphered now, and should not be taken
literally. But in no sense should it be simply and bluntly
"demythologized." Brunner is formal at this point. The ex-
pected Parousia of Christ must be regarded as "an event."
The character of this event is unimaginable. Better symbols
or images can be hardly found than those used in the Bible.
"Whatever the form of this event may be, the whole point
The Last Things and the Last Events 25:5

lies in the fact that it will happen."5 The Ghristian kerygma

is decisive at this point: "the ultimate redemptive synthesis
has the character of an event." In other words, the Parousia
belongs to the chain of historic "happenings," which it is
expected to conclude and to close. "A Christian faith without
expectation of the Parousia is like a ladder which leads
nowhere but ends in the void." At one point, in any case,
we can go beyond images: it is Christ that is coming. The
Parousia is a "return," as much as it is an ultimate novelty.
"The Last Events" are centered around the person of Christ.
The end will come "suddenly." And yet it is, in a certain
sense, prepared inside of history. As Brunner says, "the
history of man discloses radically apocalyptic traits." At this
point he indulges in metaphysical speculations. "The swing
of the pendulum becomes ever faster." This acceleration of
the tempo of human life may reach the point at which it
can go no further. History may simply explode suddenly.
On the other hand, and on the deeper level, disharmonies
of human existence are steadily increasing: there is "an ever-
widening split in the human consciousness." Of course, these
suggestions have no more than a subsidiary or hypothetical
value. Brunner tries to commend the paradoxical concept of
the end to the modern mind. But they are also characteristic
of his own vision of human reality. History is ever ready to
explode, it is vexed and overburdened with unresolved ten-
sions. Some years ago a Russian religious philosopher,
Vladimir Th. Ern, suggested that human history was a kind
of "catastrophical progress," a steady progression toward an
end. Yet the end was to come from above, in a Parousia.
Accordingly, it was to be more than just a "catastrophe,"
or an immanent or internal "judgment"a disclosure of
inherent contradictions or tensions. It was to be an absolute
judgment, the Judgment of God.
Now, what is Judgment? It is no less "an event" than
the Parousia. It is an ultimate encounter between the sinful
humanity and the Holy God. First of all, it will be an ultimate
256 Creation and Redemption

disclosure or manifestation of the true state of every man and

of the whole mankind. Nothing will be left hidden. Thus,
Judgment will terminate that state of confusion and ambi-
guity, of inconclusiveness, as Brunner puts it, which has been
characteristic of the whole historic stage of human destiny.
This implies an ultimate and final "discrimination"-in the
light of Christ. It will be an ultimate and final challenge.
The will" of God must be finally done. The will of God
must be ultimately enforced. Otherwise, in the phrase of
Brunner, "all talk of responsibility is idle chatter." Indeed,
man is granted freedom, but it is not a freedom of indif-
ference. Man's freedom is essentially a responsive freedom
a freedom to accept God's will. "Pure freedom" can be
professed only by atheists. "To man is entrusted, of man is
expected, merely the echo, the subsequent completion, of a
decision which God has already made about him and for
him."6 There is but one fair option for man-to obey; there
is no real dilemma. Man's purpose and goal are fixed by
All this is perfectly true. Yet, at this Very point, the
vexing question arises. Will actually all men accept, at the
Last Judgment, God's will? Is there any room for radical and
irreversible resistance? Can man's revolt continue beyond
Judgment? Can any creaturely being, endowed with freedom,
persist in estrangement from God, which has been persistently
practised before, that isto pursue its own will? Can such
a being still "exist"in the state of revolt and opposition,
against the Saving will of God, outside God's saving purpose ?
Is it possible for man to persevere in rebellion, in spite of the
call and challenge of God ? Is the Scriptural picture of separa-
tionbetween the sheep and the goatsthe last word about
man's ultimate destiny? What is the ultimate status of
creaturely "freedom"? What does it mean that finally the
will of God must and will prevail? These are queer and
searching questions. But they cannot be avoided. They are
not dictated only by speculative curiosity. They are "existen-
The Last Things and the Last Events 257

tial" questions. Indeed, the Last Judgment is an awful mys-

tery, which cannot, and should not, be rationalized, which
passes all knowledge and understanding. Yet, it is a mystery
of our own existence, which we cannot escape, even if we
fail to comprehend or understand it intellectually.
Brunner emphatically dismisses the "terrible theologou-
menon" of double predestination, as incompatible with the
mind of the Bible. There is no eternal discrimination in God's
creative design. God calls all men to salvation, and for that
purpose He calls them into existence. Salvation is the only
purpose of God. But the crucial paradox is not yet resolved.
The crucial problem is, whether this only purpose of God
will be actually accomplished, in all its fullness and com-
prehensiveness, as it is admitted and postulated in the theory
of universal salvation, for which one may allege Scriptural
evidence. Brunner rejects the doctrine of the Apokatastasis, as
a "dangerous heresy/' It is wrong as a doctrine. It implies a
wrong security for menall ways lead ultimately to the
same end, there is no real tension, no real danger. And yet,
Brunner admits that the doctrine of the forgiving grace,
and of the justification by faith, leads logically to the con-
cept of an universal redemption. Can the will of the omni-
potent God be really resisted or, as it were, overruled by
the obstinacy of feeble creatures ? The paradox can be solved
only dialecticallyin faith. One cannot know God theoreti-
cally. One has to trust His love.
It is characteristic that Brunner discusses the whole
problem exclusively in the perspective of the divine will. For
that reason he misses the very point of the paradox. He
simply ignores the human aspect of the problem. Indeed,
"eternal damnation" is not inflicted by "the angry God."
God is not the author of Hell. "Damnation" is a self-
inflicted penalty, the consequence and the implication of the
rebellious opposition to God and to His will. Brunner admits
that there is a real possibility of damnation and perdition.
It is dangerous and erroneous to ignore that real possibility.
258 Creation and Redemption

But one should hope that it will never be realized. Now, hope
itself must be realistic and sober. We are facing the alter-
native: either, at the Last Judgment, unbelievers and un-
repentant sinners are finally moved by the divine challenge,
and are "freely" convertedthis was the hypothesis of St.
Gregory of Nyssa; or their obstinacy is simply overruled by
the divine Omnipotence and they are saved by the constraint
of the divine mercy and willwithout their own free and
conscious assent. The second solution implies contradiction,
unless we understand "salvation*Vin a forensic and formalistic
manner. Indeed, criminals may be exonerated in the court of
justice, even if they did not repent and persevere in their
perversion. They only escape punishment. But we cannot
interpret the Last Judgment in this manner. In any case,
"salvation" involves conversion, involves an act of faith.
It cannot be imposed on anyone. Is the first solution more
convincing? Of course, the possibility of a late "conversion"
in "the eleventh hour," or even aftercannot be theoreti-
cally ruled out, and the impact of the divine love is infinite.
But this chance or possibility of conversion, before the
Judgment-Seat of Christ, sitting in glory, cannot be dis-
cussed in abstracto, as a general case. After all, the question
of salvation, as also the decision of faith, is a personal
problem, which can be put and faced only in the context of
concrete and individual existence. Persons are saved, or
perish. And each personal case must be studied individually.
The main weakness of Brunner's scheme is in that he always
speaks in general terms. He always speaks of the human
condition and never of living persons.
The problem of man is for Brunner essentially the prob-c
lern of sinful condition. He is afraid of all "ontic" categories.
Indeed, man is sinner, but he is, first of all, man. It is true,
again, that the true stature of genuine manhood has been
exhibited only in Christ, who was more than man, and not a
man. But in Christ we are given not only forgiveness, but
also the power to be, or to become, children of God, that
The Last Things and the Last Events 259

isto be what we are designed to be. Of course, Brunner

admits that believers can be in communion with God even
now, in this present life. But then comes death. Does faith,
oractuallyone's being en Christo, make any difference at
this point? Is the communion with Christ, once established
by faith (and, indeed, in sacraments), broken by death? Is
it true that human life is "a being unto death/' Physical death
is the limit of physical life. But Brunner speaks of the death
of human persons, of the "I." He claims that it is a mystery,
an impenetrable mystery, of which rational man cannot know
anything at all. But, in fact, th concept of this "personal
death" is no more than a metaphysical assumption, derived
from certain philosophical presuppositions, and in no way
a datum of any actual or possible experience, including the
experience of faith. "Death" of a person is only in the
estrangement from God, but even in this case it does not
mean annihilation. In a sense, death means a disintegration
of human personality, because man is not designed to be
immaterial. The bodily death reduces the integrity of the
human person. Man dies, and yet survivesin the expecta-
tion of the general end. The ancient doctrine of the Com-
munion of Saints points to the victory of Christ: In Him,
through faith (and sacraments), even the dead are alive,
and sharein anticipation, but reallythe everlasting life.
Communio Sanctorum is an important eschatological topic.
Brunner simply ignores it altogethersurely not by accident
but quite consistently. He speaks of the condition of death,
not of personal cases. The concept of an immortal soul may
be a Platonic accretion, but the notion of an "indestructible
person" is an integral part of the Gospel. Indeed, only in this
case there is room for a general or universal Judgment, at
which all historic persons, of all ages and of all nations, are
to appearnot as a confused mass of frail and unprofitable
sinners, but as a congregation of responsive and responsible
persons, each in his distinctive character, congenital and
acquired. Death is a catastrophe. But persons survive, and
260 Creation and Redemption

those in Christ are still aliveeven in the state of death.

The faithful not only hope for life to come, but are already
alive, although all are waiting for Resurrection. Brunner, of
course, is fully aware of this. In his own phrase, those who
believe "will not die into nothingness but into Christ/* Does
it mean that those who do not believe "die into nothingness" ?
And what is "nothingness""the outer darkness" (which is
probably the case) or actual "nonbeing"?
It is also true that full integrity of personal existence,
distorted and reduced by death, will be restored in the general
Resurrection. Brunner emphasizes the personal character of
the Resurrection. "The New Testament faith knows of no
other sort of eternal life except that of the individual
persons."7 The flesh will not rise. But some kind of cor-
jporeality is implied in the Resurrection. All will rise, because
Christ is risen. Now, Resurrection is at once a Resurrection
mto lifein Christ, and a Resurrection-to Judgment. Bran-
ler discusses the general Resurrection in the context of
faith, forgiveness, and life. But what is the status of those
who did not believe, who did not ask for forgiveness, and
never knew of the redemptive love of Christ, or probably
have obstinately denounced and rejected it as a myth, as a
fraud, as a deceit, or as an offense for the autonomous
And this brings us back again to the paradox of the
Judgment. Strangely enough, at this point Brunner speaks
more as a philosopher than as a theologian, precisely because
he tries t avoid metaphysical inquiry, and all problems
which have been suppressed reappear in disguise. Brunner
puts the question in this way: how can we reconcile divine
Omnipotence and human freedom, oron a deeper l e v e l -
divine holiness (or justice) and divine mercy and love. It is
a strictly metaphysical problem, even if it is discussed on
the scriptural basis. The actual theological problem is, on
the other hand: what is the existential status of unbelievers
in the sight of God, and in the perspective of the human
The Last Things and the Last Events 261

destiny? The actual problem is existentialthe status and

destiny of individual persons. For Brunner the problem is
obscured by his initial choicehis sweeping bracketing
together of all men as sinners, without any real ontic or
existential discrimination between the righteous and the
unrighteous. Indeed, all are under the Judgment, but, obvi-
ously, not in the same sense. Brunner himself distinguishes
between those who fail being tempted, and those who choose
to tempt others and to seduce. He knows of deliberate perver-
sion. But he does not ask, how an individual human person
may be affected, in his inner and intimate structure, by
deliberate and obstinate perversion, apostasy and "love for
evil." There is a real difference between weakness and wicked-
ness, between frailty and godlessness. Can all sins be forgiven,
even the non-avowed and non-repented? Is not forgiveness
received only in humility and in faith? In other words, is
'condemnation'' just a "penalty," in the forensic sense, or a
kind of negative "reward"? Or is it simply a manifestation
of what is hiddenor rather quite open and conspicuous
in those who have chosen, by an abuse of "freedom," that
wide path which leads into Gehenna.

There is no chapter on Hell in any of Brunner's books.

But Hell is not just a "mythical" figure of speech. Nor is it
just a dark prospect, whichone wants to hopemay never
be realized. bile dictuit is a reality, to which many
human beings are even now committed, by their own will,
or at leastby their own choice and decision, which may
mean, in the last resort, bondage, but is usually mistaken
for freedom. "Hell" is an internal state, not a "place." It is
a state of personal disintegration, which is mistaken for self-
assertionwith certain reason, since this disintegration is
grounded in pride. It is a state of self-confinement, of
isolation and alienation, of proud solitude. The state of sin
itself is "hellish," although it may be, by an illusion of selfish
imagination, mistaken for "Paradise." For that reason sinners
chose "sin," the proud attitude, the Promethean attitude. One
may make of "Hell" an ideal, and pursue itdeliberately
262 Creation and Redemption

and persistently. "L o je suis, l est ma volont libre et

l o est ma volont libre, l'enfer absolu et ternel est en
puissance." (Marcel Jouhandeau, Algbre des valeurs
morales). Indeed, ultimately, it is but an illusion, an aberra-
tion, a violence, and a mistake. But the sting of sin is
precisely in the denial of the divinely instituted reality, in the
attempt to establish another order or regime, which is, in
contrast with the true divine order, a radical disorder, but
to which one may give, in selfish exaltation, ultimate pre-
ference. Now, sin has been destroyed and abrogatedit can
not be said that "sin" has been redeemed, only persons may
be redeemed. But it is not enough to acknowledge, by faith,
the deed of the divine redemptionone has to be born anew.
The whole personality must be cleansed and healed. Forgive-
ness must be accepted and assessed in freedom. It cannot be
imputeda|>art from an act of faith and gratitude, an act
of love. Paradoxically, nobody can be saved by love divine
alone, unless it is responded to by grateful love of human
persons. Indeed, there is always an abstract possibility of
"repentance" and "conversion" in the course of this earthly
or historic life. Can we admit that this possibility continues
after death? Brunner will hardly accept the idea of a
"Purgatory." But even in the concept of Purgatory no chance
of radical conversion is implied. Purgatory includes but
believers, those of good intentions, pledged to Christ, but
deficient in growth and achievement. Human personality is
made and shaped in this lifeat least, it is oriented in this
life. The difficulty of universal salvation is not on the divine
sideindeed, God wants every man "to be saved," not so
much, probably, in order that His will should be accomplished
and His Holiness secured, as in order that man's existence
may be complete and blessed. Yet, insuperable difficulties
may be erected on the creaturely side. After all, is "ultimate
resistance" a greater paradox, and a greater offense, than
any resistance or revolt, which actually did pervert the whole
order of Creation, did handicap the deed of redemption ? Only
The Last Things and the Last Events 263

when we commit ourselves to a Docetic view of history and

deny the possibility of ultimate decisions in history, in this
life, under the pretext that it is temporal, can we evade the
paradox of ultimate resistance.
St. Gregory of Nyssa anticipated a kind of universal
conversion of souls in the afterlife, when the Truth of God
will be revealed and manifested with compelling evidence.
Just at that point the limitation of the Hellenic mind is
obvious. Evidence seemed to it to be the decisive motive for
the will, as if "sin" were merely ignorance. The Hellenic
mind had to pass through a long and hard experience of
asceticism, of ascetic self-examination and self-control, in
order to overcome this intellectualistic navet and illusion
and discover a dark abyss in the fallen soul. Only in St.
Maximus the Confessor, after some centuries of ascetic pre-
paration, do we find a new and deepened interpretation of
the Apokatastasis. Indeed, the order of creation will be fully
restored in the last days. But the dead souls will still be
insensitive to the very revelation of Light. The Light Divine
will shine to all, but those who once have chosen darkness
will be still unwilling and unable to enjoy the eternal bliss.
They will still cling to the nocturnal darkness of selfishness.
They will be unable precisely to enjoy. They will stay "out-
side"because union with God, which is the essence of
salvation, presupposes and requires the determination of
will. Human will is irrational and its motives cannot be
rationalized. Even "evidence" may fail to impress and move it.
Eschatology is a realm of antinomies. These antinomies
are rooted and grounded in the basic mystery of Creation.
How can anything else exist alongside of God, if God is the
plenitude of Being ? One has attempted to solve the paradox,
or rather to escape it, by alleging the motives of Creation,
sometimes to such an extent and in such a manner as to
compromise the absoluteness and sovereignty of God. Yet,
God creates in perfect freedom, ex mera liberalitate, that is,
without any "sufficient reasons." Creation is a free gift of
264 Creation and Redemption

unfathomable love. Moreover, man in Creation is granted

this mysterious and enigmatic authority of free decision, in
which the most enigmatic is not the possibility of failure or
resistance, but the very possibility of assent. Is not the will
of God of such a dimension that it should be simply obeyed
without any real, that is, free and responsible, assent? The
mystery is in the reality of creaturely freedom. Why should
it be wanted in the world created and ruled by God, by His
infinite wisdom and love ? In order to be real, human response
must be more than a mere resonance. It must be a personal
act, an inward commitment. In any case, the shape of human
lifeand now we may probably add, the shape and destiny
of the cosmosdepends upon the synergism or conflict of
the two wills, divine and creaturely. Many things are happen-
ing which God abhorsin the world which is His work and
His subject. Strangely enough, God respects human freedom,
as St. Irenaeus once said, although, in fact, the most con-
spicuous manifestation of this freedom was revolt and dis-
order. Are we entitled to expect that finally human disobedi-
ence will be disregarded and "dis-respected" by God, and
His Holy Will shall be enforced, regardless of any assent?
Or it would make a dreadful "masquerade" of buman his-
tory ? What is the meaning of this dreadful story of sin,
perversion, and rebellion, if finally everything will be
smoothed down and reconciled by the exercise of divine
Indeed, the existence of Hell, that is, of radical opposi-
tion, implies, as it were, some partial "unsuccess" of the
creative design. Yet, it was more than just a design, a plan,
a pattern. It was the calling to existence, or even "to being,"
of living persons. One speaks sometimes of the "divine
risk"le risque divin, says Jean Guitton. It is probably a
better word than kenosis. Indeed, it is a mystery, which can-
not be rationalizedit is the primordial mystery of creaturely
Brunner takes the possibility of Hell quite seriously.
The Last Things and the Last Events 265

There is no security of "universal salvation/' although this is,

abstractly speaking, still possiblefor the omnipotent God
of Love. But Brunner still hopes that there will be no Hell.
The trouble is that there is Hell already. Its existence does not
depend upon divine decision. God never sends anyone to
Hell. Hell is made by creatures themselves. It is human
creation, outside, as it were, of "the order of creation/'
The Last Judgment remains a mystery.
Notes and References


St. Maximimus the Confessor in Lib. de div. nomin. schol., in V. 8S
PG iv, 336.
This relationship is vividly elucidated by Augustine, De Genesi ad lit.
V. 5, PL xxxiv, 325: factae itaque creaturae motibus coeperunt currer
tempora: unde ante creaturum frustra tempora requiruntur, quasi possint
inveniri ante tempora tempora.. .potius ergo tempora cretura, qum
creatura cepit tempore; utrumque autem ex De; cf. de Genesi c. manich.
I. 2 PL xxiv, 174, 175; de Civ. Dei, XI, t, PL xli, 321; quis non videat
quod tmpor non fuissent, nisi creatura fieret, quae aliquid liqua mutatione
mutaret; 322: procul dubio non est mundus factus in tempore, sed cum
tempore; Confess. XI, 13, PL xxxii, 815-816 et passim. Cf. P. Duhem,
Le Systme du Monde, II (Paris, 1914), pp. 462 ff.
*St. Basil the Great in Hexam. h. 1, . 6, PG xxix, . 16.
St. Gregory of Nyssa Or. eath. ., . 6, PG xlv, c. 28; cf. St. John
Damascene, De fide orth. I, 3, PG xciv, 796: "for things whose being
originated with a change [ ] are definitely subject to change,
whether it be by corruption or by voluntary alteration."
St. Gregory of Nyssa De opif. hom: c. XVI, PG xiv, 184; d. Or. cath.
., 21, PG xlv, 57: ["The very transition from nonentity to existence
is a change, non-existnce being changed by the Divine power in being"]
(Srawley's translation). Since the origin of man comes about "through
change," he necessarily has a changeable nature.
St. John Damascene De fide orth. II, 1, PG xciv, 864. y p
. The whole passage is of in-
terest: , o , ,
, * -
, ,

270 Creation and Redemption

, ,
Cf. St. Gregory of Nazianzos, Or. 29, PG xxxi, 89-81: ,
o .
St. Augustine, De Civ. Dei, XII, . xv, PL XLI, 363-5.
The Works of Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow, "Discourses and
Speeches,'' vol. Ill (Moscow, 1877), p. 436, "Address on the Occasion of
the Recovery of the Relics of Patriarch Alexey," 1830.
St. Augustine, Conjessiones, XI, 4, PL xxxii, 812.
"St. Gregory of Nazianzos, Or. 38, In Theoph., n. 7, PG xxxvi, 317.
St. John Damascene, De fide Orth. I, 13, PG xcvi, 583 [Russian,
I, 183].
St. Augustine, De Genest ad lit., I, imp. 2: non de Dei natura, sed
a Deo sit facta de nihile. . . quapropter creaturam universam neque con-
substantialem Deo, neque coaeternam fas est dicere, aut credere. PL xxxiv,
St. Macarius of Egypt, Horn. XLIX, c. 4, PG xxxiv, 816.
St. Athanasius, arian, Or. 1, n. 20, PG xxvi, 53.
St. Athanasius, arian. Or. 2, n; 2, G xxvi, . 152.
Ibid., . arian. Or. I, n. 21, 56.
Ibid., arian. Or. 3, nfl 60ss., 448 squ.
"St.. Cyril. of Alexandria, Thesaurus, XV, PG LXXV, 276:
. . . ;(
) . . . ' ; ass. xviii, . 313:
, ;
St. John Damascene De fide orth. I, 8, PG xciv, . 812-813; cf. St.
Athanasius . arian. or. 2, n. 2, PG xxvi. He rebukes the Arians for not
recognizing that . The same
expression is to be found in St. Cyril's writings.
St. Gregory of Nazianzos, Or. 45 in S. Pascha, n. 28, PG xxxvi, 661.
M , n. 8, col. 632.
St. Augustine, De Genest ad lit., I, 5, PL xxxiv, c. 250.
^St. Gregory of Nazianzos, Or. XL in S. Baptism, PG xxxvi, 424.
St. John Damascene, C. Manich n. 14, PG xciv, 1597.
St. Gregory of Nyssa, De anima et resurr., PG XLVI, 93 B.
... Waddingi, IV, Paris, 1891. This whole discourse of Duns Scotus
Notes 271

is notable for its great clarity and profundity. Duns Scoti question
disputatae de rerum principio, quaestio IV, articulus I, n. 3 and 4,Opera
omnia, editio nova juata editionem.
Origen, De princ. Ill, 5, 3, PG 327, English translation of G. W.
V. V. Bolotov, Origen's Doctrine of the Holy Trinity, St. Petersburg,
1879, p. 203.
Origen, De princ. I, 2, 10, PG 138-9.
lbid., Nota ex Methodio 01. apud Phot. Bibl. cod., 235, sub linea,
n. (40).
St. Augustine, De Civ. Dei, XII, 15, PL XLI, c. 36.
St. Methodius, De creatis, apud Phot. Bibl. col. 235, PG ciii, I l 4 l .
St. Gregory of Nazianzos, Or. 45, n. 5, PG xxxvi, 629: ;
Carm. 4, theol. IV, De mundo, 67-68, PG xxxv II, 421.
St. Athanasius, C. arian. Or. 2, n. 2, PG xxvi, 152
, , -
Cf. V. V. Bolotov, "On the Filioque Question, III:. The significance
of the sequence of the Hypostases of the Holy Trinity according to the
view of the Eastern Fathers," Christian Readings ( [Khristianskoe Chtenie]
Russian), 1913, Sept., pp. 1046-1059.
St. Augustine, De div. quaest. qu. 28, PL XLVI, 18: nihil autem
majus est voluntatis Dei; non ergo ejus causa quaerenda est.
St. Gregory of Nazianzos, Carm. theol. INDe mundo, v. 67-68, PG
xxxvii, 421: . . .
St. Athanasius, Ad Serap. Ep. Ill, n. 5, PG xxvi, c. 632.
St. John Damascene, De fide orth. I, 2, PG xciv, 865; St. Gregory
of Nazianzos, Or. 45 in S. Pascha, n. 5, PG xxxvi, 629.
St. John Damascene, De fide orth., I, 9, PG xciv, 837.
St. John Damascene, De imagin., I, 10, PG xciv, c. 1240-1241.
*zIbid., 1340: "The second aspect of the image is the thought of
God on the subject of that which He will create, that is, His pre-eternal
counsel, which always remains equal to itself; for the Divinity remains un-
changeable and His counsel is without beginning" [ -
, ' ,
, ].
^Dionysius the Areopagite, De divin, nomin. V, . 8, PG III, . 824;
cf. . VII, . 2, . 868-869.
^St. Maximus the Confessor, Scholia in liberus de divine nominitus
272 Creation and Redemption

in cap. V 5,PG iv, 31; cfr. n. 7 Cf, n. 7, . 324: "In the cause
of all things, everything is preconstituted [], as in an idea
or prototype"; n. 8, . 329-: cm
, . In contrast to
Plato, who separated the ideas of God, Dionysius speaks of "images" and
"logoi" in God. Cf. A. Brilliantov, The Influence of Eastern Theology
on Western Theology in the Works of Eriugene (St. Petersburg, 1898),
pp. 157 ff., 192 ff.
St. Augustine, De Genest ad Lt., I, , . 18, PL xxxiv, . 334; cf. De
Trin., I, IX, . 6 vel s. n. 9, PL XLII, c. 965: alia notitia rei in ipsa
se, alia in ipsa aeterna veritate; cf. ibid., I, VIII, . 4 vel s. n. 7, c. 951-
952. See also De div. qu., 83, qu. 46, n. 2., PL XL, 30: idee igitur
latine possumus vel formas vel species dicere... Sunt namque ideae princi-
pales formae quaedam, vel rationes rerum stabiles atque incommutabiles,
qua ipsae formatae non sunt, ac per hoc aeternae ac semper eodem modo
sese habentes, quia in divina mente continentur. Et cum ipsae neque
oriantur, neque intereant; secundum cas tarnen formari dicitur omne quod
oriri et interire ptest, et omne quod oritur et interit.
St. Maximus the Confessor, Lib. de div. nom. s hol., mi, 3, PG iv, 352:
.. . . . .
St. Maximus the Confessor, Lib. de div. nom. schol., V, 5, PG iv, 317;
St. Maximus the Confessor, De charit., c. iv, c. 4, PG xc, c. 1148:

, , ; Lib. de div. nom.
schol.\ IV, 14, PG, iv, 265. One must also take into consideration different
aspects of the image as described by St. John Damascene, De imag. II, 19,
PG xciv, 134-1341: The first aspect of the image is natural,
the Son. The second image is the pre-eternal counsel . The
third aspect is man, who is an image by imitation:
OTTO -since one who is created cannot have the same nature
as He who is not created. In this passage St. John Damascene perceives the
likeness of man to God in the fact that the soul of every man consists of
three parts; cf. Fragm., PG xcv, 574. By indicating difference of natures in
Gd and in man, the divine nature of the eternal ideas of His counsel is
emphasized. The notion of "image" received its final definition only during
the Iconoclastic period, especially in the writings of St. Theodore the
Studite. He connects the possibility of having icons with the creation of
man according to the image of God. "The fact that man is created accord-
ing to the image and likeness of God indicates that making icons is to
some extent a divine occupation." (St. Theod. Stud. Antirrh. Ill, c. 2, 5,
PG xciv. St. Theodore follows here the ideas of Areopagitica.
In this case it is enough to mention that St. Theodore underscores the
indissoluble connection between the "image" and the "proto-image," but
makes a sharp distinction between them in essence of nature. Cf. Antirrh.
II, 3, 10, col. 424: "The one is not separate from the other, except in
respect to the distinction of essences" [ ]. Cf. .
Notes 273

Schwartzlose, Der Bilderstreit (Gotha, 1890), pp. 174 ff.; the Rev. N.
Grossou, St. Theodore the Stylite, His Times, His Life, His Works (Kiev,
1908), Russian, pp. 198 ff.; 180 ff.; A. P. Dobroklonsky, St. Theodore
the Studite, Vol. I (Odessa, 1901 [1914]), Russian.
A penetrating and thorough investigation of the problem of ideas is
given by a noted Roman Catholic theologian, F. A. Staudenmaier, Die
Philosophie des Christentums, Bd. I (the only published), "Die Lehre
von der Idee" (Gieszen, 1840), and also in his monumental work Die
Christliche Dogmatik, Bd. Ill, Freiburg im Breisgau 1848 (recently re-
printed, 1967).
Discourses and Speeches of a Member of the Holy Synod, Philaret,
Metropolitan of Moscow^ part II, Moscow, 1844, p. 87: "Address on the
Occasion of the Recovery of the Relics of Patriarch Alexey." (Russian)
St. John Damascene, De fide orth.b I, 4, PG xciv, 800.
**Ibid.t I, 9, 836.
*4bid., I, 4, 797.
For a survey of this question see I. V. Popov, The Personality and
Teachings of the Blessed Augustine, Vol. I, part 2 (Sergiev Posad, 1916,
and Uchnosf i Uchenie Blazhennago Avgustina)> pp. 330-370 ff.

the words of Athenagoras, Legat, . 10, PG vi, . 908:
. Cf. Popov, pp. 339-41; Bolotov, pp. 41 ff.; A
Puech, Les apologistes grecs du IIe sicle de notre re (Paris, 1912). On
Origen, see Bolotov, pp. 191 ff. From the formal aspect, the distinction
between "essence" and "energies" goes back to Philo and Plotinus. Never-
theless, in their view God receives his own character, even for Himself,
only through His inner and necessary self-revelation in the world of ideas,
and this "cosmological sphere" in God they named "Word" or "Mind."
For a long time the cosmological concepts of Philo and Plotinus retarded
the speculative formulation of the Trinitarian mystery. In fact cosmological
concepts have no relation to the mystery of God and Trinity. If Cosmolog-
ical concepts must be discarded, then another problem appears, that of
the relationship of God to the world, indeed of a free relationship. The
problem is relationship in the conception of the "pre-eternal counsel of
God." On Philo see M. D. Muretov, The Philosophy of Philo of Alexandria
in its Relation to the Doctrine of St. John the Theologian on the Logos,
Vol. I (Moscow, 1885); N. N. Gloubokovsky, St. Paul the Apostle's
Preaching of the Glad Tidings in its Origin and Essence, Vol. II (St.
Petersburg, 1910), pp. 23-425; V. Ivanitzky, Philo of Alexandria (Kiev,
1911); P. J. Lebreton, Les origines du dogme de la Trinit (Paris, 1924),
pp. 166-239, 570-581, 590-598; cf. excurus A, "On the Energies," pp.
503-506. Cf. also F. Dlger, "Sphragis," Studien zur Geschichte und
Kultur des Alterthums, Bd. V, Hf. 3-4 (1911), pp. 65-69.
St. Basil the Great, . . I, II, 32, PG xxix, 648; cf. St. Athanasius,
De dcret.y n. II, PG xxv, 441 : "God is in all by His goodness and
274 Creation and Redemption

power, and He is outside of all in His own nature" [

St. Basil the Great, Ad Amphil, PG xxxii, 869, A-B.
St. Basil the Great, C. Eun.b I, I, n. 14, PG xxix, 544-5; cf. St.
Gregory of Nazianzos, Or. 28, 3, PG xxxvi, 29; Or. 29, col. 88B.
St. Gregory Nazianzos, Or. 38, /# Theoph., n. 7, PCr xxxvi, 317.
St. Gregory of Nyssa, Cant. cant. h. xi, PG xlix, 1013 B; In Phalm. II,
14, P< xliv, 585; cf. V. Nesmelov, The Dogmatic System of St. Gregory
of Nyssa (Kazan, 1887), pp. 123 ff.; Popov, pp. 344-49.
St. Gregory of Nyssa, Quod non sint trs dit, PG xlv, 121B: "We
have come to know that the essence of God has no name and it is
inexpressible, and we assert that any name, whether it has come to be
known through human nature or whether it was handed to us through
the Scriptures, is an interpretation of something to be understood of the
nature of God, but that it does not contain in itself the meaning of His
nature itself.. . On the contrary, no matter what name we give to the
very essence of God, this predicate shows something that has relation to
the essence" -[ ]. Ci. . . II, PG xlv, . 524-5;
De beatitud., Or. 6, PG xliv, 1268: "The entity of God in itself, in its
substance, is above any thought that can comprehend it, being inaccessible
to ingenious conjectures, and does not even come close to them. But being
such by nature, He who is above all nature and who is unseen and in-
describable, can be seen and known in other respects. But no knowledge
will be a knowledge of the essence"; In Ecclesiasten, h. VII, PG xliv,
732: "and the great men speak of the works [ ] of God, but not of
God." St. John Chrysostom Incompreh. Dei natura, h. Ill, 3, PG xlviii,
722: in the vision of Isaiah (vi, 1-2), the angelic hosts contemplated not
the "inaccessible essence" but some of the divine "condescension,""The
dogma of the unfathomability of God in His nature and the possibility
of knowing Him through His relations towards the world" is presented
thoroughly and with penetration in the book of Bishop Sylvester, Essay
on Orthodox Dogmatic Theology, Vol. I, (Kiev, 1892-3), pp. 245 ff.;
Vol. II (Kiev, 1892-3), pp. 4 ff. Cf. the chapter On negative theology
in Father Bulgakov's book, The Unwaning Light (Moscow, 1917), pp.
103 ff.
St. John Damascene, De fide orth., I, 14, PG xciv, 860.
Bishop Sylvester, II, 6.
Cf. ibid., II, 131.
St. John Chrysostom, In Hebr. h-2, n. 1.
St. John Damascene, De fide orth., I, 13, PG xciv, 852.
The Eastern patristic distinction between the essence and energies of
God has always remained foreign to Western theology. In Eastern theology
it is the basis of the distinction between apophatic and cataphatic theology.
St Augustine decisively rejects it. See Popov, pp. 353 ff.; Cf. Brilliantov,
pp. 221 ff.
Notes lib
Dionysius Arepagite, De div. nom., II, 5, PG iii, 641.
Cf., for example, De coei. hier., II, 3, 141.
Ep. I, ad Caium, . 1065.
De div. nom., xi, 6, 956.
Dionysius Areopagite, De div. nom., I, 4, PG iii, 589; St. Max.
Schol. in V 1; PG iv, 309: ,
; is contrasted here with
De div. nom., IV, 13, PG , 712.

De div. nom., V, 8, PG iii, 824; V, 5-6, 820; XI, 6, . 953, ss.

Cf. Brilliantov's whole chapter on the Areopagitica, pp. 142-178; Popov,
pp. 349-52. The pseudo-epigraphic character of the Areopagitica and their
close relationship with Neo-platonism does not belittle their theological
significance, which was acknowledged and testified to by the authority of
the Church Fathers. Certainly there is need for a new historical and
theological investigation and appraisal of them.
Dionysius Areopagite, De div. nom., IX, PG iii, 909.
St. Gregory Palamas, Capit. phys., theol. etc., PG cl, 1169.
4bid., cap. 75, PG cl, 1173: St. Gregory proceeds from a threefold
distinction in God: that of the essence, that of the energy, and that of
the Trinity of the Hypostases. The union with God 9 is
impossible, for, according to the general opinion of the theplogians, in
entity, or in His essence, God is "'impanicipable" []. The
union according to hypostasis [* ] is unique to the In-
carnate Word: cap. 78, 1176: the creatures who have made progress are
united to God according to His energy; they partake not of His essence
but of His energy [' ]: cap. 92, 1168: through the partak-
ing of "God given grace" they are united to God Himself (cap. 93). The
radiance of God and the God-given energy, partakers of which become
deified, is the grace of God [] but not the essence of God []:
cap. 141, 1220; cap. 144, 1221; Theoph. col. 912: 928D: cf. 921, 941.
Cf. the Synodikon of the council of 1452 in Bishop Porphyrius [Uspensky]'s
book, History of Mt. Athos, III, 2 (St. Petersburg, 1902), supplements,
p. 784, and in the Triodion (Venice, 1820), p. 168. This is the thought
of St. Maximus: ,
, apud
Euth. Zyg. Panopl., tit. 3, PG cxxx, 132.
Bishop Porphyrios, 783.
St. Gregory Palamas, Theoph., PG cl, 941.
Ibid., 940: , o .
Cf. Triodion, . 170; and Porphyrius, 784: "Of those who confess one
God Almighty, having three Hypostases, in Whom not only the essence
and the hypostases are not created, but the very energy also, and of those
276 Creation and Redemption

who say that the divine energy proceeds from the essence of God and
proceeds undividedly, and who through the procession designate its un-
speakable difference, and who through the undivided procession show
its supernatural unity... eternal be the memory." Cf. ibid., p. 169,
Porphyrius, 782 . . .
. See St. Mark Eugen. Ephes. Cap. Syllog.,
apud W. Gasz, Die Mystik des N. Cabas Has (Greiszwald, 1849), App. II,
15, . 221: . . . .
St. Gregory Palamas, Cap., 127, PG cl, 1209: y a p
, ; . 135, 1216: y p -
, * ' ,
, '' -
.. . ' , ,
, ' y p
' ; . . . '
, ,
; Theph. . 298:

; ci. p. 937, 956.
*3St Gregory Palamas, Cap. 96, PG cl, 1181: . . .
, , -
, ' ,
. .. ' -
; cf. Cap. 97, 98, 100, 102; Cap. 103,
1192: , ;
135, 1216: , ' *
, cpa , .
S. Mark of Ephesus, apud Gasz., s. 217: -
St. Gregory Palamas, Cap. 125, PG cl, 1209; St. Mark of Ephesus,
apud Gasz., 14, s. 220; . 9, 219: . 22, 225:
', <Scpa ;
10, 209.
St. Gregory Palamas, Theoph., PG cl, 929; 936; 941; St. Mark of
Ephesus, apud Gasz., 21, s. 223.
Byzantine theology concerning the powers and energies of God still
awaits monographic treatment, much the more so since the greater part
of the works of St. Gregory Palamas are still in MSS. For the general
characteristics and theological movements of the times, see Bishop
Porphyry's book, First Journey into the Athonite Monasteries and Sketes,
part II, pp. 358 ff., and by the same author, History of Mt. At ho s, part
III, section 2, pp. 234 ff.; Archimandrite Modestus, St. Gregory Palamas,
Archbishop of Thessalonica (Kiev, I860), pp. 58-70, 113-130; Bishop
Alexey, Byzantine Church Mystics of the XIV Century (Kazan, 1906),
and in the Greek of G. H. Papamichael, St. Gregory Palamas,
Notes 277

Archbishop of Thessalonica (St. Petersburg-Alexandria, 1911); cf. the

Review of the book by J. Sokolov in the Journal of the Ministry
of Public Education, 1913, April-July issues. The Eastern distinction be-
tween essence and energy met with severe censure from Roman Catholic
thelogy. Petavius speaks of it at great length and most harshly. Petavius,
Opus de theologicis, ed. Thomas, Barri-Ducis (1864), tomus I, I, I, c.
12-13, 145-160; III, 5, 273-6.
St. Athanasius, C. arian. Or. Ill, 62-63, PG xxvi.
St. Maximus the Confessor, Ambigu., PG xci, 1261-4.
St. Athanasius, arian., II, 31, PG xxvi, 212: "It was not for our
sake that the Word of God received His being; on the contrary, it is for
His sake that we received ours ; and all things were created... for Him
(Col. i.16). It was not because of our infirmity that He, being powerful,
received His being from the One God, that through Him as by some
instrument we were created for the Father. Far be it. Such is not the teach-
ing of the truth. Had it been pleasing not to create creatures, nevertheless
the Word was with God, and in Him was the Father. The creatures could
not receive their being without the Word, and that is why they received
their being through Him, which is only right. Inasmuch as the Word is,
by the nature of His essence, Son of God; inasmuch as the Word is
from God and is God, as He Himself has said, even so the creatures could
not receive their being but through him."
St. Methodius of Olympus, Conviv., VI, I, PG xviii, 113.
St. John Damascene, C. Jacobitas, n. 52, PG xciv, 144.
Ibid.t De fide orth., I, 8, 812.
St. Symeon, , IIISt. Symeon le Nouveau The-
ologien, Traits thologiques et Ethiques "Sources Chrtiennes," No. 122
(Paris, 1966), p. 414: "

* . . . -
' ,
. . .
St. Gregory Palamas, Theoph., PG cl, 941.
: Cf. in St. Gregory of Nyssa, De hom. opif., PG xliv,
137. St. Augustine happily distinguishes and contrasts imago ejusdem
substantiae, man. August. Quaest. in heptateuch, I, V, q. 4, PL xxxiv,
749. For the most complete catalogue of the opinions of the Church
Fathers on the "image of God" in Russian, see V. S. Serebrenikov, The
Doctrine of Locke on the Innate Principles of Knowledge and Activity
(St. Petersburgh, 1892), pp. 266-330.
St. Maximus the Confessor, Ambigu., PG xci, 1093.
St. Gregory of Nazianzos, Or. 43, In laudem Basil. Magni, PG xxxvi,
278 Creation and Redemption
St Amphilochius, Or I In Christi natalem, 4.
"St. Athanasius, Ad Adelph., 4, PG xxvi, 1077.
Ibid., De in cam. et arian., 8, . 996.
Ibid., . arian., I, 46, 47, . 108-109.
Ibid., De incarn. et . arian., 8, . 998.
Ibid., De incarn., 4, . PG xxv, 104: .
Ibid., . arian., , 58-59, . 272-3. Cf. N. V. Popov, The Religious
Ideal of St. Athanasius, Sergiev Posad, 1903.
For a summary of citations from St. Gregory see K. Holl,
Amphilochius von Ikonium in seinem Verhltniss zu den grossen Kappa-
doziern (Tbingen and Leipzig, 1904), p. 166; cf. also N. Popov, "The
Idea of Deification in the Ancient Eastern Church" in the journal
Questions in Philosophy and Psychology (1909, -97), pp. 165-213.
Cf. Holl, 124-125, 203 ff.
St. Macarius of Egypt, horn. 44, 8, 9, PG xxxiv:
.. . , .
Cf. Stoffels, Die mystische Theologie Makarius des Aegyptars
(Bonn, 1900), pp. 58-61.
St. Macarius of Egypt, De amore, 28, PG xxxiv, 932: o
* .
St. Maximus the Confessor, Cap. theol. et. oecon. cent., I, 67, PG
xci, 1108: , * -
Ibid.t Cent., Il, 21, col. 1133.
Lbid., Ad loannem cubic, ., XLII, . 639; cf. Div. cap., I, 42, PG
xc, 1193; De chant., III, 25, . 1024: , *
, , , Ambigu., 127a: "being deified by
the grace of the Incarnate God"; PG xci, 1088, 1092.
St. Maximus the Confessor, Ambigu. 222: The goal of the creature's
ascension consists in thisthat, having united the created nature with the
uncreated by love, in order to show them in their unity and identity-
%.v after having acquired grace and integrally and
wholly compenetrating with the whole of God to become all that is God
PG xci, 1038; cf. also Anastasius of Sinai
', . 2, PG lxxxix, 77: "Deification is an ascension towards the
better, but it is not an increase or change in nature
, neither is it a change of one's own nature."
St. Maximus the Confessor, 43 Ad loann. cubic, PG xci, 639: "He
has created us for this purpose, that we might become participants of the
Divine nature and partakers of eternity's very self, and that we might appear
to Him in His likeness, by deification through grace, through which is
Notes 279

brought about the coming-into-being [ } of all that exists, and

the bringing-into-being and genesis of what does not exist
Bishop Theophan (the Recluse), Commentary on the Epistles of St.
Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians (Moscow, 1882), in Russian, pp. 112-113,
to the Ephesians, I, 23.
Nicholas Cabasilas, Stae liturgiae expositio, cap., 38, PG CL, 452.
(Russian versionWritings of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church
concerning the Divine Services of the Orthodox Church [St. Petersburg,
1857]), p. 385.

St. Irenaeus, Adver sus haereses, III. 10.2: ut fieret filius hominis, ad
hoc ut et homo fieret filius Dei, M.G. VII, 875; cf. III.19.1, coll. 939-
940; IV.33.4, 1074; V. praef., c. 1120. See also St. Athanasius, De
incarnatione, 54, M.G. XXV, 192:
St. Gregory of Nazianzus, Epist. CI, ad Cledonium, M.G. XXXVII,
c. 118-181: .
Cf. St. Ignatius, Ephes. VII.2: "in death true life,"
, Lightfoot, The Apostolic Fathers, Pt. II, v. II. 1, p. 48.
The phrase is by St. Irenaeus, Adv. haeres, IV.37.1, M.G. VII,
1099: "vet er em le gem libertatis humanae manifestavit, quia liber um eum
Deus fecit ab initio, habentem suam potestatem sicut et suam animam, ad
utendum sententiam Dei voluntarie, et non coactum a Deo."
Ibid., III. 18.1: sd quando incarnatus est, et homo factus, longam
hominum expositionem in seipso recapitulavit, in compendio nobis salutem
praestans." (c. 932); 111,18.7: quapropter et per venit aetatem
omnibus restituens earn quae est ad Deum communionem. (c. 937); II.22.4:
sed aetatem sanctijicans per illam, quae ad ipsum erat, similitudinem
. .. ideo per venit aetatem, et injantibus infans factus, sanctificans
infantes, in parvulis parvulus, sanctificans hanc ipsam habentes aetatem ...,
in juvenibus juvenis, exemplus juvenibus fiens et sanctificans Domino; sicut
senior in senioribus etc., 784. Cf. F. R, Montgomery Hitchcock, Irenaeus
of Lugdunum, A Study of his Teaching (Cambridge, 1914), p. 158 f.; A.
d'Ales, La doctrine de la rcapitulation en S. Irne, Recherches de Science
religieuse, VI, 1916, pp. 185-211.
St. John Damascene, De fide rth. III.12, M.G. XCIV, c. 1032:
, , .
St. Gregory of Nyssa, In Ecclesiastes, h. VII, M.G. XLIV, p. UW 725:
"evil, considered by itself, does not exist apart from free choice." See on
St. Gregory of Nyssa J. B. Aufhauser, Die Heilslehre des hl. Gregor von
Nyssa (Mnchen, 1910); F. Hilt, Des hl. Gregor von Nyssa Lehre vom
Mensch (Kln, 1890). In St. Maximus the distinction between "nature"
and "will" was the main point in his polemics against the monotheletists.
There is a "natural will" ( ), and this is sinless; and

Notes 281

there is a "selective will ( ), and this is the root of sin.

This "natural will" is just what makes man a free being, and freedom
belongs to man by nature, as well as reason. Without this "natural will"
or freedom man simply would not be man at all,
. See St. Maximus, Ad Marynum, . 5,
M.G. XCI, . 45:
, , -
; cf. 49. This "natural will" is not any definite
choice or resolve, not yet a , but rather a presupposition of all
choices and decisions, an innate impulse of freedom, an , or an
appetitus, as Comfebis renders the term, and not yet a , s entrina.
Cf. Disputatio cum Pyrrho, . 304: ,
, ,
, .
. . . . On St. Maximus see H. Straubinger,
Die Christologie des hl. Maximus Confessor (Diss. Bonn, 1906). A brief
but excellent study on the whole of the theology of St. Maximus is given
by S. L. Epifanovich, St. Maximus the Confessor and Byzantine Theology
(Kiev, 1915) [Russian].
See also M. Lot Borodine, La Doctrine de la "dification" dans
l'glise grecque jusqu'au XI siclef Revue de l'histoire des religions, t. CV,
CVI and CVII, 1932-1933; J. Gross, La Divinisation du chrtien d'aprs
les Pres Grecs (Paris, 1938).
Cf. St. Maximus, ad Marynum presb., M.G. XCI, 129: '
, ' .
* , . That
was why St. Maximus categorically denied the penal character of Our
Lord's death and sufferings.
"Taketh" seems to be a more accurate rendering of the Greek ,
than the "taketh away" of both the Authorized and Revised Versions, or
rather, both meanings are mutually implied. See Bishop Westcott's The
Gospel according to St. John, I (1908), p. 40. The word may
mean either ( 1 ) to take upon him or ( 2 ) to take away. But the usage of
the LXX and the parallel passage, 1 John 3:5, are decisive in favor of
the second rendering (Vulg. qui tollit, all. qui aufert) ; and the Evangelist
seems to emphasize this meaning by substituting another word for the
unambiguous word of the LXX (, beareth). It was, however, by
"taking upon Himself our infirmities" that Christ took them away
(Matt. 8:17); and this idea is distinctly suggested in the passage in
Isaiah (53:11). The present tense marks the future result as assured in
the beginning of the work, and also as continuous (cf. 1 John 1:7). The
singular "is important, in so far as it declares the victory of
Christ over sin regarded in its unity, as the common corruption of hu-
manity, which is personally realized in the sins of the separate men."
Cf. A. Plummer's Commentary (1913), p. 80: "taketh away rather than
beareth is right, Christ took away the burden of sin by bearing it; but this
is not expressed here, although it may be implied"; ,
"regarded as one great burden or plague." Archbp. J. H. Bernard, Gospel
according to St. John (1928), I, 46-47, describes the present tense
282 Creation and Redemption

"taketh" as futur um praesens, "not only an event in time, but an eternal

"See St. Maximus, ad Marynum, M.G. XCI, 220-221:
; , '
* '
f] . St. Maximus was concerned
here with the problem of Our Lord's "ignorance." The same distinction
in. St. John Damascene, De fide orth. Ill, 25, M.G. XCIV, 1903: "It
should be known, that the act of appropriation () involves two
things: one the natural and essential ( ), and the
other the personal and relative ( ).jThe natural
and essential is that in which the Lord by his love to man has assumed
our nature and all that belongs to it ( ),
really and truly became man and experienced the things which are of
nature. The personal and relative appropriation is that in which someone
for some reason (e.g. through love or compassion), takes upon himself
another's person ( ) and says some-
thing having no relation at all to himself, in the other's stead and to his
advantage. In this sense the Lord appropriated to Himself both the curse
and our desertion, things having no relation to nature ( ),
but it was thus that He took our person and placed Himself in line with us
(' )."
Cf. Bp. Westcott, ad locum) 11.125: "Christ came that He might
suffer, that He might enter into the last conflict with sin and death, and
being saved out of it win a triumph over death by dying"; Archbp. Bernard,
11.437, translates; "and yet for this very purpose," seil., that His ministry
should be consummated in the Passion . . . The Glorification of the Father
(5:28) is achieved not only by the obedience of the Son, but rather by
the accomplishment of the ultimate purpose, the victory over death and
Cf. P. M. J. Lagrange, Evangile selon St. Luc (1921), . 267, ad
loc. "marque le dcret divin" \ A. Plummer, Commentary on St. Luke,
1905, p. 247: "it expresses logical necessity rather than moral obligation
(, Hebr. 2:17) or natural fitness (, Hebr. 11.10). "It is
a Divine decree, a law of the Divine nature, that the Son of Man must
suffer"; . . Easton, The Gospel according to St. Luke, Edinb. (1926),
ad loc, p. 139; , "by divine decree," especially as set forth in the
Old Testament.
Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow, Sermon on Good Friday (1816),
Sermons and Speeches, I (1973), p. 94 [Russian].
The Scriptural evidence in favor of the Ransom conception is very
scarce. does indeed mean "ransom," but the word is used in
the New Testament only once, in the parallel passages Mark 10:45 and
Matt. 20:28, and the main emphasis seems to be here rather on the
"loosing" effect of Christ's Messianic ministry, than on ransoming in the
strict sense. The primary meaning of the verb is just to "loose" or to
"set free." The word occurs in the New Testament also only
Nots 283

once: 1 Tim. 2:6. The middle , both in Luke 24:21 and in

Titus 2:14, or in I Peter l:18f., does not necessarily imply any "ransom"-
motive. "Jedenfalls wre es vllig verkehrt fr Titus 11.14 und I Ptri I.18
zu behaupten: weil in dem Sprachgebrauch der LXX als
Gottestat nicht die Lsegeld-Vorstellung enthlt, enthalt es sie auch an
diesen Stellen nicht' [Bchsel in Kittel's Wrterbuch, IV.6, s. 353].
in Luke 1.68 is no more than simply "salvation" (cf. 5:69, 71,
77). Hebr. 9:12: / does not imply any ransom either.
"An ein Lsegeld ist wohl hier kaum gedacht, vjenn auch vom Blute Jesu
die Rede ist. Die Vorstellung in Hebr. ist mehr kultisch als rechtlich"
(Bchsel, s. 354). in Luke 21:28 is the same as
in 1:68 or 2:38, a redeeming Messianic consummation. This
word is used by St. Paul with the same general meaning. See Bchsel,
s. 357f. "Endlich muss gefragt werden: wie weit ist in die
Vorstellung von einem , einem Lsegeld oder dergleichen noch
lebendig? Soll man voraussetzen, das s ueberall, wo von
die Rede ist, auch an ein gedacht ist? Ausdrcklich Bezug
genommen wird auf ein Lsegeld an keiner der Stellen...
Wie die Erlsung zustande kommt, sagt Paulus mit der
Vorstellung, was berflssig wre, wenn in die Lse-
geldv or Stellung lebendig wre. .. Die richtige deutsche Obersetzung von
ist deshalb nur Erlsung oder Befreiung, nicht Loskauf,
ausnahmweise auch Freilassung Heb. 11:35 und Erledigung Hebr. 9:15."
St. Gregory of Nazianzus, orat. XLV, in S. Pascha, 22, M.G. XXXVI,
St. Athanasius, De incarnatione, 4-5, M.G. XXV, 194; Robertson's
translation (London, 1891, pp. 7-10): "as soon the thought came into
their heads, they became corruptible, and being enthroned death ruled
over them . . . for being once nought by nature they were called into being
by the indwelling and love of the Word; thence it followed, that, when
they lost their understanding of God, they lost also their immortality; and
this means: they were suffered to remain in death and corruption." Cf.
Contra Gentes 41, col. 81-84.
St. Gregory of Nyssa, Oratio cat.y 6, Srawley p. 81: -
, -
. Srawley's translation, p. 39-40.
St. Gregory of Nyssa, De anima resurr., M.G. XLVI, . 28; cf.
De opific. hominis, cap. 2-5, M.G. XLIV, col. 133 ss. The idea of the
central position of man in the cosmos is strongly emphasized in the theo-
logical system of St. Maximus the Confessor.
St. Gregory of Nyssa, Orat. cat., cap. 8, "the potentiality of death
which was the distinctive mark of the dumb creatures,"
, . 43-44
Srawley; cf. De anima et resurr., M.G. XLVI, . 148: "that which passed
to human nature from dumb life," . De opif.
hominis, 11, M.G. XLIV, c. 193: "what was bestowed upon dumb life
for self-preservation, that, being transferred to human life, became pas-
284 Creation and Redemption

sions." The interpretation of the "coats of skins" in the Biblical narrative

as of the mortality of the body is connected with that; cf. St. Gregory of
Nazianzus, Ortio 38, n. 12, M.G. XXXVI, 324. The Valentinian
Gnostics seem to have been the first to suggest that the "coats of skins" in
Genesis 3:21 meant the fleshly body; see St. Irenaeus, Adv. haereses,
1.5.5, M.G. VII, c. 501:
, -
; cf. Terullian, Adv. Valentinianosy 24, p. 201 Kroymann: carnalem
superficiam postea aiunt choico supertextam, et hanc esse pellkeam tunicam
obnoxiam sensui; De carnis resurr., 7, p. 34 Kroymann; ipsae erunt carnis
ex limo reformation. Clement of Alexandria, a quote from Julius Cassianus,
of the Valentinian school, Stromata, III, 14, p. 230 Sthlin II:
. xcerpta ex
Theodoto, 55, 125 Sthlin III: "
, . . R.
Dodds suggested that this interpretation was in connection with old Orphic
use of the word . "The word seems to have been originally
an Orphic-Pythagorean term for the fleshly body. In this sense it is used
by Empedocles, fragm. 126 Diels,
, with which may be compared Plato Gorg. 523c, where the fleshly
body is described as, an , which the soul takes off at death.
The clean linen tunic of the Orphic votary perhaps symbolizes the purity
of his "garment of flesh." Proclus, The Elements of Theology, a revised
text with translation, introduction and commentary by E. R. Dodds (Oxford,
Clarendon Press, 1933), p. 307. Porphyry on several occasions calls the
fleshly body a "coat of skin."
Cf. Athenagoras, De resurr., 15, p. 65-67 Schwartz; Pseudo-Justin,
De resurrectione, ap. Holl, Fragmente vornicnischen Kirchenvter aus den
Sacra Parallela, Harnack-Gebhardt, Texte und Untersuchungen, XX.2, 1889,
frg, 107, p. 45: 9
; ' -
; , ' * -
; , ' * "
o ,
. St. Irenaeus, Adv. haereses, V.6.1, M.G. VII, 1137: anima autem
et Spiritus pars hominis esse possunt, homo autem nequaquam; perfectus
autem homo commistio et adunatio est animae, assumentis Spiritum
Patris, et admistae et carne, quae est plasmata secundum imaginem Dei;
c. 1138: neque enim plasmatio carnis ipsa secundum se homo perfectus
est, sea corpus hominis, et pars hominis. Neque enim et anima ipsa
secundum se homo, sed anima hominis, et pars hominis. Neque Spiritus
homo, Spiritus enim, et non homo vocatur, Commistio autem et unitio
horum omnium perfectum hominem efficit; Tertullian, De carnis resurre-
ctione, 40, p. 83 Kroymann III: nee anima per semet-ipsam homo, quae
figmento jam homini appellato postea inserta est; sine anima
homo, quae post exsilium animae cadaver inscribitur, ita vocabulum homo
conseratum substantiarum duarum quodammodo fibua est etc.; St. Methodius,
De resurrectione, 1.34.4, p. 272 Bonwetsch:
Notes- 285

, *
. In later times some
Fathers, however, adapted the Platonic definition of man; see for instance
St. Augustine, De moribus ecclesiae, 1.27.52, M.L. XXXII, 1332: homo
ighur, ut homini apparet, anima rationales est mortali corpore atque
terren utens; In Joan. Evang. tr. XIX, 5, 15, M.L. XXXV, 1553:
Quid est homo? anima rationales habens corpus. Anima rationales habens
corpus non fach duas personas, sed unum hominem.
"Hapgood, Service Book, p. 386; cf. 389-390.
Many of the Fathers regarded the "image of God" as being not in
the soul only, but rather in the whole structure of man. Above all in his
royal prerogative, in his calling to reign over the cosmos, which is con-
nected with th fulness of his psycho-physical composition. This idea was
brought forward by St. Gregory of Nyss in his De opificio ho minis;
later it was strongly emphasized by St. Maximus the Confessor. And,
probably under the influence of St. Maximus, St. Gregory Palamas em-
phasized the fulness of the human structure, in which an earthly body is
united with the reasonable soul, as the preeminent title of man to be
regarded as the "image of God," Capita physica, theol. etc., 63, 66, 67,
M.G. CL, col. 1147, 1152, 1165.
St. Methodius, De resurr., 1.34.4, Bonwetsch 275:
**. St. Gregory of Wyssa, Oratio cat., 35, ed. Srawley, p. 133; Eng.
transi, p. 103; . 8, . 46, transi, . 47; De mortuis, M.G. XLVI, col.
520, 529; Orat. fun. de Placid., XLVI, 876-877. St. Gregory here re-
echoes St. Methodius, the similarity is even in the terms used; see
Srawley's comparison in the introduction to his edition of the "Catechetical
Oration," p. xxv-xxviii. The analogy of refinement itself is taken from
St. Methodius: see De resurr. 1.43,2-4, Bonwetsch (1917), p. 291; 42.3,
p. 288-289; cf. Symp. ix.2, Bonw. 116. Methodius reproduces the tradi-
tion of Asia Minor. See in Theophilus of Antioch, ad Autolicum 11.26,
Otto s. 128 ss. Almost word for word St. Irenaeus, adv. haeres. III.23.6;
19.3, M.G. VII, 964, 941; 23-111; cf. frg. XII, 1233, 1236. The same
in Hippolitus, adv. Graecos, 2, ap. Hell, TU XX.2, frg. 353, s. 140. St.
Epiphanius includes large sections from Methodius in his Panarion,
haeres. 64, cap. 22-29, ed. Holl II, 435-448. St. Basil also held the
conception of death as a healing process, Quod Deus non est auctor malor.,
7, M.G. XXXI, 345; also St. John Chrysostom, De resurr, mort. 7, M.G. L,
. 429.
St. Irenaeus, adv. haeres. III.18.7:
(lat.: haerere fach et adunavh), M.G. VII, . 937; 19.2: non enim
proteramus aliter incorruptelam et immortalitatem percipere, nisi adunati
fuissemus incorruptelae et immortalitati, nisi prius incorruptela et immorta
Utas facta fuisset id quod et nos, ut absorberetur quod erat corruptibile ab
incorruptela; c. 939; V.I2.6: hoc autem et in semel totum sanum et
integrum redintegravit hominem, perfectum eum sibi praeparans ad re-
surrectionem, 1155-1156.
286 Creation and Redemption

St. Athanasius, De Incarnatione, 6-8; M.G. XXV. 105-109;
Robertson's translation, p. 10-15.
Ibid., 44, col. 126; 28, 143; cf. Or. 2 in Arianos, 66, M.G.
XXVI, 298.
De incarn., 21, 133; 9, . 112; Or. 2 in Arianos, 62-68; 289-292.
See also in St. Gregory of Nyssa, Oratio cat., cap. 32, Srawley 116-117:
"if one inquires further into the mystery, he will say rather, not that
death happened to Him as a consequence of birth, but that birth itself
was assumed on account of death,
. For the ever-living assumed death, not as something neces-
sary for life, but in order to restore us from death to life." See also
the sharp utterance of Tertullian, De came Christi, 6, M.L. II, URY 746:
Christus mon missus, nasci quoque necessario habuit, ut mort posset,
. . forma moriendi causa nascendi est. However, all that does not presume
that the Incarnation depends exclusively upon the Fall and would not
have taken place, had not man sinned. Bp. Westcott was right in sug-
gesting "that the thought of an Incarnation independent of the Fall
harmonizes (better) with the general tenor of Greek theology"; Com-
mentary on the Epistles of St. John (London, 1883), the excursus on
"The Gospel of Creation," p. 275. Cf. Excursus I, Cur Deus homo?
Celsus ap. Origen., Contra Celsum, V.14:
, yp ' ;
Koetschau 15; and VII.36 and 39, p. 186, 189.
St. Augustine, Confessiones, l.V, X.19-20, ed. Labriolle, p. 108 ss.:
multumque mihi turpe videbatur credere figuram te habere humanae carnis
et membrorum nostrum liniamentis corporalibus terminari... metuebam
it a que credere incarnatum, ne credere cogrer ex came inquinatum .. .
It was just the "embodiment," the life in a body, that offended St.
Augustine. In his Manichean period St. Augustine could not get beyond
corporeal categories at all. Everything was corporeal for him, even the
Intellect, even Deity itself. He emphasizes that in the same chapters where
he is speaking of the shame of the Incarnation: "et quoniam cum de
Deo meo cogitare vellem, cogitare nisi moles corporum non noveram...
neque enim videbatur mihi esse quicquam, quod tale non esset. . .. quia et
mentem cogitar non noveram nisi earn subtile corpus esse, quod tarnen
per loci spatia diffunderetur [V. 19, 20, p. 108, 110]; non te cogitabam,
Deus, in figura corporis humant... sed quod te aliud cogitarem non
occurebat. . ., corporeum tarnen aliquid cogitare cogrer ... quoniam quidquid
privabam spatiis talibus, nihil mihi esse xidebatur, sed prorsus nihil
[VII.l, p. 145-146] ...All is corporeal, but there are stages or levels, and
the "bodily-existence" is the lower level. One has to get out of that.
The "materialistic" presuppositions of Manicheanism did not calm this
rather instinctive "abhorrence of the body."
Plotinus, V.8.8: 9

, 9 , * .
Plotinus, II.9.15 to the end.
Notes 287

^Plotinus, III.6.6: -
, o . The polemical turn of these ut-
terances is obvious. The body is , which does not properly
belong to the human being [1.6.7]; it is what comes in at the earthly
birth [ IV.7.14]. Cf. R. Arnou, Le
dsir de Dieu dans la Philosophie de Plotin (Paris, 1924), p. 201: "Le
mot est a noter Le sensible est comme un enduit, une espce de crpissage,
une couche de peinture qui n'entre pas dans l'essence de l'tre, mais qui
s'ajoutant du dehors, peut tre gratte sans l'altrer, car elle reste toujours
'l'autre'.'1 One has to dominate this alien element of the composition, but
one can achieve that only by running away, or "thither":
, , 1.8.8. Plotinus does
not suggest a suicide, like the Stoics, but rather an inner effort to over-
come or dominate all lower desires and carnal affections, to concentrate on
one's own self and to ascend towards the good; 1.6.7:
; 6.9: *
.; VI.9.4:
. Of course, man is not soul alone, but rather soul in
a certain relation, , and Plotinus clings to the Platonic
definition [Alcib. 129e: ], IV.7.5.8. But he
declines the Aristotelian conception of an . In any case, the
body is an obstacle for the spiritual ascension (), a source of
sorrows and desires, IV.8.2.3. And the soul can be free and truly inde-
pendent ( ) only without the body,
, III.1.8. The incarnate existence of the soul is, both
for Plotinus and for Plato himself, only a transitory and abnormal, an
unhappy episode in her destiny, an outcome of the "fall"; and the soul
will soon forget this earthly life altogether when she has "returned" and
ascended into glorious bliss, through death or ecstasy. The comparison of
the incarnate and sensual life with a sleep comes from Plato [e.g. Tim.
52b], it was quite usual in Philo. The image of escape is Platonic too:
"One has to endeavor to run thither from here as quickly as possible."
Theaet. 176a: . And the true philosopher is one
who is ready and willing to die, and whose whole life is but an
"exercise in dying," or even, a "rehearsal of death," ,
Phaedo 64a. See J. Burner, in his edition of the Phaedo, 1911, Notes,
p. 28 and 72: "means the 'practising' or 'rehearsal' of death";
cf. Phaedo 67d: ; 81a:
; cf. . . Taylor, Plato, The Man and
His Work, 2nd ed. (Edinburgh, 1927), p. 178ff.; " means the
repeated practice by which we prepare ourselves for a performance," and
not just a meditation of death; it is precisely a "rehearsal," p. 179, note.
Cf. later in Cicero, use. 1.30: "tota enim philosophorum vita ut ait
idem(s) commentatio mortis est; and Seneca, Epist. 26: egregia res est
mortem condiscere. Prof. Taylor stresses the Platonic phrase: "before he
was man" {Memo 86a: ], and comments: "This way
of speaking about our ante-natal conditions is characteristic for Phaedo
too: it implies that the true self is not as is commonly thought, the
embodied soul, but the soul simpliciter, the body being the instrument
() which the soul "uses," and the consequent definition of
288 Creation and Redemption

"man" as a "soul using a body as its instrument," p. 138, note 1. Cf. John
Burnet, "Introduction" to his edition of the Phaedo, p. LIII: "It is suf-
ficiently established that the use of the word to express a living
man's true personality is Orphic in its origin, and came into philosophy
from mysticism. Properly speaking, the of a man is a thing which
only becomes important at the moment of death. In ordinary language it is
only spoken of as something that may be lost; it is in fact 'the ghost/
which a man 'gives up'."
Cf. Bchsel, s.v. , in Kittel's Wrterbuch, IV, s. 355:
"Die ist Rom. VIH.23 nicht die Erlsung
vom Leibe, sondern die Erlsung des Leibes. Das beweist der Vergleich mit
v.21 unweigerlich. Wie die Geschpfe zur Freiheit der Herrlichkeit gelangen,
indem sie frei werden von der Sklaverei der Vergnglichkeit, so sollen auch
wir zur , d.h. zur Einsetzung in die Sohnesstellung mit ihrer
Herrlichkeit, gelangen, indem unser Leib, der tot ist um der Snde willen
(v.10), von diesem Todeslgse frei wird und Unvergnglichkeit bzw.
Unsterblichkeit anzieht [l Cor. XV.53, .54}. Leiblosigkeit ist fr Paulus
nicht Erlsung, sondern ein schrecklicher Zustand [2 Cor. V.2-4\ etc!'
St. John Chrysostom, de resurrectione mortuorum, 6, M.G. L,
*8Minutius Felix, Octavius, 34, ed. Halm, p. 49.
V. F. Ern, Letters on Christian Rome, 3rd letter, "The Catacombs of
St. Callistus," Bogoslovskii Vestnik, 1913 (January), p. 106 [Russian].
St. Athanasius, De incarnatione, 21, M.G. XXV, p. 123.
St. Justin regarded the belief in the General Resurrection as one of
the cardinal articles of the Christian faith: if one does not believe in the
Resurrection of the dead, one can hardly be regarded as a Christian at all;
Dial, 80, M.G. VI, 665: ,
' 6
, . Cf. . Gilson,
L'Esprit de la Philosophie Mdivale, I (Paris 1932), p. 177: "On
surprendrait aujourd'hui beaucoup de chrtiens en leur disant que la
croyance en l'immortalit de l'me chez certains des plus anciens Pres est
obscure au point d'tre peu prs inexistante. C'est pourtant un fait, et il
est important de le noter parce qu'il met merveilleusement en relief l'axe
central de Vanthropologie chrtienne et la raison de son volution historique.
Au fond, un Christianisme sans immortalit de l'me n'et pas t absolument
inconcevable et la preuve en est qu'il a t conue. Ce qui serait, au
contraire, absolument inconcevable, c'est un Christianisme sans rsurrection
de l'Homme." See Excursus II, Anima mortalis.
Paul Florensky, The Pillar and Ground of the Truth, An Essay in
Christian Theodicy (Moscow, 1914), p. 291-292 [Russian].
Cf. the most interesting remarks of E. Gilson in his Gif ford lectures,
L'Esprit de la Philosophie Mdivale, I (Paris, 1932), the whole chapter
IX, L'anthropologie chrtienne, p. 173 ss. Gilson seems to have under-
estimated the Aristotelian elements in Early Patristics, but he gives an
excellent mis au point of the whole problem.
Notes 289
In his early dialogue Eudemus, r On the Soul, composed probably
ca. 354 or 353, Aristotle still clings close to Plato and plainly professes
the belief in an individual survival or immortality of the soul. It was a
kind of a sequel to the Phaedo, a book of personal consolation like it.
There was the same intimate quest for immortality, for the after-life, "a
fervor of longing for the peace and security of the heavenly plains" [W.
Jaeger, Aristoteles, Grundlegung einer Geschichte seiner Entwicklung
(Berlin, 1923); English translation by R. Robins, Oxford, Clarendon
Press, 1934, p. 40]. It is worth noticing that even so early Aristotle used
to describe the soul as an "eidos," although not in the same sense as in
his later writings; SimpL, in De anima III.62, frg. 46 Rose; Heitz p. 51:

, ,
. In his later works, and specially in De
anima, Aristotle abandons and criticizes his earlier view. And in his
Ethics, in any case, he has no "eschatological" perspective whatever. "Now
death is the most terrible of all things, for it is th end, and nothing
is thought to be any longer either good or bad for the dead" {Eth.
Nicom. II.6, 1115a 27]. Yet, he suggests, "we must, as far as we can,
make ourselves immortal ( 9 ) and
strain every nerve to live in accordance with the best thing in us"
[1177b 33]. But this means only that one has to live in accordance with
reason, which reason is hardly human, but rather superhuman. "But such
a life would be too high for man ( ' ), for it
is not in so far as he is man that h will live so, but in so far as
something divine is present in him" [1117b 26]. The very purpose of
human life, and the complete happiness of man, consists in a contemplation
of the things noble and divine [1177a 15]. "And it is a life such as the
best which we enjoy, and enjoy but for a short time ( ),
for it is ever in this state, which we cannot be, etc." {Metaphysics, 7,
1072b 15]. It would be a divine life, and it is beyond the human reach.
"God is always in that good state in which we sometimes () are"
[1.25]. Even contemplation does not breal the earthly circle of human
existence. No after-death destiny is mentioned at all. The attempt of
Thomas Aquinas and of his school to read the doctrine of human immor-
tality into Aristotle was hardly successful. One may adapt the Aristotelian
conception for Christian purposes, and this was just what was done by
the Fathers. But Aristotle himself obviously "was not a Moslem mystic,
nor a Christian theologian" [R. D. Hicks, in the "Introduction" to his
edition of De anima, Cambridge, at the University Press, 1934, p. XVI].
De anima, 402a 6: ; 412b 16:
; 415b 8:
; 4l5b 17: ; De part. anim. 64la 27:
; Metaph. 7. 10, 1035b 14:
Aristotle plainly rejected any speech of "communion," "composition,"
or "connection" of soul with body ( );
"the proximate matter and the form are one and the same thing, the one
potentially, and the other actually," 9
290 Creation and Redemption

, ' . Metaph. . 6 1045b

9s. Cf. F. Ravaisson, Essai sur la mtaphysique d'Aristote (Paris, 1836),
I, p. 419-420: The soul is ' ralit dernire d'un corps" that which
gives it life and proper individuality. "Elle n'est pas le corps, mais sans le
corps elle ne peut pas tre. Elle est quelque chose du corps; et ce quelque
chose n'est pas ni la figure, ni le mouvement, ni un accident quelconque,
mais la forme mme de la vie, l'activit spcifique qui dtermine l'essence
et tous ses accidents"; cf. O. Hamelin, Le Systme d'Aristote, p. 374: "xcette
aptitude fonctionner est prcisment ce qu'Aristote appelle l'entlchie
premire du corps."
G. S. Brett, A History of Psychology, Ancient and Patristic (London,
1912), p. 103; cf. H. Siebeck, Geschichte der Psychologie, 1.2 (Gotha,
1884), s. 13f. Prof. E. Caird, The Evolution of Theology in the Greek
Philosophers (Glasgow, 1904), I, p. 274ff., points out the complete
originality of the Aristotelian conception of the soul. "The Aristotelian
idea of the soul is, indeed, a new and original conception." The soul is
to Aristotle not the Intelligence, but just "the form which realizes, or
brings into activity and actuality, the capacities of an organic body." And
therefore, there can hardly be any inter-relation of the soul and the body,
for they are really one and the same reality: "soul and body seem to be
taken by him as different, but essentially correlated aspects of the life
of one individual substance." And yet this is only one of the aspects of
the Aristotelian conception. And in many respects Aristotle comes back to
a Platonic idea of a composite being, , in which the heterogeneous
elements are combined, a spiritual principle and a material body, p. 282,
*6De part. anim. 64la 18: ( )
; Meteor. IV.12, 389b 31: .
On Aristoxenus, see Zeller, .2, s. 888 and note: . Cicer. Tusc.
1.10.20, ipsius corporis intentionem quandam (animam); ap. Lactantium,
Instit. VII. 13, qui negavit omnino ullam esse animam, etiam cum vivit in
corpore-, on Dikaearchus, Zeller, s. 889f and notes: Cicer. Tusc. 1.10.21,
nihil esse omnino animum et hoc esse nomen totum inane; Sext. Pyrrh.
11.31, ; Math. VII, 349,
; on Strato, Zeller, s. 9l6f and notes.
G. S. Brett, p. 159.
See Zeller, s. 864ff.
"Alexander of Aphrodisias, in De anima, 16.2 Bruns; 21.24:
; cf. Zeller, ULI, s. 712ff.
De anima, 129a 28: ; Eth. Nicom. X.7, 1178a 6:
"since reason more than anything else is man,"
R. D. Hicks, p. 326; E. Rohde, Psyche, Seelencult und Unsterb-
lichkeitsglaube der Griechen, 3 Aufl. (193), . II, s. 305, suggested that
the whole doctrine of Nous was simply a survival of Aristotle's early
Platonism. This idea was taken up by W. Jaeger, op. cit., p. 332: "In
Notes 291

this connection the third book On the soul, which contains the doctrine
of Nous, stands out as peculiarly Platonic and not very scientific. This
idea is an old and permanent element of Aristotle's philosophy, one of
the main roots of his metaphysics... On and around the psycho-physical
theory of the soul was subsequently constructed, as it appears, without,
however, bridging the gulf between two parts whose intellectual heritages
were so different... The doctrine of Nous was a traditional element, in-
herited from Plato."
De gen. anim. II.3, 736b 27:
, -
; De anima, 413b 25: ,

; 430a 5: soul and body cannot be separated,
; "there is, however, no reason why some parts
(of the soul) should not be separated, if they are not actualities of any
body whatsoever," ; 430a
17: ,
. . . , ' ^, ' ,
. . . -
*De anima, 430a 25: o ' . ..
. . . ; cf. 408b 27:
, ; the meaning is obvious:
whatever does survive in man after his physical death, the memory is lost,
and therewith the individual continuity. See Zeller, II.2, p. 574, n. 3:
die Continuitt des Bewusstseins zwischen dem Lehen des mit der lei-
dentlichen Vernunft verbundenen und des von ihr freien Nus sowohl nach
rckwrts wie nach vorwrts aufhebt" \ cf. G. Rodier, in the notes to his
edition, II, p. 465 s. This was the interpretation of ancient commentators
"Alexander of Aphrodisias, in De anima, 89.11 Bruns: 6
' . ' -
' ' '-
, ; 90.23-91.1:

, ' ,
, '
, ; Mantissa, 108, 22: -
, ' ,
; 113: -
, * 6 , -
' ,
. . . . This interpretation is accepted by most
modern scholars: F. Ravaisson, Essai sur la Mtaphysique d'Aristote
(Paris, 1837), I, p. 587-588; Ch. Renouvier, Manuel de Philosophie
292 Creation and Redemption

ancienne (Paris, 1844), II, 134, note 3; E, Rohde, Psyche, II, 30Iff.; E.
Zeller, II.2, s. 566f.: "gelehrt hat er nur die Fortdauer des denkenden
Geistes, alle Bedingungen des persnlichen Daseins dagegen hat er ihm
hierbei entsagen;. . .so wenig uns seine Metaphysik einen klaren und
widerspruchlosen Aufschluss ber die Individualitt gab, ebensowenig gibt
uns seine Psychologie einen solchen ber die Persnlichkeit" \O. Hamelin,
System d'Aristote, 2ed. (Paris), p. 387; "Aristote a laiss le problme sans
solution, ou plutt peut-tre il a volontairement vite de le poser." The
mediaeval interpretation of the Aritotelian conception of the soul was very
different. Thomas Aquinas and others insisted that Aristotle himself made
a distinction between an animal soul and an "intelligent soul" of man,
and that he regarded this human soul as an immortal and surviving in-
dividual being. One can agree that the Aristotelian conception could be
remolded to such an effect, and this was precisely what was done by the
Fathers. But it is hardly probable that Aristotle himself professed an in-
dividual immortality. The Thomistic thesis was presentd with great vigor
by M. De Corte, La Doctrine de l'Intelligence chez Aristote (Paris, J.
Vrin, 1934). But the author himself had to concede that Aristotle never
thought in the terms of personality, but perhaps subconsciously [p. 91ss].
Hegel, Vorlesungen ber die Aesthetik, S.W. x.2, s. 377: "In seinen
Dichtern und Rednern, Geschichtsschreibern und Philosophen hat Grie-
chenland noch nicht in seinem Mittelpunkte gefasst, wenn man nicht als
Schlssel zu Verstndniss die Einsicht in die Ideale der Skulptur mitbringt,
und von diesem Standpunkt der Plastik aus sowohl die Gestalten der
epischen und dramatischen Helden, als auch die wirklichen Staatsmnner
und Philosophen betrachtet" \ see the whole of the section on Sculpture,
which was for Hegel a peculiarly "classical art," s. 353ff.
A. F. Lossev, Essays on Ancient Symbolism and Mythology, t. I (Mos-
cow, 1930), p. 670, 632, 633. This book is a valuable contribution to
research on Plato and Platonism, including Christian Platonism. Passed
by the ordinary censorship in Soviet Russia, the book was very soon
confiscated and taken out of circulation upon the insistence of anti-religious
leaders, and the whole stock was apparently destroyed. Very few copies
survived. The author was probably imprisoned. Cf. also Lossev's earlier
book, Ancient Cosmos and Modern Science (Moscow, 1927), a fine
thrilling study of Neoplatonism, particularly of Proclus, with valuable
excursus on the earlier thinkers. Both are in Russian.
This unity of man is brought forward by Alexander of Aphrodisias in
the important passage of his commentary, in De anima, 23.8:
o ,
, , -
' ,
.*. .* '
' .
It is true that Nemesius of Emesa, in his famous treatise De naiura
hominis, formally rejected the Aristotelian definition of the soul, as of an
of the body; M.G. XL, c. 565: o ,
' ' '
Notes 293

, . But his position was rather exceptional, since he

was inclined to admit the pre-existence of the soul.
Athenagoras, De resurrectione mort., 13, p. 63 Schwartz: -

, ' -

' : -
, ,

; 15, . 65:

, ,
, . ,


, , , -
; . 66: ' ,
, .'
; -
, ' , -
* , -
. On the Aristotelian back-
ground of Athenagoras' conception see M. Pohlenz, Zeitschrift fr die
Wissens eh. Theologie, Bd. 47, s. 241 ff.; cf. . Schwartz, index graecus to
his edition of Athenagorus, s.v. Eldos, s. 105. See also J. Lehmann, Die
Auferstehungslehre des Athenagoras, Diss. (Leipsiz, 1890).
Cf. E. Gilson, L'Esprit de la Philosophie Mdivale, I (Paris, 1932),
p. 199: "Lorsqu'on pse les expressions d'Athnagore, la profondeur de
l'influence exerce par la Bonne Nouvelle sur la pense philosophique
apparat plein. Cre par Dieu comme une individualit distincte, con-
serv par un acte de cration continue dans l'tre qu'il a reu de lui,
l'homme est dsormais le personnage d'un drame qui est celui de sa
propre destine. Comme il ne dpendait pas de nous d'exister, il ne depend
pas de nous de ne plus exister. Le dcret divin nous a condamns a l'tre;
faits par la cration, refaits par la rdemption, et quel prix! nous n'avons
le croix qu'entre une misre ou une batitude galement ternelles. Rien
de plus rsistant qu'une individualit de ce genre, prvue, voulue, lue
par Dieu, indestructible comme le dcret divin lui-mme qui l'a fait
natre; mais rien aussi qui soit plus tranger la philosophie de Platon
comme celle d'Aristote. L encore, partir du moment ou elle visait
294 Creation and Redemption

pleine justification rationelle de son esprance, la pense chrtienne se

trouvait contrainte l'originalit."
St. Jerome, Epist. 38, alias 61, ad Pammachium.
Cf. Origen, De Principiis, 11.10.3, Koetschau 184: qui vel pro intellectus
exiguitate, vel explanationis inopia valde vilem et abjectum sensum de
resurrectione corporis introducunt.
Cf. F. Prat, Origne, Le theologian et l'exgte (Paris, 1907), p. 94:
"Contre son habitude, Origne se montre disciple trop fidle du Stagirite"',
E. de Faye, Origne, Sa vie, son oeuvre, sa pense', v. III (Paris, 1928), p.
172, suggested that Origen knew Aristotle quite well and had studied di-
rectly at least De anima and the Nicomachean Ethics. "Notre thologien
est beaucoup plus redevable Aristote qu'on ne le suppose. Directement ou
indirectement, il a subi son influence. Celle ci s'est fait sentir notamment
dans le domaine de la science de l'homme." And de Faye insisted that one
could never understand Origen's ideas on the soul without a careful and
detailed confrontation with those of Aristotle. See also R. Cadiou, La
Jeunesse d'Origne (Paris, 1935), p. 119.
Origen dealt with the doctrine of the Resurrection on several oc-
casions: first in his early commentary on the first Psalm and in a special
treatise De resurrectione, which is now available only in fragments pre-
served by Mehodius and in the Apology of Pamphilus; then in De
Principiis; and finally in Contra Celsum. There was no noticeable develop-
ment in his views. See Selecta in Ps. 1.5, M.G. XII, 1906:
; 1907:
, *
.; cf. . Method. De resurr. 1.22.3, p. 244 Bonw.:

.. . , -
[ ,

. .. , '
, , -
, . The same .
Pamphil. Apologia pro Or igene, cap. 7, M.G. S VII, . 594: nos ver post
corruptionem mundi eosdem ipsos futuros esse homines dicimus, licet non
in eodem statu, neque in iisdem passionibus; p. 594-5: per illam ipsam
substantialem rationem, quae salva permanet; ratio ilia substantiae corporalis
in ipsis corboribus permanebat\ p. 595: rationis illius virtus quae est insita
in intertoribus ejus medullis; De Princ. II. 10.1, Koetschau: virtus re surre-
ctionis; schema aliquid\ 10.3: Ita namque etiam nostra corpora velut
granum cadere in terram putanda sunt; quibus insita ratio, ea quae
substantiam continet corporalem, quamvis emortua fuerint corpora et corrupta
atque dispersa, verbo tarnen Dei ratio ilia ipsa quae semper in substantia
corporis salva est, erigat ea de terra, et restitut reparet, sicut ea virtus
quae est in grano frumenti... ; Dei jussu ex terreno et animait corpore
corpus reparat spiritale, quod habitare possit in coelis; Sic et in ratione
Notes 295

hamanorum corporum manent quaedam surgendi antiqua principia, et quasi

id est seminarium mortuorum, sinu terrae confovetur. Cum
autem judicii dies advenerit, et in voce Archangeli et in novissima tuba
tremuerit terra, movebuntur statim semina, et in puncto horae mortuos
germinabunt; non tamen easdem carnes, nee in his formis restituent quae
juerunt; cf. III.6.Isq., Koetschau, 280 ss.;. III.6.6., p. 288: sed hocidem
(corpus), abjectis his infirmitatibus in quibus nunc est, in gloriam transmu-
tabitur spiritale ejfectum, ut quod fuit indignitatis vas, hoc ipsum expurga-
turn fiat vas honoris et beatitudinis habitaculum; Contra Celsum, IV.57,
Koetschau 330:
* -
.; V.18, : -
, '
, -
, *

* -
; V.23, . :

, ' -
. He contrasts himself, his xiew, with the
Stoic idea on an identical repetition. See D. Huetius, Origeniana, l.II,
II, q.9; de resurrectione mortuorum, M.G. XVII, 980 sq.; Redepenning,
Origenes (Bonn, 1846), Bd. II, s. 118ff.; Ramers, Des Origenes Lehre
von der Auferstehung des Fleisches, In. Diss. (Trier, 1851); J. B. Kraus,
Die Lehre das Origens ber die Auferstehung der Toten, Programm
(Regensburg, 1859), J. Denis, La Philosophie d'Origne (Paris, 1884), p.
297 ss.; Ch. Bigg, The Christian Platonists of Alexandria (Oxford, 1886),
p. 225-227, 265f., 291 ; the soul has a vital assimilative "spark," or
"principles," which lays hold of fitting matter, and shapes it into a habita-
tion suited to its needs; the same process, by which it repairs the daily
waste of our organism now, will enable it then to construct a wholly new
tenement for itself; L. Atzberger, Geschichte der Christlichen Eschatologie
innerhalb der Vornizaenischen Zeit (Freiburg i/Br., 1896), s. 366-456;
N. Bonwetsch, Die Theologie des Methodius von Olympus, Abhandlungen
d. K. Gesellschaft d. Wissenschaften zu Gttingen, Phil.-Hist. Klasse, N.F.
VII, 1904, s. 105 ff.; F. Prat, Origne, p. 87 ss.; G. Bardy, Origne,
Dictionnaire de la Thologie Cath., t.XI, 1931, 1545 s.; R. Cadiou, La
Jeunesse d'Origne, p. 117 ss.: "virtualit physique ou l'ide du corps,"
"une ide active," " la fois une ide et une nergie" (p. 122, note);
"l'me conserve toujours les virtualits d'une vie physique proportionnes
ses besoins." Cf. also Bp. Westcott's article on Origen m Smith and
Wace Dictionary, IV, 1887.
Among the late scholastics, Durandus of San Porciano must be men-
tioned, "doctor resolutissimus" (d. 1332 or 1334). He puts the question:
"Supposito quod anima Petri fieret in materia quae fuit in corpore Pauli,
utrum esset idem Petrus qui prius er at? and answers positively: "cuicumque
materiae uniatur anima Petri in resurrectione, ex quo est eadem forma
secundum numerum per consequens erit idem Petrus secundum numerum" ;
296 Creation and Redemption

quoted by Fr. Segarra, S.J., De identitate cor ports mortalis et corporis re-
surgentis (Madrid, 1929), p. 147. See Quaestiones de Novissimis, auctore
L. Billot, S.J., Romae 1902, thesis XIII, p. 143 sq.
See St. Methodius' De resurrectione in the complete edition of
Bonwetsch, specially the 3rd book. Cf. Bonwetsch, opus cit., S. 119 ff.:
J. Farges, Les ides morales et religieuses de Mthode d'Olympe (Paris,
1929); Folke Bostrom, Studier till den Grekiska Theologhs Frlsningslra
(Lund, 1932), j . 135 ff. and passim.
Of St. Gregory of Nyssa's writings, his dialogue De anima et re-
surrectione, his homilies De opificio hominis and the Great Catechetical
oration are of special importance. See the introductory article of Srawley
in his edition of the Catechetical oration, specially on the relation of St.
Gregory to St. Methodius. Cf. Hilt, Des heil. Gregors von Nyssa Lehre
vom Menschen (Kln, 1890) ; F. Kiekamp, Die Gotteslehre des heiligen
Gregor von Nyssa, I (Mnster, 1895), s. 41 ff.; K. Gronau, Poseidonius
und die jdisch-christliche Genesis-exegese (Berlin, 1974), s. 141 ff.,
emphasizes the influence of Poseidonius and specially of his commentary on
the Timaeus; Bostrom, op. cit., s. 159.
The term is of Stoic origin and comes probably
from Poseidonius. The first instance of its use is in Diodoros of Sycilia,
Hist. II, 51, and the source of Diodoros on this occasion is supposed to be
just Poseidonius [on Arabia]. Cf. Cicero, De natura deorum II.9, 24;
omne igitur quod vivit, she animal aive terra editum, id vivit propter
inclusum in eo calorem, ex quo intellegi dbet earn caloris naturam vim
habere in se vitalem per mundum pertinentem; . 88.51, 127:
(genera comnium rerum) qtiae quidem omnia earn vim seminis habent in
se ut ex uno plura generentur. Carl Reinhardt, Poseidonius (Mnchen,
1921), s. 244, points out that the Greek word, rendered by Cicero with
"vis seminis," could hardly be , but rather
. ist ein Begriff des alten Intellectua-
lismus, eine Bezeichnung fr die Weltvernunft, die zeugtend wird, damit
die Welt vernnftig werde; daher die Verbindung zwischen den
und den Qualitten. Was Cicero, d.h. Poseidonius, unter 'vis seminis'
versteht, ist angeschaute, in der Natur erlebte, physikalisch demonstrierte
Lebenskraft, ein Zeugen, das wohl planvoll ist, aber vor allem Zeugen ist
und bleibt. Bestimmte sich die Kategorien, worein der Begriff
gedacht war, durch die Korrelate Materie und Vernunft,
, so bestimmt sich die Kategorien, worein der Begriff 'vis seminis'
gedacht istr durch die Korrelate Kraft und Wirkung." The term
is used with a terminological precision by Philo and Clement
o f Alexandria. > . . ' ' .
St. Gregory of Nyssa, De anima et resurrectione, M.G. XLIV, col.
225 sq.
Cf. A. E. Taylor's Commentary on Plato's Timaeus (Oxford, Clarendon
Press, 1928), ad locum, p. 184 ff., and the Excursus IV, "The concept of
Time in the Timaeus" p. 678-691; see also A. E. Taylor, Plato, p. 446 ff.
and A. Rivaud, Introduction to his Edition of the Timaeus (Paris, 1925);
cf. also an interesting comparison of the two mentalities by L. Labertonniere,
Notes 297

Le ralisme Chrtien et l'idalisme grec (Paris, 1904), and the book by

J. Guitton, Le temps et l'ternit chez Plotin et St. Augustin (Paris, 1933).
See Aristotle, De gen. et corr. 11.11, 337b 35: "for what is of neces-
sity coincides with what it always, since that which 'must be' cannot possibly
'not-be'; hence a thing is eternal, if its 'being' is necessary; and if it is
eternal, its 'being' is necessary; and if the 'coming-to-be' of a thing is there-
fore necessary, its 'coming-to-be' is eternal; and if eternal, necessary";
y p . . .
, , ! , .
The argument is quite clear. If there is really a reason for a thing, cur
potius sit quam non sit, there can be no reason whatever, why this thing
should have not been from eternity, since otherwise the reason for its
existence would not have been sufficient, i.e., necessary or eternal. Cf. De
part. anim. I.I, 639b 23; De gen. anim. II.l, 73lb 24; Physic. III.4, 203b
30; see A. Mansion, Introduction la Physique Aristotelienne (Louvain,
1913), p. 169 ss.
Aristotle, De Caelo 1.2, 269a 29: "the circle is a perfect thing (
), which cannot be said of any straight line; not of any
infinite line: for if it were perfect, it would have a limit and an end; nor of
any finite line: for in every case there is something beyond it, since any
finite line can be extended."
Aristotle, Physica IV.14, 223b 29; cf. De gen. et corr. 11.11, 338a 3:
ii follows that the coming-to-be of anything, if it is absolutely necessary,
must be cyclical, i.e., must return upon itself." ;
1.14: dpa
; Probl. XVII.3, 986 25: "Just as the course of the firmament
and of each of the stars is a circle, why should not also the coming-to-be
and the decay of perishable things be of such a kind that the same things
again come into being and decay ? This agrees with the saying that 'human
life is a circle'." And so we should ourselves be "prior" and one might
suppose the arrangement of the series to be such that it returns back in a
circle to the point from which it began and thus secures continuity and
identity of composition. If then human life is a circle, and a circle has
neither beginning nor end, we should not be "prior" to those who lived
in the time of Troy, nor they "prior" to us by being nearer to the begin-
ning." On the circular movement in Aristotle see O. Hamelin, Le Systme
d'Aristote, 2 ed. (Paris, 1931), p. 366 ss.; J. Chevalier, La Notion du
Ncessaire chez Aristote et chez ses prdcesseurs, particulirement chez
Platon (Paris, 1915), p. 160 s., 180 s.; R. Mugnier, La Thorie du Premier
Noteur et l'volution de la Pense Aristotlienee (Paris, 1930), p. 24 ss.
See P. Duhem, Le Systme du Monde, Histoire des Doctrines Cosmo-
logiques de Platon Copernic, t.I (Paris, 1914), p. 65 ss., La Grande
Anne, La priodicit du monde selon les philosophes antiques; p. 275-296,
La Grande Anne chez les Grecs et les Latins, aprs Aristote; t. II (1914),
p. 447 ss., Les pres de lglise et la Anne. Cf. Hans Meyer, Zur Lehre
von der ewigen Wiederkunft aller Dinge, in Festgabe A. Ehr hard (Bonn,
1911), s. 359 ff.
Eudem. Physic. Ill, frg. 51, . Simplic, In Physic. IV.12, 732.27
298 Creation and Redemption

Diels: ,
, -
, , . Cf. Origen, Contra
Celsum, V.21, Koetschau 22:
, :

. This idea of the periodical succession of worlds
seems to have been traditional in Greek philosophy. See Eusebius of Caesa-
rea, Praep. Evang. 1.8, M.G. XXI, 56, and Diels, Fragmente der Vorsokra-
tiker, 1.16, on Anaximandros:
[Eusebius' authority in this chapter is Pseudo-Plutarch's
Stromatd]. Simplicius, In Physic. VIII.I, 1121.13 sq. Diels, mentions also
Anaximenes, Heraclitus and Diogenes, as well as the Stoics; all of them
believed that the Cosmos was eternal (_ ),
but periodically changed and renewed ^
; cf. Simplic, In De Caelo, 1.10, 294.4-6
P. Duhem, I, p. 275: nalors survient Aristote, qui rattache logiquement
ce croyance son systme rationnel de Physique. . ., la vie du Monde
sublunaire est, toute entire, une vie priodique" \ cf. p. 164 s.: "Les
mouvements locaux des corps clestes sont priodiques; au bout d'un certain
temps, ces corps reviendront aus positions qu'ils occupent aujourd-hui; or
priodicit des mouvements locaux des tres incorruptibles entraine ncessaire-
ment la priodicit des effets dont ces mouvements sont causes, c* est--dire
des transformations produites en la matire corruptible; les gnrations,
donc, et les corruptions qui se produisent aujourd'hui se sont dj produites
une infinit de fois dans le pass; elles se reproduiront, dans l'avenir, une
infinit de fois, .. . la vie dit l'Univers entire sera une vie priodique."
Tatianus, Adv. Graecos, 5, Arnim 1.32, 109:

, " ;
Stob. Eel. I, 171.2 W., Arnim II. 596, 183, on Zeno, Cleantes and Chry-
sippos: ,
; cf. Origen, Contra Celsum, V.20, p. 21 Koetschau: '
' ,

, .
Cf. Oapke, s.v. in Kittel's Wrterbuch, I, s. 389:
"Vor allem wird terminus technicus fr die "Wie-
derherstellung des kosmischen Zyklus." See Lact. Div. Instit. VII.23, Arnim
Kotes 299

11.623, 189: Chrysippus . .. in libris yuos de providentis scripsit haec intulit:

; Nemesius, De natura
homin., cap. 38, Arnim 11.625, 190: -
: '
. ..
Heraclitus and Empedocles did not believe in any numerical per-
sistence of individuals. Things do perish altogether, and in the next world
will be merely reproduced, but not the same, rather as similars. See
Simpl. In Dt Caelo, 1.10, 307.14 Heiberg:
; 295, .4: ' -
, , * . For Aristotle no individual identity
existed in the sublunar world, changeable and corruptible. In the succes-
sive periods there will be no numerical identity, as in the celestial
sphere, but only a similarity, a. continuity of species ; from Aris-
totelian Physics this idea was inherited by the later schools. See Aristotle,
De gen. et corr. II.II, 338b 16: , -
; Probl. XVII.3, 796a 27: "to demand that those who are com-
ing into being should be numerically identical is foolish, but one would
rather accept the theory of the identity of the species," ; cf. also
Eudemus . Simpl., In Physic. V.4, 886 Diels:
, . See . Hamelin, op. cit., p. 402; Mugnier,
op. cit., p. 26 ss. It is not quite clear to what extent the Stoics did admit
an individual immortality. Alexander of Aphrodisias suggests a positive
answer, In Analyt. prior., 180.39 Wallies, Arnim II.624, 189:
' . Cicero, use.
.32, gives another information: ' Stoici diu mansuros aiunt animos, semper
neganf; in any case they do not survive the ; see L. Stein,
Die Psychologie der Stoa, I (Berlin, 1886), s. 144 f., and Zeller, ULI,
582 f. Scmeckel, Die Philosophie des mittleren Stoa (Berlin, 1902), s. 250
and Anm. 3 contests this view. In any case, Origen had to deal with a
Stoic teaching that rejected a numerical identity of the recurrent individuals.
"Not the same Socrates, but somebody fully alike,"
, * ,
, -
; Contra Celsum, IV.68, Koetschau
338, and Arnim 11.626, 190. Origen objected that in this case the world
itself would not have to be the same always, but also only
. But obviously he misses the point: for the Stoics, just
because the Cosmos is always the same ( *
), every particular has to be repeated in the same shape, but nothing
more is required for the uniformity of the whole.
Plotinus, IV.6.12; V.7.1-3. Cf. Guitton, op. cit., 55: "Plotin applique
toute existence ce schma circulaire ..., le cycle mythique est pour lui le
type d'existence." See also Proclus, Institutio theologica, prop. 54, 55, 199,
ed. Dodds, p. 52, 54, 174 and notes ad loca.
Lossev, Symbolism, p. 643. Cf. Guitton, op. cit., p. 359-360: "Les
300 Creation and Redemption

Grecs se reprsentaient la prsence de Veternal dans le temps sous la forme

de retour cyclique. Inversement, ils imaginaient volontiers que le temps se
poursuivait dans l'ternel et que la vie prsente n'tait qu'un pisode du
drame de l'me: ainsi voulaient les mythes... ici la pense chrtienne est
dcisive.. . Les mes n'ont pas d'histoire avant leur venue. Leur origine,
c'est leur naissance; aprs la mort la libert est abolie avec le temps et
l'histoire cesse. Le temps mythique est condemn. Les destines se jouent
une fois peur toutes.... Le temps cyclique est condamn... ."
Cf. my article, "L'ide de la Creation dans la Philosophie Chrtienne,"
Logos, Revue internationale de la pense orthodoxe, I (Bucharest, 1926).
See the article on creation contained in this volume.
St. Augustine, De civitate Dei, XII.20; cf. Nemesius, . De hominis
natura, c. 38, M.G. XL, 761: ,
, .
* St. Gregory of Nyssa, De anima et resurrectione, M.G. XLVI.
There is only one exception. "The grave and death were not able to
hold back the Theotokos, who is ever-watchful in prayers" [Kontakion on
the day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin]. The resurrection has
already been actualized in full for the Blessed Virgin, the Mother of God,
by virtue of her intimate and unique union with Him Whom she bore.
St. Gregory of Nazianzus, Orat. XLV, in S. Pascha, 28, M.G. XXXVI,
661: .
St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Catech. XIII, 6, M.G. XXXIII, 780; cf. St.
Basil, in Ps. 48, 4; M.G. XXIX, 440.
Office of Good Saturday, Canon, at Matins, Irmos IX, Hapgood,
Service Book, p. 222. .
St. Gregory of Nazianzus, Orat. 39, 17, M.G. XXXVI, 356, cf.
armina 1.1, ser. 11,4, ves.24-92, M.G. XXXVII, 762.
It is hardly possible to agree with the interpretation suggested by J. H.
Bernard, "A Study of St. Mark X.38, 39" Journal- of Theol. Studies,
XXVIII (1927), pp. 262-274. The "cup of sufferings" does include death
as well. And it is very doubtful whether we can interpret the verb
6 as meaning merely "to be overwhelmed" [sc. with the
floods of misfortune], so as to reduce the meaning of the Lord's saying
only to this: "You will be overwhelmed by the same flood of tribulation
by which I am being overwhelmed."
St. Gregory of Nazianzus, Orat. 43, 13; M.G. XXXVI, 640; cf.
24, . 656; as well Orat. 4, 68; M.G. XXXV, c. 589.
Matins of the Good Friday, stikhira idiomela, Hapgood, op. cit., p. 216.
St. Gregory of Nazianzus, Orat. 45, 29, M.G. XXXVI, 661, 664;
cf. , 1.1, ser. 1, vs. 77-80, XXXVII, 462-463: "And He gave
to mortals a twofold purification ; one of the Eternal Spirit, and by it He
cleansed in me the old stain, which comes from the flesh; and the other
of our blood, for I call mine the blood Christ, My God, has poured, the
Notes 301

redemption of the original infirmities and the salvation of the world."

Cf. the interesting explanation why the Lord suffered in the open air, in
St. Athanasius, De incarndtione, 25, M.G. XXV, c. 170: "for being lifted
up on the Cross, the Lord cleansed the air of the malignity both of the
devil and of demons of all kinds/' The same idea occurs in St. John
Chrysostom, in Crucem et latronem, M.G, XLIX, 408-409: "in order
to cleanse all her defilement"; the Lord suffered not in the temple but
in an open place, for this was the universal sacrifice, offered for the whole
"St. Gregory of Nyssa, In Resurrectionem, or. I, M.G. XLVI, col. 612.
The whole question of the relation between the Last Suvper and the
Crucifixion was. studied by M. de la Taille, Mysterium Fidei (Paris, 1921),
Catholic Faith in the Holy Eucharist, ed. by Fr. Lattey, Cambridge Catholic
Summer Schol, 1922; Esquisse du Mystre de la Foi suivi de quelques
clair ci s s ernenn (Paris, 1923); The Mystery of Faith and Human Opinion
contrasted and defined (London:= Sheed and Ward, 1930). Fr. de la Taille
insists that the Last Supper and the Crucifixion were one Sacrifice, and
the Last Supper was a sacramental and sacerdotal action, a liturgy, a
sacred rite, by which Christ pledged Himself to death in the sight of His
Father and of men; It was a sacramental offering and presentation. The
sacrifice of Redemption, the sacrifice of His Passion and Death, was offered
in the Upper Room.
It is sometimes suggested that, death being the common law of human
nature, Christ had to die simply because He was truly man. And His obedi-
nc was consummated in that He submitted Himself to the Divine decree
of common human mortality. See, for instance, P. Gal tier, "Obissant
jusqu' la mort," Revue de l'Asctique et de la Mystique, I (1920, Toulouse),
pp. 113-149 [Patristic documentation]. This argument is not at all con-
vincing. Everything depends here upon our anthropological presuppositions.
. Stikhira on the 3rd Sunday of Lent, Vespers.
St. John of Damascus, de fide orth., 111.27, M.G. XCIV, 1907;
cf. Homil. in M. Sabbat. 29, M.G. XCVI, 632. This is not a subtle specu-
lation, but a logical implication of the strict Chalcedonian dogma. An
established Christological terminology is presupposed, and specially the
doctrine of the "enhypostasia" of the human nature in the Word, first
formulated by Leontius of Byzantium and then developed by St. Maximus
the Confessor. Earlier writers sometimes failed to present this idea of the
preservation of both human elements in an unbroken unity with the Word
with complete clearness. See K. Baehr, Die Lehre der Kirche vom Tode
Jesu in den ersten drei Jahrhunderten (Sulzbach, 1834) ; G. Jouassard,
l!abandon du Christ par Son Pre durant sa Passion d'aprs la tradition
patristique (Lyon, 1923) [thesis]; "L'abandon du Christ d'aprs St.
Augustin," Revue des sciences relig., IV, 1925, pp. 310-326; L'abandon
du Christ au Croix dans la tradition grecque des IV et V sicles, ibid.,
V, 1925, pp. 609-633; J. Lebon, "Une ancienne opinion sur la condition
du corps du Christ dans la mort," Revue de l'histoire ccl. (XXIII, 1927),
pp. 5-03, 209-241; E. Schtz, Le problme thologique du corps du Christ
dans la mort, Divus Thomas [Plaisance], 1935. See Excursus III, Verba
302 Creation and Redemption
Third Sunday in Lent, Matins, Adoration of the Cross.
St. John Chrysostom, in Crucem et latronem, hi, M.G. XLIX, 399.
Tuesday of the 4th week of Lent, siedalen.
Prayer in Lent at Great Compline.
St. Gregory of Nazianzus, Orat. 41, ed. Mason, pp. 105-106.
Exapostillarion at Easter Matins.
St. John Damascene, de fide orth. IV, 11, M.G. XCIV, 1128-1129;
cf. St. Ignatius, Smyrn. 5; Lightfoot, 303; St. Irenaeus, adv. haeres. 11.20.3:
per passionem mortem destruxit... vitam autem manifestavit, et ostendit
veritatem et incorruptionem donavit, Harvey 1.393; M.G. VII.778, c. 1135;
V.23.2: venit ad passionem pridie ante sabbatum, quae est sexta conditionis
dies, in qua homo plasmatus est, secundum plasmationem ei earn quae est a
morte, per suam passionem donans, Harvey, 11.389. Earlier in St. Justin,
Apol. I, 63, Otto I, 174. Cf. St. Cyril of Alexandria, in Hebr. 11.14, M.G.
LXXIV, 965: "the death of Christ is, as it were, the root of life." Also
St. Augustine, in loann. tr. XII, 19, 11: ipsa morte liberavit nos a morte;
morte occisus mortem occidit. . . mortem suscepit et mortem suspendit in
cruce . . ., in morte Christi mors mortua est, quia vita mortua occidit mortem,
plenitudo vitae deglutivit mortem, M.L. XXXV, 1489-1490.
Vespers of Good Saturday.
In Byzantine iconography, from the late 7th century the Resurrection
of Christ was invariably represented as the Descent into Hell, from which
the Lord leads Adam and others. It meant the destruction of the bonds of
death. The iconography depended directly upon liturgical texts and rites
and was a pictorial interpretation of the same experience. A certain influ-
ence of the apocryphal literature is obvious, particularly that of the
Evangelium Nicodemi and of Pseudo Epiphanius' Hmily of Good Saturday
[M.G. XLIII, 440-464]. A survey of monuments and their liturgical parallels
is given by N. V. Pokrovsky, The Gospel in the Monuments of Iconography,
especially Byzantine and Russian, Acts of the VIHth Archeological Congress
in Moscow 1890, v.I, p. 398f; G. Rushforth, The Descent into Hell in
Byzantine Art, Papers of the British School at Rome, I (1902), p. Il4f.
Cf. G. Millet, Recherches sur l'iconographie de l'Evangile aux XIV, XV et
XVI sicles d'aprs ls monuments de Mistre, de la Macdoine et de Mont
At ho s (Bibliothque des coles franaises d'Athnes et de Rome, fasc. 109,
Paris 1916), p. 396 ss. Millet states plainly, that "l'iconographie primitive
du Crucifiement montrait non point Jesus souffrant sur la Croix, mais Dieu
triomphant par son sacrifice volontaire. Elle s'attachait non au drame humain,
mais au dogme" [396]. See also Pokrovsky, p. 314 ff. and especially J.
Reil, Die altchristliche Bildzyklen des Lebens Jesu, Ficke/s Studien, N. F.
Hf. 10, 1910, p. WQ ff. Reil says of the early representations on sarkophagi
"Es findet sich keine Leidenszene, in der Christus als Leidender dargestellt
ist. Es erscheint immer stets als einer, der ber dem Leiden steht... Die
Verspottung selbst sieht wie eine Verherrlichung, die Dornkronung wie ein
Siegerkronung aus" [21-22]. The emotional and dramatic motives make
their first appearance in Byzantine art not earlier than the late Xlth century,
Notes 303

in the West still later, only after the spreading of the Franciscan ideas and
ideals; see Millet, pp. 399-400, 555ss, and O. Schonewul, Die Darstellung
Christi, Ficker's Studien, N. P., Hf. 9, 1909.
Matins of Good Saturday, 6th song, First Troparion.
Second Sunday after Easter, Matins, Canon, 4th Song, 1st troparion ;
cf. the synaxarion of Good Saturday: "For the Lord's body suffered the
corruption, that is, the separation of the soul from the body. But in no
wise did it undergo that sort of corruption (), which is the
complete destruction of the flesh and decomposition."
St. John of Damascus, de fide orth., 111.28, M.G. XCIV, 1097,
11900. This distinction of the two meanings of "corruption" had a special
importance after the so-called "Aphtharto-docetic" controversy. But it was
clearly made even by Origen, In Ps. XV', 10, M.G. XII, 1216. A vindica-
tion of Julian of Halicarnssus on the charge of heresy was attempted by
R. Draguer, Julien d'Halicarnasse et sa controverse avec Svre d'Antioche
sur l'incorruptibilit du corps de Jesus-Christ (Louvain, 1924) ; cf., how-
ever, M. Jugie, Julien d'Halicarnasse et Svre d'Antioche, chos d'Orient,
XXIV (1925), p. 129-162, and his earlier article, La controverse galanite
et la passibilt du corps de Jesus Christ, in the Dictionnaire de la thologie
cath., v.VI (1920), pp. 1002-1023. The main problem is what the real
meaning of the Passion and death of Our Lord is.
St. John Damascene, de fide orth., 111.29, M.G. XCIV, 1101. Cf.
Epiphanius, Panarion, haer. XX, 2; ed. Holl, 1.230; haer. XLIX, 52, M.G.
XLII, 287-305-308; St. Cyril of Alexandria de incarn. Unigeniti, M.G.
LXXV, 1216: ; St. Augustine, de Symbolo ad cateeh.
sermo alius, VII, 7, M.L. XL, 658: totus ergo Filius apud Patrem,
totus in Cru ce, totus in inferno, totus in Paradiso que et latronem introduxit.
It was clearly stated by Rufinus, Comm. in Symbolum Apostohrum,
c. IS, M.L. XXI, col. 356. Sciendum sane est qud in Ecclesiae Romanae
symbolono, habetur additm, ''descendit ad inferno": sed neque in Orientis
ecclesiis habetur hie sermo; vis tamen erbt eadem videtur esse in eo, quod
"sepultus" dicitur\ see St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Catech. IV, 11, M.G. XXXIII,
I Peter 3:19: , Vulg. I career, i.e. a place of confinement;
under guard; Calvin suggested: "rather a watch-tower," \lnst. II. 16.97];
Acts 2:24: variant of Acts 2:31: obviously with
reference to Psalm 16:19. "Hades" means here "death," nothing more. For
the whole history of this term in Christian usage see G. L. Prestige, "Hades
in the Greek Fathers," Journal of Theol. Studies, XXIV (July, 1927),
pp. 476-485. In liturgical texts, in any case, "Hell" or "Hades" denotes
always this hopelessness of mortal dissolution.
Easter-kontakion, Hapgood, 230: cf. St. John Damascene, de fide orth.
III.27: "for just as darkness is dissolved on the introduction of light, so is
death repulsed on the assault of Life, and for all comes life and for the
destroyer destruction," M.G. XCIV (1907); also 111.28, 1100.
Vespers of Good Friday, troparion. Used as well as the Sunday
304 Creation and Redemption

troparion of the 2nd tone. This is also the main idea of the "Catechetical
oration," ascribed to St. John Chrysostom appointed to be read at Easter
Matins. Cf. St. John Damascene, de fide orth., 111.29, M.G. XCIV, 1101:
J. N. Karmiris in his book proves quite convincingly that the whole tradi-
tion of the Church was always unanimous on the victorious and triumphant
character of the Descent into Hell. See Origen, in 1 Kings, hom. 2, M.G.
XII, 1020: , '
XII, 1020:
, 9 ; in Cant., l.II, M.G. XIII, 184:
et ipse in morte fuerit voluntarie, et non ut nos necessitate peccati; solus
est enim qui fuit inter moruos litber; St. John Damasc, in M. Sabbat, 31,
M.G. XCVI, 633: fjv, , .
This idea was brought forward with great emphasis by Calvin and
shared by some other Reformed theologians, but at once was resented and
vigorously repudiated by a great number of both Reformed and Catholic
divines, as a "new, unheard-of heresy." Calvin put a great stress on that
article of the Apostles Creed. "Mox tarnen fiet, tanti interesse ad redemptionis
nostrae summam, ut ea praeferita multum ex mortis Christi jructu depereat."
"Nihil actum eart, si corporea tantum morte dejunctus fuisset Christus:, sed
operae simul pretium erat, ut divinae ultionis severitate sentiret: quo ex
irae ipsius intercederet, et satisfacteret justo judicio. U.nde enim eum
opportuit cum injerorum copiis aeternaeque mortis horrore, quasi consertis
manibus, luctari... sed alius majus et excellentius jretium fuisse, quod
diros in anima cruciatus damnati ac perditi hominis pertulerit... quantulum
enim juts set, secure et quasi per lusum prodire ad subeundam mortem ...
Et sane nisi poenae juisset particeps anima, corporibus tantum juisset
Redemptor." Ioannis Calvini, Institutio christianae raligionis, ed A. Tholuck,
Berolini (1834), l.II, c. 16, 8-12, pp. 332-337; English translation by Henry
Beveridge, Calvin Translation Society (Edinburgh, 1845), v.88, pp. 57-62:
"The omission of it greatly detracts from the benefit of Christ's death....
Nothing had been done if Christ had only endured corporeal death. In
order to interpose between us and God's anger and satisfy His righteous
judgement it was necessary that He should feel the weight of Divine
vengeance. Whence abo it was necessary that He should engage, as it were,
at close quarters with the powers of hell and horrors of eternal death....
He bore in His soul the tortures of condemned and ruined man.... How
small a matter had it been to come forth securely and, as it were, in sport
to undergo death. . . .And certainly had not His soul shared in the punish-
ment, He would have been a Redeemer of bodies only." See also the
French redaction (1539), Jean Calvin, Institution de la religion chrtienne,
ed. Pannier, II, 107-108: "Ce n'estoit rien si Jesus Christ se just seulement
acquite d'une mort corporelle, mais il jalloit aussi qui il sentist la svrit
du Jugement de Dieu, fin d'intercder, et comme s'opposer que son ire
ne tombast sur nous, en satis j aisant a i celle. Pour ce jaire, il est oit expdient
qu'il bataillast, comme main main, lfencontre des puyssances d'Enjer et
de l'horreur de la mort ternelle.... Mais nous disons qu'il a soustenu la
pesanteur de la vengeance de Dieu, en tant qu'il a est jrapp et afflig de
sa main et a expriment tous les signes que Dieu monstre aux pcheurs,
en se courrouceant contre eulx et les punissant!' This interpretation ob-
viously depends upon the penal conception of Atonement, it stands and
falls with it. As a matter of fact, a somewhat similar interpretation of the
Notes 305

Descent into Hell was suggested before Calvin by Nicolas of Cusa.

St. Athanasius, de Incarnatione, 26, M.G. XXV, col. 141.
Cf. St. Cyril of Alexandria, de recta fide ad Theodos., 22, M.G.
LXXVI, 1165, hom. pasch. VII, M.G. LXXVII, 352; St. John
Chrysostom, hom. in Matt. 26, 3, M.G. LVII: "How are the gates of brass
wiped away and the iron doors destroyed? Through His body...." Then
for the first time was an immortal body shown and it did destroy the
power of death: ,
. It manifested that the power of
death is broken, ; St.
John Damascene, de jide orth. Ill, 29, M.G. XCIV, . 110. Of the Western
Fathers see St. Augustine, ep. 164, ad Euodium, 12, 13, 16, 21, M.L.
XXXIII, 714, 715, 716. An excellent presentation of Orthodox doctrine
of the Descent into Hell was given by J. N. Karmins, H "
(Athens, 1939), . 156;
cf. J. Dietelmair, Historia dogmatis de descensu Christi ad inferos litteraria
(Altorfii, 1762); H. Quillet, s. voce, m the Diet, de la thol. cath., t. IV;
K. Gschwind, Die Niederfahrt Christi in die Unterwelt, Neutestamentliche
Abhandlungen (1911); F. Cabrol and A. de Meester, s. voce, in the Diet.
d'Archologie char, et de liturgie, t. IV, 1916; Schmidt, Gesprche Jesu
mit seinen Jngern nach der Auferstehung, Texte und Untersuchungen,
XLIII (1919), Excursus II, Der Descensus ad inferos in der alten Kirche,
S.45 3-576; J. Kroll, Gott und Hlle, Studien der Bibliothek Warburg,
XX (1932); K. Prumm, Die Darstellungen des Hadesfahrtes des Herrn in
der Literatur der alten Kirche, Kritische Bemerkungen zum ersten Kapitel
des Werkes von J. Kroll, Scholastik X (1935); J. Chane, s. voce
[Vigoureux], Dictionnaire de la Bible, Supplment, t. II (1934), c. 395ss.
The Patristic conception of a ransom paid to the devil needs a special
investigation in connection with the doctrine of the Descent into Hell. But
it seems that in most cases the Devil stands simply for Death. The best
dossier and analysis of Patristic texts and references is given by J. Rivire,
Le dogme de la Redemption, Essai d'tude historique (Paris, 1905), the
whole chapter, "La question de droit des demons," p. 373 [there is an
English translation, London, 1911]; and again in his own books: Le
dogme de la Rdemption, tudes critiques et documents (Louvain, 1931).
Here is Riviere's conclusion. "Ds lors, dire que le Christ s'est livr au
dmon pour prix de notre rachat ne serait-ct pas tous simplement une
manire mtaphorique d'enseigner qu'il s'est livr la mort pour notre
salut?" [Revue des sciences rligieusts, X, p. 621]. See Excursus IV,
Descensus ad inferna.
Easter Canon, 6th song, Irmos, Hapgood 230.
Easter Vespers.
Monday of Easter week, Theotokaria, 4th song.
St. John Chrysostom, in Acta Apost. hom. VII, M.G. LX, 57:
, ;
Chrysostom has in view the words of Acts:
[Acts 2:24]; cf. Ps. 17:5-6. Strack-Billerbeck, ad Acta 11.24: "Stricke des
306 Creation and Redemption

Todes," or "Weben des Todes" [2:617-618]. Cf. in the Liturgy of St.

Basil, the Prayer of Consecration: !
" , ,
* ,
, fjv -
, , f\
Office for the Burial of a Priest, Stikhira idiomela by St. John of
Damascus, Hapgood, p. 415.
St. Athanasius, De incarn. 26, M.G. XXV, 141 ; cf. St. John
Chrysostom in loann. h. 85, [al. 84], 2: "By all means He shows that this
is a sort of new death, for everything was in the power of the dying One
and death did not come to His body until He so desired,"
, M.G. LIX, . 462.
Easter Canon, 2nd sng, 2nd Troparion, Hapgood p. 231.
Sunday Matins, siedalen of the 3rd tone.
"Christ is first-born from the dead." Col. 1:18. Born, as it were,
from the grave. Resurrection is a new mysterious birth into full immor-
tality, into a new and perpetual, i.e. "eternal," life. And death itself issues
into a birth. "The first that shall rise from the dead." Ads 26:23: "The
first begotten of the dead." Rev. 1:5. Cf. J. Chane, Diet. d.i. Bible, Suppl,
t.II, p. 418: "La rsurrection est compare un enfantement de la part
du scheol. Jsus est le premier parmi les hommes qui soit sorti du sein
de l'Hads."
St. John Chrysostom, in Hebr. h. 17, 2, M.G. LXIII, c. 129.
St. Athanasius, De incarn. 21, M.G. XXV, c. 132.
St. Gregory of Nyssa, Orat. catech., . 16, Srawley, 70-72:
. . .

. Cf. adv. Apollinarium, cap. 17,
M.G. XLV, 1153, 1156: "Death is but the separation of soul and body,
but He, who has united both soul and body in Himself, did not separate
Himself from either.. .. Being simple and uncomposed, He was not
divided, when body and soul were separated; on the contrary, He rather
accomplishes their union, and by His own indivisibility does bring even
the separated into unity, '
. The Only Begotten God Himself raises
the human nature united with Him, first separating the soul from the
body, and then co-uniting them again, and so the common salvation of
nature is achieved."
St. Gregory of Nyssa, adv. Apollin, 55, M.G. XLV, 1257, 1260.
Nicolas Cabasilas, De vita in Christo, 11.86-96, ed. Gass, Die Mystik
des Nicolaus Cabasilas (1849), pp. 46-48. Gass's edition is reproduced in
Notes 307

M.G. CL. A French translation by S. Broussaleux has been recently published

by "Irnikon."
St. Ignatius, Magnes 5, Lightfoot p. 117-118. The language of Ignatius
is molded on that of St. Paul; . Rom. 6:5, 8:If, 29; 2 Cor. 4:10,
Phil. 3:10, 2 Tim. 2:11 (Lightfoot, ad locum.)
St. Maximus, Quaest. ad Thalassium, qu. 39, Schol. 3, M.G. XC.393.
St. Maximus, Quaest. ad Thalass. 6, M.G. XC, 280; cf. St.
Irenaeus, Adv. haereses, IV.31.1, M.G. VII, 1105: !
' -
, * fjv;
cf. 1607: , ,
, .
On the whole question of "universal salvation" see E. P. Pusey's
still unantiquated pamphlet: What is of Faith as to Everlasting Punishment?
1879, 1880. Andreas of Caesarea, in his Commentary on Revelation, gives
an interesting terminological summary. (See the whole of chapter 62, ad
XX.5, 6, on the "first resurrection" and the "second death," M.G. CVI,
412-413; cf. also ch. 59, ad XIX, 21, . 40.) There are two kinds of
life and two kinds of death, and therefore two kinds of resurrection too.
The first life is that of the fallen man, "temporary and fleshly" (-
). The second life is Life eternal, which is promised
to the saints in the age to come. The first death is the separation of the
soul and body, a death "of the flesh" ( ) and for a time
only (), up to the second resurrection. The "second death" is
the "eternal" condemnation, which is prepared for the sinners in the age
to come, eternal torments and confinement in Gehenna (
). Again, the "first resurrection" is a spiritual regeneration, a
"quickening from the deadly deeds," and the second and ultimate resurrection
is that of the bodies, which are to be relieved out of corruption and trans-
formed into incorruption. ,
, -
; ' -
' .
. Cabasilas, De vita in Christo, 11.95, Gass 48.
St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Mystag. II. 4-5, 7, M.G. XXXIII, c. 1080-
1081, 1084; cf. 8II.2, . 1089. See also St. Basil, de Spiritu S. 55, M.G.
XXXII, 126, 129.
St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Myst. ULI, M.G. XXXIII, 1088.
St. Gregory of Nyssa, Orat. cat., 33, Srawley 123, 126.
St. Gregory of Nyssa, Orat. catech, 35, Srawley 129-130.
St. Gregory of Nyssa, Orat. cat. 40, Srawley 159-164; cf. Orat. 1 in
5. Pascha, M.G. XLVI, 604 s.; de propos, sec. Deum, M.G. XLV, 289.
This was the reason St. Gregory so vigorously attacked those who used to
postpone baptism till the later period of life. The benefit of baptism is
308 Creation and Redemption

thereby diminished, since not enough time is left to actualize the baptismal
grace by the creative effort of a godly life (M.G. XVI, 416-432). On
the other hand, St. Gregory admits that the benefits of baptism will sooner
or later be extended to and appropriated by everyone, i.e. that "baptism"
in some form will be administered to all men. This idea is organically con-
nected with the doctrine of "apokatastasis" and of the healing character of
the whole after-life up to the final consummation. Hence the idea of a
plurality of baptisms; and the last baptism will be that of fire, which nobody
can escape. Similar ideas are to be found in St. Gregory of Nazianzus,
Orat. 39, 19, M.G. XXXVI, 357; repeated by St. John Damascene, de
fide orth., IV.3, M.G. XCIV, 1124-1125.
St Cyril of Jerusalem, Mystag. II, 4, M.G. XXXIII, r. 1081. Cf. N.
Cabasilas, De vita in Christo, II, 10.
. N. Cabasilas, De vita in Christo, II.3, 4, 6, Gass 28-29.
N. Cavasilas, De vita in Christo, IV. 1, 4, 15, Gass 81, 82, 84-85.
St. John Chrysostom, in Matt. horn. 50, 3, M.G. LVIII, 50f.
^Ibidem, horn. 82, 5, col. 744.
De proditione Judae, 1.6, M.G. XLIX, 380.
Nicolas Cabasilas, Explanatio div. liturgiae, 23, M.G. CL, On
the "sacramental" remembrance and representation of Christ's death in the
Eucharist, see Odo Casel, Das Mysteriengedchniss der Messliturgie im
Lichte der Tradition, Jahrbcher fr die Liturgiewissenschaft, VI (1925),
s. 113-204. "Das Gedchtniss selbst besteht in der nach Vorbild des letzten
Abendmahles gestalteten rituellen Begebung des Erls un gs Werkes. Dies
Gedchtniss ist zugleich das Opfer. Es ist nicht subjektives Sicherinnern,
sondern objektive Wirklichkeit unter dem Ritus, mit anderen Worten
Symbol, Gleichnissbild, Mysterium. Die Anamnese stempelt also die ganze
heilige Handlung zum realen Gedchtniss: der Erlsungstod wird unterdem
Schleier der Ritus Wirklichkeit [ 1 3 0 ] . . . .Dies Mysterium enthlt so
konkrete Wirklichkeit, dass es vollstndig mit der Tat identifiziert wird,
dies es mystisch darstellt; so sehr dass man von der symbolischen Darstellung
im Mysterium auf die Geschichtlichkeit der Tat zurckschliessen kann. Es
ist also auf beiden Seiten diesselbe eine Tat; nur ist sie im zweiten Falle
unter Symbolen verbergen. Das Mysferium bringt genau so die Erlsung,
wie jene erste Heil st at; ja es est die Erlsung [ 1 5 3 ] . . . . Nicht das historische
Ereignis hebt sich wieder aus der Vergangenheit hervor; Christus stirbt nicht
wieder historisch-real; aber die Heilstat wird sakramental, in mysterio, in
sacramento, gegenwrtig und dadurch fr die Heilsuchenden zugnglich
[174].... Die historisch vorgangene Passion wird sakramental gegenwrtig
[186]." Casel provides a copious Patristic documentation. One may consult
his other essays as well. Cf. Darwell Stone, The Eucharistie Sacrifice
(1920), and A. Vonier, A Key to the Doctrine of the Eucharist (1925).
St. Ignatius, Ephes. XX.2, Lightfoot, 8F.
N. Cabasilas, Expos, liturglas, c. 16, M.G. CL, 404. See Bp. Aulen's
Notes 309

article in The Ministry and Sacraments, ed. Headlam and Dunkerley

(1937). "Now, in the act of commemoration we look back to the his-
torical events and the Sacrifice as we see them in the right light, in the
light of the Resurrection. Therefore in celebrating the Lord's death we
are not performing a funeral service, not yet a mere memorial of a martyr-
dom; the Sacrament is not only a Sacrament of suffering Love, but also of
victorious Love. We praise and magnify the living 'Kyrios' who comes to
us in His holy Supper."
310 Creation and Redemption



Epist. 101, ad Cledonium (M., P.G., 37, col. 118).
Bishop B. F. Westcott, "The Gospel of Creation," in The Epistles of
St. John, The Greek Text ivith notes and essays, Third Edition. (Macmillan,
1892), p. 288.
Rupertus Tuitensis, De Gloria et honore Filii hominis super Matthaeum,
lib. 13, (> P-L., 148, col. 1628): "Here it is first proper to ask whether
or not the Son of God, Whom this discourse concerns, would have become
man, even if sin, on account of which all die, had not intervened. There
is no doubt that He would not have become mortal and assumed a mortal
body if sin had not occurred and caused man to become mortal; only an
infidel could be ignorant as to this. The question is: would this have
occurred, and would it somehow have been necessary for mankind that
God become man, the Head and King of all, as He now is? What will
be the answer?" Rupert then quotes from St. Augustine about the eternal
predestination of the saints (De Civitate Dei, 14. 23.) and continues:
"Since, with regard to the saints and all the elect there is no doubt but
that they will all be found, up to the number appointed in God's plan,
about which He says in blessing, before sin, 'Increase and multiply,' and
it is absurd to think that sin was necessary in order to obtain that num-
ber, what must be thought about the very Head and King of all the elect,
angels and men, but that He had indeed no necessary cause for becoming
man, but that His love's 'delights were to be with the children
of men.' [Proverbs 8:31]" Cf. also De Glorijicatione Trinitatis, lib. 3. 20
(M., P.L., 1(59, col. 72): "Therefore, we say quite probably, not so much
that man [was made] to make up the number of the angels [i.e., for
those who had fallen], but that both angels and men were made because
of one man, Jesus Christ, so that, as He Himself was begotten God from
God, and was to be found a man, He would have a family prepared on
both sides... From the beginning, before God made anything, it was in
His plan that the Word {Logos} of God, God the Word [Logos], would
be made flesh, and dwell among men with great love and the deepest
humility, which are His true delights." (Allusion again to Proverbs
Honorius of Autun, Libellus octo quaestionum de angelis et homine,
Notes 311

cap. 2 (M., V.L., 172, col. 72): "And therefore the first man's sin was
not the cause of Christ's Incarnation; rather, it was the cause of death and
damnation. The cause of Christ's Incarnation was the predestination of
human deification. It was indeed predestined by God from all eternity that
man would be deified, for the Lord said, 'Father, Thou hast loved them*
before the creation of the world,' [cf. John 17:24} those, that is, who are
deified through M e . . . It was necessary, therefore, for Him to become in-
carnate, so that man could be deified, and thus it does not follow that
sin was the cause of His Incarnation, but it follows all the more logically
that sin could not alter God's plan for deifying man; since in fact both
the authority of Sacred Scripture and clear reason declare that God would
have assumed man even had man never sinned. [*S. Script., Jn. 17:24,
reads me1 for
Alexander Halensis, Summa, theologica, ed. ad. Claras Aquas, dist. 3,
qu. 3, m. 3; Albertus Magnus, In 3, 1. Sententtarum, dist. 20, art. 4, ed.
Borgnet, t. 28, 361: "On this question it must be said that the solution
is uncertain, but insofar as I can express an opinion, I believe that the Son
of God would have been made man, even if sin had never been."
Duns Scotus, Opus Oxoniense, 3, dist. 19, ed. Wadding, t. 7, p. 415.
Cf. Reportata Parisiensia, lib. 3, dist. 7, qu. 4, schol. 2, ed. Wadding,
t. 11. 1, p. 451. "I say, nevertheless, that the Fall is not the cause of
Christ's predestination. Indeed, even if one angel had not fallen, or one
man, Christ would still have been predestined thuseven if others had not
been created, but only Christ. This I demonstrate thus: anyone who wills
methodically first wills an end, and then more immediately, those things
which are more immediate to the end. But God wills most methodically;
therefore, He wills thus: first He wills Himself, and everything in-
trinsic to Himself; more directly, so far as concerns things extrinsic, is
the soul of Christ. Therefore, in relation to whatever merit and before
whatever demerit was foreseen, He foresees that Christ must be united
to Him in a substantial union... The disposition and predestination is
first complete concerning the elect, and then something is done concern-
ing the reprobate, as a secondary act, lest anyone rejoice as if the loss
of another was a reward for himself; therefore, before the foreseen Fall,
and before any demerit, the whole process concerning Christ was fore-
seen... Therefore, I say thus: first, God loves Himself; second, He loves
Himself by others, and this love of His is pure; third, He wills that He
be loved by another, one who can love Him to the highest degree (in
speaking about the love of someone extrinsic); fourth, He foresees the
union of that nature which ought to love Him to the highest degree, al-
though none had fallen [i.e., even if no one had fallen] . . . and, therefore,
in the fifth instance, He sees a coming mediator who will suffer and redeem
His people; He would not have come as a mediator, to suffer and to redeem,
unless someone had first sinned, unless the glory of the flesh had become
swelled with pride, unless something needed to be redeemed; otherwise, He
would have immediately been the whole Christ glorified." The same rea-
soning is in the Opus Oxoniense, dist. 7, qu. 3, scholium 3, Wadding
202. See P. Raymond, "Duns Scot," in Dictionnaire de la Thologie
Catholique, t.4, col. 1890-1891, and his article, "Le Motif de l'Incarnation:
Duns Scot et l'cole scotiste," in tudes Franciscaines (1912); also R.
eeberg, Die Theologie des Johannes Duns Scotus (Leipzig, 1900), s. 250.
312 Creation and Redemption

''Summa theol., 3a, qu. 1, art. 3; in 3 Sentent., dist. 1, qu. 1, art. 3.

Bonaventura, in 3 Sentent., dist. 1, qu. 2, ed. Lugduni (1668), pp.
Cf. A. Michle, "Incarnation," in Dictionnaire de la Thologie
Catholique, t. 7, col. 1495 ss. John Wessel, De causis Incarnationis, lib. 2,
. 7, quoted by G. Ullman, Die Reformatoren vor der Reformation, Bd. 2
(Gotha, 1866), s. 398 ff. On Naclantus see Westcott, op. cit., p. 312 ff.
Andreas Osiander, An Filius Dei fuit incarnatus, si peccatum non inter-
venisset in mundum? Item de imagine Dei quid sit? Ex certis et evidentibus
S. Scripturae testimonies et non ex philosophicis et humanae rationis
cogitationibus derompta explicatio (Monte Regia Prussiae, 1550); see I. A.
Dorner, Entwicklungsgeschichte der Lehre von der Person Christi, 2
Aufl. (1853), Bd. 2, s. 438 ff. and 584; Otto Ritschi, Dogmengeschichte
des Protestantismus, Bd. 2 (Leipzig, 1912), s. 462. Osiander was vigorously
criticized by Calvin, Institution lib. 2, cap. 12, 4-7, ed. Tholuck, 1,
s. 304-309.
See for instance the long discussion in "Dogmata Theologica" of L.
Thomassin (1619-1695) in tomus 3, De lncarnatione Verbi Dei, 2, cap 5
to 11, ed. nova (Parisiis, 1866), pp. 189-249. Thomassin dismisses the
Scotist theory as just a "hallucination," contradicted openly by the evidence
of Scripture and the teaching of the Fathers. He gives a long list of
Patristic passages, mainly from St. Augustine. Bellarmin (1542-1621) dis-
misses this idea in one phrase: "For if Adam had remained in that in-
nocence wherein he had been created, doubtless the Son of God would not
have suffered; He probably would not even have assumed human flesh,
as even Calvin himself teaches"; De Christo, lib. 5, cap. 10, editio prima
Romana (Romae, 1832), t. 1, p. 432. Petavius (1583-1652) was little in-
terested in the controversy: "This question is widely and very contentiously
disputed in the schools, but, being removed from the controversy, we will
explain it in a few words." There is no evidence for this conception in
Tradition, and Petavius gives some few quotations to the opposite effect.
"Opus de Theologicis Dogmatibus," tomus 4, De lncarnatione, lib. 2, cap.
17, 7-12, ed. (Venetiis, 1757), pp. 95-96. On the Protestant side see a
brief discussion in John Gerhard, Loci Theologici, Locus Quartus, "De
Persona et Officio Christi," cap. 7, with valuable references to the earlier
literature and an interesting set of Patristic quotations; ed. Sd. Preuss
(Berolini, 1863), t. 1, pp. 513-514, and a longer one in J. A. Quenstedt,
Theologia DidacticoPolemica, sive S y sterna Theologicum (Wittebergae,
1961), Pars 3 & 4, Pars 3, Cap. 3, Membrum 1, Sectio 1, Quaestio 1,
pp. 108-116. On the other hand, Suarez (1548-1617) advocated a recon-
ciliatory view in which both conflicting opinions could be kept together.
See his comments on Summa, 3a, Disput. 4, sectio 12, and the whole
Disp. 5a, Opera Omnia, ed. Berton (Parisiis, I860), pp. 186-266.
Franois de Sales, Trait de l'amour de Dieu, livre 2, ch. 4 and 5,
in Oeuvres, dition complte, t. 4 (Annecy, 1894), pp. 99ss. and 102ss.
Malebranche, Entretiens sur la Mtaphysique et sur la Religion, dition
critique par Armand Cuvillier (Paris, 1948), tome 2, Entretien 9, 6, p. 14:
"Oui assurment l'Incarnation du Verbe est le premier et le principal des
desseins de Dieu; c'est ce qui justifie sa conduite"; Trait de la Nature
Noies 313

et de la Grce (Rotterdam, 1712), Discours 1, 1, p. 2. Seconde

claircissement, p. 3O2ss.; Rflexions sur la Prmotion Physique (Paris,
1715), p. 300: "II suit videmment, ce me semble, de ce que je viens
de dire, que le premier et le principal dessein de Dieu dans la cration,
est l'Incarnation du Verbe: puisque Jesus Christ est le premier en toutes
choses... et qu'ainsi, quand l'homme n'aurait point pch, le Verbe se
serait incarn"; cf. p. 211 and passim. See for further information: J.
Vidgrain, Le Christianisme dans la philosophie de Maler anche (Paris,
1923), pp. 99ss. and 112ss; H. Gouhier, La Philosophie de Malebranche
et son Exprience Religieuse (Paris, 1926), p. 22ss.; J. Maydieu, "La
Cration du Monde et l'Incarnation du Verbe dans la Philosophie de
Malebranche," in Bulletin de Littrature Ecclsiastique (Toulouse, 1935).
It is of interest to mention that Leibniz also regarded the Incarnation as
an absolute purpose in creation; see quotations from his unpublished papers
in J. Baruzi, Leibniz et VOrganization religieuse de la Terre (Paris, 1907),
pp. 273-274.
The Scotist point of view has been presented by a Franciscan, Father
Chrysostome, in his two books: Christus Alpha et Omega, seu de Christi
universali regno (Lille, 1910, published without the name of the author)
and Le Motif de l'Incarnation et les principaux thomistes contemporains
(Tours, 1921). The latter was a reply to the critics in which he assembled
an impressive array of Patristic texts. The Thomist point of view was taken
by Father E. Hogon, Le Mystre de l'Incarnation (Paris, 1913), p. 63ss.,
and Father Paul Galtier, S. J. De Incarnatione et Redemptione (Parisiis,
1926) ; see also Father Hilair de Paris, Cur Deus Homo? Dissertario de
motivo Incarnationis (Lyons, 1867) {includes an analysis of Patristic texts
from the Thomist point of view]. Cf. also the introduction in the book
of Dr. Aloysius Spindler, Cur Verbum, car factum? Das Motiv der
Menschwerdung und das Verhltnis der Erlsung zur Menschwerdung
in den christologischen Glaubenskmpfen des vierten und fnten christlichen
Jahrhunderts (Paderborn, 1938) ["Forschungen zur christlichen Literatur
und Dogmengeschichte," hsgg. von A. Ehrhard und Dr. J. P. Kirsch, Bd. 18,
2 Heft].
See note I above.
Fr. Sergii Bulgakov, Agnets Bozhii (Paris, 1933), p. 191 ff. (in
Russian). French translation, Du Verbe Incarn (Paris, 1943).
Dr. Spindler was the only student of the problem using the proper
historical method in handling the texts. ^
Cf. Hans Urs von Balthasar, Liturgie Cosmique: Maxime le Confesseur
(Paris, Aubier, 1947), pp. 204-205; Father Balthasar quotes Qu. ad
Tolas s. 60 and adds that St. Maximus would have taken the Scotist side
in the scholastic controversy, yet with an important qualification: "Maxime
de reste est totalement tranger au postulat de ce dbat scholastique qui
imagine la possibilit d'un autre ordre du monde sans pch et totalement
irrel. Pour lui la Volont prexistante' de Dieu est identique au monde
des 'ides' et des 'possibles': l'ordre des essences et l'ordre des faits
coincident en ce point supreme" (in the German edition, Kosmische
Liturgie, s. 267-268). See also Dom Polycarp Sherwood, O.S.B., "The
314 Creation and Redemption

Earlier Ambigua of Saint Maximus the Confessor" in Studia Anselmiana

(Romae, 1955), fasc. 36, ch. 4, pp. 155ff.
The best exposition of the theology of St. Maximus is by S. L.
Epifanovich, St. Maximus the Confessor and Byzantine Theology (Kiev,
1915; in Russian); cf. also the chapter on St. Maximus in my book, The
Byzantine Fathers (Paris, 1933), pp. 200-227 (in Russian). In addition
to the book of Father von Balthasar, quoted above, one may consult with
profit the "Introduction" of Dom Polycarp Sherwood to his translation
of The Four Centuries on Charity of St. Maximus, Ancient Christian
Writers, No. 21 (London and Westminster, Md., 1955). See also Lars
Thunberg, Microcosm and Mediator: The Theological Anthropology of
Maximus the Confessor (Lund, 1965).
See the definition of "theologoumena" by Bolotov, Thesen ber das
Filioque}" first published without the name of the author ("von einem
russischen Theologen") in Revue Internationale de Thologie, No. 24
(Oct.-Dec, 1898), p. 682: "Man kann fragen, was ich unter Theologou-
menon verstehe? Seinem Wesen nach ist es auch eine theologische Meinung,
aber eine theologische Meinung derer, welche fr einen jeden 'Katholiken'
mehr bedeuten als gewhnliche Theologen; es sind die theologische
Meinungen der hl. Vter der einen ungeteilten Kirche; es sind die
Meinungen der Mnner, unter denen auch die mit Recht hoi didaskaloi tes
oikoumens genannten sich befinden." No "theologoumenon" can claim
more than "probability," and no "theologoumenon" should be accepted if
it has been clearly disavowed by an authoritative or "dogmatic" pronounce-
ment of the Church.
Noies 315


^'Esprit de la Philosophie Mdivale (2 ed., Paris, 1944), p. 179.'

Agape and Eros: The History of the Christian Idea of Love (London,
1938), II:I, pp. 64 ff.
The author is usually identified as Joseph (or John) Pitts, but nothing is
known about the man. The name is given in old catalogues (e.g., of the
British Museum, etc.) and bibliographies. The book-titles are too long to
be given here in full. Both books were published in 1706. Dodwell defended
his position in a book: A Preliminary Defence of the Epistolary Discourse,
Concerning the Distinction between Soul and Spirit (London, 1707). Dodwell's
starting point seems to be St. Irenaeus; s. Dissertation es in Irenaeum, auctore
Henri Dodwello, A.M., etc., Oxoniae, 1689, p. 469 ff.I am dealing with
the whole controversy in another essay of mine, The problem of Man in
English theology and philosophy of the XVIIth century, to be published
Gilson, 179, n. I.
A. E. Taylor, Plato: The man and his work, p. 176; cf. J. Lebreton,
Histoire du Dogme de la Trinit, t. II (Paris, 1928), p. 635 ff.
Cf. my article: "The Idea of Creation in Christian Philosophy," The
Eastern Churches Quarterly, VIII, Supplementary issue: Nature and Grace,
1949; s. also Gilson, op. cit., Ch. IV: "Les tres et leur contingence," p. 63 ff.
Gilson, God and Philosophy, 1941, p. 52.
It may be argued, however, that the translation (by Cassiodorus) is not
The record of the disputation between Athanasius Caravella, Bishop of
Hiera, and Neophytus Patellarius, Metropolitan of Crete, with the participation
of Panagiotis Nicousius, the famous dragoman of Porta, who was instrumental
in the publication of the "Orthodox Confession" of Peter Moghila in Holland
and of the Acts of the Synod of Jerusalem in 1672, was published by
Archimandrite Arsenius (Ivascenko). "Description of a Manuscript, once in
316 Creation and Redemption

the Library of the Monastery of Mount Sinai," Khristianskoe Chtenie, 1884,

JulyAugust, pp. 181-229.
This point was very well worked out by Hermann Schultz in his valuable
book: Die Voraussetzungen der christlichen Lehre von der Unsterblichkeit
(Gttingen, 1861).
London: S.P.C.K., 1951.
*Op. cit., . 70. In the Eastern rite John 1:1-17 is the lesson for Easter,
and not for Christmas (as in the West).
"The Order for the Burial of the Dead, in Hapgood, Service Book of the
Holy Orthodox-Catholic Apostolic Church, etc., Revised edition (New York,
Association Press, 1922), pp. 386, 389-390.
The word in the New Testament use does not mean only
anything new, but rather something final, "that belongs to the final consum-
mation." The word seems to have throughout an eschatological accent. Cf.
Behm's article sub voce, in Kittel's Wrterbuch, III, 451 ff.
St. Maximus, Quaest. ad Thalassium, qu. 39, sch. 3; Capit. quinquies cent.
II. 39. Urs von Balthasar, Kosmische Liturgie: Maximus der Bekenner
(Freiburg i/Br., 1941), 367 ff. (or French edition, Paris, 1947, pp. 265 ff.).
Unfortunately, Balthasars interpretation is, at least, incomplete.


*Hans Urs von Balthasar, "Eschatologie," Fragen der Theologie Heute.

Feiner, Trtsch, Bckle, editors (Zrich: Kln, 1958), pp. 403-421.
Brunner, Eternal Hope (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1954),
p. 48.
Brunner, The Mediator (London: Lutterworth Press, 1949), p. 346.
Hbid., p. 346.
Brunner, Eternal Hope, p. 138.
4hid.} p. 178.
4bid., p. 148.

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